elves in your setting?

Since this is the race that gets fricking splattered all over the place from setting to setting, how are they in your setting?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I haven't used them yet. and to be honest I don't really see why include them.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Why would you need to use the archetypes that are commonly filled by the filler races? Play LotR if you want authentic "classic fantasy" races.

      • 2 years ago

        >Play LotR if you want authentic "classic fantasy" races.
        Except Gnomes in LotR are a subrace of Elves (Noldor) and Dwarves are israeli rather than Scottish and both Elves and Men are biologically homosexual sapiens rather than two distinct species (Tolkien's Letter #153, look it up) etc. Tolkien's races aren't that classic.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Elves live about 210 years, 240 at the longest. No 1000+ year old elves
    >Elves (and dwarves) present are human-like because their gods remade them in the image of humanity when humanity (or rather the bigass human empire at the time) welcomed the gods and their servant races as friends.
    >Elves used to look like twelve foot tall, winged, bipedal elks made of plants
    >They now stand a bit taller than humans on average, have antlers (regardless of sex) and fuzzy ears that can swivel, they also have only four fingers (I swear to god, I had this idea before Dragon Prince came out)
    >High elves are religious and usually live in monastery settlements with specifics depending on how they practice their worship of their old goddesses of the Sun and Moon. Humans and dwarves are welcomed to live in these settlements, either as 'outlanders' who live at the edge and provide goods and services normally not given in the Monastery or can convert to become part of the faithful.
    >Dark Elves worship the Goddesses of the Seas and Storms (both of whom are also war deities) and are basically a cross between Mongolians, nomadic Turkics, and Nordics. They live in traveling warbands or in floatillas that move along the coast. Some of them though are contracted out by various lords as defenders.
    >Wild Elves live in... The wilds. They worship the goddess of nature and prefer to live in tribes far from civilization either nomadically or settled. Non-wild elves are welcomed to join/they've joined with similarly minded groups of other races. For being so isolationist they're also weirdly cosmopolitan like that. They also hate the Dark Elves.

  3. 2 years ago

    Basic shit, wood elves high elves, cool thing though is that the Sultan of the Arabian Nights area has elvish concubines in his harem and even some half-elf kids (Though the crown prince is human)

  4. 2 years ago

    they're pretty widespread with a lot of different cultures, everything from highly advanced civilizations through smaller city states and minor kingdoms to tribes entirely dependent on where in the world they are.
    They are also divided into light elves and dark elves who are distinct, but have the same psychical abilities.
    In general though elves formed the first civilizations that mastered bronze production and magically capable individuals are more common among elves (there's a connection there). Usually they are ruled by powerful mages.

  5. 2 years ago

    Every elf thread is an >in yur settan thread and we have than enough of them on a daily basis.
    I took some heavy inspiration from Elezen, but made them more magical instead of priestly. They are still a martial race and very knightly, but aesthetically closer to ancient greek with a similar culture about heroism, but a lot more passionate, seeking grandeur and meaning in every action. After the world was cast into the sky, they were fortunate enough to land closer to the main continent and were able to create a somewhat uniform culture. They try to excel at anything they focus on and take great pride in honing their skills.

  6. 2 years ago

    Two broad types (sorry for the blog post):

    >Alvari, aka "High Elves".
    >Are the "proper" Elven civilization.
    >Functionally immortal. As in, don't die of old age, but their mental state starts to decline after around 400 years.
    >Usually arrogant as all hell. Consider other Races dumb primitives at best, or outright cattle at worst.
    >Use biomancy for literally everything.
    >Living suits of armor made of chitin and muscle tissue, and heals rather than needs to be repaired? They do that.
    >Warmachines and Beasts made of purpose-grown creatures? They do that.
    >Artificially grown slaves? You bet.
    >Buildings made of manipulated plants? They do that.
    >Even their food involves biomantic creatures, like weird crustaceans that are delicious when eaten alive, but cause mild cramps when eaten dead.
    >What they don't know is that their Gods have long since abandoned them after seeing what they had become, and moved on to find new supplicants.

