How to play eu4 efficiently?

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  1. 6 months ago

    loan up
    hire mercs
    repeat until no one left to murder

    • 4 months ago


  2. 6 months ago

    I found the best strategy to be going all in on uninstall.exe

  3. 6 months ago
    Julius Tiong

    But loans destroy my economy, not including colonial upkeep.

    • 6 months ago

      The key to loans is to use the money so your economy is bigger by the time you have to repay them, meaning having more territory or building buildings. Before taking normal loans use the estate system to take oht burgher loans that have better interest

    • 6 months ago

      >colonial upkeep
      why are you spending 200-500 ducats per province when you could be taking them from someone else for a fraction of the cost with mercs

      • 6 months ago

        my colonies are for my boys, not spanish
        case in point: mexico

      • 5 months ago

        they don't fit within the new world ethnostate

    • 5 months ago

      you grow faster than the debt does

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      If you are a beginner don't take regular loans, only take the merchant guild 1 percent interest loans.

  4. 5 months ago

    >playing games "efficiently"
    So, what do you do in your pastime?

    • 5 months ago

      >So, what do you do in your pastime?
      playing games efficiently

  5. 5 months ago

    Depends. Single player, or multiplayer? Massive difference between the two.
    Constant trade warring, with land battles designed to keep enemy states weak and compliant. Take forts with conquest wars, target manpower manufactory zones, and maybe make some dedicated shipyards in areas with salt or naval materials. Sell ships instead of deleting them, use allies in every place you colonize to brutalize neighboring states, and talk foreign powers into letting you charter trade companies.
    Lobbies are likely going to be small. Loanmax, mercmax, and cripple your opponent by taking their best land in peace deals so they ragequit instantly. The sooner, the better. Memorize unofficial alliance networks and actually diplo with the others so you don't find yourself on the wrong side of an Eight Nation Alliance by 1470. Don't privateer nodes, don't get into wars you can't end, and always max out your mana.

  6. 5 months ago

    Is it ok to to use mercs in late game or should I be trying to get professionialism as high as possible?

    • 5 months ago

      Second option, unless you built your nation around using mercs (idea group, national ideas, some innate bonuses from estates, reforms or MT) The problem with late game mercs is that their army composition is pretty shit, with not nearly enough cannons, and you probably already have over 100k manpower at this point, enough to fight most AI nations on your own, with those sweet army professionalism and drill buffs.

  7. 5 months ago

    Loan up early game and spam mercenaries. Get some good alliances and you'll barely fight any of your wars.

  8. 5 months ago

    Avoid all unnecessary drains on manpower. Have your allies fight for you, avoid battles until you can overwhelm and get a stackwipe, siege with the minimum necessary amount with an extra 1k to make up for attrition. Build barracks and soldier's households if necessary. Choose tier 2 government reform that provides manpower and give the nobility the privilege that raises manpower scaled to their crownland amount.

    Choose unit types based on morale pips, maximizing morale is how you get stackwipes, so it synergizes with a defeat-in-detail strategy; prioritizing damage will only help with even number battles that you shouldn't be fighting in the first place.

    Take 1% loans from the burghers. When your economy is larger, pay off the 1% loans (take 5% loans if necessary to pay them) so you can take 1% loans again with the amount scaled to your new prosperity. The 1% loans can go unpaid as long as you want but avoid accumulating 5% loans and pay off asap. Always seize land and then sell titles to be between 20-30% crownland (10-20% if your government is empire tier). The best moneymaker is trade, you want to have a good end node that you divert other trade centers to, so aim for >75% control.

    Take enough privileges so your burghers are usually >60% loyal for the dev cost bonus. Maximize all dev cost modifiers; use edicts, maybe wait for prosperity to max in a province, fire your golden age asap, use religious bonuses if your religion can reduce dev cost, build temples with the clergy privilege that reduces dev cost and build universities mid-game. Devving is how you get institutions reasonably soon and if done well it can grow your economy as good as conquest.

    • 5 months ago

      Just some extra stuff because I like talking about it:

      The improve relations boost from the adviser also boost the aggression expansion decay. Use the "outraged countries" choice in the macro builder for your diplomats, but once they're at the country, set them to be there manually so they don't come home until your relations are maxed. >50 aggression expansion malus lets a country join a coalition; it can fire at 4 members so be wary.

      Having the inflation reduction and trade efficiency advisers causes an event that provides 200 admin AND diplo mana, you can fire them both before clicking the event so you don't lose anything and can then hire them back. Debasing currency is probably the worst moneymaker. Aim for <2% inflation, you can prioritize other things but don't let it go over 10% (if it's really high you can at least get a burgher agenda that provides inflation reduction).

      High manpower is great for fighting wars but a larger force limit and army gives you great leverage for making allies and intimidating hostile nations to back down.

      Blockading ports and besieging their capital is a good way to white peace enemy allies in a war when they're not someone you want to fight.

      Click consolidate on your armies but hold shift (!) so have full 1k stacks without losing the regiments that have 0 men. When fighting battles, anyone extra over your combat width will take an ambient morale decay, so only feed them in piecemeal as your initial army wears down. Late game gets fricky though where just having a massive army can get you easy stackwipes.

      Always high advisers and always have >50 power projection. Making points are the key to the game.

      You can make territories into states but not core them so they're "half cores" that don't cost as much admin money and gov capacity.

    • 5 months ago

      >dev !
      unless you're playing tall, you should avoid devving unless you have a clear objective (estate mission, faceting, force brute an institution if it's painfully hard to get it without deving)
      >why? more dev is good no?
      gov cap

    • 5 months ago

      see this is why I don't like this game anymore. It's just abstract board game mechanics and mana bars that you gotta min max autisically. it's peak soulless map painting. hope we'll get a decent paradox competitor eventually

      • 5 months ago

        this will always be a problem, you can't circumvent the minmax gays

      • 5 months ago

        Every Paradox game is like this. For another example, look at Victoria 2:
        >4INF 4ART 1HUS 1ENG meta until very recently
        >there are basically three "correct" orders to pick from for how to research things
        >liquor factories
        >easy blobmaxxing as Germany by releasing German minors to decrease your infamy that will join back anyway as long as they're in your sphere
        >forming Italy really fast
        Those are just the ones I can name off the top of my head, and I'm not even a minmaxxer but just someone who's seen these strategies mentioned throughout the years. You can't escape metagays in strategy vidya in general, but especially not in Paradox games.

