Sure it's good. But is it THAT good?
I don't understand how people can sink 200+ hours into a fairly simple yet repetitive game, as it doesn't take long to unlock everything...
What makes it so special compared to other co-ops?

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  1. 12 months ago

    its a fun game

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, but doesn't it get boring after you've done all the missons on all difficulties for the 20th time?

      To me that sounds like the definition of insanity.

      • 12 months ago

        Oddly enough no
        Some missions are annoying but every single one keeps you on your toes

      • 12 months ago

        The maps are random generated.
        The biomes and mutators bring extra variation.
        The gameplay is very dynamic, vertical and 3-dimensional.
        Player interactions and co-operation is great.

        I'd understand if you'd be b***hing about the L4D or something, which literally only has the same static maps and samegay characters. But giving up on DRG after mere 20 hours? You've not seen even 1/10th of the game yet, kiddo.

      • 12 months ago

        Unless you are extremely rng lucky you won’t get all the overclocks you actually want. There are still a few I want to unlock. Other than that there’s always trying out new builds/ playstyles.

      • 12 months ago

        You have to understand, the gameplay loop feels very rewarding. The procedural generation of the levels is pretty great, levels don't get repetitive quick, and to top it off they're fully destructible. You have to get used to the bugs, the classes, the weapons, events, and so on. You learn to cooperate with dwarves. Once you've done that, you start theorycrafting and tweaking builds that aren't necessarily just optimal. And this all happens without some fomo bullshit or psychological manipulation.

      • 12 months ago

        >I don't understand how people can sink 200+ hours into a fairly simple yet repetitive game
        whats wrong with smashing beers and left clicking bad guys after a hard day's work?

        it takes 600-700 hours to unlock everything, with another 40-50 hours every season for the new shit that comes out

      • 12 months ago

        >doesn't it get boring after you've done all the missons on all difficulties for the 20th time?
        10 Biomes X 8 Missions X 5 Hazard Levels X 3 Length levels X 3 Complexity Levels = 3,600 missions
        Assuming they're ~15 minutes each that's 54,000 minutes or 900 hours of game time right there.
        This isn't even counting the fact you can play two different Haz 5 Complexity 2 Length 3 Azure Weald Point Extractions and the maps will be different.
        This isn't even counting machine events or options boss encounters.
        There is a lot to do.

        • 12 months ago

          you also forgot the warnings and anomalies

  2. 12 months ago

    It's a lot of fun but Season 4 barely added any new content, which worries me greatly about the future of the game.

    • 12 months ago

      same here
      at least the corruptors are showing up fricking finally…with no fight music

    • 12 months ago

      >Season 4 added nothing
      I don't even want to boot it up again to check, I was done with the free battle pass by Season 2

    • 12 months ago

      They added something that was completely unnecessary, rocket boots. Every class has their own mobility tool, and rocket boots basically makes gunners zip line even more useless, platforms are no longer necessary, and grappling I’m mixed on (scout with the boots can be super mobile I guess). I’d rather they add a few more unstable overclocks

      • 12 months ago

        >rocket boots
        Yeah these were baffling. You have to randomly find them with the rarity of a loot crate. Then you have to juggle their shitty overheat meter because they don't want you having TOO much fun. It serves no purpose at all and I'd rather just ignore it and just get a mission over with than play flappy bird.

    • 12 months ago

      yep, same.
      I have1k hours in, but doubling down on shitpox made me stop playing the game. Even the cosmetics suck dick this time.

    • 12 months ago

      They need to nearly guarantee jetboots spawn.
      Also the corruptor is annoying as frick solo since Bosco won't vacuum it cause it's an enemy and not a piece of terrain.

      • 12 months ago

        >playing solo
        lol why. You're missing the point of the game

        • 12 months ago

          I specifically do Haz 5 solo runs to practice when the homies aren't around for Haz 6x2.

      • 12 months ago

        I had bosco suck it when I was solo, I just didn't ping it or anything. I think if you ping it he goes into attack mode since it's an enemy, but if you leave him idle he'll suck up the foam

  3. 12 months ago

    you have the same problem my friend experienced. you are expecting something of it which it's not.
    it's simple but very well made game. it sure does get stale after you've seen the same mission multiple times but you'll come back to it after few months again and again.
    it's overall enjoyable game. frick around, shoot bugs, kill teammates, unlock some overclocks, turn up the difficulty, tell your team how absolutely moronic they are, etc.

