
Does Westphalia have the best ideas or what?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    The best idea is to uninstall that shite

  2. 10 months ago

    I played a campaign recently for the lighting the becons achievement where i played as dutch culture opm in india. I proceeded to culture convert every province in india into white as its my larp that its the genocide button.

    • 10 months ago

      >lighting the becons achievement

      • 10 months ago

        Oops i meant rekindling the flames. Maybe the decision is light the becons idk. I thought there was a lotr reference in there somewhere

  3. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >modded game

    • 10 months ago

      what mod is this?

      • 10 months ago

        Victorum Universalis. You need RAM for it though.

    • 10 months ago

      Why would the israelites be an estate?

      • 10 months ago

        presumably because the prevailing knowledge, for people who've read up on it, is that israelites create their own separate society to that of their non-israeli inhabitants--a state within a state--similar to the way Muslims do (eg. Sharia law courts)

      • 10 months ago

        It would be pretty crazy if israelites got over 95% influence with under 5% loyalty imagine that madness haha

        • 10 months ago

          Now that you point it out, I wonder what disaster is supposed to fire in that mod when israelites get 100% influence?

  4. 10 months ago

    brb, doing a full playthrough as Westphalia while only getting 2 national ideas so I won't get the first tradition

  5. 10 months ago

    >israeli Rights
    >Offensive Ideas
    What did Paradox mean by this?

    • 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    Johan you fricking piece of shit, explain to me how the AI doesn't have an anti-player bias RIGHT NOW

    • 10 months ago

      the weirdest thing about this is, why lie? it is perfectly reasonable that the AI would be more active in diplomacy around the player and yet they stand firm that there is no such thing
      the most obvious was when they introduced the ai province interest mapmode

      • 10 months ago

        >-108 relations
        >"why is the AI hostile to the player?"
        can you at least, numbnuts, list the reasons why GB is -108 relations? otherwise, wtf is the point of this example picture with more than half the info missing?

        • 10 months ago

          this picture and my post are not at all about ai relation modifiers. i just took one from leddit from years ago so ask that guy why he didn't show "-100, desires your provinces" in a post about the AI deliberately targeting the player over the rest of the tags

      • 10 months ago

        Played a game recently where i was doing bavaria and i allied bohemia but they then guaranteed my rivals and would join the war. I know they have a bias, it's not usually too big of a deal but they wont admit it. I can only assume they dont know what they did to make that happen

        • 10 months ago

          it's genuinely great that they have accidently/deliberately made the AI more troublesome and hostile to deal with. playing a bit more like a human is fun.
          but it's a real headache when trying to complete achievements though; achievements that were created years ago before upgrades in AI's strategy
          all but of the challenge really

          • 10 months ago

            I really hate their achievements. They should be fun to do but most really arent. The new one about frankfurt is just moronic

    • 10 months ago

      You're becoming powerful too fast, comes as no surprise you're under the AIs magnifying glass all the time.

      • 10 months ago

        it's fricking 1720

      • 10 months ago

        >You're becoming powerful too fast
        AE aside that's never the issue, AI always looks for the weakest target first and foremost, which is why they'll always fight you in VH since you're the only tag that doesn't have the VH bonuses.

    • 10 months ago

      why is that a problem? makes for a more challenging gameplay.

  7. 10 months ago

    How should devs implement this in the game.

    • 10 months ago

      how should you ESL moron learn better english or frick off back to discord/twitter

      • 10 months ago

        >Oh I wasn't born in a USA/England shithole full of Black folk, how could anyone ever recover from that

      • 10 months ago

        His English is correct. Yours is not.

        • 10 months ago

          Lmao, are you this fricking dense? Why are Slavs so fricking dumb man

        • 10 months ago

          booger picking ass sniffing actual moron lol

          Why the frick does aragon goes for republic now.

          why the frick does you come to english speaking website and talk like illiterate moron

          • 10 months ago

            Sniff your farts somewhere else, snob

      • 10 months ago

        What are you even talking about? Take your fricking meds psycho.

    • 10 months ago

      >the actual, literal Sahara Desert is more habitable for whites than most of Africa

      • 10 months ago

        Malaria is a b***h my dude, a b***h I tell you

        • 10 months ago

          kinda crazy how uninhabitable parts of the world was before we could really tame it with technology and infrastructure.
          Like, sure people lived there, but not in massive amounts, and not great.

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              Whites tried to colonize those areas as well you know... that's why that map exists

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but the discussion was about colonizing lands ridden with Malaria, which was not intended to be colonized by the European man at the time of that map.

