Dying of boredom

Hoooooooooooooooly frick, I've been spending hours and hours on this game, and it's the most boring JRPG with the most mediocre story I've ever seen in my life. It's killing me with boredom, and I personally love JRPGs. I have no issues with more classic JRPGs, but this one is just too much. I think I just reached Lonalulu. Does it get better at some point?

To the game's credit, it has a very nice visual style, and I like the gameplay. But it's sooooooo boring that I can't take it anymore.

This isn't even my first Dragon Quest; I've played several, with Dragon Quest V being my favorite by far. I don't know what to think anymore; maybe this game just isn't for me. But I'd like to hear your opinions, anons.

So far I haven't been having a blast with the game, honestly I keep playing expecting to get better. Do you recommend me to go on or to throw the towel?

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  1. 5 months ago

    no, it doesn't get better. in fact, you're really close the intermission, which is quite possibly the gayest part of any game in recorded history. calling this shit mediocre is a praise. trust your gut, it's shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks daddy.

      I mean... anon. Thanks anon.

      • 5 months ago

        ur welcome kiddo

  2. 5 months ago

    This was my first game in the series. I didn’t really appreciate having a homosexual in my Jrpg be a big part of the game. The game kinda had everything in a typical RPG but really lacked anything exciting or interesting. Nothing but the graphics/art. No cool weapons. No interesting plot. No interesting setting. Beautiful settings at time but it really lacked soul.

    I don’t even know if I finished the game. I beat the boss but there was weird stuff going on the game. I think I was supposed to continue playing. But I just didn’t care to.

  3. 5 months ago

    The game is fine, it's just more of the same and you are tired of that aproach for having played so much jrpg's

  4. 5 months ago

    Reddit Quest 11 is the worst game in the series
    you're better off playing any other one

  5. 5 months ago

    You type like a limp-wristed soicuck. Frick off back to plebbit, homosexual.

  6. 5 months ago

    To an extent, Dragon Quest games are supposed to be generic bland-but-comfy JRPG, just a high quality version of that. That's the entire brand, really. And we love it for that.
    (I've only actually played a couple and I haven't gotten to this one yet, is it really that bad? I've heard lots of good things.)

  7. 5 months ago

    It's supposed to be boring, that's why it's good

  8. 5 months ago

    I played this for like 20 hours and there was zero story, just filler anime episodes, and it was incredibly boring so I put it down and started playing DQ1. Fell in love. Beat that game and started DW2 and loved it even more.
    So now my plan is to work back through the series to see why people could even hold DQ11 in high regards, because the first two games blow it out of the water.

    • 5 months ago

      You should have a lot of fun anon, the first 5 games basically each get better than the last

      • 5 months ago

        >the first 5 games basically each get better than the last
        kys redditor
        5 was worse than 4 AND 3

        • 5 months ago

          I like 4 more than 5 too, hence the basically, but great normal adult reaction to a post about video games

          • 5 months ago

            anon for the love of god, don't reply him. It's clearly bait, and he's very clearly moronic.

        • 5 months ago

          Are any of these games better than pokemans?

          • 5 months ago

            Yes, all of them.

          • 5 months ago

            DQMJ 1 and 2 are both better than a majority of Pokemon games (although DQMJ3 and Dark Prince both sucked).

        • 5 months ago

          9 and 7 are the only good games, lmao! 5 is just 4 with shit looking sprites and 6 is just proto 7.

          Are any of these games better than pokemans?

          Fuuuuck no. Dragon's quest makes pokemon look kino. Hell, pokemon IS sometimes kino compared to reddit's quest.

          • 5 months ago

            go back to Ganker you manchild

            • 5 months ago

              Come on anon that was even more desperate bait than the guy he replied to

  9. 5 months ago

    XI is the worst in the series by far. All it has is graphics, and they managed to frick that up releasing a worse graphical version as an upgrade. The characters and story are unrelentantly obnoxious. Music is the same shit as always but somehow worse. Visible encounters remove the dungeon crawling aspect; ie the game part. 9 fricked up a lot but it at least had some character and party build depth.
    I have more reason to kill my party members and the npcs forcing me to do their shit than the boss.

    • 5 months ago

      >Visible encounters remove the dungeon crawling aspect
      was not a problem in 9
      the reason it feels off in 11 is because of the moronic ''you can move during combat!!!'' but it does not serve any purpose other than giving you the illusion of an action RPG

  10. 5 months ago

    It's only popular because it brought a lot of noobs into the series. The best DQ games are ones with class systems or /mon/ elements.

  11. 5 months ago

    Well i loved. This game is exactly what i wanted it to be when i got it. I wanted at least one IP to stay classic on everything and this delivered. I´m just so tired of things going full action and narratives becoming more "mature". I wanted a simple turn based adventure.

