>entire nation of people that salvage everything they use, from vertibirds to quarry equipment to basic firearms

>entire nation of people that salvage everything they use, from vertibirds to quarry equipment to basic firearms
>people are shocked it collapsed

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

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  1. 1 month ago

    Ave, true to Caesar.

    • 1 month ago

      >they salvaged an empire that collapsed 2000 years ago
      even worse, have a nice day now, thats the honorable thing in your culture

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Ew, boylovers

      At least based NCR punishes homosexuality, legion encourages it

      • 1 month ago

        NCR frowns upon gays, Legion executes gays/their boytoys if caught.

        • 1 month ago

          >if caught
          Key word being if.

          • 1 month ago

            Aye, if. The official stance is that gay stuff is illegal.

            • 1 month ago

              Just don't start looking at your slave boys too much more than your slave girls.

              • 1 month ago

                The new slave girls are quite beautiful....

              • 1 month ago

                Those are actually boys, amicus.

      • 1 month ago

        Legion tolerates it as long as you aren't the bottom. The NCR is nothing but bottoms.

      • 1 month ago

        >legion encourages it
        That's NCR glowBlack person propaganda.

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        They seem more like typical House supporters

    • 1 month ago

      Kek. I hate to admit it, but Legion has the best main quest.
      TFW luck check brain surgery with nearly zero medicine skill
      Was based beyond belief.

  2. 1 month ago

    What do you mean by collapsed?

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Never been

  3. 1 month ago

    >salvage firearms
    What? They buy new guns from gun runners.

  4. 1 month ago

    the entire point of the NCR was that they didn't scavenge everything they used you secondary

    • 1 month ago

      I don't care the show is canon.

    • 1 month ago

      >they didn't scavenge everything they used
      The literal only thing they dont scavenge are uniforms and basic service rifles. Even their elite units wear pre-war garbage.

      • 1 month ago

        >Even their elite units wear pre-war garbage.
        The heavy Ranger Patrol armor (the tan/yellow buzz lightyear suit) is newly manufactured in the NCR, and the duster-and-vest veteran armor you're thinking of is still worn because 1. it looks fricking great and the cool/imposing factor is half of what makes Ranger Vets what they are, given they're foregoing the armor regular rangers wear and carry hand-engraved "AGAINST ALL TYRANTS" revolvers, and 2. since it works well, why make something new to directly replace it? The current US military, one of the most advanced and over-funded militaries in the world who can fart in the wind and have six DoD contractors design a fan, still uses some equipment from fifty years ago or more because it works so well that even the bean counters can't find a justifiable reason to replace it.

        • 1 month ago

          Ironic considering how imperialistic the NCR really are when you look past the democracy facade.

          • 1 month ago

            >America is imperialistic

            Always has been

          • 1 month ago

            Democratic imperialism is technically not tyranny.

        • 1 month ago

          The US Army still uses the M2 HMG and it was adopted over 100 years ago. Shit's hilarious when you think about it

          • 1 month ago

            Only so many ways to evolve a tube with a frigger and firing mechanism

            I’ll bet that the ammo design has changed a bit though

            • 1 month ago

              >I’ll bet that the ammo design has changed a bit though
              You'd be surprised, it's mostly just tighter possible manufacturing tolerances (like everything else in the modern age) and various types of tracer, armor piercing, explosive, etc. loads, but it turns out regular old Browning-specified CARTRIDGE .50 BALL M2 is really, really good at making fist-size holes in people and people carriers.

          • 1 month ago

            Only so many ways to evolve a tube with a frigger and firing mechanism

            I’ll bet that the ammo design has changed a bit though

            Don't forget the M1911, they even put the year in the name so people can know just how long they've been using it.

        • 1 month ago

          that's a cultural thing more than anything.
          some aspects of the military, like the marines, pride themselves on using the absolute shittiest gear possible.
          initiatives like the future soldier program can have trouble getting off the ground if one or two grouchy old guys don't like it.

          then you have the beaurocratic infighting of procurement to wade through.

          • 1 month ago

            That's the uncoolest uniform I've ever seen. No wonder they don't adopt it, recruitment would fall through the floor. The Marines pride themselves on being cool.

      • 1 month ago

        FO2 had new construction and factories and that was 50 years before the TV show, moron.
        You're not even qualified to be a secondary, holy shit.

      • 1 month ago


        >entire nation of people that salvage everything they use, from vertibirds to quarry equipment to basic firearms
        >people are shocked it collapsed

        NCR cops in FO2 wear combat armor and Carry Pancor Jackhammers.

        • 1 month ago

          >implying showgays played FO2

        • 1 month ago

          Doesn't the chief carry a gauss rifle?

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, top asiatics have gauss rifles and Bozar. NCR MIC in FO2 is just one tier behind Enclave.

            • 1 month ago

              That's simply not allowed. Only the Brotherhood can have that kind of tech.
              >drops nuke

              • 1 month ago

                >fallout 2 brotherhood
                they are almost gone, frick em, kill em in nevada too if you can

      • 1 month ago

        Also missing the fact that the NCR already has TRAINED ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS on the border in nevada, unless you think thats "salvaging knowledge" fricking moron

        FO2 had new construction and factories and that was 50 years before the TV show, moron.
        You're not even qualified to be a secondary, holy shit.


        NCR cops in FO2 wear combat armor and Carry Pancor Jackhammers.

  5. 1 month ago

    it's not that it collapsed. ti's that they did the collapse in the flat out most moronic way. Instead of it being some war never changes story, it's pre war frickery because some dude's wife left him for an immortal black woman.

    • 1 month ago

      This scene is actually a send off for Todd now that he no longer owns the Fallout franchise.

      • 1 month ago

        >This scene is actually a send off for Todd now that he no longer owns the Fallout franchise.

        And that's a good thing.
        >surface dwellers treat vault dwellers like shit instead of being friendly idiots
        >nobody can be trusted
        >everybody is a jerk
        >vault dwellers are naive morons
        >BoS are a moronic sect

        Good riddance, Todd.

      • 1 month ago

        Should have had the character wear this instead (not shown, back: "Emil can also frick off and die")

      • 1 month ago

        >last send off is in a garbage tv show
        good riddance and deserved ending

  6. 1 month ago

    Remember when the NCR had laser gate technology?

    • 1 month ago

      why's there a wizard just standing in the middle of town?

      • 1 month ago

        Why wouldn't there be?

        • 1 month ago

          Where else would he stand?

          >NCRgays will claim it's a "functioning civilization" when it doesn't have a SINGLE wizard's tower

          • 1 month ago

            What if they have Wizard's Bunkers instead?

          • 1 month ago

            That's because necromancy is banned in the NCR.

      • 1 month ago

        Where else would he stand?

      • 1 month ago

        He needs to sell his elixirs somewhere anon

      • 1 month ago

        Teleported in

    • 1 month ago

      I mean they probably still did by 2281, but New Vegas was the frontier.

    • 1 month ago

      They had a still functioning vault too I think?

      • 1 month ago

        That was Vault City. Vault 15 was already ruined by the start of FO1.

        • 1 month ago

          Shouldn't they have been given vault 13 after the dwellers fricked off to Arroyo?

          • 1 month ago

            It wasn't the entire Vault 13 population, just the banished protag and some folks that decided to follow him. 13 remained independent until FO2 intro where the dwellers were massacred/kidnapped by the Enclave. It's unknown what became of it after that.

            • 1 month ago

              The ending slide tells you vault 13 population decides to join with the tribals in Arroyo, so presumably NCR gets the vault.

    • 1 month ago

      In the show, Shady Sands even had trams

  7. 1 month ago

    FNV fans are rabid fanboys who parrot conspiracy theories about Bethesda and swallow YouTube “thinkpiece” chudslop to trick themselves into thinking they’re smart. Nothing about the NCR collapsing is inherently illogical. even if you disregard that Todd said they haven’t

    Ganker is just a cesspool for spreading fake ragebait now. that’s all. If you seriously take the opinions here as streetwise, you’re a bottom feeder eating slime off the ocean floor.

    • 1 month ago

      Are the chuds in the room with you right now?

    • 1 month ago

      contrarian homosexual
      >Ganker is just a cesspool for spreading fake ragebait now
      and it's all rabid anti nv posting and pro bethesda fallout. you're either a blind moron or a shill. kys

      • 1 month ago

        You’re the contrarian homosexual
        FNV cultists literally spread lies about the TV show that Vegas was nuked or that it was noncanon now or that the NCR were now raiders, or that mr house supported the war
        None of that is true, all fake ragebait by the cult of FNV stretching the truth
        then when you get called out you pretend it never happened and try to turn it back around on random normies.
        Disingenuous homosexual, Ganker is almost unusable now because of you. you’re barely better than /b/ or /misc/tard. you’re a cancerous fanboy just like the bethesda fans you shit on

        • 1 month ago

          Fallout NV takes place within 10 years of Fallout Amazon

        • 1 month ago

          >Vegas was nuked
          its clearly destroyed somehow
          >or that it was noncanon now
          the show states that the NCR was destoyed the same year fallout 3 takes place which means the events of new vegas now make no sense
          >or that the NCR were now raiders, or that mr house supported the war
          both of these happen in the show, did you not watch it?

          • 1 month ago

            >the show states that the NCR was destoyed the same year fallout 3
            debunked. the "Fall of Shday Sands" was some kind of political event in 77 and the nuke happened in 82 or 83

            • 1 month ago

              its still odd that the NCR was putting so many resources into trying to gain control of the mojave when the center of their civilization had been destroyed back home
              and nobody mentions any of this

              • 1 month ago

                But it wasnt destroyed before New Vegas in 81

              • 1 month ago

                >NCR was putting so many resources into trying to gain control of the mojave
                what ? every ncr npc in the game just b***hes about how they don't have enough resource and manpower

              • 1 month ago

                + chief ranger hanlon telling you the best ncr troopers are protecting the interests of the wealthy while the best rangers are being wasted in some other territory baja
                both of these indicate serious issues with ncr leadership but they do contradict the idea that ncr is sending their best

            • 1 month ago

              Todd saying “uhhh no” doesn’t mean it was debunked
              >the "Fall of Shday Sands" was some kind of political event in 77
              So Hank nuked a city that had already fallen? And the people who made the timeline decided not to specify that the nuke was a separate event with a name and a date? And no one brings up the “fall” in NV or mentions any kind of collapse in the fricking NCR capital? You morons come up with the most insane mental gymnastics I have ever seen.

              • 1 month ago

                >Todd saying “uhhh no” doesn’t mean it was debunked
                I know right? When did these contrarian anti-New Vegas moronic gays become convinced people actually like Todd Howard and we're meant to believe his moronic homosexual "uhhh duhhhh idk actually im just American Peter Molyneaux durrr frick logic and drink my poison date rape drug b***h!" lies? Todd has the voice of a raped little kid or a lesbian btw. He should kill himself.

        • 1 month ago

          >Disingenuous homosexual, Ganker is almost unusable now because of you. you’re barely better than /b/ or /misc/tard.
          Rent free

    • 1 month ago

      Stop projecting your eceleb obsession homosexual.

  8. 1 month ago

    Weren't they also spreading themselves extremely thin trying to expand out so far to appease brahmin barons?

    • 1 month ago

      yea, it's kinda why they need to take the damn. resources were were running out due to rapid expansionism.
      i remember crimson caravan being corrupt but i don't remember how much else nv touches on brahmin baron corruption and it fricking over the ncr

  9. 1 month ago

    >basic firearms
    Black person we see the factory where brand new guns are machined from scratch for them

    • 1 month ago

      It's not even the only factory gun runners have. Just the one we see.

    • 1 month ago

      They're smelting iron in that office building?

      • 1 month ago

        machined, stupid. they get the raw material elsewhere.

      • 1 month ago

        I think there is a smelting facility near fiend territory, isn't there?

    • 1 month ago

      The NCR doesn’t own them. They have to buy, at a pretty price, new firearms. But they don’t, because they’re broke, and use shitty service rifles.

      • 1 month ago

        >But they don’t
        But they do and there's terminal entries in the game you obviously didn't read proving it

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    T-Up, b***h.

  12. 1 month ago

    It's pretty funny how the "inevitable collapse" was actually a deus ex machina nuclear bomb. Oh and every other settlement in California disappeared too.

    • 1 month ago

      Pretty much my complaint, they made a spectacle of it in the stupidest way imaginable when it should've just been the country fracturing into multiple smaller nations because they stretched their army too thin to hold onto their land and neglected the population of territories the farther they were from the core region.

      • 1 month ago

        See, the thing is, that could actually be kind of interesting, and enhance the existing setting. The problem is, that doesn't seem to be what Amazon was aiming for.

    • 1 month ago

      >Series with nukes going off once per entry, often even more frequently than that, has a nuke go off
      >Every other settlement in California
      The show never says anywhere other than shady sands was destroyed, you're making up things to get mad at

      • 1 month ago

        >Nooo The entire rest of the NCR totally still exists, they just didn't show it and said that they did it explicitly to get rid of all civilization but it's still there haha
        Every fricking new fallout anything hcomes out this happens. Maybe it looks like they did something stupid because they did something stupid

    • 1 month ago

      What they should've done was just picked a region that wasn't lore'd to death. Should've picked like, Dallas

      • 1 month ago

        This. It would have fixed about 50% of the show's plot holes.

        • 1 month ago

          What they should've done was just picked a region that wasn't lore'd to death. Should've picked like, Dallas

          of course it would have been easier and made more sense to set this show anywhere else in the US, or at any point after ~2090
          but that would have been counter to what Bethesda and the show runners were intending. this show was a conscious effort to unite Fallout into one setting, not create yet another setting.
          having the Bethesda brand of Fallout from coast to shining coast gives them the latitude to make whatever kind of Fallout game they want in the future. and honestly having this happen in the show was a master stroke.
          if the show didn't exist and it was Fallout 5 that threw the old lore out, the reaction would be far more negative.

          • 1 month ago

            Or, you know, it takes place in California because it's more convenient for the show runners.

            • 1 month ago

              But they never filmed in Cali. They filmed in upstate new york and Africa.

    • 1 month ago

      Isn't Filly functioning fine?

      • 1 month ago

        Yes by Indian standards of quality of life

        • 1 month ago

          >wastelander shrine to worship trucks and motorcycle scraps as holy

          • 1 month ago

            >babiji I studied the holy scriptures like you instructed!

      • 1 month ago

        By Fallout 1 / 3 standards of being a complete shithole where people get shot in the street every day, sure.

      • 1 month ago

        >dirty bums hawking roach meat
        >gangs of goons wandering the streets
        >people getting the shit beat out of them in broad daylight
        it lands somewhere between "megaton" and "the worst parts of the north freeside ghetto"

  13. 1 month ago

    Was the California chapter of the brotherhood always this moronic?

    Maxim going into nation building really was the right move

  14. 1 month ago

    How would you handle the fall of the Legion?

    • 1 month ago

      legion is pretty simple since they stop being an army once they reach the ocean with nothing left to conquer

      • 1 month ago

        build boats and conquer japan

    • 1 month ago

      Imagine the seething when it’s still the most well governed/safe region of North America and it’s mostly just that California is a shit hole

    • 1 month ago

      without caesar there is no legion. he dies from brain tumor and his various lieutenants (lanius, vulpes, lucius) who have differing ideals would split and claim to be the real legion.

    • 1 month ago

      The legion wouldn't "fall" so much as it would lose organizational cohesion. You can actually already see this process happening in New Vegas itself, with more expeditionary elements of the legion just outright ignoring the alleged ideological tenants of their civilization to win the war at all costs, including domestic terrorism, making treaties in bad faith, using radioactive weaponry, and collaborating with profligates and degenerates. Once Caesar was gone, be it by a brain tumor, natural death, or assassination (internal or external), the Legion would rapidly become the most fearsome and horrific raider tribe ever seen in the history of post war America. And it would take literal decades to start to lose momentum. That said, the NCR proper still has more than enough fire power to keep them out of California even if they lose Nevada, which means the legion would spend a couple generations ruining most of the south west before eventually splintering and disintegrating.

  15. 1 month ago

    I think it's very funny how one of the most leftwing leaning devs (who I give all the credit for being an amazing writer) depicted an emerging progressive democratic nation failing to compete against a pastoral dictatorship with no women's suffrage.

    I think it's telling how a writers of Sawyer's character wanted to be honest, showing that a nation that tries to copy the wastefulness of prewar America will ultimately fail because they're in a resource scarce Environment. MeanWhile the nation that keeps women as childrearing, and men as assigned workers will ultimately succeed because needing a more savage philosophy is required on a savage land.

