Don't trust Army Painter's marketing BS

Finally a review of Army Painter's Fanatic paints without all the influencer and marketing bullshit:

Dunno why this guy insists to hide his face but his reviews are the only ones I trust.

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  1. 5 months ago

    homie sounds like a gay pretty boy about to be slammed in the ass

    • 5 months ago

      i hate esl homosexuals speaking english with their homosexualy accents

      • 5 months ago

        Uh, in english, doc?

    • 5 months ago

      NTA but Stahly is legit.

  2. 5 months ago

    Do you NEED to see the face of someone behind a channel so badly? I actually respect when someone is showcasing the shit they're talking about instead of themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      Isn't it because of the YT algorithm promoting a face in the preview image? Or something like that. I agree the trend is annoying.

      Finally a review of Army Painter's Fanatic paints without all the influencer and marketing bullshit:

      Dunno why this guy insists to hide his face but his reviews are the only ones I trust.

      Considerable improvement on the old line (which was garbage), but also a bit overhyped as usual from The Army Painter. I will wait and see for a few months (see: Speedpaint 1.0).

      • 5 months ago

        I'm just pointing it out because OP said:
        >Dunno why this guy insists to hide his face
        Probably should have quoted that first but whatever

      • 5 months ago

        >Isn't it because of the YT algorithm promoting a face in the preview image? Or something like that. I agree the trend is annoying.
        It has always been a thing, even in printed ads.
        People are more drawn to faces, or at the very least depictions of living beings rather than objects.

        > Male/female
        In social media, the pics are about showing the product. People who show themselves are just using the object as an excuse, they know -they- are the product they want to promote.

        Plus if there's no face, you'll assume the pic was taken by a male since male is the default.

    • 5 months ago

      the middle picture is actually two objects

  3. 5 months ago

    >washes formula has been changed
    I recently found out about Sonic Sledgehammer's method on how to make AP washes behave even better if not better than Citadel washes just by adding speedpaint medium. I think this formula change will make the intended effects with speedpaint medium unobtainable. Unless I'm mistaken.

    • 5 months ago

      I just remembered. The best thing from ArmyPainter for me has always been their washes.

      Are some washes going out of production for this reformulation? Just want to know so I can stock up.

    • 5 months ago

      An anon over at WIP made a post about the new washes using speedpainting medium and they appear to work just fine with it based on the one wash being strong skin shade.



      I just remembered. The best thing from ArmyPainter for me has always been their washes.

      Are some washes going out of production for this reformulation? Just want to know so I can stock up.

      I didn't see mid brown or flesh wash on the wash lineup so those might be going away.

    • 5 months ago

      >washes formula has been changed
      They better not. Soft Tone is an integral paint to 2 of my armies and I also use it on literally everything I paint gold on. It was perfect as it was, I don't want any colour changes or behaviour changes or even worse, the reactivation issue.

      • 5 months ago

        I have bad news for you.
        Stahly in the video confirmed that the washes have been changed despite AP saying that the wash formula has not been touched.
        Better stock up on your favourite washes, anon.

  4. 5 months ago

    23 minutes to say if paint is good or not?

    • 5 months ago

      He gave it an 8.5 out of 10 which I guess in "scared to offend the biased audience" reviewer logic is "serviceable."

      • 5 months ago

        What's that got to do with him needing 23 minutes to say that. Could condense all his BS to fit on a poststamp.

    • 5 months ago

      Better to just go to their website and read the article he's using as a script in a third the time.

  5. 5 months ago

    total influencer death

  6. 5 months ago

    I don't care either way because GW paints are shit and 4 bucks and army painter paints are shit and 3 bucks. This is something only really stingy fat nerds who never shower care about.

  7. 5 months ago

    But I thought all the influencers shat on army paint and shilled vallejo/AK. Your algorhitmn must be feeding you fud.

    • 5 months ago

      Funny enough actually after watching the video he DOES shill Vallejo, during the metallics section he shows all 3 versions of a silver metallic army painter warpaint, the fanatic and some older bottle. Then he shows off the vallejo metal vs the ap and says the vallejo doesnt need to be thinned and has way better coverage than the new and improved fanatic line. l m a o

    • 5 months ago

      I heard the AK bold white is really good, but it's a pain in the ass to find in mainland yuropistan

      • 5 months ago

        What do you want the white for? The best whites in the business are from mr. hobby imo. GX1 if you dont mind the gloss, but there are matte options. Otherwise, I like the bold titanium white from pro acryl.
        AK just has some very cool regular colors with good coverage at a very reasonable price.

