>dude if you have absolutely no resources in any of the games from the series you've been a fan of for 15+ years, creating a team is actually ...

>dude if you have absolutely no resources in any of the games from the series you've been a fan of for 15+ years, creating a team is actually somewhat time consuming
Is he a moron?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It was still 18 hours of playtime to build the team despite having all of that as well as RNG manipulating 2 legendaries

    • 10 months ago

      You should already have a good cresselia and heatran. You've had 15 years. You should already have tera shards, the game has been out for more than a year. Competitive players don't play the game they supposedly love and complain that they don't have the resources

      • 10 months ago

        You do know newcomers are a thing?

        • 10 months ago

          the legendaries also specifically have 0 IVs, so if you already owned and caught them, you would be shit out of luck and have to replay the whole game

          • 10 months ago

            What are raids and ultra wormholes?

            • 10 months ago

              significantly slower than just playing through the whole game and RNG manipulating for 0 IVs

              • 10 months ago

                >RNG manipulating
                If you're gonna cheat, just inject. Don't do the reddit le epic RNG cringe. You can win world's with legendaries you got by playing the games you own and supposedly poured hundreds of hours in.

              • 10 months ago

                >one exploit gets you banned
                >one exploit doesn't
                do the rng you lazy frick

              • 10 months ago

                >one exploit gets you banned
                if you don't know what you're doing, sure

              • 10 months ago

                See: All VGC players

              • 10 months ago

                Most players at world's had a hacked team.

              • 10 months ago

                But some were even more hilariously blatant than others, which they didn’t even try to hide, so they got caught like morons

              • 10 months ago

                I dont even care that they do it. But whining about getting dq'd is too much. There is about a 5% chance you break even at these events after considering the logistics of going. Just say "whoopsies!" and move on.

              • 10 months ago

                Not cheating.
                It's in the game, therefore it's a part of the game.

              • 10 months ago

                It cannot be done without reverse engineering and third party software, therefore it breaks the rules of the VGC tournaments. So again, gen if you're a cheater, play the game if you don't want to break the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                pls show me where pokemon forbids the use of third party software for mechanics research. Next youre gonna tell me using bulbapedia isnt allowed either

              • 10 months ago

                >circumventing DRM protection to exploit the inner working of the games does break TOS
                >using third party software to bypass normal gameplay and make a perfect mon appear isn't against VGC rules
                Black person please.

              • 10 months ago

                no source provided, ty for proving me right

                another example i guess is damage calculator, would it be cheating to use it? in no way does the game give you the actual formula and yet it impacts every single player's team and play decisions.

              • 10 months ago

                >The use of external devices, such as a mobile app, to modify or create items or Pokémon in a player’s Battle Team is expressly forbidden.
                >Avoid, circumvent, or disable any security or digital rights management protocols or mechanism in any Service
                Or just email TPCi lol, ask them if RNG manipulation is allowed in their tournaments if you're such an autistic mong that you need to see it written word per word in print.
                >what about the damage calculator, is it le cheating???
                Of course it is lmao, you're allowed a pen and paper in competition.

              • 10 months ago

                >The use of external devices, such as a mobile app, to modify or create items or Pokémon in a player’s Battle Team is expressly forbidden.

                This has nothing to do with rng manipulation as it doesnt affect the cartridge directly, nice try.

                >Or just email TPCi lol, ask them if RNG manipulation is allowed in their tournaments if you're such an autistic mong that you need to see it written word per word in print.

                youre the one who claimed its cheating, im just asking you since you seem so sure about it (youre clearly not)

                >Of course it is lmao, you're allowed a pen and paper in competition

                what exactly do you do with this? and for team prep do you also have to whip out the ol pen paper for evey single calc you make? are you using the damage formula by hand? (the formula thats been extracted form the games code which i assume its super fricking illegal according to you) If were gonna give a shit about DRM than calcing should be illegal full stop, which means everyone in worlds player is a cheater

              • 10 months ago

                >as it doesn't affect the cartridge
                Why would it have to? It certainly isn't mentioned anywhere in the rules.
                >nice try
                kys lmao
                >you're the one who claimed it's cheating
                because it's both expressedly against the rules as well as terms of services AND it's common sense. Do you think TPCi would tolerate dumping the cart, reverse engineering it then developing windows software to manipulate the game to completely skip the gameplay loop resulting in something that is undistinguishable from genning? You a moron per chance? If you're so autistic that you need to see it in print, ask them.
                >what exactly do you do with this
                I answered your question. If you're asking about team prep, it's another issue. Pokemon would never acknowledge the existence of such tools (that break Pokemon TOS, japanese DRM laws and copyright laws) therefore we can assume they're not fond of it. Players certainly don't mention their existence on official streams. That being said, such tools cannot be used during competition and nor can they be used to train the team you brought, therefore they cannot be regulated by tournament rules. I hope that helps 🙂

              • 10 months ago

                >Why would it have to? It certainly isn't mentioned anywhere in the rules.
                "modify or create items or Pokémon in a player’s Battle Team"
                rng manipulation is doing neither, its getting an encounter/egg hatch just as a regular game would do, try again

                >because it's both expressedly against the rules

                again, source? youre the one whose escalating this particular issue i fgured youd actually ha e any substancial evidence, clearly not, you can call me a moron a 3rd time maybe then youll actually be right

                >I answered your question

                you literally didnt, youre doing the opposite in fact.

                >Pokemon would never acknowledge the existence of such tools (that break Pokemon TOS, japanese DRM laws and copyright laws) therefore we can assume they're not fond of it.

                They dont acknowledge it because its not their tools lol why would they bring the damage calculator up at any point???
                Why would players feel the need to mention their existence???

              • 10 months ago

                >just as the regular game would do
                why is it that you can't do it without third party software and information acquired through circumventing DRM protection then? Cheat codes that make all encounters shiny don't "modify or create" a mon either, so is it not cheating?
                I sent you the rules multiple times.
                >you literally didn't
                you didn't like my answer
                >why would players mention it's existence
                Because it's an important part in team building and in practice, where learning rolls in a fundamental aspect of competition. They don't mention it for the same reason they don't mention that they "gen".

                So that I can decide if this conversation is worth pursuing: do you actually believe exploit abuse and glitches isn't rule breaking? Or are you just arguing in bad faith because you like arguing?

              • 10 months ago

                do you actually know how rng manip tools work? youre pressing inputs for the required result you want, you using a cheat to make shinies is, by definition modifying the encounter.
                You can get the same result without third party software, you simply soft reset/egg hatch more.

                >I sent you the rules multiple times.

                and yet you havent showed me anything and in fact told me to email tpc to clarify the situation, reminder you went against my claim, id think youd have more solid ground than this

                >you didn't like my answer

                I guess i must be moronic then, so pls make it simpler for me, what is aplyer doing with a pen and paper for calcs, i even gave you leeways to answer this "and for team prep do you also have to whip out the ol pen paper for evey single calc you make? are you using the damage formula by hand?" i find it funny you accuse me of bad faith when im genuinely trying to give you an oportunity to get your point across, your no-answer speak more about bad faith than me

                >Because it's an important part in team building and in practice, where learning rolls in a fundamental aspect of competition

                sure, but when is this brought up to comversation? have you ever seen a vgc event ever? their questions are as general as they can be, they dont even mention evs/natures (both mechanics in the actual games) necessarily, just "how they are trained"

                I can tell you that aaron zheng (someone who works for tpc) actully does use damage calc in his videos
                >but thats his yt channel
                doent matter, if its breaks pokemon tosit shouldnt be there, same way that shady was forced to takedown rom hack playtrough to host for pokemon events

                "do you actually believe exploit abuse and glitches isn't rule breaking"

                depends on what type exploit were talking, i dont really think changing the date to farm tera shards for example falls under rules breaking

              • 10 months ago

                IVs, natures, and stats are described in the official guidebooks for the game. the damage calculator and rng algorithm are not

              • 10 months ago

                im not contesting that, im saying this to asnwer the fact that "vgc players dont acknowledge damage calculator as a tool" which i assumed we were refering to vgc events because if its their yt channel ora forum post they absolutely do, vgc events are super casual oriented so they avoid mentioning more competitive specific details and if the event is ran like this why would the players feel the need to mention damage calcs?anwdy

              • 10 months ago

                >depends on what type exploit were talking
                ok no point arguing then
                >changing the date
                not what we're talking about, you disingenuous moron
                >dude RNG manips are normal inputs
                that cannot be reproduced without external software based on DRM circumvention

                Just fricking inject. Cheating is fine if you don't get caught. Pretending RNG manipulation isn't cheating is reddit troony cope.

              • 10 months ago

                RNG is technically not cheating, I draw the line there
                Stacking the odds in your favour by using the game without external tools modifying code skirts the line for me

              • 10 months ago

                >RNG isn't cheating
                So you know the frames where 0 IVs are (and your own seed) by guessing in game without external tools required?

        • 10 months ago

          Newcomers don't make it to world's.