    • 1 month ago

      >*builds their entire civilization completely dependent on the sole leadership of an elderly man with a brain tumor*
      >*his heir apparent is a murderous moron with no comprehension of logistics, strategy or diplomacy who will cause a civil war within the Legion within five minutes of taking power*

      • 1 month ago

        Caesar knew his nation would fall without him, but his plan was to take new Vegas and turn it into his Rome. From there he'd create a true republic with scholars, aristocrats, and artisans.

        If Caesar wins and is alive, then the credits show how people are peacefully brought into the empire.
        If Caesar is dead but the Legion still wins, everyone is enslaved or killed and new Vegas is basically just sacked for no purpose.

        • 1 month ago

          >If Caesar wins and is alive, then the credits show how people are peacefully brought into the empire.
          >Caesar entered The Strip as though it was his Triumph. The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost. The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest.
          Very peaceful.

          • 1 month ago

            NTA but the point isn't "peaceful" it's that Caesar's ambition is to reform the Legion; in the same way that the Legion itself was a reformation of even worse people
            Ironically a lot of the Fallout setting is too comfy and the worst shitholes left in the lore, but as fricked up as the Legion is it's still a marked improvement if they've exterminated or enslaved the Kansas City Babyeaters. If you probe through Caesar's dialogue he shares with you his hope that by taking New Vegas, and eventually the NCR, the Legion will itself absorb traits from them and become even less savage.

            Oddly enough one Bethshit storyline that addressed this fairly well was The Pitt, where Ashur managed to be comically evil and a lesser evil simultaneously because The Pitt was that fricking bad, you can look at the nightmare he created and go "Yep, this is objectively a step up"

            • 1 month ago

              >Oddly enough one Bethshit storyline that addressed this fairly well was The Pitt, where Ashur managed to be comically evil and a lesser evil simultaneously because The Pitt was that fricking bad, you can look at the nightmare he created and go "Yep, this is objectively a step up"
              The Pitt story was fricking moronic because no one would even be living in that shithole if Ashur hadn't been paying armies of slavers to kidnap people to bring there. The best ending is just killing Ashur and the raiders and then leaving. Now no one's forced to go there and anyone who does go there has no one to blame but themselves. Natural selection will ensue and the Pitt will be abandoned within a year.

          • 1 month ago

            Anon our comfortable global society was built on world ending wars. The people who came before us are practically alone to your modern sensibilities.

            Trying to maintain these comfortable ideals when the world can't adequately sustain them means those sensibilities go out the window.

            Trying to apply your homosexual morals to a post apocalypse really outs you as a low IQ moron.

        • 1 month ago

          Caesar has no nation, but an army who'll never create anything close to Rome regardless of who he enslaves.

          • 1 month ago

            It worked for the Mongols.

            • 1 month ago

              Mongol "empire" fell apart in 1 generation
              Wouldn't really call that an empire as a bunch of dudes raping women with horses

              • 1 month ago

                Because the Mongols became comfortable with ruling China that they effectively stopped being mongols and became chinese.

                That's essential what Caesar hopes for his legion. They were born from tribals, and he hopes that by mingling with a cosmopolitan city state such as new Vegas his legion will become integrated with the thoughts of a republic rather than remaining as savage raiders.

                But you lack nuance so I'm sure this went over your head.

              • 1 month ago

                Surprised you didn't say "media literacy" you r*ddit homosexual
                Mongoloids didn't just go to China, they fricked up a bunch of east Europe, probably because they were already stupid as frick before they even got there

              • 1 month ago

                But I didn't say media literacy you moronic fricking Black person.

                My point about Mongolia was that a supposedly savage warband could integrate into a high society after a generation once they're taken out of their savage environment. You somehow think mongols just dropped everything and returned to Mongolia and that's the end of the story. It's like you read only a quarter of the story like a fricking moron c**t.

              • 1 month ago

                >You somehow think mongols just dropped everything and returned to Mongolia and that's the end of the story
                That literally is the end of the story, their only lasting legacy is a bunch of Slavic and Chinese mutt rape babies lol

              • 1 month ago

                I guess you lack media literacy

              • 1 month ago

                Hordes of Mongolian rapists made a lasting impact on civilization
                A tiny ass island nation had 100x the impact of those morons

              • 1 month ago

                Actually in two. All "wonder leader" empires (Alexander the Great and such) fall apart after leader's death. Mongol Empire held one more generation under the rule if Genghis Khan son Ogedei Khan.
                So strong Genghis Khan's legacy was.

              • 1 month ago

                t. decadent of a Mongolian rape baby

              • 1 month ago

                But it's true. Now other empire created by Miracle Leader didn't outlive him. And even after infighting and braking appart after Ogedei death parts of Mongol Empire continued to maintain way of things Genghis Khan set up and now one could break their hold on Eurasian steppe until gunpowder revolution.

              • 1 month ago

                Most civilized (white) countries develop a plan of succession so the whole empire doesn't fall apart in 1 or 2 generations

              • 1 month ago

                Is that why Europe has so many wars of succession?

              • 1 month ago

                We're speaking English and it's basically the de facto standard langue of the world so they must have done pretty well
                Their empire didn't collapse because one Warlord died

              • 1 month ago

                What does that have to do with the shit load of succession wars? Is deflection all you have?

              • 1 month ago

                >succession wars
                Happened over and over again going back to Ancient Rome but we're all still mostly intact minus the Saracen hordes and Mongols that took over frontiers like East Europe, the Iberian, and the Balkans for periods of time

              • 1 month ago

                Again what the frick does that have to do with your point? You said “ Most civilized (white) countries develop a plan of succession so the whole empire doesn't fall apart in 1 or 2 generations” and the shit with the succession wars goes against that but for some reason you keep deflecting? Do you have anything to actually say in defense or are you just going to keep rambling?

              • 1 month ago

                Name a white empire that fell apart after a single generation besides Ancient Greece under Alexander
                They usually lasted for centuries unlike the Mongolian rapists

              • 1 month ago

                >they had good succession laws and prevent shit like this from happening
                >except for all the wars of succession
                >proceeds to deflect for three replies
                Is it really that fricking hard to come up with a decent argument?

              • 1 month ago

                Don't bother with Ganker pol gays. They just see history as another vehicle to soapbox about their political agenda and get very upset if you actually know history or point out their fallacies. Their entire argument is always "it happened in history so that means my views are confirmed and the only truth"

              • 1 month ago

                >Misc boogeyman

              • 1 month ago

                Feel called out huh?

        • 1 month ago

          >form an army of knuckle-dragging tribals
          >ban medicine and most technology
          >discourage the use of firearms as "dishonorable" and only to be taken as a last resort
          >entire strategy is a culture war that turns your army into martyrs taking objectives as a blood sport
          >entire ethos of the empire of "us vs. them" where every single person that hasn't personally fellated Caesar's balls is "them"
          >oh but one day we'll have a "synthesis" where the empire magically transforms from a band of violent cosplaying slavers into a civilized society that doesn't reflexively castrate scholars and nail doctors to a plank of wood
          I think it's fair to say that you completely and utterly missed the point

          • 1 month ago

            So you think they can't be integrated into a society once they receive the means?

            Anon I'm sure if you look at your ancestors you'll find they weren't always enlightened thinkers and most were knuckle draggers.

            In a resource scarce Environment a person's only value is determined by what they can provide to the state. This is a mindset that has existed since prehistory.

            Everything you've written is essentially world history since day 1.

            The reason why the NCR would logically fail is because they copy the policy of what was once a dominant resource rich nation, but the NCR is a poor and wasteful society that can't back any of the things it says.

            Progressive concepts such as women's suffrage is an experiment that has only been working for 100 years and what have we found out? Women stop having babies and divorces skyrocket.
            It's essentially a luxury to have these political ideas.
            In most societies before the industrial revolution, women stayed home and raised kids, this was objectively optimal.
            When people don't have enough resources to keep their own people regularly fed, why would they allow refugees or add burdens to the straining system? Tis is where the "us vs them" thoughts come from. You need to focus on your own people if you want to survive.

            Your opinions stem from your desire to be a champagne socialist who doesn't need to face the consequences of your feel god ideas. Yeah we all wish we could feed everyone, treat women as equals, and make peace with our enemies rather than fight a war for resources. But this is a setting with important context. You wouldn't survive an apocalypse. Even startrek admits that they can only afford to take the high road because they were technologically superior to all their opponents and can afford to take a few hits.

          • 1 month ago

            Caesar was a Follower of the Apocalypse first, and it makes sense in a warped keep-them-primitive light where he deliberately going for barbarism in the most backwards way he can think of (Rome)
            The fact that the Legion is intended to be stupid is lost on people who see the whole slavery and no women's rights thing and take it at face value

            • 1 month ago

              A stupid tribe wouldn't have conquered Arizona to new mexico and established a functioning state in a single generation. If Caesar was dumb then we wouldn't have been a doctor let alone a unifier of tribes.

              You misinterpreted the legion as stupid. they aren't, they are social backwards compared to our morals and values which places an individual life as more precious, but turn back a few generations irl and Caesars policies were the norm.

              Like others have said, only when you're in a comfortable secured position are you able to become a champagne socialist with feel good ideas about egality and humanity. But the context of a post apocalypse where resources are scarce, then people feel less comfortable with sharing and treating others humanly.

              Also fyi, the NCR uses slave labour as well. They just renamed it to "prison labour" but it's essentially the same thing.
              >The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
              Why do you think we encounter an NCR prison? You're just comfortable with he idea of prison labour as reformed slavery.

          • 1 month ago

            >>ban medicine and most technology
            the use of firearms as "dishonorable" and only to be taken as a last resort
            this had to have been the devs' idea to save time

            • 1 month ago

              and pretty sure they don't ban all forms of medicine, bitter drink is their favorite healing item. They just banned pre war drugs like stimpacks in favor of home remedies.

    • 1 month ago

      >failing to compete against
      I swear, legion tards didn't play the fricking game. The legion, using its full might and dirty tactics, is struggling to overcome and expeditionary occupation by the NCR, which the NCR themselves admit is under-supported compared to what it could be and what they are capable of. That said, the legion is failing in large part because they are actually way more cruel and moronic than their ideology should be, specifically because Caesar was unable to teach the nuances of what he wanted to his subordinates.

      • 1 month ago

        >The legion, using its full might and dirty tactics, is struggling to overcome and expeditionary occupation by the NCR, which the NCR themselves admit is under-supported compared to what it could be and what they are capable of.
        Talking of "didn't play the game", this fricking cope.

        The game is clear: the NCR is losing the Mojave by the time of the game and is going to lose Hoover Dam without player intervention. Caesar isn't even fricking trying, he's sending his most b***h basic recruits in from the south to harrass and intimidate NCR while patiently waiting for Lanius to get back with his veterans so he can start the war for real. They wiped Searchlight from the map, they took Nelson with barely a fight, Forlorn Hope is cracking under the pressure of like two dozen guys sitting down the road from them, even the chick at Helios One tells you the Legion could just take it if they cared enough to attack.

        You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

        • 1 month ago

          >Caesar isn't even fricking trying
          It's the other way around moron, that's why Caesar is fricking there 24/7 and Kimball manages to squeeze one publicity visit into his schedule. Taking the Mojave is 100% of the Legion's priority and barely in the top 10 of the NCR's priorities
          The all-to-clever analogy they go for is how the US keeps losing wars but the Viet Cong never seem to be able to take Washington DC

          • 1 month ago

            The all-to-clever analogy they go for is how the US keeps losing wars but the Viet Cong never seem to be able to take Washington DC
            The Viet Cong never wanted to invade the US you dumb homosexual. Worst comparison I've seen.

        • 1 month ago

          Yes, without intervention, the NCR would probably lose their tentative grasp on Nevada. Such a bloody nose would probably be better for them in the long run, to teach them humility.
          >Caesar isn't even fricking trying,
          Is fricking cope, and you know it. The legion has to pull out every dirty trick in the book because they literally can't compete with the NCR in conventional warfare. This is even explicitly pointed out in the Forlorn Hope quest, Dead Sea is too much of a coward to attack.

        • 1 month ago

          Meanwhile all the best NCR troops are guarding cows for some reason.

          Yes, without intervention, the NCR would probably lose their tentative grasp on Nevada. Such a bloody nose would probably be better for them in the long run, to teach them humility.
          >Caesar isn't even fricking trying,
          Is fricking cope, and you know it. The legion has to pull out every dirty trick in the book because they literally can't compete with the NCR in conventional warfare. This is even explicitly pointed out in the Forlorn Hope quest, Dead Sea is too much of a coward to attack.

          >he legion has to pull out every dirty trick in the book because they literally can't compete with the NCR in conventional warfare.
          America lost the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars, anon.
          >is too much of a coward
          Caesar is literally ordering him to hold the camp. They attack when the Legion attacks the dam, and without Courier intervention, massacre Forlorn Hope. It's fricking called Forlorn Hope anon. Forlorn Hope.

          • 1 month ago

            >America lost the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars, anon.
            Completely different contexts. America could've completely wiped out the opposition in those wars if they wanted. But they wanted an occupation and had to deal with guerrilla warfare not to mention increasing communist political pressure back home to pull out. Did you know the Vietcong were actually ready to completely surrender at one point after getting brutally firebombed over and over? They only didn't because the US dialed back their razing operations since bleeding hearts kept crying.

            • 1 month ago

              >but they wanted an occupation and had to deal with guerrilla warfare not to mention increasing communist political pressure back home to pull out.
              Wait, how is this any different again?
              >dialed back their razing operations since bleeding hearts kept crying
              Is that the official cope?

              • 1 month ago

                >Wait, how is this any different again?
                The NCR and Legion were in an all out war. It would be pathetically easy for the US, with its military might, to bomb the frick out of the enemy camps and bases without having to worry about civilians.

                >Is that the official cope?
                No it's not the official cope. Do you not know of the nationwide protests to end the Vietnam war back home? A similar thing is starting to happen now with Palestine on US campuses.

              • 1 month ago

                >all out war
                The NCR is trying to occupy the Mojave, that's the whole reason they're there.
                >nationwide protests to end the Vietnam war
                Since when does the American government care about protests when they go against its "national interests"?

                >with Palestine
                Because a foreign entity is committing a blatant genocide with American tax dollars?

              • 1 month ago

                >The NCR is trying to occupy the Mojave, that's the whole reason they're there.
                And the Legion are set up in exclusive territory and camps. It's not like the Legion are all living in Vegas and the various settlements, Anon.

                >Since when does the American government care about protests
                Since it affects their chances of re-election. But I can tell you aren't informed and keep up with world news since a clear analog is the Israel - Palestine war and you seem to know nothing about the concessions there.

              • 1 month ago

                >but I can tell you aren't informed and keep up with world news since a clear analog is the Israel - Palestine war and you seem to know nothing about the concessions there.
                Why should I give a shit about what a bunch of rich buttholes do?

              • 1 month ago

                You don't have to, but don't pretend to know what you're talking about. You just come across like an idiot bragging about his lack of knowledge.

              • 1 month ago

                But I do know what I'm talking about.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's fricking called Forlorn Hope anon. Forlorn Hope.
            Yeah, and the legion can't even take a poorly supplied, over extended, demoralized outcropping of NCR troopers. How sad is that?

            • 1 month ago

              Because they don't even try to until the time of the attack on Hoover Dam?

            • 1 month ago

              Again, The Legion took a whole fortress from the NCR in the middle of their territory across the river with little to no problems. The only reason they didn't move forward is because Caesar told them to stay put.

      • 1 month ago

        You're not just failing media literacy, you're just illiterate in general.

        This wasn't about the war. This was about which society is better in terms of: functionality, long term sustainability, ideology.

        The NCR touts itself as the only democracy in the wasteland, and yet it's about to collapse.
        Caesars legion may be held up with a single man's charisma, but it's still a functional state that has managed to outgrow the NCR in half the time with none of the issues.

        If the NCR gets what it wants out of Hoover dam, it will only buy them time.
        If Caesar gets what he wants he'll secure the most dominant force in the wasteland.

        • 1 month ago

          >This was about which society is better in terms of: functionality, long term sustainability, ideology.
          The legion is a flash in the pan raider gang wearing the tapestry of civilization. Plus it's so awful it's a good thing it won't last long.
          >The NCR touts itself as the only democracy in the wasteland, and yet it's about to collapse
          It's likely to lose a war, not collapse. Losing the war is what it needs, frankly. NCR doesn't need the dam, and all the legion gets out of nevada is losing soldiers trying to exterminate the locals.

          • 1 month ago

            Remember that old NCR officer at camp golf? The one that betrayed NCR high command by mixing up supply routes.

            He talks about how the NCRs water problems are so sever, how they drained all the aquifers of all they had. Without the dam the NCR will suffer a famine so sever the state will collapse.

