Does Miles Morales have a large, dedicated fandom big enough to justify him taking over Peter Parker?

Does Miles Morales have a large, dedicated fandom big enough to justify him taking over Peter Parker?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    no, which is why they've been unsuccessfully attempting it for like a decade+ now

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah people don't seen to realize how old this character is now.

    • 1 month ago

      Miles Morales has ONE story. Getting validated as a real Spider-Man by Spider-Man authority figures, usually Peter. This is ironically why he will never be a real Spider-Man. Even compared to Miguel, who, (again ironically) largely benefits from being treated like an off-shoot rather than the real Spider-Man. Wally West got to be the main Flash for like, 30 years, and that STILL wasn't enough. He had basically everything going for him to be the real Flash, and yet it still ended up going back to Barry Allen as the main Flash. That character isnt even half as big as Spider-Man, yet they keep pushing the disgusting coattail rider that is Miles. All you need to know about him is that people don't need to use Peter's name to distinguish the two, they can say, "Spider-Man and Miles Morales" and that's the end of the argument. The only time shit like this works is for characters like Blue Beetle whom very few people care about.

      • 1 month ago

        Well said

      • 1 month ago

        >Miles Morales has ONE story. Getting validated as a real Spider-Man by Spider-Man authority figures, usually Peter. This is ironically why he will never be a real Spider-Man. Even compared to Miguel, who, (again ironically) largely benefits from being treated like an off-shoot rather than the real Spider-Man. Wally West got to be the main Flash for like, 30 years, and that STILL wasn't enough. He had basically everything going for him to be the real Flash, and yet it still ended up going back to Barry Allen as the main Flash. That character isnt even half as big as Spider-Man, yet they keep pushing the disgusting coattail rider that is Miles

        Ironically enough this is also why people love Terry from Batman Beyond so much, because the whole point of the show is basically just how much he is NOT Bruce. In the standalone film he ends up mind breaking the Joker because he literally can't handle that his biggest obsession in life has been replaced by this imposter who cracks jokes and fights dirty.

        • 1 month ago

          People also love Terry because Bruce is so old by the point Terry comes in that he could no longer be Batman even if he wanted to.

          Different setting, different supporting cast. Meanwhile Miles is basically just slotting into Peter's place

          • 1 month ago

            >Meanwhile Miles is basically just slotting into Peter's place

            does he frick mj, too?

            • 1 month ago

              If Bendis has anything to say about it, yes

        • 1 month ago

          Miles Morales has ONE story. Getting validated as a real Spider-Man by Spider-Man authority figures, usually Peter. This is ironically why he will never be a real Spider-Man. Even compared to Miguel, who, (again ironically) largely benefits from being treated like an off-shoot rather than the real Spider-Man. Wally West got to be the main Flash for like, 30 years, and that STILL wasn't enough. He had basically everything going for him to be the real Flash, and yet it still ended up going back to Barry Allen as the main Flash. That character isnt even half as big as Spider-Man, yet they keep pushing the disgusting coattail rider that is Miles. All you need to know about him is that people don't need to use Peter's name to distinguish the two, they can say, "Spider-Man and Miles Morales" and that's the end of the argument. The only time shit like this works is for characters like Blue Beetle whom very few people care about.

          > Wally West got to be the main Flash for like, 30 years, and that STILL wasn't enough.
          That’s a fringe case imo. It would have been enough if not for a Geoff Johns autistic silver age obsession. It’s worked for green lantern, the human torch, ant man to some degree. I think the real clincher isn’t to make a new beloved character, just that the old version wasn’t all that beloved to begin with. Which is to say Miles was fricked from jump because Peter will be the most iconic superhero forever.

          • 1 month ago

            Green Lantern and Flash are interesting cases because different generations got different favorites based off who they know better
            Like, I grew up with Kyle Rayner and Wally West, so I never much cared for Geoff Johns and his deep desire to suck Hal Jordan's dick at every opportunity

            • 1 month ago

              I like Cruz because she makes my penis the big penis.

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but while I haven't kept up with a good chunk of DC's more recent years and therefore don't know much about her, Cruz was cute in that RWBY crossover. A few people felt the same if I am remembering.

              • 1 month ago

                there was an actual cruz movie recently. as in, one without rwby characters. Justice League vs the Fatal Five

          • 1 month ago

            The Golden Age replacements are a weird case, especially since there's so many of them. But you really can't compare comics in the 40s and then the 60s to what's going on now, continuity was not nearly as set in stone as it is now (even with DC's weird frickery).
            Ant-Man is another fringe case though I'd say. It's less that Scott "replaced" Hank and more that he just took over an identity that Hank had abandoned entirely for whichever one he was using at the time, probably Yellowjacket.

        • 1 month ago

          >batman beyond
          >30 years

        • 4 weeks ago

          terry's also based
          also everyone IRL refers to him as Terry or Batman Beyond but only people in the actual show call him Batman.

          • 4 weeks ago

            We used to call him Bad end Beyond because of how fricked up his enemies got.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yeah, shit usually ended up in death or worse
              Remember the guy that fell into the earth until he reached the core and either died there or kept floating through space forever?

      • 1 month ago

        Well there's also an inherently different way that Miguel and Miles were treated as successors

        • 1 month ago

          the top half makes me so proud of both characters, the bottom half just feels so sad

          • 1 month ago

            Top half is celebrating both characters, but giving an edge to Peter because he's the original and what inspired Miguel
            Bottom is shilling for Miles because the author desperately wants to force the issue that Miles is just as Spider-Man as Peter and great in every way

          • 1 month ago

            Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man was such a great crossover. Pretty much the best way they could've done it
            Spider-Men was a fricking joke and a crossover that Quesada said would mean that they've officially run out of ideas

        • 1 month ago

          i find it funny 2 spider man successors are latinos but not too latino if you get what i mean

      • 1 month ago

        at least Wally was from a place of trying to do new things with the character/concept of Flash, it's not some guy named Steinberg who hates white people that just wants to destroy a white hero

      • 4 weeks ago

        >All you need to know about him is that people don't need to use Peter's name to distinguish the two, they can say, "Spider-Man and Miles Morales" and that's the end of the argument.
        It's interesting too when you look at Green Lantern. There are a bunch of characters who go by the name but people always refer to them by their individual names first. Whoever is THE Green Lantern for you is up to preference.

    • 1 month ago

      Miles character is over decade old? LMAO

      • 1 month ago

        Miles first appeared in 08 and Bendis admits to creating him to cash in on the Obama hype and appease him with a black Spiderman.

        • 1 month ago

          got a source?

        • 1 month ago

          He first appeared in 2011, dingus
          And it was to appease the crowd that wanted Donald Glover to play Spider-Man in the TASM movies (they also though this would save the book's sales which were slowly declining but instead it tanked it even harder)

        • 1 month ago

          Bending makes black characters because he has two black step-daughters.

          • 1 month ago

            Why is Miles a guy then

            • 1 month ago

              the world isnt ready for a Man (female) super hero

            • 1 month ago

              People can have role models that are different genders.

              • 1 month ago

                Can they also have role models that are different races

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, that's why there are Black and White Spider-Men now.

              • 1 month ago

                Why was there a need to make a black one 50 years after the white one was a worldwide hit

              • 1 month ago

                Why is there a need for any Spider-Man? Sometimes you do thinks just because you want to.

              • 1 month ago

                So why don't we replace Blade with a white Blade identical to the original? And Luke Cage, and Black Panther, and Static, and Cyborg etc totally random character selection btw let's just do it just because.

              • 1 month ago

                Sure, go head. No one us stopping you. There is basically already a White Black Panther in the books already. Tachalla's adopted brother, Hunter, is White Wolf. He and Storm, Tachalla's wife in the comics, bonded over being looked down upon as "fake" Wakandans due to being outsiders. It was a pretty interesting story actually.

              • 1 month ago

                But that's White Wolf, not Black Panther, I'm talking about a white Black Panther and a white Blade and a white Cyborg etc specifically all of whom supersede the originals and are superior in every way and cause them to die or disappear so the white ones can take over, that would be such great writing decisions no one would complain about

              • 1 month ago

                Eh, if you want to split hairs go ahead. Again, you can absolutely write those ideas if you really want to.

                Miles didn't sell well at all for a decade and yet Marvel kept pushing him harder and harder and investing more and more and more money into his projects despite repeated failures, just do that and they'll work and become popular like Miles

                This is true, that's what happened with Tim Drake. He sucks and sells poorly, but he kept getting pushed with stuff like teen titans and now he's here to stay. You get it.

              • 1 month ago

                >Again, you can absolutely write those ideas if you really want to
                We should ideally have some standards and integrity

              • 1 month ago

                Why? This is all make believe. You seen the dumb shit comic book characters have done over the past hundred years?

              • 1 month ago

                Because all the best media was written during the eras with integrity, and all the worst shit was written when they dropped it

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                All the best Spider-Man stories

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                You can do whatever, its just not going to sell at all. I can name legacy characters who were white males or white period, that perished because the hubris of the writers genuinely believed they would work. Azrael, Eric Masterson, Ben Reilly, Jane Foster Thor, Bart Allen. and hundreds more. They don't stick at all or do so for a few years after the controversy dies down.

              • 1 month ago

                Miles didn't sell well at all for a decade and yet Marvel kept pushing him harder and harder and investing more and more and more money into his projects despite repeated failures, just do that and they'll work and become popular like Miles

              • 1 month ago

                I mean Miles himself isn't really selling on his own. When I think of a hero who was an OC in a standard capeshit setting who had a popular tenure and made his own name, I think of Static. Now if Static was Batman's plucky young sidekick who got electromagnetic powers after Harley Quinn zapped his balls and he replaced Batman and all of Batman's rogues said hes smarter and better looking than Batman, that would be a different story.

