>does not anticipate social media

>does not anticipate social media
>surveillance systems consist of cameras slowly moving from left to right, public space is almost completely CCTV-free, high security facilities are chock full of perfectly maintained vent shafts
>universal constructor
>the EMP ending not even uncle ted would buy
>sentient AI
>neural link that somehow doesn't pinpoint your location at all times for interested parties
>killswitch that can be activated but cannot be instantly detonated but it can be instantly disabled
>bad guys who can barely keep it together after different warring factions
>chinese mob bringing down exoskeleton troops with swords

The game is fun but its worldbuilding makes the immersion needed to believe in its dystopia impossible. Perhaps it's the globohomosexual hellscape that outed it as a complete misfire; if it was MGS 2, the bombing of the Statue of Liberty would be a holo-deepfake.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >surveillance systems consist of cameras slowly moving from left to right, public space is almost completely CCTV-free, high security facilities are chock full of perfectly maintained vent shafts
    i can see the other stuff but this one is like complaining that UAC keeps explosive barrels everywhere in its facilities

    • 2 years ago

      Why not? It makes any high-tech immersive seem immediately fail.

  2. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry the game didn't satisfy your schizophrenia enough OP

    • 2 years ago

      Lmfao underrated post

  3. 2 years ago

    >>does not anticipate social media
    It's got emails. Did you want a facebook minigame or something? Why does that matter to the game?

    systems consist of cameras slowly moving from left to right
    It's a stealth game. It would be impossible if cameras were omnipresent.

    • 2 years ago


      oh yeah, that

      >can have your boss sit at his table not reacting while you go through his computer

      • 2 years ago

        >can have your boss sit at his table not reacting while you go through his computer
        Black person if you want good AI go play Human Revolution, you're just nitpicking

        • 2 years ago

          HR has really stupid AI not sure what you're talking about.

  4. 2 years ago

    So, you are essentially another moron who compares video games to this bullshit called real life?
    Why don't you go into Ganker and complain some porn game doesn't let you catch virtual AIDS. Like, who would've thought.
    Yea, replied to a bait, whatever.

  5. 2 years ago

    >facilities are chock full of perfectly maintained vent shafts

    I hate this fricking trope so much.
    >here's a perfectly crafted unreal engine level, have fun.
    >also here's a fricking vent, skip it and go to the next area.

    • 2 years ago

      Stop being a homosexual and don’t use the vents

    • 2 years ago

      So you hate having more approaches to gameplay? stuff like multiple alternative routes and solutions for one specific problem is the building block of the immersive sim, it's reductive to act like taking away choice would somehow be of any benefit when the player could simply ignore it and take the more complex route. Simply put, if you don't like the vents, don't use them

    • 2 years ago


      >does not anticipate social media
      >surveillance systems consist of cameras slowly moving from left to right, public space is almost completely CCTV-free, high security facilities are chock full of perfectly maintained vent shafts
      >universal constructor
      >the EMP ending not even uncle ted would buy
      >sentient AI
      >neural link that somehow doesn't pinpoint your location at all times for interested parties
      >killswitch that can be activated but cannot be instantly detonated but it can be instantly disabled
      >bad guys who can barely keep it together after different warring factions
      >chinese mob bringing down exoskeleton troops with swords

      The game is fun but its worldbuilding makes the immersion needed to believe in its dystopia impossible. Perhaps it's the globohomosexual hellscape that outed it as a complete misfire; if it was MGS 2, the bombing of the Statue of Liberty would be a holo-deepfake.

      You would prefer if they crawled through the vent instead? Like it or not but a vent has to be accessible by a human so people can perform maintenance on them.

  6. 2 years ago

    Anon the game is very tongue in cheek, it's not trying to do social commentary so much as cramming as much conspiracy theories as it can into its plot.
    The grays you mention are eventually revealed (I can't remember where at the moment) to be the result of genetic manipulation of cattle. Does that not sound at least a bit humorous to you?

    • 2 years ago

      This game and MGS are a byproduct from the huge wave of conspiracy movies and shows during the time. It's just gaming wasn't as big as TV or Movies at the time so they stand out where as stuff like Men in Black and X-files are kinda forgotten about.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not going to disagree, but with Deus Ex at least you can tell that Spector etc had enough self awareness to realise the whole plot was fundamentally a melange of b-movie clichés, whereas Kojima plays it 100% straight (maybe with some terrible slapstick in-between).
        To me this makes Deus Ex stand out positively among other similar games. You can understand how silly the plot is and still enjoy it, because the devs understood it as well, whereas MGS is a rollercoaster of embarrassment if you are above 15.

        • 2 years ago

          B-movie style plots are always the most entertaining when played completely straight though, regardless of it's intentional or not. The MGS games are B-game kino and I love when you can tell that the whole game originates from one mind and their stream of consciousness. All the morons who unironically think Kojima writes some kind of high art unparallelled in vidya are annoying thougg needs to read some good books

    • 2 years ago

      Its been a long time since I played though it but I think that happens at Area 51

      Isn't the Google AI sentient?

      Its gotten really good at having a conversation. There is no proof its actually capable of sentiency. Googles aim is go from a search engine company to an answer engine.

      btw I never played the pic (simply because a friend of mine, a huge fan of the original game, hated it and discouraged me from checking Invisible War out; also back in the day most people I was acquainted with on web-forums disliked it just as much)
      and only now I find out that DEIW was a huge commercial success (as opposed to DE1)

      Its an okay game but just lacks the depth and immersion of the original. Perfectly fine action RPG to play on the Xbox or a retro PC. When the original had big complicated spaces to explore Deus Ex 2 can feel cramped and uninteresting level designs. Its worth playing just cut it some slack.


