Doggies are coming

Doggies are coming

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    expand adventure mode

  2. 10 months ago

    expand Wendy's womb

    • 10 months ago

      my homie

  3. 10 months ago

    Are there any other games that just keep you 100% busy all the time like this one? It's fricking nuts but I love it.

    • 10 months ago

      >keep you 100% busy all the time like this one

      Anon, 90% of winter is sitting waiting for spring by the fire.

      • 10 months ago

        have you ever crafted a thermal stone?

        • 10 months ago

          > Bro lmao just craft a thermal stone and set half a forest on fire every 5 minutes haha

          Wow what a fun gameplay, and all so you can get killed by a hunting party because outside of mining ice there's nothing to do in winter.

          • 10 months ago

            >set half a forest on fire every 5 minutes
            wtf are you doing?

          • 10 months ago

            >not trashing the hunting party as soon as possible to get the hat
            sounds like a git gud situation to me

          • 10 months ago

            >getting filtered by mactusks
            they're easy to kill, just chase the fat one and he eventually will just casually walk back to his igloo giving you free attacks. Also at least wear a pigskin helmet when you think you're near danger, that way you don't get 2 shotted by everything

          • 10 months ago

            >He hasn't explored the map, crafted warm shit, set up a few firepits around the map, and located nearby walrus camps by winter
            The frick do you do all autumn?

            • 10 months ago

              >The frick do you do all autumn?


          • 10 months ago

            Dude just plant spider cocoons around mactusk's base.
            Free teeth and sticky traps so the frickers can't get away.

          • 10 months ago

            Bro? Your Breezy/Puffy Vest and Beefalo Hat?

          • 10 months ago

            >he doesn't hunt mactusks
            Talk about a skill issue

      • 10 months ago

        >t. shitter that stays at the base and does nothing except eat all the food
        Winter is the busiest season.

      • 10 months ago

        bro your walking canes? your ice? your klaus?

    • 10 months ago

      busy how? make pig farm and press f for everything else

      • 10 months ago

        You have to worry about procuring items for short and long term survival. Like getting good weapons and set up locations to fight the bosses, prepare revival effigies, get cooking ingredients, hunting, prepare for dog raids, watch out for ents, plant trees, plant crops, explore the alternative overworlds. Even sailing or village management depending on the version you're playing. Other survival games get boring because you have not much to do after you have some means of farming food and water. In DS it's only what opens up the door for surviving enough to get killed by bosses or other nightmares

    • 10 months ago

      Oxygen Not Included.
      I would also say Rimworld, but the game can be pretty chill once your whole base is fully set up.

  4. 10 months ago

    game is ok but when the dumbass one eyed big giant ass monster spawns and destroys my camp i lose interest in playing

    • 10 months ago

      You can kite him away from it and he loses aggro (or you can just kill him, dumbass)

  5. 10 months ago

    what's a good beginning strategy? I kinda don't want to beat the game and just putter around enjoying life in this hell hole

    • 10 months ago

      a good beginning to what?

      • 10 months ago

        just starting a new run in general

        • 10 months ago

          i never played the game so i don't know. but hope this helped

          • 10 months ago

            Beautiful fricker.

          • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Locating non movable resources and basing as close as possible to all of them

    • 10 months ago

      >spend first few days exploring around and set up small outposts near wormholes, pig king, and other landmarks
      >don't even bother making a camp fire unless you're mass cooking food; just explore at night with the torch so you can get as much of the map revealed as you can
      >your primary mission is to gather supplies to survive winter. this means: clothes, food, and a thermal stone
      >wear armor as much as possible when getting in fights. football helm and log helmet each block 80% damage

  6. 10 months ago

    Did this have an eventual endgame? I don't think I ever played it for more than 3-4 hours.