    >Torvari, aka "Low Elves", aka "Call them 'Elves' and they will stab you.".
    >Split off from the Alvari in disgust for their use of biomancy and flesh-crafted beasts and slaves, and denounced their own Gods for allowing that to happen.
    >They thus reject the notion of "Elven heritage" entirely, to the point of being called an "Elf" being considered a grave insult.
    >Generally live up to 250 to 300 years, assuming nothing, like injuries or disease, kills them.
    >Pretty down to earth, but have a burning hatred of their Alvari cousins and the practice of Biomancy.
    >Either live in Clans that stick to themselves, or assimilated into the culture and society of whatever Race whose territory they migrated to, Human Kingdoms for instance.
    >Most of them, if not all, venerate a Goddes called Livaya, who sheltered their souls after they forsook their own Gods.
    >What they don't know is that Livaya is actually one of their Old Elven Gods in disguise, who felt she had betrayed her followers, and now tries to make amends.

    • 2 years ago

      That sounds awesome

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks. The idea is basically that those that are considered "proper" Elves are weirdos that use alot of biomechanical stuff and even mutate their own bodies with biomancy, to the point that their very own Gods said "screw that noise" and left, while those that resemble "traditional" Elves (as in: have more in common with the Tolkien-esque template) reject the notion of "Being an Elf" entirely, and just want to live their lives unmolested.

        The Alvari are also kinda inspired by the Elves from these god-awful Eragon books, including their whole "mutating their own bodies for vanity" thing. I just take that to its logical extreme and play it straight.

  7. 2 years ago

    Interdimensional space travelers that got sucked through a wormhole and crash landed their floatillla into the world of the setting. In their genes they have the capabilities to rapidly adapt and evolve so they look vaguely humanoid or what they mostly eat. Other wise they look like multi-limbed tall grays.

  8. 2 years ago

    Elves are long-lived, but dictated by some vague "purpose" that they need to fulfill before they can die. Most only live ~150 years or so.
    Their society is dictated by lorekeepers, whose purpose is to keep their traditions and history, which is why those live much longer, like 800 years.

    They have zero traditional relation to magic and those that do try to use it are usually pariahs within their society. this is because elves along with men and most other species used to live in a plane without any
    magic just about 2000 years ago, and while most people have only vague allusions to that in their folklore, the elven lorekeepers are steadfast in that magic is unnatural and corruptive to their ways

    They have a strong clerical culture, which bleeds into nature "magic" and druidism (in my setting there is a very definite line between arcane/wizard magic and everything else).

  9. 2 years ago

    I do not have them: they are too human.

  10. 2 years ago

    They're the "main" race of the setting and have hunted humans to near extinction

  11. 2 years ago

    >implying my setting has filthy knife ears

    • 2 years ago

      >his dwarves aren't the knife ears

  12. 2 years ago

    Severely partitioned into one corner of the continent by expansionist humans. A while ago they had an idea to play diplomacy and marry one of their high priestesses to the human king, but when she started bringing up the idea of Elven rights and perhaps restoring some of their ancestral lands, the kings brother hit her with a spell that was supposed to kill her but just pit her in suspended animation. This cursed any newborn elves on the continent since to be born blind, deaf, or dumb, and the elves went from disgraced to openly hostile, and are planning on cooperating with a new dwarf king to sweep into human lands, reclaim her body, and raze the human empire to dust. However, morale to bolster a defensive human army is low, because many less militant elf women who want children have taken to letting human men breed them, since the curse doesn't effect half elves

  13. 2 years ago

    If only I got a penny for every occasion when people asked me about the elves of my setting.