          • 10 months ago

            We literally had two newcomers making it to top 4 this year and one of them was even second place.

      • 10 months ago

        Tera raids are absolute putrid garbage and no one should have to play them for any reason.

      • 10 months ago

        Tera Raids are terrible. Not only that, the game they love isn't grinding for resources, its the battling.

        • 10 months ago

          I love movement in FPS games, but I really don't like shooting accurately. I use an aimbot because it lets me get on an even footing with people who practice aiming a lot

      • 10 months ago

        >Competitive players don't play the game they supposedly love and complain that they don't have the resources
        Single player Pokemon and multiplayer Pokemon are different games. Chess and checkers use the same pieces, but they are different games. Just because two games use the same pieces doesn't mean they're the same. Pokemon should learn from Smash Bros; don't make players play a game mode they don't like just to get to the one they do. In Smash you can unlock all the characters playing four player items on with friends, or 1v1 final destination online. People who want to play multiplayer ranked battles in Pokemon shouldn't have to play single player tera raids.

        • 10 months ago

          Checkers and chess use different pieces and different boards you absolute mong

        • 10 months ago

          >Chess and checkers use the same pieces
          uhhhh... no?

      • 10 months ago

        So basically, you're saying the scene is biased towards autistic veterans and you shouldn't bother getting into VGC because you'll never stand a chance if you haven't devoted yourself since Gen 3?
        Sounds good to me, let the dumbasses waste money so TPC can make them pay to be advertised to.

        • 10 months ago

          >it's easier to compete at the highest level if you didn't pick up the franchise 6 months ago

  2. 10 months ago

    He's based for RNG manipulating and supporting genning. That's all I care about.

  3. 10 months ago


    what is it with the pokemon fanbase being made up of the largest number of morons who pretend to play the game

    • 10 months ago

      But that's false. You play competetive FPS games your cost of entry is the game itself.
      You play competitive fighters and the cost of entry is the game itself + potential DLC
      You play Smash Bros. competitively and the cost of entry is the game itself + potential DLC
      You play competitive Pokemon and the cost of entry is the game itself, multiple other games, potential DLC, a subscription to Pokemon Home, multiple playthroughs of games just for minimal additions.
      You can't tell me there's not something wrong there.

      • 10 months ago

        >But that's false. You play competetive FPS games your cost of entry is the game itself.
        Woah I can teleport to competitive FPS venues for free?

        • 10 months ago

          >erm well actually
          It's the same fricking cost for pokemon. Possibly even more since entry is now 74$

        • 10 months ago

          woah and pokemon can let you teleport to competitive VGC venues for free?

      • 10 months ago

        you don't have to pay for home.

      • 10 months ago

        This post should have ended the thread. The monetary and time cost of just having a chance to compete in Pokemon is massively higher than any other game in existence. You are not going to have a winning team from one cartridge, or even one generation. And yet we've just been told to buy all the games and DLC ourselves to avoid being traded hacked Pokemon (even discounting the cost of a Switch+Home subscription the cost of entry is now what, $420? SwSh+DLC for both games, PLA, SV+DLC for both games). You are not going to be able to even attempt to see if you're skilled at the actual game until you play at least 20 hours of something almost entirely unrelated, because if you don't do that your team will suck. Playing the main game teaches you the most barebones mechanics but it absolutely isn't difficult enough to prepare you for competitive 4v4 doubles. And you have to do this in about the course of a month, for a prize pool worth less than a part time job. And you are expected to sustain this over and over again, because if you stop buying into this hellscape and decide to come back later you're now massively behind everyone else.

        This is absolute insanity coming from the biggest franchise on the planet. I don't condone cheating, but when this is the scenario that people find themselves in it's absolutely not shocking that the players give in to cheating.

        • 10 months ago

          >This post should have ended the thread.
          Not when it's completely wrong.

          >The monetary and time cost of just having a chance to compete in Pokemon is massively higher than any other game in existence
          Have you tried playing...any TCG ever?

          • 10 months ago

            no time cost to buy a deck and immediately start playing matches with it. yugioh also has master duel which is an official online battle sim while pokemon needs to rely on the unofficial showdown

            • 10 months ago

              >no time cost to buy a deck and immediately start playing matches with it
              Woah...you can get a deck instantly and play against other people instantly? And the deck is completely free?

              • 10 months ago

                If you want (You)'s so bad just say so instead of willfully misinterpreting posts.

              • 10 months ago

                in yugioh, yes. Use edopro and you can build anything for free, test it for free, and not need to worry about money until you're ready to start playing paper.

            • 10 months ago

              >no time cost to buy a deck
              lmao even

              • 10 months ago

                ignoring the time cost to buy pokemon video games and the DLC but your panties are in a twist when it comes to buying a deck. okay you hypocritical gay

          • 10 months ago

            Anon clearly meant video games specifically you colossal homosexual

            • 10 months ago

              >D-D-D-D-DOESN'T COUNT!!!
              Yeah I love my free gaming PC and my free 144hz monitor and my free gaming mouse and my free trips to competitive venues and the time cost to build muscle memory and get mechanically skilled at the game. Pokemon is so unfair bros!

              If you want (You)'s so bad just say so instead of willfully misinterpreting posts.

              I didn't misinterpret anything. You just made a bad argument like a moron.

              • 10 months ago

                You very clearly did anon. You argue like a twitter weirdo who can't actually engage in good faith and has to rely on zingers to win arguments. You can in fact just go and buy a deck and the only time spent will be buying the deck, not playing a tangentially related series of minigames to prove you're "worthy" to run the deck. Additionally, the amount of money you need to spend varies depending on the meta and TCG, but only some actually break Pokemon's $420+console+online+bank price tag, namely old high power formats using out of print cards like Modern in MTG. The only explanation is that you in fact did willingly misinterpret a statement to try and get a "win". On /vp/. The stakes are that low and you still stoop to that.

                If you wanted to make a point at least use something like Warhammer which you will not get into pools without spending at least a grand and hours upon hours doing something completely unrelated to the actual game. That's way more like Pokemon.

              • 10 months ago


                >You can in fact just go and buy a deck
                Cool! How do I buy a deck for zero dollars?

                >not playing a tangentially related series of minigames to prove you're "worthy" to run the deck
                No, instead you just have to tangentially navigate websites and find dealers to buy the cards and wait for the cards to ship. Damn Pokemon is pretty fair!

                >TH-THE MONEY VARIES
                so like Pokemon? Which you would know if you actually played the game instead of being a LARPer?

                >The only explanation is that you in fact did willingly misinterpret
                You getting upset that you typed the wrong thing and got BTFO isn't the same thing as me misinterpreting your post. Get better arguments.

              • 10 months ago

                The seethe in this post is beautiful. You got blown out, take your loss and go.

          • 10 months ago

            TCGs are stupidly way more accessible than pokemon.

        • 10 months ago

          This is just another post whining that you have to actually obtain and play the games in order to get good at them. It's also wrong about plenty of things too. You don't need to pay for Home to transfer mons between games, and you don't need to buy both versions to get mons from the other versions. I literally got my Iron Hands from an anon in the Wifi Thread. The spirit of Pokemon, is raising, trading, and battling Pokemon, if you don't want to engage in the first two parts, there's plenty of battle simulators that are free to play online. And if you want to cheat despite all other options available to you, don't get caught. But if you do, make sure you whine about it loudly on social media so it's easier to laugh at you.

          • 10 months ago

            Damn you traded? What if it was hacked in. Pokemon company said don't do that and you don't wanna disobey them do you?

            • 10 months ago

              You are trolling but this is genuinely the sentiment on dumb places like TwitterX, where people are so anti-TPC/GF/Nintendo that they defend cheating. Frick off.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm sorry that you said something wrong anon, you don't want to be wrong now do you? TPC said don't trade just in case the other person genned in a Pokemon. You traded, you did something they said not to do. You're just as bad as a cheater anon.

              • 10 months ago

                They seriously said don't trade in pokemon? Lol that was one of the biggest parts of the game. Some pokemon evolve by trading. LMFAO! DONT DO IT BECAUSE WE'RE INCOMPETENT FRICKTARD TRANNIES NOW THOUGH!

              • 10 months ago

                Why would you take a troll's shit as gospel?

      • 10 months ago

        >You play Smash Bros. competitively and the cost of entry is the game itself + potential DLC
        Isn't that 120$
        >what the frick? I have to pay for 2 games just for Banjo and Steve!? Pay to win as frick!

      • 10 months ago

        Funny thing is for tournaments you could always play on the copy the tournament organizers provide.

      • 10 months ago

        Unless you want to play at like local shit then sure.

        If you want to play at the equivalent of pokemon worlds you need.
        -to pay to enter
        -pay to travel
        -pay for your own equipment like controllers, as you will likely wear through them quicker and unlike pokemon a bit of drift is detrimental
        -pay to register your team with the org running, This usually also includes other fees on top of that.
        Why do you think most competitors in most genres get sponsors? To help pay for all the shit.