    • 5 months ago

      Vallejo is trash.. its what many newbie painters will go for after Shitadel

      • 5 months ago

        What's wrong with Vallejo paints?
        >t. getting into miniature painting

        • 5 months ago

          In that case the first thing to realize is that a lot of people on Ganker are either shitposting, making it about their identity, or both. You can tell the guy you're replying to is somewhere in that pile by the "shitadel" bit. Given that anything common/popular is a prime target for trolls he's likely shitting on Vallejo because they're the biggest brand around (possibly after GW depending on which circles exactly we're looking at).

          So, paints. Vallejo's main lines are overall quite good (just about every manufacturer has a few stinkers in their lineup) for use with a paintbrush. Their "Air" line is meant for use in an airbush, they still tend to mostly work with a paintbrush but are a bit on the thin side there. The "Metal Colour" metallics line is even thinner out of the bottle, but still covers well. Valllejo's Surface Primer is rubbery, unsandable shite.
          (With an airbrush I've found that most Valllejo paints, Air or not, are sorta ok but far from great. The exception being the Metal Colors line that works quite well.)
          And while we're at it I'll also add that all of this "hate the popular brand" kicks into overdrive for GW. Basically their paints are also fine (well, I haven't tried airbrushing them, but being regular acrylics like Vallejo...), and the price difference is also often grossly exaggerated (check your local prices, GW are slow to account for changing currency exchange rates). Kids basically just want to feel smart over having seen through the grand GW conspiracy.
          And then there's a bunch of other brands. Tamiya for example is the anti-Vallejo, great to airbrush but only sorta ok to use with a paintbrush. MrPaint and Alclad II simply must be airbrushed. Privateer's Coal Black has worked well for me, but I dunno if they still make any paints. I've tried a gold from ScaleColor, and liked the result. Overall try shit and find out. Also remember that what we're doing here is more art than science, if shit works for you then it works for you.

          • 5 months ago

            Thanks, anon.
            >Valllejo's Surface Primer is rubbery, unsandable shite
            What airbrush primer that can also be brushed on do you recommend in its place then?

            • 5 months ago

              Let me guess, you need more?

              • 5 months ago

                He asked for airbrush primer, anon. That's a spray primer.
                Still that's a good recommendation when the weather permits it for spraying outside.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, and it’s better than any airbrush primer. It just werks and doesn’t obscure detail like AP or hardware store rattle cans.

            • 5 months ago

              If you’re talking about airbrush primers then i recommend these, mig one shot primers and Stynylrex (they're probably from the same manufacturer but Ammo mig made it slightly better) they stick to your pieces like a sorethumb no matter how much you touch it. Ak and vallejo primers are trash. But if you have a spraybooth and dont mind the smell mr surfacer airbrush primers can do the job
              better obviously.

            • 5 months ago

              >What airbrush primer that can also be brushed on do you recommend in its place then?
              Stynylrez, aka Ultimate Primer.

            • 5 months ago

              Vallejo Mecha Primer is actually pretty good. Stylnrez is good but you'll need pipettes since theiir lids suck.

              Vallejo Mecha Color is great through an airbrush but their color range is pretty limited.

              Colors to get from Vallejo Model Color:
              Flat Brown
              Deck Tan

              Colors to get from Army Painter Warpaints:
              Skeleton Bone
              Necromancer Cloak
              Spaceship Exterior

              • 5 months ago

                What's the difference between Vallejo Mecha primer and Vallejo surface primer if there is any difference? And most importantly.
                Will Vallejo mecha primer adhere to metal models more tightly?

        • 5 months ago

          Literally nothing, it's just tryhards shilling for ProAcryl and AK

  8. 5 months ago

    Are you braindead or is your attention span only good enough for tiktok? He is testing all four paint types, does various comparisons, gives alternatives... other YouTubers would make this into a 3 hour live stream with random ramblings.

    • 5 months ago

      >other YouTubers would make this into a 3 hour live stream with random ramblings.
      But those are the good videos.

    • 5 months ago

      You leave the Wapplin' Wappel outta this. He doesn't even do comparisons.

  9. 5 months ago

    Why bother listening to him talk in a german yuro style mutt accent trying to hide his identity for his fanzine when you could read the exact script sent to him from AP? after watching a few review videos either AP is sending talking points down or the paint just has nothing new to say so the only thing people can talk about is the triads and naming conventions.
    The swatches they make are cool but not worth the patreon bux

    • 5 months ago

      Did you actually watch the video or are you just throwing crap? He actually debunks a lot of the Army Painter marketing babble in the video, but also says what he likes about them.

      • 5 months ago

        >First I want to take a look at the colour palette, because The Army Painter decided to do something really unique here. There are 162 acrylics, 18 metallics, 18 washes, and 18 effect paints, which will be available individually or in various sets launching in early 2024. This is more colours than the Citadel Colour range and makes them one of the largest miniature paint ranges on the market. But what I find ingenious is the flexible triad system. This means that each colour comes in six shades from dark to light in a consistent hue. The idea is that you can layer or blend without having to mix intermediate tones, or you can simply pick a dark, light, and mid-tone and combine them as you see fit.
        The first 5 minutes is verbatim what everyone else has said about the paint. Just pointing out the ad copy

  10. 5 months ago

    Vince says they're good so I'll just believe him. I won't be buying them anyway, because as a colossal spastic I bought 83 trillion citadel paints starting out and I like all five of the good ones.

