>Ds3 takes too much from DS1. >its all Easter eggs and references

>Ds3 takes too much from DS1
>it’s all Easter eggs and references
>Ds2 steals the entire plot structure, entire characters, entire ideas, same roadblocks, asks the player to do the exact same things they did in Dark souls 1 in basically the same way
>This excused because ???
Make this make sense, why is dark souls 2 given a pass for doing Dark Souls 1 again, but Dark souls 3 is crucified for references and being in the same place?

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  1. 5 months ago

    all the bosses in dark souls 2 are the same Lords from DS1 in new bodies, and the entire games plot is just second half of ds1 streched out
    >Ds1s second half
    >fight 4 people to eventually get to a king who went hollow
    >Ds2s game 2/3s
    >fight 4 people to eventually get to a king who went hollow
    >Rotten is possessed by Gravelord Nito
    >Old iron king is possessed by Gwyn
    >Lost sinner is possessed by a bug who is possessed by Witch
    >Freya is possessed by Seth
    Etc etc
    I could go on about where they blatantly stole from DS1 (quelag and scorpion lady, kings doors and lord vessel, gutters and blight town)
    most of Dark souls 2 final act is a retread of the Artorias DLC
    >You have to talk to someone in order to get access to be able to go back in time and change some events around in order to progress to go and kill someone tied with the abyss.
    Going into a “memory” and going back in time to do Artoras’s kicks Manus in the dick mission for him is the same, especially since it’s implied heavily you’re the one who defeated the Giant king which lead to him being imprisoned. Genuinely what is even original about Dark souls 2 from a story perspective, or anywhere else in the game.

    Dark souls 2 entire game
    is basically just an overly long version of Dark souls 1 second half + DLC

    • 5 months ago

      >Noooo!!! The 2nd installment of a game can't use familiar references to the first game!!

      • 5 months ago

        kek you cant disprove him all you can do is le greentext meme as a form of cope

    • 5 months ago

      4 people to eventually get to a king who went hollow
      Vendrick is entirely optional and you're actively discouraged from fighting him because of his stupid def gimmick. None of the 4 Lord Soul Bosses give you the item to reduce his def. He's in no way a final boss like Gwyn is.
      Also DS3 pretty much does that (get 4 Lord Souls and fight in Gwyn's kiln against whoever is the last inheritor of Gwyn's soul)
      >quelag and scorpion lady
      Meh. If you're gonna compare each enemy like that you might as well point out enemies that are straight up copied like skeletons. Both Quelag and Najsomething are forgettable side bosses, Quelag is just remember a bit because she had tiddies and is a bit of a scrub filter.
      >kings doors
      Unironically I don't see the ds1 equivalent of this that you want to point out. DS2's king doors are fricking shit tho they should open without EQUIPPING the ring, just in inventory would be enough. Or at least make the king's ring give some stats.
      >lord vessel
      Literally a small suggested easter egg, relax
      >gutters and blight town
      Fair point, this is roughly on the same level as 3 having Anor Londo just because. Gutter was clearly intended to be "the level where we want you to use the Torch mechanics" but that got completely shat on during devlopment
      >Going into a “memory”
      The average player won't even notice that you go back in time in AotA. If you don't read items in DS2 and if not for the "One cannot stay in a memory too long!!" you wouldn't notice too. Meh.

  2. 5 months ago

    DS2 is literally fanfiction for DS1. And its own story doesn't make sense. You also have to kill the biggest badguys in the world just so you can take a different path rather than getting past two rocks you would have been able to climb over.

  3. 5 months ago

    Dude anybody on Ganker who hates DaS3 is shit at video games and sticks things up their ass. It's the best game with the best level design, bosses, gameplay, hub, and player movement but it'll always frustrate shitters to the point where the only thing they can bring up is the lore and pressing R1 all day, as if they didn't do that all day in the other two games. Or they're just too shit to use their full moveset.

    Dark Souls 3 is the best Dark Souls game and it's not even fricking close.

    • 5 months ago

      You talk like a PVPgay, DS3 is ass and I wish you a happy transition.

  4. 5 months ago

    Dark Souls 3 was unfinished, but homosexuals that call Dark Souls 2 "soulful" and "original" always make me laugh
    Dude, they literally invented a throne with wi-fi to link the Fire to justify several sequels lmao

    • 5 months ago

      >entire game is about ending the undead curse
      >every enemy, landmark, and boss is about the curse in some way
      >ending is you taking the throne and linking the fire because ?????
      Jesus fricking Christ and this had to be patched with another dogshit ending later

  5. 5 months ago

    Dark souls 1 lifted shitloads of stuff from demon souls, but people will give it a pass because Dark souls managed to make his own unique world work, without relying on ds1.

    DS2 and DS3 both have this issue where they only really start to shine with the dlcs. The main story in both games are lacking, ds2 needed the dlcs to give the game a coherent narrative and add some truly memorable fights, like Sir allant, fume knight, Ivory king, Sihn.