        • 3 months ago

          I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. What you’ve described with V2 are just ways to cheese the game (besides liquor factories and the 4/1/5 meta I guess- engineers are useless btw, not sure where you heard that.) Whereas in EU4 autistic minmaxing is REQUIRED to succeed, seeing as the game is so RNG based and everything is dependent on your mana income. You can cheese any game if you really want to, but V2 by no means requires the same level of minmaxing EU4 does. Not even close (ever heard of Laissez-Faire?)

          • 3 months ago

            >engineers are useless
            have fun sieging provinces with forts

      • 4 months ago

        It's a turn based game and a grand strategy game, of course it's going to be abstract "board game" mechanics, whatever the frick that means. What else can it be?

        >you gotta min max autisically
        Who is forcing you? OP asked how to min-max and got an answer.

  9. 5 months ago

    Any tips for Provence? I've tried sniping Normandy but I end up stackwiped or cucked by France every time, and I've tried rushing PUs but I end up having to break my country to beat Aragon and Friends after PUing Naples.

  10. 5 months ago

    Reposting from the last thread since it archived
    Alright /vst/, I need some ideas on how best to paint this map. I plan on eating Barus and Gujrat's colonial possessions, I plan on giving Russian Siberia to my Client State and I'm almost done swallowing Indochina. But I'm not certain about what to do with Wu. I kinda want to make yet another client state in China because I like the idea of each ancient Chinese capital (Beijing, Canton, Nanjing, and Chang'an) having their own state. But I'm not quite sure how to divide Wu. I don't think I want Chang'an or Canton to be any larger, but the borders of Beijing are kinda awkward
    I'll list my subjects since the text is hard to read
    I have one more diplomatic relations slot but I'm also willing to go far over it since its end game and I have mana to spare
    So how should I split Wu and what should I do with Tibet/India?

  11. 5 months ago

    Finished my Revolutionary Japan game. Playing as the revolution is definitely fun, but waiting to get there really sucks. Anyway, here are my puppets. I was going to clean up Xinjiang, but both of the hordes are allied to all of the Indians (somehow) and I just don't feel like fighting them. One thing I noticed is that the Revolution is barely able to spread itself, and even with my armies things fell apart after I left. The "Spread the Revolution" war goal doesn't overthrow the enemy government (which it really should" but instead just gives all their provinces the Revolution. That sounds good, but its hard for the uprisings to succeed. I spread it to Persia, and at best the uprisings would be 200k. And these stacks would be isolated and obliterated by Persia's 800k space marines.
    Speaking of Persia, they're absolutely terrifying this patch. I had 130% discipline 10 morale with all of the Revolution buffs and Persia had 115% discipline and 10.3 morale. Admittedly, I didn't take many army ideas (I took both naval instead) and I could have easily swapped them out after I stopped needing the navy as much. I also did handily beat Persia because I sailed my whole army into the Persian gulf while Persia died in the mountains of Tibet. But regardless, Persia gets insanely powerful. They were even the economic hegemon before I beat them. All in all though, a really fun game. The Girondists make you insanely powerful, I was pretty much in constant war with Wu, Bengal, Barus, and Khmer when I was first spreading the revolution and I never ran out of manpower. I didn't take an army idea until after the Revolution and my men were still melting the AI armies.

    • 5 months ago

      >Have fun playing in Italy and maybe my favorite place to start
      >Form Italy
      >Lose interest in playing Italy
      I dont know why this happens, kinda feels like they're far overdue for a touch up in missions and such.

      Have they made any changes of the revolution mechanics lately. Last time i played into that era was years ago and the revolution spawned in like India and was squashed in 10 years or so.

      • 5 months ago

        Way back when I played a fun game as Milan to Italy with the Ambrosian Republic gov and I found my largest problem with Italy was that the MT pretty much railroads you into trying to reform the Roman Empire. I prefer playing Italy as its own state as opposed to merely a stepping stone to forming the RE. Ideally in the future we'd have the choice between the Rome path or forging a new one as the early modern Italian state

        • 4 months ago

          Interesting how HoI4 did this, at first I found it strange how "Greater Italy" and "Rome" were mutually exclusive but now I appreciate it

          • 4 months ago

            It makes more sense to me. The world is a far different place in 1444 than it was during antiquity. Besides even though I personally fall into the "Byzantium wasn't truly Rome" camp, in-game Byzantium already exists if you really want to scratch that itch.

      • 5 months ago

        >Have they made any changes of the revolution mechanics lately
        Yeah there are changed in the Emperor DLC. A Center of Revolution will spawn in one country with high absolutism (weighted to Europe). The CoR will spread the Revolution to provinces three at a time (only needing a few days for each), and having the revolution gives more unrest the higher your absolutism (with my uber absolutist Japan, it was +25 unrest in each province). One Revolutionary sentiment is spread, revolutionaries will spawn until you are able to remove the Revolution from the province (no idea how to do this, since if I ever play this late I always go Revolution. But I think you need to start the Revolution Disaster, choose to fight the rebels, and win). Once the Rev is in more than 20% of your development, then you can start the Disaster and flip really easily.
        I will say that the Revolution never seems so succeed on its own through. In my game, only small European countries ever fell to it. Rebel stacks are just unable to take level 8 forts and never outnumber the national army

      • 5 months ago

        >Have they made any changes of the revolution mechanics lately
        Yeah there are changed in the Emperor DLC. A Center of Revolution will spawn in one country with high absolutism (weighted to Europe). The CoR will spread the Revolution to provinces three at a time (only needing a few days for each), and having the revolution gives more unrest the higher your absolutism (with my uber absolutist Japan, it was +25 unrest in each province). One Revolutionary sentiment is spread, revolutionaries will spawn until you are able to remove the Revolution from the province (no idea how to do this, since if I ever play this late I always go Revolution. But I think you need to start the Revolution Disaster, choose to fight the rebels, and win). Once the Rev is in more than 20% of your development, then you can start the Disaster and flip really easily.
        I will say that the Revolution never seems so succeed on its own through. In my game, only small European countries ever fell to it. Rebel stacks are just unable to take level 8 forts and never outnumber the national army

        I can't find it on the wiki but I remember playing a game as Germany, when provinces got revolution they would gain high levels of autonomy too so if it's spread throughout your whole country your income plummets.

