DORF rts

Looks promising, wdyt?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago


    why are you even here moron? I'm sure your handlers aren't paying you to shit up this empty board, go back to Ganker.

  2. 8 months ago

    I think sprites that leave no tracks and seemingly float over the terrain is terrible.

    • 8 months ago

      >this flat sea
      I better see some mf waves around those ships

      Dev needs to pre-bake terrain effects into the models so that they can be a per-vehicle thing. And lighting needs to be consistent. The models look blown-out in terms of colour, the half-track is just a solid red at the front, likewise the recoil system on the tank. The trees also seem to be lit differently.
      Also everything is aliased to hell and back, with white spill-over everywhere from the (presumably) white background that the sprites were cut from.

    • 8 months ago

      What some other anons said, the water assets look like they are on water or even above.

      We may include track trails and directional ship wakes at some point, but that would require some additional engine changes. Currently the trait that governs actors leaving trails cannot do so omnidirectionally, thus right now it is only used for leaving dust trails or for leaving wakes when ground units move through shallow water.

      Dev needs to pre-bake terrain effects into the models so that they can be a per-vehicle thing. And lighting needs to be consistent. The models look blown-out in terms of colour, the half-track is just a solid red at the front, likewise the recoil system on the tank. The trees also seem to be lit differently.
      Also everything is aliased to hell and back, with white spill-over everywhere from the (presumably) white background that the sprites were cut from.

      All the graphics so far will need to be re-rendered soon anyway, due to an upcoming change in the render engine that will allow for Brigador/STASIS-style dynamic lighting and shadow-casting from 2D sprites. Also the weird sprite aliasing is (ironically) due to sprites currently including anti-aliasing. Sprites are paletted, and thus are limited to 256 colors, though this includes semi-opaque pixels. This allows us to do anti-aliasing in theory, but in practice, it means there's only a few index entries left over for semi-opaque colors, which means every actor just ends up with an ugly white-ish outline. This psuedo-anti-aliasing will need to be tossed out soon anyway since it's completely incompatible with the upcoming dynamic lighting system.

      I think it's still at least 4 years before official release, any hype is premature.

      It will be sooner than that. We actually did pick up another programmer recently, who was able to rework OpenRA's atrocious level editor into something more functional (see pic related)

      • 8 months ago

        >It will be sooner than that. We actually did pick up another programmer recently, who was able to rework OpenRA's atrocious level editor into something more functional (see pic related)
        Well, good to know. Mind you, I'm not bashing, I'm just setting my expectations in accordance with what I've seen in the development cycles of other games with a non-trivial scope.

      • 8 months ago

        >All the graphics so far will need to be re-rendered soon anyway, due to an upcoming change in the render engine that will allow for Brigador/STASIS-style dynamic lighting and shadow-casting from 2D sprites.
        Well, that sounds like it should make a great positive difference on itself.

        Good luck on the project, although I’ve told myself to not get excited about any RTS before it has shown its gameplay chops. Obviously, that’s something that can’t be proven until the game is very close to release, so gonna default to ”it’s probably gonna be bad, but would love to be wrong” mode.

      • 7 months ago

        Games look great but I have only one big problem with it. And this problem is also present in red alert 2 that this game tried obviously to mimic.
        >everything is made of paper machete
        I just fricking hate this and what turn me off everytime i try to play red alert 2 again.
        Everything feel so "weightless". and explode in such dramatic way even from weak attacks too quick. Just at the trailer. it dont matter if it is small talk or a super big x10 size machine of death everything just keep exploding constantly so easily and it ruins the feeling of having heavy units or buildings.
        Maybe a "lower damage" rule for skirmish can solve this.

        • 7 months ago

          Isn't that like 90% of RTS?
          Only exceptions I can think of are CoH and Wc3

          • 7 months ago

            not really especially when it comes to building. I would say ra2's buildings are one of the fastest to get destroyed.
            And when it comes to units there a lot of rts too that reduce the problem beside coh/dow . stuff like c&c3 and supreme commander heavy units are slower to kill unless overwhelmed.

            This is example of what I am talking about in this new game that is doubling on it. I love the idea of having some super unit but this is just ridicilous. imagine losing a base of that size in one shot. even crazy units in supreme commander take longer.