  11. 5 months ago

    That guy is a pretty ridiculous citadel fanboy. I can't take anything he says seriously.

  12. 5 months ago

    So... your honest opinion, what is the best Speedpaints? AP, Costrast, Greenstuff, Vallejo?

    • 5 months ago

      haven't tried greenstuff yet, but I have 33 contrast paints, the entire first wave of vallejo's xpress color and a few skin tones of their 2nd wave, the AP metallic speedpaints and like 5 normal speedpaints

      contrasts are a mixed bag, ranging from awful (nighthaunt gloom) to benchmark.

      vallejo's first wave has good flow properties, but they aren't very opaque (that's why the made intense paints for their 2nd wave), which is fine if you like the look of having your zenithal prime just be a tint and the darker parts remain mostly black. a lot of pastel colors. I found they work best on white/brighter grey primer without zenithal. but overall pretty okay

      I wanted to try the AP metallic speedpaints, so I got golden armour to try them out and it was surprisingly great, so I got the entire metallics sp set (bronze tones suck though) and tried a handful of the normal speedpaints 2.0.
      wished I had tried them sooner instead of paying the gw tax. I only have like 5 of them, but I'm sure they too have their shortcomings.

      so unless you want to have exactly the hues of the contrast paints for your minis, I say you can't go wrong with AP speedpaints or xpress color. AP has the widest range, though

      • 5 months ago

        Much obliged.

      • 5 months ago

        I like AP speed paints because they are ALL consistent in terms of flow, opacity, and control.

      • 5 months ago

        Fair summation. Having previously been very anti-Army Painter due to their generally variable - from tolerable to outright shitty - quality and MLM-tier marketing, I think SP2 are the best overall range of not-Contrasts. Though I do like the Vallejo ones for painting stuff like Marines as the increased working time and slightly better self-levelling properties make for a smoother final result.

        Based on what Stahly and Vince have been saying, it seems like AP might finally have hit a sweet spot of price-to-quality & consistency in their regular paints as well, which is great(for all that people laud Two Thin Coats, they're literally more expensive than GW), but they're being let down by their continuing insistence on bombastic marketing. I'll wait for regular people reviews to make sure they weren't sending picked samples for review and the general release actually holds up to that level of quality before I buy any.

        • 5 months ago

          Speedpaint 2.0 greens are just wonderful, mostly replaced my contrasts with them. Much more hit and miss down the line though.

    • 5 months ago

      I have a bunch of contrast and xpress and I think if you're really into these kinds of paints you're probably gonna end up with both. There's some overlap but both have a bunch of colours the other doesn't so they complement each other well. Haven't touched speedpaints because waiting hours before you can try to paint over them doesn't suit my painting method.

    • 5 months ago

      Certain colors are good for different things.

      Contrast: Skeleton Horde is a must-have. Painting it over white is the most idiotproof bone/ivory/teeth look you will ever get. You can also paint it over metallic silver to get a nice brass look. A lot of the lighter Contrasts work well over silvers to make metallics/gemstones. Gore-grunta Fur and Snakebite Leather are both great leathers but pool poorly on larger surfaces. Imperial Fist over a pink/white zenithal is the best yellow you will ever see.

      The Speedpaint 2.0 line is good but is more opaque than the Contrast so you can't do the metallic trick. They also have an issue where some of their "descriptive" labels aren't actually close to the color (Beowulf Blue is more of a purple for instance, and Fire Drake is a leather brown rather than a dark orange.) Their oranges are a bit more contrasting than the ones in the Contrast line, which are either mono-pigment (Magmadroth Flame) or so subtle you can barely tell (Gryph-hound Orange). The Speedpaint Metallics have a weird christmas ornament finish but cover in one coat which is great for gold. Normally with metallic gold you'd need to undercoat brown and do a wash of Soft Tone or Reikland Fleshshade afterwards.

      My picks:
      Bone: Contrast Skeleton Horde
      Light stone: AP Ashen Stone
      Dark Stone: Contrast Basilicanum Grey
      Asian skin: AP Peachy Flesh
      Caucasian skin: AP Crusader Skin
      Sunburn/Frostbite: AP Aged Hide
      Dark skin: Contrast Garaghak's Sewer, AP Warrior Skin
      Wood: Contrast Wyldwood, AP Noble Skin
      Yellow leather: Snakebite Leather
      Warm leather: AP Fire Drake, Gore-grunta Fur
      Brown leather: AP Ruddy Fur
      Black rubber: AP Occultist Cloak
      Rust: AP Nuclear Sunrise

  13. 5 months ago

    Guess you are brainwashed by other YouTubers who all have a firm bias of GW = crap and are ranting about the latest GW thing to farm clicks

  14. 5 months ago

    Expensive paints wont make you better. Probably on the contrary since you'll never want to practice because you had to take out a mortage for your GW set.

