Doom 2016 is a prime example of 'less is more'. It outshines Eternal in every way.

Doom 2016 is a prime example of 'less is more'.
It outshines Eternal in every way.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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  1. 8 months ago

    Absolutely not, Eternal is almost a straight upgrade. Significantly improved the gameplay. 2016 is a prototype by comparison. At best 2016 has a less moronic plot, but neither of them have a good plot.

    • 8 months ago

      garbage opinion

      the gameplay system they had designed was not completed in 2016 which feels stilted with too-small levels as well

      Virgins who never played snapmaps

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          I instantly thought of that when snapmap was mentioned

    • 8 months ago

      Actual moron. Reducing the combat to a game of rock paper scissors and adding drawn out platforming between each encounter is not improving the game. All of the new equipment and attack types are just ways of doing the same thing, but with more steps.

      • 8 months ago

        >Reducing the combat to a game of rock paper scissors
        >2016 game: ssg and gauss annihilate every enemy
        >eternal: ssg and balista annihilate every enemy
        Are you fricking moronic?
        >drawn out platforming between each encounter is not improving the game
        Wow I guess argent tower, hell levels and vega core did not have any long platforming sections at all.
        >All of the new equipment and attack types are just ways of doing the same thing, but with more steps.
        What new equipment types moron. Frag? It was in previous game. Flame? Literally a better version of siphon? Ice? Literally a plasma stun blast from 2016.
        >new attacks
        Blood punch > pathetic gaylo like melee 2016 which was unusable on any enemy above zombie.

        • 8 months ago

          >>2016 game: ssg and gauss annihilate every enemy
          : ssg and balista annihilate every enemy
          Try to use only the ssg and gauss in 2016 and you will get your ass handed to you especially in nightmare. You can't humiliate barons by flying around all over the place like you can in eternal. Its gameplay ensures you will always be able to get in, combo, and get out of harm's way with little to no risk no matter the situation because you're so fast, and you'll always have the ammo to do it because the chainsaw infinitely regens now. 2016 requires you put actual thought into your ammo consumption, attacks and movement around the arena because if you try bullshit like that, you lack the ability to just get out of jail free with the simplest of button presses and avoid all punishment

          • 8 months ago

            2016 has infinite ammo with the rich get richer rune. In 2016 the optimal strategy, not counting the bfg, in every mid to late game scenario is spamming dksms (+rocket-ssg). There is never a reason not to do it.
            >enemy is close
            dksms is your strongest and fastest close range attack
            >enemy is at a distance
            dksms is your strongest and fastest long range attack
            >swarmed by bunch of enemies
            dksms is your strongest and fastest aoe attack


            • 8 months ago

              I can just decide to not use that rune. Eternal could have just made some balance tweaks instead of changing everything how the game plays. They could have not went down cartoon land platforming and marvel storytelling.

            • 8 months ago

              >2016 requires you put actual thought into your ammo consumption,
              >7 chainsaw pips
              >infinite ammo rune
              Get the frick out moron

              >game includes an optional overpowered rune that lets you break the frick out of the game if you just wanna go crazy for a bit
              >this is somehow a bad thing
              Compare that to eternal where nonstop quickswap combos are your best option for any heavy demon for the entire game no matter what upgrades and runes you use

              >7 chainsaw pips
              Eternal's spoonfeeds you a free one every few seconds. I don't see much different. At least in 2016 there was an opportunity to play smart with it and use your pips to kill a strong demon at the cost of having less ammo to fall back on. In Eternal you will never have more than 2 pips to use on anything but fodder because the game demands you use it constantly.

              • 8 months ago

                >Compare that to eternal where nonstop quickswap combos are your best option for any heavy demon for the entire game
                No. If you are e.g. fighting a Pain Elemental at long range ssg will do pretty much nothing and you are better off using other weapons. At that range you have nothing more ammo efficient than ballista. With bb rocket you risk the PE dodging the attack so if you wanted to use rockets I'd say you'd better of using the lock-on mod.

                Quickswap combos aren't just this single one thing that you can mindlessly spam. Pb ssg is good at close range. Pb rocket is good at mid range and in situations where the target can't dodge etc.

