Why exactly isn’t it more popular? It’s almost a clone of Skyrim which everyone loved.

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  1. 11 months ago

    The combat is absolute shit

    • 11 months ago

      There's no point in levelling since the enemies literally scale to your level on the spot wherever you go so you can go anywhere you want even at level 1, plus the combat is shit

    • 11 months ago

      Can't be worse than Skyrim's

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, they murdered it when they removed fast animation canceling
      Now it's a boomer MMO

    • 11 months ago

      It's not even the actual combat itself I hate. It's the fricking autistic bar swapping to rebuff every 10-20 seconds.
      Like jesus fricking christ just let me play the god damn game.

  2. 11 months ago

    >It's almost a clone of Skyrim which everyone loved
    No it's not.
    Also it's the 3rd/4th most played big MMO on PC and that's well enough for a game with only a fraction of their funding

  3. 11 months ago

    no fun allowed. Guards just ambush you until you die if you do anything other than the quests

  4. 11 months ago

    it was absolute fricking garbage on release and only the past few years have the devs started to turn it around.

    And even then the game is clearly showing its age, and its "expansions" being like 10 hours worth of content isn't for everyone

  5. 11 months ago

    Dead game and the combat is severely limited to like 12 abilities for some reason

  6. 11 months ago

    I don't like online games, simple as

  7. 11 months ago

    I want to like it but it just looks awful.

    The short draw distance really doesn’t help at all.

  8. 11 months ago

    >almost a clone of Skyrim

    Not even close, the menus and interface in general makes it unplayable for me

  9. 11 months ago

    The limitations of the 12 skill and forced weapon swapping combat are what brings it down for me. Exploring is pretty fun though.

  10. 11 months ago

    >they turnt summerset into generic medieval europe fantasy

  11. 11 months ago

    I enjoy it, seven slot ability bar makes it really unique in how you approach your set up. Inventory and bank space is a b***h, they always hint at buying ESO+ to double it, which sucks. I’m a sucker for treasure, dungeon, and quest hunting. Monster boss zones and map exploring is fun. Combat can be annoying at times but overall it’s fun.

  12. 11 months ago

    i doubt even just grafix mods are remotely close, and mods are the only reason people have enjoyed skyrim so long

  13. 11 months ago

    I don't like the classes, they are goofy and too specialized. Should've been "Fighter", "Thief", "Cleric" and "Wizard" and then branch out with many different skill lines from there.

    I don't want to walk around with the text "Dragon knight" and "Templar" identifying my character.

    • 11 months ago

      Same, when you login though, all that blank space makes me think they'll be like 15 different classes, Don't know what's the hold up.

    • 11 months ago

      I fricking hate it when RPGs make me be a special snowflake at fricking class selection. Give me basic classes or a skill selection, then let me build my identity from there.

    • 11 months ago

      Bizarre how they settled on "fire mage, Lightning mage, Light mage, and shadow mage" as the core classes instead of traditional elder scrolls archetypes, and then expanded it with "ice mushroom druid, necromancer, and tentacle mage"
      I just want to hit a guy with a sword thanks

  14. 11 months ago

    No global marketplace. Unforgivable in a MMO.

  15. 11 months ago

    Game was soulful 2014-2015, One Tamriel ruined everything.
    >All content must be doable at any level!
    >All content must be accessible for morons and 40 year old dad gamers!
    >Everything must be purchasable in the shop!
    >You will eat the bugs!

    Fricking Globalist pig devs.

