Dragon's Dogma 2

Now that the dogma has settled...

What went wrong?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    no moon

    • 1 month ago

      i trust in whoever did Dark Arisen to deliver again.

    • 1 month ago

      >REaching the moon Engine
      >no moon
      like pottery

  2. 1 month ago

    how long are you going to continue spamming the same thread? it's been about a month now

    • 1 month ago

      till the next major release happens

      • 1 month ago

        So, KDC 2?

    • 1 month ago

      What makes you think only one person disliked this game?

      • 1 month ago

        That aside, considering there's literal bot threads every single day is it really that out there that some sick Black person has nothing better to do?

    • 1 month ago

      It's botted

  3. 1 month ago

    >Shitted and flopped so badly it's already forgotten

  4. 1 month ago

    Pretty good game once you can get past the reduced amount of quality content compared to DD2. The gameplay is much better overall and pawns are much better overall. I have no doubt that the DLC will be kickass.

  5. 1 month ago

    Should i give the gold idol to madeline or caxton?

    • 1 month ago

      bawdwear madeline
      weapons caxton

    • 1 month ago

      Caxton if you want useful gear, madeline if you want more bawd gear.

      • 1 month ago

        Is the sultry pareo worth it?

        • 1 month ago

          bawd maxxing is the true endgame of Dragon's Dogma. Better weapons are available in BBI.

          • 1 month ago

            My fellow bawd.

    • 1 month ago

      Madeline, bawdgear is all you need.
      >inb4 better weapons

    • 1 month ago

      just dupe it

  6. 1 month ago

    it wasn't great but I did like it more than both Rise of the Ronin and Eiyuden Chronicles

  7. 1 month ago

    >What went wrong?
    Pajeets couldn't run it on their GTX 1060s

    • 1 month ago

      >tfw I have a GTX 1060 and I've been playing it since launch
      Lossless Scaling is a godsend.

      • 1 month ago

        That's only wrong if you're a pajeet and complaining about DD2

      • 1 month ago

        >Lossless Scaling
        does this actually do anything I have a similar gpu but I figured most of my issues were with CPU rape

  8. 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago

    remember that time brant sent us to get a letter

    what a riveting quest that was

    it was almost as good as that quest where brant sent us to look for another letter

    • 1 month ago

      Reporting to Brant 10 times was so fun. I was on the edge of my seat.

  10. 1 month ago

    you no rike? itsuno's vision. pureasu undahsutandu.

  11. 1 month ago

    Only thing that went wrong is Trickster imo. I don't even think it's a bad vocation, but Capcom/Itsuno were mega moronic for making it look like a hybrid with no colors and expecting people to not go crazy with speculation on vocation count/variety.

    Overall I think it's a big step up from DD1 in all ways except the music. There are some minor things I prefer in DD1 as well, but as an overall package 2 is better.

    • 1 month ago

      >I don't even think it's a bad vocation
      I think it is and I'm usually pretty open to playstyles like this
      In fact its terrible that things ended up this way because it just biases people more against classes that aren't pure murderdeathkill

    • 1 month ago

      >I don't even think it's a bad vocation
      Really? I thought it was a complete mess of a concept. It's not that fun to play, a slog to actually kill anything, and is built around the moronic concept of making your pawns do most of the damage.

      • 1 month ago

        It's fun. Also gives you a good way to observe pawn behavior.

      • 1 month ago

        I think it's actually pretty fun, but I didn't try it until I had the maister skill + the entire vocation maxed out from warfarer indirect leveling. The maister skill staggers everything and the various smoke skills can frick up enemy AI in pretty interesting ways. The pawn buff is also huge, gives them way more damage than you'd expect.

      • 1 month ago

        >and is built around the moronic concept of making your pawns do most of the damage.
        This part really isn't that bad, I generally try to empower my pawns anyway since killing everything yourself is unironically the easier choice to the extent that its almost too effective sometimes
        But Trickster is just a mess, it only shines in multi-boss scenarios and it barely breaks even when cliffs are around. And outside of those two precise scenarios its a miserable time where one mistake can lead to totally losing control of the situation and everything takes forever.

      • 1 month ago

        Works fine with a sorcerer or two in the party. Piss off the enemy and drop your ghost somewhere, put a wall between your pawns and the enemy, wait for the uninterrupted tornadoes and or meteors to end it. Granted that is just kind of life with sorcerer pawns in general but trickster can keep them extremely safe and buff their damage even further than it would be normally,

  12. 1 month ago

    >story somehow worse than the first one
    >affinity also just as ass-backwards as the first
    >less armor slots even though it looks like it could have worked pretty easily of gloves and boots were their own category
    >barely any new enemy types, new ones like the Medusa and Sphinx are barely in the game

  13. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      he can jape my tender bawdholes all night long

  14. 1 month ago

    Dragon's flopma

  15. 1 month ago

    1 > 2
    1 > 2
    2 > 1
    >world design/level design
    2 > 1
    DA > 2 > 1
    >enemy variety
    DA > 2 > 1
    1 > 2
    2 > 1
    2 > 1
    >armor design
    2 > 1
    >armor customization
    1 > 2
    >pawn chatter
    1 > 2
    >pawn combat
    2 > 1

    • 1 month ago

      Agree with all of this but story. 2's story is leagues better than 1's and it's not even close. That's if we're talking "main quest" story though. Side quests are far better in 1.

      • 1 month ago

        I simply find 1's story more interesting because it focuses more on the dragon and its affect on the world, all the stuff with the Duke hating you is more present, and you have more interesting gameplay encounters in the story with things like the Shadow Fort and Blue Moon tower's griffin fights. Not to mention, DA's story is also much better.

        • 1 month ago

          2's story is fricking awful though. 1 actually feels like you're the Arisen. In 2 the dragon just ceases to exist for the longest time

          These. 1's story is much better. 2 is just a bunch of "infiltrate the palace" quests, then you get shoved to Battahl to do the bidding of the bad guys and then chase Phaesus. The end.

        • 1 month ago

          The problem is that there are only 2 actual story quests in 1. Grigori shows up and says none of the shit you did before now mattered, everything they're doing in the world is irrelevant to fate, fight me. And then the Seneschal just makes a big hole, you jump in, and he goes on about will and you get a rift version of the dragon's bargain where you do the MGS3 Sorrow walk until the Seneschal goes cool, fight me.
          The Phaesus plot is there from before you even get to Vernworth and you follow it the entire way through. Everything is related to someone trying to unmake the cycle, even the dragon itself wants it undone because it hates the Pathfinder/Watcher.
          There's also the problem of the people who say they love DD1 getting so much shit wrong, like the guy that thought all the Witchwood and Selene shit is main quests when it was all side quests.

          • 1 month ago

            That's not a problem, that's good supportive side-quests relevant to the main plot but not necessary to continue. 2's side content isn't nearly as good.