    • 10 months ago

      But why is so much of the coast and rivers "extremely unhealthy"? Because of the higher concentration of Blacks? But the west african coast is where the initial European colonies were at, doesn’t that put it in the "unhealthy but exploitable" category?

      • 10 months ago

        Diseases and mosquitoes.

      • 10 months ago

        >african coast is where the initial European colonies were at
        You mean the Portuguese stuff?
        Trade post barely counts as a full colony

  8. 10 months ago

    >meiou game dead after 150 years due to crashes from fricked variable calculation
    It might be a problem dating back to 2.0 but clearly they have more important things to do, like renaming byzantium three times.

    • 10 months ago

      Sad, I wanted to try it

      • 10 months ago

        Typical that the one time I play in Iran is when the timurids form. It's not even hard to beat them, they're just absolute cancer to fight because of the travel time in iranian provinces and the AI's pathological avoidance of battles - except when it can get 10 warscore from destroying 3k allied troops.

        It works fine during the period when the game is actually fun to play. For all of MEIOU's bloat it doesn't change the fact that challenge is gone within 100 years of the start. If anything 3.0 has even less to do outside of war than 2.5 due to the new fractional building system.

  9. 10 months ago

    Why the frick does aragon goes for republic now.

  10. 10 months ago

    How does the new combat reserves system work? Is it best to doomstack above frontline combat width now?

  11. 10 months ago

    Playing aragon in meiou is miserable. Your nobles are probably the strongest in europe so 100% autonomy outside of your capital is inevitable and you have less FL than a german OPM. Of course the AI doesn't have these problems because it uses a severely cut down version of the estate system, so castile will literally have a 30k FL by 1400 while you're on 4k-8k depending on noble loyalty. And you have to place to expand unless you get lucky with imperial relations in italy, so gameplay is doing nothing for decades.

    I'm really sick of the 3.0 estate system. Either you start off either big enough or with enough avenues of expansion that you can basically ignore it, or you're crippled by it in FL and mana costs for over a century.

    • 10 months ago

      >Your nobles are probably the strongest in europe so 100% autonomy outside of your capital is inevitable
      That's the real life simulator some eu4 players ask for, including me, but oh surprise, is not feasible to put it in a game and is not fun

    • 10 months ago

      imo the problem with mee-ows estates is that the incentives are all negative. You want to get rid of privileges that are universally negative rather than balancing pros and cons of reforms. You dump thousands of mana to push bureaucracy reforms and repair the loyalty damage, but the result is not that much better than the starting situation of most countries - only you're not invisibly losing lots of money and mana to provincial corruption. Noble reforms are even worse, since reforming to a weaker aristocracy and a semi-professional military will shrink your force limit and balance of payments, in return for a payoff that won't be fully realized for many decades.

      • 10 months ago

        >imo the problem with mee-ows estates is that the incentives are all negative. You want to get rid of privileges that are universally negative rather than balancing pros and cons of reforms.
        It's really fricking stupid. Spain kept certain privleges in areas to ensure they never had an ethnic revolt until the 1800s when Republican Unitary autism took over; The UK's estate took over the entire country and outpaced the Absolute Monarchies of Europe (and keep in mind I don't even like the UK)

        But meanwhile meme and taxes makes it so absolute monarchies are just always better, and that is fricking moronic whig history thinking, which is why 3.0 is just an all around worse version of 2.5 and the modern economics majors who cheer it on should be killed (they probably support usury in real life so it would not be murder)

        • 10 months ago

          Meiou has been getting more casualized as time goes on tbh.
          >war used to be much more expensive because of maintenance and reinforce costs and manpower limits, now you have infinite manpower and have to go massive over force limit to lose money
          >multiple mechanics have been removed like deadly disease outbreaks when sieging, faster sieges with more troops, losing population from manpower losses, war dynamism and urban food demands
          >CE calculation is almost comically generous, low CE no longer causes unrest and high unrest doesn't increase autonomy
          >new economic system means that blobbing is far more efficient than waiting 50 years for a 10k urban pop increase
          >natural disasters have been removed except the plague, which is a joke now
          >estates no longer demand privileges or have any actual power, nobles are just there to arbitrarily debuff you and the best way to deal with shitty starting privileges/reforms is to blob
          Also the new economic/financial balance is horrible. It's designed so that you're supposed to have a monthly balance of +5-10 ducats and when you go above that (as your estates weaken) you're supposed to take on their responsibilities like maintaining buildings, which on top of being an unfun moronic clickfest means you feel constantly poor with a weak balance sheet compared to 2.x where you make big money and spend it on expensive tangible things like buildings.

