
is an RPG system developed by Renegade Game Studios on behalf of Hasbro, and is licenced for their toy properties - Transformers, Power Rangers, G.I. Joe and My Little Pony. As they are the same system, it is entirely possible to cross over the franchises and make characters such as a Pony Joe or a Morphoformer.

>>For those that have played the system, what fun crossover characters have you created?

Otherwise, let's just discuss the system!

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    No thanks, D&D 5e is enough proof that any TTRPG Hasbro tries to make is doomed to be absolute shit.

    • 3 months ago

      The scaling dice system used for the first MLP RPG Tails of Equestria was actually really good, though. It also produced some shockingly dangeroua combats (“scuffles”), but that actually worked in the game’s favor - since combat was so dangerous, you were mechanically better off seeking a non-combat option like stealth or diplomacy, which is exactly what the show it was based on usually preferred.

  2. 3 months ago

    By itself is a garbage system but if anybody is into transformers or My Little pony by the time they are older than 20 years old, they're fricking doomed.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly stunned by this opinion, I think the system works really well for the genre it's portraying.

      Not going to touch the hypocrisy of the second half of your comment.

      • 3 months ago

        >Not going to touch the hypocrisy of the second half of your comment
        Grow up and/or stop smiling. My little pony and gi joe is for children and droolers.

        • 3 months ago

          Stop shilling*

          • 3 months ago

            No, I think your attitude was perfectly encapsulated the first time around: No Fun Allowed, Stop Liking Things I Don’t Like.

            • 3 months ago

              Yes, precisely. Stop playing making believe and roleplaying with your my little pony dolls.

              • 3 months ago

                And your super mature RPG of choice is, what, exactly? The fairy-tale power fantasy one with knights and dragons? The children’s, incredibly culturally inaccurate honoribu samurai one? The 13-year-old’s edgy parody of Tolkien with an IN SPAAAACE version? The silly one about how just seeing a fish might make you go insane and gouge out your eyes? The crossover between Anne Rice and furries? Or is it one of the ones that doesn’t even have an identity if it’s own? GURPS? FATE?

                These are ALL children’s’ games taken to ridiculous extremes. Every single game on this board, except maybe chess. Otherwise I don’t see why the ridiculous game about a 10,000 year old war caused by someone being bad at parenting is SRS BUSINESS, but the one about a 5 million year old war over resources and ideology is for kids.

              • 3 months ago

                Keep enjoying your My Little pony game.
                If you are into things that are exclusively marketed towards children under 12, then yes you genuinely need psychological help

              • 3 months ago

                So, at what point did you think that MLP features a 5 million year old war over resources and ideology?
                I was referencing Transformers, nimrod.

                A major sign of autism is being obsessed with children's (girl's) cartoons and having a strong desire to act out make believe from them

                Good thing I was referring to a boy’s cartoon that’s had tie-in comic and video game media aimed at adults for around 30 years, then.

                No one on /tg/ is authentically so obsessed with the toy commercials he watched 30 years ago that he'll gush over a 5e hack about them.

                If Warhammer had no official RPG, and then was going to get a 5e splat, I guarantee those gays would be singing its praises.

              • 3 months ago

                I know we meme about 40kids but Warhammer isn't actually for six year olds like Power Rangers and Transformers are.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry, but when you bring up My Little pony as part of your advertisement in the very first post, then you are stuck with representing it and sticking by your words.
                And transformers is similarly bottom barrel shovelshit designed for 12-year-olds and drooling mouth breathers mm
                Go ahead and post your Funko pops or whatever while you're at it, baby boy

              • 3 months ago

                I didn’t bring up MLP; I’m not OP.

                > And transformers is similarly bottom barrel shovelshit designed for 12-year-olds and drooling mouth breathers
                “Shovelshit”? Right, because the guys designing 40K were saying to themselves, “boy, I sure hope that our Tolkien/Heavy Metal/Doctor Who knockoff/reference fest doesn’t make money.” It’s all of it mass-produced garbage; just because the people who make 40K talk funny and eat chicken tika masala doesn’t mean they’re not shoveling shit for kids to consooom too.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, transformers, and gi joe were vehicles for pushing toys. It's tv shovelware, and this dogshit product line only appeals to men who are mentally children, and actual children

              • 3 months ago

                > transformers, and gi joe were vehicles for pushing toys
                But not Warhammer. Never.

              • 3 months ago

                Haha yeah, as it turns out people will pretty much eat whatever pile of shit is wrapped up in a package that looks like whatever colorful garbage they are attracted to.
                Especially children, just look at how they flip out for McDonald's.
                Well that's you, you're the child flipping out to get your special McDonald's book

              • 3 months ago

                >So, at what point did you think that MLP features a 5 million year old war over resources and ideology
                The Winter Wrap Up special.