            • 1 month ago

              It means the main quest is so boring that people think the side quests that have no relation to the main quest at all is main quest, then forget that the main quest is pretty much
              >cut off one hydra head
              >kick ox
              >go to the pawn guild
              >run down the hole
              >kill goblins
              >go to the crypt to see cult
              >go visit the dragonforged
              >go to the water temple
              >get feste'd
              >fight a griffon
              >get fournival out of jail or make him go to jail
              >watch mercedes get beat up and nothing comes from it either way
              >watch a guy fall off bluemoon tower and nothing comes from it even with the weird black power and the RIIIIIIIING
              >fight a wieneratrice
              >get a cape from the duke or raid the treasury
              >Grigori shows up says none of that shit mattered, fight me, fate, upjumped zealot
              >fight Grigori
              >go into the hole
              >fight Seneschal and pick your ending

              • 1 month ago

                >It means the main quest is so boring
                It's not.

              • 1 month ago

                It is fricking boring until Grigori shows up to start the actual story.

              • 1 month ago

                This. I loved sneaking into the palace 12 times in a row and doing Brant's job for him and then the game ends. Now THAT's more exciting than raiding a goblin castle with a whole ass army or stopping a psychotic cult.

              • 1 month ago

                >if i misrepresent the story and pretend a lot of things didn't exist it sucks
                You can just say "I don't like 2 and prefer 1" instead of making shit up

              • 1 month ago

                >>if i misrepresent the story
                are you fricking telling me those "infiltration" quests didn't happen at all or something?

              • 1 month ago

                No, I'm telling you that they're not the entirety of the main story. There's 2 whole sneaking quests and they're in the first 1/3 of the game, dishonest shitposter

              • 1 month ago

                Apparently sneaking in twice is actually 12 forced stealth missions and you go straight to the final cutscene after the masquerade according to that guy.

              • 1 month ago

                I enjoyed DD1's wyrmhunt being a petty human farce
                I also enjoyed Brant's mundane scheming amounting to nothing due to the existence of godsway
                In both cases I would have appreciated a bit deeper resolution to the admittedly inconsequential mortal antics side of the story but of course the entire point of these games is that mortal antics truly are inconsequential

              • 1 month ago

                At least, with all things being equal, Phaesus shows up right away and you physically see him with Disa as well as the false arisen.
                And Brant's antics do end up getting you a method of getting into Battahl if you haven't just gone one of the two other ways, or jumped into a carriage. The permit also stops you from getting arrested and having Battahl people aggro you.
                DD2 even has the decency to force you to talk to the Rivage Elder twice so you can hear him raving about his bullshit that's actually the overarching plot.
                DD1s biggest contribution to the story, prior to Salvation, is Edmun trying to stop you from doing the main plot until Grigori shows up and tells you to get on with it. The only quest that really matters before Salvation is going to the pawn guild and checking out the Everfall pre-hole.

              • 1 month ago

                >And Brant's antics do end up getting you a method of getting into Battahl
                Well you said it yourself, there's a million different ways into battahl
                Nothing against Brant though, he's just a man and he did what he could (though I think he put a little too much priority on keeping his own hands and that of his men clean and letting his sovran do a lot that could have been delegated) But I can chalk that up to him being a straight and narrow paranoid homie and not versed in skullduggery like some brothas. Godsway is bullshit that's just way above his paygrade as a mortal. Not much he could do in act 2 to support Arisen without endangering his pension.

              • 1 month ago

                POV: You're a Swedish boy about to be culturalized

              • 1 month ago

                >In both cases I would have appreciated a bit deeper resolution to the admittedly inconsequential mortal antics side of the story but of course the entire point of these games is that mortal antics truly are inconsequential
                Well, the problem isn't the writing itself, it never has been. The actual scenario for both games is frankly way above average, particularly the true end for 2 is quite good, and that isn't exactly surprising considering the pedigree of Ikehara. The issue lies in how cheaply the questing itself is written, and unfortunately 1 excels at this much more than 2 because of the per-NPC stories that you get from speaking to them that just don't exist in 2. Both games have the issue called "budget" where someone somewhere wasn't willing to shill out for proper spoken dialogue, so you end up with every plot development and character piece being cut painfully short. I recommend going back and reading through some of the conversations from Ulrika's quest, or Rothias's dialogue. You can see exactly where the writers for the quests were told to cut dialogue and wrap it up in a smaller package, because it all needed to be voiced and VAs are paid per word or per line according to the contract. You can see similar instances of dialogue being constricted in the first game, but I think most people just chalked it up to development issues (which, admittedly, both games had).

              • 1 month ago

                We've been hearing this shit for years by this point and its still wrong.

              • 1 month ago

                You can lie if you want to but I posted every single main quest except maybe one.

              • 1 month ago

                When the main quest is so short and forgettable that people constantly confuse completely optional content for the main quest, I argue otherwise. 1's story is full of holes and every single major plot thread that said main story presents you goes unresolved by the end. It's guilty of every single thing people complain about in 2; worst of all, the story itself has no conclusive ending and none of it matters.

                >Grigori and Ur-Dragon are the only arguments in DD1's favor against "not all best gear is in the shop"
                And everything in the everfall being unique.
                I don't agree with that at all.

                >And everything in the everfall being unique.
                You didn't read the post.

          • 1 month ago

            >like the guy that thought all the Witchwood and Selene shit is main quests when it was all side quests.
            This is a big disconnect people are having, I feel. People are seriously misconstruing what the "main quest" in DD1 is. Most of the plot threads people keep harping on about for 1's "story" are completely optional.

            DD1 I played a fairly comprehensive playthrough of in 2023 in hype for DD2, and I just played a speedrun of it on hard mode doing basically only main quests after playing 2 for 200+ hours. I can safely and confidently say the main quest is even shorter and has even less going on than 2. I implore anyone who thinks otherwise to go play the main quest again and see that I'm right.

      • 1 month ago

        2's story is fricking awful though. 1 actually feels like you're the Arisen. In 2 the dragon just ceases to exist for the longest time

        • 1 month ago

          They both are shit. The dragon has 15 minutes of total screen time in the first game.
          >1 actually feels like you're the Arisen.
          No it doesn't. You're a prophesied dragon slayer and they send you off on gopher shit errands and have frick all but pawns to stand with you instead of a standing army. At least in the second it has that moronic "durr no one knows you're actually the arisen even though they all fricking call you by that name" to handwave just having pawns to fight the dragon with.

          • 1 month ago

            I think you completely missed the Duke hating you and wanting you to die because if you kill the dragon, it'll expose him.

            • 1 month ago

              I think a lot of people actually did miss a lot of DD1's semi-subtle court stuff. Which is ludokino because we play a moronic naive fisherknight.

              • 1 month ago

                I really loved all the stuff with the neighboring countries "helping" but sending their worst and even causing rebellions to break out

            • 1 month ago

              And I think you missed how the Duke of Gransys isn't the only noble in the game, but oh wait instead of Hearthstone and Voldoa trying to be renowned as the kingdoms that helped put an end to the dragon Julien was too busy kicking Mercedes in the testicles and calling her a she goat.

              • 1 month ago

                No I didn't miss that, I said that here

                I really loved all the stuff with the neighboring countries "helping" but sending their worst and even causing rebellions to break out

          • 1 month ago

            >The dragon has 15 minutes of total screen time in the first game.
            And has actually really good, memorable dialogue that makes every minute exciting and worthwhile.
            In 2, Royce shows up, sighs and does the "minimum wage, minimum effort" version of Grigori's dialogue and then exits stage down.

            • 1 month ago

              Anon, Royce isn't the big dragon. It's the pimply wart dragon. Phaesus straight up says "behold the royce dragon bla bla break the cycle yadda yadda" after summoning pimple dick, only for the much bigger red dragon to show up and bellyflop on the leper dragon.