  12. 5 months ago

    Best way to play the Netherlands?

    • 5 months ago

      That's all you need. Follow your merchant intuition.

    • 5 months ago

      Get France and Austria to support independence, let them do most of the heavy fighting, take Antwerp in the peace deal, continue to steadily expand (a war with England to take Calais and also stealing the Azores of Portugal isn't a bad idea), don't form Netherlands until you have the entire region as it kicks you out of the HRE. Get to Asia the usual way ASAP. Also Reformed may be shit but the Dutch have some unique events for it

    • 4 months ago

      >EU4 has a time period that literally spans the entire Dutch golden age
      >easily the worst MT of all the western european nations
      I will suck dick for a decent Dutch MT

      • 4 months ago

        The Netherlands is kind of Qing in that they were extremely successfully historically but almost never actually appear in-game because the AI is moronic and never able to form them. Also yeah what turned me off of playing them is bascially that their MT is just England's with none of the interesting parts
        >Build X amount of ships
        >Colonize here

  13. 5 months ago

    >Violated Treaty of Tordesillas: -179 (-0.9 Yearly)
    I don't give a shit who "claimed" this colonial region, I'm here and all of it is going to be mine eventually.

    • 5 months ago

      >treaty of tordesilla affecting you
      you're no chad if you bow before the pope and kiss his ring all day boy

  14. 5 months ago

    Is anyone here on the playtest for this? I like the concept, and really want to play as surviving Egypt. But so far every mission tree I've seen looks OP as shit

    • 5 months ago

      Isn't this coming out tomorrow? Kind of hyped honestly.

  15. 5 months ago

    How do people use the debt and merc shit properly?
    I just go bankrupt and lose

    • 5 months ago

      as you expand you will gain access to bigger loans. use these bigger loans to pay off the smaller ones because one 20 ducat loan generates a quarter of the inflation that five 5 ducat loans do.

    • 5 months ago

      interest rates on loans in eu4 are fixed and the size of your loan is dependent on your dev. So if you are 20 dev then you are taking 10 ducat loans each at 4%. when you take a province and double your dev to 40 you can now take out 20 ducat loans at 4% interest. so if take out 20 ducat loans to pay off the 10 ducat loans you save money on interest. You can further leverage this by taking out burgher loans under your estates which grants you five 1% interest loans which you can then pay off the shitty 4% loans so save even more.

      for example 1000 ducats of debt with ninety five 10 ducat loans + 5 burgher 1% loans = 3.2 ducats per month in interest
      1000 ducats of debt with forty five 20 ducat loans + 5 burgher 1% interest loans = 3.08 ducats per month in interest.

      You've already increased the amount of debt you can take without changing your income at all just by restructuring the debt

      • 5 months ago

        >You've already increased the amount of debt you can take without changing your income at all just by restructuring the debt
        And people say that EU4 debt isn't realistic

        • 5 months ago

          I mean it's unrealistic in the sense that every nation is just getting phantom money from an indefinite ghost bank that has an eternal storage of cash that seemingly never stops existing, always demanding the same fixed interest rate.

          • 4 months ago

            You just described fiat currency.

            • 4 months ago

              No, he didn't. Fiat is just seignorage taken to its logical conclusion: bold-faced fraud. The lack of competition or variability in the loan market is the game's single biggest flaw.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes he did.

  16. 5 months ago

    When playing Spain do you want to go with a heavy canon backline as soon as you form it cause of the +1 fire? Or do you still want to wait till mil 16.

  17. 5 months ago

    >6.5 and 105% discipline vs 5.5 morale and 110% discipline
    Is discipline really that much better? I was being attacked by near equal numbers over a river crossing + into woodlands and my army still took twice the losses

    • 5 months ago

      It gets better the later in game you get as unit killing ability gets higher.

      • 5 months ago

        It was tech 15, should I have focused on discipline rather than morale?

        • 5 months ago

          You can still do pretty well with moral late game the value of the ability to outlast your enemy never really goes away. Its just as the game goes on armies get bigger and canons become more common things like disciple, inf and art combat ability stacking gets incredibly useful at quickly slaughtering your enemies. But its only a general rule unique national units and ideas makes it so there's a shit tonne of exceptions to it now.

        • 4 months ago

          discipline past mil tech 12 is superior

    • 5 months ago

      You live in a post-morale world. Discipline is king now since its pretty trivial to stack morale. You can hit 6 morale in the 1500's pretty easily

  18. 4 months ago

    Did an initial run of Post Finem as Roma. It was fun, but also way too easy. The not-HRE doesn't have any real external threats, and the religious tension is a non-issue since you get a free PU on the only large non-Punic nation. You're also drowning in money because they changed trade flow to heavily favor the Italian end nodes. I revoked around 1500 and finished the Rome tree before absolutism kicked in.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah I just finished a Saxony campaign and the mission tree throws so many bonuses at you its pretty hard to frick up.

  19. 4 months ago

    Just did an Oirat run and formed Yuan in 1467. Stopped there since I don't feel like playing a full game, but holy shit Ming is so much weaker than I remember. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like Ming used to be a serious enemy back in the day. I remember Qing runs being really hard until you had eaten like 25% of China and Ming finally keeled over and died. But now its like Ming never has any reserves and their men are made of rice.

    • 4 months ago

      Ming crisis is absolutely horrible, and its tag based as well.
      One time i decided to be Provencal Chinese HRE emperor and when i reached China in like 90 years Ming were a rump state (that i vassalized and started feeding the cores back) and suddenly 30k peasants and separatist started popping everywhere for next 10 years.

      I lost more soldiers pacifying the crisis than i did in vs mamluks, french and ottomans combined.

    • 4 months ago

      Ming crisis is absolutely horrible, and its tag based as well.
      One time i decided to be Provencal Chinese HRE emperor and when i reached China in like 90 years Ming were a rump state (that i vassalized and started feeding the cores back) and suddenly 30k peasants and separatist started popping everywhere for next 10 years.

      I lost more soldiers pacifying the crisis than i did in vs mamluks, french and ottomans combined.