    • 2 years ago

      We have these every two weeks. I can't produce more settings than we have these threads.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Created by the God of Law(both human and Elemental) and primus inres patres of the divinity, their homeland is a large Island off the Eastern coast of the pangeatic continent
    >like humans, because humans are the prototype race and the lawful gods didn't care to go to deep into distinquishment, but longer lived and with a deep affinity for magic
    >after the fall of the First Human kingdom and the end of the Divine age have been varying between benevolent imperialism, because of the vulnerability of their coastal neighbours, the halflings to invasions from an evil race infested steppe, which they feel the need to protect, being near two expansive pirate coasts and feeling the need to help the new Human realms against Draconic invasion from the ruins of their old periphery, and isolationism usually following periods of poor/tyrannical rule and/or military defeats and/or peace on the borders.
    >traditionally split between mainlanders and colonials, who also practice druidism(which is dealing with minor nature deities) imported from Minotaurs(goddess of nature creation) that left their homeland and live in Halfling(goddess of Stars and the arts creation) lands
    >Currently in a race splitting war between colonials and mainlanders over new monotheistic religion, cause colonials and mostly druids get convinced it is worship of the antichrist(mostly false), to use a reference
    >ending split will be mainlanders and colonials who win the war and stay in their empire or High Elves, the defeated colonials who split into light and dark wood elves, who go to the Minotaur homeland(which is Homeric Greek) and try to reclaim a subcontinent sized sacred jungle overrun by evil races(one of the aforementioned pirate coasts) and get memed by demons and go into said subcontinent to forge an empire there to take revenge on the Imperials.

    • 2 years ago

      >Lastly a fourth, smaller nation, who are colonials that believe the new faith, for which their city get's destroyed to start the war and kill the last of the Apostles by the colonial faction. After this they follow a prohpesized King to form the foundation of an adventurer invasion to begin reclaiming the human homeland from Dragons
      >They are very much Spain inspired

  15. 2 years ago

    Elves are an army of chaotic beings created by outer gods of chaos to invade the material realm and burn it to nothing (As beings of pure chaos can't enter creation itself directly as the order in it is like poison to them), entering the world back in the time of reality's creation.

    Outer gods aren't much for logic however, as they didn't stop to think that their slave army would stop and go "Wait, if we destroy reality we'll die too" and just expected the elves to loyally do their job like puppets.

    Elves then sealed up all the primary portals to the outer chaos of reality and carved out their own kingdoms, creating an intricate mythology of themselves being divine beings descended from on high to bring order to the world, as they then proceeded to enslave and butcher the various other mortal races, leading to several thousand years of off and on warfare with humans, dwarves and other races.

    Vain, prideful and narcistic, their entire history is a love letter of violence and decadence unto themselves, justifying it with a sense of racial superiority based on a SLIGHT advantage in practicing of magical crafts.

    Society is built heavily around magic, to the point society is divided into "High born" and low born", with low born being those unable to cast magic.
    Magical education is free and plentiful for all high born children, and at the age of 10 are taken into a room containing an unlit candle. If they can light it with prestidigitation they are joyfully welcomed by their family as true highborn in a grand celebration, while if they cannot, they are cast out into the gutters of the low born slums with spitting and cursing, their family declaring that they never even existed, so much is the shame they have brought on their family.
    (Elves age normally until the age of 30, at which point they will live naturally somewhere between 100-200 years depending on their constitution)

    • 2 years ago

      Low born have attempted several times to engage in rebellions against this system, each time being put down violently. This has, unsurprisingly, lead to their empire being in a constant sate of a downward spiral just like Sparta, as their armies are called back home to put down uprisings, leaving them vulnerable abroad, with them sustaining massive casualties on both sides (Low born and high born armies) AS WELL AS the completely collapse of their civilian economy as the lowborn stop doing their jobs to revolt.

      This has lead to them engaging in a never ending attempt to create the "Perfect slave race", beginning with stock of lowborn (Leading to dark elves, interbred with fiendish blood) who rebelled and fled, and then humans and animals, leading to most of the humanoid monsters that stalk the world (Trolls being a notable example, having been simply dumped in the wilds near human civilizations after being deemed failures as a slave race).

      Lowborn, for their part, while generally reserved and taciturn when interacting with other races, are nevertheless much more open to diplomacy and peaceful co-existence with other mortals. Especially true for ones that flee the elven lands to gain a better life for themselves (looked poorly upon back home: Fleeing elven territory is seen as treason, and high elves will attempt to extradite lowborn living abroad to be taken back home and pressed into the worst of slavery as "Penance").