        Then for bigger teams there's lawyers, franchising fees, insurance. It's a black hole for cash which is why so many are going under.

        • 10 months ago

          Glad you mentioned controllers. I once b***hed to a 2d fighting game player about how annoying it is to compete in Pokemon with having to buy new titles and he responded "do you know how often a new Street Fighter or Telken comes out? Do you knownhow expensive a good fight stick costs?" Made me think and take on a new perspective.

    • 10 months ago

      >what is it with the pokemon fanbase being made up of the largest number of morons who pretend to play the game

      Like (You)?

    • 10 months ago

      >zoom zoom zoom
      You will eat ze bugs.

  4. 10 months ago

    Unfair to who exactly?

    • 10 months ago

      Habitual cheaters

  5. 10 months ago

    next thing these gays are gonna complain about is they have to buy the next game to play competitive

  6. 10 months ago

    when he sees this thread he's gonna be pissed

    • 10 months ago

      good. wanting people to refer to you with they/them pronouns unironically is peak narcissism.

  7. 10 months ago

    or you could fricking trade someone

  8. 10 months ago

    Its because of showdown
    If showdown didnt exist all this b***hing wouldnt either

    By the way how come showdown has not been taken down?

    • 10 months ago

      keep whining, there’s a reason fighting games let you pick your fighter right at the start. imagine not getting to play smash ultimate until you beat the entirety of the world of light, and not just that. if you beat subspace emissary in brawl you get to transfer a fighter upgrade to smash ultimate after buying a subscription service fee. GF bootlickers like you would like that.

      • 10 months ago

        What a moronic comparison
        This is an RPG not a fighting game

        • 10 months ago

          then don’t mix the single player RPG with the competitive multiplayer aspect, that’s what I’ve been getting at moron. but since GF does it you’ll bootlick then and continue sucking Masuda’s wiener thinking it’s peak game design

          • 10 months ago

            nobody is forcing you to play competitive VGC y'all are the ones so desperate to play it. if you don't want to follow the rules and play the game how it's designed go play a different game. wanting the rules to be followed in a competition doesn't make me a bootlicker. y'all are so desperate for people to join competitive and give money to GF, doesn't that make you guys big Masuda wienersuckers?

          • 10 months ago

            Sounds like this isnt the game for you if you arent willing to put the legwork in.
            Also, remember when some tournaments in Sm4sh allowed custom movesets? Didnt you need to unlock those?

      • 10 months ago

        Damn. Play trannultimate then, buy the DLC and try to not cheat there too

      • 10 months ago

        >there’s a reason fighting games let you pick your fighter right at the start.
        zoomer detected

  9. 10 months ago

    If you're playing Red and you want a Bellsprout, you trade with a friend that owns Blue. That's the entire point of Pokémon. Don't VGC players have friends? Or do they think the rules don't apply to them? Do they even like Pokémon as a concept?

    • 10 months ago

      The rules for Worlds explicitly stated to NOT trade for your Pokemon and only catch them yourself.

  10. 10 months ago

    Things you need to play Pokemon competitive
    >A copy of your favorite game
    >A console that can run it
    >Play the game

  11. 10 months ago

    >Ok so now to confirm the IVs of our RNG'd egg, lets level it up with CHEATED/DUPED RARE CANDIES FROM THE BATTLE TOWER CLONE GLITCH
    >Ok so now do this very autistic elaborate method to confirm your SID OR JUST EXTRACT YOUR SAVE AND CHECK IT WITH PKHEX

    >Ok, so now to RNG my shiny perfect Darkrai in Platinum-
    >Wait, how are you getting Darkrai?
    >Lol, I injected the event item silly!
    Reminder all RNGgays still use injections, cheats, hacks, and glitches. Just inject and stop playing mind games.

    • 10 months ago

      >Not using Pomeg+ACE to check the SID

  12. 10 months ago

    >put into home
    >take out of home
    It is literally that easy. The reason tards got disqualified was because they injected pokemon that are only home transfer pokemon directly into s/v. Those pokemon had no home tag so it was obvious that they were genned.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, like it takes an actual second to see that the home tracker is all 0's if you just directly put the encounter into SV. PkHex is as idiot proof as possible, it's wild anyone still got caught out by it.
      I really don't give a shit if people cheat, but they only brought their disqualifications or losing out on a pokemon on themselves.

  13. 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago

    stop cheating.

  15. 10 months ago

    >You complain you can’t cheat in official tournaments. I complain battle rng hasn’t been made public. We are not the same.

  16. 10 months ago

    I should be allowed to compete with my emulated copy of Pokemon Scarlet, having to buy a Switch to compete is blatantly pay to win and completely unacceptable.

  17. 10 months ago

    Bro I can literally only afford the porn so it's beyond just p2w

  18. 10 months ago

    But he did have resources.
    And it still is time consuming.
    He literally went and RNG Maniped in BW2 because BDSP are pieces of shit.

    • 10 months ago

      I like his video series because it shows how fricking moronic you'd have to be to be against genning

      • 10 months ago

        In older gems absolutely, frick self destruct Snorlax and the horse they ride it on
        But on newer ones the only issue are roamers and shiny Pokemon if you are stupid enough to cre about those

        • 10 months ago

          >18 hours to build the team, not including PP ups and tera typing is acceptable

          • 10 months ago

            How many time you have to prepare yourself for a tournament? only one day? because sound fair if you take your time

            • 10 months ago

              they announce formats like a month before the tournament.
              So it's a month to decide on a team, test/practice, and also build.
              18+ hours assuming you have already settled on what your team is. Not to mention PP ups and tera typing are notoriously grindy.
              It's definitely going to take way more than 18 hours because you aren't going to immediately finalize a team from the get go.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not to mention PP ups and tera typing are notoriously grindy.
                Why you don't have that already? are you implying the ones that play tournament never got a good supply of these ones and never played the game?

              • 10 months ago

                you get like 2 tera shards per raid.
                It takes 50 to swap a type.
                You pretty much need to swap every pokemon in your party's tera type because their default tera types are going to be the same as their regular typing unless it's a special encounter mon.
                So you need 600 shards total of different specific typings.

                No one in their "regular playthrough" even had enough tera shards for more than 1 swap.

              • 10 months ago

                I mean 300 tera shards, I'm like half asleep.

              • 10 months ago

                Dude, your blissey event shards? You're supposed to be a competitive players and have to take the chance to farm it. You know, play the fricking game.
                This only show how the competitive player don't even take the chance to fill up the ingredient they need to do the whole process of building a team faster.

              • 10 months ago

                >you get 2 tera shards
                Its actually around 5 sometimes more so roughly 10-9 raids of that type unless you are actually implying you can only do 2* raids or below. Right now theres blissey raids that make it incredibly easy to farm the shards

              • 10 months ago

                Spending a day getting a legal team doesn't sound like to much to ask, specially if they get an entire month to figure out what they want to do.
                Even if you are only catching a pokemon a day because you are super busy and can't make up your mind and constantly switch the team around, you could still build like 3 or 4 completely legal competitive teams in a month.

              • 10 months ago

                This all assumes you already have your team down finalized and aren't further making any modifications.

                Dude, your blissey event shards? You're supposed to be a competitive players and have to take the chance to farm it. You know, play the fricking game.
                This only show how the competitive player don't even take the chance to fill up the ingredient they need to do the whole process of building a team faster.

                You only got 5 tera shards for like 4 different types per raid. That still isn't much better, not to mention they didn't even run one until after worlds was over and another one way before the tournament series was announced.

              • 10 months ago

                >This all assumes you already have your team down finalized and aren't further making any modifications.
                No, my point is that a month gives plenty of leeway to frick around even if you have no idea what the final team is going to look like.
                Even if you know nothing about speedrunning or rng manipulations, finishing a pokemon game takes an afternoon at most. Same with resetting for legendaries. Unless you royally frick up and need to make some drastic changes at the very last minute, you have plenty of time to catch, breed and try different pokemon in a month.

            • 10 months ago

              >How many time you have to prepare yourself for a tournament?
              Pretty often considering the rules change every year (or earlier) because new Pokemon are added to the pool of selectable ones as well as new moves.

              You think someone is going to keep the same exact team way back in Season 1 when Box Legends start to rear their ugly head?

          • 10 months ago

            they announce formats like a month before the tournament.
            So it's a month to decide on a team, test/practice, and also build.
            18+ hours assuming you have already settled on what your team is. Not to mention PP ups and tera typing are notoriously grindy.
            It's definitely going to take way more than 18 hours because you aren't going to immediately finalize a team from the get go.

            Keep in mind that this guy also had to plan out every step for making his team and RNG manipulation tools.

            • 10 months ago

              Also had a ready to go white 2 game that still had cress/heatran available and a completed soul silver.

          • 10 months ago

            It is, it's a fricking world tournament
            I spend more time testing hands and trading cards at regionals for a TCG

            If you cut the legends it's even easier, dunno why people are so butt hurt about prep time for a world class tournament

            • 10 months ago

              You aren't even testing or playing the game.
              You are just mindlessly waiting for the team.