              • 1 month ago

                >Royce isn't the big dragon.
                Royce is the big dragon. The Royce dragon isn't a frickin lesser drake, which is what The Dragon squashes. Royce means royal, son of the king, of fame, THE DRAGON.

              • 1 month ago

                He literally calls the thing the royce dragon, then when the red dragon comes gets pissy that you're all still slaves to the cycle.

              • 1 month ago

                >He literally calls the thing the royce dragon
                Yeah because he's stupid, he summoned a lesser drake. The pimply dragons you've been killing the whole game, meanwhile this entire quest you've been told he intends to control The Dragon (capital letters).
                The Royce dragon is THE dragon, not a lesser drake.

                Please stop making me explain the obvious to you, this is depressing.

              • 1 month ago

                >Please stop making me explain the obvious to you, this is depressing.
                That's standard for DD threads. To this day you have people that think the dragon in the first game is actually named Grigori.

              • 1 month ago

                >To this day you have people that think the dragon in the first game is actually named Grigori.
                Misinformation like that spreads so much faster than facts.

              • 1 month ago

                So much so that 12 years later you still have people believing that.

              • 1 month ago

                >meanwhile this entire quest you've been told he intends to control The Dragon (capital letters).
                No? He just says "The dragon" and the only reason T is capitalized is because it's the start of a new sentence.

              • 1 month ago

                >Phaesus straight up says "behold the royce dragon
                He has never seen the real dragon before, he's this game's leader of salvation. Mistaken and stupid.

        • 1 month ago

          >the dragon just ceases to exist for the longest time
          It almost seems like he goes back to whatever storage dimension inert dragons get placed in since when he does finally appear its in that weird fetal position like when Grigori first appears in DD1's opening cinematic.

          • 1 month ago

            Which is moronic

        • 1 month ago

          I disagree entirely. People are focusing so much on the weird pacing in Battahl and missing what the overall story is. There are more layers to the political intrigue side of 2 than there are 1 -- which amounts to no more than "the duke is a giant homosexual and doesn't like you". The dragon is obviously not the focus of DD2 and the game instead opts to hone in more on "the cycle". 1's end to the cycle is interesting just because it's such a huge twist to find out what the Seneschal is, but the ending itself just.. resolves nothing. 2 goes far above and beyond and conclusively ends the cycle for good while fleshing it out.

          I can understand if you like individual characters or elements of 1 better but overall the story of 2 goes far deeper into the lore setup by 1 and gives a far better conclusion.

          • 1 month ago

            1 wasn't really about court intrigue per se, it was more about the concept of the Arisen itself. 2 really dropped the ball by talking about how arisens are super duper important to the new setting yet not really giving a lot of attention to previous arisens. Like they all just go "oh yeah, I used to be an arisen too" but they're no more notable than any other NPCs. Compare them to the Duke, Dragonforged, or the various pawn characters like Selene, Barnaby, or the Fool and it's like they're a complete afterthought.

            • 1 month ago

              >2 really dropped the ball by talking about how arisens are super duper important to the new setting yet not really giving a lot of attention to previous arisens
              It didn't "drop the ball", they're just not the focus. They are completely irrelevant to the story 2 is trying to tell. Expanding on who Sigurd is wouldn't change 2's story at all. I don't really get what you're trying to say. You're comparing 1 and 2 like they're trying to tell the same story when they're obviously very different. This is evidenced by the dragon's monologue before and after his fight in 2. He doesn't talk about you or your fight at all, and even expresses disappointment if you fight him. It's all about breaking free of the cycle.

              • 1 month ago

                The cycle shit is boring

              • 1 month ago

                I think it's far less boring than "everything you did is meaningless and the world resets infinitely"

              • 1 month ago

                The cycle shit is boring

                such is the dogma of the dragon...

              • 1 month ago

                What does "ending the cycle" achieve beyond some gay ass cutscene at the end?

              • 1 month ago

                What kind of question is this? The world returns from the brink of destruction, the brine is gone, everyone is now given free will. The world is now free to operate outside of the constraints of the cycle.

                The story 2 is trying to tell sucks and is short and unsatisfying, too. Breaking the cycle didn't feel earned, there's no relief or "finally" from the player. There's no big build up or awe or emotion like you're doing something great or even awful. "Here's a couple climbing puzzles disguised as bosses, now a cutscene, the end."
                DD2 is a major disappointment.

                >Breaking the cycle didn't feel earned
                >There's no big build up
                Lmao what? The world goes to ruin and half of it is destroyed. The other half is being consumed by the brine and brine monsters attacking it. You evacuate and save everyone possible, kill loads of otherwordly enemies. No build up, unearned? What?

                >"Here's a couple climbing puzzles disguised as bosses"
                You act like Seneschal was a real boss fight. You literally one shot him even on hard mode unless you're wearing no frickin' gear

              • 1 month ago

                I think it's far less boring than "everything you did is meaningless and the world resets infinitely"

                Why not just make half the campaign focus on the dragon with red herrings here and there, and then have the other half focus on the cycle and unmoored world? Cut all the other pointless shit out

              • 1 month ago

                The story 2 is trying to tell sucks and is short and unsatisfying, too. Breaking the cycle didn't feel earned, there's no relief or "finally" from the player. There's no big build up or awe or emotion like you're doing something great or even awful. "Here's a couple climbing puzzles disguised as bosses, now a cutscene, the end."
                DD2 is a major disappointment.

      • 1 month ago

        2's story has its moments but it really suffers from weird focus. When you finally do fight The Dragon it totally lacks any gravity because you saw him one time prior, in a fricking flashback. Compare that to Grigori.
        In return we get this stupid subplot with the lesser dragons with no personality or purpose which are just shitty dragons that barf a lot and it doesn't really go anywhere interesting.

      • 1 month ago

        None of the games had a particularly engaging story but at least 1 makes it feel like you're actually progressing towards the fight with Grigori. 2 decided it wanted to take a stab at court intrigue but that entire plot thread ends as soon as it begins. Again, it's not a particularly GOOD story but there are obvious plot beats with the original that two thoroughly lacks. 2's biggest issue is that the main quest feels like a series of random side quests which is why so many people felt like the ending comes out of nowhere. The Unmoored World stuff is an improvement but that doesn't make up for how adrift you are narrarively for most of the game.

        • 1 month ago

          > 2's biggest issue is that the main quest feels like a series of random side quests which is why so many people felt like the ending comes out of nowhere.
          1 does exactly what you're describing. The entire game is about killing The Dragon, and then it turns out to be for nothing and suddenly Seneschal.

          And I disagree that 2 does this. The literal VERY FIRST cutscene of the game has the dragon talk to you about breaking the cycle. Pathfinder talks about your "destined path" every time you see him. Rothais comes in midway and explains to you that the Pathfinder is a bad guy and that he wants you to break the cycle. There absolutely buildup to the meta ending of 2, it's just subtle. And then the ending itself is a finale that actually concludes the story, unlike 1 where nothing ends up mattering and it loops.

          I am convinced that people not liking 2's story is down to completely missing its major points and not paying attention at this point.