      • 2 years ago

        Dark elves are essentially tieflings, being fiendish blooded elves, cursed with a constant churning bloodlust and rage. they notably are hated by most lowborn, as the dark elve hero, Leovi Fortis, struck a pact with several lowborn leaders to rebel together. However, this turned out to be a deception, as Leovi, had no intention of aiding them. He had learned that the Dark elves had been deemed failures as a creation by the highborn and were scheduled to be executed/terminated, so he had fomented the uprising of lowborn to give his people a diversion while the fled the elven lands, leaving the lowborn to be butchered.

        Dark elves view this as an example of a harsh wisdom, a neccessary evil to insure their survival, and base much of their society around the concept of pragmatism and making "Strong choices" for the survival/prosperity of your family.
        Lowborn, of course, view them as backstabbing buttholes and think they should be killed on sight. (Highborn, for their part, find their exodus and betrayal of the lowborn HILARIOUS, and several plays have been made about Leovi's manipulation and betrayal of the lowborn, being more than happy to allow the dark elves to escape into human lands for how amusing the entire charade was. After all, they're no longer the high born's problem anymore either).

        Due to the constant burning rage they feel inside, Dark elves often fall into two catagories: those who embrace this rage and decide to lead lives of sellswords, mercenaries or adventurers, and those who seek to sequester themselves away in peaceful farming communities (or other dull occupations) so as to quench the fire of wrath in peaceful mediocrity.
        A good number of dark elves have likewise taken up the lifestyle of monks, being invited into their monsasteries in order to learn to control and overcome their violent nature, seeking inner peace through meditation.

    • 2 years ago

      Low born have attempted several times to engage in rebellions against this system, each time being put down violently. This has, unsurprisingly, lead to their empire being in a constant sate of a downward spiral just like Sparta, as their armies are called back home to put down uprisings, leaving them vulnerable abroad, with them sustaining massive casualties on both sides (Low born and high born armies) AS WELL AS the completely collapse of their civilian economy as the lowborn stop doing their jobs to revolt.

      This has lead to them engaging in a never ending attempt to create the "Perfect slave race", beginning with stock of lowborn (Leading to dark elves, interbred with fiendish blood) who rebelled and fled, and then humans and animals, leading to most of the humanoid monsters that stalk the world (Trolls being a notable example, having been simply dumped in the wilds near human civilizations after being deemed failures as a slave race).

      Lowborn, for their part, while generally reserved and taciturn when interacting with other races, are nevertheless much more open to diplomacy and peaceful co-existence with other mortals. Especially true for ones that flee the elven lands to gain a better life for themselves (looked poorly upon back home: Fleeing elven territory is seen as treason, and high elves will attempt to extradite lowborn living abroad to be taken back home and pressed into the worst of slavery as "Penance").

      Dark elves are essentially tieflings, being fiendish blooded elves, cursed with a constant churning bloodlust and rage. they notably are hated by most lowborn, as the dark elve hero, Leovi Fortis, struck a pact with several lowborn leaders to rebel together. However, this turned out to be a deception, as Leovi, had no intention of aiding them. He had learned that the Dark elves had been deemed failures as a creation by the highborn and were scheduled to be executed/terminated, so he had fomented the uprising of lowborn to give his people a diversion while the fled the elven lands, leaving the lowborn to be butchered.

      Dark elves view this as an example of a harsh wisdom, a neccessary evil to insure their survival, and base much of their society around the concept of pragmatism and making "Strong choices" for the survival/prosperity of your family.
      Lowborn, of course, view them as backstabbing buttholes and think they should be killed on sight. (Highborn, for their part, find their exodus and betrayal of the lowborn HILARIOUS, and several plays have been made about Leovi's manipulation and betrayal of the lowborn, being more than happy to allow the dark elves to escape into human lands for how amusing the entire charade was. After all, they're no longer the high born's problem anymore either).

      Due to the constant burning rage they feel inside, Dark elves often fall into two catagories: those who embrace this rage and decide to lead lives of sellswords, mercenaries or adventurers, and those who seek to sequester themselves away in peaceful farming communities (or other dull occupations) so as to quench the fire of wrath in peaceful mediocrity.
      A good number of dark elves have likewise taken up the lifestyle of monks, being invited into their monsasteries in order to learn to control and overcome their violent nature, seeking inner peace through meditation.