    • 10 months ago

      Ironic because 2.6 Aragon was the strongest country I have ever played
      Yes that was an AI Anglo-French Union

  12. 10 months ago

    >get personal union
    >100 trust ally contests it
    >while I'm defending them in another war
    >can white peace quickly
    >100 favors and 60 trust gone from a one month war that shouldn't have happened in two different ways

  13. 10 months ago

    And my ally didn't even have a royal marriage, while my rival did. The PU mechanics are never going to make any sense, which is probably why paradox fills christian country mission trees with restore union CBs.

    • 10 months ago

      >"PU mechanics are never going to make sense"
      anon, starting out, each nation's monarchy has their own "Dynasty" which you even have a map mode for; when you marry with another nation (as a European), there is a percent chance that the Dynasties synchronize, meaning the heir to Spain is potentially now from the Hapsburg Dynasty of Austria. If Spain and Austria were to keep marrying and the Dynasties stay the same then there is the chance that if either heir dies (presuming the heir is still Hapsburg) then there is the chance for a PU
      from memory the PU success is based on prestige and overall power (eg. early-game Byzantine has a very low likelihood of PU'ing Muscovy but Muscovy can PU Byzantine)

      It's the reason why, if youre a weak nation, you don't go marrying anyone and everyone as a European since you risk the loss of your dynasty, and thus more powerful nations have a higher chance to be the dominant Dynasty and leader in a PU.

      the reason there are definite missions for restoring union is because PU is heavily based on the random chance that the heir lives till 15 or dies before then! As well as the random chance that the dynasties synchronize in the first place
      Any questions?
      >i wanted to do an EU4 YT vid mega tutorial so i enjoy explaining

      • 10 months ago

        I know how PUs work, I just hate it. I mod the defines to cut heir birth chance in half and make rulers over 60 infertile and I still often have to wait 100 years for a PU or just throw away an alliance and hope I can force a union without an heir being born in the truce. It's one of those ancient hardcoded anti-fun mechanics, like the quadratic economy calculation for vassal acceptance.
        >the PU success is based on prestige and overall power
        That's what I'm getting at. There's an unclear weighting of prestige, development (maybe including vassals and modified by autonomy) and possibly military strength, that goes into deciding who will get their dynasty on a throne. Although the actual PU chance seems much simpler these days.

  14. 10 months ago

    My father told me some weeks ago that my great grandma was a native-american. So I saw that her tribe was in EU4. I tried to play as it but it was the most unfun thing in the game. Native nations are super boring and pointless.

    • 10 months ago

      >Native nations are super boring and pointless.

    • 10 months ago

      >Native nations are super boring and pointless.
      which native nation though?
      completing the Aztec achievement without the DLC that it was designed for was actually a really fun challenge

      I had to colonize the Caribbean with one province so that I would trigger the systemic collapse brought on by European's diseases (sharing the same land triggers the event) then keep my navy high/strong enough to prevent Port/Spain from amphibious invasions, while expanding provinces just enough to then conquest Europe
      it's been a few years so the patches probably changed the tactics tho...
      still fun

      • 10 months ago

        Tupinamba. A South American tribe in Brazil.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, historically speaking it's a lost cause in-game. if Portugal doesn't claim your terri, Spain will be eye-fricking the shit out of your land instead.
          Survival tips if you're that interested in doing so: relocate via colonial expansion as a means to change your capital. most likely South Africa first then determine your next move from there. it would definitely be tough one though
          change to ahistorical settings which removes the luck bonuses given to Spain and Portugal. iirc spain has the major luck bonus and Port has minor bonus, but double check. the luck bonus is there to help ensure that the lucky nations achieve their historical objectives, short of player interference.

          you might have given me a new playthrough to try out anon, ty. I've only played as Aztecs thus far.

  15. 10 months ago

    whats the meta for the trade system? is it just maximizing production and trade value where you have high trade power?

    • 10 months ago

      As a general rule, controlling more provinces in a node helps in gaining high trade power within that node, although this could also be achieved by controlling only provinces with trade modifiers (i.e. Estuary or center of trade). Provinces which are added to states or trade companies are more useful for trade power due to their low autonomy floor. Other means of increasing trade power involve sending merchants or a fleet of light ships to the node

      Building production buildings comes after

      • 10 months ago

        everything that increases trade power is useless when you already have 100%, right?

        • 10 months ago

          Mostly, though the percentage of trade power your tc has in that node increases the goods produced of all non-tc provinces in that node. Meaning you want to maximize the trade power of a tc (even beyond 50%) while minimizing the number of provinces in that tc.