              • 10 months ago

                How, I'm breeding, farming shards and playing with others with the other 20 or so teams I have whenever I feel like it

                Do you even play the game?

              • 10 months ago

                >Bro I'm pulling packs, this is practice, it's helping me play the actual game that people play competitively

              • 10 months ago

                I have a bunch of CR and prismatics from packs, if you think you are insulting someone for having fun in their locals I think you don't get how games work

              • 10 months ago

                I think you are too stupid to be insulted by anything really.

              • 10 months ago

                You don't play the game, yet want recognition in a tournament of that game

                At some point you just fricked up

              • 10 months ago

                >You didn't pull cards from the pack

              • 10 months ago

                >you took your crayon cards to the event

              • 10 months ago

                that doesn't even make any sense
                you aren't drawing fake cards when you gen mons, you are literally just obtaining the mon without grinding, it's more like if you just bought the cards you needed for a deck.

              • 10 months ago

                And proxy cards are just getting the cards without paying. It's legit the same shit and you're coping.

              • 10 months ago

                See this is why I think you are too stupid to be insulted by anything.

              • 10 months ago

                a properly genned mon is undetectable if it’s hacked or not. proxy cards can’t be passed off as legit because no one has the machines konami uses to make authentic cards.

              • 10 months ago

                For now. And the real controversy is the people b***hing about being caught. All anyone is asking is to stop crying but VGcucks refuse to do so.

              • 10 months ago

                It's real funny too because iirc it's been leaked that a full pokemon generator is coming in the 2nd dlc

              • 10 months ago

                Remember when upper deck made their own counterfeit cards?

              • 10 months ago

                a major company affiliated with konami with access to the machines to make non-legit physical cards isn’t the same as some rando using pkhex or other software to make a video game do something it wasn’t originally programmed to do.

              • 10 months ago

                Obvious dude, I'm just laughing at the fact that it happened
                You don't have to take everything so literal, I know this is /vp/ the autism capital of this site but you should have some laugh from time to time at the absurdity of what it takes to do legal counterfeits, especially the first editions with a silver holo stamp

                Things in Pokémon are far more mundane, if anything they shouldn't be happening, the fun of all this mess lies on the butthurt of "pro" players not playing the game (reminds me of the statistic showing people with full teams but no eggs hatched) and their following trying to run circles in their defense

              • 10 months ago

                Sir you are pretty much making an argument about using a constructed deck on a draft tournament
                The rules said no gen Pokemon, Epple are supposed to use their in-game or home resources to build a team

                Morons skipped all that and got caught, these baboons complain about acquiring resources you get normally by playing the game regularly, then b***h bout getting caught

                So I'd say, yes I'll open the packs and have a gay old time

          • 10 months ago

            >18 hours to be fully competitive ready is acceptable
            Yes you fricking moron
            Every other competitve game needs you to put in thousands and thousands of hours every single day to be able to even compete
            I swear Pokehomosexuals only play Pokemon and nothing else

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, thousands of hours playing the actual game for what's likely an annual tournament. Not playing a useless set of minigames for a tournament coming up in a month. Your insult applies more to you than you think.

            • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            But he did do raising and tera farming in the time. He specifically said he didn't do any item pickups and raiding while playing the main quest line, which is moronic enough on its own right.

  19. 10 months ago

    He is not wrong, all competitive scenes are pay to win.
    The only morally correct way to compete is to pirate the games and play in online simulators.

  20. 10 months ago

    >this consume a lot of time
    >add "I will shiny hunt it"
    Why they fricking need this?

    • 10 months ago

      Because the video had an agenda. Hes not wrong that it still takes a good chunk of time, but if you like the games, theres really only a few kinks to iron out.

    • 10 months ago

      I will post this as a shiny hunting gay
      The video is clearly meant to be manipulative that you NEED older stuff to do things but you really don't need everything he says. Now you spend more time doing things though like PLA hunting Lando and Cresselia? Okay that's literally how it works in almost every field of life that if you don't have the most optimal things you can still do shit, it just takes more time and effort.
      Also if you are willingly entering a season about Home mons and complaining that you need other games, lol.

      • 10 months ago

        >D-dude just d-don't shiny hunt!
        Yea man, because the player should be forced into playing absolutely barebones because the gameplay is far too grindy to allow the opportunity to actually enjoy what Pokemon you're using. You're right, it's *not* necessary, but it shouldn't be so absurdly impossible that you don't have that choice if you ever hope to play seriously, let alone when it would make a world of a difference to add Rusty Bottle Caps to accommodate all playstyles, even for non-shiny hunters.

        >Now you spend more time doing things though like PLA hunting Lando and Cresselia?
        Except he points out that you can't see IVs in PLA until after you've already saved your game. Your only real option for Cresselia and Heatran would be via BDSP, which is still holding your time hostage based purely on whether you were lucky enough to hit a frame with 0 IVs in the appropriate stat. It is also another 60 dollars necessary to play in an entirely different game.. which is also 60 dollars. Shiny or not, you'd have to be working from an insane asylum to willingly throw yourself at a wall over and over for something we already have control over in a convenient way in Bottle Caps.

        That being said, if you're going to need another game to hunt for something specific, it makes no difference whether it's BDSP or BW2. Blisy points out the only reason he even went with W2 is because it's what he had readily available without being forced to play through an entire game, which is generous when the point is to pretend you're a new player who is building from the ground up. BW2 is also far easier to RNG manipulate, which is the realistic option in either case if you care about your time at all.

        It takes far less energy to add more ways to streamline competitive than it does for you to deal with shitty gameplay loops that are designed to waste your time, if nothing else than at least tera raid grinding. TPC can DQ people all they want, but they need to be productive at least.

    • 10 months ago

      Shiny hunting doesn't matter for the RNG manip'd mons, it's the same time either way and he didn't include the time for shiny hunting the flutter mane.

  21. 10 months ago

    >see the video
    >he don't have a lot of thing you get playing the game like some TMs
    I guess this only show me that people that complain about this barely touch the game itself to prepare a team.

  22. 10 months ago

    Not watching this vid because it's obviously bait. A lot of these vids also massively inflate the playtimes by counting on you not knowing that any "zero IVs" have double the odds they're presenting because there's no difference at level 50 between 0-1 or even more sometimes.

    • 10 months ago

      >massively inflate the playtimes
      a regular player won’t know how to rng manip or have their ds overclocked. nor have the optimal pathway laid out to copy an already existing team rather than spending more hours experimenting and playtesting

      • 10 months ago

        I don't understand why are you speedrunning the DS games? People told me there's tradebots in S/V that check the IV for you, you can get all the legends with 0 attack in that game if you want

        • 10 months ago

          the tradebot is literally how a bunch of people got banned for an ursaluna without a home tracker since it was accidentally stripping the home tracker from the legitimate ursaluna when genning it.

          • 10 months ago

            No, there are bots where you put up the mon to trade and it tells you the IVs. You would just save in front of Heatran, catch it, show to trade bot, if not 0/1 attack reload game and reload that area.

    • 10 months ago

      It's actually way faster than what a normal person would take because the end result team already exist and is just building towards that. Not to mention imagine not even RNG maniping the legendaries.

  23. 10 months ago

    Might be a Mandela moment. But I thought there was a iv checker in pla through a npc that is next to the pasture.

    • 10 months ago

      You can't natively check IVs in PLA since they don't exist as a mechanic there.

  24. 10 months ago

    Anyone who plays pokemon after the pile of dogshit x and y was is a frickin moron

  25. 10 months ago

    These past two weeks have shown how entitled the playerbase is. You don't want to spend time and money? Very well. But these guys are arguing that they should still be able to take part in the biggest competition of the year. The one that takes time and money to attend! What the hell?

  26. 10 months ago

    >monetary cost to compete
    Never get into horse racing. In fact that's the actual real life equivalent to why pokemon is the way it is considering Japan's obsession with it.
    Also love the monetary barrier argument when no one actually makes money competing. Even your god wolfey outpaced his worlds win on a youtube career.

  27. 10 months ago

    Would these people seethe over getting a pokemon with 2 IVs in attack instead of 0?

  28. 10 months ago

    >you've been a fan of for 15+ years
    what if you haven't?

    • 10 months ago

      Everyone has to start somewhere. Wether you've been a fan for 15 years and have all the games and resources in the world, or just started out and want to build the tournament winning team, the actual cost should realistically be the same in the end for both of you, assuming of course you didn't cheat for all those 15 years and don't actually play the games.

  29. 10 months ago

    >shiny hunts
    >has to buy turbo controller for money farming, can't possibly EV train any other way
    >assumed he didnt pick up any TMs or crafting materials in campaign, something that would never happen
    >played Soul Silver just for Ursurang
    >just HAD to put Cress and Heatran on PLA just for the photo shoot ribbon
    For people actually hoping to learn here, going for the IVs you want is much higher a priority than shinies and ribbons. The fact his Cress didn't need 0 speed and just 0 attack literally makes this bearable, he would have a stronger leg to stand on if it needed 0At and Spd

    • 10 months ago

      >he would have a stronger leg to stand on if it needed 0At and Spd
      the difference doesn't even matter
      the shiny flutter mane didn't even count towards the time

      • 10 months ago

        but didnt Ursurang and Cresselia? He even made a big stink out of RNG manipulating for a roaming legend.