              • 3 months ago

                That wasn't a special, it was an ordinary season 1 episode.

  3. 3 months ago

    Just received the first Factions in Action in the post, wasn't expecting mentions of Dino Hunters. That could have some fun interactions with Dinobots or Megazords.

    Also hoping that my FLGS will be getting Enigma of Combination in soon, can't wait to dive into it.

    • 3 months ago

      The book is great, save for one problem: No actual rules on how to stat up your headmaster.

  4. 3 months ago

    Can't tell if it's a shill or a troll pretending to be one.

    • 3 months ago

      >The only reason someone would like something I don’t is because they’re getting paid!
      >Or if they’re just trying to make me mad!

      A major sign of autism is the inability to understand that different people have different opinions.

      • 3 months ago

        A major sign of autism is being obsessed with children's (girl's) cartoons and having a strong desire to act out make believe from them

      • 3 months ago

        No one on /tg/ is authentically so obsessed with the toy commercials he watched 30 years ago that he'll gush over a 5e hack about them.

    • 3 months ago

      Ben is arguing with himself again.

  5. 3 months ago

    The MLP system is unironically good. Better than Tails of Equestria

  6. 3 months ago

    Imagine being a grown ass adult and liking this. The kind of brightly colored schlock that appeals only to people who have spent their entire lives living with their parents.
    I'm sure that Chris Chan owns at least one of these books, enjoy being in the same league as him

  7. 3 months ago

    I feel like this isn't the first time this thread has happened.

  8. 3 months ago

    I haven't read the G.I. Joe book, but I have read some of the transformers ones and I think the Essence 20 system is familiar enough that people could easily swap from D&D while being different enough to be meaningful

    Just have to actually run it and I might have a less shit reply for the thread.

    • 3 months ago

      Been playing the PR and TF ones for a while now. PR has a few issues, in that it was the first book out and was released a little underbaked. It's certainly playable, and fun, but the enemies are a bit too weak and definitely need the hand of the GM buffing them, and the Megazord rules suck. The rules overall aren't as tight as the Joe and TF books.

      The TF book is more or less perfect. Rules are solid and tight, etc. There are some slight differences between all 3 core books, but nothing bad enough to frick anything up, and it's easy enough to run them all together or separately, except in one case. Use the Enigma of Combination rules for Megazords, please. The PR ones suck so much ass and the EOC fixes combiner well enough.

      That said, I'd recommend all of the splatbooks for all of the games. All of them are solid, provide good options, etc. The PR splatbooks are thankfully up to the same quality standards of the rest.

      System quirks you want to be aware of are it is kind of a swingy system, enemies may need some buffs depending on how your players build, and Threat Values are a rough guideline, not an absolute. If they're the minmax types, you'll need to buff enemies or throw higher level Threats, because PC's can easily punch far above their level in terms of Threat. Don't be afraid to up skill levels, throw in weaponry that targets Social or Smarts, or add some specializations in, etc.


      The book is great, save for one problem: No actual rules on how to stat up your headmaster.

      is right, the EOC book d8d four that. One of the devs in the Discord did say to stat them up as a Modemaster Minicon, and people are trying to get the devs to issue that as official eratta or a ruling because it's the one problem in an otherwise good book.

      • 3 months ago

        Oh, and one more quirk of the system to keep in mind. Ranged is pretty strong in the system. Melee can keep up with it, it's not a trap option or anything, but Ranged does have an easier time of things and just more Perk support in general. That said, be aware they eratta'd Ranged to being able to Aim only once per enemy, so you can't just stack massive upshifts with your gun via Aim anymore.

      • 3 months ago

        I’m going to be running a Decepticon game at some point in the near future, and I do have some questions about enemies. Notably, the introductory adventure from the core TF rulebook has the 1st-level-players potentially going up against a few enemies with really high threat levels - I think it was Thundercracker snd Skywarp hovering around TL 10, and Starscream his fine self is flying around nearby at TL 15 or something.

        So…how are these not, like, instant death?

        • 3 months ago

          Players can punch above their threat fairly well. Plus that part of the adventure basically says the Decepticons are there to cause chaos and be a distraction, not so much kill everyone.

          But yeah that starter adventure is a bit silly. Focus more on them trying to rescue people rather than the Cons trying to kill them.