                DKSMS does not have any considerations like this. The only reason why you use ssg and rocket is because they are the best option for canceling the cooldown of dksms. If you didn't have to do this they would not be used either.

          • 8 months ago

            >2016 requires you put actual thought into your ammo consumption,
            >7 chainsaw pips
            >infinite ammo rune
            Get the frick out moron

    • 8 months ago

      >Eternal is almost a straight upgrade.
      "having more things to do" doesn't mean "is better". Having to run around like a chicken with its head cut off is ridiculous. 2016 felt like you were pushing against waves of enemies; Eternal felt like you were tossed into a room and expected to spin around in circles for a minute and a half juggling balloons (also upgrading like what 4 different upgrade systems that were all OP like wtf dude that's so stupid)

      • 8 months ago

        >2016 felt like you were pushing against waves of enemies
        >encounter with 2-3 enemies
        Gotcha moron.

        • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        >also upgrading like what 4 different upgrade systems
        Ah yes, 2016 didn't have ammo/armor/health upgrades or leveling up guns with weapon points or having you to upgrade runes.

        • 8 months ago

          So having twice as many methods to upgrade is better, right? All with dumb gimmicks and tutorials associated, unlike the original?

          • 8 months ago

            >So having twice as many methods to upgrade is better, right?
            2016: health/armor/ammo upgrades, weapon upgrades, suit upgrades, rune upgrades
            Eternal: same health/armor/ammo upgrades, same suit upgrades, same weapon upgrades. No moronic rune leveling up.
            >twice as many

      • 8 months ago

        >Eternal felt like you were tossed into a room and expected to spin around in circles for a minute and a half juggling balloons
        which is a lot more fun

    • 8 months ago

      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >shoots epic Arachnotron weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake skills
      >moronic door opening cutscene plays
      >" and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya"
      >"Come on, Vega"
      >follows Skyrim compass
      >Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya is on the way
      >Door locks behind the Slaya and demons appear
      >cacophony of moronic monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed and they become Staggered, does a badass Heat Blast and Armor Shards fly into the Slaya's face*
      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >switches weapons 75 times
      >dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed to spawn
      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >swings on monkey bars
      >performs impse
      >250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya is victorious
      >Mhmm.. The Hell Priest is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden about this"
      >"Come on, Vega"
      >Walks two meters and Alien Queen appears in an epic cutscene
      >"You will not defeat me, Slaya, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper, the Kar En Kuk Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
      >Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit post about it before carrying on

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >straight upgrade
      >no ffa and tdm multiplayer
      Is the sun affect your neurons.

  2. 8 months ago

    garbage opinion

    the gameplay system they had designed was not completed in 2016 which feels stilted with too-small levels as well

  3. 8 months ago

    >the new game is shit, the previous one is good (previously it was shit and the previous one was good (previously it was shit and the previous one was good))
    Terminal contrarianism, a 9mm pill is the only medicine that can cure you

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody shit on doom 2016, it was a perfect game with no superfluous zoomer shit plastered all over it.

      • 8 months ago

        >it was a perfect game with no superfluous zoomer shit plastered all over it.
        >leveling up your suit, guns and runes
        >arena hallway level design
        Mhm 0 zoomer shit.

  4. 8 months ago

    Eternal is so rigid in in it's gameplay that you have to be one of those Skinner Box Zoomers that loves intense repetition more than a turbo-autist loves trains to enjoy it.

  5. 8 months ago

    Doom 3 is the best Doom game.

  6. 8 months ago

    I’m mixed on Eternals seeming increase of story, but Eternal is the better game by far. I will say having 3rd person perspectives of Doomslayer is lame, the strict first person view of 2016 was kino.

  7. 8 months ago

    call me a moron if you must...
    but the moment I looked at gameplay footage with that stupid fricking shoulder mounted firethrower I knew the game was not for me
    I'll stick to 2016 LOL

  8. 8 months ago

    Notice how 2016 FPSlets are never specific with their complaints.

