can an oldgay tell me what the general board reaction was when Dragon Age Origins came out in 2009? I wasn't around at that time but played the game a few years ago.

Was it at all like how people are reacting to Baldur's Gate 3 now?
Playing through BG3 and it is eerily similar to DA:O but all the characters are less likeable

Why are normalgays frothing at the mouth at what is seemingly a generic CRPG experience? is it because it is their first?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Why are normalgays frothing at the mouth at what is seemingly a generic CRPG experience?
    Because its a good game

    • 10 months ago

      >Playing through BG3 and it is eerily similar to DA:O but all the characters are less likeable
      It's really not. The similarities end at 3rd person camera.

      >Why are normalgays frothing at the mouth at what is seemingly a generic CRPG experience? is it because it is their first?
      Because BG3 is nothing at all like BG1 and 2 and more like a Dragon Age game but more pozzed and with less likable characters as you said.

      It's literally because of the D&D movie. That's it. I bet most of them haven't even seen the movie, but it acted as a signal to the normies that D&D is now something that they're allowed to like. So now they're latching on to the next big D&D thing and pretending to be fans. it seems revolutionary to them because they haven't played any games other than maybe BotW and TLOU.

      All the people praising origins like it's the greatest thing ever while also complaining about how bg3 is casualties trash for people who don't give a shit about the genre are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

      When origins released you were those people. Origins was a dumb-downed rpg aimed for casuals and the console market. Baby's first rpg: the game.

      Having to suffer listening to these people complain about bg3 and what it has done to the genre is simply absurd

      • 10 months ago

        How the frick is DAO any dumber than BG1? I swear CRPGgays are the most skill-less obnoxious morons in gaming. Constantly fricking crying and then overhyping lame ass games like DOS2.

  2. 10 months ago

    >Playing through BG3 and it is eerily similar to DA:O but all the characters are less likeable
    It's really not. The similarities end at 3rd person camera.

    • 10 months ago

      There's far more similarities than differences.

    • 10 months ago

      BG3 would be the exact same thing if it had rtwp. It's what the DA series could have become if it stuck to origins style.

  3. 10 months ago

    >Why are normalgays frothing at the mouth at what is seemingly a generic CRPG experience? is it because it is their first?
    Because BG3 is nothing at all like BG1 and 2 and more like a Dragon Age game but more pozzed and with less likable characters as you said.

  4. 10 months ago

    Dragon age origins is the best western rpg ever made

  5. 10 months ago

    It's literally because of the D&D movie. That's it. I bet most of them haven't even seen the movie, but it acted as a signal to the normies that D&D is now something that they're allowed to like. So now they're latching on to the next big D&D thing and pretending to be fans. it seems revolutionary to them because they haven't played any games other than maybe BotW and TLOU.

    • 10 months ago

      >The movie
      You mean critical role

      • 10 months ago

        >but it acted as a signal to the normies that D&D is now something that they're allowed to like
        Yeah the celebrity D&D players didn't exist for the last 20 years

        no normie knows who any of those people are, only twitterbrains care. normies know who Chris Pine and Hugh Grant are.
        this is also why the "BG3 proves you can get woke without going broke" argument is crap, BG3's success has absolutely nothing to do with the woke crowd. it's literally just that D&D is accessible to normies.

        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Vin diesel has been giving interviews about how much he loves DnD before you were born.
          You are fricking off your rocker if you think a single b tier (at best) kids film is solely responsible for the popularisation of DnD in the social consciousness.
          I would go so far as to suggest stranger things did more for DnD than honor among thieves.

    • 10 months ago

      >but it acted as a signal to the normies that D&D is now something that they're allowed to like
      Yeah the celebrity D&D players didn't exist for the last 20 years

      • 10 months ago

        both of these guys are losers whose wives left them LMAO

      • 10 months ago

        >DMs campaigns with Big Show, Tom Morello and Vince Vaughn
        sounds comfy tbh

      • 10 months ago

        didn't the right guy play some hot werewolf daddy?