        • 10 months ago

          >but didnt Ursurang and Cresselia?
          but didn't what
          I'm gonna assume you mean "shiny hunted".

          RNG manip'd mons don't add extra time for doing anything different.

          Getting a regular non-shiny Cresselia with any number of 0 IVs or a shiny Cresselia with any other number of 0 IVs takes the same amount of time.
          You aren't shiny hunting if you are literally just exploiting the game's RNG seed by booting the game up at a specific time and modifying your step a couple times until you have the right RNG value to make a specific mon to spawn.

          • 10 months ago

            >I'm gonna assume you mean "shiny hunted".
            >RNG manip'd mons don't add extra time for doing anything different
            >Getting a regular non-shiny Cresselia with any number of 0 IVs or a shiny Cresselia with any other number of 0 IVs takes the same amount of time
            A shiny cresselia with 0 attack has a much more specific rng seed than any 0 attack cress roll. A 0 speed Ursurang will also be much easier than a 0 speed shiny ursurang roll. Hell blindly hunting for a 0 speed Ursurang would probably be faster than the rng manipulation. And any player who already has a 0IV speed Pokemon could just breed for it in any game, it was very unecessary how he went about it when you could just do the whole ursuluna from start in PLA. Hell hunting for a 0 attack Heatran and Cresselia probably would have been faster on Dynamax Adventures than the way he did it.

            • 10 months ago

              >A shiny cresselia with 0 attack has a much more specific rng seed than any 0 attack cress roll.
              You have no idea what you are talking about.

              >Hell blindly hunting for a 0 speed Ursurang would probably be faster than the rng manipulation. And any player who already has a 0IV speed Pokemon could just breed for it in any game, it was very unecessary how he went about it when you could just do the whole ursuluna from start in PLA
              You can't even check IVs in PLA, so you would have to blindly catch a billion of them, transfer them to a different game, check each one to see if one has 0 speed, transfer it back to evolve it.

              >Hell hunting for a 0 attack Heatran and Cresselia probably would have been faster on Dynamax Adventures than the way he did it.
              It literally took like 20 minutes for each of those mons on White 2.

              It takes like 10-20 minutes to get through Dynamax Adventures for a chance to catch one maybe. On top of that you can't RNG manip those mons at all. So you are then just hoping you get 0 IV first try on pure RNG. What the frick are you even smoking?

              • 10 months ago

                >in PLA
                have you played the fricking game? you could catch 70 teddiursa in like 15 minutes, and you can also just transfer in any bred teddiursa with 0 ivs

              • 10 months ago

                He literally bred the teddiursa

              • 10 months ago

                not watching moron slop, sorry
                stop cheating. and I hope every player at worlds that got caught gets prosecuted in japan and banned for life

              • 10 months ago

                Screw that you can get 7-11 Alpha ursalunas in a single hunt with high shiny chances to boot

    • 10 months ago

      Somewhat amusingly, there's software called NXBT that lets you emulate a controller over Bluetooth, so really he could chop that controller price down to $3 for a Bluetooth dongle if he bothered to try, but that wouldn't be as melodramatic.
      >Also doesn't know about mass date skipping in SwSh by initiating an online battle and undocking
      >Also doesn't know about the software that watches your screen and logs the 128 XORshift button presses for you
      >Also goes for much worse seeds just because they're shiny, but only feels the need to calculate the difference for Flutter Mane
      >Also ignores the whole "cost of a flight to Japan and accommodation angle" and complains when you have to buy a second game of a franchise you care enough about to play competitively
      >Also ignores the trade mechanic that is fundamental to Pokémon - despite making this entire team to trade - and stating that owning PLA is a must for every player
      >Also ignores the Tera Raids that people host on Twitch which people have RNG'd to ensure drop around 10 shards
      Lot of silly shit in this video, really. But I'm not too surprised, I've seen some of his Discord rants

  30. 10 months ago

    I don't care what his stance is; he's a fatfrick, and I don't trust anything from a piggy.

  31. 10 months ago

    How many Breedcucks in this thread actually been to a VGC tournament?
    Everyone one of you acts all high and mighty for wasting your time breeding, yet I have never seen breedcucks actually talk about the real game.

    • 10 months ago

      You don't really need to breed for the single player campaign

      • 10 months ago

        >missing the point on purpose for a le epic own

  32. 10 months ago

    Are you? It's fricking ridiculous honestly that just because you use your mom's credit card to buy things you don't understand how much $500 is to most people. You can't even get every single legendary unless they host special events for them, and that's what, every 3 years for a jirachi or a zeraora or whatever you need? I mean just frick off. Playing Pokemon and collecting them organically shouldn't be as much of a hassle as it is. At least in gachas you're guaranteed reruns. What if they never host a Keldeo distribution ever again? What if Darkrai never sees the light of day in a future distribution?
    Ask yourself these questions before you ever dare to post here ever again, frickwit.

    • 10 months ago

      >What if they never host a Keldeo distribution ever again?
      > What if Darkrai never sees the light of day in a future distribution?
      stop cheating and play the games you're pretending to care about

    • 10 months ago

      >cant afford $500 in games
      >can afford $2000 for a pokemon vacation

    • 10 months ago

      Aren't those event pokemon banned in most formats anyway?

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Most regulations they will be banned, if SwSh is to follow then only the penultimate regulation of it's lifecycle will allow them.

          Are you? It's fricking ridiculous honestly that just because you use your mom's credit card to buy things you don't understand how much $500 is to most people. You can't even get every single legendary unless they host special events for them, and that's what, every 3 years for a jirachi or a zeraora or whatever you need? I mean just frick off. Playing Pokemon and collecting them organically shouldn't be as much of a hassle as it is. At least in gachas you're guaranteed reruns. What if they never host a Keldeo distribution ever again? What if Darkrai never sees the light of day in a future distribution?
          Ask yourself these questions before you ever dare to post here ever again, frickwit.

          Mythics will always get distributed, 30th anniversary is the next franchise's milestone alongside Gen 10. Also, they have been putting more mythics on cart one way or another without a code/wifi event

          • 10 months ago

            Mythicals in Swsh were never allowed in real competitions anyway just online ranked for a month or so

  33. 10 months ago

    Gen 3 was the worst P2W gen
    >all your pokemon from gens 1 and 2 were gone
    >need to buy RS, Emerald, FRLG, Colosseum and XD to get >>>most of the pokedex
    >this meant you needed two different systems plus GBA to GC cable
    >eventmons were a mess, scattered across preorder bonuses and Pokemon Box and in-store events
    >needed an E-Reader plus a Nintendo Power issue to get Soul Dew

  34. 10 months ago

    >imablisy + freezai collab
    >Sootopolis City immediately plays

    • 10 months ago

      lol the thread pointing out youtube videos always use that song made me notice it immediately.

      • 10 months ago

        Is it that common?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, especially on Freezai and imablisy's videos. I dare you count the amount of their videos that start with that track.

  35. 10 months ago

    I like his HGSS RNG guides. It's pretty fun getting Frontier-ready mons in an era where getting a good Pokemon at all was near impossible.

  36. 10 months ago

    Tera shards are mindless busywork GF made take 50/swap because they forgot to add anything to actually do after beating the game. Literally every single actual VGC player fricking hates them.

    Stop defending them morons

    • 10 months ago

      This is the


      Blissey event raids have been available.


      • 10 months ago

        Not everyone have the time to do that. People have their own personal life to be prisoners farming tera shards

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          >playing the game is LE BAD
          if any of you were smart you would have not updated the game and dupe the items

        • 10 months ago


          When you frickin MORONS will finally get it? PLAYING COMPETITIVE POKEMON IMPLY PLAYING POKEMON, IT'S IN THE DAMN NAME. You cannot declare yourself a competitive Pokemon player and then complain that you must play the fricking game. PvP in Pokemon is a fricking end-game feature to what is a single-player jrpgs. You don't want to play Pokemon games then you don't belong into VGC events.

          • 10 months ago

            What are your VGC records?
            Breedcucks always talk about spinning around on their bike all day as the game, and none of them actually talk about the battling.

          • 10 months ago

            You're saying this full of confidence, but you all "stop cheating" morons aren't really competing. You just say this while sitting comfortably at home, whereas 99.99% of non-japanese VGC players traveling every month around the world will keep genning (= not a competitive advantage since everyone does it) and not give a frick.

