>Dying Light 2 devs so desperate to get people back into their game they're adding guns

>Dying Light 2 devs so desperate to get people back into their game they're adding guns
>even though the whole point of the combat was forcing you into melee
>and still no release date whatsover for the second story DLC two years after launch

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  1. 3 months ago

    >still no release date whatsover for the second story DLC two years after launch
    This game was a fricking MESS on launch. I played on PS4 and it was beyond cyberpunk levels of a mess.
    I have still not gone back to it and completed the story after all these years.
    I was so looking forward to it too.
    Missed all the events and shit that I really wanted to it to be a game I would jump in and out of over the years on events.

    Frick techland.

  2. 3 months ago

    shit light 2 was DOA

  3. 3 months ago

    DL2 was genuinely the worst story over ever experienced in a videogame.
    These hacks had the audacity to make far cry like mast capture and collecting leafs part of the fricking sorry and that multiple times. It's so utterly trash and bland I couldn't recap what the the story was to myself days after I completed it.
    I say that as someone who loved DL1

    • 3 months ago

      DL1 had guns though, odd decision

      A worse story than DL1, where the PC was one of the most gullible morons in vidya? Please elaborate.

      • 3 months ago

        At least DL1 didn't try to give you a moral choice system

        • 3 months ago

          Say no more senpai

    • 3 months ago

      lol, firing Avellone really bit them in the ass

      • 3 months ago

        Yup cause e3 demo level was Near the end of the game KEK

      • 3 months ago

        they deserve it

    • 3 months ago

      yeah, i usually don't care about the story, and just use it as background for the gameplay, but man the story here is ass, it's fun until you get to the center area, then you meet Lawan and it just shit itself. the parkour is still fun though.

      DL2 was probably the worst sequel I've ever played right next to TLOU2, but at least that one had gameplay improvements over the first.
      In DL2 the combat, parkour, and exploration are all far worse than the first game, and the writing was so fricking cringe I just dropped the game after about 5 hours or so.

      i have 100hours in it, played new game+ twice, i just skip the story cutscenes.

      Yeah, I bought it the day it came out because I played the shit out of the first game and it's DLC, but I remember the last mission I did before dropping it was one where you go into an underground parking lot or something like that to get something for a guy then get betrayed when you come back out.
      I saw clips of a hanglider and skyscrapers to climb which looked fun, but I just didn't care enough to keep playing. I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking with the time limit for being in the dark, it's the most moronic decision I've ever seen.

      >time limit for being in the dark, it's the most moronic decision I've ever seen
      it's a non mechanic after you get half the inhibitors, it's basically pointless. but it was fun in the first 3 hours of the game, added some tension to the early-game exploration.

  4. 3 months ago

    I was looking at all the free shit I get if I DL it and log in, and I would have to play from scratch...
    Getting FOMO.
    Frick techland

  5. 3 months ago

    DL2 was probably the worst sequel I've ever played right next to TLOU2, but at least that one had gameplay improvements over the first.
    In DL2 the combat, parkour, and exploration are all far worse than the first game, and the writing was so fricking cringe I just dropped the game after about 5 hours or so.

    • 3 months ago

      >5 hours
      I respect you for that.
      I was invested enough to do a full 40 hour walkthrough and I'm still mad for the time lost and hate myself for that.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, I bought it the day it came out because I played the shit out of the first game and it's DLC, but I remember the last mission I did before dropping it was one where you go into an underground parking lot or something like that to get something for a guy then get betrayed when you come back out.
        I saw clips of a hanglider and skyscrapers to climb which looked fun, but I just didn't care enough to keep playing. I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking with the time limit for being in the dark, it's the most moronic decision I've ever seen.

  6. 3 months ago

    This is what happens when you kick out the only guy who can write because of MUH WOMEN (and was later proven to be a case of laying hoes)

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah. And then there's all the gameplay screwups like what they did with the zombies. This honestly has got to be one of the biggest gaming dissapointments of all time. Such a shame really.

    • 3 months ago

      Wat? I thought Eastern Europe was supposed to be based.

      Yeah. And then there's all the gameplay screwups like what they did with the zombies. This honestly has got to be one of the biggest gaming dissapointments of all time. Such a shame really.

      >what they did with the zombies.
      What did they do to the zombies?