        • 7 months ago

          >paper machete

        • 7 months ago

          not really especially when it comes to building. I would say ra2's buildings are one of the fastest to get destroyed.
          And when it comes to units there a lot of rts too that reduce the problem beside coh/dow . stuff like c&c3 and supreme commander heavy units are slower to kill unless overwhelmed.

          This is example of what I am talking about in this new game that is doubling on it. I love the idea of having some super unit but this is just ridicilous. imagine losing a base of that size in one shot. even crazy units in supreme commander take longer.

          I actually intentionally made anti-tank weapons and the gigantic railway gun OP for the purpose of making the trailers a bit more exciting. If a railgun or AT missile just hits a tank and nothing happens, or a nuke hits a base and most of it is left standing, that'd be pretty underwhelming, at least as something for a trailer. The final game will be more like Tiberian Sun in terms of unit sponginess and generally being a slower-paced game.

          • 7 months ago

            It looks cool I will give you that. it can work as something in singleplayer/story mode or a cool chaos mode damage modifier that you can toggle on and off when you create a game
            But outside that it would have been been such frustrating part of experience in serious matches even compstomps. It is great that you are aware of that and that is was just in for show.


            what caught my attention here is the logistic part ( I didn't I noticed before in trailers). That is very interesting idea and have been thinking that it was a natural evolution for rts genre since I played factorio first time years ago.
            But I don't envy you about the challenge of pulling it off. You going to need to find a good balance between "oh I can create cool efficient supply chain for better ressource" vs "oh frick this i lost 30 min of building because of this stupid nuke/assault or this is too repetitive I don't want to keep doing same logistic schema every match".

            • 7 months ago

              >It looks cool I will give you that. it can work as something in singleplayer/story mode or a cool chaos mode damage modifier that you can toggle on and off when you create a game
              If it was like in Call to Arms/Men of War where you can toggle a "Hardcore mode", then frick yeah! That would be worth trying out.

          • 7 months ago

            >The final game will be more like Tiberian Sun in terms of unit sponginess and generally being a slower-paced game.
            My favorite C&C game, hell yeah.

          • 7 months ago

            Don't worry too much about this
            Tanks vs glass damage design is an universal problem for developers.
            Last Battlefields threads for last few years were nothing but "I die too fast! No time to react!". Then devs changed it and there was nothing but "I deal no damage, am I shooting peas?"

      • 6 months ago

        god bless slopes and verticality
        Such a rare feature nowadays

  3. 8 months ago

    I think RTS are one of the genres that benefited from 3D and using a retro style is shitty.

  4. 8 months ago

    Honestly this game looks like a mod.
    The sprites dont fit the terrain, they are oversized, and overdetailed for such a zoomed out perspective, and thus they lack any sort of visual clarity.
    Plus a game about manlets, cmon gimme a break lol

    • 8 months ago

      >Honestly this game looks like a mod.
      That's because it is, they're using a modified version of the OpenRA game engine which itself is a remake of the original CnC engine.

      The mod looks promising but the sad thing is they rarely acknowledge or pay tribute to the fact that they're using an opensource engine. Check their website, there's not even a 'thank you' in place, they're trying to pass it off as their own.

      • 8 months ago

        At a certain point, you get to the ship of theseus, or just make enough changes that calling your engine the same as the base you started from is kind of deceptive.
        I don't know if D.O.R.F has passed that point, but thanking the OpenRA dudes would certainly be a point in their favour.

      • 8 months ago

        We probably should mention the OpenRA engine on the website, though the thought did not occur to me to mention it since it's not like we just swiped it and ran; we regularly interact with its lead developers, and all of DORF's programmers are former or current OpenRA devs.

        At a certain point, you get to the ship of theseus, or just make enough changes that calling your engine the same as the base you started from is kind of deceptive.
        I don't know if D.O.R.F has passed that point, but thanking the OpenRA dudes would certainly be a point in their favour.