    • 10 months ago

      this but D&D has been a normalgay thing for much longer than the D&D movie
      shit's been mainstream for well over 5 years now.
      guarantee that even in your small town that one of the local bars/pubs does a monthly D&D night.

      MtG is long gone as well.
      Warhammer's probably next and Warhammer youtube is already infested with big tiddie normalgay women showing figurines in front of their cleavage for social media clicks

      • 10 months ago

        D&D has been in the normalgay sphere for a while now. The D&D movie was just trying to cash in on it.

        Normies have been aware of D&D but only hipster twitterbrains engaged in it.
        Your mistake is in actually thinking that twitter is representative of the normie population. They like to make other people believe that but the truth is they're basically inconsequential. I'm talking about actual honest to god "the internet is for Amazon and Facebook" "can't name a single video game released between Halo 2 and Minecraft" "superheroes didn't exist before Iron Man" normies.

        • 10 months ago

          >Normies have been aware of D&D but only hipster twitterbrains engaged in it.

          You have a point but there has definitely been a shift and there is much less of a stigma with normalgays now (most of which can probably be attributed to nerd culture being commercialized) You may be too young to know but D&D (and anything adjacent to it) were seen as "Satanic" by the general public for quite awhile and it was mostly relegated to being a weird nerd thing up until around the 2010's or so. TLDR: Fundies gonna fund.

    • 10 months ago

      D&D has been in the normalgay sphere for a while now. The D&D movie was just trying to cash in on it.

    • 10 months ago

      Is that Thom Yorke on the right?

      • 10 months ago

        can't be, he's looking straight ahead

  6. 10 months ago

    I liked it a lot and it was not my first rpg. Kotor was my first rpg I played. Dragon age origins was just very good for someone who wanted a medieval fantasy game with a world to discover. Baldurs gate 3 is just not interesting to me. The setting just lacks any character to interest me investing my time in.

  7. 10 months ago

    More hype (people were less jaded), a good amount of typical Ganker contrarianism. No culture war /misc/zoomer LARPing tradcath coping.
    Gods Ganker was strong then.

  8. 10 months ago

    it had better character creator than bg3. The whole story and gameplay were also better.
    >similar to DA:O but all the characters are less likeable
    Do you moron understand that good characters can make mediocre RPG into great one?

    • 10 months ago

      >The whole story and gameplay were also better.
      the gameplay of DAO was total ass and a downgrade from BG2

  9. 10 months ago

    it was well liked, real organic enjoyment and not forced shilled bullshit like we're seeing with BG3

  10. 10 months ago

    No one gave a frick about it. WRPGs have always been a laughing-stock

  11. 10 months ago

    >Playing through BG3 and it is eerily similar to DA:O but all the characters are less likeable
    There's no dice rolls homosexual. Nice try.

  12. 10 months ago

    Ganker liked origins and it was generally well received, same with mass effect 1 which came out like 2 years before that. Sequels for both though started to receive buttloads of hate.

  13. 10 months ago

    I don't remember it being massive, taking over the board etc but that is because every game needs to be spammed love/hate to oblivion. Now Dragon Age 2? That was some fricking doomposting.

  14. 10 months ago

    Dragon Age Origins is the last good western RPG, and I mean it because all its sequels are shit.

