Don't expect anyone to take your RPG session seriously unless you're prepared to answer important questions about the setting at any moment.

Don't expect anyone to take your RPG session seriously unless you're prepared to answer important questions about the setting at any moment. Ignoring or even handwaving things that ought to be explained such as the magic system, how the races work biologically speaking, the geography & climate and how they affect each other ect. will instantly break your players' immersion, or at least the ones who are actual intelligent mature adults with critical thinking skills, aka. the kind of people TTRPGs were designed for in the first place and not the hordes of 70IQ zoomers who should be roleplaying on roblox instead IMO.

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  1. 3 months ago

    for sure, but only in-character during the session. I have answers, but is it possible for them to obtain them.

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    I agree on a fundamental level but you sound like a gayguette

  4. 3 months ago

    Of course. I am ready to derail the session at a moment's notice to go on a three hour rant about the early humanist expansion era architecture of current district and how it differs from later corporate governance inspired structures, or the internal politics of the local colony and how it maintains independence from the larger solar system.

  5. 3 months ago

    Mid opinion. gay

  6. 3 months ago

    Youre a baiting homosexual but yes i literally can answer all those questions.
    But they never come up because its a game.
    And if the players want to know that stuff they better find an in universe scholar to tell them about the bronze age migration patterns of the horse people

  7. 3 months ago

    Originally the setting was secondary to the dungeon crawling, it wasn't designed for you "people" go read tolkien instead, or better yet spend the time learning about a world that actually exists

  8. 3 months ago

    This never works in practise, because not only does no one care, people will actively get mad if you put more thought into your setting than they do into the game.
    >Okay, we'll get some sand-
    >Where are you getting sand from?
    >The frick do you mean? We'll take some from the beach or something.
    >The beach is a line of mud that stretches as far as the eye can see.
    >The world is only 4000 years old. There's been no time for the mountains to erode.
    >But the fricking wizard last session had an hourglass! Where'd he get sand from?
    >You can roll a knowledge check to find out.
    >You recall what the hourglass looked like. The grit and colour of the sand tells you it was imported from the southern islands, which are covered in sand from the excretions of parrotfish.
    >Player has disconnected.

    • 3 months ago

      >has disconnected
      Found your problem

    • 3 months ago

      This sounds really cool though.
      Hope you don't mind when I come up with the genius idea of tumbling rocks, though

      • 3 months ago

        >Hope you don't mind when I come up with the genius idea of tumbling rocks, though
        You can buy sand in my setting (or make it yourself with a hammer, a sieve and a good bit of time) - it's produced for glassmaking and such - and you don't have to get the imported luxury variant. You just won't find it lying around. The above conversation was just an example of players jumping to complaining and ragequitting rather than solving their problems.

    • 3 months ago

      >no one care,
      I do, it's a plus on potential engagement, as long as you don't start loredumping all at once like an autist. Be succinct and punctual, expand when needed and you're pretty much golden to me.

      >people will actively get mad if you put more thought into your setting than they do into the game.
      ADHD indulging morons should frick off from this hobby and crawl back into whatever hylic gatcha vydia shit their brainrot manage to handle.

    • 3 months ago

      >The world is only 4000 years old. There's been no time for the mountains to erode.
      this has me dead, nice nice

  9. 3 months ago

    That's nice dear but I play in the real world with extra stuff added so you can probably just google it.

  10. 3 months ago

    >the npc doesn't know because he is an illiterate paesant
    There, now what OP, what are you gonna do? Maybe I HAVE a prepared answer. Maybe I don't. Only one way to find out: push forward.

    • 3 months ago

      >illiterate peasants don't have word of mouth even though everyone in your entire setting speaks Common

      • 3 months ago

        >everyone in your entire setting speaks Common
        Frick off. That's boring.

      • 3 months ago

        >illiterate peasant shares you his grain tier list whenever you try to get his attention.

  11. 3 months ago

    I have written down the world facts that will be directly relevant to the game, thought about others that are interesting and am prepared to explain on the fly something if asked. I just rarely have to do it, or even will have players answer them for me when making their character.

  12. 3 months ago

    Nobody with strong opinions on "immersion" has ever said anything remotely useful about anything.

  13. 3 months ago

    This makes me realize qhy my 3.5e DM is so good.
    Any time anybody mentions something about the setting or tangential the dm not only knows the details he is also able to integrate the relevant information in the current sequence of events ad hoc, usually invoking some mechanic like a skill check or one of the characters's background or something.
    The man is an encyclopedia it's amazing.

    • 3 months ago

      the manual?

  14. 3 months ago

    I have some basic notes, but most of the time I will just come up with shit on the spot, write it down, then use that as reference when expanding on stuff down the line.

    Frankly worldbuilding is more interesting for me when the players are the ones prodding me instead of my own sense of obligation. Their questions light a fire in my imagination, and I effectively discover the setting alongside them.

  15. 3 months ago

    you only really need to prepare answers for three sets of questions:
    >where can PCs come from?
    >what do NPCs want?
    >where is the campaign going?
    everything else is secondary to the characters doing things and getting into situations with other characters, which is why the rulebooks are almost entirely dedicated to what characters are able to be and do.

  16. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      no u

  17. 3 months ago

    Most famous settings handwave all the time.
    How does interspecies breeding work in D&D and why is it just humans? How is death dealt with storywise given that anyone with money can try for resurrection with a decent success rate? Why do the gods not intervene all the time given that they’re clearly capable of it? Etc etc and that’s just D&D

  18. 3 months ago

    >not hearing things that neither the PCs nor NPCs they encounter could know about
    >break your players' immersion
    moron alert

  19. 3 months ago

    >don't expect anyone to take your session seriously

    I don't lol I put bad puns on the walls and one guy has a changing shirt that says shit like "happy 4th birthday" and "lactose intolerant" and we all have more fun than most groups since we're good friends

    I put my serious creativity into writing

  20. 3 months ago

    Of all the blatant nogamesposting on /tg/ right now, this is the most egregious and overtly moronic thread right now.

  21. 3 months ago

    >explain how the races work biologically speaking
    are you high or something?

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