  7. 3 months ago

    I just wanted another post-apo survival kino
    not medieval LARP
    what the frick was that game

  8. 3 months ago

    >Dead Island 2 spent 8 years in dev hell and went through three studios
    >still turned out better than Dying Light 2

    • 3 months ago

      yeah man DI2 rocks

    • 3 months ago

      Dead Island 2 is on Game Pass right now

  9. 3 months ago

    I thought the original game was pretty mediocre and it's shocking to me that they made it worse in the sequel.

  10. 3 months ago

    To me it always seemed stupid that there are no firearms in the game, when in real life people make homemade weapons (and incredibly you get some that make quite functional weapons with scrap materials), the other thing I hate is the parkour that feels like it's in low gravity and doesn't feel as good as the first one

  11. 3 months ago

    >had firearms in the first game
    >remove them in the 2nd
    ??? dont fix what isnt broken

    • 3 months ago

      Firearms felt like shit in the first game anyway

      • 3 months ago

        It is mediocre and the shotgun and revolvers were quite fun to use, they could have improved it not removed it, they could not have made the combat and parkour mechanics even worse

    • 3 months ago

      i like the idea of post apo new dark age but it was just executed so poorly that it's not even funny

  12. 3 months ago

    once you got the bow you never needed to use melee ever again. it was really easy to stay well stocked with arrows and you could ignore the weapon durability bullshit.

  13. 3 months ago


    example of homemade firearms.

    • 3 months ago

      Also I don't understand why game developers don't bother to do a little research into making more detailed and realistic homemade weapons, Bethesda is a clear example of making shitty weapons.

  14. 3 months ago

    dying light 2 will never not be a joke
    >stupid moronic faction system that barely does anything other than make you miss out on quests and have an extremely poor 'peacekeeper' faction that is complete fricking GARBAGE except for the crossbow
    >game was moronly buggy on launch, getting locked into saferooms i've unlocked and my only choice is to undo 2 hours of progress because whoopsie, i haven't done a 'main story' quest to make a checkpoint 🙂
    >keep trying to make the 'you're infected, go zombie mode!!' work but it just feels limp-dick
    >the final boss and story in general
    >destroying your entire map if you go peacekeepers
    >AI absolutely wrecked and ravaged, the agile hunter zombies can't even pathfind up and down rooftops
    >AI so broken that they need to constantly spawn zombies next to you from windows, sewers, doors, and ever straight from the fricking ground just to keep up 'the chase'(lol)
    >melee somehow worse because they hate letting players have fun with basic zombies and made them all act exactly the same no matter the weapon or force
    >upgrade system is cool until you get to the last upgrade or something then it wants like 150 rare zombie parts for a single 30 damage boost
    >meme 'dungeon running' for better gear in a shitty shop
    i desperately wanted to like it, I love dying light 1 despite all it's flaws
    but holy frick that game made me feel like i wasted my time

    • 3 months ago

      don't forget
      >we didn't want to add a ton of tall buildings to climb because we recognize that it would be tedious and annoying, so we do it for a few story beats and side quests but that's about it
      and then the second game comes along and goes
      >what if the entire second area was tall buildings and things designed to take forever climbing
      >also the grappling hook was broken so we nerfed it into uselessness where it becomes a generic 'swing across gap' tool
      >make the air glider be able to fly forever constantly gaining height because you know players will get bored of climbing you're stupidly tall office complexes with nothing in them
      >make a ton of things to quickly travel to rooftops(invalidating the entire building, not that most of them had anything other than some fricking phone recording that lasted 15 years just to say some shit about an affair, because every piece of media needs to have some shit about cucks and cheaters)

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah that was dumb to nerf the grappling hook but have the hang-glider be broken anyway

      • 3 months ago

        the 2nd game is just a disaster when it comes to immersion

        its just an artificial parkour playground
        that was a conscious design decision, this shows how essential a good director is. nothing you make, no matter how good it is or how much effort was put into it, is worth anything if you make the wrong thing.

  15. 3 months ago

    I hear the game will be free to play for a few days? Should be enough to finish the campaign and then never touch it again.

    • 3 months ago

      just pirate it
      idk if its worth playing but if i can get 60 fps on my crappy optiplex ill go for it i guess
      god AAA isnt even worth pirating anymore
      its gotten so bad even 6/10 games like ghost recon wildlands seem like more worth it to play rofl

  16. 3 months ago

    KEK any update to remove the gay grippling stamina?

