Eclipse Phase

Eclipse Phase RPG. Anyone still playing it? I haven't looked into for 8 years or so; anything new happening with it recently? Is 2E the latest version?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >only selling point is the setting
    >on second thought the setting sucks
    When are they going to stop making RPGs like this?

  2. 4 months ago

    Honestly I've not played it in ages either, I last ran it probably 2016 or 2017.
    Aside from that I used the rules for a ghost in the shell short game, basically took EP and stripped out anything that either didn't fit or was too high-tech for the setting.

    I've not bothered looking at the 2e stuff, so while I've heard the devs had a fit over players not being the right kind of left wing anarchs and stuff, I've not actually read any of it myself. It never felt like EP needed a rules revision worth of calling 2e, tbh ne.

    Mad respect to the devs for just putting the PDFs out online for free though.

    • 4 months ago

      tbc it's not the devs, it's one of them, specifically the guy they cut out when they made 2e. The people in charge now wanted to and still do charge full price for 1e books, even though Chuck made it available on his personal website for free. They're the worst kind of onions positive 'pink imperialism' faux anarchists you might imagine.

      What are the major lore changes between editions that you think make it worse?

      The biggest negative change was deciding that Ultimates are both non-playable and also an always-aggro antagonist, simply because the gays in charge didn't like that people thought Ultimates were cool, and the guy who liked them was kicked off the design team and out of the company.

      Beyond that I do think there's some moronic lore in EP, especially surrounding the Jovians and their ridiculous society of ultra-catholic indios who worship both Dick Cheney and the Pope, as if this is the only form of 'bioconservativism' which would or does exist. There's lots of dumb shit in EP that is only in there because it strokes the collective political ego of the nihilistic creators, like the Scum not being presented as outright villainous by the rest of transhumanity, despite doing shit like pedophilia, cannibalism, and murder strictly for fun. As I understand it, 2e doubled down on all of that, while completely eliminating the 'balance' of having factions of humanity which weren't violently hedonistic.

      • 4 months ago

        >specifically the guy they cut out when they made 2e.
        Wait, they cut Rob Boyle? The co-designer of the original? Is that who you're talking about? WTF man.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah it was pretty acrimonious as well

      • 4 months ago

        >especially surrounding the Jovians and their ridiculous society of ultra-catholic indios who worship both Dick Cheney and the Pope, as if this is the only form of 'bioconservativism' which would or does exist.
        I don't know if they're that far of the mark given what has been going on in the real world.

        • 4 months ago

          So yeah the EC community is pretty much salted earth when you've got people like this around.

          • 4 months ago

            Tell me how I'm wrong instead of being a whiny b***h

            • 4 months ago

              I concede. If it hadn't been for the cult of Dick Cheney, we would all be bioengineered superhumans by now.

        • 4 months ago

          by your logic, wouldn't it make sense for there to be more schools of thought around? like, seriously, whatever real world shit you're pointing at is usually composed of a dozen different competing conspiracy theories who all accuse one another of being secretly alt-right/a israeli psyop

        • 4 months ago

          Real politics can get nuts, but even with that in mind it's a weird mashup of concepts that really don't go well together.

  3. 4 months ago

    That's funny, I was thinking about EP yesterday.

    I think the whole thing is a lot better if you change the setting so it's the last remnants of transhumanity on the other side of a gate, having escaped the fall or a similar scenario. Part of the problem with this game is that the devs wanted to be Revelation Space, Altered Carbon, and a tense future techno thriller, and it does none of it in a very compelling way.

    • 4 months ago

      When I ran it, I fast forwarded a good amount of time. The idea of the fall being really recent makes for an interesting setting but not a fun one to play in.
      >Revelation Space
      funnily enough, I had Inhibitor Cubes as a visual effect I borrowed from when I was running. jesus christ I want to slap al reynolds for writing that most recent revelation space book. It was so fricking bad. Painfully bad.

      • 4 months ago

        >When I ran it, I fast forwarded a good amount of time.
        Agreed. Given the social, economic, tech and political changes it should really be more like 50 years after the Fall, otherwise most of the pre-Fall systems would still be in place.

        What year is EP set in anyway, in Anno Dominae terms? 2150 AD or so?

  4. 4 months ago

    Haven't played it in a while, but still GMing it here and there. Hard to get people into it since most will want to go for 2e, even though 2e kills a lot of what I like about the setting. Rules for both editions leave a lot to be desired, though, and they designed it obnoxiously so it's not like you can just swap mechanics and lore with 2e. I do hear that some redditors are working on making 2e more adaptable to 1e lore, but who knows how that's progressing.

    • 4 months ago

      What are the major lore changes between editions that you think make it worse?

  5. 4 months ago

    Did the rules get better at least?

  6. 4 months ago

    It's more fun to read than play. I enjoyed playing it, but not as much as treating it like some sort of fantasy travel guide. Featureitis and setting difficulties, mostly.

  7. 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago

    Anyone design any cool locations or habitats or EP?

  9. 4 months ago

    >TFW, I've always wanted to play this because the lore sounds cool as hell and it lets me make a character who's a literal walking tank.
    >Barely anyone has ever heard of it and the few people who do almost never frickin play it.
    >Devs are all completely useless.
    >Community is basically dead.
    Bros... I just wanna play a cool sci-fi TTRPG where I can be a giant spider mech.

    • 4 months ago

      Transhuman Space?
      GURPS 3E 4E or adapt it for Unisystems.

      • 4 months ago

        >Transhuman Space?
        That's even more niche and rare than Eclipse Phase.

        You already said Transhuman Space.

  10. 4 months ago

    I mostly just use it as something to jack ideas from for other games, because selling people on playing it is a big ask

  11. 4 months ago

    Personally, I really like it, both as inspiration/reading material and as a game.
    I've run my own1shot for my friends and they loved it without knowing anything about the game / setting itself really. They are versed in sci-fi and cyberpunk though.

    Also, whoever wants to run it, use this

    Takes 2seconds to find anything on this side and you don't have to bother with the rulebook or slow pdfs. The guy is doing the lord's work.

    • 4 months ago

      Thanks for the handy reference SRD, anon. Also checked your dub-dubs.

      • 4 months ago

        Who checks the checkers?

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