      • 4 weeks ago

        He’s close to 20 years ago at this point and this dimeless homosexual still can’t get over

    • 1 month ago

      Damn even the asian spider is more appealing than him...

      • 1 month ago

        please tell me this isn't off model fan art.
        doe she have a decent story line of her own, at least?

        • 1 month ago

          Not too far off the mark, I'd say. As for her story, it kinda peter'd no pun intended out. She was bit by the same Spider as Peter but was in hiding for years. I can't recall her doing much of relevance as of late. I think the biggest thing people remember about Cindy is how her just being around Peter turned them into horny frick beasts and no, that didn't stay.

          • 1 month ago

            Marvel tried to push Cindy as the magic adjacent Spider a few times but it never caught on and also ended up being poorly hamfisted racebait books where a bunch of her minis had the entire cast be Asian. Stuff like having her fight ghosts or a dragon to keep things fresh compared to most of Peter's villains being science themed.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >not too far off the mark, I'd say.
            They aged her up like 8 years and changed like 60% of the model, please rewatch either of the movies.

            • 4 weeks ago

              She was a skinny asian thing that was 30% ass, aka the white man's dream

              • 4 weeks ago

                Forgot pic

      • 1 month ago

        You’re only saying that because she fricks Peter.

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Fippy is once again bippy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Real and true.

  2. 1 month ago

    no one likes miles more than peter.

    • 1 month ago

      the people who talk about comics but don't read comics do

  3. 1 month ago

    No. People care more about the idea than the character.
    He's also been around for more than 10 years now and still has no identity other than being black and being Spider-Man, he still has no memorable villains of his own, and hasn't had a single story that people remember.

    • 1 month ago

      I see a bunch of redditards shilling for miles though

      • 1 month ago

        Because they saw 2 movies and know nothing else other than he's supposed to replace a dead Peter. If Peter isn't dead, then they have no idea what his point is.

      • 1 month ago

        its entirely performative with such npcs. they act whichever way will give them the most good boy points from fellow cattle.

      • 1 month ago

        NPCs shill automatically for the thing that's considered good.
        NK Jemisen is a fat sheebon author whom no one reads, yet in Plebbit and formerly Twitter you'd find hundreds of shills saying how great and underrated she was
        They do it reflexively

      • 1 month ago

        bots and reddit NPCs are essentially the same thing

    • 1 month ago

      I just know him from Into the Spider-Verse does this count?

      • 1 month ago

        Hilariously, not even Prowler was an original enemy for him. Miles is a good idea, an alternate universe Spider-Man that got a somewhat similar mindset, mentored by Peter Parker of that universe, who wore a different costume after Peter died to show he wasn't Peter but carried on Spider-Man's legacy and ground level helpful nature, but god damn if they didn't just fricking leave it at that without expanding on it at all. This was a great chance to have a Batman Beyond situation where people grew to respect the new character, but instead Miles was 100% a placeholder until legal matters we're settled.

  4. 1 month ago

    Miles sucks, the only time his character has been half decent was Spider-Verse because it gave him an actual personality. Even that still required some Peter character assassination though.

    • 1 month ago

      Who is Peter Parker today, we had three different ones with No Way Home, and none of them act like the Lowenthal Spidey either.

      It's the Peter everyone wanted before Quesada signed off on One More Day, actually. Family Spiderman, and derivative of the Raimi films Spidey. Ain't no winning with Spider autists though.

  5. 1 month ago

    Not at all. People like Miles as a sort of sidekick or partner character, kind of like a Robin/Nightwing but for Peter. It would be different if it was Miles acting as Spider Man while Peter is out of commission but Marvel is trying really hard to make him THE Spider Man even though Spidey and even Miles fans don't want that.

  6. 1 month ago

    Peter Parker is a better name for stupid, foreign language reasons

    • 1 month ago

      Kilometers Morales

  7. 1 month ago

    No, because miles work best when he is just the sidekick.
    Every time they try and replace Peter with him he just becomes diet Peter.
    They should let him be his own character instead of just race swapped Peter...

  8. 1 month ago

    It's possible to do it, but they obvious wouldn't even understand how to even start considering they already scorched their whole world.
    Humans replace each other is it how the human race attempts immortality. So all you had to do was tell a story about humanity and their mortality and immortality.
    Here's how I would approach it. Peter's MJ dies and miles becomes a spider person. Peter is sulking and not pulling his punches. You can tell his justice has become cruel. Miles adores spider man and tries to emulate him since spider man seems to have stopped helping the community. Peter hears about this novice spider man but doesn't really care since he only does big fights now. Miles gets in over his head and almost dies, but Peter saves him and almost kills an enemy, say Rhino. But Miles knows spiderman doesn't kill and even though he almost died he defends rhino using his venom attack. This is when a training arc happens, peter doesn't want to be spider man anymore but doesn't think miles is enough to replace him so they train together and slowly bond like an older brother and younger brother. At one point maybe his uncle convices miles to do something bad and spiderman catches him losing faith in him stripping miles of his respect. Maybe some bullshit happens like his uncle is now threatening his mom's life so he has to do some really bad stuff and then he and spiderman have to fight seriously. Spiderman is overpowered and beaten to shit and miles realizes it's wrong and tries to save his mother, but his uncle throws her off a building and she dies like in spiderman 2. A furious Miles kills his uncle and is killing kingpin too when a bomb goes off and peter uses his last strength to web miles away but gets consumed in the blast.
    Personally I would add some flairs to the story like peter is left with a daughter who looks like MJ and he preserves a shred of humanity in that. I would also let Peter live but he loses limbs in the explosion. He retires as a scientist.

  9. 1 month ago

    >Also a black Spider-Man but doesn't have to literally be a Spider-Man .
    >More balanced powers
    >has his own villians.
    >Has a more genuine fan base despite way less of a push
    >Predates Miles
    How come DC does almost nothing worthwhile with him?

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Who is this? Seems like it could be a good comic from this singular funny panel.

        • 1 month ago

          Volt from Irredeemable.

      • 1 month ago

        if the next line isn't
        >it's shocking, right?
        I'll never read a comic again

      • 4 weeks ago

        Walter White became Walter Black?

    • 1 month ago

      Should also add
      >Created by an actual black person

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      I actually liked that show and I fricking hate most diversity shit (like black/mexican spiderman)

    • 1 month ago

      >that episode where he deals with a school shooter
      >that episode where he deals with the qt3.14 homeless girl who freezes things
      >the show handles so many mature topics with candidness
      Right in the fricking feels.

    • 1 month ago

      Do you seriously want Nu-DC to touch the character?

      • 1 month ago

        Static Shock is black so DC won't raceswap him but they might make him a homosexual like they did with Superboy and Tim Drake.

        • 1 month ago

          Don't forget turning Aqualad gay in Young Justice. It's weird how threatening straight guys are to the agenda they have to push.

    • 1 month ago

      Every time they do a new thing with Static he's essentially a totally different character. Even the cartoon itself is an example of this. They just cannot settle on what works with this character.

    • 1 month ago

      That show kicked ass

    • 1 month ago

      The response to this post just proves that all you need to do is make an actual good black character instead of trying to artificially push one and nobody will give a frick.
      Also Static Shock was great even when it was teaching you a lesson, it never managed to get too preachy about it.

    • 1 month ago

      I hate Black folk and I still love this show.
      Super Hero Static Shock Wooo wooo

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      It'd mean they actually need to write a black character for once instead writing white characters and blackfacing them.

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Wow, he's literally me

    • 1 month ago

      The real, actual reason is something to do with the creators of the line Static came from having more rights and residuals to the character than your typical character. DC wouldn’t maximize profits. Proof? Idk, it’s something I read decades ago in Wizard magazine.

  10. 1 month ago

    >white spider-man talking to black spider-man.

  11. 1 month ago

    Miles has been a colossal fricking failure in everything for YEARS until those animated movies blew up.

  12. 1 month ago

    Who looked at that cum like texture and thought it was fine. Its like Peters made a suit out of gallons of spunk.

  13. 1 month ago

    no. he's literally just "spider man but black"

  14. 1 month ago

    It's so weird how they set it up in this game. It's pretty much the exact same way the comics did it in the 90s with Ben Reilly (which everyone hated) except without Peter expecting to be a father so there's no point.
    Who were they trying to appeal to with this?

  15. 1 month ago

    There's a reason why his comics still say Miles Morales Spider-Man. He can't ever be anything other than black Spider-Man.

  16. 1 month ago

    based pepe poster murdering a thread about a shitty Black person character
    let's start some more stellar blade threads to push this off the catalogue

    • 1 month ago

      The guy is mentally ill. He does this on Ganker too

      • 1 month ago

        I love how low IQ he is, can't even see his posts.

        • 1 month ago

          The saddest part is that he's not even the worst spider-man schizo on this site

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah well, I can call Gwenschizo many things, but he's not completely interchangeable with a bot.

            • 1 month ago

              Not yet at least. He certainly enters modes where it feels like he could be though

          • 1 month ago

            I remember in one of these threads when some reddit schizo was posted, his entire comment history was just defending Miles and how he should totally get with Gwen and if you disagree you're a racist

  17. 1 month ago

    That's like saying Michael Jordan's son has a chance at surpassing his Father going pro yet neither son made it past college basketball.

  18. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      >Bottom haircut
      I frick with black spike speigel. That’s a good look

  19. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      A lot of these points about Miles also apply to 90s Starman (Jack Knight) and he's a great character in a great 80 issue series. It really all comes down to execution.

    • 1 month ago

      Then this little dude shows up and mogs the shit out of miles in 1 year.

      • 1 month ago

        The fact that Bailey actually has more originality than Miles in the short time he’s been around is hilarious.

