Dungeon Siege

Worth playing? Do anons here rike it?

Its on sale on GOG and I was considering getting it

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    I had fun with it when it came out, but honestly, it was fairly generic, and I don't think it would hold up well today. The cleverest thing it did was have a spell to transmute heavy loot you couldn't carry into gold.

    • 4 months ago

      It's one of the most generic games I can think of


      Worth playing? Do anons here rike it?

      Its on sale on GOG and I was considering getting it

      D2r or grim dawn

    • 3 months ago

      I thought the cleverest thing it did was have a literal donkey as a companion.

  2. 4 months ago

    I have some nostalgic memories of playing it online with random people... won't get that nowadays, though. It's fairly mediocre as a solo game, imo. Some of the locales are pretty neat to look at, but that's about it.

  3. 4 months ago

    Its extremely braindead

    • 4 months ago

      this is the truth and reality of Dungeon Siege. the entire map is one long straight line with only a few side branches, all which immediately dead-end. once all the enemies are dead and their weapons are in your inventory and sold to the merchant, there is no reason to ever go backwards on that progression line.

      despite the entire game engine being built around modules that are slapped next to one another, there is no terrain randomization of any kind.

      combat is genuinely 100% idle-game tier, the most you need to interact with it is movement control and making sure you don't get yourself killed while the potion-chugging animation plays.

  4. 4 months ago

    Its an action RPG that breaks the norms. If you want a more lax but yet tactical enough experience its a great pick. Admittedly, the story isnt mind-blowing but the gameplay takes center stage, here's some highlight features:

    >You can control up to 8 characters at once and with the ability to disband any character you want from the party (even the main one you create at the start of the game
    >Your party can take up formations and use specific stances individually or as a group which adds to the strategy. Also with auto-attacking being a thing it makes murdering mobs a lot more managable.
    >Leveling is done in a TES like way. You got STR, INT, DEX attributes and Melee, Ranged, Nature and Combat magic skills where your attributes and level increases depending on what you use.
    >There are no skills on Melee and Ranged skills however there's of course a huge variety in gear effects and TONS of Nature and Combat magic spells, from simple click to hurt ones, summoning creatures, transforming into one, various buffs/debuffs and even ones like the afformentioned transmute spells that can turn items into gold or even potions.
    >For inventory management there's a feature where you can buy pack mules that will carry your loot. They take up party character slots so if you wanted to have like two characters and 5 mules you can totally do that.
    >Traveling through areas is entirely seemless as you will never see a loading screen besides loading up a new/saved game. It might seem whatever at first but it legit makes the game more immerssive and it makes you feel like going through a proper adventure.
    >There's no "Scroll of town portal" mechanic (with a small exception in the MP map) so going from one area to the next is almost a LotR levels of walking but combined with the previous feature, it keeps the" yay, adventure!" spirit high.


    • 4 months ago

      >>Your party can take up formations and use specific stances individually or as a group which adds to the strategy. Also with auto-attacking being a thing it makes murdering mobs a lot more managable.
      at the time we called it a screensaver rpg and mocked it for this. people going "it plays itself" as a plus was a real hoot, like admiring progress quest.

      • 4 months ago

        >progress quest
        Umm based?

      • 4 months ago

        >at the time we called it a screensaver rpg and mocked it for this
        no "we" didnt.

        "We" had fun playing it at a LAN-party alongside Unreal Tournament and Quake Arena.


        Worth playing? Do anons here rike it?

        Its on sale on GOG and I was considering getting it

        Its an okay game released at the time of the Diablo-Craze.
        Some unique ideas, some executed well, others rather poorly.

        I liked it a lot but I liked the sequel even more.

        • 4 months ago

          i mean the cool dudes who played hardcore rpgs, not you little kids, anon

          • 4 months ago

            You never played a "hardcore rpg" in your life zoom-zoom.

            • 4 months ago

              >catbeast avatars
              >shit taste

              • 4 months ago

                I notice that you didnt deny it.

              • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >There's an entirely different campaign map being used for multiplayer which is more than double the size of the SP map (it has teleporter checkpoints you can unlock by visiting them which makes going around a lot easier) with unique loot and its own secret level with farm animals that drop great loot. I highly recommend trying the map out either with a mod that turns it into a SP map with recruitable characters or in MP with friends, all you need is to port forward and use direct IP (and the same mods in all player's install or else you cant connect)

      So to summarize, if you're a fan of good ol' medieval fantasy adventure with less murderballing, skill tree autism, tiny ass inventory and more relaxed yet tactical, immersive adventuring and goblin robots with flamethrowers and a giant mecha then you got yourself a treat.

      >>Your party can take up formations and use specific stances individually or as a group which adds to the strategy. Also with auto-attacking being a thing it makes murdering mobs a lot more managable.
      at the time we called it a screensaver rpg and mocked it for this. people going "it plays itself" as a plus was a real hoot, like admiring progress quest.

      I dont find it that much as a huge negative, i mean would you rather be mashing RMB1 a billion times for 3 hours while looking at a seizure inducing screen? I get the appeal of builds and the like in the more popular ARPGs but goddamn its like playing one of those fake videogames sometimes, no substance besides "Nuke screen to move on to the next screen to nuke."

      • 4 months ago

        we weren't huge fans of diablo 2 either. it's an rpg elitist perspective.

    • 3 months ago

      >Admittedly, the story isnt mind-blowing
      what the final boss being a generic fire elemental isn't good enough for you?

  5. 4 months ago

    Game is absolute kino from an earlier era ARPG format before the hyper-focused on loot and numbers explosions (Grim Dawn / D2)

    • 4 months ago

      >absolute kino
      Ignorable opinion marker. Kino is passive, like the cinema, games are active.

      • 4 months ago

        Autism: the post

      • 4 months ago

        How about ludokino?

        • 4 months ago

          Compound meme mixing the passivity of kino with the pretentiousness of ludo. Only used ironically by anyone who isn't a tard. Always indicates a severe case of nothing interesting to say.

          • 4 months ago

            >Always indicates a severe case of nothing interesting to say.
            Have you tried applying this to your own posts?

            • 4 months ago

              No, I leave it to other people to argue with me. It's not productive to exist in a state of constant self-recrimination. As it stands kino is a shit meme from tvtards and cinephile mouthbreathers. It shouldn't be used for games, an active hobby for true men.

              That's a lot of words just to say you're a jumping jack sodomite.

              That's not a lot of words.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, thats what I thought.
                Seems like a common theme with people who huff their own farts.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm very interesting, I'm posting thoughts you don't often see about buzzwords mindlessly parroted. This is why you are engaging with me, you are interested.

              • 4 months ago

                Dude, you don't need to confirm that you sniff your own farts, we've already established that.

                Also, its funny that your definition of being interesting is the same as this dude's.

              • 4 months ago

                You seemed to be having fun. I'm sorry if your feelings are actually hurt or something.

                > It shouldn't be used for games, an active hobby for true men.
                Post your squat, bench, and deadlift max

                Weightlifting is for gays who value aesthetics and number autism. Real mean use their body to do things, they get farmer strength.

              • 4 months ago

                I’m sure the tranime /vrpg/ contrarian has tremendous farmer strength

              • 4 months ago

                See how you just mirror posts with a smattering of mockery? Calcified grey matter from buzzword abuse. You are going to have Alzheimer's in your dotage, anon, start practicing better habits ASAP.

              • 4 months ago

                >you seemed to be having fun. I'm sorry if your feelings are actually hurt or something.
                >a paraphrased "U MAD"

                See how you just mirror posts with a smattering of mockery? Calcified grey matter from buzzword abuse. You are going to have Alzheimer's in your dotage, anon, start practicing better habits ASAP.

                > Calcified grey matter from buzzword abuse. You are going to have Alzheimer's in your dotage, anon, start practicing better habits ASAP.

                I dont know how to tell you but your last reply was quite literally "U MAD".
                Please anon, develop just a smitten of self-awareness. I promise you in the long run you will be less miserable then you are now.

              • 4 months ago

                It was not.
                It's smidgen. 🙂

              • 4 months ago

                >It was not.
                It kinda was.