            New Vegas is an existential war that will determine who inherits the not just the Mojave, but the rest of the west coast

      • 1 month ago

        >The legion, using its full might and dirty tactics, is struggling to overcome and expeditionary occupation by the NCR
        Also their former Legate says there wouldn't even have been a war if not for deus ex magic fricking nuke preventing the NCR from properly supplying its troops to pursue the routed Legionaries after the First Battle of Hoover Dam.

    • 1 month ago

      You'd have a point of it isn't stated by Caesar itself that his society of 99.9% morons and 0.1% spies wasn't desirable at all and that it was only a means to an end that he will never see

      • 1 month ago

        Caesar admitted this himself. His only chance to convert his legion into a real society was to take new Vegas as his Rome and establish a republic council.

        >“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit” - Greek Proverb.

        • 1 month ago

          I have no idea where you're getting the republic council idea, since I'm 99.999% he never said that. He models his Legion and its eventual transition on imperial, not republic Rome.

    • 1 month ago

      Nowhere in NV is implied that the Legion is superior to the NCR, just that the later is holding onto a territory too far from their core.

      • 1 month ago

        are you blind and deaf?

        • 1 month ago

          No, I just played the game more recently than any of you it seems.
          The NCR forces in the Mojave are underfunded and undersupplied because it's an unpopular war effort at home.
          It's also not implied that they need to hold into Hoover Dam to supply their *actual* territories with energy and water, only that if they lose it their expansionist dreams will be severely damaged.

          • 1 month ago

            you fricking moron

          • 1 month ago

            i disagree that the ncr don't need the hoover dam for water; the first thing hanlon comments on when you sit down to talk with him is that the ncr have drained/pumped out all their lakes & bodies of water

            • 1 month ago

              He merely says that about lakes, not bodies of water or water supply.

              If he truly believed that, why would he try to sabotage the war effort to abandon the Dam and the Mojave, condemning it to drought and famine? His entire point was that trying to hold into the Dam was damaging, not that it was an existential need.

              • 1 month ago

                >why would he try to sabotage the war effort to abandon the Dam and the Mojave, condemning it to drought and famine?
                Because it's killing them faster than the impending drought is?

                Rome wasn't sustainable and a more militant NCR isn't somehow better. That's literally the main criticism most Legion gays have about the faction. They're overextending themselves.

                And what do you think Caesar does once he takes over the NCR? Worst case is he does the same thing as Rome, in which case you get a bunch of independent nation state feudal kingdoms just like what happened after the fall of Rome.

            • 1 month ago

              Just like in the real california, this is because pumping water out of a lake is cheaper than reverse osmosis of the pacific ocean, but that absolutely is an option and would be used if there were no viable alternatives.

  16. 1 month ago

    The lack of vehicles in Gamebryo really cucks the NCR
    The fact is that African militia-tier technicals would absolutely shit on the Legion, let alone a handful of actual tanks

    All this reaches a special level of absurdity when you see the Battle of Hoover Dam unfold and somehow a single B-29 and a pair of 155mm howitzers are absolutely pivotal to determining the future course of humanity

    • 1 month ago

      >determining the future course of humanity
      None of what they did mattered though, they all collapsed because war, war never changes.

    • 1 month ago

      there's a few issues though
      1 is that the supply lines don't really allow them to have their motorized forces in Nevada
      2 is that Oliver is a complete moron who wants to have a big glorious battle with the Legion

      • 1 month ago

        >the supply lines don't really allow them to have their motorized forces in Nevada
        Meanwhile, in Somalia:

        Mad Max wasn't wrong; automobiles are such an absurd military advantage against anyone who doesn't have them that even the most backwards and deprived situations will make every attempt to salvage and run them

        • 1 month ago

          Remember that cars are a lot rarer for the NCR than they are for Somalia
          the NCR has no petrol products of any kind, so only nuclear powered cars work and their available uranium mines are fairly limited, with Broken hills having been exhausted

          For Somalia to use technicals is easy, they can just slap guns on any random truck and easily replace it, NCR cannot easily replace cars

          • 1 month ago

            >so only nuclear powered cars work and their available uranium mines are fairly limited
            Anon Highwayman runs on energy and microfusion cells and every Fallout game is swimming with them.

    • 1 month ago

      >implying the Legion don’t have their own vehicles

      • 1 month ago

        >Van Buren concept

    • 1 month ago

      Where would they get the oil? How would they refine it?
      Can they source all the parts needed to manufacture and repair vehicles?
      Everyone is basically locked to a single state.

      • 1 month ago

        Remember that cars are a lot rarer for the NCR than they are for Somalia
        the NCR has no petrol products of any kind, so only nuclear powered cars work and their available uranium mines are fairly limited, with Broken hills having been exhausted

        For Somalia to use technicals is easy, they can just slap guns on any random truck and easily replace it, NCR cannot easily replace cars

        in Fallout 2, 40 years earlier, the player character can get and maintain a nuclear-powered car - and more importantly, it's NOT treated as one-of-a-kind; it's emphasized how rare and valuable it is but other functioning ones definitely exist along with garage infrastructure supporting them

        • 1 month ago

          Fallout tactics had a working tank as well.

        • 1 month ago

          Sure they exist, but military vehicles still are rare enough they can't easily use them in far-flung campaigns in areas where they can't be properly maintained

          NCR motorized divisions would probably be used to defend the borders and the NCR citizens would not quite stand for that protection to be removed

          • 1 month ago

            I need to be made to understand how miniaturized nuclear fusion being prevalent enough to not only power exosuits you just find anywhere but also single-use ammunition cartridges doesn't handwave vehicle maintenance as much as it does the aforementioned exosuit maintenance.

            While we're here we can talk about why you think there's a reasonable distinction on military vehicles that starts at "shitbox Jeep" instead of "Tank," but that's a more real life question than anything.

        • 1 month ago

          You don’t get on anon…
          Vertiberds are just that much less complicated than automobiles..
          I mean 4 WHEELS!?
          What’s up with that?

        • 1 month ago

          The Highwayman isn't even nuclear-powered, it's electric. This of course goes against what the game tells you- that it's "fully analog with no electronics"- but given it was told to you by a chop shop mechanic working with T-ray, it's probably questionable, especially since you can fuel it with MFCs or small energy cells which are literally just batteries.

          • 1 month ago

            The motor's electric, the controls are analog.

          • 1 month ago

            >The Highwayman isn't even nuclear-powered, it's electric.
            The IRL Ford Nucleon was supposed to be steam-driven, but IMO in a setting where tiny nuclear batteries are common it definitely makes a lot more sense to be nuclear-electric instead.

      • 1 month ago

        if south africa countries can do the NCR can

        • 1 month ago

          it's literally part of Fallout's backstory that all the oil ran out
          That's the entire reason everything is nuclear

          • 1 month ago

            >Peak oil
            How many weeks has it been peak oil supply? 1 week, two weeks?

      • 1 month ago

        >Where would they get the oil? How would they refine it?
        Pre-war supplies and automated machinery
        On top of that, there are tons of engineers coming out of vaults. It's just chemistry, you don't need mass-scale refineries to produce resources for a state that doesn't even have a million people

        And even then, it assumes they're still using petroleum, rather than recycled plastics/rubber and using nuclear power (which canonically works for hundreds of years and exists in a salvageable state across the country)

      • 1 month ago

        >can fuel sci-fi helicopters
        >can't fuel a handful of trucks

      • 1 month ago

        you could just use ethanol or methane

    • 1 month ago

      Vehicles aren't possible on Gamebryo

      Spaceships in Starfield share 50% mechanics from Skyrim dragons and the other 50% are from Fallout 4 Vertibirds

      • 1 month ago

        >Vehicles aren't possible on Gamebryo
        lol you dumb homosexual tell that to the people who've been driving them for almost five years

      • 1 month ago

        >Vehicles aren't possible on Gamebryo
        Tell that to the furries who made the Frontier

        Remember when Sawyer said that the Legion was intended to be pure evil and not morally gray, comparing them to baby-raping African militias?

        Remember when Legiongays seethed?

        >So, the Legion is the way it is because Caesar is a warlord who maintains control through his cult of personality and the fear of his disapproval (with severe consequences). The historical Caesar was known for being unusually merciful, but he was playing to societies that were much more accepting of mercy. Caesar taught the Legion mercilessness, so that is what they expect, what they consider strong.

        >There’s nothing really morally grey about Liberia’s Charles Taylor, but he’s a real guy who did astoundingly terrible things for the sake of maintaining power. In the context of F:NV, I don’t think Caesar and the Legion need to be thought of as “grey” like the player’s other options. I think they can be what they are, as they are, because the lie of their fiction is intended to provoke thoughts about truth, i.e. the nature of humans who rise to power in such circumstances. When we say “war never changes”, we’re talking about things like this.

        Remember when he talked about Joshua's role in founding the Legion as an ontological evil that damned his soul and about how every excuse he made about it being better than what came before was just that, a hollow excuse?

        >As Graham describes, his path to becoming the Malpais Legate was made up of many small compromises that turned increasingly sinister and brutal. At first he thought he was making the best of a bad situation and doing what needed to be done, but in the end he and Caesar had built a society on a foundation of fear and brutality. Caesar had a more grand vision for where the Legion was going, but Joshua Graham was caught up in the day to day maintenance of a tribal army engaged in bleak and often monstrous behavior. It was not until he was removed from that environment that he was able to reflect on his past.

        Yes, and?

        • 1 month ago

          fun fact in NPC vs NPC battles Veteran Legionaries get fricking rekt by basic NCR troopers.

          • 1 month ago

            Too bad in the canon one Legion soldier is worth ten NCR grunts.

          • 1 month ago

            not in my experience. 2 random patrols collide, the ncr always shot like ass and got beheaded. i just sat back and watched and an ncr recruit's head just started rolling down the road lmao
            if the game ever spawned actually meaningfully upgraded ncr troops.. like rangers, in patrols, maybe they'd whoop ass. but true to how the ncr is supposed to be depicted, it's just a bunch of underequipped recruits with peashooters getting owned left and right.

  17. 1 month ago

    >creates paper money backed by gold
    >abandons gold standard
    >fiat money suffers inflation
    >people start using junk as currency again

    • 1 month ago

      They abandoned gold standard because they lost all their gold
      >using money

  18. 1 month ago

    they really fricked over the NCR in the Amazon series, the headquarters, the capital is a single building surrounded by a shanty town. Not a single Ranger in the battle with the BoS, like they really hated the NCR for some reason when they're maybe the most milquetoast faction in the wastes.

    • 1 month ago

      the optimistic view is that they want to do a story about building the NCR back up.

      • 1 month ago

        There'd be no point to that, NCR merchandise doesn't sell as well as BoS merchandise or Vault-Tec merchandise
        Also allows Bethesda to set a game on the West-Coast

    • 1 month ago

      Because the NCR stood in the way of making the show all about the BoS
      That's it, it's not about hate or anything like that, it's about what's marketable, the Fallout show is not actively malicious, it's just a soulless corporate product and best understood from that lens

  19. 1 month ago

    what is it about the Enclave that makes people wish they were a joinable faction? Power Armor and fascism?

    • 1 month ago

      >power armor and fascism?
      Yes. They’re the only major faction in Fallout that still isn’t joinable. You could join technically the Unity in Fallout 1 even though it was treated as a fail state.

      • 1 month ago

        To me the NV remnants, old as they are, are as close to getting to join the Enclave as you can get.

        Colonel Autumn unironically has the best plan and resources to save the Capital Wasteland and you can never reply to him with anything but "you killed my father, get fricked lol"

        Screening wastelander's DNA to see who is the least mutated?

        • 1 month ago

          He rejects Eden's plan
          I don't know if it means he was planning on taking the Enclave legit (here's the official US government, now with clean water!) or if he just wanted to kill people the regular way

    • 1 month ago

      Colonel Autumn unironically has the best plan and resources to save the Capital Wasteland and you can never reply to him with anything but "you killed my father, get fricked lol"

      • 1 month ago

        >save the Capital Wasteland
        By killing every living thing that hasn't been sealed into a suit of power armor since birth
        the west has fallen, millions must die, the government owes me sex, two more weeks, etc.

        • 1 month ago

          >By killing every living thing that hasn't been sealed into a suit of power armor since birth
          That was literally Eden's plan and not Autumn's, which Autumn was trying to stop
          Autumn's plan was simply to control the water plant and use it to force Wastelanders to support the Enclave

    • 1 month ago

      it's like the OG BoS but edgier

    • 1 month ago

      >Edgy, mysterious bad guys in the game's most aesthetic power armour; see also why stormtroopers got such a cult following.
      >For Auld Lang Syne
      >Only major faction in the series that isn't joinable in some capacity, adding to the mystique - you want what you can't have.
      That last one I think is a major contributor and I think if, say, 3 had a fleshed out join the Enclave questline they wouldn't have as many diehard fans.

    • 1 month ago

      You wouldn't get it.

  20. 1 month ago

    >Vaults all have their own built-in reactor that's basically inexhaustible for the duration of human civilization
    >Ghouls got a nuclear reactor up and running again using pre-war documentation and engineering manuals, as well as the plant's own automated repair/maintenance robots
    >Broken Hills has its own small-scale power plant built from scratch

    >Bethesda Fallout
    >Power is an extremely rare commodity, no one knows how it works, it's like magic

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      >Bethesda Fallout
      is an extremely rare commodity, no one knows how it works, it's like magic
      Meanwhile every hogk level goon with energy weapons carries energy or MFC cells

    • 1 month ago

      >Power is an extremely rare commodity, no one knows how it works, it's like magic
      No? What gave you that impression?

    • 1 month ago

      is an extremely rare commodity
      literally every pre-war ruin still has power running through in 3.
      Unless super mutants and ghouls are repairing the electrical infrastructure, this would mean that whatever produces electricity is still running fine.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't really understand the point of the season 1 MacGuffin, yeah

  21. 1 month ago


  22. 1 month ago

    The age of the NCR is over. The time for the Shi Empire to rise has come.

    • 1 month ago

      Time to die for your country, ya commie bastard!

  23. 1 month ago

    Why does it bother people so much that different levels of advancements exist in Fallout? That's how the games always have been.

    • 1 month ago

      the NCR's Retvrn to Cowboy honestly makes more sense than some motherfrickers who go full Paleolithic three generations after everyone got nuked because the 1700s/1800s about describes the best that people can make WITHOUT globalized industrialized infrastructure

  24. 1 month ago

    how'd they get those people up on the telephone poles anyway

  25. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      It's not like it's even difficult to critique the show if you've played the games.

    • 1 month ago

      chris's criticisms so far aren't that the california being depicted is way off-base, he's more occupied with how the Enclave is being portrayed and that it doesn't really make sense.

      • 1 month ago

        He's right. It's another case of the Enclave being written into something because they're the Enclave, and the Enclave are the big bads of Fallout. They're basically nothing more than season 2 bait in the show, between their base and the mystery homie behind the glass during Vault-Tec's "blow up the world" meeting.

      • 1 month ago

        He starts off by saying this is a small question to test the waters, I'm sure everything related to the NCR's terrible mishandling in the show would be considered "big" questions.

    • 1 month ago

      Why is Avellone the only one to pick this apart? I can kind of see Cain as he gave up caring about Fallout in 1998. Is he already blacklisted and gives no fricks anymore?

      • 1 month ago

        avellone sometimes reminds me more of an overzealous fan than a dev lol
        might be a product of him joining on for 2

      • 1 month ago

        >Is he already blacklisted and gives no fricks anymore
        Avellone? Do you not know what happened?

        • 1 month ago

          Only vaguely. Not the full details.

      • 1 month ago

        Probably the only one not getting his pocked filled by this, or he's not afraid of going against the woke mop.

      • 1 month ago

        because chris is the only big name attached to fallout who doesn't have anything to lose in the public forum because the rape accusations already drug him through the dirt.
        >cain probably doesn't care enough anymore because Fallout hasn't been his since he left Fallout 2's development
        >sawyer might care a little, but he's also a posturing soiboi who would toe the party line and not complain because he wants good rep in the industry
        there's zero reason for chris give a shit.

        That said, I don't think Avellone is going to unleash some massive criticism on the show that will become that will BTFO Todd and Amazon forever.

        • 1 month ago

          Not against Todd no, they serm to be on good terms but I don't see why he wouldn't pick apart the Hollyslop. Hell Todd himself probably would pick things apart but there's too much brand investment in the show to go loregayging on.

