Early SNES Graphical Quality

What are some of the most graphically impressive early SNES games for its time? I'm talking pre-DKC, around launch time (1990-1991).

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  1. 2 years ago

    Castlevania 4 is pretty aesthetic

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah this would be my choice.

      • 2 years ago

        LMAO that looks like shit. Why did SNES suck so much?

        • 2 years ago

          You're comparing the graphics for a game that came out on a system that was barely a year old at the time to a game that came out 3 years later on a system that was on the market for 5 years.

          • 2 years ago

            Super Castlevania also has better looking backgrounds in most areas. Bloodlines has better animation, though.

          • 2 years ago

            he's just console warring.
            bloodlines has some nice graphics and art direction, as most Castlevania games do, but

            Yeah this would be my choice.

            is impressive in more than just art direction. That miniboss has a great transparency effect that I think not even SOTN could do as well (SOTN has similar giant floating skulls, but they have a weird outline that makes it look worse).
            Bloodlines has a bunch of different graphical tricks, to various degrees of success, but nothing as impressive as that.

            • 2 years ago

              Bloodlines has kinda lame art and colors, there are better looing games like Shinobi 3, Gunstar Heroes, World of Illusion etc. Bloodlines' saving grace is the multisegmented sprites, and the game itself if pretty good.

              • 2 years ago

                >Bloodlines has kinda lame art and colors, there are better looing games like Shinobi 3, Gunstar Heroes, World of Illusion etc. Bloodlines' saving grace is the multisegmented sprites, and the game itself if pretty good.

                Bloodlines came out around the same time ad Dracula X on the SNES:


                ... One of the early SNES games that I remember being impressed by was Super Battletank from 1992. Looking back on it, it still doesn't look bad with its quasi scaling sprites and nice use of the SNES colour palette.

                Though in 1991, EA ported the PC game Abrams Battle Tank to the Sega Genesis, and it uses polygon 3D environments that look pretty good for the hardware.

                I always liked how the first stage looked in the SNES Dracula X. Wish the game was better.

              • 2 years ago

                Dracula X is so colorful to the point it's a bit annoying, really shows the console's color prowess though

        • 2 years ago

          >farts in FM synth in your path

    • 2 years ago

      yeah first thing that comes to mind. it's just full of nice little details and touches.

      F-Zero and Pilot Wings

      otherwise these two as well. I'd say an honorable mention and as a game that is basically a blend of those two, can go to Hyper Zone. It is PURE early SNES.

    • 2 years ago

      Mario World, Actraiser and Mystical Ninja all had really nice colourful graphics, Just really solid art direction.

      It looks like pure turds, at least the first level or 2 do then it improves later on

  2. 2 years ago

    >graphically impressive
    In what sense? Technically? Artistically? Personally I thought most of the early games were impressive because the jump from NES to SNES was so huge. LttP in particular blew anything 8-bit out of the water with its rich, vibrant use of color and shading. But that's just my subjective opinion.

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Super Mario World was a really nice looking game, but it never 'pushed the SNES', beyond highlighting its extended colour palette and showing off some Mode 7 tricks, audio reverb tricks. As far as early SNES games go, I guess ActRaiser would be one. Act Raiser was also the first 1MB cartridge (8-MEG as they would like to advertise) on the Super Famicom. Sega had 1MB bragging rights with Strider in 1990 for the Mega Drive. The Super Famicom launched in 1990, and the only cart that could compete with Strider in terms of ROM size was Act Raiser. Ports like Final Fight were 512, the typical SNES game was 512KB in size. Contra 3 was another impressive game. But that was 1992.

    • 2 years ago

      One of Super Mario World's more subtle demonstrations is the way almost every stage in the game plays the same melody with a different kind of style and instrumentation to showcase the SPC700.

    • 2 years ago

      And in 92, SFII got ported and became the first "16 MEGS GAMEPAK" (2MB), which was a big deal then, even tough it was a very limited port even considering the SNES limitations, as it omitted and change a lot of stuff, to the point it genuienly feels very different then the arcade SFIIWW, and not in a port way, oh and the CPU is very choddie.

      But since SF grew big, thats the version that sold more.

      • 2 years ago

        >And in 92, SFII got ported and became the first "16 MEGS GAMEPAK" (2MB), which was a big deal then, even tough it was a very limited port even considering the SNES limitations, as it omitted and change a lot of stuff, to the point it genuienly feels very different then the arcade SFIIWW, and not in a port way, oh and the CPU is very choddie.
        >But since SF grew big, thats the version that sold more.

        Street Fighter 2 Turbo is one of the best selling third party games on the SNES, and yeah, Street Fighter 2 was the first 16MEG game.

        Arcade Gradius III slowdowns just as much if not more than the SNES port, I think it's ok as long as it's still challenging, just like TF4 which had lots of slowdowns but makes up with good visuals and challenge.
        As for early 2 player beat em ups, Rival Turf was somewhat popular when it came out, still not as good as Final fight though

        >Arcade Gradius III slowdowns just as much if not more than the SNES port, I think it's ok as long as it's still challenging, just like TF4 which had lots of slowdowns but makes up with good visuals and challenge.
        >As for early 2 player beat em ups, Rival Turf was somewhat popular when it came out, still not as good as Final fight though

        The SNES had a really goof launch line up and good release schedule in the NA market. But, it was very much put up beside the Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx-16 upon its release. TurboGrafx-16 didn't really last long after the release of the Super Nintendo, but Sega was going aggressive with Sonic 1, their pre established library (SNES came out in 1991, Genesis was 1989) , and a $50 dollar cheaper console. But gaming magazines that would review games, were a bit disappointed by early SNES games having more slowdown than their alternatives on the Genesis. Yeah, Thunder Force IV had slowdown, but was pushing the genesis hardware really hard.