    • 10 months ago

      there's a shitton. tl;dr even beating the boss of the cave ruins is still baby tier. beating the bee queen boss of the multiplayer game (DST) is the threshold for non-newbie

      there are two types of don't starve players

      90% are the ones who wonder if there is any endgame, can't fight any bosses, get confused, die and quit the game

      10% are the autistic hardcore shitbergs who play the game for 10000 hours, learn how to optimally kite every boss and can kill them on day negative 3 without breaking a sweat

      sadly klei tends to push out a lot of content for the latter crowd. there's some notion of "git gud" but it gets drowned out by this game requiring you to spend a ton of time grinding if you don't know how to fight the bosses efficiently. you don't need a ton of armor or weapons or consumables IF you know what to do, but if you don't, you'll flounder and lose all your shit. then you have to look for touchstones, recover your lost items, etc. it's certainly hardcore but very miserable

      • 10 months ago

        the fighting mechanics in this game are simply unfun so the only people who stick around to learn them are turboautists. they should use some of forge's mechanics to make it more fun.

        • 10 months ago

          i do wish the devs reduced the hp of the bosses a little. The problem is the balance of DST is designed for multiplayer, without any regard for how many players are actually present. With 6 players every boss is a joke because you can gangbang them, whereas 1-2 players have to work their asses off. I'm a little surprised they havent looked into boss HP scaling yet

      • 10 months ago

        Do you think that the game could benefit from something like Terraria's soft/medium/hardcore settings?
        If you're unfamiliar, softcore means you don't drop any items when you die, mediumcore means you drop all your items, and hardcore is perma-death.

        • 10 months ago

          the game would definitely benefit from that. Honestly i think the better permanent solution would be to introduce stuff that lowers lategame grind. If i'm working to try and defeat the scary boss XXXX with my ruins enchanted equipment, why do i still have to spend so much time gathering food, collecting twigs and grass, etc. It just becomes a drag that increases the barrier of difficulty for re-trying a boss.

          they sort of did this with bundling wrap: beat bee queen? congrats, you can store food items forever, which solves spoilage issues (sort of). i would have liked to see more of that in some way or another.

  7. 10 months ago

    What is the best place to set up a base and what day should i set it up?
    I've setting up near beefalos because you can get fertilizers easily and how you have the beefalos kill the hounds

    • 10 months ago

      I always park it next to a sinkhole to double the amount of immediate space around me.

    • 10 months ago

      As someone who has played 200+ hours (so still a newbie), there is no best base location. Near beefalo is probably the smartest option for newer players. Other good places are deciduous biome (cats for meat, pig king for gold), swamps (lots of resources), deserts. Find something close to 3+ of these an a decent wormhole and you should immediately make your base there.

      there's a shitton. tl;dr even beating the boss of the cave ruins is still baby tier. beating the bee queen boss of the multiplayer game (DST) is the threshold for non-newbie

      there are two types of don't starve players

      90% are the ones who wonder if there is any endgame, can't fight any bosses, get confused, die and quit the game

      10% are the autistic hardcore shitbergs who play the game for 10000 hours, learn how to optimally kite every boss and can kill them on day negative 3 without breaking a sweat

      sadly klei tends to push out a lot of content for the latter crowd. there's some notion of "git gud" but it gets drowned out by this game requiring you to spend a ton of time grinding if you don't know how to fight the bosses efficiently. you don't need a ton of armor or weapons or consumables IF you know what to do, but if you don't, you'll flounder and lose all your shit. then you have to look for touchstones, recover your lost items, etc. it's certainly hardcore but very miserable

      Heed this man's words, as they are all 100% correct. Klei has never, at any point in time, had any idea how to design this game. They just stack on more content because they can and that's it. My only extra input to this is, if you play this game, play it with some real life friends completely blind, no guide. Enjoy that fun until you get fed up with it and either drop it completely or become the turbo autist wiki-master the game demands you to be.

      >beat boss
      >most rewards are shit or break
      why bother?

      I mostly disagree with this. Nonperishable packables, easymode rain/sun, fridge backpack, tornado weapons, most of that stuff is great. Except for the crab king. What the frick were they thinking?