      >does not anticipate social media
      >surveillance systems consist of cameras slowly moving from left to right, public space is almost completely CCTV-free, high security facilities are chock full of perfectly maintained vent shafts
      >universal constructor
      >the EMP ending not even uncle ted would buy
      >sentient AI
      >neural link that somehow doesn't pinpoint your location at all times for interested parties
      >killswitch that can be activated but cannot be instantly detonated but it can be instantly disabled
      >bad guys who can barely keep it together after different warring factions
      >chinese mob bringing down exoskeleton troops with swords

      The game is fun but its worldbuilding makes the immersion needed to believe in its dystopia impossible. Perhaps it's the globohomosexual hellscape that outed it as a complete misfire; if it was MGS 2, the bombing of the Statue of Liberty would be a holo-deepfake.

      Social media is defined as content sharing and communication, a blog is social media the same way twitter is social media. A forum is social media, the games bulletin system and emails are social media. It didn't have to predict what was already in the game and shown to be full of astroturfing to confuse the public on issues.

  7. 2 years ago

    Isn't the Google AI sentient?

    • 2 years ago

      OpenAI is a scam employing thousands of low paid "content curators" aka 1984 Winstons.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you serious? Computers cannot be sentient, they can only 'act' through the input humans give them, however complex that may be. Your calculator also doesn't "understand" calculations.

      Frick, I just realized in the not so far away future we're going to have a lot of people think AI has become sentient.

  8. 2 years ago

    This was literally from a time when conspiracy theory media was immensely, hopelessly optimistic that being exposed actually did anything to government conspiracies. You can't make this again because it's not believable that anyone had to operate in secret doing even the most shady shit. FEMA and UNATCO run by evil corporations, with guns and assassins, instead of the government, is tuesday's news cycle quickly buried. The whole government works for the corporation? Yes, and? Everyone already knows that. The corporations are collaborating in a directed way with actual outcomes for the human race in their minds? IF FRICKING ONLY!

  9. 2 years ago

    >>does not anticipate social media

    Neither did any science fiction written in the 20th century. They had every chance too with endless Star trek, Doctor Who, books and comics and not a single mention about it. Also barely a note about the rise of trannies a decade later. Seems sci-fi writers aren't great at predicting the future.

    • 2 years ago

      a kind of social media, with smartphones, professional influencers and mass skype calls was predicted in Pohl's "Age of the Pussyfoot", 1965.
      in general though, social media is an extension of gossip and celebrity worship culture, plenty of books on that.
      troony shit was used in post-human context by writers like Greg Egan, who also then ridiculed it in his "Teranesia", 1999.

      also OP is a gay

    • 2 years ago

      >Also barely a note about the rise of trannies a decade later.
      You clearly didn't read the same books as I did. Transgender identity and transhuman technology have been staples of science-fiction since at least the 1960s. It got even more prevalent with the rise of cyberpunk.

  10. 2 years ago

    >anticipates 09/11
    >anticipates covid
    Thats ‘nuff for me. No one managed to anticipate social media, maybe Lain?

  11. 2 years ago

    it's literally just pulp fic.

    /pol/tards treat it like it's prophetic or something, but in reality the devs just made a generic cyberpunk thriller and included some references to contemporary political thought/conspiracy theories for flavour

    • 2 years ago

      /pol/chads own your brain cuck


      • 2 years ago

        >/pol/ack still thinks Ganker isnt one huge troll

        • 2 years ago

          >he actually took the bait

    • 2 years ago

      >its another "hurr Deus Ex is real life, elon musk is bob page and gray death is covid!!!11" moron, only in reverse
      Quit fricking comparing this game to real life - it was never supposed to mimick it or predict anything
      This is coming from a person whose favorite game is DX1, I think this game has perfect story to gameplay ratio that no game ever has come close too and its absolutely amazing - even so, like and

      This game and MGS are a byproduct from the huge wave of conspiracy movies and shows during the time. It's just gaming wasn't as big as TV or Movies at the time so they stand out where as stuff like Men in Black and X-files are kinda forgotten about.

      said: DX1 and mgs have good stories but if you compare them to movies and books its pretty much pulp, nothing wrong with that but it is what it is. They are genius games that both have distinct worldbuilding style and gameplay that fuses well with it

      • 2 years ago

        Is this a bot post?

        • 2 years ago

          Nevermind I got confused because I thought you were responding to me and saying the opposite of what I was saying.

  12. 2 years ago

    btw I never played the pic (simply because a friend of mine, a huge fan of the original game, hated it and discouraged me from checking Invisible War out; also back in the day most people I was acquainted with on web-forums disliked it just as much)
    and only now I find out that DEIW was a huge commercial success (as opposed to DE1)

    • 2 years ago

      it's only a failure if compared to the original, if you don't sperg over the excessive streamlining it's plot and characters have the same dna as the original

    • 2 years ago

      >and only now I find out that DEIW was a huge commercial success (as opposed to DE1)
      Where are you getting that? DX kept Ion Storm Austin afloat; DXIW killed the studio and even made them rename Deus Ex: Clan Wars into Project: Snowblind because the name had been so badly tarnished.

  13. 2 years ago

    OP is literally autistic.

  14. 2 years ago

    dumb Black person

  15. 2 years ago

    >does not anticipate social media
    You mean it didn't make a point to reference it. JC had better things to do with his time than to upload selfies to instagram, and most of the other characters in the game would have always avoided it to stay anonymous.

  16. 2 years ago

    It predicted the Meme War, that's good enough

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