Does it hold up without the nostalgia factor?

Does it hold up without the nostalgia factor?

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  1. 12 months ago

    one of the best

    • 12 months ago

      >one of the best

      For an original point and click adventure from Lucas Arts, it is better than some of the actual movies. Voice actor also does a good job capturing Indy without sounding like Harrison Ford.

    • 12 months ago

      Fpbp. Monkey island sucks horribly compared to this.

  2. 12 months ago

    get off youtube homosexual

    • 12 months ago

      what does that mean

      Unless you don’t like point-and-click adventure games, in which case you wouldn’t have liked it back then either.

      i thought the first monkey island is really comfy and funny and the second one and full throttle were okay

      • 12 months ago

        >what does that mean
        He means stop getting your opinions from idiots on YouTube. Those people don't like video games, making "video essays" is a fallback for wasting their parent's money going to university and having frick all to show for it.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, but what do youtube essayists have to do with the question of whether this game is good?

          • 12 months ago

            That's the question you should have asked him.

      • 12 months ago

        >what does that mean

        It means he thinks you are only asking about it because you recently saw a YouTube video about it, because there is no fricking way in hell someone could possibly become interested in old Indiana Jones games when a new movie is coming out for the first time in 15 years, clearly the only explanation is that they HAD to have seen a recent YouTube video about it that was also made for the same reason and that is the only possible reason they would have any interest whatsoever in old Indie games. No way in hell on a retro gaming board could someone have become interested in retro Indiana Jones games on their own due to a new movie coming out.

        • 12 months ago

          found the shill

        • 12 months ago

          Either way, the new movie is leftist garbage. I see your point, buy I talk about Indiana Jones games infrequently. Not the ones anyone else seems to be interested in but I love them (Indiana Jones desktop adventure and Indiana Jones and the temple of doom on nes)

          • 12 months ago

            >Either way, the new movie is leftist garbage.
            All I heard about it is it's mostly unnecessary.

            • 12 months ago

              Anything that comes out of modern Hollywood is unnecessary and/or propaganda. If you're still watching that slop you deserve to have your money taken from you.
              The thread is about a Lucasarts point and click game anyway, and since it's pre Disney Lucasarts odds are in favor of it being amazing. Even if you don't like the source material.

              • 12 months ago

                >Anything that comes out of modern Hollywood is unnecessary and/or propaganda.
                I dont know, I liked the new Wes Anderson movie

                Sophia is the best waifu

                It's why she came back in a later game

          • 12 months ago

            >leftist garbage


            • 12 months ago

              It's more Hollywood leftist than actual leftist, Cathleen Kennedy still tanking Lucasfilm with her Star Wars bullshit basically. It's yet another movie where a strong independent Mary Sue takes over from the 'outdated' character people actually came to see. People correctly called it out as a guaranteed bomb long before it came out as everyone and their mother's sick of this shit now.

      • 12 months ago

        Now play Curse of Monkey Island. If you aren't one of those people obsessed with the idea of "it's not made by the original creators!" then you might find it the best of the original 4 games.

        • 12 months ago

          It feels more like a reboot than a sequel tbh

          • 12 months ago

            Might feel like that for some people, but It's a good reboot in that case

            • 12 months ago

              Is CMI one of the only cases was a game is explicitly made by "fans of the original who will respect the works that came before" that actually accomplished that?

              • 12 months ago

                I think more than anything it speaks to the sheer level of talent walking around LucasArts at the time that they could just grab a bunch of guys who had nothing to do with the previous games besides the composer, and churn out a game on par with them.

              • 12 months ago

                That and/or maybe they just all had the same general mentality around making games. I recall watching an interview somewhere years ago, I don't recall where (might have even been an old G4 show) where a LucasArts employee said he and others were just messing around in the SCUMM engine, mostly with the swordfights scene in Monkey Island one and having fun making all those dialog options for the insult-fight when one of them asked the other "So when are we actually going to think about the dialog to put in the game?" and the other responded "What do you mean? This IS the dialog we will put into the game" or something along those lines.

