Doing a Mega Man marathon and I've hit the PS1 X games.

Doing a Mega Man marathon and I've hit the PS1 X games. I know at this point they have multiple characters to play as. Which characters give the highest difficulty? I would think Zero, since he's close range and gets less upgrades. Or maybe I'll just play with both characters to compare, not sure yet.
Anyway, MMX thread?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I know I'm jumping the gun, but in X5 starting with Zero means intentionally fricking over yourself, since you can swap characters between stages.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh yeah, I have heard that in X5, you wanna start with X to get some otherwise missable upgrades. Should've clarified.

      • 2 years ago

        Ironically in X4's case though, I feel X is Easy Mode while Zero is Normal Mode. The balance is wack, but because it's enjoyable enough I forgive it.
        X6 is brutally difficult, but the more you replay it and how to dance around the bullshit, it somehow becomes more enjoyable.

        Please skip X7. Please. You'll hate the franchise otherwise.

        • 2 years ago

          man x4 is great. I think the playstyles are different enough its worth playing through with both. I think zero is more challenging.

          >Please skip X7. Please. You'll hate the franchise otherwise.
          ahaha truth. sigh not gonna lie for me legacy collection part 2 was not worth it.... if you're not enjoying x5 I'd say just skip to mega man zero

          • 2 years ago

            >sigh not gonna lie for me legacy collection part 2 was not worth it
            I absolutely love X8 since I played the original PC port back in 2006 and I believe X6 gets more enjoyable each playthrough as you learn how to dance around things like not going for Mijinion first. Yes, it's easier to get Zero there, but the trade off isn't good since it summons the Nightmare Darkness on Turtloid and Yammark. I have a soft spot for X6.

            Thing is, X6, for all it's faults, still runs on the X4 engine, it's snappy and responsive. X7 is just a miserable piece of shit, frick Value Wave. I know it's cool to hate Inafune and all, but him leaving MMZ after ZX3 and going back to overlook X8 was such a drastic change in quality, I can't believe it's still Value Wave.

            Incidentally, this is such a small detail but I got the Japanese Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 because I simply love the actual sung intros for X6 to X8. I have a really soft spot for Janne Da Arc. Anyway, I got it mainly to have X8 on a handheld console.

            • 2 years ago

              RIP Janne Da Arc. I assume you should already know, but they dissolved the band on 2019 after years of hiatus.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, I'm aware but I wonder what ka-yu did that fricking took down the band. Slept with an underage groupie, maybe?

                And it doesn't help yasu also halted Acid Black Cherry after 2012 because something happened to his vocal cords, so we don't get more ABC as a consolation price.

                >ABC on an hypothetical X9

          • 2 years ago

            >man x4 is great. I think the playstyles are different enough its worth playing through with both. I think zero is more challenging.
            X4 is the only good X game, and one of the best games of the 90s if not THEE best.

            • 2 years ago

              4 is mediocre 1 is GOAT.

            • 2 years ago

              >X4 is the only good X game
              X4 is good but how the frick can someone only like X4? X1 and X2 are masterpieces too, imo much better than the less platform-y X4.

              • 2 years ago

                X3 (SNES) is objectively better than all of those in every regard, especially in gameplay. Look up what "objectively" means if you're confused about what I mean.

            • 2 years ago

              Replay X1, not as good as 4 but saying it isn’t good is moronic

              • 2 years ago

                I disagree, I find X1 to be more enjoyable than X4. I replay both games a plenty but I find himself going back to X1 the most, both on SNES and the PSP remake on my Vita.

          • 2 years ago

            > if you're not enjoying x5 I'd say just skip to mega man zero
            No, don't skip X8

        • 2 years ago

          X is easier if you don't know what you're doing but Zero can make mincemeat of the bosses in seconds if you know the exploits. So the difficulty flips as you get better.

        • 2 years ago

          >X is Easy Mode
          Zero is absolutely broken in the PS1 games. X is more difficult to play as.

  2. 2 years ago

    I've only ever played X1-4 and they're all nice and straight forward games. When people start talking about 5 and 6 I feel like my brain is going to melt with all this reploid saving, stage order minmaxing, missable item, rank system craziness.

    • 2 years ago

      X6 has a glitch in stages such as Wolfang's where he takes no damage making reploid rescuing easier. X5's reploid rescue is barebones they're glorified health pickups.