        • 1 month ago

          Cain's attitude is obviously "Fallout isn't mine anymore, and it's cool to see it become a massive mainstream success". Not that that isn't bittersweet, but still, he learned to let go of Fallout with fricking Fallout 2, considering he left during development with a lot of disagreements about it (mostly due to Brian Fargo, though). His video where he discusses going to the Fallout 3 premiere event gives you a good idea of his perspective on Fallout. He also dislikes lore nitpickers.

          As for Chris et al., appeals to authority are inherently moronic and we've always known that him, Sawyer, and Gonzalez needed each other to temper their own flaws as writers. Chris is a massive cynic who wants to do some questionable stuff with the setting, Sawyer is Sawyer, and Gonzales went on the write for the Horizon series so, you know.

          tl;dr you should just enjoy and understand Fallout on your own terms. IPs / ideas don't belong to one person.

          • 1 month ago

            >tl;dr you should just enjoy and understand Fallout on your own terms. IPs / ideas don't belong to one person.

          • 1 month ago

            Personally, I think Sawyer's stance of more-or-less saying 'I like Fallout as a fan, and I got my time to shine with being the director of New Vegas and made a game a lot of people love' to be fairly valid stance for not get into any arguments about the show.

      • 1 month ago

        It's really easy to tell criticism of the show from people who actually watched the show vs people who skimmed through it
        moron criticisms
        >Complaining about "retcons" that aren't actually retcons
        >Complaining about "character assassination" when the characters act within expectations
        >Complaining about [insert favourite faction] not being perfectly competent when pretty much everyone is in a state of decay
        Actually valid criticisms
        >Repetitive superfluous pacing
        >The enclave scientist's deal (he's training dogs but also making full-sized cold fusion reactors that can be injected inside of people for some reason)
        >Moldaver being an atrociously written character (Controls a band of ncr remnants, in revenge(?) For shady sands getting nuked she goes over to the vault where Lucy's mother lived, gets raiders to catfish rape her friend's daughter and kill countless.other people who were also friends with Lucy's mother because...)

        • 1 month ago

          Moldaver is why I have no faith in the writers. People keep appealing to a nonexistent season 2, when all we have is season 1. There are only three plot threads resolved in season 1:
          1. Who is Moldaver
          2. What happened to Shady Sands
          3. What's in Vault 31
          Everything else is unresolved. Of these, #1 and #2 are a clusterfrick, and #3 is directly related to #2's moronation. I'd argue that Norm investigating the vaults is much more compelling than the plot twist itself (Bud's Buds).

          But Moldaver, man. We don't know why she's so well-known or feared, because she doesn't do anything except violently raid Vault 33 with deranged raiders despite needing to kidnap its overseer alive. We don't know how or why she used raiders to do this rather than the NCR remnants. We don't know anything about the NCR remnants because Moldaver is the only one who isn't a faceless goon written to be gunned down by the BoS. We don't know how or why Moldaver is the de facto leader of the NCR. We don't know what her thoughts are on the NCR, because her only line about the NCR or Shady Sands is
          >And [your mother] found this wonderful city that was everything the vaults had promised to be
          which was only written because it's about Lucy, her mother and father, and Vault-Tec. Moldaver is more upset about her research being made proprietary than she is about the genocide of civilians. We don't know why the surviving civilians in Vault 4 worship Moldaver. And we don't know how or why Moldaver survived the Great War, and have to assume she cryogenically froze herself.

          She's an antagonist with an extremely vague backstory, a vague relationship with the faction that she herself leads, and vague ideals. She does nothing between episodes 1 and 8, when she suddenly becomes an antihero and a socialist foil for the TRUE villain, an evil capitalist. As soon as she's finished exposition dumping for Lucy's benefit, she dies from a gut shot off-camera, and her story is over.

          • 1 month ago

            There was no reason to attack the vault except out of spite. She could EASILY have just used brute force against the dwellers once she was inside. It was violence for the sake of violence. "we have to make the dwellers the victim, and we have to make Moldaver important."

            • 1 month ago

              I feel like this was the only point of the Shady Sands survivors in vault 4 being some sort of blood cult for... no reason. We have to assume so much about Moldaver's character because she has a whopping three scenes in the present timeline: one is when she kidnaps Hank's father and has him in front of the two groups of hostages, the second is her exposition dumping the plot twist for Lucy, and the third is her dying while turning on her cold fusion MacGuffin that is repossessed by the BoS 5 seconds later.
              Similarly, she has one scene in the pre-war flashbacks and it's
              >capitalism bad >:(
              We don't even know what her relationship with Lucy's mother was, and have to assume that they were either lesbian lovers or believed in a dream of cold fusion for everyone or something. Her entire character is just a leaning tower of assumptions that will likely remain as it is because she's dead, and the only pre-war flashbacks have been from Goggins's perspective. Even if we do say her again, she can say nothing meaningful that has anything to do with what happens 200 years later, because it's fricking 200 years later.

          • 1 month ago

            Who cares, she's dead.

          • 1 month ago

            She's basically Tandi but with secondaries writing her.

  26. 1 month ago

    nation of people that salvage everything they use, from vertibirds to quarry equipment to basic firearms
    Except they do make their own firearms and industrial equipment. Fricks sake you get to make your own car in the OG fallout games

  27. 1 month ago

    >Tribal in the middle of nowhere picks up some tools
    >*magic nuke falls from sky, and kills the tribal instantly*

    This is what OP actually believes.

  28. 1 month ago

    The interesting thing about the Legion is that in their ending, you are shown to be far more important to the future of the Legion than Lanius. To the point that Lanius wasn't told about Caesar's long term plans but the Courier was

    • 1 month ago

      Looks like you took the Augustus Courier pill

    • 1 month ago

      Female Legion ending is the best ending, change my mind.

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        >Legion lasts for PAX ROMANA AETERNA
        >how did you do it, Mighty Caesar?!
        >i dunno i didnt think I'd get this far
        >toga girls square dancing in The Vegas Strip every weekend
        >Josh and the Burned Boys play at The Tops their new album "My Momma's a Mummy"
        >they said it was never gonna happen
        >I said Im never gonna give up, pawdner familias
        >George Strait TWANG N SWANK

  29. 1 month ago

    Suppose the Followers learn about the Children of Atom
    Do they go to war or try to figure out what makes them tick

    • 1 month ago

      No. The Followers are the biggest self-insert/mary sues that have ever been in Fallout, so they would never do anything wrong.

      • 1 month ago

        Nah, Caesar called them out directly as wasting their time treating the symptoms and not the cause.
        Where Caesar unified the tribals of the east and did more to civilize them, the followers we're stuck in a refugee camp treating drug addicts and homeless gamblers, essentially pissing in the wind. Their legacy is being a drug rehab.

  30. 1 month ago

    Why are Bethesda and the showrunners so anxious about civilisation progressing in the post apocalypse? It's only natural that humanity would progress 200 fricking years after the war. Red Dead Redemption and even New Vegas showed you could do a frontier story where civilisation is slowly becoming the norm in an otherwise savage and lawless wasteland.Just set it in another location or earlier in the timeline instead of fricking over established factions and locations for no good reason.

    • 1 month ago

      >Why are Bethesda and the showrunners so anxious about civilisation progressing in the post apocalypse
      Show runners? Bethesda has people living in garbage heaps and scrap piles 200 years after the bombs in the games.

      • 1 month ago

        The showrunners said they destroyed the NCR because they wanted to maintain the 'wild west' aspect of Fallout.

        • 1 month ago

          >I will say that it was very, very early in the decision [making process], once we decided to put the show in L.A. That was the very next thought, because it's a post-apocalyptic show. And if you study the Western, which has a lot in common with the post-apocalyptic genre, ‘civilisation is not around’ is a big part of it. A lot of them end with the railroad coming through, or a house being built, or they put a church up in the town, or a motorcar appears. And you're like, ‘Well, the wild wild west is over.’

          >I think it would have been a mistake to go from the retro-futuristic America to another America that has been fully civilised and the NCR is doing everything great. We love Deadwood. I think if there was a fourth season of Deadwood, there'd be insurance companies, there'd be traffic, and it wouldn't be a Western anymore. We wanted to live in that first season of Deadwood space, of like, “What's going to happen? Where is everything?”

          >It really was our belief, also, that though there are the events of the games, it's not frozen after that. History is not static. It keeps going, and entropy is a constant. Which is a less flashy way of saying “war never changes.”

          • 1 month ago

            It sounds like they wanted a game in Texas but picked LA for low IQ reasons.

            • 1 month ago

              They picked LA because they're from LA, just like most people working on Hollywood

              • 1 month ago

                again, Low IQ moment. Everything they say describes about 7-8 other states before it describes Los Angeles.

          • 1 month ago

            War Never Changes just means that no matter what happened before, someone's eventually gonna start shit. Resources, Land, Ideology, Just Because, War will happen again.

          • 1 month ago

            fricking appalling
            how do you acknowledge that history is not static and that a 'wild' setting can be found in almost any period... then arrive at the decision you actually need to drop a nuke because the setting was getting too different

            • 1 month ago

              They picked LA because they're from LA, just like most people working on Hollywood

              They genuinely do not care about California as the setting created by Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas. I don't know why people are doing such insane mental gymnastics and pretending this isn't the case.

          • 1 month ago

            Everyone always cooms over NCR veteran ranger armor (and rightfully so) but Legion Centurion armor is just as, if not more badass.

            • 1 month ago

              Centurion armour has a lower DT and gets you shot at in most parts of the wasteland.

              • 1 month ago

                Exactly. Are Profligates too afraid of a decent challenge?

                >super mutant armor
                Why doesn't Caesar accept super mutants into his ranks? They would be fricking monsters with legionairy training

                No balls

              • 1 month ago

                >Centurion armour has a lower DT
                Yeah, by like 2 in the chest and 1 for the helmet.


                Ave, true to Caesar.

              • 1 month ago

                >he cant survive with half the wasteland taking shots at him
                NGMI in the wasteland as a giant pussy

            • 1 month ago

              >super mutant armor
              Why doesn't Caesar accept super mutants into his ranks? They would be fricking monsters with legionairy training

              • 1 month ago

                i wouldn't imagine there are that many mutants in caesar's territory in the first place, but even if there were
                the legion's success in conquering many tribes comes from removing all sense of identity. you can't do that for mutants because a good amount are war buddies from the master's army and the rest will still identify more as a mutant than a legionary

            • 1 month ago

              >alright legion veteran after many years of loyal service to caesar you have one more task before you can officially become a centurion
              >go out and kill a
              >vault dweller wearing armor
              >a supermutant brute
              >ncr patrol ranger
              >merc in combat armor
              >bos knight/paladin

          • 1 month ago

            And the joke is, those are the people that Todd essentially had given free reign to frick around with Fallout lore, by making the show canon. No, Bethesda is totally not having any control over them, otherwise they would've told them which year FNV happened.
            Motherfricker, what are you doing?

          • 1 month ago

            The Shield takes place in modern LA and the entire fricking area outside of the barn is literally a lawless wasteland. How hard would it have been to just keep the NCR and have her travel outside major cities?

        • 1 month ago

          >the 'wild west' aspect of Fallout
          I never said the show runners weren’t moronic. How is it that writers for a multibillion dollar company cant do something that a midrange studio did in fricking 18 months without fricking up the setting?

        • 1 month ago

          >I will say that it was very, very early in the decision [making process], once we decided to put the show in L.A. That was the very next thought, because it's a post-apocalyptic show. And if you study the Western, which has a lot in common with the post-apocalyptic genre, ‘civilisation is not around’ is a big part of it. A lot of them end with the railroad coming through, or a house being built, or they put a church up in the town, or a motorcar appears. And you're like, ‘Well, the wild wild west is over.’

          >I think it would have been a mistake to go from the retro-futuristic America to another America that has been fully civilised and the NCR is doing everything great. We love Deadwood. I think if there was a fourth season of Deadwood, there'd be insurance companies, there'd be traffic, and it wouldn't be a Western anymore. We wanted to live in that first season of Deadwood space, of like, “What's going to happen? Where is everything?”

          >It really was our belief, also, that though there are the events of the games, it's not frozen after that. History is not static. It keeps going, and entropy is a constant. Which is a less flashy way of saying “war never changes.”

          I mean they also might have integrated the Legion into the Brotherhood and the guy running it might literally be Caesar in disguse so that's pretty cool I guess. Big if true to Caesar.

          • 1 month ago

            >mean they also might have integrated the Legion
            No, that’s just moronic.

          • 1 month ago

            >BoS doesn't use laser weapons
            >very few women in its ranks with zero of them being knights
            >said women also might be forced to act like men
            >this is important because knights in this chapter are literally treated like feudal lords with their squires basically being slaves to them
            >this chapter blood eagles traitors for some reason
            >knights brand their squires
            >some knights like titus don't seem to know how to properly wield their power armor and bail on their missions because they want to kill something
            >violent hazing rituals for new recruits
            >they consecrate their armor and refer to technology as relics
            >the guy running the whole show literally calls it a legion and says he wants to make a new brotherhood
            >promotes maximus for having 10 LCK and also for being openly power hungry
            >maximus almost gets summarily executed multiple times in the show without a trial
            >everyone has latin names despite that never being a staple for the brotherhood
            >weird gold and red vertical banner with a metal adornment like some kind of legion eagle
            Looks like Caesar might have gotten that synthesis he wanted anyway, just not with the NCR.

            • 1 month ago

              >>very few women in its ranks with zero of them being knights
              t. has never played a Fallout game

              • 1 month ago

                F3, NV and 4 all had female knights and paladins. I don't recall seeing any female paladins in NV, but there were definitely knights. Knight Captain Torres is a woman.

              • 1 month ago

                There were female Paladins in New Vegas. One of the three generic Paladins who kills those Followers in Veronica's quest is a woman. There's also a dead named Paladin, Raseleanne.

              • 1 month ago

                Ah, so they all had female paladins.
                that's a stupid name

            • 1 month ago

              I've always felt like energy weapons should be rarer and reserved for elite units in the Fallout universe so I'm actually glad Todd is doing a soft retcon here. It's similar to how power armor was trivial to get and use in FO3/NV so it got retconned into being a full suit of armor that requires it's own energy source but Bethesda fricked it up by making it easily accessible to even raiders lmao

            • 1 month ago

              As interesting of an idea this is, you know full well they're not good enough at writing to pull it off

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, it's probably just a coincidence, but it's definitely the coolest idea for a twist they could do.

            • 1 month ago

              Wouldn't fusing the Brotherhood and Legion just create the Imperium of Man?

            • 1 month ago

              That's been prevalent in a lot of theories floating around. I hope it's real

              • 1 month ago

                It would actually be kinda based and a genuinely good twist. The old guy running the chapter could even be Caesar himself in disguise maybe.

              • 1 month ago

                Would be better if he was an old praetorian guard. The entire show has this theme about decay from the aftermath of the NCR/Legion war. Legion remnants suddenly worshiping technology to survive now is very ironic.

              • 1 month ago

                >The Legion canonically beat the NCR in the end
                MEGA HAPPENING IF TRUE

          • 1 month ago

            Can you have a nice day please?

          • 1 month ago

            This would be brilliant. Caesar thought the NCR was the antithesis of the Legion, but it was in fact the BoS due to their wildly different stances on technology, etc.

            • 1 month ago

              It makes more sense the more you think about it.

    • 1 month ago

      Why did Disney make another star wars movie where another evil Nazi empire shows up and the good guys need to be rebels again?
      This is a symptom of really stupid investors who want the exact same idea.

      They don't care about the story, they don't care about continuity, or contradiction.
      As long as the show has lightsabers/power armor, and the hero is a Jedi/vault jumpsuit wearing under dog, and the bad guys are raiders/storm troopers, that's all the marketing wants. Because complex stories don't sell action figures, easily bandable merch sells action figures. A franchise exists to sell merch, not to be deep.

  31. 1 month ago

    Sodaz came out with a new Sunburst clip and I didn't want to start a new Post for it.


  32. 1 month ago

    Josh and the Burned Boys tracklist
    >Hoover Dam It
    >Super Salad For My Kaiser
    >The Robot That Raised My Baby
    >Jet and Healing Powder
    >Fiending For You
    >Yes Man, Yes Ma'am
    >Gone Tribal Kentucky
    >What A Boomer Would Do For A Truck

  33. 1 month ago

    >tim cain is writing the intro to fallout while watching the simpsons
    >uhh what could be something cool to say at the start of the intro cinematic?
    >how about war... never changes
    >(game releases)
    >and now every game decides to copy this line... for some reason
    >we're now at the point where we're supposed to take this proverb *extremely* seriously, because it's been lazily reused for 25+ years

    Flanderization moment

  34. 1 month ago

    >ncr must die!
    >fallout 1 and 2 aren't canon!
    >(it actually happens)

    Thanks a lot for sticking up for the fans the whole time man...