        Ship of Theseus is a good comparison, since we've already radically altered certain critical components of the engine so that those fundamentals do not work as they do in OpenRA; for instance, resource logic in general has been massively expanded beyond the simple C&C-like form it took in OpenRA, to include things like per-building resource stores, logistics chains you can form between buildings, multiple resource types, and resource conversion logic (ie: oil gets refined into useable fuel). Other things like unit attack logic has also been expanded, so now we can have stuff like units with multiple, independently targeting turrets on a single unit. There are a number of upcoming changes too, like the aforementioned dynamic light system, changes to the pathfinding to allow for units with large sprites to have collision that accurately matches their size, unit acceleration and deceleration, wheeled unit logic (vs units turning in place), units moving slower or faster depending on whether they are moving up or down cliffs, and a subterranean mining/tunneling/underground base system.

        Also sometime after launch, we will release the source code to D.O.R.F. engine on some read-only repo, so ideally other developers can use it to make their own games (or at least, make their own mods).

  5. 8 months ago

    I checked their twitter and steam page and still dont know what DORF means

    • 8 months ago

      Death of RTS Fricker

  6. 8 months ago

    >this flat sea
    I better see some mf waves around those ships

  7. 8 months ago

    now I want to make my own RTS and endlessly shill it on Ganker with 0 ostracism or repercussions

    • 8 months ago

      and yet you still wont.

  8. 8 months ago

    Dev posted here a few times. Honestly the only RTS I'm excited for, it looks pretty cool, and it's not a SC2 compbait clone game.

  9. 8 months ago

    What some other anons said, the water assets look like they are on water or even above.

  10. 8 months ago

    >still no release date
    it's a patreon scam

  11. 8 months ago

    I think it's still at least 4 years before official release, any hype is premature.

  12. 8 months ago

    This is the only worthwhile thing to ever result from OpenRA tbh

  13. 8 months ago

    That might be the largest transport ship I've seen in an RTS, as in it actually looks like it could fit some of these massive vehicles.

  14. 8 months ago

    probably my most anticipated RTS, real shame more games don't do pre rendered sprites these days, they look great

  15. 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    >Why evolve the RTS genre when we can make shitty 90s styles games: The Game

    • 7 months ago

      Beggar cant be chooser

    • 7 months ago

      if you want an evolved RTS, go to /egg/

      • 7 months ago

        frick that factorio general. they even let the cat diddlers post freely now.
        >t. salty /svgg/ refugee

        • 7 months ago

          cool vent bro
          sorry though, I'm just a tourist
          have an alcoholic cat

    • 7 months ago

      Every fricking single game that people call revolutionary post the 00s have been utter fricking dogshit, I would rather play the reheated left overs of the 90s than the cream of the crop of the 10s and 20s.

    • 7 months ago

      I wan't a not-KKND3, go frick yourself

  17. 7 months ago

    Looks cool but I know better than to get my hopes up for such an ambitious one-man project.

  18. 7 months ago

    I'll definitely check it out when it releases, but being a Patreon game is a massive red flag.

  19. 7 months ago

    Game being built on top of OpenRA is one of the most promising things about it even though I'm not a fan of OpenRA's RA1 balancing, it's a great vehicle for making an RTS. I wish the devs best of luck as I've personally been messing around with building the basics with Raylib and there's mountains of technological hurdles to get past before getting the expected basics of an RTS down.

  20. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      love the unit designs. first time seeing the giants.
      hope the maps are huge, or have the ability to be in an editor.
      looking forward to a demo!

  21. 7 months ago

    Dorf kino

    • 7 months ago

      >Shh, they must never know that we steal those models for the never coming sequel of Brigador.

      • 7 months ago

        They should collab and do an actual Brigador RTS

  22. 7 months ago

    is the rolling ball inspired by mental omega

  23. 7 months ago

    You guys are still running with that name?

    • 7 months ago

      it's a pretty good name honestly.

    • 7 months ago

      What do you mean?
      Defend Organize Retaliate Fictory is a good name.

  24. 7 months ago

    The boats look like plastic shit without depth - but i see a Grosstraktor Krupp, so all is forgiven. . .

  25. 7 months ago

    Wonder if this has multiple build queues and slow, but infinitely replenishable resources?

  26. 6 months ago

    will the infantry be any good?

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