Dragon Warrior VII

I'm two hours into this and so far there hasn't been a single fight, it's just been backtracking between two places, solving stupid puzzles, and getting confused because shit blocks view on the camera and having to rotate the camera all the time.

What the frick.

Should I even bother continuing?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >I'm two hours
    lol you are still in the tutorial
    this game is so freaking long and yes it will get better once you world map opens for you to do what you want

  2. 2 years ago

    It's a long, long game and if you're already having a bad time with it I don't see why you should continue because there's going to be even more backtracking and puzzles later on.
    I guess there's at least the exploration aspect to look forward to and the story is pretty neat too.

  3. 2 years ago

    Main game is like 100+ hours, I like it but God be damn if i ever would recommend it to anyone.
    Game is easy as frick if you follow the direct path to become a Godhand or a Hero, also don't invest on weapons because skills are strong enough to frick shit up.

  4. 2 years ago

    Play the 3ds version, if you're impatient.

  5. 2 years ago

    >have to revisit dungeon both in past and present
    >it's the same layout down to the pots/barrels being in the same spots

    >revisit town in the present
    >same thing
    >on top of that it's the exact same character sprites in more/less the same places

    This is some lame lazy shit right there. The whole past/present thing could have been cool but it's really stupid when everything is the same. This is definitely the DQ I'm enjoying the last so far, and I already thought 6 was stretching it a little

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, when I was starting the 3DS remake I actually expected around 100 hours of meaningful content and was pretty bummed that roughly half of it turned out to be recycled. Kind of makes you wonder why they couldn't fit the original PS1 version in one disc when the game looks like it could run on SNES.
      I still finished it despite my disappointment and really liked it but it's not a game I will replay anytime soon or recommend to anyone not familiar with the rest of the series.

  6. 2 years ago

    The game and even its remake are heavily criticized for its ridiculously long prologue with no gameplay. Even if you go at breakneck speed and knowing exactly what to do we're talking at least an hour.

    I had the 3DS version, after three hours of no gameplay I took it back to the store.

  7. 2 years ago

    It also has one of the worst job systems in an RPG, and the ending/final boss are pretty disappointing

    I like DQ a lot but 7 really just isn't that great. I don't know if the remake changes any of that up though

    • 2 years ago

      >worst job systems
      Is more about learning spells/skills and stats than the classes themselves, besides thief and monster master (that doesn't work like in VI where you could recruit monsters) there's no reason to change back to another expecific class that doesn't give you a boost like hero or sage.

      • 2 years ago

        Also there's a crap ton of worthless classes like shepherd and pirate, hell once you learn vacuum air from the paladin, multiheal from the sage and keep going until you reach hero with gigaslash you are set, it may sound hard but the game is long as frick and you will have all your party members as hero by the end of the first CD or even sooner.

      • 2 years ago

        Also there's a crap ton of worthless classes like shepherd and pirate, hell once you learn vacuum air from the paladin, multiheal from the sage and keep going until you reach hero with gigaslash you are set, it may sound hard but the game is long as frick and you will have all your party members as hero by the end of the first CD or even sooner.

        I like looking at DQ art more than I like playing the games.

        • 2 years ago

          i will never not be mad at looking something dq 2 related, that treasure hunt in the middle of the fricking sea will always torment me

          • 2 years ago

            They give you a hint about this when you get your ship, so if you have prior knowledge and don't trigger the wreck by talking to some other random jackoff you get completely fricked

          • 2 years ago

            The stuff you get out of this sidequest isn't even mandatory, nor that useful. I never used it on my first playthrough, even in the NES version which has a bit less hints.

  8. 2 years ago

    Not every fight has a tangible adversary.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, the enemy here are the developers and publishers for inducing this tedium

      • 2 years ago

        pretty chart, but very wrong

  9. 2 years ago

    Play the 3DS version, it still has a lot of backtracking though.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, as much as remakes get hate on this board, the 3DS version is objectively the superior version.

      I got this game when I was 7 and played it for like 30 hours and I could never figure out how to get out of the starting island area. never fought one monster.

      >played it for like 30 hours and I could never figure out how to get out of the starting island area.
      Kind of reminds me of my first experiences of playing Chrono Trigger on ZSNES with absolutely no understanding of English or JRPGs in the late 90s. Damn was it swell when I finally figured out how to get to the time machine in the mid 2000s. It was like playing the full version of the game after playing a demo.

  10. 2 years ago

    I got this game when I was 7 and played it for like 30 hours and I could never figure out how to get out of the starting island area. never fought one monster.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminds me of when I was six and got the PC port of FF7. Was stuck at the giant snake and was too dumb to figure out I had to get a chocobo to outrun it. Instead I relentlessly tried to grind everyone to level 50 because that was the same level Sephiroth was during that flashback sequence.
      Got everyone to around level 35 before my mom got a new PC

  11. 2 years ago

    What's the dev reason for this game being so long? I haven't gotten into it because of the sheer length but oddly enough that is also the reason why I'm interested in it to begin with.

    • 2 years ago

      DQ has always been a slow burn, it's just how it is.

      • 2 years ago

        DQ1 isn't a slow burn.

    • 2 years ago

      New console with infinite power, I suppose.
      All we know is that they knew they kind of fricked up beause in a poll they did before the realease of DQVIII they found out that only 65% of the players finished the game, that's 2.6M vs 1.4M who didn't beat it.

    • 2 years ago

      Got so carried away with the new tech they could play with that they didn't pace themselves. Enix had to take a long break from the series after VII because they were totally wiped out from making it, and they no doubt took time to reevaluate how much was "too much" before going into VIII.

    • 2 years ago

      It felt like a real adventure

  12. 2 years ago

    The only game I took back to the store and said "There's no GAMEPLAY in this GAME, I want my money back". Once on the PSX release, again on the 3DS re-release which people swore up and down "fixed it".

    There was no reason for it to be several hours long. None. No excuse.

    • 2 years ago

      And then everyone clapped

  13. 2 years ago

    You think that "finally, disc 2" meme was fake?


  14. 2 years ago

    Every single Dragon Quest game overstays its welcome by at least 5-10 hours. VII overstays its welcome by 50.

    • 2 years ago

      Disagree there, DQ2 is very snappy and to the point and always a pleasure to replay. I always wish it was a bit longer even. Just one more dungeon before Rhone to gain a couple levels would have been nice; instead of that one seal you literally just pick up off the ground for instance.

      • 2 years ago

        It's only snappy if you already know where the crests are. Otherwise the second you get the boat the game becomes a slog. I can't believe sailing moves just as slow as you do on land. Without a map you'd never find some of these isolated islands. The fire crest was total bullshit, despite being told where it's at. Same with Roge Fastfinger. And then doesn't even matter how leveled you are with those death spells. It's a big mess that I think I really like, but I have to disagree that it's snappy. Maybe the SNES version is better, but I've only played NES.

        • 2 years ago

          While we're on the DQ2 hate train, I fricking hate how they put the Thunder Sword under a hidden drop-to-next-floor tile at the bottom of a massive death pit. You wouldn't know its there unless you had guilty knowledge,

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