  9. 8 months ago

    Both are great. I had more fun playing 2016 the first time than Eternal the first time, but if I want to jump in and replay a mission or two I'm picking Eternal 99% of the time. Although if I had to replay the entire game I'd pick 2016 because Eternal had some dud levels that I'd rather not go through again. I also think Eternal had worse bosses outside of the Hunter.

  10. 8 months ago

    Nah. I had more fun with Eternal. 2016 is fine, but parts of it are a slog to play.

  11. 8 months ago

    Brutal Doom is better than Nu Doom

    • 8 months ago

      for all its fancy graphics nu-doom pales in comparison to how the absolute carnage feels in brutal doom

  12. 8 months ago

    2016 is a shit game with shit basic gameplay from the 90z

  13. 8 months ago

    Ganker used to frickin' praise Eternal now it's slowly being edgy contrarian and trying to be all "ThIS SuUxXX OTHER GAEM BETTUHR!!"

  14. 8 months ago

    both have too much busywork you need to do just to kill shit
    doom peaked at clickin the shotgun at imps

  15. 8 months ago


  16. 8 months ago

    Both of them are bad story-focused "ur badass" and full of cutscenes.

    • 8 months ago

      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >shoots epic Arachnotron weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake skills
      >moronic door opening cutscene plays
      >" and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya"
      >"Come on, Vega"
      >follows Skyrim compass
      >Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya is on the way
      >Door locks behind the Slaya and demons appear
      >cacophony of moronic monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed and they become Staggered, does a badass Heat Blast and Armor Shards fly into the Slaya's face*
      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >switches weapons 75 times
      >dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed to spawn
      >chainsaws for magic ammo
      >swings on monkey bars
      >performs impse
      >250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya is victorious
      >Mhmm.. The Hell Priest is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden about this"
      >"Come on, Vega"
      >Walks two meters and Alien Queen appears in an epic cutscene
      >"You will not defeat me, Slaya, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper, the Kar En Kuk Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
      >Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit post about it before carrying on

      • 8 months ago

        Unlike Witcher 3, doom eternal actually has good gameplay

  17. 8 months ago

    Eternal is shit because it made Glory Kills a requirement. In 2016 you could just shotgun an imp in glory kill state and it would die. In Eternal, that same imp gets super armor and can tank multiple shotgun blasts before getting back up because you didn't use the mandated EPIC cutscene to kill it.

    • 8 months ago

      >blatant lies

  18. 8 months ago

    What I wonder is, how come Eternal looks worse despite coming out years later?

  19. 8 months ago

    So now we know they're making another one called Year Zero, are we excited?

    I'm hoping it'll be similar to Eternal's DLC but with different weapons and enemies.

    • 8 months ago

      >they're making another one called Year Zero
      bruh... I got bad news for you

  20. 8 months ago

  21. 8 months ago

    I think we can work together and RESOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVVVVVVVEEEEE this problem in a way that benefits us both

    • 8 months ago

      Why did they rape this character so hard? Hayden was one of the coolest things about 2016.

      • 8 months ago

        >Born into a wealthy family, studied at a university and got his masters, started up his own business before his time with the UAC even began with goals and ideals far separated from anything related to hell, then the UAC noticed and hired him
        >Actually no, he was a maykr all along and he made up all his codex to cover up the fact that he just randomly showed up at the UAC one day disguised as a human and began to run the place I guess
        What the frick happened
        Why did they feel the need to make the lore this horrible

        • 8 months ago

          Not just that, but the suggestion that he was addressing a major problem for humanity in regards to energy, and was compromising with evil for the greater good, was far more interesting than, "LOL, I'm actually Satan and Vega is God."