                >It's smidgen. 🙂
                I hope you can forgive auto-correct.
                You still got the meaning so I know that eventually you will recover from this.

              • 4 months ago

                > It shouldn't be used for games, an active hobby for true men.
                Post your squat, bench, and deadlift max

          • 4 months ago

            That's a lot of words just to say you're a jumping jack sodomite.

  6. 4 months ago

    It's not an RPG let alone a good """" game""".

  7. 4 months ago

    It's boring

  8. 4 months ago

    I like this game, but its one of the most braindead games off all time. Just pick a group of 8 warriors and press H on keyboard when your health gets low. Only decisions you have to make through entire playthough are:
    >is this weapon/armor better?
    >how many potions should i buy?
    >there's a fork in the road, should I go left or right?

    There's no thinking there. There's little more if you use mages, but its not that different. Actually if you use some nature spells you can make game even more braindead.

    What I like about it:
    >jeremy soule soundtrack
    >characters have nice animations and proportions
    >its sick to see 8 party members plowing thought enemies. Its different sensation then making one OP character in other ARPG
    >not much focus on gear
    >there are glimpses of potential, 8 party members, formations, behaviors.... We will never know what this game could have been

    I have soft spot for this game, but its legit not a good game.

    • 4 months ago


      This is a feeling I was getting too when watching a review of this game, the gameplay from what I could tell seems almost like autobattler since you have so many motherfrickers just running at the enemies

      Eh, idk, I guess i will push it back down in the backlog into the "maybe, someday" group.

      Gonna play Nox for now I think

  9. 4 months ago

    it's a cookie clicker

  10. 4 months ago

    got bored and dropped it in the middle

  11. 4 months ago

    Kind of feel like trying it again, I remember it being very pretty for its time and that was a time before games were ugly on purpose. I didn't think it would work on PCs but if GOG is still selling it I guess it should?

  12. 4 months ago

    It's a great game for doing the absolute least amount of work by the player, and i mean that in the best possible way. you can make the game play itself, while you just sit back and turn your brain off. every 15 minutes you might need to change up equipment and shuffle around inventory, but that's it.
    put on a blanket, recline, and be the laziest gamer ever.

  13. 4 months ago

    It's like Diablo but worse.

  14. 4 months ago

    It's the most mindless ARPG but that's not the worst thing in the world because many ARPGs get bogged down with bullshit nobody cares about like Grim Dawn.

    • 4 months ago

      >bullshit nobody cares about
      Like, what? Controlling your character?

      • 4 months ago

        Warping to town every 12 seconds to listen to dialog about a plot you don't care about. Map painting is also my personal hated mechanic in ARPGs.

  15. 4 months ago

    It's not very good but I am nostalgic for it and I do prefer its pace to modern ARPG design where everything is as fast and insane as possible and only focused on getting to the end to do rifts or seasons or whatever. I still have always wanted to do a full co-op of Utraean Peninsula with the maximum number of players - I'm not convinced anyone but the devs have ever actually done that.

  16. 4 months ago

    anyone ever played the mageworld total conversion?

  17. 4 months ago

    Did anyone know who Chris Taylor was then or did they just think that if they slapped his name on the box people would think he was important?

    • 4 months ago

      Total Annihilation was pretty popular. Makes me think of summer camp as a kid. He wasn't really a household name, though, no.

    • 4 months ago

      I didn't know who he was, but I didn't like RTS games. Probably just shameless marketing chutzpah.

    • 4 months ago

      Frick no they didn't wishful thinking on Microsoft's part. I still don't know who he is to this day.
      I still know who JEYNE KASSYNDER was though having her name hammered into my ear every 5 seconds by this moronic collection of microslop mid.

    • 3 months ago

      Does anybody really know who Sid Meier is?

      How is a dude ever going to get famous if his name is not put on the box?

      • 3 months ago

        He made Civ 2 and Alpha Centauri. Shame he disappeared after that

    • 3 months ago

      Seeing the Gas Powered games logo, I am guessing this is a rerelease long after the game came out and they were marketing Chris Taylor who was known at the time for his games.