  15. 10 months ago

    >can an oldgay tell me what the general board reaction was when Dragon Age Origins came out in 2009?
    Board loved it, constant threads, the love of Dragon Age Origins (and Mass Effect 1 and 2) on this board was widespread and Bioware's descent taking place DIRECTLY after this golden age was the driving force behind Ganker's discourse and opinions ("hivemind hurr durr" I know I just mean generally) far into the future, even until now. The importance of the fall of Bioware to Ganker as a culture cannot be overstated.
    On the more game-specific side of things it was a TON of romancegayging over the characters, is sten cool or not cool, arguing about the specific choices you can make and which are superior, arguing the morality of Loghains decision to abandon the wardens and the king. Loghain's retreat is a timeless debate as you've probably noticed yourself. Honestly even now DA:O threads are strikingly similar to how they were back then.
    >Was it at all like how people are reacting to Baldur's Gate 3 now?
    Somewhat I'd say, yeah.
    >Why are normalgays frothing at the mouth at what is seemingly a generic CRPG experience? is it because it is their first?
    In both this case and Dragon Age's case it's basically down to the fact that's both were the kind of game production that simply isn't made anymore. In Gen 7 the RPG barely existed, let alone the CRPG. Today the CRPG is alive but releases don't really happen without crowdfunding, concessions or a smaller scope, Baldurs Gate 3 has none of those things. Both are bonafide game experiences roughly on par with the CRPG greats that used to be feasible to produce with the low production costs and ample talent of the 90s. They are games out of time and this catches both the normalgay attention as well as the abnormalgays attention resulting in a massive zeitgeist whereas something like Dragon Age Inquisition would have enough pushbacks from the abnormalgays to keep it down.

    • 10 months ago

      Love Sten
      >You are not free, you are a penitent
      >Get back in line or I am going to kick your ass
      >Sten Approves +10

    • 10 months ago

      >that pic
      Honestly wasnt sure whether I hate Sten more or less after that happened.

    • 10 months ago

      >a TON of romancegayging over the characters
      kek this
      I distinctly remember going on a speedrun of banging all the female party members.

  16. 10 months ago

    I've tried to get into the game twice already but dropped both playthroughs around ~10hrs in.
    Something about the combat puts me off. I think it's the really slow, weak looking weapon swing animations.
    Should I just start the game again and play a mage?

    • 10 months ago

      If you want to feel powerful, yes. Magic is busted as per usual in D&D based games.

    • 10 months ago

      The combat in this game us beyond boring. I don't understand how this game can be so popular.

      • 10 months ago

        DOA has actually good combat. I played it on the highest difficulty, and it can be challenging. Some stuff is impossible though. You cant go to the main city early on on high difficulty, as there is an impossible fight. YOu also gotta udnerstand that RPGgays never cared about combat much?? People always said to play Planescape: Torment on easy, because of how shit the combat is. But Planescape was one of those games often compared to games like DAO by nostalgiagays shitting on it.

        • 10 months ago

          >DOA has actually good combat
          It's the best 3D fighting game by a mile so it aught to have. DAO though, does not. Combat is just standing in place and pressing buttons then watching a mediocre animation with very poor feedback play out. Even WOW has more mechanics than DAO like actually having to move your character during combat. DAO combat is just an excel spreadsheet with a fancy GUI

          • 10 months ago

            >DOAgay lecturing anyone on combat

            • 10 months ago

              >stupid homosexual with stupid homosexual opinion outs himself as a stupid homosexual

              Wow. what a shocker

    • 10 months ago

      The combat is only fun if you pick a mage. As far as I'm concerned you should always play this game as mage unless you want to roleplay as a rogue or a warrior.

  17. 10 months ago

    >using another franchise to bait and market your game
    i noticed

  18. 10 months ago

    it came out after a long period of no big name wrpg releases so most people were positive about it. I posted about how it was shit and following bad trends that started in jade empire and would later become obvious to everyone in mass effect 3, but everyone just called me a homosexual.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        bioware's last good game was mdk2
        Black person

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >bad trends that started in jade empire

      Jade Empire was good though.

    • 10 months ago

      Well to be fair, you do sound like a huge homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      What the frick does DAO has to do with ME3 you dumb frick? They are literally polar opposites. God this place is filled with imbeciles.