          • 1 month ago

            >I am convinced that people not liking 2's story is down to completely missing its major points and not paying attention at this point.
            Makes sense. DD2, from its plot to quests like Ragnahll's and the Sphinx's, can be best summarized as "pay attention to the game : the game".

            • 1 month ago

              >quests like Ragnahll's
              ...were these relevant or something?

              • 1 month ago

                His? It's of no consequence. I just used him and the sphinx as examples where the answer to the plot is handed to you on a platter, you just needed to pay attention.
                >which of these do I side with, this mercenary or the guards who straight up told me to not speak of this secret mission to the only other dude in the kingdom busting his ass off to get me back my throne?

              • 1 month ago

                Just don't do the quest, simple as. Why the frick should I bother heeding the orders of some frickass who makes demands of me while I'm shopping? Throw away the order papers and move on with your life.
                Better yet, kill everyone you're supposed to be transporting.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh that, yeah
                It actually confused me at first because I left that quest for so long by the time I went to do it I largely forgot the shadiness surrounding it. But then I remembered how he told me not to tell Brant.
                Supposedly there's more to Raghnall than meets the eye.

              • 1 month ago

                >Supposedly there's more to Raghnall than meets the eye.
                If there is, the game doesn't give you much to learn. He's got some sense of honor like when he butts in about you being suckered into a 3v1, is a professional because even though he saved you on that fight he will fight you to protect Augustin who hired him, and is a fightard because from those previous 2 encounters he really wanted to be able to cross swords with you.

              • 1 month ago

                Over at r*ddit someone has been demonstrating how he can block maker's finger and shit. While likely a dev oversight it also came up that he casually survives dying in the 1v1 showing up in unmoored like nothing happened and can survive the brine with brant acknowledging his unusual nature. All quite circumstantial but the game does focus overmuch on him for some reason and there's other mysterious entities like Sphinx who don't die as they should.

              • 1 month ago

                Insta kill items shouldn't really be considered canonical to the world.
                I can make Talos crumble to dust using a Medusa head but in the cutscene that follows after it'll show him intact and uncrumbled.

              • 1 month ago

                The makers finger thing wasn't really the point (though is there anything else that can block it? Can a plain bandit block it? Who has even tried shooting a bandit with one after all)
                But the way the game is, the "rules" of the world are inconsistent. Just try to throw bald slaver guy from the intro into the brine. He'll literally reappear before you've finished turning around. Obviously this is just the jankiness of the game and not lore stuff, at the same time its not acknowledged by anyone (including himself) which is where Raghnall is a bit different. Along with the fact that the game keeps pushing him as some badass in a world where there are multiple Arisens running around so it wouldn't be too surprising if he's some sort of subtle anomoly.

              • 1 month ago

                >though is there anything else that can block it?
                Shooting the sphinx before you trigger fighting it makes it null and void, wasting a perfectly good arrow.

              • 1 month ago

                Well shooting the sphinx in her lady parts is the problem, you don't have to aggro her first as long as you just shoot her in the lion ass. But Sphinx is an exception since she doesn't seem to actually die eitherway.

              • 1 month ago

                >as you just shoot her in the lion ass.
                wings work too, and much easier to aim at.

              • 1 month ago

                I guess I'm just nervous about wing hitboxes, I've had bad experiences. And a point blank shot in her ass isn't exactly difficult to land.

              • 1 month ago

                >Well shooting the sphinx in her lady parts is the problem
                You mistake what I'm saying. Shooting her with the arrow before you annoy her enough to trigger the fight doesn't even give you her "I've had enough of this shit I'm out" speech. She just tanks the arrow while flying off.

              • 1 month ago

                The makers finger thing wasn't really the point (though is there anything else that can block it? Can a plain bandit block it? Who has even tried shooting a bandit with one after all)
                But the way the game is, the "rules" of the world are inconsistent. Just try to throw bald slaver guy from the intro into the brine. He'll literally reappear before you've finished turning around. Obviously this is just the jankiness of the game and not lore stuff, at the same time its not acknowledged by anyone (including himself) which is where Raghnall is a bit different. Along with the fact that the game keeps pushing him as some badass in a world where there are multiple Arisens running around so it wouldn't be too surprising if he's some sort of subtle anomoly.

                Everyone that's "dead" shows up in the unmoored world. Only the randomly generated filler characters don't.
                It's largely implied, both in English and Japanese, by the beach hermit that the Unmoored World is the real world and that the repeating cycle is just a fake dream script made by the Will and Pathfinder.
                You can kill pretty much any story NPC and they still show up in the Unmoored World. Some dude threw a fit about it in /ddg/ when Disa showed up even though he brined her.

            • 1 month ago

              Didn't the game completely mistranslate the entire ending cutscene with the Turbo Dragon? Not to mention for all its infodumping, it doesn't give you much tangible to pay attention to.
              >Rothias is the Seneschal and doesn't wanna give up the throne, also wants to rule the world and not do Seneschal shit.
              >Pathfinder is trying to keep shit on track.
              >Rothias gives you the Godsbane early so you can sequence break the cycle.
              that's the long and short of everything DD2 does that is "new". The rest is a pointless political battle that builds up to something big and comes out as a wet fart with Sven talking it out with his mom, Phaesus being hilariously incompetent and stupid, and the post-game is so disappointing it's almost worthy of a trophy.

              The best part of this game is the exploration, which it lacks the variety to justify its size. Everything related to the main quest sucks. DD1 did it far better, it was simpler but more concise and cohesive:
              Duke doesn't want you taking the dragon's deal -> tries to distract you -> salvation cult misinterprets half-truths discovered from ancient ruins -> dragon shows up to remind you of your duty -> you do it -> jump down the big hole and explore until you can offer up 20 wakestones (plus your own making 21 (tarot card 21 is The World get it?)) -> You become the Seneschal.

              DD2 not only was a narrative mess, but it has absolutely no good payoff to anything it sets up, and if you're going to tell me "that's the point! you broke the cycle/ruined pathfinder's big ol' play" I wanna smack you.

              • 1 month ago

                >The best part of this game is the exploration, which it lacks the variety to justify its size.
                Eh coming off Breath of the Wild it was a breath of fresh air. Most openworld games are incredibly stale contentwise. Maybe Elden Ring has more variety but that game isn't much of a fun casual romp with your pals either.
                Meanwhile in DD2 I can have a lot of fun just walking back from a failed oxcart ride. After 100+ hours.

          • 1 month ago

            There's no defending DD2 story, it's a shallow incomplete mess where whatever themes and message it's trying to deliver completely fall flat on their face

            • 1 month ago

              Welcome to Dragon's Dogma.

      • 1 month ago

        >2's story is leagues better than 1's and it's not even close
        not that 1 has a good story i get the feeling you didnt play the game

    • 1 month ago

      I agree with all of this except I'd also add

      >Rewarding Exploration
      1 > 2

      It's amazing how much the Wild Loot mod improves the desire to explore in DD2. It's baffling they just put all the gear into shops.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah bro
        >opens chest
        I love
        >open menu

        • 1 month ago

          Id rather random with the chance for gear than static with nothing but Mats and Potions.

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          I liked revisiting places like the soul flayer canyon because I could get a bunch of valuable gear to sell each time. There is zero reason to revisit any dungeon in 2 other than maybe working on your pawn badges.