    • 1 month ago

      Look, no one denies that they weren't going to collapse but the way the show did it is fricking moronic which is what angers most people. All the signs of how they'd fall were ignored but instead they introduced a magic nuke and a fricking vault tec wagie doing it out of the blue and somehow nuking 1 fricking city was enough to make the entire thing die leaving next to nothing of their influence outside of some raiders.

  35. 1 month ago

    New Vegas 2:
    >Thanks for fixin that there robot, House Black!
    >as for me I want to turn this Mojave Pony Express into a BANK and that BANK into a startup for Mojave Motors!

    Aint no karens here to b***h otherwise

    (Kinos that will never happen in this market in this managerial castration hierarchy)

  36. 1 month ago

    So, Bethesda. What's the canon reason the denizens of Vault 76 never got together and started a country like the NCR? Were they all killed by Rad Beavers?

    • 1 month ago

      The canon reason is Vault 76 was populated by the sort of people who play shit like DAYZ and grief other players for the frick of it. What happened was they tried to launch 3 nukes at once then crashed the entire West Virginian wasteland.

    • 1 month ago

      They did, but it was all destroyed offscreen when a BPD junkie nuked a dam and flushed all of it away. Fallout 76 actually has some really good worldbuilding (sans the moronic BoS inclusion) and it's tragic that Todd had it deus ex machina'd out of existence instead of making a proper game surrounding it

    • 1 month ago

      In 76 the first responders become a de facto government that expands to meet the free states in eastern West Virginia who are reconfederating in the face of the remaining pre-war government's waning influence. Then somehow the rad-dragons returned and daddy needed new season pass cosmetics so it all gets nuked, the end.

  37. 1 month ago

    Why do people make massive assumptions and leaps in logic to claim that the NCR is some massively industrial and nearing Pre-war era nation? We see nothing to support that. For all we know. Everything south of shady samds still looks like F1. We see no functional vehicles or infastructire outsode of the named settlements. CA is a huge desert/wasteland. The "700k population" would all be in those large named settlements we see in F1 and F2.

    Mass Industrilization? What, you mean the 2 gun runner factories in LA where they craft everything by hand?
    Pacified state? Maybe from raiders, but hostile wild life will forever be apart of the wasteland unless some Enclave tier virus spreads to kill everything.

    They only reason the NCR didn't collapse earlier is because they had two different Protaganists save them and stabalize the region. Master goes unchecked? It would look as bad as DC. Enclave goes unchecked? Everyone but them dies. What other region had that?

  38. 1 month ago

    FEV was a mistake

  39. 1 month ago

    Why hasn't anyone actually built any new structures and picked up rubble in the 200 something years these games take place

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Okay. How about a rake?

    • 1 month ago

      because Bethesda thinks Fallout is its base imagery and wants the setting stuck in a permanent status quo for all of eternity

  40. 1 month ago

    I haven't watched the show, but hearing that the NCR's collapse wasn't caused by the thinly spread organization, stretched taut by rampant expansion, buckling under the weight of its bureaucracy and deducation to emulating a dead empire (the pre-war government) makes me sad.

    • 1 month ago

      This, everyone knew the NCR was doomed but just nuking it is so lazy.

    • 1 month ago

      It was caused by Vault-Tec nuking them because Vault-Tec nuked the world and then made a rule to continue to nuke any new civilization that emerges due to shareholder diligence

      • 1 month ago

        how the frick does destroying the world create value for shareholders? Are bottle caps really worth THAT much? This retcon makes absolutely no sense and it was solely done so they could eventually sell the franchise in China

      • 1 month ago

        how the frick does destroying the world create value for shareholders? Are bottle caps really worth THAT much? This retcon makes absolutely no sense and it was solely done so they could eventually sell the franchise in China

        Also, HOW is Vault-Tec going to take over anything? With what manpower or firepower?

        • 1 month ago

          They'll wait for 300 years in vault 0 unless they're attacked. Surely the calculator will keep them safe.

  41. 1 month ago

    woah... so this is the new canon.... heh not bad....

  42. 1 month ago

    This whole series is so tired and old. Why is it all anyone on this board talks about? Is it your autism?

    • 1 month ago

      1) yes
      2) because the series is about itself

  43. 1 month ago

    >theres still no BoS synthwave gregorian chants with beep boop harpsichord
    Dead internet indeed

    • 1 month ago

      Just listen to children of the omnissiah and pretend like everyone else.

  44. 1 month ago

    >use different weapons while wearing power armor
    am I autistic or just roleplaying?

  45. 1 month ago

    I feel like Shady Sands getting nuked would only keep the NCR going longer. I can't imagine Vault City or the Shi or the disenfranchised NCR citizens would just sit back and let them get nuked by some mystery homies. It'd be something of a 9/11 - I'd think if it came to it they'd assume that uppity new BoS group is responsible and collectively frick them into the dirt for it, and if it happened again they'd start hunting for old military remnants and frick them up too.

    The idea of the NCR just folding to a nuke really speaks volumes to the writers thought processes that they just assume that people would look at their nations being attacked, their neighbours being destroyed and their families being threatened with annihilation and take it lying down.

  46. 1 month ago

    Reminder that Obsidian wanted the Enclave to nuke San Francisco off the map in a relalitory nuclear strike but were strong advised by Bethesda not to do so.

    • 1 month ago

      It’s because Bethesda wanted the Hubologists to remain in canon

      • 1 month ago

        Didn't most hubologists die in their gay ass pre-war space shuttle?

      • 1 month ago

        no its because the kelloggs guy from f4 was supposed to be from san fran. how did he get across the continent or why was that very important for him we will never know. Loremaster god emperor Emil refuses to clarify more hidden lore like he did with Nate the Rake

        • 1 month ago

          That's because Kelogg was secretly Canadian

    • 1 month ago

      Dammit Todd

  47. 1 month ago

    >the lore the New Vegas car mods imply for the Mojave

  48. 1 month ago

    Doesn't Boone literally call the Legion "the winning side" in one of the dialogues where he accuses you of working with them?

    Also, while the Legion is destined to fail once Caesar dies, and he has no worthwhile successor should that happen (unless he pulls an Augustus with the Courier which is implied by the whole gold coin with your face on it thing), there is one man left who could lead the Legion just as well, if not better than Caesar, while tempering most of its barbarism-for-the-sake-of-barbarism: Joshua motherfricking Graham.

    • 1 month ago

      1) the legion wouldn't follow him
      2) none of the ranking officers would allow it
      3) joshua wouldn't do it
      joshua is making his own mini-legion while pretending he changed, but he couldn't claim the title of caesar

      • 1 month ago

        >he didn’t help graham change for real

      • 1 month ago

        Caesar would have to be dead and the Legion would have to have already fallen apart, but he's already basically a mythical figure to the Legion. Fear and admiration aren't too far apart.
        >none of the ranking officers
        No, probably not. But the recruits and rank-and-file would.
        >joshua wouldn't do it
        Not normally, but if he saw a bunch of ex-Legionaries aimlessly terrorizing the wasteland, he might see it as part of his penace for creating this monster. Then we get the post-apocalyptic Byzantine Empire.

        Also, this is just headcanon, but if the Courier became Caesar's successor after his death, they'd probably sneak Graham and some of his 1911s through the back door. Say Mars has blessed him with purifying fire and made him a prophet.

        • 1 month ago

          >Also, this is just headcanon, but if the Courier became Caesar's successor after his death, they'd probably sneak Graham and some of his 1911s through the back door. Say Mars has blessed him with purifying fire and made him a prophet.
          Wouldn't be too hard honestly. Just get him a sweet mask like King Baldwin had in Kingdom of Heaven. Won't even be able to tell the difference.

    • 1 month ago

      Vulpes would probably be the best successor, but I guess it depends on if the player kills him or not

      • 1 month ago

        Maybe, but Lanius would probably wind up killing him at some point.

        Caesar wants new Vegas to be his Rome so he can establish a republic ruled by a council. His dictatorship is a means to an end. His true goal is to establish a more robust civilization that isn't blinded with trying to emulate the failed system that lead to the apocalypse.

        He never said anything about a republic. He wants to turn the NCR into a dictatorship and eliminate the squabbling corrupt bureaucrats. It'd probably still eventually turn into a republic after his death, but probably a theocratic monarchy first like what happened in real Europe after Rome fell.

        • 1 month ago

          Watch the full dialogue.

          • 1 month ago

            >protect its citizens and the power of its dictator
            I've watched that speech multple times, anon. He wants the NCR and the Legion to undergo synthesis, but is never really specific on what the end result of that is going to be.

            • 1 month ago

              Just my opinion, but once he establishes Rome in new vegas I'm sure he'd sign a treaty with the NCR.

              The NCR is based on the United States, which itself was based on the Roman Republic.
              But he world isn't the same after the bombs fell, it's an alien world. The NCR is trying to revive the US and it fundamentally can't provide the liberties in a resource scarce apocalypse.

              Caesar is correct when he says the wasteland demands a more strict doctrine. A man's worth is only determined by what he can provide to the state.

              This militaristic doctrine is brutal and it wouldn't be comfy, but it's effective.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, sure totally. I don't know about a treaty, I'm pretty sure he plans to go all the way and completely replace the NCR government with a dictatorship. Maybe if he realized he couldn't conquer the core region after taking Vegas.

              • 1 month ago

                Caesar only has a point if the wasteland is eternal but it’s not, ncr proved it can be civilized

            • 1 month ago

              If Caesar establishes Rome then his citizens will be wealthy and there will be an emergence of an upper and middle class.
              When the NCR collapses, Caesars republic will then be able to look at what failed and what worked in the NCR so that they can avoid the pitfalls.

              • 1 month ago

                An aristocracy, sure, but still one ultimately under the control of a single person. I still don't see where this republic idea you keep pushing is coming from. It could probably happen sometime after his death, but certainly not while he was still alive, unless it's a "republic" in name only.

    • 1 month ago

      Caesar wants new Vegas to be his Rome so he can establish a republic ruled by a council. His dictatorship is a means to an end. His true goal is to establish a more robust civilization that isn't blinded with trying to emulate the failed system that lead to the apocalypse.

  49. 1 month ago

    >outlives the NCR
    >establishes a mighty empire in wyoming with the followers
    Who's laughing now?


    • 1 month ago

      2161 vault dweller incident 2280 bitter springs massacre

    • 1 month ago

      my favorite song from any Fallout game. BTFOs Bethesda's Israeli soundtracks

  50. 1 month ago

    I can't believe NCR was destroyed by Todds butthurt
    It's not sensible extension to the story where they become something new after the collapse
    They're literally just generic raiders now
    And all it was just for another story about missing father and muh evil capitalists
    The absolute state of bethesda

  51. 1 month ago

    Why do you care about the successor to Caesar if Legion has been written out anyway?

    • 1 month ago

      That's like asking why people are still discussing star wars knights of the old republic when Disney said it's not canon anymore. Who gives a frick what the current IP holders say.

  52. 1 month ago

    Are going to get a "Lucy gangraped by Legionaries" scene in S2? Because that would be neat

    • 1 month ago

      I mean they had her drinking out of an irradiated bucket on a leash like a dog and getting banged by her raider husband, so maybe.

      • 1 month ago

        >they had her drinking out of an irradiated bucket on a leash like a dog and getting banged by her raider husband
        Wait, what?

        • 1 month ago

          Lucy's part of the story has quite a bit of ryona too

        • 1 month ago

          Lucy gets abused a lot during the show. I'm sure it was someone's fetish.

    • 1 month ago

      no we're getting Enclave slaughtering Legion

  53. 1 month ago

    Guys STOP talking about the Legion. Let's talk about raider gang #57, okay!?

    • 1 month ago

      >give raiders power armor
      >it's all the same generic cobbled together scrap garbage
      >no uniqueness or flavor despite them being postapocalyptic raiders

  54. 1 month ago

    The fact that they're teasing New Vegas pretty much guarantees it's going to be some robotron run dystopia and they're going to just say House's body eventually gave out. I bet they'll just skip over Caesar all together.

    • 1 month ago

      >robotron run dystopia
      So, New Vegas?

  55. 1 month ago

    They were already on the brink of collapse in New Vegas. Hoover Dam was basically their hail mary and it makes sense a House win would decimate them. Not sure why NV trannies are so surprised tbqh familia.

  56. 1 month ago

    Did they ever mention what chapter of the BoS it is in the show? Surely it isn't Lost Hills

    • 1 month ago

      Probably Lyon’s Pride

    • 1 month ago


      >BoS doesn't use laser weapons
      >very few women in its ranks with zero of them being knights
      >said women also might be forced to act like men
      >this is important because knights in this chapter are literally treated like feudal lords with their squires basically being slaves to them
      >this chapter blood eagles traitors for some reason
      >knights brand their squires
      >some knights like titus don't seem to know how to properly wield their power armor and bail on their missions because they want to kill something
      >violent hazing rituals for new recruits
      >they consecrate their armor and refer to technology as relics
      >the guy running the whole show literally calls it a legion and says he wants to make a new brotherhood
      >promotes maximus for having 10 LCK and also for being openly power hungry
      >maximus almost gets summarily executed multiple times in the show without a trial
      >everyone has latin names despite that never being a staple for the brotherhood
      >weird gold and red vertical banner with a metal adornment like some kind of legion eagle
      Looks like Caesar might have gotten that synthesis he wanted anyway, just not with the NCR.

      It's the Legion of Steel

      It didn't "collapse" a caricature of the Republican white man nuked it with the power of imagination because a Black lesbian girlboss seduced his wife. Frick off.

      And that's the stupid part. Unless they backtrack and say that the nuke was only the last straw and the NCR was already declining before that. Which, let's be honest, is probably the smartest move they could make for season 2.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't give a frick what the idiotic tv show does

  57. 1 month ago

    It didn't "collapse" a caricature of the Republican white man nuked it with the power of imagination because a Black lesbian girlboss seduced his wife. Frick off.

  58. 1 month ago

    The rational decision is to label the tv show as fanfic.

    • 1 month ago

      New Vegas has been labelled as a spin off on Wikipedia. The TV show is more canon.

      • 1 month ago

        Well that's odd because the TV show is indisputably not canon

        • 1 month ago

          Fallout 1 isn't canon. It's part of the outdated legacy timeline. The show written by israelites who have never played a video game is the real Fallout now. Remember to buy your Nuka Cola and Vault Boy merch.

  59. 1 month ago

    Remember when Sawyer said that the Legion was intended to be pure evil and not morally gray, comparing them to baby-raping African militias?

    Remember when Legiongays seethed?

    >So, the Legion is the way it is because Caesar is a warlord who maintains control through his cult of personality and the fear of his disapproval (with severe consequences). The historical Caesar was known for being unusually merciful, but he was playing to societies that were much more accepting of mercy. Caesar taught the Legion mercilessness, so that is what they expect, what they consider strong.

    >There’s nothing really morally grey about Liberia’s Charles Taylor, but he’s a real guy who did astoundingly terrible things for the sake of maintaining power. In the context of F:NV, I don’t think Caesar and the Legion need to be thought of as “grey” like the player’s other options. I think they can be what they are, as they are, because the lie of their fiction is intended to provoke thoughts about truth, i.e. the nature of humans who rise to power in such circumstances. When we say “war never changes”, we’re talking about things like this.

    Remember when he talked about Joshua's role in founding the Legion as an ontological evil that damned his soul and about how every excuse he made about it being better than what came before was just that, a hollow excuse?

    >As Graham describes, his path to becoming the Malpais Legate was made up of many small compromises that turned increasingly sinister and brutal. At first he thought he was making the best of a bad situation and doing what needed to be done, but in the end he and Caesar had built a society on a foundation of fear and brutality. Caesar had a more grand vision for where the Legion was going, but Joshua Graham was caught up in the day to day maintenance of a tribal army engaged in bleak and often monstrous behavior. It was not until he was removed from that environment that he was able to reflect on his past.

    • 1 month ago

      >remember when Sawyer said that the Legion was intended to be pure evil and not morally gray, comparing them to baby-raping African militias?
      Wasn't that Avellone? Sawyer was pretty adamant on there being a lot of Legion cut content that made them more morally grey

      • 1 month ago

        The quoted bit is from Sawyer.


        The three "grey" choices were Independent, House, and NCR. The Legion were always supposed to be black.

    • 1 month ago

      >mfw evil factions always have the least amount of content in 99% of games
      Feels good to be a House/Free/NCR player. Enjoy your cut quests, evilgays!

    • 1 month ago

      I've been dick riding Caesars legion all thread, but even I admit it's a brutal regime.

      This is what the book "heart of darkness" was about.