  19. 10 months ago

    I preordered it and had to deal with the fricked up bioware social EA website integration. At the time I was very pessimistic about cRPGs and I thought DAO was refreshingly decent, but nothing extraordinary. A "generic cRPG experience" is hard to come by these decades.

  20. 10 months ago

    It was slightly controversial mostly because anons said it was casualized and made to cater to morons which was honestly true. That was pretty much 99% of complaints back in the day for most games.

    • 10 months ago

      >it was casualized and made to cater to morons which was honestly true.
      Meanwhile their favorite game was Baldur's Gate kek

      • 10 months ago

        Man I remember playing Gunz with anons back in the day. Ganker used to actually be pretty social and you could play games with anons.

  21. 10 months ago

    dont remember but probably was good.
    I dont remember the cynicism towards DAO. But then again... Ganker used to be less cynical overall compared to today.

  22. 10 months ago

    It was made fun of for being awkward bioware console slop here, which would become a signature feature of their games from now on, while as usual a small group of low IQ morons defended it to the death. it was also what I consider to be the death knell of the CRPG, as you could see the creativity be sucked out of the genre after this and all the smaller scale ambitious projects ceased, almost like the rpg wasn't considered a worthy outlet for creativity anymore but instead big budget garbage for normalgays, until the genre died altogether for many years. So yes, it's just like bg3.

  23. 10 months ago

    Lot of revisionist history in here, people despised and ignored it back in the day, and there weren't even many threads on it because bioware was looked down on especially after EA. It hasn't been glorified till now on this board. Same with Mass effect 1. God i hate all you "people".

    • 10 months ago

      >complains about revisionism
      >is the one being a disingenuous revisionism gay

      Mass Effect 1 was herald as the second coming of Christ by virtue of just being Xbox exclusive

    • 10 months ago

      Yep. It was just another trash WRPG for keks of the time period.

    • 10 months ago

      All the people praising origins like it's the greatest thing ever while also complaining about how bg3 is casualties trash for people who don't give a shit about the genre are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

      When origins released you were those people. Origins was a dumb-downed rpg aimed for casuals and the console market. Baby's first rpg: the game.

      Having to suffer listening to these people complain about bg3 and what it has done to the genre is simply absurd

      Yep. It was just another trash WRPG for keks of the time period.

      You are fricking moronic newbies who were not even here when Origins was released.

  24. 10 months ago

    Thought I was the only one
    Baldurs Gate 3 also reminded me of DAO. The similarities are very apparent.

  25. 10 months ago

    Ganker loved it and had 24/7 threads about it for a long time.

  26. 10 months ago

    Anyone ITT saying Ganker shat on DA:O is a larping newbie. Ganker fricking loved this game. Threads all over the first page for months, nonstop talking about the romances and the characters in general, tons of OC made all the time. Just like Ganker's reaction to ME2 at launch, everyone loved it and wouldn't shut the frick up about their waifus.

    • 10 months ago

      >WRPG kek thinks his group of 10 troons represents the board at the time

    • 10 months ago

      I think ME3 was basically the end of an era. An era where gamers trusted devs to make good games. Now we are all jaded buttholes because of one RGB colored ending.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes it was the end of an era, and you are the ones who brought it to it's end. ME3 is the last good game Bioware made. It was also filled with free content and had a lot of work put into it. Oh but the ending of the story they already fricked up in the first game was not good so i guess this is the worst game ever made and the people who made it should hang. Well, enjoy your diversity hire cesspool.

        2012-2013 really marks the end of the video game golden age that started in 1998 and reached it's peak with the PS2. It's the date video game discussion died as well along with word of mouth on video games dying in a sea of soi faced mass hysteria.

        • 10 months ago

          Imagine not still being mad.

          • 10 months ago

            What good did the hysteria do? Gaming got significantly worse, video game discussion got significantly worse. They haven't made a TPS that comes even close to what was being done at the time,

        • 10 months ago

          >people being upset that a moronic child talks to you at the end of the mass effect trilogy forced bioware to switch to shitty diversity hires which surely wouldn't have happened if nobody complained
          Makes sense.