    I'm staring at my wall of 100+ AP pots that I got affordably & my minis that I actually painted instead of complaining online. Stop procrastinating and drybrush your shit.

  15. 5 months ago

    I'm a complete novice painter and my collection of paints is just AP speedpaints, a case of vallejo game air and like 20 or so random other colors from AP. I've over relied on speedpaints for basically everything so far. I was thinking these fanatic paints would be good for me to just have a range of actual normal paints and I can really use those little features on them like a paint description and the range of colors that match them for highlighting since I've like never done that stuff yet.

  16. 5 months ago

    >facediaper reviewer

    • 5 months ago

      Your loss, he does make the best paint charts I have seen yet.

      • 5 months ago

        >listening to a maskie or a vaxxie

        • 5 months ago

          >shows face: "numale soiboi"
          >doesn't show face: this shit
          frick off Black person

        • 5 months ago

          >we r anonymus we r legion
          >no dont wear a mask like that
          >no you cant be Stahly, whats your birthname troony
          >I WANT YOUR REAL NAME AND FACE homosexual

  17. 5 months ago

    The same guy as in the OP video actually made a pretty good ranking of all Contrast / Speedpaint / one coat paints:

    Stahly is the only one I trust, his recommendations have never let me down

  18. 5 months ago

    Anon. The best painters don't stick with one range of paints. There is no perfect paint, only the paint for the job. I'm going to watch even though you need to



    asiatic moot can't live on top ramen forever.

  19. 5 months ago

    AP seems to come out with a new line or reboot of line of paint very frequently.

    • 5 months ago

      Running from terrible reputation of their old formulations

  20. 5 months ago

    all paints are the same, its what happend when you mix it, when you glaze it and how the finish will be like.

    AK, Proacryl, S75 and Kimera is still my top paint.. in terms of price, pigments and ease of use. This Fanatic range isnt bad but i still think it lacks some cooler/warmer variation of the tones.

    IF you wanna be a good painter, you just need CMYK + RGB and White and black with ochre, raw umber, raw sienna. thats all you need

    • 5 months ago

      How's the view from the peak of mt stupid?

  21. 5 months ago

    Why is he wearing a mask alone in his home in 2024?

    • 5 months ago

      for the same reason that he has that astonishingly moronic accent

      • 5 months ago

        God, girls wearing gags under masks gets me so hard.

  22. 5 months ago

    Army Painter has always been cheap slop for poorgays

  23. 5 months ago

    >Metallics are improved
    >Effects and washes are decent
    >You can't actually do one pass of yellow over black primer

    Yeah, pretty much what I expected.

  24. 5 months ago

    Could there possibly be anything more insufferable than recording your dumb Youtube video while wearing one of those non-disposable Covid masks? Those things actually make me angry looking at them god damn.

  25. 5 months ago

    He seems to have overall liked the paints very much, his only criticism was that the carryover colors from the old AP range aren't 1:1 but who honestly gives a single shit about that those paints were trash. Why does this thread exist?

  26. 5 months ago

    The washes are the only thing I care about from AP. As its AP washes for me and Vallejo for everything else when it comes to avoiding the Citadel paint ecosystem.

  27. 5 months ago

    TL;DR, he has the same problem I had when Army Painter posted their official color chart. The "flexible triads" tend way too much to the lighter end of the spectrum and the dark colors aren't dark enough.

    Also the line is missing Spaceship Exterior and Necromancer Cloak which are two of the best Warpaint colors.

  28. 5 months ago

    >without all the influencer and marketing bullshit
    >by an influencer who is involved in marketing hobby products
    jesus christ

  29. 5 months ago

    I'm not huge on AP. I like AP's washes and that's about it. I tried their old lava orange and it had awful coverage and broke easily while thinning. I gave their airbrush primer a shot as it's all the store had at the time. The white separates into sediment and medium which clogged my airbrush bad. The video at least makes a good case for the new washes and effects, so I might grab them if I need more. We have a ton of good paint lines at this point and I doubt that Army Painter will ever be my go to brand for standard acrylics.

  30. 5 months ago

    “Speed paints” are just rebranded acrylic inks. You can get way more just by buying regular ones not marketed at miniature hobbyists at pretty much any art store.
    It will mix readily with anything because it’s just acrylic, like anything else you normally use to paint minis.

    It’s quite freeing.

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