Does Blackrock make game reviewers give ESG games higher scores in order to raise their own ESG score?

Does Blackrock make game reviewers give ESG games higher scores in order to raise their own ESG score?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Shut the frick up. I read those negative reviews and most of them are from newly-created accounts. The older ones shit on every recent major release.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm looking at them right now and the negative and middle score reviews seem way more legitimate than the journalist ones. They all have plenty of points and none of them are just a review bomb with no explanation.

  2. 12 months ago

    finally a street fighter game we can all enjoy

  3. 12 months ago

    Literally every game gets review bombed on metacritic now they have zero credibility unlike Steam reviews.

    • 12 months ago


      I'm looking at them right now and the negative and middle score reviews seem way more legitimate than the journalist ones. They all have plenty of points and none of them are just a review bomb with no explanation.

      These aren't review bombs. You're coping.

    • 12 months ago

      Steam reviews are the lowest quality reviews on any site.

      • 12 months ago

        They have proof they actually bought the game

        • 12 months ago

          That just means they have sunk cost syndrome. They are more likely to give a good review to a game they wasted their money on in order to cope.

          • 12 months ago

            as opposed to reviewing a game they didn't play?

            • 12 months ago

              >the only way to play a game is to use your moms credit card on steam

          • 12 months ago

            >t-they can't possibly like the game! sunk cost!
            You're the one coping OP. lol

    • 12 months ago

      >unlike Steam reviews
      kekkerino, post review and refund

      • 12 months ago

        as compared to
        >just write words
        you Black folk gave up your credibility when TLOU2 got 30 times as many reviews as the first one + remaster combined, metacritic has been a shitheap ever since

    • 12 months ago

      Steam reviews aren't perfect but at least you have to own the game and show your playtime. Metacritic user reviews are garbage because it's just a bunch of pajeets spamming 10s and 0s.

      • 12 months ago

        All the reviews on Steam for terrible games like God of War, SF6, or Spiderman have glowing reviews. I played these games for free and I can give you a way more legitimate review because I have zero attachment or sunk cost. They are legitimately awful games and I can prove this is true because everyone is saying "games suck now" despite all these glowing AAA reviewed games.

        • 12 months ago

          >because everyone is saying "games suck now"
          Who is everyone? You mean the jaded cynical contrarian losers on this board? Most normal people without autism love modern games and prefer them to outdated 90s games you have nostalgia for

          • 12 months ago

            >Who is everyone? You mean the jaded cynical contrarian losers on this board?
            Reddit and facebook and twitter and the rest of normal thought is all downhill from Ganker.
            We decide your memes. We decide your attitude on games. Companies spend thousands of dollars buying shills to post here 24/7 in the home that they might sway a few minds. Even you are here, despite professing to hate this place and the people in it, because you recognize that this is the most important place on the internet to discuss video games.
            You're welcome.

            • 12 months ago

              You just keep showing how delusional you are, you honestly need therapy or an insane asylum

            • 12 months ago

              >le internet hate machine
              meanwhile people are posting tiktok memes on this very board...

    • 12 months ago

      Metacritic is completely useless. Review from journos are worthless and any random moron being able to review bomb any game he hasn't even played makes user score worthless.
      On Steam there are no journos and the people posting the reviews actually bought the game.

      • 12 months ago

        Half the reviews on Steam are "the cake is a lie XD 10/10" tier. They are as worthless.

  4. 12 months ago

    Marisa is pretty oof but at the same time, Cammy, Chun, Juri... and you know they're going to be bringing out the swimsuit costumes later

    • 12 months ago

      >Cammy, Chun, Juri...
      all bad. Safehorny at best.
      You fell for the decade-long brainwash

  5. 12 months ago

    Ok, I live in a country in development. What the frick is Blackrock exactly and why is this so important? Honest question.

    • 12 months ago

      BlackRock / Vanguard is a MAJOR venture capitalist firm of unfathomable net worth headed by billionaire Larry Fink with money invested into everything from USA infrastructure and housing to pharmaceuticals to banks and even $1.5b in GameStop Stock .
      Larry Fink and (to lesser extent George Soros and his son) have been pushing to create more "money from nothing" opportunities by creating "government tax markets" using "social justice", it's a bit complicated:
      >Create a need in a society for social change through social media and bribing politicians
      >This "need" needs a monetary value
      >As a "need" society should fund the purchase of it through taxation
      For example, despite being private corporations they want Free Universal Healthcare: of course, it wouldn't be free, but funded through taxation; instead of the government creating their own pharmaceutical manufacturing facility and producing insulin at cost (5c a dose) what Larry Fink pushes for is a company like Pfizer or Moderna selling insulin to the government for $50 giving shareholders like BlackRock more money at the cost of the taxpayer losing money due to increased product sales; what also happens is because the government is suddenly buying lots of insulin companies like Pfizer and Moderna can justify "increasing prices to meet fitting demand" and suddenly the government is buying insulin at $250 a dose when by comparison you can just go to Lebanon and get a dose for 5c.
      These companies got quintupled "money from nothing" by getting it from the taxpayer, to give it back to them for "free"; think of it like making a scheme to get money from people who normally couldn't provide it (the essentially got money from people who "couldn't afford insulin" by charging those who "can afford it" 5x the price, the 4x block of cash being free money from nothing)
      That's just one part and doesn't even cover the ESG score and BlackRock investing.

      • 12 months ago

        It's unironically why the "trans" movement is a thing.
        Transition surgery is a recent developed surgery that created a market from nothing, needing to change one's genitals; if you happen to own a lot of hospitals like BlackRock then suddenly people who would never undergo major surgery suddenly NEED to spend $30,000 they would normally not spend to transition, purchase $50 a month FOR LIFE for hormone pills they would normally never need; suddenly the government NEEDS to spend a ton of money funding healthcare clinics and education to teach people about this new phenomenon, etc.
        Groups like BlackRock and Bloomberg who own media and social media companies advertise it to the extreme, raise up voices that say "transitioning is healthy!" and eliminate those that say "You don't need to transition", outright because they make money off it.

    • 12 months ago
      Anonymous here is a blackrock employee explaining what they do in hidden camera

  6. 12 months ago

    Jesus you gays have become dangerously mentally ill

  7. 12 months ago

    nintendo games aren't funded by blackrock and they get high scores

  8. 12 months ago

    Pick your ESG fighter, Ganker!

    • 12 months ago

      I choose dove soap wheelchair girl, a broken pelvis in an otherwise healthy white woman doesn't mean a broken uterus.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Blackrock aren't a problem
    >It's just a right wing conspiracy

  10. 12 months ago

    OP is a gay

  11. 12 months ago

    Journos are part of the "influencer" class in society. They have values separate from normal people and care more about fitting in with their shill class than anything. There's also the issue of access journalism. Corporations will refuse to work with people who don't fellate them.

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