        • 2 years ago

          >Thunder Force IV had slowdown, but was pushing the genesis hardware really hard.
          Not a lot more than Axelay, Super Aleste, Parodius, Sunset Riders etc.

  4. 2 years ago

    F-Zero and Pilot Wings

  5. 2 years ago

    Took long enough for a console warrior to show up

  6. 2 years ago

    All of them

  7. 2 years ago

    Gradius III looked very close to the arcade, Earth Defense Force and Area 88 were also nice looking early shmups. For platformers there's Super Adventure Island, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Goemon 1, Joe & Mac looked nice too but the game was just okay compared to the arcade. As for PC ports Sim City was impressive.
    And pretty much most early mode 7 games, which were the best mode 7 games.

    • 2 years ago

      >Gradius III looked very close to the arcade,

      I love Gradius III for the SNES. It's one of my favourites in the Gradius series. But the games biggest issue was it's slowdown. Gaming Magazines would point to Genesis/ Mega Drive games like Thunder Force III from 1990 or one of the other dozen Genesis shooters that ran better than anything in the SNES launch line up. But U.N. Squadron(Area 88) did get some praise. Final Fight was also a launch window game. Was praised for its large sprites, looked good. Made great use of the SNES colour pallet. Lacked in the 2 player mode. Streets of Rage was released right along side it and adverted a 2-player mode. Though Final Fight still looked better, but was limited by a 512KROM for some of the missing content. I always thought Joe and Mac looked good. So did "Mystical Ninja". F-Zero was 'wow' for its 60fps mode 7. RPM Racing was an early game I played for the console. I thought it looked cool. It used the SNES high resolution mode for background layer in game. But also runs at a lower framerate. I think ActRaiser was a good looking early SNES game, and the first 1MB SNES ROM.

      • 2 years ago

        Arcade Gradius III slowdowns just as much if not more than the SNES port, I think it's ok as long as it's still challenging, just like TF4 which had lots of slowdowns but makes up with good visuals and challenge.
        As for early 2 player beat em ups, Rival Turf was somewhat popular when it came out, still not as good as Final fight though

      • 2 years ago

        >I love Gradius III for the SNES. It's one of my favourites in the Gradius series. But the games biggest issue was it's slowdown. Gaming Magazines would point to Genesis/ Mega Drive games like Thunder Force III from 1990 or one of the other dozen Genesis shooters that ran better than anything in the SNES launch line up.

        Gradius III was loaded with slowdown:

        (I've played it on a real SNES)

        In 1991, Arrow Flash was released for the genesis, around the same time as Gradius III, and basically was a Gradius inspired clone.

        Darius Twin was another early 1991 game that faired a little better with framerate:

        Though in 1991, Mega Drive had a port of this:

        Which never came out in the west.

      • 2 years ago

        Arcade Gradius III slowdowns just as much if not more than the SNES port, I think it's ok as long as it's still challenging, just like TF4 which had lots of slowdowns but makes up with good visuals and challenge.
        As for early 2 player beat em ups, Rival Turf was somewhat popular when it came out, still not as good as Final fight though

        >I love Gradius III for the SNES. It's one of my favourites in the Gradius series. But the games biggest issue was it's slowdown. Gaming Magazines would point to Genesis/ Mega Drive games like Thunder Force III from 1990 or one of the other dozen Genesis shooters that ran better than anything in the SNES launch line up.

        Gradius III was loaded with slowdown:

        (I've played it on a real SNES)

        In 1991, Arrow Flash was released for the genesis, around the same time as Gradius III, and basically was a Gradius inspired clone.

        Darius Twin was another early 1991 game that faired a little better with framerate:

        Though in 1991, Mega Drive had a port of this:

        Which never came out in the west.


        • 2 years ago

          I'd go for the fastrom one, still just play the original and play on arcade difficulty or go for the loops, slowdowns is not a big problem when balanced with difficulty.

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm slightly too young to have been paying attention to the SNES launch. However, Super Star Wars caught my eye at a store and absolutely blew me away. Was the game that made me beg for an SNES. 1993, so not a launch title at all, but it is pre-DKC (DKC series was actually carrying the SNES against the Playstation).
    I'm honestly impressed every time I replay the series, as the developer, as far as I know, is a no name. The gameplay is fine. The graphics are some of the best on of the 16bit era, uses mode 7 properly, the complete package. And it is from a Western dev, no less.

    • 2 years ago

      The mode 7 effects in ESB are even better. It did the impossible by making it not look flat.

      • 2 years ago

        And in Jedi they use what I assume is software scaling on the boss sprites. It looks absolutely sick, you didn't see bosses that big in SNES games, unless they were an NES style background tile, only in the arcades.

    • 2 years ago

      I love these games, but man are they hard.

      Sound was amazing for the time. Sounded almost as good as the movie. Well obviously not, but that's what I told myself as a kid.

    • 2 years ago

      I've had the game since the mid 90s and I still get filtered

  9. 2 years ago

    9110965 (gay)
    One day, SNES get a Bloodlines port.

  10. 2 years ago

    Stunt Race FX
    Donkey Kong Country
    F Zero

    • 2 years ago

      >Early SNES
      Baaed moron

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