          • 3 months ago

            Well I won’t be running that adventure at all, since like I said I’m aiming to run a Decepticon game. I just wanted to know if I really can expect players to reliably punch above their weight class for the adventure I *do* run (won’t be the Decepticon one either; the PCs are instead going to be bringing an ancient freighter of raw energon to Earth in the not-to-distant future year of 1991, and have to hold off an Autobot attack. The idea is that they WILL fail and the shipment will be destroyed (so that the PCs can start on the outs with Megatron), but they’ll get to control how much they fail by, as the Autobot priority is the energon, not the ‘cons, and also Astrotrain and some other Decepticons will show up as backup eventually).

            I was going to start the players at level 3, and was trying to figure out how strong the Autobots could be without making the fight a TPK. I know I want Cosmos and Skyfire there, anyway.

            • 3 months ago

              Well, dropping to 0 isn't death in this system, so kick the shit out of them if you want, and have them wake up in the wreckage.

              In fact the only real way to actually die is if the GM declares you dead. Or in other words, if it makes narrative sense. Which, honestly, given how moronicly tough TF's tend to be, makes sense. They can be blown to literal bits and still come out OK, meanwhile Brawn gets shot in the shoulder and fricking dies instantly. Death by narrative is a b***h I suppose, if you're not the main characters.

              • 3 months ago

                Was definitely planning of hewing closer to the ‘80s cartoon than the movie in regards to death. We’ve been playing a lot of dark stuff recently so I’m trying to go deliberately lighthearted. I want the game to feel like what a Generation 2 cartoon would have felt like if one had been made. Even put together a playlist of late ‘80s/early ‘90s hits to keep me in the mood.

              • 3 months ago

                Gen 2 was 90's though, which means it would've been edgy like the G2 comic if it had a traditional animated continuation.

              • 3 months ago

                no no. Not Edgy. EXTREME

              • 3 months ago

                Not necessarily - consider the discrepancy between The Mask comic and The Mask movie. Or Beetlejuice as a movie verses a comic. Or Conan the Adventurer. I think a 1991 cartoon continuation might have been more goofy. Notably, grunge music is still underground - Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album came out in 1991, sure, but any new cartoon would have been in development for at least a year or two beforehand and so been more influenced by what was popular in ‘89 and ‘90 for kids.

                Action-adventure cartoons I remember from 1990 specifically are stuff like Darkwing Duck, James Bond Jr., The Pirates of Dark Water, and Space Cats.

      • 3 months ago

        can a pc use villain sorcery

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            OP here, thanks to those of you who have continued along with acutal valid conversation.

            Is the villain sorcery the system introduced in Finster's? If so I think that's the only magic in E20 so far except MLP.

            That's fair enough, I can understand that.

            Good tips, thank you.

            I was looking through Factions in Action Vol.1 last night. It seems like Dino Hunters and Mega Marines would be a fun way of allowing Joes to go up against Power Rangers threats and Transformers like the Dinobots.

            Thats where I saw it, but then it went on about psychos so I was hoping it was more defined elsewhere

        • 3 months ago

          OP here, thanks to those of you who have continued along with acutal valid conversation.

          Is the villain sorcery the system introduced in Finster's? If so I think that's the only magic in E20 so far except MLP.

          >For those that have played the system, what fun crossover characters have you created?
          I'm not into this for crossover stuff, I'm in it just for the individual properties. Long time TF/PR/GI Joe fan since the 80's, probably like most of the people playing this system. Been in a PR game for a while since it was the first book out, and want a TF one but no one I know is running one, and I'm unsure about joining one off the Discord, just because people seem so into mixing over the various books, but for me this is more of a case of "I like peanut butter, I like chocolate, I do like them mixed, but this time I would prefer they not be because I just want the pure experience".

          That's fair enough, I can understand that.

          Been playing the PR and TF ones for a while now. PR has a few issues, in that it was the first book out and was released a little underbaked. It's certainly playable, and fun, but the enemies are a bit too weak and definitely need the hand of the GM buffing them, and the Megazord rules suck. The rules overall aren't as tight as the Joe and TF books.

          The TF book is more or less perfect. Rules are solid and tight, etc. There are some slight differences between all 3 core books, but nothing bad enough to frick anything up, and it's easy enough to run them all together or separately, except in one case. Use the Enigma of Combination rules for Megazords, please. The PR ones suck so much ass and the EOC fixes combiner well enough.

          That said, I'd recommend all of the splatbooks for all of the games. All of them are solid, provide good options, etc. The PR splatbooks are thankfully up to the same quality standards of the rest.

          System quirks you want to be aware of are it is kind of a swingy system, enemies may need some buffs depending on how your players build, and Threat Values are a rough guideline, not an absolute. If they're the minmax types, you'll need to buff enemies or throw higher level Threats, because PC's can easily punch far above their level in terms of Threat. Don't be afraid to up skill levels, throw in weaponry that targets Social or Smarts, or add some specializations in, etc.