      • 1 month ago

        There's a lot of unique gear you can only find in chests in 2. A lot of the best armor pieces are found only in chests. Although I would agree there's not enough, I prefer this to godsbane moronation.

        • 1 month ago

          >There's a lot of unique gear you can only find in chests in 2.
          "a lot" he says.

          • 1 month ago

            Yea? There's like 2 dozen unique pieces of gear you can't find in shops

            • 1 month ago

              So 2 or 3 pieces you can use for your main vocation across the entire game? Sweet.

        • 1 month ago

          'A lot' is a bit of a stretch, there's some but most of it is irrelevant because you can just immediately buy better gear from the stores.

          • 1 month ago

            >but most of it is irrelevant because you can just immediately buy better gear from the stores
            Which is also the case for the gear you can find out in the world in 1, so what's the problem? Until Everfall/BBI, the best gear in 1 isn't found by "exploring the world", and even after I would hardly call it "exploring". I would call it "going to one specific chest 2 steps away from the shop and reloading your save over and over".

            Grigori and Ur-Dragon are the only arguments in DD1's favor against "not all best gear is in the shop"

            • 1 month ago

              >Grigori and Ur-Dragon are the only arguments in DD1's favor against "not all best gear is in the shop"
              And everything in the everfall being unique.

              It is fricking boring until Grigori shows up to start the actual story.

              I don't agree with that at all.

        • 1 month ago

          godsbane moronation or not, putting so much shit in vendors was awful
          talking to DF in unmoored and suddenly finding full endgame armor there for purchase was really fricking lame, he doesn't even have any new dialogue
          holy frick I hate DD2's DF so much

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah he's really shitty. Even has generic NPC lines when he's just fricking around in his cave.

            • 1 month ago

              its insane to me how few of the npcs have dialog at all
              almost all of them give you a generic 'frick off' if you attempt to speak with them and they don't have a quest associated

    • 1 month ago

      >2 > 1
      yeah if we talking about quantity. All dungeons in DD2 is just caves with copy pasted textures. DD1 had Water God alter, ancient quarry, Bluemoon, canyon cave, catacombs and so on. the only "caves" in DD2 I can consider it as a dungeon is the elf town to Malve cave and the supposed "Maze" that lead to Volcanic island.

      • 1 month ago

        tbf 2 has catacombs as well, and Water God's Altar is pretty much the only real dungeon in 1. Bluemoon just like Moonglint is a massive letdown albeit Bluemoon was an awesome arena (see: not dungeon) for the griffin quest to conclude in.

        • 1 month ago

          It has tiny catacombs thrown around all over the place-- not a proper spooky dungeon like in the first game.

          Honestly, they dropped the ball so fricking hard with dungeons that I can barely wrap my head around it. 60+ tiny caves with shitty loot is not better than 10 nicely designed and memorable dungeons/caves. I was super OCD about finding every single cave and doing so, especially in Vermund, was such a fricking chore that I almost dropped the game entirely because of it.

          • 1 month ago

            idk man some of the caves are quite well done, they certainly could've done more with them though. probably the closest thing to an actual dungeon is the Ancient Battleground and those misty woods, the backway to Battahl kinda felt like one too. the entire map should've been like those areas. my schizo theory is that the scattered Godsbane doors were hiding the "proper" dungeons at one point .
            all that said, I feel like people aren't giving the well-designed sections of the game enough credit at all. the tiny caves are, yes, tiny caves, but there's a ton of caves that aren't tiny at all and more than a few sections of the map that are legitimate dungeons that people just don't count for some reason.

            • 1 month ago

              Give examples of the well-designed ones, because frankly I can barely think of any.

              • 1 month ago

                dude I do not remember the cave names off the top of my head, if you don't recall them then you obviously didn't think they were impressive in the first place and me attempting a reply like what you want is just worthless for the both of us

              • 1 month ago

                >you obviously didn't think they were impressive
                Yeah, no shit-- that's literally the entire point I am making. I distinctly remember all of the dungeons/caves in DD:DA because they were all unique. The fact that there were only a handful of them certainly helped, but it's not like any of them left a bad taste in my mouth, which is literally what DD2's "dungeons" did.

              • 1 month ago

                okay well that's alright, but pretty window dressing doesn't make the dungeon a good dungeon nor does it make the the dungeons that don't have all unique assets or whatever not good dungeons.
                maybe I just have a higher tolerance for it because most of the games I played growing up had a grand total of two tilesets. and, even then, I don't know what people expected from a game that spent what was obviously a good portion of development time on the intentional design of the open world. there's a specific reason why Elden Ring's open world is just a shitton of Speedtree wastes with dungeons on either end. elaborate dungeons haven't been easy to make for like 2 generations at this point because of regressive technology and mounting asset weight and cost, you can't have both the open world (as it is in 2) and the castle of Zanzibart the Brave up on the hill with teleporter traps and 61 different floors. the dungeons in 2 are good for what game they exist within and the open world is frankly supposed to be the draw in the first place.

              • 1 month ago

                I appreciate your tolerance, anon, but you seem to seriously undermine the value of variety in vidya. My hope is that the DLC dungeon turns out to be some sort of massive, interconnected space because that will more than make up for the current state of things.

                An open world game should be fun to explore, and what makes it fun to explore is variety. Running back and forth between tedious content is bad game design.

              • 1 month ago

                >My hope is that the DLC dungeon turns out to be some sort of massive, interconnected space because that will more than make up for the current state of things.
                that's certainly my hope as well

          • 1 month ago

            >Honestly, they dropped the ball so fricking hard with dungeons that I can barely wrap my head around it
            BotW proved that you can just get by with McDungeon spam

            • 1 month ago

              I hate BotW so much it's unreal

              • 1 month ago

                The funny thing is I think BotW was secretly inspired by DD1 in a lot of ways

    • 1 month ago

      >2 > 1
      Absolutely not.

  16. 1 month ago

    Don't think as many would have complained if they asked for 50 dollars then the other 20 when they actually decide to finish the game. It's this new age 70 dollars for unfinished shit + whatever else you get roped into down the line. Cyberpunk 2.0 prime example: yes it fixes a lot of stuff but why was that not a free update or 15-20 at most? The game fricking stunk at launch.

  17. 1 month ago

    I'm honestly pretty disappointed by the game. It has a strong start but falls off a cliff by the time you hit Battahl
    > huge open world filled with 38920 repetitions of the same enemies
    > the same caves
    > the same hidden rewards in those caves (the big reward at the end of a dungeon is an item to warp out lmao who came up with this shit)
    > the same pawn chatter over and over again
    It simply doesn't offer enough content for the scope of the game and the content it does have is badly spread out.
    It also doesn't have a good nude mod.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah it severely lacks variety, and the game feels unfinished once the unmoored world hits.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm more triggered about opening a chest one to get one wakestone SHARD

      Terribly lacking in armor and weapon variety

  18. 1 month ago

    my two complaints about it.
    I was planning on buying this shit before they confirmed denuvo was going to be used.
    I haven't purchased a crapcom game since the last dragons dogma so I didn't realize how fricking bad things are with that company now.

  19. 1 month ago

    The BIGGEST offender of 2's story was hyping up Moonglint tower the entire game for it to just be an elevator and a staircase. Literally smaller than Bluemoon tower. No fricking proper dungeons the entire game. Why don't more games have proper dungeons anymore?

