Don't feel like playing games too much right now, but I'll be sick for a couple days.

Don't feel like playing games too much right now, but I'll be sick for a couple days. Give me something light, bros. Something nice and quick, that doesn't require commitment and time like JRPGs or Elden Ring would. PC, emulation.
Replaying Deadbolt for now, it's perfect. Something like this, bros. Maybe a Castlevania-like metroidvania, or even a classicvania. Also playing Super Castlevania right now, FRICK that b***h level with the spikes and the disappearing bridge, you know the one.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Loop hero's pretty good

    • 11 months ago

      damn bro, I just finished it
      it's great
      amazing OST, hands down one of my all-time favorites
      speaking of great ost, might replay shovel knight now

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, I liked the ost a lot too if you're looking for some other games that require little thought try out Organ Trail and The Last Spell

    • 11 months ago

      The story is shit.

      • 11 months ago

        no it isn't
        a mage that fully automated himself with magic to the point that his body conducts research while he's asleep discovers entropy and finds out about god's plan for omnicide while looking for a solution for it
        after pondering for while, he becomes his prophet to speed up the process instead of fighting it
        kino as frick
        the rest is just god being a god

        yeah I liked that one. Chris Chrelksdjflklselou did a really good job on the soundtrack

        yeah, deadbolt has a great ost as well

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, and that mage was basically the only interesting part of the game save for the hunter being slightly interesting.
          And you know what happens? You fricking meet that mage 20 minutes after he destroys the world and beat him up, then turns out he was a mere fricking runt at the bottom of the ladder.
          The main story would've been so much better if he was the final antagonist or at least close to it.
          The powerlevel shit really made me raise an eyebrow toward the end since apparently Hunter was at a point where he just shot stars and planets during the fight?? (thankfully you don't die because god wants you alive though lol)
          At least the side lore was interesting, especially magic and books + watchers and ghosts. Those were the more interesting parts.

          • 11 months ago

            That and the shit you learn from god when you do victory laps on him was so fricking uninteresting.
            Especially with that other woman that turns out to also be a god of fate or whatever it was.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't know man, I stayed engaged until the end
            But yeah, they kinda did Sans dirty, but he did his job
            >The main story would've been so much better if he was the final antagonist or at least close to it
            I agree, he's the coolest character, I hoped he would make a return, or would turn out to be god, he even has a halo
            >hunter powerlevel
            I mean, he was a guardian of his home planet, located in an extremely hostile part of his galaxy, he grew up slaying planet-devouring beasts. He's from a different galaxy, he's just built different. You're not anything to scoff at, either, if you can kill god himself, you can kill some oversized hunter.

  2. 11 months ago

    yeah I liked that one. Chris Chrelksdjflklselou did a really good job on the soundtrack

  3. 11 months ago

    Vampire Survivors
    Halls of Torment

    Zero commitment games with maximum dopamine rushes.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, these are perfect

  4. 11 months ago

    Assault Android Cactus is extremely fun and extremely low commitment. Jump in a level which should take about 3 minutes tops, shoot shit, aim for an S+ rank if you aren't gay and have fun.

    • 11 months ago

      looks kino

  5. 11 months ago

    >I'll be sick for a couple days
    Play Pathologic.
    Do it, b***h.

    • 11 months ago

      I played this and loved it for the atmosphere. But I suck at anything remotely horror-like and this game is so atmospherically powerful I couldn't keep playing. What do?

      • 11 months ago

        >But I suck at anything remotely horror-like and this game is so atmospherically powerful I couldn't keep playing.
        I can see how the atmosphere can be genuinely exhausting and uncomfortable. But it's really not a horror in any way. It's all about a very existential dread, but there are no things like jumpscares or stuff like that. It's something the studio took very seriously. I remember them hugely tonning down the effects of plague inside the house because people felt they were horror-esque.

        But the game can be horribly oppressive and very stressful.

        >What do?
        Well, I'd say just wait for the right opportunity. There just might be a rainy week when you are coming down with a cold or something, and the game suddenly clicks into place for you.
        And avoid things like playing at night in the dark. As time goes on in the game, the stuff becomes less and less scary as you learn the ropes. But it does get more stressful and depressing.

        Also, you could give the first game a try. It's a hell of a lot more janky and messy, and slower, but it has far more surreal and feverish tone, which I think puts it even further away from a horror than the second one. It's more strange and uncanny, which makes it kinda less intense.

        Plus, it's easier, less stressful. On the flip side, it's also a lot slower, to a point where a lot of people can't stand it, it has a LOT of down-time when you basically just walk around.