          Also [...] is right, the EOC book d8d four that. One of the devs in the Discord did say to stat them up as a Modemaster Minicon, and people are trying to get the devs to issue that as official eratta or a ruling because it's the one problem in an otherwise good book.

          Oh, and one more quirk of the system to keep in mind. Ranged is pretty strong in the system. Melee can keep up with it, it's not a trap option or anything, but Ranged does have an easier time of things and just more Perk support in general. That said, be aware they eratta'd Ranged to being able to Aim only once per enemy, so you can't just stack massive upshifts with your gun via Aim anymore.

          Good tips, thank you.

          I was looking through Factions in Action Vol.1 last night. It seems like Dino Hunters and Mega Marines would be a fun way of allowing Joes to go up against Power Rangers threats and Transformers like the Dinobots.

          • 3 months ago

            Since the damage in the system is the same no matter what (ie: "average weapon does 1 damage"), you don't really need anything special for a Joe to down a PR or a Transformer.

            Which does bring to mind funny ass images like a sentai villain popping up and catching a tank round to the face and dying.

  9. 3 months ago

    on the subject of transformers is wondering how hard it would be to run a mixed game with players split across Decepticons and Autobots.

    • 3 months ago

      As hard as you make it. Since the RPG is setting agnostic/it's own setting, how much any given Autobot and Decepticon hates one another depends on how you run thinngs. There's book for Cons, Decepticon Directive, but the rules in those can be used for Autobots as well (and vice versa, for cruel Autobots like Wreckers or Dinobots, or kinder Cons, etc).

  10. 3 months ago

    >For those that have played the system, what fun crossover characters have you created?
    I'm not into this for crossover stuff, I'm in it just for the individual properties. Long time TF/PR/GI Joe fan since the 80's, probably like most of the people playing this system. Been in a PR game for a while since it was the first book out, and want a TF one but no one I know is running one, and I'm unsure about joining one off the Discord, just because people seem so into mixing over the various books, but for me this is more of a case of "I like peanut butter, I like chocolate, I do like them mixed, but this time I would prefer they not be because I just want the pure experience".

  11. 3 months ago

    /mlp/ fricking WON

    • 3 months ago

      Not until that stupid global rule is rescinded.

  12. 3 months ago

    for those who give a shit

  13. 3 months ago

    Strike one
    Strike two
    >My Little Penis
    Strike three

    Shitposting aside, I hope you enjoy it.

    • 3 months ago

      Hasbro didn't make the RPG's.

  14. 3 months ago

    Could the Transformers game be used to run a Macross/Robotech game?

    • 3 months ago

      I don’t see why not.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't see why it wouldn't work. You might need a separate sheet for your pilot, I guess.

    • 3 months ago

      Not really? They're vehicles, Transformers are living robots who turn into vehicles. You'd probably be better off with Mekton Zeta, Lancer, Battletech, etc. Go check with the mecha threads on /tg/.

  15. 3 months ago

    Did I miss something, or do not all advanced spectrum rangers get megazord benefits?

    I couldn't find where the Gold or Silver got a mechanical benefit to theirs like white or the regular colors had gotten.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd have to look it up, but every PR has some kind of basic word stuff. It's likely theirs are dependant on the team. Since obviously the game isn't a 1 to 1 recreation and PC teams will be different.

      • 3 months ago

        Zord. Fricking phoneposting

    • 3 months ago

      Pg. 134 of the core. Any advanced spectrum can choose either Auxiliary Zord or any of the zord options the base spectrums get. New base/core colors get theirs thrown into the Zord section of their books, Orange/Purple are on pg. 82 of A Jump Through Time, for example.

      • 3 months ago

        do you know if advanced spectrum is worst the price?
        I checked out white ranger but it didnt seem anything really strong

        • 3 months ago

          Generally, yes the Advanced Spectrum's are pretty strong. White Ranger is probably the weakest of them, but still worth playing.

  16. 3 months ago

    But what if I wanna play WWE vs Strawberry Shortcake?

    • 3 months ago

      Then you play that system bro

  17. 3 months ago

    Ded thread? I just want to Transformers.

  18. 3 months ago

    I can see the crabs have arrived to the bucket. Don't get too popular or they will shriek "general, general, general!" at you until they run you off.

    • 3 months ago

      These threads barely can stay off page 10. There's nothing to crab bucket, even trolls know it's a waste of time here because the properties aren't exactly huge draws for RPG players.

      Anyway I love these games and am glad they even exist.

  19. 3 months ago

    Anyone have any games?

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