    • 4 weeks ago

      it helps that terry gets his shit pushed in constantly so hes not just coasting on powers given to him, he has actual struggle

    • 4 weeks ago

      As true today as when it was posted

  20. 1 month ago

    Why won't you be me? I'm betterer, fasterer, gay codedrer, more righteouserer and have an electric sword.

    • 1 month ago

      >Miles VS Low Tier God

  21. 1 month ago

    If you don't understand Miles Morales it is because you do not understand US Intellectual Property laws.

  22. 1 month ago

    Please be me, I even dress zeisty like you fellow kids (who are structurally racist and need to be executed).

  23. 1 month ago

    No, everyone likes Peter. Black fanboys even love Peter, he just resonates with them.
    >Lives with his aunt
    >Wants to be taken seriously
    >Uncle shot dead by urban violence
    >Tries to uplift his community
    Meanwhile Miles is just some Afro-Latin mutt whose father's name for some reason is Jefferson Davis (I thought that was weird).
    He's just a dweeb living a privileged life. That's fine, but writers are not competent enough to write a character like that.
    They try to stir the plot by killing off some characters for drama, but I just tuned out. It's simply subpar, especially when Animu became dominant in the West.

    • 1 month ago

      It's funny that Peter is more hood than Miles who is a rich kid who goes to private school for the special and rich in the most expensive part of the city.

      • 4 weeks ago

        His one unique villain is mad at him because he won the school spot in a lottery and she theoretically would have been accepted.

  24. 1 month ago

    Not video game Miles, that's for sure. I really like movie Miles, but the game one is fricking obnoxious.

  25. 1 month ago

    Are you blind coded? No? Do better! And I got this from therapy, so add woman coded to the list! g*d, I'm so righteous. I pity the fool (obscure reference you racists won't get) who isn't me.

    • 1 month ago

      >can go invis, shock people with electro venom and now has x ray spidey vision
      damn homie just become Thor already....Oh.

      • 1 month ago

        A running theme (gag, really) with Miles is that he just manifests whatever is convenient for him to win a fight, regardless of the implications or previously established abilities. It's partially because his creator is a god-awful writer that doesn't know how to write fight scenes.

        • 1 month ago

          I just hate how the current run is doing it because "lol its like anime, do you guys like anime? I love anime!"

          • 1 month ago

            Why are you still reading it

            • 1 month ago

              I like to be kept abreast of Spider-Man goings on so that I'm informed when I complain about them

        • 1 month ago

          A running theme with every single DEI anything is that it is simply DUMBER - i.e. LOWER IQ - less complex - less inspirational - less moral, it's almost like the dumb dumbs writing it are the same as the dumb dumb character on screen OH MY WHAT A GIANT MYSTERY IT IS

      • 1 month ago

        He's immortal also btw

    • 1 month ago

      >x-ray vision
      It's starting to get easier to ask what power Miles doesn't have

      • 1 month ago

        The power to not be black

  26. 1 month ago

    Marvel has been trying to turn Peter into a unlikable cuck for a while.
    I really dont know how anyone can like current year israeli media tho

  27. 1 month ago

    90% of his fanbase is the piece of shit in pic related.

  28. 1 month ago

    with the movies yeah, but anyone that says they are a fan of him from the comics is a lying twat.

  29. 1 month ago

    All they had to do was make the Spiderverse game that they canned to give everyone a spotlight rather than wank Miles and berate Peter. That shit actually rings 'humiliation ritual' to me unironically.

  30. 1 month ago

    American comics are embarassing

  31. 1 month ago

    Worst thing about Miles is Marvel writer's attempt at making him "equal" to Spider-Man. That he wasn't just a derivative of him. That's why writers have stupid shit like Peter calling his suit "cooler" or a kid referring to Miles as the real Spider-Man.

  32. 1 month ago

    I think he should be Spider Man honestly. Miles being main Spider Man would mean less MJ both in terms of awful minigames and story. Even Miles' love interest wouldn't be as bad because she can't speak. I liked MM game more than SM1 exactly because of that. No bullshit stealth sections, it had few moviegame Miles segments though but they were also in SM1 itself, MM's Miles parts were also someone good, such as when Miles had to restore the generator as Miles rather than SM and climbed to the side of the building, avoiding windows and his family.

  33. 1 month ago

    Why do they always give the blacks electrical powers? I don't get it.

    • 1 month ago

      This video explains it.
      >tldr a long series of ripoffs of the first electric black superhero exist due to copyright/not wanting to pay royalties. It eventually went on long enough to where it uintentionally became its own trope and now electric black superheroes are a normal thing.

  34. 1 month ago




    Nobody is going to accept spider Black person just because you shitpost, leftoid

  35. 1 month ago


    >Shitposting leftoid reveals his true form
    We just don't like blacks because they are stupid and evil. Representation is not the point, your game need not include humans at all if you like, it's that you picked something stupid and bad.

  36. 1 month ago

    Manchild troony thread

  37. 1 month ago

    Miles confuses me. Peter went to a shitty public school and thwn lives in a tiny-ass apartment and with a dead-end job. Miles comes from a well-off family and goes to a private school, but because people were slightly racist to him, somehow he has suffered equal hardship.

    • 1 month ago

      Um, sweety, Peter is a straight white man. He's going to be okay no matter what happens to him.

  38. 1 month ago


    >They need to replace Miles with Spider-Me
    Are you moronic? Parker is the original
    Miles is Spider-Me, who exists entirely because israelites and liberal women want things that don't appeal to Black folk to appeal to Black folk

  39. 1 month ago


    >Black people are only bad because they commit crime
    Wow, calm down

  40. 1 month ago



    >There is literally only one difference between me and everyone else on Ganker: I suck wieners daily

  41. 1 month ago

    What kind of life experience leads a man to shill ni**er worship daily on Ganker?

  42. 1 month ago


    >I want Sony to make many expensive failure Spiderman movies about Miles.
    I liked how much people shilled for Miles with Spiderverse
    >Ha! It was a huge success. I guess Black folk do sell and Miles is a popular character. Checkmate chuds
    When those movies didn't make a fraction of what the SpiderMan films with Peter did

    • 1 month ago

      It's crazy, those movies are not even THAT successful but people online would have you believe they're doing Frozen numbers. They are fully dependent on fervent online discussion to make their money. That's understandable for movie from a past-its-prime franchise that no one even realized was being made like Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, but it's insane for an IP like Spider-Man.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, it's surreal
        First one did like 400mi and the second 700. Very good numbers, but Holland's Spiderman is out there grossing 2 billion

      • 1 month ago

        >people online would have you believe they're doing Frozen numbers
        It's pretty funny that Miles' last movie is considered some huge success when it made less money than The Amazing Spider-Man 2

      • 1 month ago

        To this day if you bring up Puss in Boots is a better movie than either Spiderverse flick or a majority of Disney on Ganker, they seethe.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Puss in Boots Last Wish was kino

      • 1 month ago

        I like how you all assume that giant corps run by insane feminist b***hes are making rational decisions based on profits and etc

  43. 1 month ago

    Peter Parker is more black than Miles. Miles was born with a silver spoon. Peter had the work for it the moment he was born.

  44. 1 month ago

    Insomniac Miles Morales(game) is kino and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
    /v/aggots shit on Miles(character) but it’s clearly not the character’s fault, something went horribly wrong with the development and especially writing of SM2

    • 1 month ago

      >Insomniac Miles Morales(game) is kino and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
      None of those games are kino
      First one is fun, but the second one is such boundless homosexualry it makes it impossible to play through
      >but miles game
      Didn't play it and neither did anyone else

    • 1 month ago

      >Insomniac Miles Morales(game) is kino and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
      No. Aaron Prowler was shit and so was Hailey. The entirety of Harlem deciding "yeah he's our Spider-Man" even though he's been active for like two weeks while Peter's been around for years was insulting.
      The way Miles gets his extra powers was handled just as poorly as it was in the comics: every time Miles looks like he might actually be in trouble he spontaneously gets a new power to bail him out of it.
      Also Phin. The less said about her the better

      • 1 month ago

        >The entirety of Harlem deciding "yeah he's our Spider-Man" even though he's been active for like two weeks while Peter's been around for years was insulting.
        That's just accurate to the black mentality though

      • 1 month ago

        >The entirety of Harlem deciding "yeah he's our Spider-Man" even though he's been active for like two weeks while Peter's been around for years was insulting.
        To be fair, this is exactly what would happen IRL. But the game is moronic for acting like it's justified in any way.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      it does not have very good writing. there's a skeleton of a decent story about miles and his old friend growing apart, but it's way too much of a clusterfrick for how short it is. and half the cutscenes are just an excuse for miles to get his moronic "venom (not that venom)" deus ex machina moves with zero training or effort
      it also shows the start of the miles fellatio train that you get in 2

      • 1 month ago

        Its fricked up because I actually enjoyed his relationship with Pete in the first game. The reluctant teacher, the eager pupil who just wants to be like his hero and do good for the community. Everything that came after it is just so bad, but we always knew it was gonna end up like this. He is the golden boy, and everyone has to deal with it

        • 1 month ago

          >tfw Marvel can't get to this phase for not-Paul to ntr Miles

  45. 1 month ago

    No. Fact is that people dont like Miles as a character but movies themselves. Theres a reason why even fem Thor was selling more than Miles before movies came out,Miles shit was cancelled over and over and thats a reason why they pushed him in over to 616. If you would put any other spider man clone those movies still would be successful if not even more. Miles is a character created by literal mentally ill Blackphile fetishist Bendis who openly admitted that idea was to literally make "black Peter" so its hilarious how people deny thats what Miles is when his creator said that was the point. Same guy after getting his hands on Luke Cage written in a female character thats his own self insert(he admitted to that) thats designed after his wife(also admitted to that) and made Luke frick that character lmao. Miles has not a single own villain,95% of his character is exactly the same as Pete and instead of keeping dynamic of him having family they killed off everyone just so he would be like Peter even more. That character is insanely dogshit and you have to be moronic to think otherwise and its not about racism. Hes the most blatant "x character but black",his core identity is being black so hes very racially character from very base and has no other identity than racial. Only own thing he has is being black thats simply a fact. All of that is without mentioning what kind of massive gary stu he is. Writers realized what everyone points out so they decided to push powerlevel of his to moronic levels so every single time he faced any adversity or problems he was just getting new venom power every single fricking time. This killed dynamic of Peter who has same power level since his creation for decades so he had to go into partnership and work with Daredevil,Punisher and others which created cool stories and collabs. Miles just gets new venom power and le destroys everything because hes black.