                They were basically just messing around having fun and went "You know what? Let's put this in the game"

              • 12 months ago

                As much as it's a retread, I like Curse's insult swordfighting and how it just arbitrarily changes the rules
                >Every enemy I've met I've annihilated!
                >Oh, yeah! Well... You fight like a cow!
                >No, no, no, no. That's not right at all.
                >On the sea we fight it a little differently. On the sea, all your insults and threats have to... RHYME!
                >So when I say, "Every enemy I've met I've annihilated!"... you say...
                >I....once found some gold, but it was just electro-plated?
                >No! You say, "With your breath, I'm sure they all suffocated."

              • 12 months ago

                I think more than anything it speaks to the sheer level of talent walking around LucasArts at the time that they could just grab a bunch of guys who had nothing to do with the previous games besides the composer, and churn out a game on par with them.

                I actually chalk up a lot of Curse's success to Dominic Armato. His voice is so perfect for Guybrush that it elevates even the lamest lines

              • 12 months ago

                Nah, there have definitely been several that have made me think like that. Problem is most of the ones I remember off the top of my head are newer games that don't count as /vr/

              • 12 months ago

                True, I just bring it up because that phrase tends to be a massive red flag for "we're going to impose our own vision on how we think the setting should be". Which in fairness, Curse kinda did do by having Guybrush and Elaine get together, but Gilbert is basically the only one who ever pushed the "she sees him as a little brother" angle as both Schafer and Grossman thought he'd get the girl in the end.

              • 12 months ago

                >True, I just bring it up because that phrase tends to be a massive red flag for "we're going to impose our own vision on how we think the setting should be".

                True, but I've seen it go both ways and it was a coin toss if they stick to the vision or change it. Nowadays it seems more like the ones who are going to change it are a bit more blunt about it, claiming things like "for a new era" or "for a new fanbase" or something like that and most who insist it will be "by the fans for the fans" tend to at least try not to change it much.

                To be fair, sometimes a change can ADD to a setting... as long as you aren't trying to retcon many fan favorite aspects away. The new Zelda games for example, I know not everyone will agree, but I think they are great while still mostly feeling like Zelda... with maybe a few improvements they could do here and there to actually make it really feel like an old Zelda game.

        • 12 months ago

          >"it's not made by the original creators!"
          Ron Gilbert has tanked his own credibility now so I think they've finally shut up.

          It feels more like a reboot than a sequel tbh

          I disagree, it's more that it treats MI2 like it didn't happen which in some ways it kinda didn't

          • 12 months ago

            It completely ignores MI2 until the last 10 minutes where it becomes a direct sequel

            • 12 months ago

              Let's be fair, the rest of the franchise ignores all of MI2 except for the last 10 minutes, which only lends more credence to the idea that the events of the game didn't really happen

              • 12 months ago

                Murray isn't nearly as hilarious as people make him out to be.

              • 12 months ago

                I think he's funny in how lame he is but he doesn't realize it. But even so, Murray is like 10 minutes of the game. The game has a lot of funny moments that are completely independent of him.

    • 12 months ago

      >watches YouTube
      >knows what's on it
      >neeugh, don't talk about it
      Shut the frick up you moronic b***h. Always the same autistic screeching from you, you don't even realize your comment reveals that you watch the same shit but want to pretend you're above it

      • 12 months ago

        >you don't even realize your comment reveals that you watch the same shit but want to pretend you're above it
        You don't even realize that just watching anything vidya related makes the algorithm recommend the Dookie Poopoo Man every third video. It's literally fricking impossible to not know whatever his latest video is the moment you hop on YT, even if you've never watched a single one. It's fun to know exactly what threads the kiddos are going to flood the board with next though.

        • 12 months ago

          Nobody ITT except you know who the frick and what video are you talking about.

          • 12 months ago

            I know what he's talking about you must be moronic.

        • 12 months ago

          I watch a lot of retro vidya YT, and I have no idea what or who you're referring to.

  3. 12 months ago

    Unless you don’t like point-and-click adventure games, in which case you wouldn’t have liked it back then either.

  4. 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago


    Hell, I'd go watch a movie version if they made one.

  6. 12 months ago

    What is the /vr/ approved path?

  7. 12 months ago

    >Great Art
    >Great Music
    >Great Voice Acting
    >Great Story
    Frick yeah

    • 12 months ago

      >All destroyed by using a shitty graphics filter
      Frick no

      • 12 months ago

        I grabbed that screen shot from google, I should have looked closer.