  12. 5 months ago

    I hate XI too, and love every other DQ out there (except shit like Treasures and the new Monsters game). My problem with it is how excessively casualized it is, and how miserable exploration has become.

    On one hand you have the draconian mode options which are poorly balanced and don't actually add meaningful difficulty. They're gimmicks just to pad out features, and if you don't select any, you get a terrible game that was clearly not playtested. On top of that:
    >exploration ruined by forcing a map all the time
    What's the god damned point of such a beautiful looking world when it's marred by an ugly map forced on you?
    >fun forge showers you with materials so you can easily get +3 everything and be overpowered (poor substitute for alchemy)
    >free camping completely negates the need for inns
    >fun forge also negates the need to even buy weapons/armor, so gold is mostly useless
    >MP is effectively infinite and you get Magic Water and junk thrown at you in every dungeon
    >you get full healed before fricking bosses
    >travel is meaningless because of sprinting, the horse, and 0MP zoom
    >the pink FRICKING bubbles that just hold your moronic hand (absolutely infuriatingly insulting)
    And to top it off, there's a gay pride parade. No amount of disingenuous "he's just fabulous and having fun anon!" will distract me from what's in front of my eyes. Sylvando is a gay. Dragon Quest is spiritually dead and has been for a few years at least. I love VIII but the move to 3D was a nail in the coffin, and Sugiyama's death means worms feed on the corpse.

    • 5 months ago

      You need to get your brain checked.

    • 5 months ago

      3D is fine. 7 and 8 looked good. 11 use Unreal and it was the first thing I noticed. I hate Unreal Engine.

      • 5 months ago

        Moving to 3D necessitates a removal of random encounters, because the blank landscapes don't feel alive enough to new players. It doesn't leave anything to the imagination unlike 2D world maps. But removing random encounters creates a balancing nightmare. How do you account for being able to sprint with R2, or ride a horse? Or in VIII 3DS version, how you can move the camera left and right, despawning and respawning an enemy on the map, which makes it ABSURDLY easy to farm metal slimes. This absolutely cripples any sense of balance that basically every Dragon Warrior/Quest game was known for. Aside from certain sections of II, these games have been meticulously crafted and you can feel how polished and playtested they were... that is, until XI. Even VIII and IX, despite some problems with a lack of random encounters, felt traditional enough until XI. And pile onto that the other casualizations I mentioned and you get a weird mess.

        You need to get your brain checked.

        Care to actually address any of the issues I brought up? As an RPG XI is abysmal, and as a DQ it is easily the worst ever made (counting main games). There are plenty of other little nitpicks to bring up but these are the glaring issues. I actually like the story and characters for the most part, and even the MIDI music used in the original release of XI before XI-S. But the game itself is just bad and a huge disappointment, after already being disappointed by no western release of X, and a pseudo-MMO with broken wifi content in IX. Also, the Monsters games have been awful since the 2nd Joker game.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah I prefer random encounters too. It's why I usually only replay the PS2 version of 8. Holy Water solved that issue and it was dirt cheap. But its a completely pointless item now.

        • 5 months ago

          There's nothing inherently wrong with visible encounters, but most of the time it's very lazily done.
          SMT4 pretty much solved the problem by making symbols aggressively chase you down, and sometimes they'll even ambush you. Gave an actual sense of danger when exploring areas. Many fights were still avoidable but you had to put in the effort to make that happen.
          Meanwhile in DQ11, monsters will just bumble around and slowly walk towards you if they happen to see you. You would have to be looking away from the game to get caught by one off guard. Looking back I feel like getting into regular battles was something that player actively had to do rather than the opposite.

          • 5 months ago

            >smtiv made it work
            And then dropped the ball by making Estoma complete shit, effectively forcing you into random battles even when you were well above the level of the area. Enemies bumbling around on the map and you choosing your battles is better than random battles since you can decide when you’ve done enough fighting. The 2D mode of DQXI quickly turns into spamming holy waters every minute to avoid getting interrupted all the time.

    • 5 months ago

      I like XI but actually agree with a lot of your points. I thought Strong Monsters only and no grinding was an enjoyable difficulty for myself. And I like a lot of changes to the combat and the skill tree. Pink bubbles should be dropped or at the least, only appear *after* taking the quest. I miss actual dungeon crawling and exploration though. I'd also change a few things about the story even though I liked it.

  13. 5 months ago

    i always heard this game referred to as a 10/10 so i gave it a try as my first dragon quest and i concur
    vanilla: the game

  14. 5 months ago

    Heh, might not be your thing

  15. 5 months ago


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