      The AI is also terrible at managing its mandate. Even playing the emperor of China as the player you learn to work with your mission tree to give you mandate when you pass a reform but the AI doesn't know to do that so as a result AI Ming almost perpetually has the debuffs from low mandate. As a result they lose most of their manpower killing rebels or fighting Oirat and can't recover when the disasters hit

    • 4 months ago

      >their men are made of rice
      They are

      • 4 months ago

        ...they also had horsies and "fought" via drive-by-shootings

  20. 4 months ago

    I think I just got the highest siege tick in history

    • 3 months ago

      Shit I don’t even wanna imagine how many months that took

  21. 4 months ago

    >Another episode of ottomans/veganagara colonizing
    Colonization should be limited to eastern european countries. Sick of this shit

  22. 4 months ago

    Why do my allies call me in wars when I am balls deep in another war?

    • 4 months ago

      turn off call to offensive wars in the favors tab

  23. 4 months ago

    Did they change how the Burgundian Succession works in Domination? I PU'd them as France about 50 years ago and Margaret still hasn't had her horse accident.

  24. 4 months ago

    Is the panama channel gone?

  25. 4 months ago

    Can anyone suggest me a good byzantium opening guide? I tried severals on youtube but failed badly while following them.

    • 4 months ago

      Red Hawk is usually the most beginner friendly

  26. 4 months ago

    Learning to play these game is the fun part.
    Once you know the mechanics the brainless AI stops being challenging even at the start of the game not to mention in mid game.

  27. 4 months ago

    >They still haven't fixed natives being able to declare war on your colonies without you getting called in

    • 4 months ago

      What is "Enforce Peace"?

      • 4 months ago

        It's still moronic and you know it.

        • 4 months ago

          It's really not. If you aren't able to maintain +100 relations with your colony, that's a genuine skill issue

    • 4 months ago

      What is "Enforce Peace"?

      What's worse
      >medium sized colony in New England
      >it declares war on Indian federation
      >repeat 3 times while I'm fighting wars to get its cores back

      • 4 months ago

        >colony starts a war
        >you don't subsidize them
        Your fault
        >colony loses war
        >you don't make destroying the natives top priority
        Also your fault. The only place where natives are a threat to your colony is Eastern USA. In Mexico and Peru, you're going to use your big strong Euro armies to crush them to get the gold ASAP. The only place where natives are a longstanding issue is the USA. If your colony is having trouble, just stomp the natives in a few wars.

        • 4 months ago

          Nta but i blame the game. Natives are annoying as frick and ill usually just mod them out. Mexico ones are fine but everything else is more enjoyable without them.

    • 4 months ago

      That's how it's supposed to work. You may not like it, but it's a trade-off for colonies growing extremely quickly, being highly lucrative, and having full tech benefits.
      Speaking of, is vassal AI still moronic?

      >playing online

      It's the single best game mode.

  28. 4 months ago

    >use concede colonial region
    >spend the next 50 years whackamoling rebels in nebraska because the ai has 1000% overextension

  29. 4 months ago

    A good processor is destroying my attention span. A campaign that used to take a week takes an afternoon now. Playing with people who cant do 2 speed is insufferable now

    • 4 months ago

      >playing online

      • 4 months ago

        Playing with friends is fun. That is until death wars end the campaign

  30. 4 months ago

    I fricking hate the way revolutionary flags are done in this game. In other paradox games you have multiple unique flags depending on the ideology/ruling party/whatever which are better and more flavorful than the generic vertical tricolors in this game. Want to have the 5-color flag as republican China? Tough luck, you get Belgium's flag instead because we can't represent anything else! It'd be fine if you could mod them in but you can't. Frick this game.

  31. 4 months ago

    How do I cope?

    • 4 months ago

      be their best friend while you take over england, then pull a switcheroo and claim their throne

    • 4 months ago

      What idea group order did you take? I want an early exploration but I need the cash from trade and infrastructure I feel like

    • 4 months ago

      >didn't take Antwerp in the independence war
      Might as well restart

      • 4 months ago

        Burgundy shat it's pants because I got France, Denmark, Aragon and England to support my independence and released me for free.

        • 4 months ago

          I would actually restart over that. Antwerp is a huge power boost. You should never accept support for independence unless you're actually ready to do it for this very reason. You should've gotten the gang together and instantly decced on Burgundy. You'd win handily

  32. 4 months ago

    that sounds pretty freaking gay dude

  33. 4 months ago

    What now? I can try the restoration of union on Britain but I can't win, my gay ally austria has good relations. Same with trying to fight spain. France is allied with the ottomans. I actually managed to defeat the ottomans/france and take a few french colonies a while back with Austria helping, but now everything seems stuck besides finishing off the asian guys. I am tired of fighting Ayutahay

    • 4 months ago

      >doesn't have all of Low Countries
      >doesn't have all of Indonesia
      >doesn't have all of the Cape
      >doesn't have Sri Lanka
      >doesn't have all of Eastern USA
      >doesn't have Australia
      You're nowhere close to done
      >can't 1v1 UK
      You absolutely have more ships than he does and the economy to build them. You can beat England

      • 4 months ago

        I can't 1v2 Portugal and GB. How do I fight global naval wars? I can never find the enemy navy until they pop out and destroy my fleets when they are weak from attrition. I can probably blockade all the isles and Portugal but I will get wrecked in the new world. I guess I can spam merc companies across the channel.

        How do I fight this Spain?

        • 4 months ago

          >How do I fight global naval wars? I can never find the enemy navy until they pop out and destroy my fleets when they are weak from attrition
          All your navy has to do is sit in the channel and protect your transports while you land an insane amount of mercs in the home islands

        • 4 months ago

          >How do I fight global naval wars?
          Have galley fleets on navy hunt in relevant oceans while your main navy of heavy ships is the one you micro. When your galley navy intercepts the enemy fleet 1 of 2 things will happen. They will catch the enemy's transports/merchant ships/random tiny navies or they'll catch the enemies main navy. If its the former, the galley fleet can solo win; if its the latter, send your main navy into the battle. You'll lose lots of galleys, but it'll delay the enemy fleet long enough for your heavies to get there and win. By the 1600's you should be more than rich enough to recoup the losses (plus the AI is shit at rebuilding).

          Here's my latest Japan game. I had ~250 galleys on intercept missions at all times and a fleet of ~60 heavies that I used for battles. Couple this with ~400 trade ships and 585 transports, I never worried about a naval battle.
          Just focus on the theater that matters. If you want to land in the UK, focus your transports, armies, and battle fleets there. Let the AI blockade Guinea and America you'll win there later
          >How do I fight this Spain?
          Where do you want to fight? Spain famously keeps all their armies in the Americas. You can rather easily siege down Iberia so long as you can prevent the AI from delivering reinforcements.