    • 4 weeks ago

      IF you want people to read this mountain of text you should try these things called paragraphs and punctuation.

  46. 1 month ago

    >its the pepe spamming cuckold who always spams "NOT DA SAME ME ME ME" pasta

    • 1 month ago

      How come I have to post cropped porn and can still get a ban but all these schizos endlessly spam threads and never get even a warning?

      • 1 month ago

        Its weird as frick but it shows how much this site is astroturfed by bunch of autismos who dont even hide it. Spam same shit using same pictures with same hash because mods wont ban them like they would back in the day.

        • 1 month ago

          Moderation on this board has been a fricking joke for years now. I hate Ganker but I envy them since their mods still ban shitposters.

          • 1 month ago

            Ganker and /mlp/ are the only boards that scorn wojak, frog and chad memes.

      • 1 month ago

        it depends on whether you are a bot or not and what converastional patterns you ahve

  47. 1 month ago

    Miles in spiderverse feels like his own character. Miles in Insomniac SM is just the spin-off value brand Spider-Man.
    SM3 will flop hard with just Miles in. A lot of people even snoys are pissed off at how bad the plot was in SM2.

  48. 1 month ago

    The pepe spammer is funny because he perfectly describes how the average Milesgay acts

    • 1 month ago

      My favorite genre of Ganker post is when schizos spam the same shit expecting it to change anyone's mind a la XV-Kun and the BG3 tencent guy
      It's such pure autism

  49. 1 month ago


    Blacks commit disproportionately more crime
    There I said it

  50. 1 month ago

    I'd like it if there was a good Spider-Man story that spent a lot of time on Peter, and then had him retire from most heroing so he can be a parent to Mayday and Miles' science teacher. The better Peter is written the more expectations there are to crush Miles as he tries to live up to the legacy of Spider-Man both in and out of fiction. I think that's why Spider-Verse is kind of Miles' number 1 story right now. Even if it doesn't really flesh out Peter it is about Miles trying to live up to a legacy and ultimately he has to learn he already is Spider-Man so whatever he does is what Spider-Man would do. To solve the name sharing issue just have JJJ or similar characters shit on Miles by calling him something else at first, and when he gets more confident NYC calls him Spider-Man to show his maturing arc is complete. After that point if the retired Peter needs to tag in he has the "knock off" name. He can be Old Man Spider, Daddy Longlegs, Spider-Woman or something.

  51. 1 month ago

    Reminder that a rich israelite has more in common with the average israelite than with a rich white.

  52. 1 month ago

    Marvel really hasn't pushed Miles as the main Spider-Man, at least not in a while.
    >original was post Peter's death, but now he's in 616 with Peter and a dozen more Spider-Peope
    >both the ultimate and 2017 cartoons have him be part of Peter's Webbed Warriors
    >video game says he is the main Spider-Man now, but we'll see if that sticks for the next game now that they have already introduced the spider after him in the post credits scene
    >Spider-Verse has literally every Spider-Man ever, minus the zombies and amalgam ones
    Marvel absolutely doesn't have the confidence to make Miles the one and only Spider-Man in anything. That's what's holding him back as a legacy character.

    • 1 month ago

      Can you blame them when before movies his runs were getting outsold by characters that were dead print wise lol. Its bizzare and weird how Sony decided to invest 400 million into trilogy of movies of a character that was getting runs cancelled and was selling like dogshit. I get one of main reasons are licensing fees since they dont fully own Peter but still its interesting. Even after winning against Ditkos they still have to pay his family fees so they are salty as frick and thats one of main reasons why they push Miles since they own him fully.

    • 1 month ago

      I know a few people who wanted to get into Miles' stuff after watching the two movies, and they just don't like the comic or games versions of him. They like the movie version because he's much more of his own character with his own problems there.

      The only problem I've ever had with Miles is, once he's in a universe with multiple spider-people, it's just confusing for him to just have the same name as someone else.

    • 1 month ago

      90s Peter wasn't in Spiderverse, though that does make sense.

    • 1 month ago

      The thing with Miles is that he doesn't have a niche of his own, he only exists as a replacement. The closest they've gotten is by making him a pseudo-sidekick, but most people don't want Spider-Man to have a sidekick.
      And the "old Spider-Man teaches the younger one" was done earlier and better with Mayday

    • 1 month ago

      Yes they have and yes they are. They're just being a lot snider about it after realising they can't blunt-force it. Proof? The fact that Miles can't take his own title or setting. ALL the other spin-off Spiders can do that, but Miles just HAS to be Spider-Man, or "The other Spider-Man". It is insultingly vain, and there is zero reason or pretense for it to be this way. None except this one meta reason: they want Miles to have Spider-Man's fame and influence. But he won't, ever, because he's not Spider-Man. He's a spin-off spider, and that shouldn't be too little for him. It isn't for Miguel

      Well there's also an inherently different way that Miguel and Miles were treated as successors

      and people love him

      • 1 month ago

        >you only add the 2099 for merchandise and crossovers
        >literally inspired by Peter
        Yeah, totally his own person...

        • 1 month ago

          In universe they typically call him "S-Man" which is his own unique nickname as well
          Miles doesn't have one of those

      • 1 month ago

        How many "Spider-Woman"s are there?

        • 1 month ago

          Silk, Spider-Woman, Spider-Gwen, and at least a few more I'm forgetting

          • 1 month ago

            I'm assuming that he specifically means "characters call Spider-Woman" so in that case there's:
            >Jessica Drew
            >Julia Carpenter (the best one btw)
            >Mattie Franklin (also larped as Spider-Man for a bit)
            >Mayday Parker (briefly went by Spider-Woman after Spider-Verse, it was shit)
            >Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen (was called Spider-Woman in universe until she started hanging out in 616 and needed a "unique" name)
            Those are probably the biggest ones

            • 1 month ago

              Julia Carpenter
              Mattie Franklin
              Charlotte Witter
              Ultimate Peter's clone
              I said Spider-Woman.

              Did MJ ever become Spider-Woman? I think i saw something about her getting her own comic for a time, recently. For that matter, does their daughter ever become one, or does she never age enough to get there?

              • 1 month ago

                MJ was called Spinneret in Renew Your Vows if that counts. She wore a suit that let her leech some of Peter's powers.
                Mayday went by "Spider-Woman" after her dad (Peter in MC2) died during Spider-Verse. She also stopped wearing Ben Reilly's suit and wore Peter's instead. Neither of those stuck and now she's back to wearing Ben's suit and calling herself Spider-Girl, not that it matters since everything she's been in starting with Spider-Verse has been shit

              • 1 month ago

                Interesting, did a little looking into it and I didn't realize they had a daughter as early as 1998, even if it was a one of "what if"
                Also, while I understand why Pete would want to use it, Mayday is a fricking moronic name

              • 1 month ago

                Mayday is her nickname, her actual name is just May
                Also technically he had her in the main universe too, MJ and Peter believe she was a miscarriage but Norman Osborn actually kidnapped her. This plotline has never been resolved in the main universe and never will be (but it was what kicked off Spider-Girl)
                Fun fact: She is Marvel's most successful female hero, being the only character to reach 100 issues

              • 1 month ago

                I thought she got erased with OMD

              • 1 month ago

                She couldn't have considering that the Clone Saga just doesn't work without the pregnancy.
                The point is moot though because it will never be brought up again

              • 1 month ago

                No, she uses a different name, not spider-woman but yeah, she's effectively one
                Spinnerette I think

              • 1 month ago

                She has Black Cat's luck powers and became Jackpot for a while. In the Ultimate cartoon she perfect bonded with Carnage and became Carnage Queen in the finale.

              • 1 month ago

                >In the Ultimate cartoon she perfect bonded with Carnage and became Carnage Queen in the finale.
                wait what? shit man, i actually watched a fair amount of that, might check into it.
                I'm still mad this ended how it did, with Marvel reviving Xmen 97 and talking about maybe doing Spiderman next, i almost kinda have hope

              • 1 month ago

                nah homie they first have to pick back up 90s spiderman (you know the super buff peter, was a huge jackass? had a super almost nonsense pace, never actually hit anyone on screen) that peter has to find his mj after that water clone shit

              • 1 month ago

                so youre saying theoretically they should be continuing spiderman unlimited? thats literally what that show was about, but it got canned - pete goes to another universe to try and find MJ

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Unlimited isn’t a continuation

              • 4 weeks ago

                Mj literally appeared in the first episode of that show, it was about finding his way out of that alternare universe
                It only vaguely implies as the previous show being canon in some way

              • 1 month ago


                In the comics right now it's more than that, since there's currently an ongoing teaming her and Black Cat. Now she's wearing tech which basically either gives her a good power on the fly or a completely shit deal.

              • 1 month ago

                wait, theyre a pair now? i thought this was from a one of thing, thats fricking hot

              • 1 month ago

                Well she doesn't look like *that* anymore.