      So are the lowborn not allowed in the armies and just work menial jobs in the elf homeland? Also how is it split up, are the high and lowborn living in the same cities?

      • 2 years ago

        Lowborn are not allowed in the armies. Armies are filled completely with highborn, and have a heavy focus on mages for dominance (Generally, rather than fighting themselves, they rely on conjuring monsters to act as shocktroopers whiles using warmages for artillery).
        As a magic focused army, this is generally effective in preplanned battles where you're not largely outnumbered, but falls apart quickly when they're taken by surprise or outnumbered enough to overcome the summoned creatures as meatshields, making them overall fairly impractical.
        It functions very much like Sparta, where their soldiers were professionals while all manual labor was done at home by slaves (Helots) and has all the shortcomings the spartans had and then some.

        Lowborn live in ghettos segregated from highborn, so they technically live in the same cities, though they're still divided. Generally, Highborn will live in the higher elevation areas of the cities, which are built as spiraling towers and massive stone and crystal buildings, while lowborn live in the lower areas and outskirts of the cities, near the sewer runoffs and dirt/mud around the city.

        Lowborn who haven't committed crimes are ostensibly "Free" even though they're second class citizens, and can, on paper, choose what unsavory manual labor job they wish.
        However, in practice, there are so many stipulations on lowborn in relation to their high born employers, that once one accepts a job you are essentially a slave to that employer, even if you are free to do what you wish after your 12 hour work day. "Quitting" a job is generally not allowed as this breaks your labor contract that you must make with the high born employer upon accepting the job.

        • 2 years ago

          what's the ratio of lowborn to highborn?

          • 2 years ago

            Initially much higher (roughly 80/20), but over time has devolved to a ratio much closer to 50/60, leading to their civilization being on the verge of collapse and ruin.
            The lowering of this ratio is due to a combination of inner warfare in rebellions causing deaths of highborn, and from a constant downtick of highborn (Highborn children who can't cast magic would be cast out, while lowborns who might be born with a spark of magic would still remain lowborns. See below for explanation.
            This system is obviously flawed and goes in the face of their "magic above all" ideology, as one would think a meritocracy would flourish. But the high born's general pride and racism has lead to a system more of aristocracy, where they insist on believing they're somehow "better" than the lowborn due to who their parents were)
            Highborn have attempted to fix this in the past couple hundred years with a system of eugenics reform: Previously, lowborn born of other lowborn who exhibited magical capabilities were forbidden to practice it (As this was seen as countering their societal system) upon punishment of death. Even if you were the most powerful mage born in a 100 years, if your father was a lowborn you could NEVER rise above your station nor your children.

            • 2 years ago

              Currently, if a lowborn exhibits a spark of magic, they are instead seized by the city's secret police and taken to a Sanctum called "The iron scholarium", a prison like location run by unemotional and harsh high born wizards.
              The lowborn is then evaluated: If they are seen as middling or mediocre, they are lashed and warned against practicing magic in the future upon penalty of death. If they show high promise however, they are then given the "choice" of marrying a highborn as an arranged marriage, in which their magical talent is intended to be passed on to that highborn's children: Notably, the lowborn in this situation STILL remains a lowborn, though they are afforded greatly increased wealth and luxury at the price of being at the complete mercy (Lawfully) of your spouse.
              This is seen differently amongst various lowborn, as some see choosing this fate as a horribly humiliating and pride crushing insult, to be basically made nothing more than a fancy prostitute, while other Lowborn fantasize of this as a fairy tail like ending where you end up with a prince/princess.

              If nothing else, your children will be born highborn even if you yourself are not, so many who despise it will still choose it for that purpose. Additionally, while not required, it is generally seen as the norm for the spouse to give small stipends to the lowborn spouse's family as an incentive for them to cooperate in their marriage.

              This has caused the highborn/lowborn ratio to increase over the past 200 years from 40/60 (Almost catastrophically unstable) to its current level, and rising.

              • 2 years ago

                If the lowborn refuses are they just executed?