          • 8 months ago

            >been using the argent tower to funnel argent energy to earth to help solve the energy crisis for years by the time doomguy wakes up
            >eternal's codex states after 20161 he went to earth with the crucible and showed it off to everyone as if they'd never heard of argent before and was henceforth heralded as a god among men for it
            I'm starting to think they just forgot everything that happened in 2016

      • 8 months ago

        >Born into a wealthy family, studied at a university and got his masters, started up his own business before his time with the UAC even began with goals and ideals far separated from anything related to hell, then the UAC noticed and hired him
        >Actually no, he was a maykr all along and he made up all his codex to cover up the fact that he just randomly showed up at the UAC one day disguised as a human and began to run the place I guess
        What the frick happened
        Why did they feel the need to make the lore this horrible

        >an alien pretending to be an angel pretending to be a robot pretending to be Elon Musk
        They made this shit up as they went along yet made up so much of it

  22. 8 months ago

    2016 > Zoom Eternal

  23. 8 months ago

    I loved 2016 and was hype for Eternal but had to give up a few levels in. Just wasn't having fun.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, same, the arena sections are solid, arcade-like corridors and platforming feel ripped straight out of 3d mario, doom 2016 in that regard had more natural platforming and gameplay was more grounded in campaign

  24. 8 months ago

    2016 fell off hard in the latter end. It became clear that they weren't great at designing high difficulty encounters that weren't frustrating so they erred on the side of caution and gave you arenas full of ammo and powerups to the point where the latter levels were easier than the early levels. Eternal solved this somewhat by making the encounter design self moderating. You could put whatever you want in an arena and it always feels the same because your ammo and other supplies come from your abilities instead of ground pickups. This meant that you never found yourself in the frustrating situation of not having supplies and difficulty came purely from the enemies. But it also sacrificed the ability to have nuanced encounter designs as enemy placements are now the only way to really alter encounters so things could start to feel very samey. Whereas 16 could make similar encounters play out differently by controlling what supplies you had access to. Both games had their ups and downs.

  25. 8 months ago

    >meme doomguy up be a powerhouse for decades
    >ID runs with the idea and makes it canon

  26. 8 months ago

    >interchangeable weapon upgrades
    >grenade launcher
    >blood punch
    >stat upgrade combos
    >mastery points
    Honestly it is a bit much

    • 8 months ago

      Everything was in previous game, except mastery points.

      • 8 months ago

        >grenade launcher
        >blood punch
        >stat upgrade combos
        >mastery points
        It's been a while but I don't remember any of these

        • 8 months ago

          >It's been a while but I don't remember any of these
          Grenade launcher = frag grenade
          Flame = siphon grenade
          Blood punch = melee
          >>stat upgrade combos
          You are right, these were not in 2016.

          • 8 months ago

            >Blood punch = melee

            • 8 months ago

              They are literally the same thing, except bp is simply better.

    • 8 months ago

      Other than the weapon mods they don't change the gameplay enough to overwhelm the player and once you get used to them you don't really have to manage them other than chainsaw, flamethrower, and blood punch. Blood punch being the one that isn't typically mechanical reflex.

  27. 8 months ago

    no it isnt, eternal is an objectively better game

  28. 8 months ago

    >Ganker says "less is more"
    >make a walking simulator
    >Ganker hates it for being a simple walking sim
    Fricking liars, less clearly isn't more

  29. 8 months ago

    Doom externals ammo system absolutely kneecapped the game. There is a difference between encouraging you to use different weapons and forcing you too because you run out of ammo every 30 seconds

    Your other option is to run around until le ammo regain button recharges

    • 8 months ago

      >There is a difference between encouraging you to use different weapons and forcing you too because you run out of ammo every 30 seconds
      there isn't. The only way to encourage people to use different weapons is to either make ammo a limited resource or make different weapons good at different things. old doom does both of those, as does eternal.
      2016 doesn't ever encourage you to use different weapons because why would you? you have infinite ammo and the guns all do the same thing so just use whatever does the highest dps

  30. 8 months ago

    I will leave this here

  31. 8 months ago

    why couldn't they have just made eternal more like 2016?

    • 8 months ago

      Because they made it better

      • 8 months ago

        No they didn't. They ruined everything.

  32. 8 months ago

    Wrong go be autistic on /misc/

  33. 8 months ago

    Doom 3 was better

    • 8 months ago

      now here's the hot take we were all waiting for. go ahead, anon. tell us more.

      • 8 months ago

        I enjoy horror

        • 8 months ago

          makes sense. I think the majority of Doom fans like functioning shotguns more though.