              • 1 month ago

                She's still smoking hot, even if the outfit is a little on the meh side. I'll take it.

              • 1 month ago

                Why does Marvel have such a problem with supporting characters? Why can't they be just that supporting characters. Why do they all have tonhave super powers. Next thing you know we'll have J. Jonah Jameson as the next Doc Oc.

              • 1 month ago

                More importantly pages like that don't happen anymore, because with very few exceptions female characters can now only be written by women or gay men, which always results in them being shit

              • 1 month ago

                Why can’t Marvel just let Peter have two girlfriends? Why are they against poly representation?

              • 1 month ago

                Because he is a good Catholic. He is the paragon of moral intergrity, all the other Marvel guys are man prostitutes and abusers. Peter's issues stem from bad luck and self doubt, but he has always been a one woman spider, even if the woman changes with the times

              • 1 month ago

                He fricked Betty while she was with Ned.

              • 1 month ago

                >Marcy Kane
                I'm still mad about what happened with her

              • 1 month ago

                Because degeneracy does not belong in Spider-Man

              • 1 month ago

                MJ already cucked him.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Because society isn't ready for polyamory. Telling people how to love has always been a way to control us. You want to consolidate your resources and love with more than one person so you can afford more and be happy? You have to be a CORPORATION to amass resources. You need to join the rich kids club.

              • 1 month ago

                Well she doesn't look like *that* anymore.

                Because he is a good Catholic. He is the paragon of moral intergrity, all the other Marvel guys are man prostitutes and abusers. Peter's issues stem from bad luck and self doubt, but he has always been a one woman spider, even if the woman changes with the times

                Damn even the asian spider is more appealing than him...

                >Black cat
                >Mary Jane with the spider/luck/symbiote
                >Spider Gwen
                whens the spider harem storyline?, it doesnt even have to be 616 ffs after the paul debacle let us have some fricking fun shit please!!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Black Cat and Mary Jane comics basically are just Spider man's harem go on a side adventure most of the time. They even lamp shade it at the end of one where Peter was in the hospital and he comments that it's this dream again when he sees them both in the Black Cat suit.

              • 1 month ago

                Is it an ongoing? I assumed it was a mini
                Either way the book is fricking shit

              • 1 month ago

                I only read the first issue, haven't really been interested in following unless someone on Ganker storytimes it.

              • 1 month ago

                I storytimed both issues

              • 1 month ago

                >admits to being a migrant
                I feel bad for you man, Ganker is a true cesspit. As hard as it is to actually discuss vidya here, I know its even harder to have a real conversation there. I used to go there semi frequently for things like this, but its just so fricking baaad

              • 1 month ago

                I go there to read and make storytimes, but yes it's a fricking cesspit, especially Spider-Man threads

              • 1 month ago

                Honestly I feel like one will eventually try out something new if you stay here long enough. Guys like

                I go there to read and make storytimes, but yes it's a fricking cesspit, especially Spider-Man threads

                are cool for storytiming. I used to do an annual thing myself but stopped doing so as captcha rules changed. It's also fun to do live watches of Ganker based tv shows when I had the time. Made watching Gotham just a little more fun.

              • 1 month ago

                in the last few years, my desire for anime has dwindled down to nothing, and cartoons were a fair distance behind that to begin with. The golden age of [as] is long over, theres just not much i'm interested in at this point, I pop in for Genddy shows but thats about it. I have been devouring video games like nothing else in the last few years, and intend to keep it that way, this has always been my main hobby. I just grew up loving Spider-Man, being a new yorker has a lot to do with it i'm sure

              • 1 month ago

                Funny you say that, I've actually started trying to dabble in manga again. Anime not so much because at least I can quickly read through shit. Just finished a 33 chapter run in one sitting yesterday. It all depends on what you do and where you go though. I recall last year deciding to hop into /vr/ because I was trying to get some tips in a shoot 'em up genre, since I know no ones trying to talk about shit like that HERE on a regular. Someone tried to come at me for asking for help but another anon called them out and pointed me in the right direction, and a couple of others joined in. Some cool people over there I imagine.

              • 1 month ago

                i think you are mixing up the comic where gwen get cloned back with carnage

              • 1 month ago

                Both things happened.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                >In the Ultimate cartoon she perfect bonded with Carnage and became Carnage Queen in the finale.
                wait what? shit man, i actually watched a fair amount of that, might check into it.
                I'm still mad this ended how it did, with Marvel reviving Xmen 97 and talking about maybe doing Spiderman next, i almost kinda have hope

                In the Ultimate cartoon she perfect bonded with Carnage and became Carnage Queen in the finale.
                >mate pressing peter

            • 1 month ago

              Julia Carpenter
              Mattie Franklin
              Charlotte Witter
              Ultimate Peter's clone
              I said Spider-Woman.

              Did MJ ever become Spider-Woman? I think i saw something about her getting her own comic for a time, recently. For that matter, does their daughter ever become one, or does she never age enough to get there?

              motherfrickers always forget about anya corazon
              also theres madam web i guess

          • 1 month ago

            Julia Carpenter
            Mattie Franklin
            Charlotte Witter
            Ultimate Peter's clone
            I said Spider-Woman.

  53. 1 month ago

    What was that game where Spider-man teamed up with the Prowler(the OG one)?
    I thought he was pretty cool when I was a kid

    • 1 month ago

      Spider-Man friend or foe?

  54. 1 month ago

    He is more popular than 90% of superheroes. Just ask any Gen Z.

    • 1 month ago

      And his spin off game sold over 10 million copies whilst being PlayStation exclusive.

      Numbers don't lie.

      • 1 month ago

        Actually they do lie, because like all big sony games, they give that shit away in bundles for PS5s and TVs and random shit and call it sales.

        • 1 month ago

          >someone bought a 500$ dollar console
          >that's not a real sale!

          • 1 month ago

            It's not. Throwing your shitty spider nog game in with a different purchase and calling it a game sale is literally accounting fraud, and sony only gets away with it because they are big.

            • 1 month ago

              Every console manufacturer does it you stupid homosexual. Even sega did this back when they were still making consoles.

              • 1 month ago

                >Every console manufacturer does it you stupid homosexual.
                All 3 of them. And Nintendo doesn't ship every fricking console with one of their games. Maybe not Microsoft either but idk.

                >give a company for two products
                >get two products
                Sue them about it then?

                I'm not rich

            • 1 month ago

              >give a company for two products
              >get two products
              Sue them about it then?

              • 1 month ago

                Every console manufacturer does it you stupid homosexual. Even sega did this back when they were still making consoles.

                It's not. Throwing your shitty spider nog game in with a different purchase and calling it a game sale is literally accounting fraud, and sony only gets away with it because they are big.

                >someone bought a 500$ dollar console
                >that's not a real sale!

                It’s weird because the Spider-Man bundle is actually CHEAPER than just buying a PS5. I don’t get it.
                >PS5 Slim
                >PS5 Slim with Spider-Man game

                I don’t get the price discrepancy.
                >t. Bought the Spider-Man bundle this morning because it was cheaper

      • 1 month ago

        and how many did Peter's game sell? What was the drop off between the two?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Marvel's Spider-Man - 13.9 million+
        >Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 10.2 million+
        >Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - 10 million+

    • 1 month ago

      >couldn't even reach 700 million
      Bro even Deadpool beat that

    • 4 weeks ago

      >S-see? The ESG money really proves something!!!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Both Spider-Verse movies are colossal failures compared to literally any other Spider-Man movie. Fricking TASM and TASM 2 made more money than them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Spider-Man: No Way Home — $1.89 Billion
      >Spider-Man: Far From Home — $1.13 Billion
      >Spider-Man 3 — $894 Million
      >Spider-Man: Homecoming — $878 Million
      >Venom — $856 Million
      >Spider-Man — $821 Million
      >Spider-Man 2 — $794 Million
      >The Amazing Spider-Man — $757 Million
      >The Amazing Spider-Man 2 — $708 Million
      >Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse — $684 Million
      >Venom: Let There Be Carnage — $506 Million
      >Spider-Man: Into The Spider-verse — $375 Million
      >Morbius — $167 Million

  55. 1 month ago


  56. 1 month ago


    There are people who aren't me who aren't Black folk either

  57. 1 month ago

    >Needs Peters approval
    >fights all of Pete's arch enemies, has none of his own
    >keeps getting more powers for some fricking reason
    >entire personality is "Black wunderkind who is better than peter"
    He will never be accepted, i dont even need to post pics of graffiti'd Asgard or his Colgate Adidi*s suit to back up my point

  58. 1 month ago

    No, he probably would've done better if he didn't take the Spider-Man name, and had his own superhero name.

  59. 1 month ago

    No, the number reason they want to replace Peter Parker with Miles Morales is. copyright.
    The legal rights to spiderman is a massive clusterfrick. Sony has ownership of Miles Morales. They don't have complete ownership of Peter Parker. If they replace peter they can basically tell disney to frick off.
    "All newly created (after 9/15/11) characters and other Creative Elements
    that first appear in a work that is titled or branded with “Spider-Man” or in
    which “Spider-Man” is the main protagonist (but not including any teamup work featuring both Spider-Man and another major Marvel character
    that isn’t part of the Spider-Man Property)"

    • 1 month ago

      You mean Sony?

      • 1 month ago


  60. 1 month ago

    >Miles gets his own movie, becomes the most highly regarded superhero movie outside of the MCU itself
    >Miles gets his own game, it sells over ELEVEN MILLION copies
    >Miles gets his second own movie, another massive success
    >Miles is now the second main character alongside Peter in the next game, this game sells even better than the game where Peter went solo
    >"ummm....b-but does he have fans though???" - random racist chud
    the sheer delusion

    • 1 month ago

      >it sells over ELEVEN MILLION copies
      They can say it says ELEVEN BILLION copies, and not have to prove anything, because who is actually tracking those numbers?