              • 2 years ago

                If they refuse they are forbidden to ever utilize magic upon pain of death, but are not outright executed, being released back into the city they came from.
                However, its difficult for one with a spark of magic to never use it, so if they're strong enough to be offered the option to intermarry then they're probably strong enough that they'd never be able to avoid accidentally using magic.

            • 2 years ago

              Interesting stuff, is there just 1 elven nation? And do they have any allies (I pressume not) at all because it sounds like they're constantly at war

              • 2 years ago

                One major elven nation to the north situated spiraling out from several large mountains filled with mithril, leading to its name of Argentus. This was the first major nation created by elves upon entering the world from the outer chaos, and the only one still surviving.

                there were several other elven lands in the past (Several thousand years ago, long enough that most written history of the time has been lost due to war and various cataclysm), built by the elves when they first came into the world and spread out, but later collapsed to a mixture of infighting/rebellions and humans waging war against them (As highborn initially attempted to pacify lowborn by enslaving other races and using propaganda of "even the worst of lowborn is greater than the best of men/halflings/whatever"). In recent years high born have dropped their policy of enslaving other races due to the animus and wars it brought on them, their mage council deeming it unsustainable and also depriving them of the ability to sell/barter their mithril for wealth.

                Currently they are despised by most all other mortal nations, but are existing in an uneasy peace, as Argentus has been preoocupied with stabilizing themselves against lowborn unrest more than spreading out.

                They notably DO have good diplomantic relations with the civilization of goblins to the west, who trade heavily with them and have been very involved in aiding them with their attempts to engineer a slave race for their cities (in which case the highborn would most probably "remove" the lowborn as no longer neccessary).
                Goblins are akin to wow goblins in that they're a mercantile race that's happy to do business so long as you have coin, allowing them to ignore the sociopathism of the highborn nobility and not worry about the dangers of doing business with a race of slaving narcisists.

              • 2 years ago

                >have been very involved in aiding them with their attempts to engineer a slave race

                Hobgoblins/Uruk-Hai sound right around the corner

              • 2 years ago

                You got a worldanvil or anything? Setting sounds interesting

              • 2 years ago

                I haven't put it into a word anvil yet; I've just typed it out onto a word document.

              • 2 years ago

                I'd be interested to read a thread about this world

              • 2 years ago

                thank you for the compliment; I appreciate it!
                I might post a collection in the worldbuilding thread when I've gotten a word anvil or pdf or other summarization collection made in the future, I know from experience that generally just this board doesn't react well to just a collection of posts without it being well collected

                Also trying to get the map of it properly splatted out so it doesn't look like was drawn by a 2 year old.

              • 2 years ago

                Reply to this post so we can find it

              • 2 years ago

                Will do.

    • 2 years ago

      >Vain, prideful and narcistic
      Those are anti-fantasy elves. You may take fairy-like elves in that direction.

  16. 2 years ago

    I use them as nephilim

  17. 2 years ago

    They were genocided along with a bunch of other races during a bunch of gods warring on the planet and using their powers in obscene ways.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Elves as they appear in the setting
    Elves are one of the Four Great Races, the races originally made by Seris, Goddess of Light and Mother of Light to serve the All-Father.
    In ages past, long after Seris and her twin brother waged the War in Heaven, they engaged in a centuries-long blood feud with the dwarves-- the other heir race of the material plane-- until the world was nearly destroyed by the magicks and relics left to them by the gods.
    In the most recent age, the elven homeland erupted into an enormous, inescapable cursed forest that has now severed the continent in two. Those elves that remain are a traveling people that seek a new homeland.
    The ancient "True Elves" ascended long ago or departed this world in search of the All-Father, leaving a myriad of descendants.
    High Elves are those closest-tied through ancient nobility to the heirs of divinity, and who now carry the last remnants of their people's legacy within them.
    Wood Elves are those descended from the repentant survivors of the Blood War who sought to seal away the old magicks and heal the world.
    Dark Elves are considered cursed, being descended from the elves that served in the fiendish armies during The War in Heaven.