            • 10 months ago

              Well, they apparently give a frick when TPCi finally is pointing out that it's literally in the rules that genning Pokemon is not acceptable so if they will find you doing it you'll get fricked.
              Especially that again, it's both in interest of TPCi and Nintendo to squash this and you idiots making mess on Social media just made them realize how big is the issue.
              Especially it was a big thing because it all happened in Japan where modifying your electronic devices is pretty much illegal.
              You may make scenes on Twitter, cry, shit yourself and beg your fanboys for likes and words of approval but it's pointless. Gening Pokemon and other modifications of your hardware and software is against rules of competitive Pokemon (and Nintendo's ToS) and if GF will want to finally do something with it, the only thing you can do is accepting it or finding new hobbies. dunnoi, learn to draw. Just don't get into serious artistic equipment memes because you'll end crying how your paints and canvases cost money lol.

              • 10 months ago

                How about instead of banning genning, they implement genning into the game itself. Allow you to make Pokemon out of thin air without need to do random arbitrary tasks.
                Problem solved (a problem they made by almost certainly supporting such laws and also making Pokemon optimization a massive paywall).

              • 10 months ago

                If they just added more items in the game and made them easily accessible to modify pokemon post catching them it would solve everything.
                But I don't think they want to do that because they want people to continuously waste their time grinding the games through the raid mechanics. There is no reason why you need to wait for special limited time events to grind for tera shards which is still grindy but less horribly grindy than any other time.

              • 10 months ago

                Raids since their inception were parasitic design, they removed permanent tms just to accommodate them
                Frick it they made tm and tr just to accommodate raids

              • 10 months ago

                I think it's suppose to be a self serving thing where people reluctantly play raids for this shit, and in turn it makes raids look popular and populated, so if any random player checks a raid, there will be players joining their lobby.

              • 10 months ago

                >How about instead of banning genning, they implement genning into the game itself

                NTA, But this is probably one of the most moronic things I've read in this thread. pure fricking delusion.

              • 10 months ago

                They technically already have those features in game through feathers/mints/vitamins/bottlecaps/terashards.

                The only big issue is that you can't lower IVs which is what makes 0 IVs pain points for any kind of team building.

                They should just try making a fun post game instead of a grindy one and make those items more easier to obtain in a short amount of time so more people can enjoy online PvP.

              • 10 months ago

                And how is it moronic exactly?
                As someone who clearly knows what they are talking about, explain why an ingame teambuilder shouldn’t exist?

              • 10 months ago

                You can already make a team in-game.

              • 10 months ago

                Make me a 0spd 0atk 31 everything else Cresselia. Give it a Sassy nature, 252hp evs, 100 def evs, and 156 sdef evs. Teach it Dazzling Gleam, Trick Room, Lunar Blessing, and Protect. Give it a Mental Herb to hold. Make sure it has the Fairy tera type. If this task is fast you should have no problem getting one in a few minutes; I'll be on trade code 2023 0821 waiting for you. If this task IS a long wait, then just let me know and I'll inject one.

              • 10 months ago

                I think he means a rental system. Like you can enter a tournament with a rental team, but still not use it for the single player campaign. If anything that would fix both the barrier to entry for competitive, as well as the ease of single player. All of the "features" they add to bandaid how slow it is to get Pokemon for competitive make it too easy to make overpowered stuff for the single player game. Taking out exp candies, the exp share, tms, vitamins, nature mints, etc. would maybe make the games not so boring that they're dreadful to play. Meanwhile having a rental system where you can just pick your Pokemon and their stats and moves, like Showdown, would guarantee tournament legality, as well as make ranked battles more fun. Right now even if I get a fun idea for a team, I'm not testing it in game, I'm using Showdown, because I don't want to dump even the two hours it would take to inject the mons into the game to play with them when I can play on Showdown in five minutes.

              • 10 months ago

                >All of the "features" they add to bandaid how slow it is to get Pokemon for competitive make it too easy to make overpowered stuff for the single player game.
                The single player game of Pokemon is already a brain dead press A simulator. They don't even give gyms/elite four full teams with full movesets.
                The fricking normal gym leaders Ace pokemon had like 2 moves

                It's actually stupid how much Gamefreak doesn't want you to actually play Pokemon when you play Pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                Imagine if when you got to Larry you only had a team of level 25s, not of which knew any moves beyond their level up moves. Suddenly you might have to actually pay attention to what you're doing to beat him.

              • 10 months ago

                It's amazing how mechanically dense pokemon's battle system is with a bunch of moving parts, but any regular person playing through the game will absorb none of it because the games do nothing to teach the player to do anything

              • 10 months ago

                Funny enough only 5 games (at least to my memory) attempted to engage you with those systems

                >The Alola games and their totems had them with partners that gave them healing or weather, kukui actually set up hazards in SM and USUM had a legit skill check on ultra Necrozma, the bare minimum

                >B2W2, hard mode might not have boosted their stats but gave the leaders and key npcs items abilities and sometimes replaced HA or Pokémon to give you a better experience, it's the best use of items in the game from an npc perspective

                >the coliseum games had you engage in doubles, also gale of darkness had the battle trials that tested you through a series of puzzles you had to solve with Pokémon in battles, it was great

                We could could use more stuff like this to be honeat

              • 10 months ago

                And coincidentally, all those games became heavily hated by normalgays and ecelbs in recent times

              • 10 months ago

                >also gale of darkness had the battle trials that tested you through a series of puzzles you had to solve with Pokémon in battles
                I completely forgot about those. Those were great. You'd have like three turns to knock out an opponent's Pokemon using the team they gave you; they were the Pokemon equivalent of daily chess puzzles. Someone should make a game that's just those. Heck, make it a subscription game where you get a new one each day and I'd pay monthly for years.

              • 10 months ago

                That's just showdown on worse hardware with a 60 dollar upfront cost for the game

                Just play the game

              • 10 months ago

                >That's just showdown on worse hardware with a 60 dollar upfront cost for the game
                That's what I want. I want Showdown with better graphics.
                >Just play the game
                Which game? Single player JRPG Pokemon or multiplayer PvP? They're completely different games that just both happen to be on the came cartridge. What if I told you that for every raid you do, you'd also need to play and win a ranked match? That would get really unenjoyable having to spend 15 minutes playing a game you don't want to play (even more if you lose) just to be able to play a completely unrelated game you do want to play.

              • 10 months ago

                Sounds like a (you) problem.

              • 10 months ago

                That's not what they are selling, that's not what you are getting and more importantly that's not how they want you to play in a tournament

                PVE and PVP are Pokémon, you engage with PVE to create your PVP experience, that's the point of this training simulator

              • 10 months ago

                Disgusting comment, all of it

              • 10 months ago

                > How about encouraging people to not play the damn game.

                I think I'm running out of space in registry book for morons. Games are already dumbed down so your entitled ass could blitz through them and every "arbitrary task" got streamlined so your lazy ass don't need weeks but hours to prepare competitive team and yet your fat ass is still complaining. Even if they would make everything available with nothing to do you still would be complaining and justifying cheating because you're entitled, lazy and fat.

              • 10 months ago

                >Running around in circles while watching ditto breed your waifumon
                The game
                >Actually battling
                Not the game
                I have heard this bullshit and only breedcucks who sunk in too many hours into watching ditto plow their Pokemon think like this.

                You can already make a team in-game.

                Ok, why not let people edit it said Pokemon in game without needing to grind for bullshit? You didn’t actually answer why making genning an official tool is a bad thing.

              • 10 months ago

                Dude, breeding got literally revamped in this gen. If you really want to accuse someone for not playing the game maybe first do some research to not out yourself as actual homosexual not knowing what they are talking about?
                Don't bother answering, you just made it clear that you're just low-effort troll. You can't even put work into that.

              • 10 months ago

                >Dude, breeding got literally revamped in this gen.
                And that is ALWAYS slower than simply injecting them and ALWAYS costs more money than if they just implemented something like what every sim uses.
                >If you really want to accuse someone for not playing the game maybe first do some research to not out yourself as actual homosexual not knowing what they are talking about?
                You don’t play the fricking game. You never actually talk about anything other than the arbitrary tasks in making a competitive team.
                You don’t talk about actual competitive metagame, you don’t talk about the story, you don’t talk about sidequests, all you fricking do is talk about you getting to raise some bastard Pokemon gleefully after spending month’s rent on the equipment needed.
                You then expect everyone to waste thousands of hours and thousands of dollars like you did, mostly because you want to drag everyone else down with you. The mere thought that all those hours you wasted planning routes to get a certain move, spinning in circles, and killing entire virtual ecosystems could be all avoid by rational human beings drives you to madness. It’s why you hate regular genning so much too. Someone didn’t fall into the breedcuck trap like you did and you feel cheated.

              • 10 months ago

                >I have to play...le game?

              • 10 months ago

                So what exactly are people genning for if they aren't playing the game? Just to look at Pokemon they genned?
                Breedcucks don't play the game.

              • 10 months ago

                >Still throwing a baby tantrum

                Imagine getting so autistically mad, you decided to make this image, as if this is your crowning "GOTCHA" moment. You've become so delusional you've decided to believe your own truth. Genning is simply not part of the game. It's a third party program designed to give you an advantage. Sure you can Gen all you want, it will always remain illegal, and if you get caught that's on (you). It doesn't matter how much b***h and moan and spend time writing essays on a korean image board. You aren't above the rules. Rules you agreed to follow when you decide to play official VGC tournaments. It's that simple.