      • 1 month ago

        yes, I'm sure the company fakes their own data in their internal documents that got leaked... in a secret ploy to fool 4chud

        holy shit you people are actually unhinged lmao

        • 1 month ago

          They're fooling shareholders moron

          • 1 month ago

            yes the documents that were only leaked through a hacker atttack and shareholders had no access to, were just there to fool the shareholders *adjusts tinfoil hat*
            lmao you're clinically insane

    • 1 month ago

      gets his own game, it sells over ELEVEN MILLION copies
      Didn't it sold less than Peter's?

      • 1 month ago

        It sold half that of Peter's

    • 1 month ago

      >cant answer the question

    • 1 month ago

      >Spider-Verse movies
      >massive success
      They were the lowest grossing of the entire Spider-Man franchise until Morbius and Madame Web took those spots - if you even consider those Spider-Man films at all. Even the shittiest Peter Parker films grossed more at the box office. Even TASM2 which came out a decade ago.

      • 1 month ago

        >it's real
        Holy shit
        And I thought people actually like Miles yet both TAS were doing better than the two spider-verse movies

        • 1 month ago

          Even better is that when they made a Peter Parker multiverse film it ended up grossing twice as much as both Spider-Verse movies combined.

      • 1 month ago

        How the frick is Across the Spider-verse not a massive success? It made $680m on a $120m budget. Any studio would be happy with those numbers for an animated film.

        • 1 month ago


          Even better is that when they made a Peter Parker multiverse film it ended up grossing twice as much as both Spider-Verse movies combined.

        • 1 month ago

          Because less people were interested in seeing it than TASM2, despite the critical success of ITSV and the fact it released during a peak popularity era for the IP, it should easily clear Mario and Minions money like how live action Spider-Man dominates charts.

          • 1 month ago

            Was it as big of a success as it would've been if it starred Peter Parker? No, but a film making 4x its budget is an objective success, unless there's some internal memo from Sony about what they were expecting the box office to be.

            • 1 month ago

              The spiderverse movies were objectively successes, they made money and were well received, but the fact remains that they did not make as much money and were not as well received as pretty much everything else. For a Miles story they were well beyond 'just' a success, though, it was the first time anyone liked anything involving him.

            • 1 month ago

              A Spider-Man movie shouldn't struggle to outgross a Big Hero 6 movie, the fact it was profitable for Sony since they outsource to slave studios instead of paying artists the actual cost of making an animated movie shouldn't factor into the discussion about the movie's popularity with audiences

              • 1 month ago

                >the fact it was profitable for Sony since they outsource to slave studios instead of paying artists the actual cost of making an animated movie
                probably won't be seeing Beyond the Spider-Verse for a few years since Sony Animation got a lot of shit for poor working conditions for animators and the leaks that revealed the directors often threw out entire sequences after they were already heavily animated and forced the team to start from scratch

      • 1 month ago

        Animation scares the modern American if it's not photorealistic lion king shit

        • 1 month ago

          America is where spider-verse made most of its money lol

        • 1 month ago

          Mario made a billy+

  61. 1 month ago

    I saw a white kid dressed as miles. I wonder if that genuinely upsets people, considering how moronic everything is lately

  62. 1 month ago

    Yes, thanks to the movies not the games

  63. 1 month ago

    a. Mandatory Spider-Man Character Traits. Spider-Man (whether Peter Parker or an
    alternative Spider-Man character) must always strictly conform to the following
    “Mandatory Character Traits”:
     Male
     Does not torture*
     Does not kill unless in defense of self or others*
     Does not use foul language beyond PG-13
     Does not smoke tobacco*
     Does not sell/distribute illegal drugs*
     Does not abuse alcohol*
     Does not have sex before the age of 16, does not have sex with anyone below the
    age of 16
     Not a homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ego as a homosexual)
    from sony leak

    • 1 month ago

      The * means it's allowed if Peter has Venom and the act is clearly meant to be evil.

      • 1 month ago

        I need a smoking and drinking Symbiote Spider-Man who sells drugs

    • 1 month ago

      So Peter can frick 16 year olds?

      • 1 month ago

        Eh, that's technically the age of consent in the US, it's just a lot of states make raise it to 18, or specifically say it can only be with other people the same age as you.

    • 1 month ago

      Miles is canon bisexual though.

    • 1 month ago

      There is literally a gay cripple spider-man.

      • 1 month ago

        >(unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ego as a homosexual)

  64. 1 month ago

    reminder that the only reason they want spider Black person to work is because it circumvents marvel's need to involve sony in movies and games due to their ownership of licensing rights for spiderman/peter parker

  65. 1 month ago

    You may not like it but frogposter is right, blackgays should've just sucked it up and accepted Spider-Man is white instead of demanding one be made so "he looks like MEEEE"

  66. 1 month ago

    2. RIGHTS: SPE has the exclusive right to utilize the “Spider-Man” character and the other
    Creative Elements listed in Paragraph 1 above to (a) develop and produce live action or
    animated theatrical motion pictures (each, a “Picture”) and live-action television series
    (and also animated television series with episodes longer than 44 minutes), during the
    Production Term, and (b) distribute, advertise and otherwise exploit in perpetuity any
    motion picture or television series that commenced production during the Production

  67. 1 month ago

    >Does Miles Morales have a large, dedicated fandom big enough to justify him taking over Peter Parker?
    Yes. Blackrock.

  68. 1 month ago

    Miles has less black fans than Peter. Peter has like all the elements of a poor black kid growing up in bad circumstances. Meanwhile Miles is insanely privileged yet they keep trying to write him like he’s some hood rat.

    • 1 month ago

      Miles dad is a fricking COP lol
      imagine rooting for a homie who's mom is in the fricking government, and has a pig for a father - thats how you know a white man wrote him into existence, no black guy trying to reach his fellow urban youth would be that stupid

    • 4 weeks ago

      It’s more realistic that way.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >starts on this path because of family
      >does morally questionable and dangerous things to gain money
      >lifestyle alienates his social circle and leads many of them to suspect him as either dangerous or untrustworthy
      >a good kid with great potential ruined by his life choices and the path he walks
      >can't keep a job, can barely pay the bills
      >seen as a transient or a deadbeat as a result
      >both his parents abandoned him and died
      >closest person he had to a father got shot
      >did underground wrestling for money
      >police hate him
      >best friend was a crackhead
      >literally went up to the fantastic four and asked for gibs

  69. 1 month ago


    I iz incapable of caring about other folks. I only see 'em as things that exist to do whatever I want an sheeit. I do believe that the whole thang is just about me. My idea of a perfect world is a world where i can get my hos and my henessy with no po-lice bothering me

  70. 1 month ago

    Is Miles just like a fanfic character? Seems like he's just Spiderman but.....with more powers

    • 1 month ago


  71. 1 month ago

    Guess we'll find out with spiderman 3 which i guess will be a solo miles game

  72. 1 month ago

    >hear about how SO MUCH BETTER milesgays comics are than mainline spider man currently
    >read a few
    >'remember this classic move from a shonen manga? remember it guys?' x100

    • 1 month ago

      His deadpool run has been doing that too

  73. 1 month ago


  74. 1 month ago

    I beat Spiderman 2 last night and got the Platinum

    It was an okay game but I wish it had a little less padding.

    Like, did we really need that flashback segment where Peter and Harry break into their High School?

    • 1 month ago

      If the game would have started at the beginning of Peter's story there wouldn't be a need for flashbacks.

    • 1 month ago

      I think the idea of the scene is fine to flesh out Peter and Harry'd friendship, it just went on way too long

    • 1 month ago

      You're complaining about and not the deaf Black person section?

      • 1 month ago

        that was like a 1/4th of the length of the Highschool Flashback

  75. 1 month ago

    he does not

  76. 1 month ago

    I just want a playable Black Cat DLC, like Arkham had with Selina.

  77. 1 month ago

    >diversitygays scream racism if you don't like Miles
    >they also can't relate to Peter because of the color of his skin
    Makes me think

  78. 1 month ago

    Nobody likes this version of Miles anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      I never noticed the actual adidas logo on his shoes.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah. It’s a real product placement. They’re real shoes you can buy.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm pretty sure they sell everything but the mask. There's a store in game that has it on display.

          • 1 month ago


  79. 1 month ago

    The goal is humiliation of whites not money

  80. 1 month ago

    >Miles Morales

  81. 1 month ago

    He only has one big fan, and this fan has a lot of money: Blackrock.

  82. 1 month ago

    You guys know Peter comes out of retirement in the postgame, right?

    • 1 month ago

      Theres almost no way he won't be playable in the 3rd game, unless theyre really just gonna make it Miles and Silk. That would be dumb though, since pete now has all the anti-venom powers
      at the same time, they are clearly setting the 3rd game up to be a Superior Spidey storyline, so Miles, the chink and the rest of their diverse friends will probably have to save Pete because he can't do it himself, yet again. Which is actually really funny, because Superior ends with Doc Ock admitting Peter is the one and only true Spidey, lmao

      • 1 month ago

        >they are clearly setting the 3rd game up to be a Superior Spidey storyline
        Quite a few people are in denial about this, even though they've pulled almost exclusively from Slott-era shit for these games

        • 1 month ago

          It’s clearly going there. The Advanced Suit was originally designed by Otto, and even has some similarities to the Superior V2 Suit. There’s even the iron arms becoming apart of Peter’s abilities in the second game. The final shot of Otto in 2 even has the shadows of the lenses on his glasses form the Spider-Man lenses.