    >Elves as they actually are in the setting
    Elves are a pale imitation of truly immortal Eladrin, created by Seris to mimic her father. The Eladrin (or "True Elves") never reached the Material Plane because the All-Father was unable to complete The Great Work and finish the universe, leaving them forever stranded.
    The Eladrin have puppeteered elven civilizations and historic tragedies in an attempts to take their rightful place as rulers of creation and mortalkind.
    This includes both The Blood War and The Eruption of the Deepwood (which only partially succeeded and ensured the eventual collapse of the Feywild into the Prime Material).

    This setting was originally a joke based around JRPG tropes, but my players ended up loving it so much they begged for a whole campaign.

  19. 2 years ago

    Elves are 6 to 8 feet super predators made by the gods to act as kings, and warrior guardians for their other creations.

    From this, all elves are incredible strong, and instinctively find anything weaker then them cute. Elves also need a constant amount of praise by "weaker races" to survive, as well as constantly having the desire to hunt prey/evil creatures.
    Of course some Elves can go corrupt or change their view on things, at which time they turn into pretty much slasher/serial killers and will often work with other evil Elves to kidnap weaker races and enslave/eat them.

    Elves are scary because they're always on the finding anything weaker then them cute, and they also want to control cute things.

    I.e they call anything weaker then them cattle races. They consider their children a cattle race until their child is able to successfully "kill" them in a training match.

    You can guess this causes a lot of conflict with humans.

  20. 2 years ago

    High Elves are very fond of big cities, racism, and their entire society (especially the upper classes) being a seedy society where backstabbing, rumors, and mafia-esque alliances and rivalries between rich and noble families cause bitter politics and occasional bloodshed. Many of their societies are very stratified, with the most extreme being near-caste system levels of stratification, while many have moved onto a less tangible class system. Some High Elf nations and cities have joined the humans and dwarves in the very early stages of industrialization.

    Wood Elves started as an ancient cult based around the idea that the Elven Gods would destroy them for their decadence and constantly improving technology. While this has never come true, these cults, which were mostly High Elves, became a somewhat distinct ethnic group, and Wood Elf nations control vast expanses of dangerous woodland, although they also control natural wonders and plenty of rare and extremely powerful resources and retain potent magic. They're pretty lax unless you frick with their land, and are generally well liked.

    Dark Elves are pretty typical dark elves, they live underground and are seen as pretty seedy. They rely heavily on magic and stealth and, contrary to certain tropes, often become somewhat close to nearby Dwarven societies.

    Low Elves are an outcast group, rather short (somewhat shorter than the average human), with predatory/savage features (tough, naturally pointed finger and toenails and sharp, prominent canines), tan skin, and are largely hated by other Elves, particularly High Elves. They are often targets of slavers, including Elven ones, and therefore often retreat to living in large Empires or more tolerant communities or cultures, such as Wood Elves.

    There are plenty of other types of Elves, as they are a common and very highly adaptive race, so things like Snow, Mountain, Desert, etc. Elves exist across the world with their own special traits and dispositions.

  21. 2 years ago

    High elves lose their teeth once they reach maturity, they're never able to eat solid food again, thus high elf culture encourages children to spend most of their time gorging themselves and all high elf children are obese and nigh immobile. The chief high elven god is an obese child.

  22. 2 years ago

    Elves are colonizing aliens from the stars. They came in space ships from their own planet to colonize this one, but humans were too technologically advanced (blackpowder and full harness compared to elven bronze and scale mail) and they got their asses handed to them (leading to the myth that they have a weakness to iron). Because their civilization developed differently than humans, they learned to live in harmony with the nature deities which spontaneously arise on planets, while us humans killed and ate ours. Because of this, nature isn't so hostile and apathetic to them, and they can just chill in the most frick horrible wildernesses with no trouble, kidnapping human children to experiment on and turning the failures (changelings) out to form petty kingdoms in swamps and forests where they act all weird and eldritch.

  23. 2 years ago

    Elves in my setting are jacked chad gymbros, just like Tolkien intended.

    Fun fact: Tolkien was incredibly salty that people thought his elves were effeminate and once wrote a very nasty letter to an artist who portrayed Legolas in a depiction he thought was too 'lady-like'.