        • 4 months ago

          adding to everyone elses advice the ai usually has one doom stack sailing round. Just before you dw put your biggest fleet in the sea tile its about to sail into for the bonus and sink the fricking thing to make the rest of the war easier.

    • 4 months ago

      Does Russia ever manage to keep the turks at bay in this patch?

      >doesn't have all of Low Countries
      >doesn't have all of Indonesia
      >doesn't have all of the Cape
      >doesn't have Sri Lanka
      >doesn't have all of Eastern USA
      >doesn't have Australia
      You're nowhere close to done
      >can't 1v1 UK
      You absolutely have more ships than he does and the economy to build them. You can beat England

      You tryhard in eu4?!?!?! Woah! what else can you do?!?!?!1'??'

      • 4 months ago

        >controlling the spice island trade
        No, moron-kun. Its just called playing the game. Do you think France conquering Burgundy is tryharding?

        • 4 months ago

          Yah, doing that is fun once. And you missed India

          • 4 months ago

            Also, France eating burgundy is not even near as annoying as conquering spice trade route

            He already has 90% of what he needs to dominate the spice trade. Just grabbing Ceylon, Guinea, and Borneo means he's pretty much got everything. What else do you even do in that position? It's not like its 1444 and I'm telling him he HAS to conquer the spice islands. He's clearly chosen that path and just needs to finish. Its like playing Russia, conquering half of Lithuania, and stopping before Kiev. It makes no sense

  34. 4 months ago

    Staus: I was able to trap a good amount of the british army in ireland by sending a couple merc companies on a suicide attack, and then blocking the straight by with my main army, and have been able to land most of my army on Britain. However frustratingly Aachen was able to get military access through Spain and France and Portugal was able to march their armies up before I could peace them out. My ally poland is just sitting doing nothing, even though I got military access for them to come relieve me

  35. 4 months ago

    1. Play a horde
    2. Git gud

  36. 4 months ago

    Also, France eating burgundy is not even near as annoying as conquering spice trade route

  37. 4 months ago

    Is there any way to stop the knights from raiding my coasts as byzantium? The frickers always start raiding by January 1445 and telling my boats to hunt pirates makes them hide in my ports.

    • 4 months ago

      ally them or restart until you get a game where they're broken by greek rebels

  38. 4 months ago

    British Military genius

    • 4 months ago

      This image upsets me greatly
      You don't need to look at your merchants in the sidebar
      Why so little manpower/sailors? You should have more than enough to build docks/recruitment centers in all of your provinces (which should be high dev)
      Either use your colonists or swap out the idea groups
      Spend your 20k ducats on SOMETHING
      Apart from that, I think you're great

      • 4 months ago

        I don't have manpower of sailors cause I don't bother with micro and just leave my men to die blockading, sailing across the world, or sitting on forts

    • 4 months ago

      How the frick did Cleves end up in Picardy?

  39. 4 months ago

    What will the next DLC be anyway?

    • 4 months ago

      I think its South America next, and rumoured after that final dlc whatever they missed in the Middle East (e.g. Omam).

  40. 4 months ago

    Is there a way to check if an event a
    Has fired? I haven’t exactly been paying close attention, and I don’t know if the Anglican Church has happened in my current Spain game, although I have a feeling the ai chose to stay catholic out of spite.

  41. 4 months ago

    I played a game of aragon today, never touched the hispanic countries before. Only ever played france, italian minor, or muscovy in europe. Holy frick Aragon is more broken than france.

    >PU over naples at game start
    >PU over castille and portugal almost immediately (they will colonise for you)
    >Burgundian inheritance because you’re so far away from whatever they could care about
    >immediate access to face rolling north africa

    The year is ~1550, there might be no reason for me to continue playing, but the AI in the rest of europe is doing some interesting things and I’d like to monitor it for my own amusement.

    >no cb Byz
    >vassalisé and inherit a war against ottomans
    >wienerroaches no longer exist

    >Bohemia/Venice/Tuetonic Order triple alliance controls the power in central europe
    >Bohemia and Venice partitioned Austria
    >Poland is powerless against its West.

    >Denmark beats Muscovy to Novgorod
    >But the swedes rebel
    >the swedes eat norway
    >Muscovy can take danish Russia
    >Finland freaks out on Sweden and is able to enforce their demands
    >Muscovy can take finland
    >poland is also helpless to its east.

    >age of reformation
    >somehow get elected as emporer
    >enforce catholicism with a german inquisition

    this game is boring, it’s 1550 and I am 3 more wars away from the entire mediterranean coastline. Venice/Bohemia/Teuton are a secondary power in europe and will never amount to much because they refuse to eat poland despite the fact i swear they are in near constant war with each other.

    Any ideas to keep the game interesting? Sweden and Muscovy are bound to butt heads at some point but i am allied to muscovy and i think it is impossible for me to lose at all at this rate.

    • 4 months ago

      Go play a pick-up game online.

    • 4 months ago

      >Any ideas to keep the game interesting?
      Play as an OPM or roleplay

    • 3 months ago

      Dunno, if you're still playing that save, but you could ditch your allies, and try to colonize China. Just don't rage if you get invaded while balls deep into Asia, that's intended.

  42. 3 months ago

    How much ae is too high?

  43. 3 months ago

    Man, winning the first war against the ottos as byz is so satisfying, especially after restarting twenty times
    Everything after that is a cakewalk

  44. 3 months ago

    (These) warmongers managed to use Poland as a dummy
    Immediately after the first confrontation I extended my hand
    Yet it was rejected again
    I am convinced that no understanding is possible with (these) men
    (They) are insane idiots
    These are the people who make (their) fortunes through war
    (They) hate a great Germany
    (They) have a social Germany

  45. 3 months ago

    Protip: Many EU4 youtubers savescum and some even cheat. 90% of this game is pure luck.