    • 1 month ago

      seafloor shrine was pretty funny too. It was only on a second playthrough I realized we could even break into the rest of the "dungeon" which was still very underwhelming
      What the frick was with all the one-sided barred doors that needed undead to break, there was no reason for any of that shit
      meanwhile try to walk 10 yards on Battahl and you'll have 40 knackers on you

      • 1 month ago

        >What the frick was with all the one-sided barred doors that needed undead to break, there was no reason for any of that shit
        There's another one of those, a shortcut from the elven sanctuary place that leads back to the tutorial area. Both sides are locked from within, you need to go at night and get skeletons to open the door from inside or do this.


        • 1 month ago

          Yeah I know, it's just a goofy way to kinda? gate off an area. Sometimes the skeleton AI won't cooperate and will instead run endlessly against the door while your pawns shout and carry on, it looks bad and works bad and does not achieve anything.
          Also regarding the elf sanctuary, the undead won't even spawn initially. You have to do something, maybe Glyndwyr's quest. Once it gets its makeover with the two doggos, the undead will appear and you can open up the shortcut. Not that you need it at that point.

          • 1 month ago

            >Not that you need it at that point.
            Or any point.
            Would have been good for the unmoored world to access a super fricked up version of the starting area, but they just decided to eliminate it entirely.

            • 1 month ago

              kek true, I did return to that area periodically early game to see if aught had changed and later to use the melve oxcart but nothing vital

  20. 1 month ago

    300+ hours in so far
    finished exploring the world and in the middle of the story missions

    overall the quests feel like DD1, which isnt a bad thing. I liked DD1, so DD2's is fine.
    The vocation changes are also fine. the player should put more time it squad composition if they want to perform well. I have my own nitpicks about swing speed, recovery rates, and knock down power of certain things but most people wont notice. A balance/fun pass could be done on the vocations.

    the world is big and enemy density is high. It can take a lot of time to travel from one location to another. the world needs a few more cart stops and ferry stones should be more available to respect the players time. this wasnt an issue in dd1 since you could avoid enemy groups and key locations werent far away.
    but if you like exploring and fighting nonstop, the world is a dream.

  21. 1 month ago

    Did capcom release the patch yet that adds the extra save slots and a new game option????? Like holy shit how fricking hard is it to add that shit frick.

    • 1 month ago

      New game's been in. Multiple save slots isn't gonna be a thing because I guess to them since it wasn't a thing in the last game then there's no reason for it in this one.

  22. 1 month ago

    >5 enemy types
    >Poor optmization
    >Unfinished game
    >Lack of endgame
    >Dark arisen>dd2

  23. 1 month ago

    no final boss

  24. 1 month ago

    >mfw learning the DDO private server doesn't plan on implementing any quests currently
    They really want their private server to just be people running around fighting monsters and nothing else forever???

  25. 1 month ago

    >Moonglint tower isn't actually a dungeon
    >they have a unique dungeon tile set used only twice for the sphinx dungeon (tiny) and the seafloor shrine (tiny)
    >they have a unique tile set for one singular dungeon on the volcanic island
    >the biggest dungeon in the game is right behind where you start
    >lots of dungeon entrances are blocked by rubble
    >Battahl just uses all the same cave tile sets for its dungeons
    >the dungeons in Battahl are usually even smaller than the Vermund ones
    I'm so FRICKING MAD that this game doesn't do more with dungeons and all the ones it has are all SO FRICKING SMALL

  26. 1 month ago

    >"And so, the maid was fired and is now forced to live her life in the impoverished slums just like Daphne."
    >"Daphne also never finds out who her parents are and her mom tells her to frick off too."
    >"The end."

    • 1 month ago

      Does anything happen with Daphne after you give her all the shit she requests?

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, another quest where it turns out she the twin sister of a noble and the family punted her off to the church at birth because twins are unlucky or some bullshit

      • 1 month ago

        Nope. Nothing at all

      • 1 month ago

        If I remember right her request quests are just to build affinity so that she'll agree to coming with you to act as a body double.

  27. 1 month ago

    i just dont understand why they thought the world needed to be this big if every cave only had lizards and some armor worse than what you are already wearing in it. DD1's map sucked sure but 2's is just pure filler.

  28. 1 month ago


  29. 1 month ago

    If we're going by capcom rules, Dragon's Dogma 3 will be the best one.

    • 1 month ago

      >implying Resident Evil 3 is the best let alone good

      • 1 month ago

        I don't play resident evil games, I think zombie shootan games suck so maybe you're right.

      • 1 month ago

        I feel like RE is the exception here, I mean SF3 and DMC3 and Breath of Fire 3, etc etc

  30. 1 month ago

    >hey kid, I know you're a complete failure of a man and in order to turn this around you should work as a prostituteman gigolo at the brothel
    what did Itsuno mean by this

  31. 1 month ago

    it's insane how quickly this game was forgotten
    I was hyped for it but haven't had the chance to buy it yet, is it worth it?
    I liked the OG DD a lot, I also love DMC and Souls games

    • 1 month ago

      If you liked DD more than DDA, then sure, it's almost a beat by beat repeat of the first game's structure with a few downgrades and a few upgrades. What I like here is that you can experiment with vocations more without fricking some stat permanently that a specific vocation depends on
      Also I personally think that Thief is more fun than Strider

  32. 1 month ago

    >Now that the dogma has settled...
    Should've used smegma for that

  33. 1 month ago

    Fricking everything. It's ridiculous I can't refund this piece of trash when it's not even playable.

    • 1 month ago

      I'll admit that it's on CAPCOM for not making the game more accessible to people running on lower spec machines, but it's literally a skill issue if you can't get it running.

      I'm playing it on 7 year old hardware and it runs well enough for me to enjoy the game without much issue.

      • 1 month ago

        >30fps counts as running
        I get you're intentionally being a Black person but in reality 30fps is for poorgays.

        • 1 month ago

          30fps is perfectly serviceable if you aren't genuinely autistic. There are so many awesome games that are locked at 30fps, and if you can't enjoy them in spite of that then I doubt you even enjoy videogames.

  34. 1 month ago

    In my objectively correct opinion, the real problems are all in the movement.
    Combat changed from arcadey and responsive to weighty and sluggish.
    You can't interrupt actions anymore, you have much less control of your air movement, you stagger around and flop to the floor when hit. It all makes the combat feel less fun, and means you basically always need to take dwarven smithing for armor.
    The other stuff with the launch and the single save slot and the microtransactions and the lack of much new content in terms of vocations and monsters is all fairly ignorable.
    But the core combat feeling janky and weighty instead of smooth and snappy is a big downgrade from the first game.