  24. 2 years ago

    I have the standard high/wood/dark elf split, though the dark elves aren't exactly the standard.
    The high elves are one of the oldest civilizations. At the height of their power they had an unmatched mastery over magic and built a great empire. However, eventually they grew too proud and in their search for ever more magical power were manipulated by the Titans (eldritch beings defeated by the gods and imprisoned inside the planet) to set them free. Luckily for everybody living on the world that didn't quite work, but did result in the heartland of the elven empire being consumed in a huge magical explosion that left behind a vast desert of tainted land.
    Most of the surviving elves had their society collapse back to stone age level, and had to rebuild it from scratch. Most of the survivors became what would be known as wood elves, who swore off arcane magic and chose to live in harmony with nature, rather than risk once again falling to hubris and repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. A smaller group begun worshiping the Titans, believing the destruction of their empire was punishment for attempting to take their power for themselves, and now work to eradicate the worship of what they deem "false gods" (i.e. the gods that fought against and defeated the Titans) and free the Titans from their prison. Over time they grew in numbers and built a powerful empire that is a major threat to other races. They are commonly known as dark elves. A small group of high elves managed to retains fragments of their former civilization, usually in isolated pockets that avoided the worst effects of the cataclysm that destroyed their empire. Most such settlements were eventually conquered by the dark elves, who sought the artifacts they possessed and who the surviving high elves opposed because they knew they'd bring about an even worse cataclysm. In the present time, only one major high elf city remains.

  25. 2 years ago
    Heroforge Anon

    That sure is a lot of metal on that druid.

  26. 2 years ago

    Tolkien elves are overdone, I have rock men

    • 2 years ago

      You mean downgraded D&D elves that are completely missing the context and narrative functions of Tolkiens elves. His elves are the exception at this point.

      • 2 years ago

        Tolkien's elves are basically a race of immortal Nordic supermen and are technically humans. The modern idea of elves as a fantasy race is almost nothing like Tolkien intended, see

        Elves in my setting are jacked chad gymbros, just like Tolkien intended.

        Fun fact: Tolkien was incredibly salty that people thought his elves were effeminate and once wrote a very nasty letter to an artist who portrayed Legolas in a depiction he thought was too 'lady-like'.

  27. 2 years ago

    Wood elves are divided into super racist forest elves servants of the oak throne and racist american indian elf nomads in the canyons bordering the human nations who raid human caravans.
    High elves are racist isolationist coastal peoples with high walls to separate from the unwashed masses, and are the only people in the entire setting to have ships.
    Dark elves I'm still working on, maybe something about a subterranean world, but they sure are quite racist indeed.

    • 2 years ago

      If your elves aren't nations of the same ethnic race, you're NGMI.

      • 2 years ago

        What do you mean? They are.

    • 2 years ago

      Daring today, aren't we.

      • 2 years ago

        Haven't worked too much on elves yet, but I made the dwarfs more interesting I think.
        Maybe I'm a simple man, maybe special extradimensional chaotic elves is not always needed.

  28. 2 years ago

    >how are they in your setting?
    Two main groups;

    Sociopathic meritocrats with starship troopers citizenship and a history of war crimes to make Genghis khan blush - have pissed off like half of everyone alive and dont really care

    Utlimate authoritarians living in a system where every aspect of your life is micromanaged by a central planner for the purpose of maximizing benefit, fans of eugenics and divine mandate - isolationists formed from the losers of a civil war the guys above won

    if you mean like, "physically" then its the basics really, tall, pointy ears, stronger/faster/smarter than humans, live for a real long time (their body doesent degrade in the same way other races do, so if they put the effort in to keep themselves in shape they can theoretically go for a really long time)

    • 2 years ago

      how many b***hes do they frick

      • 2 years ago

        What like as a collective or on an individual basis?

        • 2 years ago

          the correct answer should have been 'all the b***hes'

          • 2 years ago

            Cant be, the second group are only allowed as many b***hes as the government officer tells them theyre allowed, which is based on their performance reports the scrying of their bloodline potential and the compatibility of potential available mates.

  29. 2 years ago

    The most advanced race, the ones who invented firearms, and the most paranoid and xenophobic race.

    Well, the high elves. The wood elves are just fantasy straya'.

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