  46. 3 months ago

    No you aren't unless you are going for an OPM to world conquest run or some autistic shit you can just play the game without giving a frick about min maxing and easily win. Think about those events that give influence/loyalty to one estate and take from another. Has anyone ever not just clicked without reading and giving a frick? I don't think so. It's the same with everything. Dev, tech ect, which ideas you take ect, unless you are a moron you will easily win. Maybe there is a few meta things like dev for institutions if you are outside Europe but that's it

  47. 3 months ago

    I’m doing a first playthrough as Holland, is there any practical reason to form Netherlands? England hates me, so does Scotland and Portugal and several others I imagine, but I’m making bank and starting to colonize.
    Netherlands is available to form but nothing in the tool tip has convinced me why I should leave the HRE. I’m having a chill talk game and not looking to blob on all these minors

    • 3 months ago

      Dutch government type plus better missions and events. Don't be a pussy, anon. HRE a shit

    • 3 months ago

      Missions. Unique government reform. You don't even need to stay in the empire after you have the lowlands since you should turn your gaze towards France and England.

  48. 3 months ago

    >do well with early expansion in the lowlands as holland
    >the game decides to frick me by sending both castille and portugal around the cape
    Every fricking time.

  49. 3 months ago

    I'm mostly focused on DLCs that add mechanics and QOL changes to the game.
    Given this, which DLCs can I forego and instead go with mods?
    Which mods do a better job than DLCs?
    Which are essential from a mechanics/QOL POV?
    I'm asking this because I see many DLCs are focused on mission trees, and I know there are good mods about this (Europa Expanded) or even completely different, such as Anbennar or Ante Bellum.

    • 3 months ago

      At this point either just pirate them all, or grab it when it's on humblebundle. If you're "buying" the dlc's just get everything through leviathan for anbennar. Yes you can probably be ultra autistic and min/max which dlc's add specific mechanics you want but at this point they're all core in some respect and something is going to break if you don't have a specific one.
      Domination is also worthwhile for the refreshed big guy mission trees, but you don't really need it for anbennar.

  50. 3 months ago

    HRE status: dismantled

    • 3 months ago

      what's the point of dismantling the empire as burgundy

      • 3 months ago

        Cause hesse was the Emperor and why not just trying to eat the hre guys and form lothoringia

      • 3 months ago

        The empire can dismantle itself during reformation, but before the reformation wars, sometimes. (Raare, cause the reformation needs to be uber strong)
        It can also dismantle itself during the war, if no "pragmatic sanction"

  51. 3 months ago

    Take out a loan
    Use your money to buy shit
    Accumulate and spend your mana
    Take out another loan to pay off the last loan

  52. 3 months ago

    >try to conquer the americas as Aztec
    >uniting mexico was easy
    >spain was a pain in the ass afterwards
    >multiple war that bankrupted me with spain and bongland
    >cant ally with russia or ottos cause Im pagan
    >forgot that as a native american nation you can declare war on colonies without getting their overlord involved
    Any tips on how to conquer the americas? the governing cap is always a pain in the ass

  53. 3 months ago

    Is there insane anti-player bias in this game or am I schizo? Today I booted it up because I just felt like doing a Bavaria run for some reason. Started as Munich and Austria (who I royal married before unpausing) instantly allied Landshut, as well as two of my opm rivals. There is no reason for them to do this.

    • 3 months ago

      >anti-player bias
      Feature, not a bug. PDX openly states that the AI focuses the player. In my Ardabil run, Ottomans allied Shirvan and Ajam allied Mazandran so I had to sit around for years.

      What's your favourite alternative history mod?
      I really like playing the elysian campaing in third odyssey.

      The only protest I have with that image is that NOVA is proud federal land. We have nothing in common with D*xie anymore

  54. 3 months ago

    What's your favourite alternative history mod?
    I really like playing the elysian campaing in third odyssey.

  55. 3 months ago
    holy kino

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly thought they would make separate DLCs for each region covered. Maybe EU4 is closer to the end than anticipated. This one DLC is covering everything Johan said was left to cover in terms of adding flavour to the map when asked about future DLC content. They'll probably go silent for a while after this releases and then EU5 will be announced at a subsequent PDXcon like what happened with CK3.

    • 3 months ago

      Funny how we are at a "the dlc got enough we need a new DLC for this region to be up to the standard of current DLC" stage.
      Then again, stuff like the Inca and the Netherlands were absurdly outdated.
      Anyway, I will pirate it so I don't really care if its fair to ask for money again or not, lmao.

    • 3 months ago

      these two already have good flavour wtf

      • 3 months ago

        Prussia isn't listed, Germany is. The content will be for once that's actually formed. Austria is going to be getting content so that it's in line with Prussia in terms of content and have more interactions with junior partners.

      • 3 months ago

        austrias update was 4 years ago same as the old french one
        if the french got an update with domination austria deserves one aswell
        and prussia has frickall for flavour and one event doesnt even work properly anymore

    • 3 months ago

      Hungary, Bohemia, and Hordes are very much welcome.Timurids getting a proper mission tree without going Mughals might be fun too. Italy is kind of okay. Couldn't care less about everything else.

    • 3 months ago

      Fricking finally some updates to the big three of the Americas.
      Hopefully with the new branching paths mechanic you can go christian as the Inca (as the last emperor did convert)

    • 3 months ago

      More Europe
      I will buy this at full price and I don't even play the game that much

    • 3 months ago

      >More injun content
      I miss the days of based EU3 when they weren't even playable.

      • 3 months ago

        Aztecs and Inca were always playable

        • 3 months ago

          Really? I never played the older EU games but I had heard you could only play white christians in them

          • 3 months ago

            no that's crusader kings

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, I think anon confused it with CK1
              But even CK1 allowed you to play Christians from Ethiopia and the Middle East.

    • 3 months ago

      >a new formable will be created that may create some headaches for the Austrians.
      what's it going to be?

    • 3 months ago

      good, needed
      great, not as outdated as the others and while their MT is strong as frick it's dogshit mechanically and half of it is pointless and/or meme shit
      good, needed
      good, hopefully genoa gets updated too

    • 3 months ago

      Not actually mentioned for new content just as a reference for what can be expected in scope when it comes to Austria.

  56. 3 months ago

    Lately I've been refusing to accept other cultures, converting them to mine, even if we're in the same culture group.

    • 3 months ago

      Did you use the expel minorities colony option to speed the process? Probably not because of the dev cost. Is there ever a good reason to use the interaction?

      • 3 months ago

        with the -100% cost gov reform its essentially a free colony and it also gets rid of religious zeal

        • 3 months ago

          Did you use the expel minorities colony option to speed the process? Probably not because of the dev cost. Is there ever a good reason to use the interaction?