      • 10 months ago

        there's a shitton. tl;dr even beating the boss of the cave ruins is still baby tier. beating the bee queen boss of the multiplayer game (DST) is the threshold for non-newbie

        there are two types of don't starve players

        90% are the ones who wonder if there is any endgame, can't fight any bosses, get confused, die and quit the game

        10% are the autistic hardcore shitbergs who play the game for 10000 hours, learn how to optimally kite every boss and can kill them on day negative 3 without breaking a sweat

        sadly klei tends to push out a lot of content for the latter crowd. there's some notion of "git gud" but it gets drowned out by this game requiring you to spend a ton of time grinding if you don't know how to fight the bosses efficiently. you don't need a ton of armor or weapons or consumables IF you know what to do, but if you don't, you'll flounder and lose all your shit. then you have to look for touchstones, recover your lost items, etc. it's certainly hardcore but very miserable

        I got filtered by their other game Oxygen not included. Was able to get to the top layer, harvest oil and stuff from the bottom, but everything was so tedious I just stopped playing

  8. 10 months ago

    Got like 5 or 6 GIANT trees around my base(the ones you get from the sea), plenty of shade and lightning protection. Then quit the game because the underground hunt for the artifacts is dumb and mindnumbing. Theulicite and its related crafting shit is such a bad addition to the game. There was nothing else to do in the game anyway

  9. 10 months ago

    wurt (la forma de victorian) a cute

    • 10 months ago

      >still missing a few spools to get this skin
      >too tired to grind the 4 boxes per week for double digit spools
      Frick tencent.

  10. 10 months ago

    >beat boss
    >most rewards are shit or break
    why bother?

    • 10 months ago

      to prove that you are not a b***h

    • 10 months ago

      Nothing comes to mind, they're mostly great and you're stupid

  11. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Am I the only one who hates this?

      • 10 months ago

        no, far from it actually

        • 10 months ago

          Thank God

    • 10 months ago

      Real OTP

      • 10 months ago

        Only played the original don't starve.
        But I think Wendy deserves some womb pats

        Need to see these 2 ladies with big knockers

  12. 10 months ago

    the game still feels ass to play because you need to turn off lag compensation to do optimal combat. i have no idea why they need the server to confirm everything when they could just have an option to trust player clients and cut off most of the latency.
    terraria does this shit and it can handle multiplayer with literal bullet hells pretty well.

    • 10 months ago

      >turn off lag compensation
      will this do anything when playing with my 113 ping bros? i have a friend who hosts and there's a noticeable delay in the hit registration vs reaction

  13. 10 months ago

    Make it clear what each world setting does, please.

    • 10 months ago

      What's not clear, dingwad

  14. 10 months ago

    I only play Wilson. Make it past the first winter. Start new run. Repeat.

    • 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago

    >early 1920's
    >no WW1 veteran character

  16. 10 months ago

    Why did they abandon singleplayer bros

    • 10 months ago

      So they can milk together out of money.
      At least we got a whooping 3 expansions out of singleplayer though.

  17. 10 months ago

    Should I play Don't Starve or Dont Starve Together?

    • 10 months ago

      If I already have DST is it worth it to get the original to play solo?

      the confusion between the two games (and the dlc for the first one) is actually sumthin that i've seen stop a lot of people from trying it at all pretty often, so i'll break it down real quick

      don't starve does not get major updates anymore, and it is by far a lot simpler mechanics-wise in a lot of ways. DST has done a lot to differentiate every character (like half of them have a unique meter tied to them or something) and has started adding whole perk trees to them. whereas in base Don't Starve you can kinda just play as whoever you want, their traits are (mostly) much more minor. The game has a kinda strangely implemented story mode, where a door spawns in your world that leads into the story mode portion of the game. the story mode is brutal as hell but fun if you know how to play the game. it periodically gets small quality of life patches that implement some things that became the norm in DST overtime, like adding beefalo taming or a way to regenerate a specific area to make the resources in it renewable. However, they never made the crafting UI suck less like in DST.

      Reign of Giants is like, necessary for playing og Dont Starve in my opinion, it's just kinda Don't Starve but better, it adds a lot. and if you're used to DST, you will hate playing without it. Even if you own it, you can choose to use old world gen at world creation. You can still find the story mode entrance in RoG worlds, btw.