      • 1 month ago

        The wastelands is far more brutal than The Legion ever was. Do you want to send flowers and hugs to raiders like The Fiends or The Khans?

        • 1 month ago

          Khans are nowhere as bad as the legion, at least not by new Vegas

          • 1 month ago

            Are you implying the wasteland drug empire is better for society than the order The Legion brings? Khans are little more than animals. Rapists, murderers, drug dealers.

        • 1 month ago

          Raul literally tells you exactly what it was like in that region before the Legion took over. It was worse, way worse.

          The Legion is still the best option in the game for humanity.

          Not House?

          Too bad you can't put House's brain in one of those Think Tank bots and ship his ass off to Big MT where he can progress humanity technologically all that he wants while keeping the nerds in line. They already have a securitron factory.

          • 1 month ago

            >House turns the Big Empty into a giant casino

            chris's criticisms so far aren't that the california being depicted is way off-base, he's more occupied with how the Enclave is being portrayed and that it doesn't really make sense.

            He's not wrong.

            fun fact in NPC vs NPC battles Veteran Legionaries get fricking rekt by basic NCR troopers.

            Only because they don't have shields and Bethesda AI is moronic.

      • 1 month ago

        It's a moronic point.

        Way to point out another ridiculous aspect of Legion writing. Caesar is always gushing about "Making something new that can survive" when he's literally basing his group on the culture that predetermined nearly every facet of western civilization, actively destroying the most successful civilization in the wasteland, and sabotaging everything that would actually help humanity survive and adapt to their conditions while providing no meaningful alternative.

        This is how the discussion of the faction goes every time. Everything ascribed as a positive of the Legion despite it having little no explanation besides writer fiat is praised to the hilt where as every glaring flaw is brushed off.

        >actively destroying the most successful civilization in the wasteland,
        He's not destroying the NCR, he's done nothing to cause their downfall. The reason why Caesar is picking a fight with them is because they're already sinking.
        >and sabotaging everything that would actually help humanity survive and adapt to their conditions while providing no meaningful alternative.
        What the frick are you talking about? There's nothing that the NCR provides that let's people adapt. They're a stagnant nation that's wasteful and is lockstep in its own suicide. Caesar understands that a person's value is only based on what they can provide to the state. Human rights are a luxury that the NCR can't even provide. Why do you think Caesars legion expanded to equal the NCRs strength in half the time? The NCR is slow and outdated.
        Ironically stepping backwards socially and ethically is what is necessary to survive in a post apocalypse wasteland.

        You can argue that the NCR is morally right and you'd be correct, but that's because they use modern progressive humanitarian ideals that they can't back up. In a resource scarce Environment there's no room for charity. The NCR drained all of its aquifers and is heading towards a famine that will destroy themselves from within. If the NCR pulled out and let Caesar take the same then the NCR perishes without Caesar leading an invasion.

        • 1 month ago

          >There's nothing that the NCR provides that let's people adapt
          The NCR is the fricking adaptation. It's a civilization that provides people with food and water and relative safety and comfort. What does the legion offer? Slavery, torture, rape, and misery.
          >Caesar understands that a person's value is only based on what they can provide to the state.
          The state serves its constituents, not the other way around.
          >Human rights are a luxury that the NCR can't even provide.
          The average citizen in the NCR lives better than a legion centurion. They are surviving and thriving. Pointing out that NEVADA is not doing so hot is not an argument, because NEVADA IS NOT IN THE NCR.
          >You can argue that the NCR is morally right and you'd be correct, but that's because they use modern progressive humanitarian ideals that they can't back up
          One finger of the NCR has stopped the full might of the legion in its tracks. If the NCR is guilty of anything, it's not putting its back into crushing the legion, because they fricking deserve it for being so unbelievably, pointlessly cruel.

          • 1 month ago

            >One finger of the NCR has stopped the full might of the legion in its tracks.
            Imagine believing this.
            Do you not know why nations use a draft when their army is mostly voluntary?

            • 1 month ago

              >Imagine believing this.
              It's literally the case. The legion has to completely abandon its principles just to barely press the NCR occupation of Nevada, which is being deliberately hamstrung by their own congress.

              • 1 month ago

                according to who?
                the most experienced commander in the entire NCR commits suicide when you deny him the ability to undermine their own campaign

          • 1 month ago

            NCR had to lure the legionaries into a trap and blow the entire city of Boulder City into literal boulders. Before that, Graham was effortlessly breaking the line and killing NCR officers and breaking morale. The Legion did not expect the NCR to have rigged an entire town to blow, just to defeat them.
            As for why the NCR didn't finish the Legion, their Mojave forces were crippled because it wasn't an easy fight. The Lonesome Road was also destroyed by subterranean warheads and destroyed one of the best pipelines from the NCR region to the Mojave.

            • 1 month ago

              >NCR had to lure the legionaries into a trap and blow the entire city of Boulder City into literal boulders. Before that, Graham was effortlessly breaking the line and killing NCR officers and breaking morale. The Legion did not expect the NCR to have rigged an entire town to blow, just to defeat them.

              • 1 month ago

                the moron keeps being moronic
                i don't there's a point trying to reason because it's a moron

              • 1 month ago

                Not saying that, but clearly even with underhanded tactics that bailed them out of their darkest hour, defeating the Legion was not a simple affair.

              • 1 month ago

                A feint isn't "underhanded tactics". That would be something like, to pick a random example, detonating a dirty bomb.

              • 1 month ago

                >bombing your own town and killing anyone who hasn't evacuated as well as any troopers who got left behind isn't underhanded

          • 1 month ago

            >NCR is the fricking adaptation
            No, it's mimicking America without the abundance of resources and security. It's wasteful and can only focus on short term thinking. Which is why the NCR has drained all their water and will collapse.

            Caesar chose a template that is more robust and unconcerned frivolous concepts. His society is built on maximum efficiency.
            And you don't know about legion terrory. There is no rape or murder. Legion villages are more safe than NCR territory

            >The average citizen in the NCR lives better than a legion centurion
            Is that why the NCR is about to suffer a famine while each legionnaire is self sufficient enough to live off the land in the Mojave?
            >One finger of the NCR has stopped the full might of the legion in its tracks
            You got it backwards moron. A finger of the legion is beating the fist of the NCR.

            >they fricking deserve it for being so unbelievably, pointlessly cruel.
            You're judging with your modern sensibilities in a setting with an apocalyptic context. Your sensibilities wouldn't survive. That's why the legion is out lasting the NCR.

            • 1 month ago

              >His society is built on maximum efficiency.
              Rome was not an efficient society. Half the reason why they even collapsed was because of slavery.

            • 1 month ago

              >it's mimicking America without the abundance of resources and security.
              America didn't have those things until they fought for it.

              >It's wasteful and can only focus on short term thinking.
              Ironically this applies moreso to the other main factions in the Mojave than the NCR

              >Caesar chose a template that is more robust and unconcerned frivolous concepts. His society is built on maximum efficiency.
              Caesar's society is objectively less efficient than the NCR's while relying on slave labor and collapses without Ceaser at the helm.

              >There is no rape or murder. Legion villages are more safe than NCR territory

              >while each legionnaire is self sufficient enough to live off the land in the Mojave?
              If this was the case They wouldn't need to take the Dam or use slave labor. Literally none of the factions are self sufficient, not even House.

              >You're judging with your modern sensibilities in a setting with an apocalyptic context. Your sensibilities wouldn't survive. That's why the legion is out lasting the NCR.
              Nah you're just an edge lord trying to rationalize it

            • 1 month ago

              >No, it's mimicking America without the abundance of resources and security. It's wasteful and can only focus on short term thinking. Which is why the NCR has drained all their water and will collapse.
              Total headcanon. And also extra moronic because they live next to the fricking pacific ocean and have nuclear power. Reverse osmosis is absolutely an option, it's just not the most economically palatable.
              >Caesar chose a template
              He didn't choose a template. He chose an aesthetic, and pretends he that he's ruling some rough approximation of Caesar's Rome, when in fact the Legion is just a Rome themed slaver gang.
              >His society is built on maximum efficiency.
              Having kidnapped women carry barrels of rocks on their backs and torturing to death every man over the age of ten to punish them for having happened to have been born outside of the legion isn't "efficiency", you moronic psychopath.
              >Legion villages are more safe than NCR territory
              No, Arizona is more "safe" than Nevada. California is perfectly safe. And I say "safe", because you're still you know, in the legion, and thus prone to being randomly picked off the farm to go die in a pointless charge, or raped by whatever guy the legion said gets to frick you forever, or tortured to death arbitrarily because some guy took offense to something you did or didn't do (regardless of whether he was right or lying or mistaken).
              The average NCR citizen lives in a building with power and running water and actual medicine and food that didn't have to be caught within a mile of where he currently is.
              >Is that why the NCR is about to suffer a famine
              It isn't. Their own agricultural research professors (because unlike the Legion, the NCR is an actual civilization, and can afford to have educated people and R&D departments and shit) has detected that, at current rates, there will be food shortages in the medium term future, and they are actively investing in circumventing this trend.

            • 1 month ago

              >Which is why the NCR has drained all their water and will collapse.
              This is the only line in the whole game this moron is basing his "NCR doesn't have any water left" fancanon of.
              The. Only. Line. In. The. Whole. Game.

              • 1 month ago

                >given by a master tactician
                you are moronic

            • 1 month ago

              >No, it's mimicking America without the abundance of resources and security. It's wasteful and can only focus on short term thinking. Which is why the NCR has drained all their water and will collapse.
              Total headcanon. And also extra moronic because they live next to the fricking pacific ocean and have nuclear power. Reverse osmosis is absolutely an option, it's just not the most economically palatable.
              >Caesar chose a template
              He didn't choose a template. He chose an aesthetic, and pretends he that he's ruling some rough approximation of Caesar's Rome, when in fact the Legion is just a Rome themed slaver gang.
              >His society is built on maximum efficiency.
              Having kidnapped women carry barrels of rocks on their backs and torturing to death every man over the age of ten to punish them for having happened to have been born outside of the legion isn't "efficiency", you moronic psychopath.
              >Legion villages are more safe than NCR territory
              No, Arizona is more "safe" than Nevada. California is perfectly safe. And I say "safe", because you're still you know, in the legion, and thus prone to being randomly picked off the farm to go die in a pointless charge, or raped by whatever guy the legion said gets to frick you forever, or tortured to death arbitrarily because some guy took offense to something you did or didn't do (regardless of whether he was right or lying or mistaken).
              The average NCR citizen lives in a building with power and running water and actual medicine and food that didn't have to be caught within a mile of where he currently is.
              >Is that why the NCR is about to suffer a famine
              It isn't. Their own agricultural research professors (because unlike the Legion, the NCR is an actual civilization, and can afford to have educated people and R&D departments and shit) has detected that, at current rates, there will be food shortages in the medium term future, and they are actively investing in circumventing this trend.

              >while each legionnaire is self sufficient enough to live off the land in the Mojave?
              The carrying capacity of fricking rural Nevada is not that big. Yes, it's good from a military perspective for disjointed scouts and skirmishers to be self reliant in the field, but that does not a solution to civilization scale food supplies make.
              >You got it backwards moron. A finger of the legion is beating the fist of the NCR.
              You don't even understand setting basics. The war is being fought at the border between Nevada and Arizona. The Legion is Arizona, Nevada is not the NCR.
              >You're judging with your modern sensibilities
              It's not "modern sensibilities" that torturing people to death, raping women, and kidnapping children is wrong. It's ALWAYS been wrong. It's GOOD we moved past it. And I would survive, because I am smarter than you, and a better person than you, and thus not only would I be individually more fit to fight you, I'd have way more people backing me up. And the worst part is, your way of living wouldn't be worth it even if it WEREN'T fricking moronic.

          • 1 month ago

            Does the bear also have 2 dicks or are you only sucking one?

        • 1 month ago

          >If the NCR pulled out and let Caesar take the same then the NCR perishes without Caesar leading an invasion.
          No. The NCR doesn't need Nevada, and trying to hold Nevada would be even harder for the Legion than it was for the NCR. Even Lanius admits it.

          • 1 month ago

            >The NCR doesn't need Nevada
            Without the dam the NCR starves. That's just the raw truth. Hanlon admits it, they drained all they got.

            NCR wants to use new Vegas as an occupied territory. Caesar wants new Vegas to be his capital and will commit all his forces to protecting it.
            He doesn't know shit about what Caesar wants

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, the Legion in its current form isn't exactly "grey", but Caesar's whole plan is to synthesize the Legion with the NCR. That's why it collapsing in the case of his death is actually a good thing. The Legion can't be allowed to exist in its current form.

    • 1 month ago

      The Legion is still the best option in the game for humanity.

      • 1 month ago

        Not House?

        • 1 month ago

          People are living in squalor a couple of blocks away from his Ivory Tower. House doesn't give a shit about anyone except himself.

        • 1 month ago

          House is great but only for New Vegas. If you side with House, you want technological progress for a small few, if you side with the Legion, you want widespread civilizational change for the many. If you side with Yes-Man or NCR, you're just a normie/idiot.

          • 1 month ago

            Legion isn't civilization, it's fiend tier barbarism.

            • 1 month ago

              >Legion isn't civilization, it's fiend tier barbarism.
              Did you somehow play through the game without listening to any dialogue.

              • 1 month ago

                They have a fully functioning state in new mexico where there's no raiders. Even caravans admit it's safer in Caesars territory.

                I'm sure if you base your opinion of a society from how their army's spearhead conducts itself you'd think every society was barbaric.

                In legion territory you're safe from getting killed by anyone, except for the legion. You own nothing, not even your own children. You can be demanded to immediately drop what you're doing and march to Nevada to rush at armed soldiers with a sharpened machete blades. Legion also bans medicine, including antibiotics, so guess what, we're back to preindustrial infant mortality rates, which were over 30%. The legion is institutionalized misery. The only benefit is that you don't ever get surprised at how fricking bad things are.

              • 1 month ago

                How is that any worse than living Ina capitalist republic controlled by corporate oligarchies.

              • 1 month ago

                Because paying taxes is less bad than chattel slavery, you FRICKING moron.

              • 1 month ago

                What's the difference between chattel slavery and prison labor you moronic fricking Redditor.

                Newslfash, the NCR uses slavery too, that's who the powder gangers were

              • 1 month ago

                >What's the difference between chattel slavery and prison labor
                The prisoners were people convicted of serious crimes, you literal fricking Black person. You're seriously unable to distinguish between the concept of putting people in jail and kidnapping people for labor and to rape? You might have a point if the NCR was arresting people on trumped up charges just to get more labor, but nothing in the game indicates that this is the case, the powder gangers are unrepentant criminal shitheads.

            • 1 month ago

              They have a fully functioning state in new mexico where there's no raiders. Even caravans admit it's safer in Caesars territory.

              I'm sure if you base your opinion of a society from how their army's spearhead conducts itself you'd think every society was barbaric.

              • 1 month ago

                In legion territory you're safe from getting killed by anyone, except for the legion. You own nothing, not even your own children. You can be demanded to immediately drop what you're doing and march to Nevada to rush at armed soldiers with a sharpened machete blades. Legion also bans medicine, including antibiotics, so guess what, we're back to preindustrial infant mortality rates, which were over 30%. The legion is institutionalized misery. The only benefit is that you don't ever get surprised at how fricking bad things are.

                We are never going to hear the end of this shit because all the proper civilian Legion territory got cut due to time constraints.

              • 1 month ago

                Why didn't they just add that content in DLC? I never understand why devs don't develop the main game with DLC releases on top.

              • 1 month ago

                Honest Hearts had even worse time constraints.

              • 1 month ago

                Damn, good thing it ended up being tied with Dead Money for best NV dlc in the end.

              • 1 month ago

                There was never a legion civilian territory. It was always just an overgrown raider gang led by a midwit who was in way over his head.

    • 1 month ago

      There is not a single primordial culture that was free of barbarism. Scandinavia had vikings. Most of Asia had mongols. Western Europe had the romans or spartans. Human history is absolutely drenched in blood and brutality, with modern civilization being an unusual break from all of that. Trying to imply Caesar might not be correct in the long run because his legion acts like meanie-heads right now is a totally fruitless argument. Anti-Legion redditors were more on the money when they criticized him for executing doctors and chemists.

  60. 1 month ago

    at least they tried, what is your take on rebuilding a nation? living in Megaton?

    • 1 month ago

      I made a pretty cool settlement in fallout 4

  61. 1 month ago

    Not canon, simple as.

  62. 1 month ago

    So... Todd has turned the Legion into another chapter of BoS, and you are celebrating?