          Yeah, it allows you to double your colonial expansion for the cost of some dev unless you are using 3 dev provinces.
          For England, as an example, this can turn 4 colonists into 8 for the same price and you are only doing it on 3 dev irish or welsh dogshit.

    • 3 months ago

      I always convert "castillian" and "aragonese" culture in iberia
      don't ask me why...

  57. 3 months ago

    Just gonna copy this over from /vg/ gsg thread

    Hey guys, made another compilation of mods that affect the Americas as celebration since the dev diary states that there'll be DLC for that region now.

    I tried to make everything compatible to the best of my ability but let me know if there are bugs and shit as well as let me know about other mods that affect the americas.

    I made other changes for my own personal use like Wastek has another province, Coahuilteco is a Nahuatl Kingdom, and Maya doesn't need you to reform the religion


    Yeah… that last line of text is to be placed after the 1fichier website to download. (They marked me as spam when posting the link, yes the mod is too big for

    • 3 months ago

      >CP warning

      • 3 months ago

        You’re shitting me. I don’t want any police on my doorstep. I swear it’s a collection of mods combined that I don’t want to upload on steam because I know some mod author would take it down.

        • 3 months ago

          What are the mods included? What can I do in the Andes?

          • 3 months ago

            Sorry, just got up. I’ll list the mods later but for now, there is a new mission tree for Cusco and Inca, Inti has been replaced by Chakana, which has Hinduism mechanics, there are new nations in the andes, there are wasteland mountain provinces all across the Andes and I think Mapuche has new events too and mechanics

            • 3 months ago

              Oh, and also, there are new great projects across there and some additional music (which is the reason I couldn’t use Please let me know of other mods that affect the Americas and I’ll try to add it.

          • 3 months ago

            Sorry for the delay again, Mods mainly include:
            Expanded South America
            More Natives
            Chakana: Andean Expansion
            Mesoamerican Expansion
            Lautaro's Legacy
            Maya Flavor mod
            Inca against the world (New mission trees etc)
            World Wonders - The Americas
            Switch to High American Tech Group (There's an issue with Nahuatl due to how Mesoamerican Expansion changes the religion, I fixed it on my end but it's not fixed with what I released)
            Pagan rebels
            Soundtrack of the Americas

            That's all I can remember for now, things I added since is new flags for Maya and Inca from the Better Flags for Aztec (Yes I excluded them), Maya, and Inca, as well as fixed up some missing nations that were left out when merging Expanded South America and More Natives. Also, and yet again, let me know of more mods that affect the Americas.

  58. 3 months ago

    Has anyone ever tried conquering China as a European country before?

    • 3 months ago

      Nope, nobody has ever tried that

    • 3 months ago

      yeah, the hapa events are really out of place imo

    • 3 months ago

      I conquered China as Kazkhstan which is Turkish which is European

      • 3 months ago

        Kazakhstan is Turkic, not Turkish. And they're Central Asian, not European.

    • 3 months ago

      Apparently Spain was planning to do it in real life, but after the Spanish Armada sunk they shelved the idea.

      • 3 months ago

        why must anglos ruin everything

  59. 3 months ago

    I've updated the compilation.

    Changes made:
    - Tried to update all overwriting files from vanilla from 1.35 to 1.36 (Help check monuments, I may have fricked up there)
    - Added the Cahokia mod which lets all Muskogean nations form Cahokia (It's different from the starting Cahokia nations, the ones who built the mound were different people who became many of the Muskogee)
    - Removed Soundtrack of the Americas (Subscribe it yourself, it takes a lot of space)
    - Fixed the decision to turn into High American tech for all Nahuatl nations.
    - Gave Maya and Inca new flags.

    • 3 months ago

      Ok, looking at the mission tree of the Incas, it feels a bit weird to me, it wants you to switch religion to reformed, become a republic and become revolutionary. Is there any other mission trees out there for Inca? If not I’ll try adding Europa Expanded

  60. 3 months ago

    Roleplaying is more fun. But you should sell all your crownland month 1 for that sweet +1 mana each month for the rest of the game since you'll get an event to get it back then can revoke the autonomy privilege you get from it later.

  61. 3 months ago

    I formed Rome but I was sad that there was nothing left to do. So I made Rome "historically accurate". I jacked corruption up to 100 and conquered enough uncored land to reach 1000% overextension. The corruption modifier made coreing everything impossible, the OE made reducing corruption impossible, so the country was permanently fricked.

    I made a rule that rebellions can only be crushed by one army stationed in that trade zone set to auto-crush rebels. If more troops are needed, they have to be permanently merged into that army even if they're over the supply limit, so sometimes I built supply depots. My rebel management was automated enough that I wasn't having to pay attention to revolts, but 80% of my military forces were on permanent police duty. My economy and technology were fine, I was too big to fail, but I was stretched thin. I could barely make manpower with my police armies constantly fighting and suffering attrition.

    Eventually I reached my limit after two historically-accurate botched campaigns into Persia. I could only commit 300k troops with 200k manpower but Persia had all mountain forts and better quality. I also wasn't too meta with managing my armies, I just tried marching in and demonstrating the power of Rome. It was a bloodbath. First war only gained me Armenia, second war I conquered Iraq but I also had to use 300k mercs to have something disposable.

    Overall kins of fun and added 50 years to a playthrough that was basically finished anyways.

  62. 3 months ago

    Can anyone help me troubleshoot this mod? When running a game, in places like Africa, Borneo (basically Indonesia), Siberia, New Zealand (Basically everywhere except the Americas), when a nation colonises a province that's adjacent to it, that provinces turns sunni, shia, or spiritualist (mod), and the culture turns into one of the malay, levantine, and iranian cultures, so normal colonisation like for spain is fine, but for someone like russia, it's weird.

  63. 3 months ago

    Might actually finally play the Aztecs next dlc. Don't really like they're adding Sunset Invasion though. But I guess it was inevitable

  64. 3 months ago

    Why is it the only country I have fun playing is holland/netherlands?