          • 8 months ago

            I was just talking about this last night with my buddy. Seeing the demons damaging doors /bending walls/doorframes. It was amazing back in the day

            • 8 months ago

              I agree actually. It's just not the right franchise for stuff like that. Nu-Doom's doubling down on the RIP AND TEAR LOL, while cringe, fits the expectations much better.

    • 8 months ago

      Why not just play quake 4 instead? It's the same game but better.

      • 8 months ago

        Never played it, only 2

  34. 8 months ago

    Doom Eternal kept making me think of this
    And just like Tooie I went "frick this" and quit 75% of the way through

  35. 8 months ago

    For every boss execution The Doom Slayer just does a simple boring stab or flat out doesn't kill the boss, minus the Gladiator which would've been a cool kill had it not been ruined by unnecessary slow walking. All the berserk kills feel soft and wimpy, and the normal glory kills are all lame knife stabs too. In fact, he does that stupid badass slow walk of his in every single cutscene, even at points where he needs to be in a rush. Then at the very end of it all, he just suddenly flops over onto the floor and that's the end of him?
    Despite its lightning fast gameplay, Eternal's portrayal of the slayer somehow manages to rip all of the speed and brutality that everybody loved out of him. They try so hard to make him look cool but he just ends up looking like an autist. It just shoves all of this stuff down your throat and demands you think he's cool instead of simply letting him be cool through the gameplay and little moments of characterisation like in 2016.

  36. 8 months ago

    Eternal is too fixated on making you engage with all of its really contrived systems for its own good IMO. I don't think I've ever played an FPS where you can hold such a small amount of ammo at a time, and it's all to force you to use the various melee moves that replenish resources. I don't enjoy being forced to do that so often, just like I don't enjoy platforming sections in my shooter. 2016 IS better because it isn't overtuned to hell.

  37. 8 months ago

    >Standard melee attack literally doesn't do damage but is in the game anyway
    >"NOOOO You must do melee in the specific way WE wanted you to!"

    • 8 months ago

      >shooting game
      >i want to punch things

      • 8 months ago

        Don't give me that shit when melee attacks including a punch are forced down your throat by Eternal.

    • 8 months ago

      >melee attack that serves literally no purpose because even the shotgun is better
      >melee attack that is a resource you can use in clever ways and has a place at all levels of play
      yeah I can't figure out which one of these is better

  38. 8 months ago

    All I want is for the default punch to deal some damage like in 2016, also bring back the fricking infinite ammo pistol

  39. 8 months ago

    Enemy finishers in 2016 were fun and it's sad they were dropped. Like that one with Baron performing the Quan Chi leg rip fatality on you

  40. 8 months ago

    Agree, doom 2016 is for men, eternal is for zoomers and reddit

  41. 8 months ago

    Eternal lore and story and aesthetic is zoomer trash

    Eternal gameplay shits all over 2016. After 60 hours of Eternal I can never go back to 2016.

    • 8 months ago

      Weaponswap autism aside, the combat and enemy AI in Eternal is fricking stellar. How I wish we could have the best from both games.

  42. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >arggghhh why won't the glory kill tutorial let me blast the demon instead
      C'mon, anon.

  43. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      So hayden was ok with humans being made into energy?

  44. 8 months ago

    >Play 2016
    >Start Eternal
    >There's suddenly a flying space castle, priests, ghost kings who know Doom Slayer, and more

    What is this shit and why do I feel like I missed a DLC that came between 2016 and Eternal?

    • 8 months ago

      Eternal is not a direct sequel to 2016, there's a 13 year gap between both games, probably to leave to make a future game set in that gap.

  45. 8 months ago

    They both suck. nuDoom is trash.

    • 8 months ago
  46. 8 months ago

    Halo clone
    Good gameplay

    Simple as

  47. 8 months ago

    Warhammer clone

    Simple as

  48. 8 months ago

    Doesn't matter. Doom 3 mogs both of them.

    • 8 months ago

      3 is peak horror shooter

      • 8 months ago

        >3 is peak horror shooter
        What the frick am I reading, Doom 3 completely fails at being scary because it's 100% jumpscares, and there's literally on two types of jumpscare: enemy jumps at you after you open a door, and enemy sneakily spawns behind you.