          • 1 month ago

            I think the biggest one is the failing body plotline, there's literally nowhere else for it to go, and yeah the Advanced Suit will likely be coloured black for the new Superior Suit, and it would be an easy way to have Miles beat up Peter again

            • 1 month ago

              Obviously that too. Spider-Geddon also had SpOck send Insomniac Otto a Spider-Bot with information on it.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah but people get uppity when you bring that comic up, even when the prequel comic for the second game directly referenced it.
                Besides the games themselves seem to really want to use the movie Spider-Verse which is inherently at odds with the comic version

      • 1 month ago


        The ride was worth it for this one moment.

        >Captcha: HAWT

        • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          Spock was excellent in everything but the main book.
          It also indirectly give us one of my all time favorite series, the Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Reading it with Ganker every month while Lieber came in and chatted with us was great.

          • 1 month ago

            >everything but the main book

            It was amazing how side stories were blowing Slott out the fricking water every time.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Spidey is my favorite for shit like this. Too bad he's always got to be sucking off Miles

  83. 1 month ago

    >"Captain America is now black"
    >"Iron Man is now black"
    >"Spider-Man is now black"
    Tokenization is gay, especially when you apply this "Poochie" effect to the writing. Why not make a new super hero, Miles will always be "black Spider-Man" not his own character because they have done this, same with the rest. It doesnt matter if people like him, hes just a spinoff Spider-Man.

    When anyone references Miles Morales Spider-Man they always have to preface it with "Miles Morales Spider-Man" it shows how little it has stuck despite how much effort there has been to push him as a replacement, because people see right through this shit even if they wont admit it

    • 1 month ago

      I mean it can work. Carol Danvers is now Captain Marvel despite the fact that some alien dude was captain Marvel for 40 years before that. You just need to go all in. They are so wishy washy with Miles. If they really wanted him to be Spiderman they would just stop publishing peter parker books. But they are trying to have the best of both worlds.

      • 1 month ago

        >Carol Danvers is now Captain Marvel despite the fact that some alien dude was captain Marvel for 40 years before that
        Mar-Vell was around for 20 years before he got killed off, then a bunch of people had the name before they stuck it on Carol and pushed her really hard as the female face of Marvel. Unlike Miles, Marv's death had nothing to do with shilling Carol, it happened like 30 years before her big push

  84. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      dont like any of em, but i guess 3 is the best, would look good with a black spider
      can't beat the classics, though

      • 1 month ago

        That's just Ben's suit but worse

        • 1 month ago

          >still not in the game
          Why do the hate this suit so much

      • 1 month ago

        I like the upper half designs because of the logo arms spreading out through the entire suit.

    • 1 month ago
  85. 1 month ago

    Is it true Miles has more powers than spidey powers now?

    • 1 month ago

      That's been true for decades

    • 1 month ago

      He can turn invisible, and drain/shoot electricty out of his hands. He can also fly with it, and turn it into a sword.
      He is also Thor, and every one of your other favorite heroes, but much better because of the swagger of an urban youth

  86. 1 month ago

    I like the Miles Morales story in the movies. Despite the typical "muh quirky awkward zoomer humor" moments in the movies, the story was interesting and out there enough for me to be thoroughly entertained. But to replace Peter Parker completely? That's like trying to replace Super Mario with a mexican electrician named Paco or something

    • 1 month ago

      >I like the Miles Morales story in the movies
      It's the Peter Parker story told with a cheap recolor token

      • 1 month ago

        I don't know much of the Spider-man multiverse lore so I do,'t know what you mean. Are you saying that that multiverse story was originally Peter Parker's?

        • 1 month ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            the first every multiverse story in spider-man happened in the 90's, the cartoon ends on it and its fricking amazing.

            Then that explains why Miles was so successful kek I was pretty surprised with how much I enjoyed a woke version of Spider-man but this pretty much makes everything add up

        • 1 month ago

          the first every multiverse story in spider-man happened in the 90's, the cartoon ends on it and its fricking amazing.

          • 1 month ago

            Wouldn’t Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man be the first one?

          • 1 month ago

            It was a total trip how it tied every Spider-Man into it
            >the rich eccentric Iron Spider-Man is the one who actually stopped the crook in the wrestling circuit, saving Uncle Ben
            >this is how Ben convinces Omnicidal Spider-Man to redeem himself at the last moment
            It made me smile the biggest smile, every time I saw it

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sheeeeit homie which cartoon and where can I watch this gold?

        • 1 month ago

          Dan Slott wrote for Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, and pushed for a comics version of it. It took a few years but he eventually did Spider-Verse

          • 1 month ago

            >Dan Slott
            Horrid little goblin man

  87. 1 month ago

    >thread gets me curious about when i can expect the Carnage DLC
    >look it up, apparently the last update leaked a Beetle storyline
    >also added more fricking curly fry outfits
    they just really love this haircut, dont they

    • 1 month ago

      Carnage might be getting moved back for the Venom Spinoff.

    • 1 month ago

      How else will you know the masked superhero is a Black person?

      • 1 month ago

        the black recolor of the costume and the rap that plays anytime he's on-screen helps

      • 1 month ago

        The fact that he's always wearing sneakers and hoodies and all his friends and family are darkies.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >They're doubling down on circumsicing the mask
      Good fricking grief.

      • 4 weeks ago

        To be fair, the suit it’s based off of has the top of the mask cut off too.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is the only suit I liked from the update. Peter and Miles’s Hellfire Gala suits look like trash, and the paid DLC suits for charity looked really bad too.

  88. 1 month ago

    Make Miles gay. Right now there's unfortunately a huge amount of discrimination in BIPOC communities against LGBTQIA folks even though statistically there's more queer folk in those communities than non-persons of color. I feel it would be a powerful statement for gay black youth if they saw that Spider-Man was just like them, living similar struggles and overcoming the challenges of being gay in such a hostile environment. Until they do that, it's all grand standing. They can put a rainbow flag in the background, but are they brave enough to make a bold statement for LGBTQIA rights by making Miles gay?

    • 1 month ago

      Nah man, he's dating a deaf girl right now, thats super empowering and valid

      • 1 month ago

        It's not enough.

    • 1 month ago

      He's already as bi as the average comic book character.

    • 1 month ago

      I think we need to think bigger. Stupider. What if... wheelchair-bound webslinger.

      • 1 month ago

        'BOUT THAT.

        • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            Even the chick who voiced her in Spider-Verse was wheelchair bound and queer.

          • 1 month ago

            >People like that exist chud!

            • 1 month ago

              It makes sense that every comic book character looks like this now. These are the only people modern comic writers see because they all live in the gayest parts of the world (west coast, Austin, anywhere in Canada)

            • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Check, check, annnnnd check!

        • 1 month ago

          >limp paralyzed legs flailing all over the place while web-slinging
          lol, lmao

          • 1 month ago

            She’s not even paralyzed, she has that thing where her joints are weak, EDS? Fricking webslinging would actually probably kill her.

            • 1 month ago

              EDS means your joints are too flexible so they can get over extended and damaged over time.

              • 1 month ago

                Well it’s not something that having spider webslinging would fix and let you ignore it.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean speaking logically Peters put his joints through pain that would've killed him a million times over by now and healed from it. Peters been slammed, slugged, punched, kicked, blasted by people who cause earthquakes, blow up planets and then some. Hulk, Thor, Phoenix posessed mutants and still gotten stronger and healed from it. I think logically being bitten by a mutated, experimental spider would make it so getting crippled is almost impossible. I'm not talking surviving decapitation or entire limbs being removed, but I would not consider it outside illogical for Peter to have his spine broken in a fight, seemingly paralyzed and then healing completely from it due to his powers. Hes just been put through to much for it not to happen at this point.

        • 1 month ago

          my fricking god
          i get that we need to get some self esteem into the wheelchair kids but shit like this is warped it might even give them wrong ideas about they can do that they really shouldn't do

      • 1 month ago

        Marvel already did that

    • 1 month ago

      Gwen is trans in the movies, so there's your representation.

      • 1 month ago

        But Miles dating a trans women is just him being a heterosexual. It's not powerful or impactful. There's nothing amazing about him dating a woman. He needs to be gay.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Gwen is trans in Spiderverse
          She isn't though, this is just some discord mod fanfiction.
          >we got to make the black one gay
          We see what you White folks be trying to pull. This is why us being featured at all is not something worthy of praise by us, so stop acting like it's some benefit to us instead of your White fragility. You pulled The same shit with Mr Terrific in the "Arrowverse". "We can't have him be potential competition for the made up blonde hacker chick we have in the show, so make him a gay. Only him though, keep Atom straight and actual competition." This is unironically what White autists were saying at the time for why they had to make Mr Terrific gay.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Are the wypipo in the room with us right now? You're replying to a troll parroting stereotypical Twittard talking points because everyone hates Miles.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I'm responding to the topic, anon, it ain't that deep.
              >Everyone hates Miles
              Which Miles? I don't recognize certain writers just as I'm sure you don't recognize when Bendis is writing Peter.

              • 4 weeks ago

                There is no good version of Miles because the premise of his existence is inherently flawed. You don't create a character simply to ride the wave of Obama era black pandering and dodge licensing fees and come out the other side with a fleshed out superhero.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I guess you hate Xmen too due to some changes in there being a r3ference to the Civil Rights movement.
                Regardless of original intent of a character or decision, there are writers who can and have picked up the pen to make a character or decision entertaining. Personally I like the Spiderverse Miles.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I guess you hate Xmen too due to some changes in there being a r3ference to the Civil Rights movement.
                I mean yeah. It's ridiculous and offensive for every side. Mutants are a danger to society, a massive one. One Jean Grey freaks out and half of the country 's heads explode
                >Regardless of original intent of a character or decision, there are writers who can and have picked up the pen to make a character or decision entertaining.
                And that has never happened with Miles. He's always black peter parker
                >Personally I like the Spiderverse Miles
                in which he's black Peter Parker. They even made a israeli, older and out of shape Peter Parker to contrast with him

              • 4 weeks ago

                Miles is not Black Peter because Peter has flaws and we can't have our precious POC have flaws.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >just as I'm sure you don't recognize when Bendis is writing Peter.