          • 10 months ago

            >people being upset :~~*

            yeah, because that's all that happened, right?

            >2012-2013 really marks the end of the video game golden age
            yea there were a couple games that really ruined it for m-
            >ME3 is the last good game Bioware made
            frick you Black person. 3 has really good gunplay but that's it. everything else is so retarted i still can't believe it after 11 years.
            i love me2, but it fricked over mass effect and 3 just confirms it. if they were smart they could have reworked some of 2's moronation but they had to le """finish teh fight"""
            3 is not a good game despite it's few redeeming qualities.

            You are a stupid fricking c**t. ME3 (original, not demaster) is on the best TPS' made to date.

            • 10 months ago

              one of the best*

            • 10 months ago

              >a lot more happened therefore diversity hires
              I'm just gonna cut to the the part where I demand evidence the reaction to ME3 lead to diversity hires, as if that wasn't coming anyway. Also, people tend to get mad when someone lies their ass off to them getting them excited for a bait & switch. The reaction was ridiculous but also completely expected given the disparity between the claims made & what was actually delivered. I'd bet my life on it that the reaction wouldn't have been nearly as insane if there was no moronic star child & just one ending. Even without the hype the ending was comically bad & quite frankly insulting.

            • 10 months ago

              >one of the best tps
              didn't deny that moron. i love what they did with equip load and etc stopped after thessia lol it's still a shit fricking game
              asspulls like mordin and grunt are really cool and moving until you realize the bigger context. i can't imagine starting with 3, getting invested in the universe and lore then playing 1 and 2. it would be awful.
              god damn if they only put 3's mechanics into a better game in the me universe.

              mass effect is the embodiment of missed opportunities and you are a moron if you think otherwise.

        • 10 months ago

          >2012-2013 really marks the end of the video game golden age
          yea there were a couple games that really ruined it for m-
          >ME3 is the last good game Bioware made
          frick you Black person. 3 has really good gunplay but that's it. everything else is so retarted i still can't believe it after 11 years.
          i love me2, but it fricked over mass effect and 3 just confirms it. if they were smart they could have reworked some of 2's moronation but they had to le """finish teh fight"""
          3 is not a good game despite it's few redeeming qualities.

      • 10 months ago

        There's no one game that is responsible for us being jaded. It took the combined effort of many developers to make that happen. ME3 is definitely a good symbolic end of the era.

        • 10 months ago

          your not jaded you are just moronic cretin.

          >le jaded
          >laps up every piece of marketed slop made since

      • 10 months ago

        It was frickwits who couldn't let go of ToRtanic posting that got Plato's caved by by election zoomers thinking it was always like that.

    • 10 months ago

      >thousands of underage morons loved it

      Wow, this changes everything. I guess it wasn't casualties trash aimed at consoles and casuals that didn't play rpgs. It's going to hurt you to hear this but 15 years from now this place will be filled to the brim with people that feel the same way about bg3 as you do about origins

  27. 10 months ago

    All I remember is people disliking mw2 while I was having fun with it. ESPECIALLY the short campaign on veteran and coop spec ops with my best friend. Those were the days.

  28. 10 months ago

    DAO was absolutely a huge success and occupied the board for quite awhile.

  29. 10 months ago

    >can an oldgay tell me what the general board reaction was when Dragon Age Origins came out in 2009?
    Ganker mostly liked it. There are always people who don't like any game. This culture of furiously shitposting just didn't exist on Ganker back then. Ganker was not always filled with batshit insane contrarian haters.
    >Was it at all like how people are reacting to Baldur's Gate 3 now?
    Has there ever been anything as moronic as the discourse on Ganker around baldurs gate 3? Like the game or not, you must admit Ganker has outdone itself in idiocy lately. Some of those posters are probably tourists, though.
    >Why are normalgays frothing at the mouth at what is seemingly a generic CRPG experience?
    Ganker has been autistic about crpgs since at least 2014 when the new wave of them started. I don't remember every thread being full of shitposting before that, but maybe I just wasn't reading them or forgot. Some people may blame codex, but codex is basically Ganker. Crpg players are just the kind of people who have embraced outrage culture.