      Shipwrecked and Hamlet are WEIRD and are super confusing from the outside looking in. They are not necessary in the SLIGHTEST because they are entirely different world types with their own unique seasons, recipes, bosses, everything. You can't even reach story mode from them. they're super fun to mess with if you get bored of RoG world gen, and if you are coming from DST, you're playing singleplayer for these DLCs or the story mode. Or you just prefer the old days of characters not havin like a million bells and whistles, that's cool too.

      • 10 months ago

        couldn't fit it, but to quickly describe DST for this guy, it can kinda be described as "what if reign of giants never stopped updating".

        it uses the same basic world gen as Reign, but it has way more mechanics and bosses. The game is also scaled to a point where it's pretty much always expecting there to be at least 3 or 4 players, everything has at least double the health and every boss that is new to the game is a SPONGE, you'll need a LOT of healing and weapons to fight them alone unless you're a god at the game. Anything that was like a small afterthought in RoG like farming or fishing became a whole friggin system, and the ocean is now a thing that can be interacted with (though currently theres only 3 islands and one biome accessible by it, it's not as cool as shipwrecked, if you wanna be a pirate, play that one).

        the MOST notable thing about DST is that the devs kinda got a crush on games like terraria and never looked back. characters are way more different and will require you to learn a lot more to play them well, the game has become SUPER focused on that "boss checklist" type of structure terraria has, and this year's wave of updates seem very fixated on trying to recreate the back half of terraria where things power scale, bad stuff happens to your world, and there's like "classes". characters also have started getting perk trees. I'll refrain from giving my own opinions on all these changes, just letting you know where they're bringing it currently.

        Thanks, one more question though. Can I play Dont Starve Together as a singleplayer? Don't have any friends.

        • 10 months ago

          yeah, you can. when starting a world you can just set it to "local" and you're set. it even adds back in the ability to pause while you're alone.

          DST also has a lot of accessibility stuff, the game always has in the sense of being able to tamper with how hellish your world is to survive in, but they also added stuff like a gamemode where you keep your world on death and just respawn with a health penalty, or one where you can't die to passive damage (like starving ironically). I honestly do at this point just reccomend getting DST and getting the singleplayer if you vibe with it, DST is a lot easier to get into than the original for a lot of reasons, and it also comes with a free extra copy in case you do end up making a friend. or you could sell it for tf2 keys or something.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, a lot of people play it solo for the added challenge and every boss is beatable.
          It's not without flaws though, since it's an always online game you're basically playing on your own server and there's a very slight delay for your movement and pickups (you can make the game stop lying to your by turning off predictable movement or something in the settings can't remember).
          If you're just starting out I'd recommend you play the original DS + RoG dlc as a base to learn all the mechanics without hugely inflated mob HP.

        • 10 months ago

          If you're going to play solo I recommand installing the mod that scales bosses' health depending on the number of player, most vanilla DST bosses are balanced around a party of 4 fighting them and fighting them solo will take you an eternity

    • 10 months ago

      the confusion between the two games (and the dlc for the first one) is actually sumthin that i've seen stop a lot of people from trying it at all pretty often, so i'll break it down real quick

      don't starve does not get major updates anymore, and it is by far a lot simpler mechanics-wise in a lot of ways. DST has done a lot to differentiate every character (like half of them have a unique meter tied to them or something) and has started adding whole perk trees to them. whereas in base Don't Starve you can kinda just play as whoever you want, their traits are (mostly) much more minor. The game has a kinda strangely implemented story mode, where a door spawns in your world that leads into the story mode portion of the game. the story mode is brutal as hell but fun if you know how to play the game. it periodically gets small quality of life patches that implement some things that became the norm in DST overtime, like adding beefalo taming or a way to regenerate a specific area to make the resources in it renewable. However, they never made the crafting UI suck less like in DST.

      Reign of Giants is like, necessary for playing og Dont Starve in my opinion, it's just kinda Don't Starve but better, it adds a lot. and if you're used to DST, you will hate playing without it. Even if you own it, you can choose to use old world gen at world creation. You can still find the story mode entrance in RoG worlds, btw.