  35. 1 month ago

    >those big ass castle ramparts near the sphinx shrine that has no quests associated with it or anything unique whatsoever
    that was the moment I knew they phoned this game in

  36. 1 month ago

    There's a lot wrong with the game especially comparing to DD1/DA. In a vacuum maybe it'd be just ok but when you look back none of what made 1 good is in 2 so it gets a poor view
    >vocation split so classes are overall less fun and lacking the depth they had, your glaring weaknesses are now up to your 0IQ pawns to handle good luck
    >core skills being added was good but the changes to skill variety and vocation split somehow made everything feel less interesting and versatile
    >open world both barren of meaningful content but also packed with too many enemy encounters
    >story was an afterthought and the political intrigue sucked
    >Battahl and Sacred Arbor in particular had no real relevance for story
    >armour options limited and layering is gone
    >dragonsplague is a stupid idea and the consequences are somehow not that bad but also annoying if you don't pay attention

    There's a lot more but honestly frick this game

    • 1 month ago

      split so classes are overall less fun and lacking the depth they had, your glaring weaknesses are now up to your 0IQ pawns to handle good luck
      >>core skills being added was good but the changes to skill variety and vocation split somehow made everything feel less interesting and versatile
      Opinion safely discarded

    • 1 month ago

      The only vocations with arguably less depth are archer (vs. ranger) and sorc (lost spells). Every other vocation is a huge upgrade in depth; yes, even thief with a missing bow compared to strider.

  37. 1 month ago

    I see pajeets are still seething after one month. Well, I hope you keep crying for a few more until the expansion gets released, then you will cry even harder LMAO.

  38. 1 month ago

    I think I miss the more complex yet more broken pawns. At least their learning was perceptible with time while here my lil dude suddenly knows how to kill a drake. Also they should have fixed commands without making this simple, I quite enjoyed seeing their behavior change with time even if you could permanently frick their AI.

  39. 1 month ago

    >would rather ignore a cyclops'/ogre's/griffin's corpse than going through the pain of looting it
    I think they cranked the big monster encounter rate up a bit too much

    • 1 month ago

      Griffin's can occasionally carry Ferrystones so its worth it.

      • 1 month ago

        My pawn has pilfer, but I supposed I should at least check their corpses more often.
        What bothers me is how easy is to over encumber yourself, but that's a series staple at this point

    • 1 month ago

      The encounter rate in general is way too high. Especially in Battahl, the road is basically a non-stop battlefield.
      The enemies also respawn way too quickly.
      Honestly, I feel like the game could be greatly improved with some minor modding like the first game.

      • 1 month ago

        It's a lose-lose situation. The game's difficulty is a total joke by the time you hit lvl 20 or so, so 90% of enemy encounters just waste your time. If you then mod the game to make encounters more difficult you can experiment more with the (rather robust) combat system, but then you're still dealing with the same enemy density unless you get ANOTHER mod to manipulate spawns. I'm not even sure if such a mod exists beyond preset stuff that goes way too far on the "spam enemies everywhere" side of things.

    • 1 month ago

      >I think they cranked the big monster encounter rate up a bit too much
      1 spawn every 4 days (except for medusa with 14 days and lesser dragon with fixed spawn amounts in normal/unmoored world) is fine.

      • 1 month ago

        now consider that there's a griffin per region, a cyclops each few meters an ogre for each female NPC

        • 1 month ago

          Ox cart encounters aside, 2 griffins for the entire world, 12 ogres (some in caves) 16 cyclopes (again, some in caves), is manageably small amounts. This isn't even factoring in that some of them, like the cyclops that fights the drake in Ancient Battleground, do not respawn.

          • 1 month ago

            the cyclops in the Ancient Battleground does respawn. I just fought one before finishing the bandit chief off

            • 1 month ago

              Theres 2 cyclopses in ancient battle grounds. One in the battleground itself, fighting the drake (non respawning), and one up on the walls (respawning).

          • 1 month ago

            at least 3 griffins. there's one that harasses the cave linking battahl to agamen, and it nests up at the lesser dragon's tower.

    • 1 month ago

      now consider that there's a griffin per region, a cyclops each few meters an ogre for each female NPC

      Fighting big enemies is the big fun of this game, this is a really a weird complaint.

  40. 1 month ago

    No soul

  41. 1 month ago

    It's the same shit as the original, which is mediocre garbage. A meme that went too far.

  42. 1 month ago

    I fricking loved the game. The exploration is some of the best I've seen. For me it definitely is on the level of DDDA, maybe ever a bit better. If they add more vocations and DA-like endgame content in the expansions it might just become my favorite game of all time.

    • 1 month ago

      So you actually enjoyed wading through armies of goblins and wolves? There truly is no accounting for taste.

      • 1 month ago

        I played the game for the exploration and adventure. I was in no rush to the next quest objective, I explored everything and got sidetracked 20 times during every step of a quest I was doing. I travelled at night, fought off the constant onslaught of enemies, because combat was fricking fun.
        You on the other hand, wanted to rush like a little fricking b***h you are, so of course you were annoyed at fighting enemies in an action rpg.

        • 1 month ago

          I never said anything about rushing, so you can honestly stick that up your ass. I sunk almost over 100 hours into the game before I finished it - I explored basically everything the game had to offer.
          You wanna know what I found? Ten billion goblins guarding ten billion harspuds. Ten billion wolves guarding ten billion greenwarishes. Ten billion ogres guarding NOTHING. Ten billion caves with treasure chests that gave me FRICKING ROBORANTS.
          You know what I found after almost 200 hours of total playtime? The game's combat cannot fricking save how garbage everything else is. Cram it, frickwit.

          • 1 month ago

            >I've hated it so much
            >the game is terrible
            >so I've spent 200 hours on it
            Yes, definitely, everything is clearly so fricking garbage.

            • 1 month ago

              Perceive the following words with as much clarity as your fricking addled mind can muster, my dear anonymous.
              One cannot form an educated opinion of something if one lacks the proper experience.

              I will not be tricked by your hollow argument.

              • 1 month ago

                You don't explore every nook and cranny and 100% every content in the game if you hate it.

                Stop the game after 3 hours
                >haha filtered
                Play the game for dozens of hours hoping you'll find something good, but you don't

                >hurrr I can only think in extremes
                Putting 10-20 hours into a game is enough to get a good feel of everything. Enough to form an opinion if you like the game or you think it's hot garbage.
                Putting 200 hours into it is like drinking a whole bottle an alcohol which you hate the taste of (even though you got drunk already and if it was going to get good it would already) but you really want to find out if the last part of the bottle tastes better.

              • 1 month ago

                you don't even own the game shazam sister.

              • 1 month ago

                Do you even know what that means? I said I fricking love the game.
                I'm literally

                I fricking loved the game. The exploration is some of the best I've seen. For me it definitely is on the level of DDDA, maybe ever a bit better. If they add more vocations and DA-like endgame content in the expansions it might just become my favorite game of all time.

            • 1 month ago

              Stop the game after 3 hours
              >haha filtered
              Play the game for dozens of hours hoping you'll find something good, but you don't

            • 1 month ago

              A long journey can be either negative or positive, you dumbass cat poster.

          • 1 month ago

            >I explored basically everything the game had to offer.
            Did you find the first chapter of this book? I can't find it and I've been looking everywhere.

      • 1 month ago

        >So you actually enjoyed wading through armies of goblins and wolves
        Why do people always criticize 2 with statements like this as if 1 was any different??? Why yes, I DO like the game that's exactly like the first? Duh?

        • 1 month ago

          This. The fact that you encounter wolves so much in the first game made pawns say "Wolves hunt in packs, arisen!" so many times and the fact that they say something so plain so fricking much has wormed its way into your brain into thinking that it's somehow a funny meme.