  30. 10 months ago

    this game is pretty awesome, but it's broken and buggy. the rest don't exist

  31. 10 months ago

    In 2009, the console RPG (mainly JRPGs) were dying and/or moved to handhelds. Almost non of them played a WRPG because they were regulated to PC only. Dragon Age was baby's first WRPG because of its decent 360 port.

    • 10 months ago

      the game is the best on pc. has more options

  32. 10 months ago

    >no shazaamgays
    >no culture war garbage
    >no dedicated shitposting raid discords
    i miss it

  33. 10 months ago

    Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games and I've never played nor will I ever play the sequels. The same core story with slightly different endings pleases my autism. I will probably try BG3 one day but it doesn't look like it will be the same.

    • 10 months ago

      If you like Dragon's Dogma you owe it to yourself to play Dragon Age 2. Dragon Age 2 is a Sister game to Dragon's Dogma.

      • 10 months ago

        I played Dragon age 2, I'm disappointed the game rarely called it out if you were a Pro Templar mage or a blood mage (I was both)

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah it missed some details but over-all it's a great piece of adventure-KINO history.

      • 10 months ago

        The frick am i even reading?

        • 10 months ago

          DD was inspired by Dragon Age 2 and made as a Sister game to it. Definitely check it out if you like DD.

          • 10 months ago

            Anon, are you feeling alright?

  34. 10 months ago

    I just looked up combat footage from DA2 and it looks a lot less mind numbingly dull than DAO. Why do DA gays hate this game again?

    • 10 months ago

      DA-gays were not into action-adventure KINO at the time. But Dragon Age 2 won in the end. Many games were inspired by it, Dragon's Dogma being a recent one.
      I hope Dragon Age 4 is a return to Dragon Age 2 form tbh, it would be really cool. They could learn from DD and keep up the Sister Game pact for the next ones in both series.

      • 10 months ago

        i don't know why you are trying to force this moronic take, especially since it's a hopeless endeavor.

        • 10 months ago


  35. 10 months ago

    It's honestly been received better by the board as more time has passed.

  36. 10 months ago

    The exact same reaction Ganker is having with BG3

  37. 10 months ago

    >Check these games on PSN out of curiosity
    >all that fricking paid DLC
    >actual gameplay content, not just pay to win items
    >expansion for the first game costs more than the game itself
    >61 euros for DAO and 47 for DAO just for gameplay only stuff

    hahaha eat shit and die EA.

    • 10 months ago

      Lmao, I got the ultimate edition of DA (Base game, all DLC + Awakening) for 12 dollars on Steam like 10 years ago.

    • 10 months ago

      47 for DA2*

    • 10 months ago

      >61 euros for DAO
      This must be euro specific pricing, on xbox store it's $15 & goes on sale for $5 quite often, same with the expansions.

  38. 10 months ago

    I only see boomers playing DnD, or people in their 30s the youngest.
    Are there any teenagers playing this stuff? I surely expect not when looking at how much the manuals cost.

  39. 10 months ago

    People loved it. They didn't like them shilling dlc in it or dragon age 2 but everyone loved 1 back in the day. I literally bought it simply because everyone on Ganker was talking about it

  40. 10 months ago

    Origins was the last good bioware game. Frick off with your mass effect 2 shit

  41. 10 months ago

    I don't remember ANY discussion of Dragon Age: Morrigan. But there was a lot of (unjustified) hate against the gambit system of FF12. For some reason setting tactics for party members to auto perform turned off people.

  42. 10 months ago

    Still one of my favorite videos kek

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