      Shipwrecked and Hamlet are WEIRD and are super confusing from the outside looking in. They are not necessary in the SLIGHTEST because they are entirely different world types with their own unique seasons, recipes, bosses, everything. You can't even reach story mode from them. they're super fun to mess with if you get bored of RoG world gen, and if you are coming from DST, you're playing singleplayer for these DLCs or the story mode. Or you just prefer the old days of characters not havin like a million bells and whistles, that's cool too.

      couldn't fit it, but to quickly describe DST for this guy, it can kinda be described as "what if reign of giants never stopped updating".

      it uses the same basic world gen as Reign, but it has way more mechanics and bosses. The game is also scaled to a point where it's pretty much always expecting there to be at least 3 or 4 players, everything has at least double the health and every boss that is new to the game is a SPONGE, you'll need a LOT of healing and weapons to fight them alone unless you're a god at the game. Anything that was like a small afterthought in RoG like farming or fishing became a whole friggin system, and the ocean is now a thing that can be interacted with (though currently theres only 3 islands and one biome accessible by it, it's not as cool as shipwrecked, if you wanna be a pirate, play that one).

      the MOST notable thing about DST is that the devs kinda got a crush on games like terraria and never looked back. characters are way more different and will require you to learn a lot more to play them well, the game has become SUPER focused on that "boss checklist" type of structure terraria has, and this year's wave of updates seem very fixated on trying to recreate the back half of terraria where things power scale, bad stuff happens to your world, and there's like "classes". characters also have started getting perk trees. I'll refrain from giving my own opinions on all these changes, just letting you know where they're bringing it currently.

      • 10 months ago

        >bringing the absolutely worst part of Terraria to your game
        Holy Black folk.

  18. 10 months ago

    Wilson is cute

    • 10 months ago

      wilson gets mogged by wagGOD

      • 10 months ago

        Wagstaff isn't cute so no, he does not

  19. 10 months ago

    >Survival gameplay is boring as frick
    >Toejam and Earl inspired Thing finding quest (the actual gameplay) doesn't exist in Don't Starve 2 Get Her.
    >They haven't even bothered to implement the actual ending in the sequel yet and probably never will
    >The only real persistent threat that actively goes after you is hounds and that caps out at 7-10 hounds

  20. 10 months ago

    If I already have DST is it worth it to get the original to play solo?

  21. 10 months ago

    I've barely ever touched sailing and cave exploration, any tips for those?

    • 10 months ago

      Lanterns are amazing. You can do shit without having to hold a torch in your hands. Start hoarding lanterns while you're down there.

    • 10 months ago

      caves are pretty easy, just make a lantern first and foremost, and you can keep yourself pretty sustained from just carrots that grow, or if you're desparate the lichen that grows near the ruins. you can also heal pretty great from blue mushrooms if you're not afraid of shadows or are just a willow main. never go caving in winter or early spring, go caving way more in summer.

      sailing is a lot more stressful, as a lot more can go wrong, make sure to bring boat patches. sails and steering wheels and all that are mostly if you get REALLY into sailing, you will get by way better most of the time with just driftwood oars. if you ever do feel the need to upgrade your boat, make sure to protect it with bumpers, cuz it'll be a lot harder to stop quickly when you aren't manually paddling. if you go sailing in spring, shove a lightning rod on your boat.

      • 10 months ago

        >eating vegies
        Ewww, I only play Wigfrid

        • 10 months ago

          ohh okay. for you, you should probably just prepack some easy to get filling meat items like honey hams or meaty stews. if you need more food, bunnymen can sometimes drop meat, but it isn't consistent. depths worms will come after you periodically, and they drop monster meat if you're super desperate.

          >blue mushrooms
          >scared of having to deal with shadows while in caves
          Cook green mushrooms, casual. Even if you can't fight them you can easily avoid them.

          right, yeah. honestly i tend to just play in a way where i'm basically constantly insane unless i'm chugging cooked cactus for a boss, but yeah, keeping cooked greencaps around in caves is good advice.

          • 10 months ago

            >depths worms will come after you periodically, and they drop monster meat if you're super desperate.
            Finally some good fricking food, thanks

      • 10 months ago

        >blue mushrooms
        >scared of having to deal with shadows while in caves
        Cook green mushrooms, casual. Even if you can't fight them you can easily avoid them.

