Dyson Sphere Program update

They're adding biters to DSP
Is the game going to be fun now?

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  1. 6 months ago

    maybe, last time i got like 3h in before "having a break" and that was like a year ago

  2. 6 months ago

    i tried it on a low dose of ketamine and started getting convinced it was Chinese Spyware so I abandoned it. should I go back? is it fun?

    • 6 months ago

      It does feel like it mines bitcoin sometimes. It's alright.

  3. 6 months ago

    all their recent additions have been pretty moronic and not addressed the game’s misuse of space, space age has the right idea of a handful of unique planets with their own resources and research instead of simulating a bunch of planets and astronomy that’s pointless

  4. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      I am ready.

  5. 6 months ago

    They added player fleets. I was really worried it was just going to be you manually flying around blowing shit up in Icarus. Time to start another run this weekend.

    • 6 months ago

      Why only 3?

  6. 6 months ago

    What is the best Factorio clone if not this anyway? The expansion is getting me hyped but it's not coming any time soon.

    • 6 months ago

      I've played Captain of Industry recently and I liked it more than DSP

      • 6 months ago

        how do they compare?
        what didn't you like or like in either?

        • 6 months ago

          Both are nice because you have a secondary goal other than producing science. In DSP it's the Dyson Spheres and in CoI it's your city.

          In DSP, you have rare resources which allow you to skip chunks of the recipe tree. They feel super satisfying, especially if you manage to combine it even further before shipping interstellar. The biggest problems in DSP I feel is the boring early game (you're just playing worse factorio) and annoying late game (blueprint system sucks).

          In CoI you have the terrain feature which IMO might be the coolest thing in factory builder games. It's so fricking simple but I've talked to my friends for hours about how fricking genious is the fact that you can dump slag from a forge in the ocean to create more building space, and how you can get away with more complex waste disposal, and how you have the pollution/effort/energy trade-offs between different methods of disposing of something.
          But I did have the feeling that everything is constantly on fire. I never really got to the point where things just worked. I've seen so many different ways a part of your factory can fail. Mining freshly dumped material that gets dumped again, deadlocks everywhere, trucks getting stuck, the list goes on. With the constant pressure from your settlement which needs increasingly more stuff it can be very frustrating.

          • 6 months ago

            Pretty much, the way I played CoI was to just not give my settlers anything beyond food, water and electricity. Everything else consumes limited resources for almost no reward, just Unity points.

            Also the way food, diesel and maintenance depend on each other makes it impossible to recover if you fail. That's why it feels like you're on the edge of a cliff all the time. If you run out of diesel trucks won't drive so you can't deliver food or mine iron needed for maintenance. If you run out of maintenance trucks also won't drive. If you start losing pop everything shuts down, including food/diesel/maintenance production.

            • 6 months ago

              At higher populations you will get hit by illnesses fairly regularly if you don't keep health up and produce medicines. You also have more and more things to spend unity on, namely the off-map mines and oil rigs.

          • 6 months ago

            >The biggest problems in DSP I feel is the boring early game (you're just playing worse factorio) and annoying late game (blueprint system sucks).
            That's troubling. I played the game like a year ago and dropped it because it felt like there was too much boring micro, and you're saying they didn't improve on that.

            • 6 months ago

              They did add some QoL and minor stuff since I last played, even before the biter update, at least making the early game more bearable now. Hopefully now that the update is finally out they will be able to work on blueprint issues a bit more. you won't stop me from hopemaxxing

          • 5 months ago

            >But I did have the feeling that everything is constantly on fire
            I'm new to CoI but I'm finding it that way. It's about perfectly balancing growth where as factorio minus significant biters is far more relaxing and forgiving.
            Curious if DSP is now in the sweet spot.

            • 5 months ago

              DSP is ultra chill mode unless you max out Darkfog which would then be comparable to hard biters in Factorio

      • 6 months ago

        I like CoI but I feel like it needs Trains and roads. I know they are working on custom surfaces but at the same time roads/bridges with speed bonuses would be neat to see.

        I wanted to get into DSP but it just seems so simple in its "complexity", I dont think I gave it a fair shake after I returned it but idk something about it feels off.

        • 6 months ago

          DSP is definitely pretty easy compared to factorio but we'll have to see how that balances out now that we have a real threat to worry about. I like playing deathworld factorio but flamers really trivialize biters in vanilla.

          Pretty much, the way I played CoI was to just not give my settlers anything beyond food, water and electricity. Everything else consumes limited resources for almost no reward, just Unity points.

          Also the way food, diesel and maintenance depend on each other makes it impossible to recover if you fail. That's why it feels like you're on the edge of a cliff all the time. If you run out of diesel trucks won't drive so you can't deliver food or mine iron needed for maintenance. If you run out of maintenance trucks also won't drive. If you start losing pop everything shuts down, including food/diesel/maintenance production.

          >just unity points
          Unity gives you extremely powerful edicts that can cut down how much food/water/fuel your entire island needs. Plus you can recycle literally 90% of the resources used to get those unity points in the first place with the recycling edict.

          The only resource that you really have to worry about is coal (until you unlock nuclear). It's basically impossible to run out of resources before getting trade up and running.

        • 6 months ago

          God trains would be amazing. I hope we someday get trains with much larger islands. Would be cool if we had incentive to make multiple settlements too.