  18. 4 months ago

    GOG version of DS1 lacks LEGENDS OF ARANNA expansion,
    GOG version of DS2 is missing the BROKEN WORLDS expansion.
    Steam also doesn't have them.

    • 3 months ago

      Any torrents then? For expansions alone maybe, if it would work with the GoG versions?

      • 3 months ago

        bruh, look harder, i just torrented all these like 2 months ago, it takes a 20 second search.
        also, the cracked versions are the only ones with working expansions, as the cracker fixed the exe to make it compatible with win 7+. you'll never find the full game for legitimate sale because it doesn't work on current windows.

    • 3 months ago

      There's DL link for both in the Steam Guides section for them.

  19. 4 months ago

    I wanted to like DS1 but the AI is too shit. The agro range and healer logic is really bad. Once I got to act 2 on hard it just became unbearable with me clicking a dude, maybe 2 out of 3 of the fighters actually move to the enemy and my nature mages refuse to maintain line of sight on my fighters to actually heal them. Plus, no logic on the mages so you have manually swap them between attack and heal which really shows their real focus was the MP.

  20. 4 months ago

    no, it's profoundly shit, aged like milk mixed with vinegar left open in the hot sun

  21. 3 months ago

    It's worthy of one playthrough I would say, or two, if you count that map of a now dead multiplayer mode that you can still play as a solo. It's mostly reused assets but still.
    Gameplay is kind of repetitive, but can be ok for one run. Just have one or two melee tanks, rest be archers and maybe one wizard for revives and heals and hoard potions. Aesthetics of the game are kind of nice, kitchen sink, as usual, but I like more grounded (for the most part that is) armor and weapon designs that it had.
    There is also an expansion, that I never played and I hear it's harder to track down.

  22. 3 months ago

    Back then, I played DS2 start to finish, from easy to hard. My character was the most braindead fighter I could possibly make, a two handed DPS character, picking skills left and right even when it didn't fit the "build", and it would still shred stuff. All I can remember of the loop of the game was that the nature mage was dying a lot, I can still hear her screams. The game had sets, but they here somewhat underwhelming? The randomly generated loot sometimes shat out stuff that was pretty decent, instead set items had fixed stats that after a while were eclipsed by newer stuff. When I was over, I felt empty like a recovering addict. It made me despise ARPG as a shallow genre, which not even multiplayer could save. So at least it did a good thing.

    How was DS3? I heard it was made by Obsidian, and that they tried to put effort in the story and lore, the stuff nobody cares about this games. Especially because it wasn't even a Diablo clone?

    • 3 months ago

      DS3 is entirely different game same sense as Baldur's Gate 3 is an entirely different game. You don't even get to create and customize your character in DS3, instead it's pre-builts.

      Any torrents then? For expansions alone maybe, if it would work with the GoG versions?

      There are MEGA files in Steam Guides that you can download and patch your GOG version, dude.

      bruh, look harder, i just torrented all these like 2 months ago, it takes a 20 second search.
      also, the cracked versions are the only ones with working expansions, as the cracker fixed the exe to make it compatible with win 7+. you'll never find the full game for legitimate sale because it doesn't work on current windows.

      I keep hearing this, but I never had any issue running Both 1 and 2 on my W10. No graphical issues either that I seen some people have at higher resolutions.

      • 3 months ago

        >I keep hearing this, but I never had any issue running Both 1 and 2 on my W10. No graphical issues either that I seen some people have at higher resolutions.
        maybe there has been some silent fix over the past 3 years. the windows dev team likes to sneak in compatiblity fixes without telling anyone, they did it for Skyrim 2011 a few years back also.

        • 3 months ago

          It might be from the fanpatch too, I remember DS2 resolution being wonky back when I first got it on steam (forcing me to edit some basic ini stuff) but recently launched it 0 issues. 1st game I never had issues at all, yet I've seen people post videos of same setups as myself and having problems.

  23. 3 months ago

    I keep restarting the first one to try a different team setup. First time I tried to do 2 mages and the rest fighters and the ai was kinda shit and fighters die really fast on ultra so I restarted. Second run I did 1 nature mage and the rest archers (using a mule as a pseudo tank when I need to) and it felt 10 times better but I realized I probably didn't need the mage if I just throw healing hands on everyone. Now, I want to do all mages since I think they'd kill shit faster and I can't even decide between all nature mages or half & half.