  3. 2 years ago

    X4 is harder with Zero, but I think X5 and X6 are harder with X. I think Axl is the worst in X7 and probably X8, but I never played too much of those

  4. 2 years ago

    If you play normally X is definitely easier in X4 and Zero is harder. Zero has some op attacks hidden behind button combos but most of them aren't ever really that helpful. However, if you abuse game mechanics you can use a technique called dash canceling which deals a huge amount of damage and can sometimes stun lock enemies. It trivializes most of the game and would recommend you don't do it. Speed running is different but at that point you're shitting on the game's difficulty anyways. X4 is pretty easy as is.

    • 2 years ago

      It also doesn't help one of the upgrades you get gives you unlimited ammo.

  5. 2 years ago

    X is easier in X4, but harder in X5-6. I think Axl is the hardest in X7-X8, but I’m just not into those so I haven’t played much of either.

    I marathoned the X series last year and it was my first time playing X4-6. I couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed X4-6. I loved the first 3 on SNES as a kid Idk why it took me so long to check out the others.

    Something that really annoyed me about X4 though was X’s voice, both in the game and in the cutscenes. I don’t know why they picked a girl to do it, it came across as really annoying and cringy. But I quickly got over it because the gameplay is just so good.

    Many will disagree with me, but I actually prefer the X series to all of the other Megaman games

    • 2 years ago

      > Nooo!! This isn't happening!! There's no reason for me to go on! What… What am I fighting for?!
      kino voice acting

    • 2 years ago

      at least the girl sounded cute, unlike another game

    • 2 years ago

      X7 is a miserable experience no matter the character. Axl is X without a charge shot and the A Trans is super situational. Zero's Z-Saber is extremely short, slow and sluggy to use, not satisfying at all.
      You unlock X and the charge shot does nothing to salvage the game, it's still awful.

      X8 did the right thing turning Axl into the team's Bass. Rapidfire + aiming works really well to make him stand out.

    • 2 years ago

      When it comes to Megaman. I've only ever cared about and X (at least up to 6) and Battle Network. Don't really care for anything else. Is Starforce any good?

      • 2 years ago

        Star Force is the X series to BN's classic, unfortunately the story of SF2 was so half-baked it killed the series prospect despite SF1 having a good story and SF3 being amazing. Gameplay wise it's nice and keeps improving every installment.

  6. 2 years ago

    Megaman X is easier in X4 since his Force Armor upgrade gives him unlimited weapon ammo, a huge ass plasma shot, and the ability to hover and air dash. Zero is harder for that game.

    Megaman X is also easier in X5 since he starts with the Force Armor. If you pick Zero you miss out on the Force Armor making his route really difficult.

    For X6 neither character is easier than the other which is why I think it's the best one. I personally prefer playing as Megaman X for this one though because of his Blade Armor upgrade.

    For X7 you don't unlock Megaman X untill you collect enough Reploid Souls. Instead you start off with a character named Axl who isn't that useful and also Zero. Zero is not as good as he was in the previous games which makes his route much harder. Once you unlock Megaman X and his Glide Armor upgrade the game is much easier.

    • 2 years ago

      He's just called X

  7. 2 years ago

    It's honestly debatable

    X4 I think X is definitely easier but some of the later games Zero is incredibly busted and does a lot more damage while X can struggle.

    X usually has the advantage of armour upgrades halving his damage though, though Zero has a double jump which makes platforming easier.

  8. 2 years ago

    X5 seems to have some weird system where you have to suicide like 8 times before you can collect upgrades from the bosses. Should I even bother with that shit or just rawdog it?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't need to. But keep multiple saves in case the RNG to get the good ending screws you.

    • 2 years ago

      there's a time limit and some parts are very likely to be a pain in the wiener even with those upgrades, so i wouldn't bother

      Don't need to. But keep multiple saves in case the RNG to get the good ending screws you.

      is there a higher chance of getting it on your first playthrough? i ask because i did get it on my first playthrough
      but i also killed the secondary mavericks before killing all the first set of mavericks, so maybe that's it
      i guess i could've also just got lucky but i heard it's rare so idk

      • 2 years ago

        The complete Enigma has a 33.3% success rate while the Shuttle has 62.8%.

        For boss upgrades, they pop up once there's 11 hours remaining (so when you enter a stage only 10 remain)

  9. 2 years ago


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