  22. 10 months ago

    Revert Wolfgang changes
    Its called Don't Starve but now theres so many food sources its fricking impossible to actually starve
    Wolfgang must consume to restore balance

  23. 10 months ago

    >you can still cheese the moose and its moslings by just waiting for a frog rain
    Someone at Klei must really like frogs

  24. 10 months ago

    I want to play a fusion of both of these games, Don't Starve gameplay's in the FFCC universe. (but with actually good non-jank combat, both of these game's combat are kinda ass)
    I'm sure Square Enix could've made something like this if they weren't so pozzed.

    • 10 months ago

      Lol why is maxwell absent from that cover art?
      Isn't he a playable character in the game?

    • 10 months ago

      the FFCC remaster was a fricking tragedy.
      I hope Square Enix fricking drowns in their own shit. Fricking Japs deserve a third nuke. We need Oppenheimer back at it again.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah I've seen that it was awful, they didn't even bother to remake the controls, I would've bought myself a switch just to play it again with my sister if it was good.

  25. 10 months ago

    Only played the original don't starve.
    But I think Wendy deserves some womb pats

  26. 10 months ago

    >read the attack pattern of this boss on the wiki or lose your whole progress
    the game.

  27. 10 months ago

    When are they going to add the pig city from Hamlet DLC into Together?

    • 10 months ago

      honestly don't think anything from hamlet will ever get in. we'll be lucky if they eventually add some of the shipwrecked stuff to the ocean in dst, but even that seems unlikely.

      would love if at some point they make the shipwrecked and hamlet world types available in dst, but they seem way more focused in the whole shadows and gestalts plot they got goin on to even start thinking about something like that.

  28. 10 months ago

    >a Don't Starve thread that's nearing 100+ posts
    Impressive, wasn't expecting that
    How many hours of playtime do you need to actually get good?
    I feel like 1000+ hours is still not enough

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly I feel like it's impossible to get good in this game without some sore of online guide to keep up with everything.
      It's much worse in together since so much of the content and bosses are almost impossible to find blind.
      I really hope they add some sort of guide character or fortune teller that acts as the ingame wiki

    • 10 months ago

      I'm at 200+ hours and I still die to stupid bullshit like tentacles, shadows, or even hunger when I play Warly.

    • 10 months ago

      >I feel like 1000+ hours is still not enough
      I stopped playing around the time they made the boats but I have 700 hours and I had basically mastered the game and could reliably go from nothing to Fuelweaver before Autumn ended with Wes and didn't struggle much with bosses save for fricking Klaus when he decides to not fall for the deer cheese.

  29. 10 months ago

    god i fricking hate the new "tech trees"

  30. 10 months ago

    My only problem is being reluctant to go around during winter and summer because I don't know when a giant is going to show up. I don't even care about the personal risk I just hate the possibility they'll mess up my base. Especially the dragonfly frick that guy.

    • 10 months ago

      >I don't know when a giant is going to show up
      You can hear the Deerclop breathing loudly 1-2 days before he comes if I remember right, no?
      If you're in Together he's in a set spot, if you're in normal DS, I actually don't remember but he isn't going to attack you as long as he's got food.

      • 10 months ago

        The breathing is more like half a day, enough time to get to a good spot but not enough to spare me if I'm caught with my pants down. As for the Dragonfly I've had him show up and burn down my base just off-screen at least twice now.

        • 10 months ago

          He usually spawns around day 30 for me and it's never been an issue, by the time he spawns I got enough of the map explored to move around quickly with wormholes or I got a cane to get back home quickly.

          Currently pirating DST and have the mod ready that makes everything have single player HP. I've fricked around on RoG so I know the gist of the mechanics but never survived more than about a year.

          What am I in for?

          Pure suffering, or maybe not that much if you have less HP mods.
          You'll suffer plenty if you meddle with the bosses though.

  31. 10 months ago

    Currently pirating DST and have the mod ready that makes everything have single player HP. I've fricked around on RoG so I know the gist of the mechanics but never survived more than about a year.

    What am I in for?

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