    • 6 months ago

      A tier :
      Captain of Industry; Mindustry; DSP

      B tier :
      Satisfactory; Factory Town; Dream Engines

      C tier :
      Good Company; Infraspace; Techtonica; Facteroids; Autonauts; Desynced

      D tier :
      Atrio; Total Factory; Forge of Industry

      On my watchlist OR haven't played it :
      Foundry; Megafactory Titan; Space Flight FActory; Plan B:Terraform; Astro Colony; Automation Station; Combine & Conquer; Shapez 2 ; Dawn Apart; Railgrade; Builderment

      That's my nice blogpost, overall there is a lot of choice of games, but most of them are either boring shovelware (Builderment) or stuck in early access and it's too early to recommend them because the devs might still go full moron and frick everything up (Techtonica, Desynced)

      Also same thought as

      was fun to me, at least before this combat shit
      it's actually saturated

      , I actually preferred when DSP was a pure factory game and avoided the mistake that all the other games do, to just add combat because everyone else is doing it.

      You also have more of city-builder/automation hybrids like New Cycle, but it's not even in EA so I can't compare it.

    • 6 months ago

      Factorio does building placement and performance better.
      Even early dark fog is better than what factorio has for combat. I mean, they (Wube) never did add endgame that could somehow validate building the fricking factory up.

      • 6 months ago

        How is early dark fog better than factorio biters? From what I've seen it's pretty comparable unless you crank up the difficulty quite a lot, and that's more to do with how differently they scale.

        • 5 months ago

          yeah i don't agree

          active combat with weapons and grenades
          interesting biter interaction with pollution
          have to search for hives to stop attacks
          biters can't be harvested anymore but mods like krastorio2 have biter science

          totally passive combat, space combat is obviously unfinished
          just a threat bar that goes up
          hives always visible and tell you when they're going to attack
          fog can be harvested but has nothing interesting

          i don't expect innovation from dsp devs but dark fog was kinda lazy and minimally acceptable, this is coming from someone who doesn't think biters are great, so to be worse than biters...

          also the game's continued focus on small time starter planet busywork is concerning, the game has so much astronomy autism and none of it does anything, i feel it's never going to live up to its concept unless a mod scene can fix it

          • 5 months ago

            >fog can be harvested but has nothing interesting
            Fog drops are literally the only way to get the highest tier buildings

  7. 6 months ago

    Hows the update?

    • 6 months ago

      I got bored before they sent a second attack

    • 6 months ago

      Basically a compressed version of Biter Progression. Same shit like using turret defense to keep the dark fog in check early game but the moment you get Missile turrets (the 2nd turrent) + sensor tower, you can call in artillery strikes and mostly wipe out early game Dark Fog.

      Tried sandbox and skipped to taking out the space fleet. Got vaporised instantly even when I max out the non-white shield upgrades. Endgame Dark Fog is probably going to need some thinking and logistics to beat.

  8. 6 months ago

    was fun to me, at least before this combat shit
    it's actually saturated

  9. 6 months ago

    i just realized that i spend more than 100 hours in a fricking beta
    i'm done with that shit
    but was funny

  10. 6 months ago

    The weapons are fun to use but the enemies feel pretty weak after you get missiles (like factorio after flamers)
    This is just on default settings. I've heard that really cranking up the difficulty makes them far more aggressive and level up faster which will mean you will need to scale up your military power to deal with them.

    It seems that the default difficulty is for brand new players to the game so they don't get overwhelmed right at the start.
    The space forces can 100% frick your entire planet if you're not prepared for them though. Planetary shields are basically a must before you start fricking with the hives orbital structures.

    • 6 months ago

      that looks pretty cool

    • 6 months ago

      Yep. I'd suggest starting the game with higher enemy xp gain so it doesn't take as long for the nests to level up. It would make the game harder but you also get access to higher level materials faster.
      Have you been destroying the nests on planets? You can actually starve out the entire hive if you don't let them collect any matter.
      Typically they gain threat based on how much power you're generating on a planet combined with whatever difficulty you chose.

      I am still at blue cubes but the sense of scale in this game is incredible. Can't wait for the mid/late game.

  11. 6 months ago

    Does it have MP yet?

    • 6 months ago

      no and I think devs stated that they don't plan on implementing it

  12. 6 months ago

    Tempted to try a one planet challenge now that you can farm foggers for better and better materials.

    • 6 months ago

      >Tempted to try a one planet challenge now that you can farm foggers for better and better materials.
      you can farm them?

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, they drop stuff. And when the bases level up it upgrades the loot table. I don't know exactly what all they can drop, but it seems like a fair bit.

      • 6 months ago

        Yep. I'd suggest starting the game with higher enemy xp gain so it doesn't take as long for the nests to level up. It would make the game harder but you also get access to higher level materials faster.

        i'm not understanding the fog, nothing is gaining threat on me and the bases are inactive

        Have you been destroying the nests on planets? You can actually starve out the entire hive if you don't let them collect any matter.
        Typically they gain threat based on how much power you're generating on a planet combined with whatever difficulty you chose.

        • 6 months ago

          my first time i stomped all the bases, next i turned up the aggressiveness and left them alone to farm them but they're still barely doing anything, guess i'll turn up the aggressiveness again and give them an xp boost

  13. 6 months ago

    i'm not understanding the fog, nothing is gaining threat on me and the bases are inactive

  14. 6 months ago

    I'm tempted to just jump straight into absolute max difficulty but I haven't played the game since blueprints were still only a mod and I don't know if I'd get my ass kicked an impossible amount.

    • 6 months ago

      You'll probably get your ass kicked if you start with numerically more than base rates. Set EXP growth is fine but too high aggression can be tedious, averaging attacks every 10mins and there's no choke points or walls to turtle properly with.

      • 6 months ago

        doesn’t that tower attract most of them

        • 6 months ago

          They attack anything on the way but prioritize the tower if they bump into its radius. They attack any kind of military building before attacking infrastructure which typically means your power poles/belts are safe as long as you have something with more 'threat' nearby.

  15. 5 months ago

    Are there any early black box blueprints for every building? Most stuff on the repository site is for the late game

  16. 5 months ago

    the frick are biters?

    • 5 months ago

      factorio lingo for enemies

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