  17. 3 months ago

    >Remove guns
    >Not because we think it would help the focus on melee and parkour but because they are dangerous irl lmao (you can hear some gunshots in one of the trailers)
    >So here have more human enemies and everyone has a bow
    >game bombs
    >lmao here have some guns
    They don't even know what they did wrong or what to fix holy shit

    • 3 months ago

      Didn't they also say that humanity has lost the knowledge and skill in how to make weapons and gunpowder. And that all guns and ammo were immediately used up at the beginning of the outbreak.

      • 3 months ago

        yeah, they have some flimsy excuse of the military taking all the ingredients needed for gunpowder or something like that
        like criminals and other underworld crap would ever do that

      • 3 months ago

        yeah, but they said in one of the quests that there is a hidden stash somewhere, it was obvious they would eventually add guns.

  18. 3 months ago

    had fun with the game don't care what you think op Black person

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        homosexual, I'm not your mother.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago
  19. 3 months ago

    >Deliberately piss off gun owners and condemn as monsters so you can seem righteous and holy-than-thou
    >Sell out your precious important ideals anyway and spit in the face of morons that supported your pathetic armchair activism

    Pathetic. I have never seen a dev less deserving of support. Totally repugnant human beings.

  20. 3 months ago

    So why did the devs remove guns from the sequel in the first place anyway? I mean sure, the guns in the first game is ass but still.

    • 3 months ago

      >Devs are liberal and anti-guns
      >Humans don't know how to craft guns and ammo anymore
      >All guns and ammo are used up and destroyed

  21. 3 months ago

    It hasn't really been two years, has it?

    • 3 months ago

      >February 4, 2022

      • 3 months ago

        So only 1 year then. I was worried for a second.

      • 3 months ago



        >Dying Light 2 devs so desperate to get people back into their game they're adding guns
        >even though the whole point of the combat was forcing you into melee
        >and still no release date whatsover for the second story DLC two years after launch

        >still no release date whatsover for the second story DLC two years after launch
        This game was a fricking MESS on launch. I played on PS4 and it was beyond cyberpunk levels of a mess.
        I have still not gone back to it and completed the story after all these years.
        I was so looking forward to it too.
        Missed all the events and shit that I really wanted to it to be a game I would jump in and out of over the years on events.

        Frick techland.

        also interesting things of note, they've added polearms (they're some how even more stamina draining then any other weapon)
        and now the first dlc is completely free now...

        One reason I pre-ordered DL2 was because of how good Techland was at constantly adding things to DL1. I got a few free cosmetic packs early one when I was still playing. What have they added since? Anything good?

        • 3 months ago

          they've added weapon repair and daggers?

  22. 3 months ago

    also interesting things of note, they've added polearms (they're some how even more stamina draining then any other weapon)
    and now the first dlc is completely free now...

  23. 3 months ago

    The story itself is such a mess.
    >a cure gets made for the virus from the first game (completely invalidating the ending where Crane turns into a volatile and escapes containment)
    >scientists start experimenting on kids with the virus or something
    >"Hey you know this virus which almost doomed the world? What if we made it ten times worse in an attempt to get super powers?"
    >to no one's surprise, super aids MK2 gets unleashed and actually dooms the entire world this time

  24. 3 months ago

    this game and Darktide were the only two games I was looking forward to in the last 5 years and I didn’t buy or play either of them.

    • 3 months ago

      but darktide is fun tho...
      provided you don't get shit teammates at the higher difficulties (pro tip: you will thanks to gamepass)

  25. 3 months ago
  26. 3 months ago

    Didn't they start shoving in a ton of microtransactions?

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah they followed the modern assassin's creed approach of an in-game store with item packs

  27. 3 months ago

    is this going to get cracked again i kinda wanna play it with the guns but im not buying woke dei garbage
    hopefully theres a no pride flag mod too

  28. 3 months ago

    I really liked the first game
    being a glowie secret agent in an infected isolated city was fun
    DL2 is just too fricking boring, the story is a snoozefest and factions are meaningless

  29. 3 months ago

    haven't played since release. i loved dl1 but this just felt.. bland and boring to play. is the core gameplay still the same?

    • 3 months ago

      I played it a few months ago and it got a bit better, mostly combat and ragdoll.

  30. 3 months ago

    why did they even change the story Avellone wrote?
    shouldn't his work be automatically Techland's property or something

  31. 3 months ago

    yeah the quest for the guns is fairly long for a reason
    other wise you barely get the pistol until you settle in the second area

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