                This whole things is pointless. If Genning is so easy, then these rules shouldn't matter. Hell, it shouldn't matter if they decide to enforce them either. But sitting here and demanding the games to change drastically to cater to ((you)) is full blown moronation. Play the games or play Showdown. If you want to Gen, that's on you. That's all that really needs to be said.

              • 10 months ago

                Why do you care so much if people gen or break the rules? Is it because, as

                >Dude, breeding got literally revamped in this gen.
                And that is ALWAYS slower than simply injecting them and ALWAYS costs more money than if they just implemented something like what every sim uses.
                >If you really want to accuse someone for not playing the game maybe first do some research to not out yourself as actual homosexual not knowing what they are talking about?
                You don’t play the fricking game. You never actually talk about anything other than the arbitrary tasks in making a competitive team.
                You don’t talk about actual competitive metagame, you don’t talk about the story, you don’t talk about sidequests, all you fricking do is talk about you getting to raise some bastard Pokemon gleefully after spending month’s rent on the equipment needed.
                You then expect everyone to waste thousands of hours and thousands of dollars like you did, mostly because you want to drag everyone else down with you. The mere thought that all those hours you wasted planning routes to get a certain move, spinning in circles, and killing entire virtual ecosystems could be all avoid by rational human beings drives you to madness. It’s why you hate regular genning so much too. Someone didn’t fall into the breedcuck trap like you did and you feel cheated.

                said, you've wasted hundreds of hours "playing the game" just to be able to play multiplayer and are angry other, better, players skipped the line and jumped right to the fun part?

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not that anon. Also you clearly care more than I do, the thing that you can't seem to understand is that It doesn't matter what I think or you think. You're sperging out like a child over things you have no control over and the only thing you can do is hurl insults at people who don't agree with you. You best start following

                This. I already remade my team for Pittsburgh. Instead of injecting into SV, I injected into PLA and SS then sent them up through Home. It was annoying having to farm tera shards, but until PkHex and trade bots find a way around it, or more Pokemon are added native to SV it'll have to do for now.

                example and stop crying like a moron.

              • 10 months ago

                >Also you clearly care more than I do
                You've been seething about people skipping breeding for years and are the ones who make these threads.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't give a shit about VGC or VGC players nor did I make this thread. So I don't know why you keep making shit up. I'm here just to laugh at those who got caught or demanding TPCi cater to them because they believe themselves to be above the rules. It's been nothing but pure entertainment.

              • 10 months ago

                you dont even have to breed anymore what the frick are you on about

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                > You didn’t actually answer why making genning an official tool is a bad thing

                Does it really need explaining?
                Besides the fact it's not endorsed by TPCi (nor will it ever will be for obvious reasons)
                You're using a third party program to manipulate and create Pokémon. Regardless if they are legal it's against the rules. You aren't above the rules. When you sign up to participate in these contests, you're agreeing to follow the rules they have set. I don't care personally if you Gen, but I think it's pretty moronic to get mad if TPCi decided to finally enforce the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                Dude, TPCi never cared about genning. I know for a fact that fully shiny teams with perfect IVs without bottle caps weren't banned this year. The problem is that this year's worlds were held in Japan for the first time, so TPC was in charge of it instead of TPCi. That's why no one expected those "enhanced" hack checks, TPC is much more anal about it.

                Regarding finding a new hobby you're probably right, I'd better do something else, but that won't stop the remaining 99.99% of VGC players from genning and winning tournaments and travel awards.

              • 10 months ago

                Well, you realized that the shitshow in Japan and reaction of western "fans" just made TPC aware of how serious is this problem outside of Japan and that they will be putting pressure on TPCi to change that?
                "Uuhhh TPCi never cared!" - They will, they fricking will and the fact that they will is only because dumb muricans made a scene about three players getting DQ'd for being morons. You just made them aware of issues and they will be more vigilant in dealing with it.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, if TPC orders TPCi to enforce their new hack checks for the upcoming tours, they'll have to abide. No big deal, it's just a matter of being careful with home trackers and perfect IVs. pretty easy to work around now that we know

              • 10 months ago

                This. I already remade my team for Pittsburgh. Instead of injecting into SV, I injected into PLA and SS then sent them up through Home. It was annoying having to farm tera shards, but until PkHex and trade bots find a way around it, or more Pokemon are added native to SV it'll have to do for now.

      • 10 months ago


        How many Breedcucks in this thread actually been to a VGC tournament?
        Everyone one of you acts all high and mighty for wasting your time breeding, yet I have never seen breedcucks actually talk about the real game.

  37. 10 months ago

    Let me guess he includes the price of the console

    • 10 months ago

      I assume it's that along with the amount of games and services needed. Let's calculate this further.
      Going for the cheapest option possible at MSRP, the bare minimum you would need to spend is at least $260
      >$200 for a Switch Lite
      >$60 for Scarlet or Violet
      >Have connections with someone who has the other games and services required for the team to trade with you (Priceless on your end if local IRL, $4 for 1 month of NSO if no free trial)
      Now let's say you don't have any friends and you need to build that team in the video without the fancy RNG manips or turbo controller. You would need
      >$260 for the aforementioned Switch Lite and Scarlet or Violet
      >A variable non-$0 amount for a mobile device that can run Pokémon HOME to access the GTS, around $100 - $200 on the budget end
      for a total of around $360+. But let's say that the GTS lacks the Pokémon you want and have to do it all yourself, then it would be
      >$200 for a Switch Lite
      >$120 for Scarlet (Flutter Mane) AND Violet (Iron Hands) (either for Abomasnow)
      >$60 for Legends Arceus (Ursaluna, Cresselia, and Heatran)
      that'd be $380, but as the video said, IVs are annoying and unless you're very lucky, it's tedious to get an optimal stat spread for Cresselia and Heatran in PLA. In that case, add
      >$90 for Sword or Shield and its DLC (Necessary if Abomasnow was replaced with Urshifu)
      >$60 for Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl (Easier for Heatran, but neither it nor SWSH is easy for Cresselia)
      for a total of $440 if adding BDSP or $470 if adding SWSH. But let's say you REALLY need an easier hunt for that 0 Attack IV Cresselia, that would require either B2W2 or USUM, which someone new to Pokémon can't use due to the discontinuation of the 3DS eShop, making it impossible to get Bank.
      All this because Worlds allowed transfer-only Pokémon. There would've been less pay-to-win complaints if they implemented the restriction that all Pokémon must have the game's origin mark like in Gens 6 and 7.

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          >You mean a luxury hobby like competitive Pokemon costs money? The heresy!
          t. VGCucks

          • 10 months ago

            >VGC is a luxury hobby
            you’re kidding right?

            • 10 months ago

              All competitive games are a luxury hobby

        • 10 months ago

          Just the clubs? Where are the balls, tees, cart, and caddie?

        • 10 months ago

          VGCsisters...our response?

          • 10 months ago

            I got this one. It goes something like this: Pokemon isn't a rich old white guy's sport.

            How'd I do?

            • 10 months ago

              If they weren't taking $2k+ pokemon themed vacations(worlds) it would have held more water.

        • 10 months ago

          Why do breedcucks act like their 1s and 0s are actual physical things?
          Yeah, golf, a physical game, requires you to have physical objects.
          Pokemon is a virtual game, and the only requirements for cost should be the game itself. The price tag for golf and any other physical sport you can name has a price tag on equipment like golf clubs because God himself physically prevents you from just "genning" your own golf clubs for free. Meanwhile the price tag on competitive Pokemon is there solely by Pokemon (hard truth to swallow but they aren't God).
          There is also the whole payout and Pokemon being meant for children.

          • 10 months ago

            >Pokemon is a virtual game, and the only requirements for cost should be the game itself
            and the system that the game is played on and the electricity and possible online fees or travel expenses. There shouldn't need to be anything more beyond that.

          • 10 months ago

            Tournaments that require you to take a week long vacation to another country are not meant to be affordable for children.

          • 10 months ago

            >Pokemon is a virtual game, and the only requirements for cost should be the game itself
            This point always confuses me. If these VGC players have been playing for years across multiple generations, shouldn't they already have payed the cost for those games? Especially when they introduced Bank and Home letting you transfer battle ready mons from previous gens, seems like it'd be all the more reason to hang on to those old cartridges.

            • 10 months ago

              But what about a new player who started playing 2 months ago but somehow made it to world's and spent $3000 to go to Japan but somehow can't afford SwSh?????