    • 11 months ago

      for me it isn’t changing up the balance that hurt it but the consequence of doing so without doing anything to bring shit up make it interesting or stop shitters from being shitters
      >don’t want to do all these shitty leveling dungeons because they are irrelevant but they reward skill points for first clears
      >joining dungeons is a crapshoot and more often than not you get kicked immediately because the other three are together and trying to invite a fourth for speed runs and maximum rewards
      I didn’t even realize this is why I was being kicked multiple times during my time playing until I joined a guild where players were boasting about doing gay shit like this. This is all without mentioning the cancer trials can bring. I mean really did anyone play test this? Even the seemingly toughest content allows you to sit in bad and just heal it out with the single heal or sustain that everyone regardless of class or race can throw on their second bar. Don’t forget how the game outright lies to you about weaving, ya you won’t be using light attack for all but the most special of builds since most magic builds really like heavy attack for some reason just spam your moves to keep your buffs and that’s it

    • 11 months ago

      >One Tamriel bad
      >muh PvE
      >The last update with more than 40 different sets
      Kys seriously, game turned to shit much after

  16. 11 months ago

    >It’s almost a clone of Skyrim which everyone loved.
    If you genuinely believe that, then you don't understand what people liked about Skyrim or any of Bethesda's other RPGs.

  17. 11 months ago

    For new players the biggest issue will be the atrocious combat system, for experienced players it will include a plethora of issues like
    >Devs actively hate the game so they dont even know how the game works
    >Adding OP items to a new chapter only to nerf them when they have enough sales(oakensoul)
    >Huge balancing changes every 3 months forcing you to grind a new set of gear every time
    >Cyrodiil is a lag fest and the devs dont care, havent done anything with it in years either
    >Dungeons are beyond inbalanced, normal dungeons can be cleared asleep while the same dungeon on veteran will one shot you
    >game breaking bug fixing is not a priority like the block bug that was in the game for months but they have no issues making sure the cash shop always works

  18. 11 months ago

    Im not gonna buy a game just to be bombarded by ingame currencies and shit

  19. 11 months ago

    Was a beta tester, didn't like it, never touched it again.

  20. 11 months ago

    Lootboxes, $150 in-game houses, limited time seasonal events- wouldn’t be surprised if they’re developing a battle pass. I know you can play the game without playing, but the cash shop shit is always present and oppressive as a presence. That’s without mentioning the awful “weaving” for optimal dps.

  21. 11 months ago

    >It’s almost a clone of Skyrim which everyone loved.
    No it's fricking not and that's coming from one of the 5 people on Ganker that actually likes the game.

  22. 11 months ago

    No mods

  23. 11 months ago

    Because the only impression that matters is the first one, and they fricked it up. Launch version was so fricking bad.

    Als, they refused to fix a combat exploit and instead made it a "feature, which makes the gameplay autistic arthritis inducing spammy aids

    I also refuse to pay for the privilege of having bag space for all these shitty ten thousand crafting mats

  24. 11 months ago

    >It’s almost a clone of Skyrim
    No. It's a typical WoW-clone themepark. The only reason to play is if you're a TES superfan and have already played all the good games and are delving into Bethesda's garbage bin. Or you're a starving MMOgay trying out other MMOs.

    The only real upsides I can think of are:
    >The endgame PvP relative to other MMOs is decently fun, specifically Cyrodill when it's not a lagfest.
    >lore/story/setting if you're desperate for more TES

    Downsides off the top of my head:
    >Combat for most people. I don't get the combat complaints though. I guess cuz you have to manually auto attack? It's pretty run of the mill action MMO slop from my experience.
    >Zenimax is more ban happy compared to other MMO devs so that's a big downside. You get out right banned for what would be mutes or name changes in other games.
    >The game is forever in maintenance mode and will not have any big changes any more.
    >Level scaling/Horizontal progression. But it's also a good thing since you can just play the specific stories/areas your interested in and ignore the ones you don't care for.
    >PvE is super easy. Even at the highest tiers from what i've heard. Atleast as a PvPgay I rarely had to PvE past the easier tiers of a dungeon/raid.
    >Cash shop/monetization. ESO+ basically being mandatory if you play even semi-seriously means the game is b2p+sub+expac purchases.
    >PvP is more often than not a lag fest and also requires alot of investment and PvE.

    I played it cuz I was a desperate TES fan. Stayed invested for the PvP. Stopped playing because I got banned. Only recommend if you fall in the same box.

  25. 11 months ago

    It isn't anything like skyrim, what are you smoking?

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