    • 3 months ago

      You're a israelite, that's why

    • 3 months ago

      Small enough that you have threats and don't just roll over everyone, large enough that you don't spend the first 50 years pussyfooting while waiting for someone else to make a mistake. + the bonus of being in one of the richest parts of the world means that you're never strapped for cash

  65. 3 months ago

    I've been autistically roleplaying as the country's ruler, where I have to be physically present on the map with my king as a general. General empire-wide administration can only be conducted when I'm at the capital, but area and province-specific administration like devv'ing or changing state edicts requires the ruler being in the area. I simulate the cost of moving the royal court around by forcing the ruler to always travel with an army which is the size of the capital's forcelimit. That way I have to plan ahead for when I tour my country administering to local needs; I might have to stockpile a lot of cash to build everything in one go instead of constantly leaving the capital.

    Wars are fricked because only the ruler can move freely, other units can only move if the ruler sends a "messenger" (one cav unit) to give them an order as well as one queued order to do afterwards; so my ruler might be besieging Rossello, he sends an army to besiege Navarra, then that army captures it and moves on to Toledo, but then they'll remain there and become encircled unless my ruler bursts through Rosello or sends a messenger around the Pyrenees to make it Toledo (which could be intercepted and leave the army stranded). If my empire gets too big I can delegate wars to a "commander-in-chief" at the cost of 200 military mana per war.

    There's surprisingly less micro-management then you would think, because a lot of decisions just come down to what you can do in the moment. Instead of devv'ing provinces in faraway places, sometimes it's better to work on less efficient things closer to home. Instead of micromanaging a hundred armies, you give broad orders and move around trying to unfrick bad situations wherever they appear.

    It's fun.

  66. 3 months ago

    If i was to move my game back to the best EU4 version which one would that be?
    My favorite is byzantium and feels like they decided to remove the fun of that, the fak feeling of difficulty

    • 3 months ago

      the most recent one also git gud

    • 3 months ago

      the most recent one also git gud

      Byz in the most recent patch is meant to be won with actual diplomacy (like they tried doing historically) rather than using cheese strats. You can't do the fort assault on Gallipoli anymore but you can pretty consistently get a few European powers like Hungary to bail you out. I think it's a reasonable compromise between difficulty and being surviveable without using cheese strats. Someone should do a roleplay campaign where they never remove the army debuff and try to restore Rome using a shitty military.

      • 3 months ago

        unfortunately cheese strats are still possible

        • 3 months ago

          BudgetMonk Byzantium guides are inevitable

      • 3 months ago

        The Gallipoli fort assault is absolutely still possible to do in the current patch

        unfortunately cheese strats are still possible

        What a pointlessly self damaging guide
        >just let your enemies devastate your land
        It's not that deep
        >rush pope serbia and knights alliance
        >hire free company, keep building galleys until the war with the ottomans
        >kill epirus
        >kill naples as soon and they get free and take all the claims you get from the tree
        >in the meanwhile ally muscovy and either hungary or austria
        >enact the dev cost reducing edict in morea and dev it enough to unlock the tarnished state mission while spending as less mil points as possible
        >wait for the ottomans to declare war on trebizond or another anatolian minor
        >recruit 2-3 more mercs in Constantinople and repair the army
        >barrage the fort in gallipoli and assault it
        >occupy the balcans fully

        If you fell bold you can get the navy back in port to allow small enemy stacks to siege the strait forts, then you cuck them with your navy and stackwipe them

        • 3 months ago

          >just do it 10 years later while also relying on rng lol
          dont ever post your "advice" again

          • 3 months ago

            How is that relying on rng? If they can't attack you because of your allies they will attack someone else. Sometimes they even attack albania and venice instead of you and lose a lot of manpower for minimal gains.

  67. 3 months ago

    I hate pr*testants

  68. 3 months ago

    Speaking of byzantium, is it worth joining the league war as any side if I'm orthodox?

  69. 3 months ago

    Milan, Genoa, Venice or Florence?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Do you want to deal with the ottomans or not?

      • 3 months ago

        Ottomans are inevitable, I actually find starting closer to them much more preferable to starting a medium distance away, as if you are close you can kill them in the crib before they become a problem.

    • 3 months ago

      Milan is good fun. There's a mission that upgrades all your forts that makes your lands unsiegable.

    • 3 months ago

      Isn't Italy getting a rework in the next update? I'm waiting for that before doing another Italy run. But if your set on playing now, Milan is my favorite. Go Ambrosian and spread democracy across Europe!

  70. 3 months ago

    Is EU4 worth playing without any DLCs today?

    • 3 months ago


  71. 3 months ago

    Is this AE at all survivable without insane game knowledge and mechanics abuse?

    • 3 months ago

      just wait 4 years before peacing out so france doesnt join and you should be fine

      • 3 months ago

        I managed to ally France, Sweden, and Naples. Pretty sure the combined force can scare this coalition away while I improov with them all.

    • 3 months ago

      I managed to ally France, Sweden, and Naples. Pretty sure the combined force can scare this coalition away while I improov with them all.

      Immediately after the war you should attack the strongest coalition member(s) you think you can fight to a white peace. Can't join the coalition if you're truced 🙂

    • 3 months ago

      I managed to ally France, Sweden, and Naples. Pretty sure the combined force can scare this coalition away while I improov with them all.

      Immediately after the war you should attack the strongest coalition member(s) you think you can fight to a white peace. Can't join the coalition if you're truced 🙂

      Hopefully this is not a thing in eu4 and big countries can just implode from rebels with support from other countries

  72. 3 months ago

    Feel like this is going to be a tough war but I have to do it.

  73. 3 months ago

    Should I let Captain Sforza take the Republic and move on to try for Emperor or is it military dictatorship for Milan boys.
    Also I had no idea Austria was so greedy.

    • 3 months ago

      Never abandon the blessed republic

  74. 3 months ago

    My Serbia game in Ante Bellum has been cursed. I bankruptced myself invading Croatia, attacked Bulgaria and nearly went bankrupt again, at the same time Sicily demanded a province and made me fight for it, then I lost half my country to Bulgaria and so I became Croatia because I might as well. I spent 40 years paying off loans, now I have a good eco, and I finally thrashed Bulgaria. Frick Bulgaria.

    I am playing with Xorme AI, responsible blobbing, and responsible warfare (and on hard difficulty). The challenge has been real but not unfair. It's no longer possible to make massive armies except in late-game when you go all in with your investments in soldier buildings. Everyone around you is just as opportunistic as you are. I played a game as Yuan China where I spent centuries just devving. Lotharingia managed to keep pace with me with their development. I've never seen the AI do that.

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