    • 1 month ago

      >roman larpers collapse and become knight larpers, just like how Rome collapsed and would go on to become Medieval Europe

      • 1 month ago

        It actually is, which is the strangest part.

    • 1 month ago

      Actually yeah, strangely enough. The Legion winning NV was realistically never in the cards: they were always destined to lose. This way they can live on and add some flavor to the Brotherhood. It also make sense according to what Caesar wanted, just not the way he expected it to go. If this theory does turn out to be true, it'd be cool to see more Legion-esque things appear in the chapter as the series goes on.

    • 1 month ago

      Todd has no idea what The Legion is. His word is meaningless.

  63. 1 month ago

    I honestly don't like how much the DLCs shill Independent, kinda takes away from the choice when there's one that is objectively right from both a moral and technical standpoint.

  64. 1 month ago

    >Everything looks like a drug house the game

  65. 1 month ago

    >entrusting the fallout IP to the guy who made westworld a series notorious for trolling its fans
    >a couple of portlandia writers
    >and the person who wrote captain marvel and a tomb raider movie

    but they might actually be more technically competent than emil

    • 1 month ago

      >but they might actually be more technically competent than emil
      Yeah, but did they give us Nate the Rake?

  66. 1 month ago

    It would be nice if Vault Tec dropped a nuke on the BoS. That faction has become all style and no substance

  67. 1 month ago

    but enough about the brotherhood of steel

  68. 1 month ago

    the NCR collapsing is the equivalent of if instead of the us doing island hoping campaigns and bombing runs on japan they just went straight to dropping a single nuke and japan just instantly became a filipino tier shithole

  69. 1 month ago

    What does Fallout even mean anymore? I feel like this series is just completely at a creative dead-end. The rise and fall of characters and nations is treated like a stupid and unimportant game, that can be redone over and over again. Writers view themselves like they're gods, and can fabricate the deaths of thousands of innocents whenever they feel like it's convenient to maintain their fake version of the status quo. It's so cynical and jaded.

    • 1 month ago

      It's not so much a creative dead-end than diverging directions that Bethesda took the IP compared to Interplay/Obsidian.

    • 1 month ago

      Bethesda just lack the talent to move Fallout forward. Bethesda can only remake what they have already done. They'll reuse the Enclave, BoS, and ruined cities forever.

      • 1 month ago

        don't forget vaults! can't not have our character start in the ICONIC blue and yellow jump suit!

        • 1 month ago

          Fallout 3 was called Oblivion with guns for a reason.

    • 1 month ago

      Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?

      It's really funny how Black Isle/Interplay made all the main elements like the Power Armor, vaults, Vault Boy, Pip Boys, bottle caps, super mutants, deathclaws, the Master etc for F1 and instead of just rehashing them they still found it necessary to make the APA, the Enclave, the GECK, Frank, NCR for F2. Then Bethesda couldn't do shit but rehash those for F3, even the main armor being just a more tacticool take on the original Power Armor.

      Then immediately afterwards Obsidian shows them how it's done again with New Vegas and New Vegas itself, Mr House, Legion (reused from Van Buren but still the point stands), the unique Ranger armor, Securitrons, cazadors etc. Then Bethesda tries and embarrasses themselves with synths in F4 with the only takeaway anyone had being "wtf none of this makes any sense why are they doing this".

      Truly legendary levels of ineptitude at Bethesda.

      • 1 month ago

        Bethesda without Fallout is Starfield. Enough said.

      • 1 month ago

        The only thing Bethesda is good at is monster design - they have some aesthetically cool mutants, but the lore behind them can be dodgy.

        • 1 month ago

          I'll give Beth this. Mirelurks are cool, they fit well with the universe and are an original thing. My only problem is that they fill a role similar to Deathclaws, and that's a problem because Beth just also had to reuse the Deathclaws despite making little sense.

          • 1 month ago

            Deathclaws and Scorpions existing in the East Coast does not make any sense. They're only there because the previous games had them too.

      • 1 month ago

        >Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?
        You already asked this question before and recieved several correct answers.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah, let me guess, the answer is something very generic like "Megaton". Because Fallout 3 invented metal cities, not Fallout 1.

      • 1 month ago

        Why in the living frick are bottle caps still used as currency, when even Fallout 2 got rid of them? And why is the ENTIRE world using them, even when they have no contact with each other whatsoever?

        • 1 month ago

          Because it's marketable. Why is rey fighting another empire and why is she a rebel? Shouldn't there have been an established army to repel an invading army?

          Because it's marketable.

        • 1 month ago

          >that quest where you have to destroy a bottling plant because people are making counterfeit caps and you get lectured on the authenticity of the "currency"

          • 1 month ago

            Better than Fallout 4 addressing the question as a joke and having Emil call you a moron no matter what you choose to respond.

            • 1 month ago

              Sorry but centaurs are too much body horror for our wacky wasteland. Have these silly pupper doggos instead.

              • 1 month ago

                The fallout 4 cut version was even more body horror than 3's tho

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah they looked awesome, and yet we didn't get them in the end.

              • 1 month ago

                honestly I feel less disturbed seeing this, than the one in F3
                this one barely looks human, whereas you can see the human in the twisted flesh of the f3 centaur

              • 1 month ago

                Snallygaster isn't as extreme as Centaurs, but it's pretty freakish
                >FEV experiment with some rando, somehow was able to procreate.
                "they have some aesthetically cool mutants, but the lore behind them can be dodgy."

              • 1 month ago

                The name always makes me take them less seriously. Like something out of dr Seuss.

              • 1 month ago

                Blame the krauts

              • 1 month ago

                I never realized these plant folk used the trogg model

              • 1 month ago

                these guys also reuse the model. chris avellone tried to imply they would 100% destroy new vegas in later years

              • 1 month ago

                Probably the stupidest lore detail of FNV

              • 1 month ago

                Am I suppose to believe these animals are going to defeat the updated bot army by themselves? lmao yeah right.

                but they can diiiiiig

              • 1 month ago

                Am I suppose to believe these animals are going to defeat the updated bot army by themselves? lmao yeah right.

              • 1 month ago

                Each one is super mega strong and can kill 50 deathclaws!
                No way is a stupid securitron going to stand in it's way!

              • 1 month ago

                lol it actually takes 10 to kill 1 deathclaw, but ulysses shits his pants and says their numbers would overwhelm the whole mojave ez

              • 1 month ago

                Honestly even something like saying a giant ant super colony or enormous FEV blob would be more believable than a bunch of blind and stupid humans with bad posture

              • 1 month ago

                Can't have enemies that don't fit our human skeleton or our dog skeleton
                oh btw here are your mutants that are just scaled up green humans

      • 1 month ago

        Synths were good and they made sense. The only problem was that they didn't use them to their full potential. Far Harbor was a step in the right direction.

        • 1 month ago

          I genuinly wonder what goes on at Bethesda. Will Shen did a fantastic job with Far Harbor, but his work on Starfield was absolutely terrible.

        • 1 month ago

          >Hey, faction, why do you exists?
          >You wouldn't get it.
          Yeah, so cool.

        • 1 month ago

          Synths are conceptually similar to Super Mutants in the idea of being something to "Replace Mankind" with Synths having the caveat that they are still aesthetically and mentally very similar to humans. However Bethesda's writers lost the plot, and instead of the Institute acknowledging Synths as "Mankind Redefined" and having their replacement of surface dwellers be part of their plot to improve humanity, they insist that Synths are merely machines with no greater independence, despite the fact they're literally just biological humans with a few synthetic alterations and additions.

          They were trying way to hard to chase Blade Runner. The Father being Shaun was also an unnecessary twist that sort of ruined the Institute from just being a straightforward Villain, and instead of justifying their actions to the player through results, the only thing they have going for them taking advantage of a single familial bond.

          • 1 month ago

            The entire plot twist with the Institute is that they should have been synths who'd replaced the original scientists long ago.

            • 1 month ago

              >the massive holes in their reasoning aren't because they're poorly written
              >it's because they're synths
              bravo emil

            • 1 month ago

              I would have liked to see that. I love the idea of Scientists who have just completely lost touch with humanity because they've gotten so advanced and they've just sort of culturally lost touch with a lot of philosophical stigmas most people would have about what they're doing.

              >Yeah sorry we took your son. He died because we had to molecularly dissect him for his DNA
              >Here is a Synth version who has all his memories, is better in every way and can live in the Wasteland without any fears whatsoever.
              >Oh and also here is your dead wife back. We made her breasts large, we thought you'd like that.
              >What the frick, why are you mad?

              • 1 month ago

                If the Institute was like that I would have joined them in a heartbeat.

              • 1 month ago

                So kinda like the Think Tank all over again? Except loose and uncontained.

            • 1 month ago

              I think it would've been funnier if the twist was that they were genuinely trying to establish good relations with the commonwealth but they were being paranoid morons and ruined everything. You can at least say that for the railroad since they cause more harm than good, that's why I kill them every run.

      • 1 month ago

        >Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?

  70. 1 month ago

    Legion trying to emulate Roman armies is way too goofy. They should have just stuck to the tribal aesthetic. Even just the idea they all have a standard uniform is ridiculous. For a nomadic society to develop to that size and military potency they need more than a charismatic leader to throw them at meatgrinders. They need cultural and lifestyle traits that naturally makes them adapted for warfare in a way that makes them a challenge for sedentary societies like the NCR

    Caesar took what could have been a perfectly good and reasonable nomadic horde and turns it into a cartoon villain faction with his senseless cultural changes. Like needlessly banning modern medicine (They wouldn't have the means to craft it themselves anyway, so why ban an insanely valuable resource?) or the complete waste of tribal women as a resource (Gang rape is an ineffective method of increasing birthrates and they would have been uniquely adapted to fill a support role the Legion needs) . The Legion wanting to go conquer heavily fortified cities and outposts like Hoover Dam and Vegas, particularly for the reason Caesar gives, is silly.

    • 1 month ago

      We were going to have all that but it was cut content that was never developed or added.

      • 1 month ago

        Oh no, we weren't. It's a flawed concept. Showing that Legion territory is "Safe" wouldn't have made a difference. It's everything they showed which is stupid and nonsensical.

    • 1 month ago

      >Legion trying to emulate Roman armies is way too goofy
      Well you're moronic then.

      Pray tell, what are these "senseless cultural changes."
      >Like needlessly banning modern medicine
      You mean the depleted resource made from prewar tech that can't be easily manufactured? Yeah that's why Caesar is sticking with simple and easily produced medicine powder.

      >or the complete waste of tribal women as a resource
      They aren't rape slaves, there are many men who claim wives.

      >The Legion wanting to go conquer heavily fortified cities and outposts like Hoover Dam and Vegas, particularly for the reason Caesar gives, is silly.
      Ya bro, it's just silly, don't elaborate. We understand that you don't need to think hard.
      Most of your reductionist post can be simplified to "Caesar gives me the ick".

      We get it. NCR is familiar and that's why you choose them.

      • 1 month ago

        >They aren't rape slaves,
        They absolutely are. All of the legion women we see are, except the ones too old. The legion is what it is, not what it claims to be.

        • 1 month ago

          Because we aren't seeing their society, we're only seeing the army. Contrary to what the British and American army, most armies had comfort women on tap for their soldiers moral.

          That doesn't mean they didn't have family units.

          • 1 month ago

            Legion Society is the army. They don't have settlement they just have little tributaries who feed the army of raiders. The army explicitly doesn't have family units, boys are taken as infants from their gang raped mothers or slaughtered families and raised as cannon fodder until they're indoctrinated or prove themselves useful.

            Which when your army is already struggling with the fact it can't replenish losses easily without kidnapping children is another horrifically stupid aspect of Caesar's decisions.

            • 1 month ago

              >The army explicitly doesn't have family units
              Yeah the camp a bunch of kids in legion gear running around with no indication of who their mother or father is.

            • 1 month ago

              They do have settlements. Next time read dialogs.

              Do you think we'll get to see the kings in the show? The kings are cool.

              Don't they get destroyed in almost every ending? Not like the writers bother to read the lore of the setting they write about.

              • 1 month ago

                >Don't they get destroyed in almost every ending?

                I always ally them with the NCR

                >After the NCR victory at Hoover Dam, the temporary truce between them and the Kings blossomed into a full-scale relief effort for the people. While the NCR made repeated entreaties that Freeside join the Republic, the Kings steadfastly maintained their independence

                (from the wiki)

          • 1 month ago

            There is no civilization outside of the army. It's a 40 year old state in which literally all resources are bent towards war. The overwhelming majority of mothers in the legion are kidnapped foreigners. All of their sons are immediately trained as legionaires. It's not fricking rome, it's the hunnic incursion.

            • 1 month ago

              Except the Huns actually did have their own sustainable lifestyle based of pastoralism and hunting, they were just using their massive invasions to augment their wealth, prestige, and access to resources. So provided you were a Hun it was a pretty fantastic time to be alive.

              • 1 month ago

                >Except the Huns actually did have their own sustainable lifestyle
                They were raiders who lived off the spoils of murder and debauchery, and their entire empire collapsed the second the blood money stopped flowing.

            • 1 month ago

              M8 they have a society in legion territory. They have industries outside the military.

      • 1 month ago

        >Finding Roman larpers goofy is moronic
        It's not. It's the silliest shit. Caesar has this entire horde of natives dressed as Romans solely because he sort of likes Rome. It has absolutely nothing to do with their culture, their military organization. It's literally just roleplaying. It's hilarious.

        >You mean the depleted resource made from prewar tech that can't be easily manufactured? Yeah that's why Caesar is sticking with simple and easily produced medicine powder.
        Yes, exactly. He should use the resources he has available. But banning that modern medicine when it becomes available because it "Makes people weak" is moronic.

        NCR is an actually well written faction. But I chose House.

        • 1 month ago

          Newsflash moron, the United States are Roman larpers. Everyone in Europe is one.

          You only think it's a surface level larp because you have a surface level idea about Rome.
          I'm sure you're a CODbraines zoomer who only likes milsim and tacticool shit, it get it. But the NCR is a failed state on the verge of collapse while Caesars legion actually has a ideological legs.

          Feel free to listen to his actual speech.

          Also he doesn't ban anything, he just has a different standard issue for his troops. His elite Praetorian use guns and stimpacks.

          The NCR is flawed, and they are endearing and well written, but I'm terms of who practically wins? Caesars legion all the way.

          • 1 month ago

            >Also he doesn't ban anything, he just has a different standard issue for his troops.
            No, he bans merchants from trading certain items, although that might only be between them and the Legion. Dale Barton is an independent contractor, not a slave. Probably no female merchants though.

    • 1 month ago

      >Legion trying to emulate Roman armies is way too goofy.
      That is the point.

      • 1 month ago

        It's a moronic point.

        Newsflash moron, the United States are Roman larpers. Everyone in Europe is one.

        You only think it's a surface level larp because you have a surface level idea about Rome.
        I'm sure you're a CODbraines zoomer who only likes milsim and tacticool shit, it get it. But the NCR is a failed state on the verge of collapse while Caesars legion actually has a ideological legs.

        Feel free to listen to his actual speech.

        Also he doesn't ban anything, he just has a different standard issue for his troops. His elite Praetorian use guns and stimpacks.

        The NCR is flawed, and they are endearing and well written, but I'm terms of who practically wins? Caesars legion all the way.

        Way to point out another ridiculous aspect of Legion writing. Caesar is always gushing about "Making something new that can survive" when he's literally basing his group on the culture that predetermined nearly every facet of western civilization, actively destroying the most successful civilization in the wasteland, and sabotaging everything that would actually help humanity survive and adapt to their conditions while providing no meaningful alternative.

        This is how the discussion of the faction goes every time. Everything ascribed as a positive of the Legion despite it having little no explanation besides writer fiat is praised to the hilt where as every glaring flaw is brushed off.

        • 1 month ago

          caesar going to war with ncr isn't about destroying them, it's about creating a synthesis between the two civilisations that is stronger as a result

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah except that's not how Hegel works and Legion has nothing to offer so it's literally just going to be a glorified band of raiders gang raping one of the only real civilization in the wasteland.

            Rome didn't reach Synthesis with the Gauls when they sacked Rome. It just sucked and culturally scarred them. So the only real benefit to Caesars action is that the NCR might come back more militant than before.

            • 1 month ago

              i haven't read hegel, that's what the character believes and that's what motivates him to lead the way he does

              • 1 month ago

                That's fine. Clearly Caesar didn't either.

              • 1 month ago

                Probably because he couldn't find any in any of the bombed-out libraries his troops scavenged through.

            • 1 month ago

              The Legion has a way to curtail corruption that runs rampant in the NCR, and how to be sufficient without relying on prewar tech like stimpaks.