        Spoiler-free guide to get into Pathologic 1 in the picture, in case you'll interested.

        • 11 months ago

          I only played 1 actually cause it seemed more interesting to me and it was ludicrously cheap. Quit I think a bit after first going into the silent house.
          As for jumpscares, I went into the this house looking for the kids' drugs stash and a kid popped around a corner with a horse's head. It scared the frick out of me, though I laughed right after when he said it was fake. The atmosphere especially when going into a house feeling like you're not supposed to be there and anything might be found is just insane. Though I suppose you can get used to it.

          • 11 months ago

            >I only played 1 actually cause it seemed more interesting to me and it was ludicrously cheap. Quit I think a bit after first going into the silent house.
            Oh. Shit, I forgot about the Silent House in 1. I take it back, P1 can be MORE scary than 2, I just forgot the impression the first infected house leaves behind. P2 may have in some ways toned it down.
            >The atmosphere especially when going into a house feeling like you're not supposed to be there and anything might be found is just insane.
            Yeah, these games are fricking uncomfortable and just have a way of getting under your skin. In both good and bad ways. There is a reason why a lot of us Patho fans sound like a benign but still creepy cult, the games are insane and so are we. There is nothing quite like it. Patho 1, 2 and The Void are games that just don't have anything that would really compare.

            >Though I suppose you can get used to it.
            Now that I think more about P1, I'm starting to remember more and more details, and one of them is specifically about how at one point, the game pulls a really nasty rug pull.
            Overal, yes. Especially in P1, the first few days are insane because you just have no clue what the game is or isn't willing and able to do. As you play more, get familiar with the limited engine, start to accept that the more surreal things are often only talked about, rarely if ever seen, it gets a lot easier, you'll get into a bit of a routine.
            Which makes it much more approachable... for the most time. It can also use that comfort you build and use it against you on few selected occassions. But again - it's not like a jumpscare or anything, it's far more... abstract form of rugpull.

            But in the later game, the feelings of tedium and routine do become predominant. Things will mostly stop feeling so strange. The story gets better and better though.

            P2 improves on that aspect, that game rarely ever runs out of steam. But some people dislike that, they feel like they are being rushed in P2.

  6. 11 months ago

    I usually do a couple of ships in Void Bastards when I don't have time for anything else. You're a prisoner who is forced to board derelict spaceships to scavange junk and eventually buy your freedom. Ship layout is random and you have limited oxygen, so a single game only usually takes 15 minutes.

    • 11 months ago

      Hardest difficulty was decently tough to no death. Real nice game.

  7. 11 months ago

    Infra Arcana

    • 11 months ago

      a roguelike, huh
      looks kino

  8. 11 months ago

    You could try Heat Signature/Gunpoint, HS is about boarding ships and Gunpoint is more of a hacking game. There's also Katana ZERO which is pretty short, fun, and has a nice story (there's a free DLC for it coming out """soon"""). If you're up for emulating switch and like rhythm games/platformers I'd recommend Mad Rat Dead, another pretty short game with a great OST and surprisingly good story imo. Hope I helped.

    • 11 months ago

      great suggestions, thanks

  9. 11 months ago

    10/10 game, only wish it was longer.

    • 11 months ago

      Damn, that's a good one

    • 11 months ago

      This anon already said it, but I'll double down. it's 10/10 in terms of style and story. The gameplay is also really slick and no 'mistake' feels too shitty.

  10. 11 months ago

    when I had covid I wanted something I could beat and enjoy in the timeframe of the sickness/drowsiness from medication and GUN was the perfect start to finish length for me, cozy in between story missions if you search for gold while dicking about Dodge City.

  11. 11 months ago

    It's a metroidvania where you're the monster. It's good and pretty quick. not really much backtracking.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh shit, this one's nice, man. I played it. Pretty much a horror game from a monster's perspective. Made me think if there were games where you played as a slasher protagonist.

  12. 11 months ago

    if you remember Motherload from newgrounds, it's that but built out into a round-based defense/escape game. with the latest update its been re -balanced and rework. lots of fun. no story. easy to pick up and put down. Based on the size of the map you choose you get to decide how long you will play: small ~15 mins, normal ~30, large ~50, huge ~80

    • 11 months ago

      >gets btfo by an inspired game like 1 month after release

  13. 11 months ago


    ill rank games based on

    >Very short game, very similar to deadbolt
    Katana Zero, very solid game

    >5-10 hour games
    ULTRAKILL (has potential for 20-100 with replayability but the core game isnt long, the P ranks are easy to get so its just a second playthrough and it rewards you with the best levels in the game)

    Ori games

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