    I haven't even gotten to chapter 4 on any run yet.

  24. 3 months ago

    Is that redhead b***h actually in the game and can you sex her? Or is she just some cover art

    • 3 months ago

      Apparently she is the canon main character.

    • 3 months ago

      that's the official appearance for the player's character, farmer girl.

    • 3 months ago

      it is like asking what the frick is the Nvidia fairy anyway? is it a mascot?

      • 3 months ago

        Your 3D accelerator

        • 3 months ago

          Your 3D accelerator, sire*

  25. 3 months ago

    Thread is going to die but I want to write down some thoughts and findings anyway.

    LoA (not installed by default on gog or steam) changes the base game by quite a bit. Some changes are:
    >adding more equipment
    There's more weapons, spells and armor, but most notably is DEX armors so archers don't need STR for everything like they used to.
    >it completely changes the armor penetration formula
    In base game, armor penetration is determined by damage^2 so slow, heavy hitting weapons are much better and weapon skill didn't matter either. The new formula now uses weapon skill and damage is no longer squared, so faster weapons are stronger. A side effect of this is that a few of the OP enemies in the game now do very little damage.

    As for the game itself:
    >nature mages are overrated
    They just exist for healing wind and the heal bot playstyle doesn't gain any exp so it's wasted slot. What I think is better is giving everyone healing hands and binding the key to switch to it somewhere easy to reach. A bonus, if you have the whole party equipped with healing hands and then right click any guy that's injured, the ENTIRE party will heal themselves, not just that one guy. This also "shares" mana so if one guy is out, another party member will take it up.
    >Combat Mages are underrated
    They start out unbearably shit with that awful firebolt spell. Once they get to level 3 and get the grenade "spell" they're great and that spell alone can take you to level 25. Their main benefit is BIG AoEs + DoTs on almost all of their attacks. Grenades also "bounce" so you can snipe stuff.

    Another benefit are acid glyphs (LoA), which to my knowledge are the only glyph to actually give full exp to the user. This lets you kite any enemy in the game to death and is completely overpowered for solo play. This is unlocked at LEVEL 2 by the way.
    >Archers have fantastic AI and split exp very well (problem with mages)
    People shit on them but they never waste time "thinking" especially the more you have.

  26. 3 months ago

    I replayed it last week, it's boring. Got past the first town and couldn't be bothered to continue.

  27. 3 months ago

    Like everything Chris Taylor did, it improved the genre in some ways and failed in others and they never stuck around to improve or bug fix what was there so on the whole it ended up fairly mediocre.

  28. 3 months ago

    Here's my current party on hard.
    >macro stacked mana chant
    Infinite MP
    >macro stacked healing orb
    Everyone heals passively. Hard decision between it and damage orbs but this keeps me from having to kite as much, meaning more damage.
    >primary: fireball (huge aoe good damage)
    Nukes. I figured out firespray is *much* better than explosive powder a little too late. It matches the damage at 2 landing and if all 5 hit then it's more than double the damage, for a cheaper cost.
    >alt: healing wind
    If everyone casts at once (select all & right click a dude) then it stacks
    >one guy's alt: share pain
    All the aoe healing is now more powerful. I ignored it for a bit because I thought you had to cast it on one tank who then shared his damage but no it affects the whole party with each cast. Also have to recast every 30 seconds or so though but having it on alt with all the healing spells means I'll recast it the second I notice one person taking too much damage.
    >alt cycle: summon clone
    Now I have another 8 people spamming fireballs.

    This took hours shop scumming but I'm having so much fun with it. I'm having more fun with this than Diablo 2 which is the only other ARPG I like. I think it's the party system that makes it more fun for me because in Diablo 2 if you deconstruct it, you're basically just picking a primary skill, buffing the shit out of it and then using that skill to blow up rooms as fast as possible. DS is the same, but now you have a gank squad which is more fun for a minmaxxer like me.

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