  4. 12 months ago

    pretty good bug shooter with tons of weapon variety. making weird builds and testing them is half the fun for me.

    • 12 months ago

      Oddly enough no
      Some missions are annoying but every single one keeps you on your toes

      you have the same problem my friend experienced. you are expecting something of it which it's not.
      it's simple but very well made game. it sure does get stale after you've seen the same mission multiple times but you'll come back to it after few months again and again.
      it's overall enjoyable game. frick around, shoot bugs, kill teammates, unlock some overclocks, turn up the difficulty, tell your team how absolutely moronic they are, etc.

      Good responses ty

  5. 12 months ago

    >But is it THAT good?
    Yes, it is.
    >I don't understand how people can sink 200+ hours into a fairly simple yet repetitive game
    200 hours are baby numbers, and DRG is one of THE most varied, dynamic and creative action MP games I've ever played in the past 30 years.

    >muh unlocks
    Your kind don't enjoy PLAYING video games.
    You just want to "unlock" shit 24/7, while playing the same static De_Dust2 for the 4200th time.

    • 12 months ago

      classic boomer take. i'll defend the game no problem but taking it this far is death sentence.
      >while playing the same static De_Dust2 for the 4200th time
      that is you, you fricking moron

      • 12 months ago

        >but taking it this far is death sentence.
        What's gonna kill me?
        A soilent milk chugging fake woman?

        >that is you, you fricking moron
        For starters, I've not touched a Counter-Strike game post 2006.
        Second, you're not giving any valid arguments.

    • 12 months ago

      I dunno. I'm 180 hours in and solo haz 5. It's nothing too special when it comes to map generation, like they're "ok" but there's nothing standout-ish unless you get a moronic map generation.
      I fail to see how creative and dynamic you say it is, when all you really have control over is slightly different damage outputs and subtle playstyle changes...
      I also think "your kind " are secretly leaf lovers.

  6. 12 months ago

    I have 900 hours in L4D2 purely because its one of the last peer to peer games out there where you can scream Black person homosexual and not get banned. Will this satisfy me?

    • 12 months ago

      Almost no one talks in DRG, mainly just spamming V and pointing at rocks to get a point across. Community is chill, but if you start screaming ‘homosexuals’ there’s a big chance that one of the Reddit morons will make a post about it and try to get you banned.

      • 12 months ago

        Banned from where? Isn't it peer to peer?

        • 12 months ago

          Actually idk, I just know the subreddit has DRG devs on it, and any Reddit gaming community is full of thin-skinned homosexuals.

  7. 12 months ago

    I had 85 hours before realizing I had no fun anymore. I wish I managed to get my friends to join me.

  8. 12 months ago

    How come DRG is exempt from the "No General on Ganker" rule?

    • 12 months ago

      You could say the same for a lot of other games idiot

    • 12 months ago

      >talking about a game bad, go to containment board NOW!
      This is why Ganker is just blue /b/. DRG threads don't pop up every day and constantly have one up like TotK

    • 12 months ago

      It definitely doesn't get as many generals on Ganker as some other games. I've seen XIV and Elden Ring have 3 generals up at once here.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Gunner: personal walker with large platform on a gyroscope thats always facing upwards, paired with a battery (thats your ammo) power beacon pointer to direct where it walks
    >Driller: one big rocket drill where you click ones and it pulls you foward and drills at high speeds, this can propel you through the air when rocketing out of a wall
    >Engineer: asphalt gun which basically works as a much stronger version of the black ice in glacial strata and gteatly increases the speed of dwarves, it actually places terrain and can be fashioned into ramps
    >scout: sticky/magnet boots to let players climb on walls and celings

    • 12 months ago

      ok i was gonna mention how these would be like alternate traversal tools since the game needs more of that stuff

  10. 12 months ago

    I lost interest a couple of weeks into season 3. I didn't even realize 4 was out. Can't say I enjoyed the robot enemies, and the new content didn't fare much better.

    That it's a multiplayer game and I don't have people to play it with is the real killer.

  11. 12 months ago

    I played the game for less than 20 hours until I had seen enough. It's alright but nothing I would spend hundreds or thousands of hours playing. It's no TF2.

    • 12 months ago

      Ok shitter

      • 12 months ago

        Why so defensive? Did I injure your thin skin?