              • 10 months ago

                The answer is SUPPOSED to be GTS. If I as a player don't own Sword I should be able to catch something valuable on my game such as a shiny or in-game legend for something valuable someone else has. Maybe a rare ribbon. I could also talk to someone online to make this deal and do a password link trade over the internet. However because I can't know if what I have is legit or not I'll have no way of being able to trust that what I get through GTS is legsl or not, and if I do it from an agreed online trade I have to take them at their word. If genning didn't exist to begin with this wouldn't be an issue, it would be its own economy like TF2 or CS:GO items

  38. 10 months ago

    >Sweaty, balding 30 year old explains why it is unfair that he is not allowed to cheat in a kids game

    Like i am not even misrepresenting the video. That is literally what this is about. This is actually his job. Could you believe something like this 20 years ago?

  39. 10 months ago

    >I have to play le game to go to le competition
    >WTF this is so unfair
    And 20 hours is nothing for building a competitive team.
    If you spent less than 100 hours on a pokemon game you shouldn't even be allowed to participate.

  40. 10 months ago

    This guy's entire schtick has always been to justify the cheating with the most dishonest arguments there are.

  41. 10 months ago

    >depends on what type exploit were talking
    ok no point arguing then
    >changing the date
    not what we're talking about, you disingenuous moron
    >dude RNG manips are normal inputs
    that cannot be reproduced without external software based on DRM circumvention

    Just fricking inject. Cheating is fine if you don't get caught. Pretending RNG manipulation isn't cheating is reddit troony cope.

    • 10 months ago

      lmao how b***hmade can you be, and didnt bother answering any of my points. Nice scapegoat on using "bad faith" so you dont have to look like any idiot anymore, you couldve just simply stopped replying but you had to look like you won this huh

      • 10 months ago

        I asked if you thought abusing exploits was cheating and you started telling me about changing the clock. You're wrong and I'm wasting my time, simple as

        • 10 months ago

          you use the clock this to abuse rng manipulation, alongside other things like farming tera shards, how is this not the most good faith approach to the point? if you straight up asking me about ACE or cloning glitches then yeah but that is far removed from using rng to your favor

          • 10 months ago

            You cannot do RNG manipulation (bypassing intended game loop) without third party software written thanks to reverse engineering a game whose DRM protection has been illegally circumvented. Why you think it's not against the rules is beyond me

            • 10 months ago

              my whole argument is if were taking this as cheating/against the rules then a plethora of other things must as well, like the damage calculator for example, most stuff documented on bulbapedia/serebii came from the games being datamined, any type of external information you get form the games has been extracted form the game methods that are against the rules.
              >but its not me its the websites
              Doesnt matter, if youre taken into account for knowing if a friend of yours hacked instead of legally getting a pokemon for you, for example, then its up to you to get information thats been aquired from the games legitimately

              getting caught up only by RNG manipulation is completely missing the whole spectrum of how many unintended methods are used to get info about the games.

              • 10 months ago

                >oh so using software to bypass the gameplay loop through TOS-unauthorized decompilation-based reverse engineering to generate perfect 1 in a billion mons is cheating?
                >well then I guess using serebii is cheating too then 😉
                kys lol

              • 10 months ago

                yup and you not engaging with that just proves im right

              • 10 months ago

                Which is it, breedcuck?
                >There literally is like no reason to inject your Pokemon! Breeding is so easy!
                >Ummm don’t you know? Pokemon are all 1 in a billion? It’s unfair to inject when you need to breed 6 Pokemon that all have a billionth of a chance of existing!

              • 10 months ago

                >Can't breed a 0 speed IV 0 attack IV shiny cresselia? 😉

              • 10 months ago

                If it’s so easy, then you wouldn’t mind if I genned my team in?

              • 10 months ago

                Get that ass banned, gencuck

  42. 10 months ago

    lmao @ this idiot repeatedly calling the mon “Ursurang”

  43. 10 months ago

    >Is he a moron?
    Yes, people were making fun of his opinion before he was probably born

  44. 10 months ago

    Stop cheating.

  45. 10 months ago

    > Professional Golf is Pay2Win because you need to pay for professional clubs, balls and other equpment.
    > Professional biking is Pay2Win because a fully equipped sports bike, proper outfit and protection can cost literal thousands.
    > Professional MARBLES are expensive and some collectible, rare pieces can cost up to 12k.

    Meanwhile, the suppossed-oh-so-great-.professional pokemon players.

    • 10 months ago

      So what the rules that would prevent someone from say making their own golf clubs from scratch?
      And also you’re admitting that this is no longer as kids game as no one should be expected to pay that much money as an underage who can’t legally get a job?
      And also again, you admit that preparing for the sport with the right equipment should be as simple as just getting it, and not have to do insane fetchquests to just get the clubs they want?

      • 10 months ago

        You didn't get the right equipment, you made fakes and got disqualified so now you're seething, coping, and crying for being a cheater
        You? lost

      • 10 months ago

        You gen Pokemon, you get disqualified from tournament because they don't pass checks.
        You make your own clubs, you get disqualified because they don't fit in specifications listed in official competitive rules.
        And yes, Pokemon at competitive levels is more than child's game. It's moronic but somehow we ended with tournaments where big-ass money prizes are at stake and organizers are also directly TRYING TO SELL THE DAMN PRODUCT so sure as frick they will not encourage cheating, piracy etc.
        And yes, if you want best equipment for any sport you end having insane fetch quest and years of testing which clubs are the best for you. Do you think that serious sports equipment is sold on Amazon?

  46. 10 months ago

    I put this on just to see and 2 minutes in he goes "FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME THEY ARE ALLOWING TRANSFER ONLY POKEMON" and that's just completely false.

    • 10 months ago

      That is what upset you?
      Not the "I need a turbo controller" to skip dates part

      18 hours with RNG manipulation is nothing, if he had done brute soft reset with compromises and no shiny it would have been a better representation of what it's expected for your average Joe rather than someone who has been soft resetting for a while, now that would be a good metric

      • 10 months ago

        This is a problem in all his videos. "Here's how long it would take to do this... but actually I'm RNGing all of it. Absolutely every single thing."

  47. 10 months ago

    You can get all these Pokemon for free on HOME's GTS by putting up shinies or balltisms. Probably wouldn't even take 24 hours.

  48. 10 months ago
  49. 10 months ago

    >play the game!
    Yeah bwo keep doing menial tasks like tera raids, breeding and sucking GF's wiener, meanwhile I will keep practicing and getting better at reading my opponents with my genned mons :^)

  50. 10 months ago

    >pokemon battling is not part of pokemon

    We're reaching levels or moronation that shouldn't be possible.

    • 10 months ago

      People should just write numbers on an excel sheet and whoever comes up with the biggest number wins.
      All the 3d models and menu inputs just get in the way of the true intended pokemon experience.

      • 10 months ago

        >excel sheet

        What if I can't afford a PC? What if I can't count? How is this fair?

        • 10 months ago

          Just have someone gen numbers for you

  51. 10 months ago

    The only salvageable thing was the demands for 0 IVs on either Attack or Speed, yet almost no one uses Foul Play besides Murkrow and Wo-Chien in VGC in order to justify the 0 Attack IVs. Other than that:
    >he treats shinies as obligatory when they give no competitive advantage
    >outright uses the excuse "but I threw away my BDSP copies" to israelite you extra $ into SoulSilver and White2
    >constantly plays victim even on his playthrough footage

    • 10 months ago

      It also lowers damage from confusion, and if you are in fact fighting a Murkrow team you're very much handicapping yourself.

      • 10 months ago

        Confusion status via Swagger is another problem that is less common than even Murkrow, altho you can blame players for not carrying one as it's a pretty effective tactic to force switches nonetheless.
        Foul Play Murkrow is pretty easy to handle, not to mention that your Cresselia can Tera Fairy. Also, next DLC will bring Whimsicott, thus killing the whole reason to have a Murkrow on your team unless you have too many fairies on your team.

    • 10 months ago

      >he treats shinies as obligatory when they give no competitive advantage
      Doesn't the shiny animation waste extra time, giving you an advantage in stalling the timer?

    • 10 months ago

      >he treats shinies as obligatory when they give no competitive advantage
      Doesn't the shiny animation waste extra time, giving you an advantage in stalling the timer?

      Shininess can also be a tell on certain Pokemon in previous gens. Some Pokemon have event moves and being shiny or not reveals if they are using that move.

  52. 10 months ago

    >if you havent been playing the series for 15 years it should cost you 510$ just to compete

  53. 10 months ago

    There is literally nothing wrong with hacking. Especially in a turn based RPG

  54. 10 months ago

    Why even insist on participating in a tournament you're not even willing to spend $60 on a game for?

    Stick to simulators

  55. 10 months ago

    >sword+dlc= 90$
    >scarlet= 60$
    I calculate 150$, where does he get 510?

  56. 10 months ago

    Genning is cheating by the official tournament rules.
    However, GameFreak is cheating you of your money by forcing you to buy the worst Pokemon games, plus their boring DLC, all for some bits of data.

    However, however, you shouldn't gen regardless. Doing so to enter these tournaments only makes competitive Pokemon look better than it actually is.

  57. 10 months ago

    If you compete in regionals or worlds you must be a big pokemon fan. Dont you play Go? I get unlimited of those two for free

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