    Ds3 copied the demons souls main plot of "fight the five archdemons/lords of cinders and open the way to the place where you will decide between saving the world or destroying it", basically demon souls again, but with a Dark souls coat of paint. Its almost like From was desperate to ship the game just to be free of the contract with Bandai Namco. But with the dlcs its like they finally gave themselves the time to build something great and say goodbye to dark souls in grand style.

    Both DS2 and DS3 are alike in this, the dlcs are better than the main game, and I hope this pattern will repeat itself with Elden ring.

  6. 5 months ago

    Actual human beings know that DS3 is way better than their predecessors because of the technical upgrades that came with bloodborne and then tinkered in DS3. And obviously ending the story.
    The fact that there are "people" sucking on DS2's wiener just because is le different when is actually a bootleg DS1, baffles me.

  7. 5 months ago

    >dark souls 2
    >given a pass

    • 5 months ago

      This. Nu Ganker contrarians aren’t the entire world, everywhere else that’s sane realizes that Dark souls 2 while still being a good game is the weakest entry

  8. 5 months ago

    Because people are moronic.
    DS3 has much bigger problems. If anything it didn't take enough from DS1, like actual world design.

  9. 5 months ago

    DS3 gets shit on for somehow managing to be more linear than, have worse design than and having worse gameplay than 2. 2 set an incredibly low bar and 3 still managed to completely go under it in almost all regards.

  10. 5 months ago

    2 mostly just alludes to 1 in faint whispers and "but perhaps..." in item descriptions lore-wise. It's the gameplay shortcuts like repeated bosses that people attacked. Unfortunately this set the precedent (in the eyes of morons) that a Souls sequel shouldn't dare make plain reference to prior games and anything of the sort is pandering clap-bait. There are absolutely parts of 3 that do feel like cheap "remember this???" inclusions like Andre returning for no apparent reason. But then Anor Londo returns in a manner that significantly progresses its lore (and after a huge supporting area with the actual returning geometry being miniscule) and people fail to distinguish it from a cheap reference.

    tl;dr people can't tell the difference between progressing a story and "yoooo it's Solaire!!!"

  11. 5 months ago

    >>Ds2 steals the entire plot structure, entire characters, entire ideas, same roadblocks, asks the player to do the exact same things they did in Dark souls 1 in basically the same way
    Such as?
    People constantly b***h about roadblocks like the statues and the Shrine of Winter and neither of these have been included in another fromsoft

  12. 5 months ago

    DS3 popular
    DS2 underdog
    any other reason is pure cope

  13. 5 months ago

    You sound like a boring b***h

  14. 5 months ago

    Don't matter what people say. Dark Souls 2 will always be my favorite Souls game.

  15. 5 months ago

    >DS2 is not canon
    >akshually, DS2 steals too much from DS1
    >DS2 is the worst game in the series because it experiments with new stuff
    >but, no, wait, it's too similar to DS1
    Just pick one and stick with it.
    >and I clapped when I saw Anus Londo in DS3

  16. 5 months ago

    The story of Aldia, Vendrick and the Giants doesn't constantly reference Gwyn and Anor Londo. It's a sequel in the sense it takes place in the same world after the events of the last game had a noticeable impact, but it doesn't constantly dwell back on those and plasters them directly in your face for cheap effect. Did you forget one of 3's DLCs presented the never-before-known-about Gwyn's summer ringed city where these Pigmy Lords totally existed all along alongside Gwyn's sekrit fourth daughter or...? 3 is full of shit like pic related, everywhere. It gets obnoxious.

    • 5 months ago

      Did you forget that DS2 does exactly the same? Ornstein, the crow lady, the exact model of the sunlight altar, WOODEN CARVINGS IN A LAVA VOLCANO AREA, etc all show up in your face.

      • 5 months ago

        >does exactly the same
        Huh does it revolve entire DLCs around new fanfic lore of central figures of DS1? Damn, never noticed before
        >it does the same because it brings back usable items like carvings
        Oh yeah forgot Ganker can't physically discuss DS2 without going schizo

        • 5 months ago

          >ignores the point
          >gets hyper specific about shit not relevant to the point
          You lost.

    • 5 months ago

      Lets not forget the fact that both end game bosses of DS3 (soul of cinder and gael) are literally just improved bosses from the first game (gwyn and artorias). The game is literally DS1 v2 in so many cases, its boring.

  17. 5 months ago

    >This excused because ???
    >why is dark souls 2 given a pass for
    Holy shit what kind of alternate timeline do you live in where 2 is given a pass for *anything*, you can't even discuss the fricking game without people losing their shit

  18. 5 months ago

    it's not excused for anything
    just because Ganker wants to pretend to like the unpopular one doesn't mean ds3 isn't by far the more popular and higher regarded of the two
    At some point you're gonna start noticing Ganker doesn't actually play games it just tries to stir shit

    • 5 months ago

      >hating popular things is someone's identity
      I'm not gonna lie to you, anon. If anything, I'm one of the few honest anons on this board. I really dislike / hate Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, everything that Iron Maiden released after Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith came back, Emma Stone, Marvel / DC movies, D'n'D games, ANY type of podcasts, and rap ''music''. But guess what, I'm not triggered if someone enjoys this.

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