    • 1 month ago

      The exploration is good but every single class should've had one core skill purely focused on exploration. Fighters and Warriors should've gotten Launchboard for free.

      • 1 month ago

        I think their intent was to force the player to hire pawns with said skills but at least with me they never try to launchboard once you point at a chest and command go.

  43. 1 month ago

    Aside from Martyr's Bolt what's the quickest way to kill drakes? Asking because sometimes I have good runs (i like playing fighter) but sometimes the frickers manage to fly off.

    Also does almace make that much of a difference or would dragon's dogma be better or don't matter so long as you you get the hits in?

    Almost want to try as a mage, I didn't discover this until recently but High Solemnity doubles as 'the instant flinch' / free stun abilty.

    • 1 month ago

      >Aside from Martyr's Bolt what's the quickest way to kill drakes?
      spam skull splitter on their hearts
      unmaking arrow

  44. 1 month ago

    Currently playing through it. I was so close to dropping it when the guardsman Black person gives you like 4 stealth / fetch quests inside the gaol and castle one after another. The adventuran and exploration is top tier, please tell me there's nothing else like that slog again.

    • 1 month ago

      The sidequests are a bit better, but nothing to phone home about. Before going through the coronation make sure to at least complete the quests at the church, the brothel, the ancient battleground and talk to a woman named Margit.

    • 1 month ago

      >please tell me there's nothing else like that slog again.
      yeh you're like 80% of the way through the main story now

      • 1 month ago

        It's funny how that probably comes off as an insult but its the fricking reality, what a travesty.

      • 1 month ago

        Fricking excuse me?!
        I have explored like 25% of the world map maximum. Hope you're exaggerating or the pacing's fricked.

        • 1 month ago

          That's just Dragon's Dogma™. You could speedrun the first one in 30 minutes

          • 1 month ago

            Only in NG+ with correct portcrystal placement.

        • 1 month ago

          he's fricking with you, you're like 1/3 of the way through the main story. you won't run into any more quests like that thankfully

        • 1 month ago

          You're not supposed to explore the world along with main story.
          Leave main story alone and go exploring the world and doing sidequests.

          >So you actually enjoyed wading through armies of goblins and wolves
          Why do people always criticize 2 with statements like this as if 1 was any different??? Why yes, I DO like the game that's exactly like the first? Duh?

          Because they're larping as le epic oldschoolgays, veterans of DD1, when they've never even played it.

        • 1 month ago

          You're supposed to explore outside the main story. It's not going to send you most places on the map.

          • 1 month ago

            You're not supposed to explore the world along with main story.
            Leave main story alone and go exploring the world and doing sidequests.
            Because they're larping as le epic oldschoolgays, veterans of DD1, when they've never even played it.

            Got it. I just have very limited free time at the moment due to a stressful new job and my kid so I've been following the main story. Will just frick around a bit more

  45. 1 month ago

    Rushed as every recent CRAPCOM game.
    >RE2 misses alternative story
    >RE3 is 1/3rd of the original
    >RE4 released without Ada's story and game modes
    >RISE literally released without a proper ending and had to be patched in
    >DMCV story is rushed at the end where Nero goes through months of development through a single phone call with Kyrie who we don't even see

    The problem was that DD2 is an open world RPG game and not a tighter/linear title so it shows more blatantly that things are unfinished.

  46. 1 month ago

    Capcom have increased their dividend projections based to its commercial performance. Shareholders rejoice.

  47. 1 month ago
  48. 1 month ago

    It's not 50% off yet so I didn't buy it

  49. 1 month ago

    the lack of cutscenes and the very little we get told of the story is the story's biggest flaw. could have been fun, if excessively generic, but there's was basically just a few minutes worth of story.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Damn, based. First bandit I've ever seen in video games who actually does his job well and robs us blind. I love this game.

      • 1 month ago

        Lanzoposting saved the dogma general.

      • 1 month ago

        I didn't get this encounter???
        Just him betraying Hugo

  50. 1 month ago

    >same director and writer behind DMC3 story
    What the frick went wrong?
    The story is shit at the start with garbage stealth quests but it just completely falls appart in Battahl.

    • 1 month ago

      DMC3 is a self contained action game whereas DD2 has a frickhueg giant world with From Software tiers of environmental storytelling sprinkled in everyehere. The story was obviously left for last and it shows. I'd even say that they most likely finished it all last year.

  51. 1 month ago

    Many things, but I'm 100 hours in and I'm still having a blast. I'm guessing 90% of people who beat this game missed out on a lot of sidequests because they really don't do fricking anything at all to guide you to them. I keep returning to towns and NPCs however and I just keep finding more of them. Sometimes it's a random ass NPC talking to themselves, sometimes they seek you out, some times it's a questgiver you thought you were done with but now they have something new for you because of some arbitrary trigger. Some times you will check the right area but you'll miss it because it's the wrong time of day. There's no way of knowing, so you just have to keep trying. It's an attempt at realism which maybe kinda works in some ways but mostly in practical terms it just makes it a tedious chore to attempt to access the game's content which always breaks immersion more than gains it. All that "return in a day or two" shit is particularly grating if you don't have anything else to do in the meantime. This is not helped by the fact that the main quest is extremely barebones, or that traveling between areas either takes a lot of time or costs a precious resource. As annoying as it is though I like that the game is still giving me more in places I thought I was done with.

    Oh and I'm also somewhat annoyed that one of my quests was apparently timed but it didn't have the hourglass icon in the quest list, so that just failed and ended all of a sudden. You never know when the game is honest or not about its claims of urgency. But whatever, I've only failed like 2 quests so far (aside from whichever ones I've just missed completely) so I can live with it. Now that I think of it maybe there's more to it if I can find the NPC and use a wakestone on him.

    Also, I have yet to unlock MA and trickster. Is it locked behind the story in some way or do I just have to keep on exploring?

    • 1 month ago

      Both MA and trickster are unlockable by just exploring yeah. Weird that at 100h you still haven't stumbled upon them.

      • 1 month ago

        Its in two crappy sidequests , magic archer its bullshit nonsense fits better unlocking it after finishing elf town sidequests before shit moor world

      • 1 month ago

        I expected to find them in Bakbattahl but unless I'm blind they're not here. I haven't explored much else in this region though, it's mainly been autistic 100% exploration of Vermund so far.

        • 1 month ago

          Well, anons gave you the locations for both. Trickster is fairly easy to both get and maister, just make sure to search every nook and cranny of that temple.

      • 1 month ago

        The same applies to Warfarer. You can buy newt wine from a dude in Bakbattahl (not the beastren ones), then grab the one from the magick archer's home and the one in the forbidden magic lab.

    • 1 month ago

      You'll find MA pretty easily on Agamen Island; as for Trickster, the story does guide you to her, but you could grab it almost as soon as the tutorial bit around Melve ends if you can survive the run into Battahl.

    • 1 month ago

      >Also, I have yet to unlock MA and trickster.
      Magic Archer is basically an escort quest you encounter towards the end of the game and Trickster you find it in a temple and it unlocks once you've spoken to an npc

    • 1 month ago

      Dont you have the red dragon marks on your map? Just talk to those NPCs. No idea how you dont have MA at least. Personally I missed warfarer, still no idea where you get that one.

  52. 1 month ago

    Thinking in a moronic viral bionuke online gimmick that can be easily countered

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