    • 12 months ago

      Deep rock is good.Its just that tf2 was a lightning in a bottle,anon,nothing i have seen comes close to the timeless, simple to play but impossible to master gameplay. How many games can you legitimately play thousands of hours and always get something different, without padding and artificial grinding ?

      • 12 months ago

        Not many that's for sure. I guess I was just expecting more because of all the hype and buzz around DRG. It has such a cult following that I was hoping it would have that same "lightning in a bottle" charm to it, but came out of it a bit disappointed. It's a good game and it has lots of hard work and heart put into it. But at its core it's just a simple, small game that gets the basics right.

  12. 12 months ago

    So what's in season 4? Is there another boss with invulnerability stages?

  13. 12 months ago

    You can easily get 200 hours of fun grinding all the overclocks and doing the weekly deep dives. The community is very chill and the random lobbies are grea trolling and moronation is very uncommon,its easy to stop playing for a few a months and then come back and have fun.
    For 20$ thats fricking great, especially compared with the multiplayer market being filled with pay2win gacha,souless mmos and empty ""open"" worlds.

  14. 12 months ago

    I think the procedual cave generation is pretty good and gives the game a lot of longevity. Vermintide etc. don't have that.
    Different loadouts + mods + overclocks can completely change any classes playstyle.
    Also free content updates, though I have to admit those are getting weaker.

    • 12 months ago

      >Vermintide etc. don't have that.
      this is the big thing for me. I only played a little bit of vermintide 2, but if I had pubbies join my game they had everything memorized and were speedrunning missions and grabbing the tomes and shit because they weren't here to play, they were here to grind. and yes I have 1.2k hours in drg so I'm going to be faster and more efficient than a new player, but I also don't 100% know where things are and I can still get lost and have to figure things out and adapt on the fly

      • 12 months ago

        drg spoiled me, I can't take running down the same hallways anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          >drg spoiled me, I can't take running down the same hallways anymore.
          yeah the procgen is honestly what saved Deep Rock from being a 20 hour game.
          compare it to like... Phasmophobia which only has 9 maps. you can only play that for 20 or 30 hours before you start having to do moronic shit or challenges to keep things fresh.

      • 12 months ago

        The chaos wastes are a step toward randomization for Vermintide, but it's different pieces of maps shuffled. I do prefer Vermintide mainly because of the combat. Slowly warming up to darktide, but they've still got a ton of work to do before I'll really enjoy it. Such as making your weapons fully customizable instead of locking you out of choices.

  15. 12 months ago

    >how can you play basketball on the same court by the same rules, for the 2000th time in a row!

    Listen brainlet, if the game is good you play it because it is good. You come back to it because it is good. If it isn't fun for you why are you even making these threads? Go play any of the other thousands of games.

  16. 12 months ago

    >sink so many hours into game and unlock everything to the point that events just give me mineral cores now
    >experiment with builds, frick around with the randomizer drink to challenge myself
    >fire up mods and frick around with shit like starship trooper, kitbashed support drop ins, etc
    Why bother with the season pass shit when it just gives you it in random genned events afterwards? I luvs me gameplay, simple as.

    • 12 months ago

      >Why bother with the season pass shit when it just gives you it in random genned events afterwards

      Because that shit spawns once in a blue moon, and its a fricking randomizer from the 1000 other options. If you like something from the season pass and actually want to get it you better get to work miner

  17. 12 months ago

    It takes hundreds of hours to get all the overclocks. (At least it did when I played). But yes, it's very very good. Especially for a coop centric game.

  18. 12 months ago

    I just really enjoy the gameplay. DRG is my "I need to kill an hour, let me boot it up and do a few missions" game. Sometimes I take breaks from it, but I always come back and get really into it for a month or so a few times a year.

  19. 12 months ago

    I like how all the classes have a distinct role in both combat and traversal. makes playing the game with 3 other players actually feel "cooperative"
    lots of other co-op shooters barely have any cooperating beyond reviving your team when they go down

  20. 12 months ago

    The randoweizzer beer gives me builds where my main weapon has 0 mods equipped and no OC as either, the rest of my gear is properly randomized. What do?

    • 12 months ago

      Complain on their discord and get banned for hate crimes against the transgender community

  21. 12 months ago

    It's just one of those Ganker fixations like DD

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