        By the 4th level you can almost predict with 100% accuracy when these will happen, and then all you have left is running through metal corridors.

        I'd say that the Hell level at least is enjoyable, though the atmosphere gets ruined instantly by having Satan telling you how evil he is, how much he's going to own your soul, which sounds goofy as frick.
        Would have been genuinely better if it was nothing but silence and monsters.

        • 8 months ago

          >the atmosphere gets ruined instantly by having Satan telling you how evil he is, how much he's going to own your soul, which sounds goofy as frick.
          Can I guess your opinion on Eternal?

          • 8 months ago

            I liked it, it actually felt fast which 2016 failed to do, though it definitely needed at least two or three times more enemies along with more of the open areas.
            I think from here the natural evolution for nuDoom 3 would be basing it on slaughter map wads.

  49. 8 months ago

    I just don't like the platforming in Doom Eternal.
    That's all.

  50. 8 months ago

    I didn't bother playing eternal based entirely on how they made the UI puketrash with neon colors. I assumed at the time that it was a pathetic attempt to be more like le ebpic doom wad colorscheme which made me think they didn't respect 2016 at all
    Eternal sucking proved I was right

    • 8 months ago

      >i have very strong opinions on games I haven't played

  51. 8 months ago

    Doom is better, but it takes forever to get going and has way too many unskippable cutscenes
    Doom arcade > DE master levels > Doom > DE

    • 8 months ago

      >way too many unskippable cutscenes
      >like 3
      Did you lose your attention span somewhere or did you never have it to begin with?

      • 8 months ago

        Take your meds.

        • 8 months ago

          "No." -Doom Slayer, Doom Eternal (2020)

          • 8 months ago

            god that was a fricking dumb line

            • 8 months ago

              >Lucifer is just Doomerguy
              Thanks writers

  52. 8 months ago

    No it doesn't, Doom 2016 feels like a Halo mod, it has no personality, everything about it is generic, from the levels to weapon design.

  53. 8 months ago

    Maybe it does, but I still dropped it after 5 hours because it's not fun.

  54. 8 months ago

    The only reason Eternal mind broke Ganker is because Ganker tried to TORtanic it after autists here realized it was popular, and when not only it didn't flop, but everyone liked it and couldn't find anything to shit on it for, it just made this place even more mad.

    Ganker is so ilogical, overly emotional and low IQ that the thing that makes this place seethe the most is not garbage games or SJW shit, it's when this place makes shit up and is proven wrong.

    This is exactly why no developer takes feedback from this place anymore, it's pure schizophrenia.

  55. 8 months ago

    >cutscene kills
    reddit game

  56. 8 months ago

    When you see an opinion only spread throughout Ganker coupled with random bouts of rage you know it's not a legitimate opinion and just contrarians attention whoring.

  57. 8 months ago

    >Any Doom after Doom 64
    Demons aren't in the map, they just spawn. Yes og Doom had that but as traps, but most enemies were in the map already.
    No dead corpses, not even a single signal that something was killed there. I'm not even requesting some ragdoll physics, make them just corpses that you can walk over or something.
    Enemies can't really into infight, in Eternal is just a video loop, they don't really kill each other, It's not just a mechanic like og Doom.
    Enemies can't open/close doors and follow you from one extreme of the map to the other extreme. Only in Doom 3 but only zombies and rarely imps, and only in very very few situations.
    Enemies can't use teleports.

    • 8 months ago

      the Revenants are completely jokes both in Doom 3 and nu-Dooms
      Archie mechanics are atrocious in Eternal, they are not something that can insta kill you like on the og Doom
      Baron of Hell from Doom 2016 is cool, the one from Eternal is just the same but with a moronic fire skin for some reason.
      The only demon that ID cared in the making of Doom Eternal is the arachnotron.

    • 8 months ago

      >Doom 64
      Ah yes, I too enjoy 98% of my playtime being searching for whatever the frick a random switch opened while traversing a dark maze.

  58. 8 months ago


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