  8. 12 months ago

    It's arguably the best PnC adventure game LucasArts ever made. I don't believe that but the argument can be made.

  9. 12 months ago

    Yes. It's one of the best. The Adlib music is weak, but everything else is great.

  10. 12 months ago

    Doug Lee does a fantastic job as Indy

  11. 12 months ago

    Would be easier to remember a point&click that doesn't hold up. The whole genre is like wine. Wish I could say the same about RTS or FPS.

    • 12 months ago

      >Would be easier to remember a point&click that doesn't hold up
      I hate to say it, but a lot of Sam and Max Hit the Road doesn't. Also, Full Throttle is bad. Visually beautiful game with fantastic voice acting and a neat setting but it is not fun to play.

      • 12 months ago

        Full throttle was average even for the time it was released for. It was too short and too easy and aside for the style it had littl3 going for it.

        Sam and Max on the other hand is pure nineties gold and anyone appreciative of the era will still love it to this day.

        • 12 months ago

          There is nothing more 1993 than playing Sam and Max: Hit the Road on your dad's comfy office computer.

          • 12 months ago

            One of my favorite memories is getting sam and max from some guy in elementary school on floppies. I'm pretty sure it was one of the last times I felt actual, genuine pure happiness when I saw the Lucasarts logo which meant the game worked on my shit pc.

        • 12 months ago

          >Sam and Max on the other hand is pure nineties gold and anyone appreciative of the era will still love it to this day.
          The humor, the animation, the writing, the voice acting, all of it holds up great. I wasn't a fan of some of the puzzles though.

          • 12 months ago

            Can you name an example? I can't remember any puzzle that really jarred me but it's been decades. I vaguely remember a puzzle where you had a vegetable that looked like some dudes head be involved in something point and clickishly dumb.

  12. 12 months ago

    It's to Indiana Jones what the Terminal Reality Ghostbusters game was to that franchise: the actual sequel movie in a different medium.

    • 12 months ago

      >the Terminal Reality Ghostbusters game
      Was that the 2009 game that got back the original actors?

    • 12 months ago

      Eh, Fate of Atlantis is a little too similar to the other movies because it's the nazis AGAIN. I prefer IJ and the Infernal Machine as a theoretical 4th film where, even if it's not a very good game because it was trying too hard to be Tomb Raider.

      • 12 months ago

        >It's Nazis AGAIN
        I don't think this is that big of an issue. Nazis being the main villains fits Indiana Jones way more than Soviets and Cults because Nazi's actually did believe and searched for moronic shit like the Philosopher's Stone and Holy Grails.

        • 12 months ago

          I know but it just feels like treading water in a lot of ways. This isn't a sentiment that only first popped up with the RLM video, people at the time criticized Last Crusade for that shit and often said stuff like "putting aside that it's yet another wacky nazis plot, Ford and Connery have really good, believable chemistry."
          You know who should've been the main villain for something? Lao Che. Guy got a single scene and yet in it he outwitted Indy and made the man escape for his life.

          • 12 months ago

            Roy Chiao was a legendary actor in Hong Kong cinema but sadly he died in '99 and it wouldn't be the same with someone else playing him.

  13. 12 months ago

    Sophia is the best waifu

    • 12 months ago

      Indy's Mara Jade.

      • 12 months ago

        I liked Mara Jade...

        • 12 months ago

          Me to mate

  14. 12 months ago

    The point and click genre has barely changed for the least 30 years, what the frick does holding up even mean? If you're into point and click stuff then yes. If not, then no.

  15. 12 months ago

    Fricking easily. So much so that it's a moronic question for anyone who has played it.

  16. 12 months ago

    This should have been Indiana Jones 4

    • 12 months ago

      should of

  17. 12 months ago

    Absolutely. This game itself is better plot-wise than any modern Indy sequels and even arguably better than some of the originals. While there may be some frustrating moments, they all pay off in the grander scheme of things. Fate of Atlantis is without a doubt one of the best graphic adventure games ever made and that's no overstatement.

  18. 12 months ago

    I mean come on it's lucasarts, who pioneered and perfected point-and-click, and it's one of their most loved IPs.
    Of course it's good

  19. 12 months ago

    Yeah its pretty damn good

    Shouldve been the 4th movie plot instead of ayy lmaos

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