  89. 1 month ago

    Something just dawned on me about Miles-Spiderman and I'm sure I'm not the first person to have ever thought of this. How come, when he wears the mask, he has a "regular person" facial shape with the mask? Shouldn't he have a protruding mouth and nose?

  90. 1 month ago

    >Marvel tries pushing Miles in the comics over and over
    >Doesn't take of
    >Marvel releases an alt-universe Spider-Man story where Peter and MJ are married and have kids
    >Best selling comic they've had in a long time

    • 1 month ago

      something something black people on game covers something something no sales

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah and just like with Stellar Blade being a hit, nothing will be changed, because it's not, and has never been about profit

      • 1 month ago

        >Stellar Blade being a hit
        Listen, it's a solid 7/10, and there is nothing wrong with that. I like horny games as much as the next person. Take the small win, because when you exaggerate you only weaken your argument.

        • 1 month ago

          >Listen, it's a solid 7/10, and there is nothing wrong with that.
          I don't care about the game itself or the asiatics that made it, I'm using it as an example of a game marketed almost entirely as coomer appeal and having success commercially
          Read, homie

  91. 1 month ago

    >the black and latino communities find Goku, Kenshiro, Luffy and many of their supporting casts more endearing than a character intended to pander to them on a surface level

    You don't even have to be a weeb to find that shit funny. Theres more black teens who were cheering when they saw Luffy beat up Kaido and Mexico would make the episode Goku went UI a national holiday if they could. Capeshit writers have to be livid to know that.

  92. 1 month ago

    Nah pretty sure everyone hates him and the only half-decent Miles was in the first Spiderverse movie.

  93. 1 month ago

    >make spider-man game, sell milions
    >make miles game, sell thousands
    >make spider-gwen game, sell billions

    • 4 weeks ago

      >make spider-gwen game, sell billions
      please god , anyone but Miles, a Spider-Man Noir game i wouldnt mind, or a 2099 game. I cant take the Miles shilling at this point.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You WILL get more Miles and you WILL like it!

  94. 1 month ago

    Frick sony/disney executive, frick miles

  95. 1 month ago

    He would if he was a sassy black girl that plays the wienery upstart just to get Peter to notice and compliment her

  96. 1 month ago

    Miles is a poochie ass homie who never drew a dime until Spiderverse who needed Peter Parker and Gwen as headliners to support him

  97. 1 month ago

    Black person fatigue will stop it

  98. 1 month ago

    >white fragility thread
    You love to see it folks.

    • 1 month ago

      Here is the (you) you wanted. Will this suffice for your quota today?

  99. 1 month ago

    Imagine if they made 3 just about MJ and you only played as her. God, I wish that would happen.

    • 1 month ago

      their next game is wolverine where half the game has you play as jean grey, 3rd person shooter style

      • 1 month ago

        Yes, but SM3 is surely going to come out. I'd just love to to see the shitshow.

  100. 1 month ago

    There was a MASSIVE push to change the gender, race, or both of all main line Marvel characters about a decade ago because Jack Kirby was getting rights back for his creative side of things. All Stan Lee did was say shit like, "Let's make a guy named Spider-Man that can cling to walls and shoot webs." and Kirby literally did everything else. So, when Marvel and Disney were gonna have to pay to use those characters that had the exact same costume, designs, alter egos, and such, they came up with bullshit reasons to have them be different people. Miles, admittedly, was handled the best of these new characters, however, his run was nowhere near as successful as OG Spider-Man and the massive villain library didn't need to be changed from a legal standpoint, so nobody really bothered to change the villains around. The big deal with Peter Parker was he had a personal connection to most of his villains outside of Spider-Man that Miles lacks and they pretty much never made new villains for Miles to fight on the whole creating a pretty big weakness from a story standpoint. Spider-Man was the last hold out from the Kirby estate until he was paid for last year (I think) so Miles serves no legal point anymore. However, he has been promoted so heavily as a Spider-Man replacement character, it is gonna be a real b***h for bigger companies that invested in him to just outright drop him despite him not being as interesting, well thought out, established, or famous as Peter Parker.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kirby didn't work on Spider-Man anon.

      • 4 weeks ago


  101. 1 month ago

    When they tried to replace Peter with Ben Riley you were crickets, shut the frick up. Insomniac Spidey is by far the worst of the Spidey universes to be using as a litmus, it does not represent the general agenda with Spiderman and is inferior in every way, not just in the Miles department or manjaw Mary Jane. Miles isn't even in those Marvel Spidey films. Clutch more pearls.

    • 4 weeks ago

      When they tried to replace him with ben reily, everyone complained until they shelved ben reily. You can't just make shit up like that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >no one complained about the Clone Saga
      This is dumbest fricking post I’ve read on this website.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's a Miles defender anon, his IQ is charitably on the lower double digits, either because of his nog nature or bc his brain has been fried from too much consoomption

        • 4 weeks ago

          When they tried to replace him with ben reily, everyone complained until they shelved ben reily. You can't just make shit up like that.

          >no one complained about the Clone Saga
          This is dumbest fricking post I’ve read on this website.

          I complained, but not the people who like a blonde haired blue eyed protag.
          You morons are the ones who consumed Indomniac slop btw, not me.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Learn to write, bantu

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ignoring how blatantly wrong this is, Ben is also a better character than Miles and has his own identity

  102. 1 month ago

    The only part of them that is large and dedicated is the size of their noses.

  103. 4 weeks ago


    I know you're butthurt over him not fricking the blonde,anon. We all are. That's no reason to take out on poor Terry

  104. 4 weeks ago

    Terry McGuniess sucks big black Inque wiener. He is a shitty Mary Sue character with a dumb frick Mary Sue origin. "Oh look at me, I conveniently broke into Wayne manner after a random scuffle with the Akira clown gang rejects and somehowbcame across his power armor exo suit, which I rob and he lets me keep becuase i'm a super special boy who didn't even have to do real training to do Batman shit like the people before me. Also my super scientist father was murdered too but wait wait wait, he isn't my REAL father biologically due to some super sci fi genetic frickery where he was injected with Bruce Wayne's Chad genes and mojo by some random hood right before fricking my mom. So really it was like Bruce fricked my mom, and he is actually my REAL biologicial father. Oh and I have been with the same dumb as a box a of rocks girlfriend since highschool instead of the superior Ten or even Max, who actually helped and did shit."

  105. 4 weeks ago

    >See Spiderman baby show on Disney
    >Rename Miles to "Spin" to better differentiate them for babies
    It's over Milebros.
    We'll never be the real Spiderman.

  106. 4 weeks ago

    Why is every white character in this game is evil? Why is the main villain a blonde man with blue eyes? That's the thing I wanna know.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Don't worry, I heard he has a "berg" in his family tree so now we can pretend they're not White.

  107. 4 weeks ago

    Stan Lee was a israelite. Marvel was a israelite ran company, why these so called Aryans are trying to lay claim to something that was never theirs i will never know. Oh wait, that is just typical Whitoid behavior.

  108. 4 weeks ago

    so happy about insomniac layoffs

  109. 4 weeks ago

    Why even bother adding subtitles when they are fricking small

  110. 4 weeks ago

    Have there been any stories where MJ is the host for the Venom Symbiote? Seems like an obvious thing to do.

  111. 4 weeks ago

    try reading a modern spider-man comic (not ultimate) and tell me there's a just god

  112. 4 weeks ago

    Why call Miles "Spider-Man"?
    Why should I do that?
    Why can't he be a new hero that was inspired by Spider-Man?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because nog worship is US's religion

  113. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      He dresses like he jobs to Kraven and Rhino in hopes they rape him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is so unintentionally racist that /misc/ could come up with a better costume just to "own the libs."

    • 4 weeks ago

      Reminds me of the Bayohomie webm

  114. 4 weeks ago

    imagine if every appearance of miles was mayday instead. The wokeshit ruined this world

    • 4 weeks ago

      At least Mayday's origin is unique, I'm not saying they can't make her insufferable, but by design she's not as bad as Miles is.
      >be bitten by Oscorp spider
      >get spider powers
      >uncle dies from gunshot
      >be daughter of Spider-Man
      >inherit spider powers from dad
      >dad retires from hero work because he lost a fricking leg

  115. 4 weeks ago

    Did they put the white peter in a white suit like some kind of kkk spiderman? Either way this looks completely moronic and isn't spider man.

  116. 4 weeks ago

    What is marvel's obsession with trying to replace their most popular character constantly? Is it all just because of the movie licence bullshit like with xmen?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes. Back in the day artists and wtiters actually kept rights to their work. This means Marvel has deals with "estates" so they pay fees off everything from merch to movies to those who are owned by artists and if theyre dead by their family. Two years ago Marvel finally got full rights to Spider man as in Peter Parker from Ditko estate. It was undisclosed settlement but it obviously was under table deal so they will just pay Ditkos family.

  117. 4 weeks ago

    Spider-verse happened and gave him some popularity and everyone has been running with it since. Of course they are also seeking to make Peter look bad by comparison much of the time to help. And yet he still lacks much of his own identity, to a point that the setup for the third game looks to have him fighting Norman and Ock despite neither of them even knowing him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Peter is still going to be in action. He’s confirmed at being played in the upcoming Venom spinoff.

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