              • 1 month ago

                Except neither of those "Benefits" are ever explained how they work. They're literally both just "Because Caesar said so".

                There is no fricking way that a military dictatorship is somehow free of corruption. The whole point of military dictatorship is to funnel as much resources as possible to the guys with the army. It's a fundamentally corrupt system of governance and rubbing cactus juice on your wounds isn't somehow more sustainable than Stim packs when you have a population the size of the NCR.

              • 1 month ago

                >"It's corrupt because it's corrupt."
                This is the dumbass telling you you're a dumbass

              • 1 month ago

                If the tyrant is not corrupted, his empire will be not corrupted.

              • 1 month ago

                Heaven is High and the Emperor is far away

              • 1 month ago

                the healing powder currently is more sustainable than stimpaks because there's no way to make stimpaks in a large quanity

              • 1 month ago

                it isn't reasonable to ban stimpaks and alcohol

              • 1 month ago

                >There is no fricking way that a military dictatorship is somehow free of corruption.
                When you kill everyone who's corrupt, yeah, it can be.

                the healing powder currently is more sustainable than stimpaks because there's no way to make stimpaks in a large quanity

                Apparently you can make stimpacks with the same ingredients at a science bench. So it's probably just mixing healing power in a liquid and injecting it instead of rubbing it into the wound. But you need like 50 science or something to do it and ain't nobody in the Legion got time for that.

              • 1 month ago

                >When you kill everyone who's corrupt, yeah, it can be.
                No, it cannot be, no matter how harsh the punishment military dictatorships have never not been massively corrupt.

            • 1 month ago

              >except that's not how Hegel works
              God I'm so sick of this point.
              Caesar is using dialectixs correctly, he just attributed it to the wrong author which is a common misconception. You're judging a man for misinterpreting philosophy when all he had was burned books that were scavenger after a nuclear apocalypse. This is such a academic libshits argument to try and pull. This doesn't actually disprove his point you're just trying to grade the argument.

              • 1 month ago

                No he's not. He quoted Hegel and he's not using Hegel's version of dialectics correctly. You could argue he's using Marx' version but wow that just means he's using the philosophy of the most moronic economist in history.

                It both disproves his point and identifies him as the biggest lackwit in the entire Fallout setting.

              • 1 month ago

                Man you're using some homosexual double think here to avoid making any point.

                The basis of your argument is that Caesar is icky and Rome is goofy and ever other point you've made has either stemmed from Redditors or just misinformation because you've never actually listened to Caesars dialogue once in the game in which case

                All your posts have basically been pointless shitflinging

              • 1 month ago

                >tfw even Leftard Warlockracy knew Caesar's application of dialectics was correct but he attributed it to the wrong philosopher

              • 1 month ago

                Warlockracy is a leftie?

              • 1 month ago

                He despises his own leader.

              • 1 month ago

                Legion isn't Rome and will never be no matter how much you jerk yourself off to gay porn

              • 1 month ago

                If and when Caesar controls new Vegas he'd convert his legion into a republic that occupies a functioning city state, and establish a council to govern.

                If the NCR gets the dam they buy themselves a few more years before they drain it dry and collapse even harder.

                If you want to argue that Caesar wouldn't do good on his word then that's just your fanfiction. Caesar has a long-term goal. The NCR is a capitalist shithole ruled by Brahman barons who lobby the government simply for short term profit. And you wonder why Caesar is winning out and why the NCR isn't commiting all its forces.

              • 1 month ago

                And if you weren't a homosexual then you wouldn't be jerking off to big strong men in skirts as much as you do now. Reconsider your life.

              • 1 month ago

                Lmao I accept your concession. Now bend over queer

              • 1 month ago

                Stop saying republic.

              • 1 month ago

                You literally avoid arguing anything and just say I don't like Caesar. Yeah that's the whole point the dude is a moron and is written in a way that completely bungles whatever Colonel Kurtz/Ghenghis Khan wannabe the writiers were trying for.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't need to counter argue with you if you aren't asserting a real argument. if you don't like Caesar that's fine, I'm not saying I'm objectively correct. I'm just arguing that Caesars legion is the better option.
                Unless you can argue better besides appealing to ethics and rule of cool then I'll engage with you.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm criticizing the Factions writing, you autist. Not it's legitimacy as a civilization.

              • 1 month ago

                No he's not, thesis-antithesis-synthesis is not even Hegel, it's just Fichte's version of him to explain it to brainlets on his classes.

                This is why nerds used to get pushed into lockers.

              • 1 month ago

                To be fair I don't even think Caesar could understand Hegel. Not because he's stupid, but because it's Hegel.

                Why are legiongays always so butthurt?

                Because no pants means sand gets in our asses easier.

              • 1 month ago

                No he's not, thesis-antithesis-synthesis is not even Hegel, it's just Fichte's version of him to explain it to brainlets on his classes.

              • 1 month ago

                You are literally this guy

              • 1 month ago

                nta but that guy is right. caeser is not an intellectual

              • 1 month ago

                But it's not.
                Now don't get me wrong Hegel is a moron and hegelian dialectics metaphysical drivel, but the popular bastardization of it which is Fichte's work is completely devoid of the main point of the dialectics itself, which is that the germ for the next stage is always contained inside the previous one.

                A new stage doesn't come out of the conflict between parts, but it germinates inside one.

              • 1 month ago


            • 1 month ago

              >Rome didn't reach Synthesis with the Gauls when they sacked Rome.
              Considering that we got all of what eventually became modern Europe out of it, yeah, it kinda did.
              >the NCR might come back more militant than before
              And therefore survivable in the post-apocalypse. Congrats, you're starting to learn.

              • 1 month ago

                Rome wasn't sustainable and a more militant NCR isn't somehow better. That's literally the main criticism most Legion gays have about the faction. They're overextending themselves.

        • 1 month ago

          You got all your information about the Legion from reddit and twitter, didn't you?

    • 1 month ago

      >ike needlessly banning modern medicine (They wouldn't have the means to craft it themselves anyway, so why ban an insanely valuable resource?)
      Because they don't have the means to craft it, so rather than admit that and show weakness, he bans it. When the Legion gets access to those things, he can instantly unban it because his word is divine law.

    • 1 month ago

      >or the complete waste of tribal women as a resource (Gang rape is an ineffective method of increasing birthrates and they would have been uniquely adapted to fill a support role the Legion needs)
      But they are a resource. Gangrape is also a meme, most slave girls who aren't basically prisoners of war get sold or given to Legionaries who perform well in battle.

  71. 1 month ago

    >game just drops centaurs because frick em

  72. 1 month ago

    Didn't Los Angeles already get nuked in Fallout 1? The Master's bomb looked like it was purposely modelled after "the gadget"

  73. 1 month ago

    I can't bring myself to join the legion because of Boone, he deserves vengeance.

    • 1 month ago

      Boone deserves a bullet to the brain. He would actually thank you for it. He's a killer, never forget that.

      • 1 month ago

        It was a mercy kill, it was either that or have is wife become a sex slave.

        • 1 month ago

          I wasn't talking about his wife. The dude is a soldier, a killer, and a hypocrite as well. How many husbands and sons has he killed? How many widows and orphans have he created? And now suddenly The Legion capturing his wife (with unknown intentions btw) is the most evil act in the history of the world? Get the frick out of here.

          • 1 month ago

            >with unknown intentions btw
            Went a little too heavy on the bait

            • 1 month ago

              You swallow NCR propaganda like semen.

              • 1 month ago

                You can visit cottonwood cove yourself, dipshit. They openly talk about wanting to rape the kidnapped teenage girl currently being held in a cage.

              • 1 month ago

                OMG some runt said something! Did you miss the slave lady that tells you it's not so bad, and that not all women get raped?

              • 1 month ago

                >not all women get raped?
                Yeah, your safe if you're butt ugly.

              • 1 month ago

                You haven't played the game, or never bothered to talk to Legion NPCs. Shut your ignorant mouth.

              • 1 month ago

                >Did you miss the slave lady that tells you it's not so bad,
                While completely surrounded by legionaries and literally within earshot of Caesar himself.
                >and that not all women get raped
                Because not all are of an age where it would be appealing.

              • 1 month ago

                >Did you miss the slave lady that tells you it's not so bad, and that not all women get raped?
                Absolutely stellar defense there, anon. The slave lady says it's not so bad because not every woman gets raped only most.

              • 1 month ago

                So what? In NCR territory she would be a total junky living in the sewers getting raped with the myriad of raiders. She is still better off in Legion territory.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah how many rape slaves did he liberate by killing their legion "husbands"?
            How many women did he spare from rape and killing by killing a junkie fiend?
            Truly Boone is just a separator of husbands and wives. What a monster!

            • 1 month ago

              >acting like a penis being put in your vegana without it saying the magic word first is the worst thing that could happen in the post apocalypse

          • 1 month ago

            >unknown intentions
            Pretty sure they were gonna sell her into slavery.

            • 1 month ago

              To who? For all we know she could have ended in a comfy Legion plantation washing dishes and making beds for the rest of her life. Also, Boone could have rescue her in a future date, but he's a moron.

              • 1 month ago

                >To who
                To whoever was the lucky Legionary who bought her. Let's be honest, Boone was just afraid of getting cucked and his son/daughter being given a real father figure in their life.

    • 1 month ago

      Boone's a little b***h and his wife was, too.

    • 1 month ago

      Boone is a stupid cuck who needs to stop b***hing and moaning about his dead wife and me replacing his beret with a Legion Centurion helmet.

  74. 1 month ago

    The NCR is just the Enclave but worse.

  75. 1 month ago

    Do you think we'll get to see the kings in the show? The kings are cool.

    • 1 month ago

      Elvis music is too expensive to license, but given how Season 1 performed quite well, maybe

    • 1 month ago

      I'm personally hoping a tunnel snake managed to survive

  76. 1 month ago

    Every day I dream of a new isometric style Fallout game with the Van Buren concept

  77. 1 month ago

    I just do not care about the Synth storyline

  78. 1 month ago

    The Brahim barons control the NCR, and they are further destroying the world by draining the water of the motherfricking wasteland.

  79. 1 month ago

    Why are legiongays always so butthurt?

    • 1 month ago

      Because reading ignorant drones gets tiring after a while. Frick it, time to reinstall and do another Legion playthrough.

  80. 1 month ago

    Personally one of the most moronic plot lines in 3 has to have been the Pitt. They explicity say that you can just leave the Pitt, and it will allow your body to flush out most of the chemicals responsible for troggification. However instead of being intelligent and having a rotating shift of slaves that cycle in and out of food production, and steel production. You get the immense waste and threat of a ballooning trogg population because the writers needed to have a "cure" be neccesary.

    Hell you can't even bring "cost" into it. Because a single ton of high grade pre-war steel would require loads of skilled labor. Not to mention being in IMMENSE demand. You should be valuing your "slaves" more than your raider flunkies. Giving up thousands of lives for this is stupid; because the Pitt itself is its own defense. So arming and supplying a massive raider force is redudant and wasteful all the while slowing your production down

  81. 1 month ago

    Fallout west coast is so fricking cool, sucks that Bethesda will continue to butcher it every chance they get.
    Playing New Vegas again and it's as good as I remember it. Apparently Bethesda ripped off that Autumn Leaves mod for Far Harbour? Guess I'll give it a try for the first time.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      This, don't expect this level of creativity from East Coasties.

    • 1 month ago

      still blows my mind closest thing you get to a proper continuation of F1 was made by a siberian shaman

  82. 1 month ago

    >Americans are so mind-fricked by their Satanic leaders that the idea of a benevolent tyrant is impossible in their corrupted minds.

    • 1 month ago

      Benevolent tyranny bad
      Malevolent oligarchy good

    • 1 month ago

      I think the word tyrant has been somewhat tarnished over the years despite that being the title for greek rulers before Athenian democracy.

    • 1 month ago

      Benevolent tyranny bad
      Malevolent oligarchy good

      >Benevolence is when we murder every man over the age of 10, turn all the women into rape slaves, and train all the boys from preadolescence to run into machinegun fire with a pocket knife taped to a walking stick. Frick you, moron. The legion is about how you can be fooled into supporting objective evil because it kind of aesthetically resembles something that you wish it was instead.

      • 1 month ago

        >words words words words words words words words
        jesus christ
        the left can't meme

  83. 1 month ago

    >The USA destroyed the world by corruption and warmongering.
    >I'll side with the faction imitating them!
    Why are NCRdrones so moronic?

    • 1 month ago

      because the Legion is worse

      • 1 month ago

        The Legion brings peace and order. What does the NCR brings? Corruption, drugs, chaos, and the same israeli bullshit that got the world destroyed in the first place.
        >B-b-but the legion destroyed evil tribes of murder and rape!
        Frick them.

        • 1 month ago

          >legion destroyed evil tribes of murder and rape!
          *Absorbed them so they can still murder and rape

          • 1 month ago

            >*culled the bad apples and gave discipline and a greater purpose*
            Fixed 4 real.

            • 1 month ago

              Those good apples still seem to do a lot of rape and murder

              • 1 month ago

                It's called war. What, do you want them to pet their enemies to death?

    • 1 month ago

      >The USA destroyed the world by warmongering
      >Let me side with the biggest fricking warmongers in the entire setting!
      Dipshit. Also the Great War USA was a military dictatorship disguised as a republic, and China was an undisguised communist dictatorship. The NCR in New Vegas is facing problems that the real world version of America has, but that version of America didn't even exist in the fallout timeline.

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Great non-argument you stupid Black person. And you called ME "reddit"

          • 1 month ago

            deliberately missing the point like an absolute moron is the reddit move, moron

    • 1 month ago

      As opposed imitating a failed empire known for corruption and warmongering centuries before the USA while keeping the slavery part
      Why are legiongays so moronic?

  84. 1 month ago

    Tunnelers SHOULD be presented as an infrastructure threat, and nothing else - the game does a great job at presenting this with the sunken buildings, but having the Deathclaw job to seemingly ONE Tunneler is just too much.
    See, if they had like, seven tunneler corpses around the dead Deathclaw, and a couple heavily damaged ones, then I'd buy they're a swarming threat - that'd be a good job at selling Tunnelers are dangerous in numbers, but from what I remember of the presentation? You see a Deathclaw silhouette walking off screen, where it dies, and there's no evidence of what did it - you're supposed to go 'oh shit, Deathclaws are super dangerous, but what's even more dangerous than a deathclaw?!', and having Tunneler bodies would undersell that moment... but you've just made it seem like the Deathclaw got taken down without even scoring a single kill.

    • 1 month ago

      Tunneling around a ruined rubble filled sinkhole laced with dozens of missile silos would also be far easier than.. tunnelling any where else.

    • 1 month ago

      That's because that specific Deathclaw has like 10 HP to sell that Tunnelers are an actual threat
      A regular deathclaw would win

    • 1 month ago

      oops, sent too early.
      Anyways, with the way the game presents Tunnelers
      >They're a threat to Infrastructure
      >They're numerous
      >They're also strong enough to take down a Deathclaw, flawlessly
      Like, pick one - you've had an established threat job to your new creation, and fellated Tunnelers so hard in so many different ways that I no longer respect the thing you're presenting me.

      That's because that specific Deathclaw has like 10 HP to sell that Tunnelers are an actual threat
      A regular deathclaw would win

      Kayfabe - they had to set it that low, because it WAS killing the tunneler otherwise. The INTENTION, was to make it seem like tunnelers took out a healthy deathclaw

      • 1 month ago

        >They're also strong enough to take down a Deathclaw, flawlessly
        they don't do it 1v1, it takes 10 tunnellers to make a lone deathclaw their b***h. But like you said, the game kind of oversells their power by not putting atleast a few tunneller corpses.
        Frick, even in the DLC my worst fights were against the deathclaws. For tunnellers, I just stood still and spawncamped their holes and they were never a threat.

    • 1 month ago

      >but having the Deathclaw job to seemingly ONE Tunneler is just too much.
      Wasn't it 3?

  85. 1 month ago

    I want to replay New Vegas but I don't feel like playing any of the DLC. They are just too disconnected from the main game in aesthetic and everything else.

    • 1 month ago

      Your loss. The DLC is where the game shines and stops being about boring political shit between the Bear and Bull.

    • 1 month ago

      >Almost all historians claim history repeats itself

      • 1 month ago

        all historians claim history repeats itself

  86. 1 month ago

    >when should we destroy Shady Sands
    >ehhhnnn.. two hundred years after the bombs first fell, exactly! it's like poetry, it rhymes

    • 1 month ago

      Why is she so ugly? She has bug eyes.

      • 1 month ago

        She comes from the Buschemi vault

  87. 1 month ago

    The Enclave was right. Kill all muties and start over.

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