  16. 10 months ago

    >israeli rights

  17. 10 months ago

    Why can't I just annex Dithmarschen?
    Sorry, but it's been years since I last played the game.

    • 10 months ago

      You declared a war with subjugation of Dithmarschen casus belli so you have to full-fill your war reasoning, and you cant fully annex the country (even if its only one province) which you declared to subjugate

      • 10 months ago

        I see, thank you.

  18. 10 months ago

    Have you ever used this option?

    • 10 months ago

      I have.
      I have always been curious about how it determines the nation's weight.

      Like it could give all nations same weight, or just pick a random province and return its owner.

    • 10 months ago

      Did an mp game with it. Got a 3 dev opm in india. Got gp while most other players died out. Shame we only got 1 session.

  19. 10 months ago

    how many must die?

  20. 10 months ago

    I want to try playing Ironman mode, what nations would you recommend for a first-timer?

    • 10 months ago

      If you have golden century then castile
      France is also good

    • 10 months ago

      the mode you play is irrelevant

      • 10 months ago

        >is irrelevant
        turns "savescumming" into "birding"

    • 10 months ago

      (Moving to the next one when you find the country too easy):
      France > Castille > Ottomans > Austria > Poland > Brandenburg > England > Denmark > Papacy > Muscovy > Milan > Florence > Burgundy

      • 10 months ago

        France is easy mode, but its one of my favorite early game starts. Once you've beaten England and Burgundy then consolidated France its game over, but getting there is always a fun way to spend an hour or two

      • 10 months ago

        That's a nice list in all fairness.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks, I'll start with France then.
        Anything I should know? I never played France before.

        • 10 months ago

          >Anything I should know?
          You will get a decision to either become the Pope's friend and a Crusader against Islam or the Pope's enemy and the Master of Europe so think in advance what you want.

          How do people culture convert entire continents? Is there something I'm missing? It's super expensive for literally just one province, let alone 100 when you have a million other things to use diplo for.

          Stack modifiers, raze province, culture convert when it is very low cost.
          Or they are cheating. If you are seeing this on reddit then it's the latter.

          • 10 months ago

            Where do you get the modifiers from?

            • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              religious idea -20%
              Policy of religious + influence idea -25%
              Enlightment institution : -25%
              If the province border a province with the culture you want to convert -20%

              If you are Indian there is 2 monument one in Java island and one in south India that give -20%

              I dont remember exaclty, im maybe 5% off on those modifier but it easy to stack -85% / -100%
              At -100% it will cost 1 diplo for 1 dev and province >30dev will only cost 30 diplo max

              • 10 months ago

                following on from yours: also, Divine Ideas gives -10% Cult Conv

                also, if you're a Theocracy, there is Government Reform that gives them too, eg.
                "Tier 9: Expulsion of Heathens -15%"

                Not playing as France. To my surprise the frogs achieved a white piece after mauling the Iberian armies, so the only loser here was Scotland, lol

                >it stops players exploiting the mechanic anon.
                That's dumb (the AI would actually get more land if it counted) and ahistorical though. I still managed to get what I wanted by giving them so much land during the separate peace that they are too OE to want more

                Scotland always loses, bless em.
                also, that's understandable, and a clever way to sidestep that limitation! It bursts the AE as well. You may get the Penalty though if you try promise land with another ally. Check and see; when you go and "promise land" it will give a huge debuff. lasts for like 10years iirc

    • 10 months ago

      >what nations would you recommend for a first-timer?
      Ottoman empire or France

    • 10 months ago

      Castile or Ottomans

    • 10 months ago


      If you have golden century then castile
      France is also good

      (Moving to the next one when you find the country too easy):
      France > Castille > Ottomans > Austria > Poland > Brandenburg > England > Denmark > Papacy > Muscovy > Milan > Florence > Burgundy

      >what nations would you recommend for a first-timer?
      Ottoman empire or France

      Castile or Ottomans

      why are eu4 sissies so afraid of ironman mode?

      • 10 months ago

        kek, ironman mode is for sissies who lack the self-control to just not reload

        • 10 months ago

          >cope: the post
          yeah, that's why you constantly have homies talking about "preparing for muh first ironman" and why even the most basic achievements that just require you to exist have like a 30% completion rate

          • 10 months ago

            >caring about muh "achievements" at all
            t. plebbitor

            • 10 months ago

              No meme arrow so you're the plebbitor

              • 10 months ago

                >no u
                not only a redditor but a zoomer as well

            • 10 months ago

              You are not wrong, but sometimes the achievements gives you an idea for your next run

            • 10 months ago

              because the major nations get boring; and it provides a sense of challenge, esp. the Insane difficulty ahievements.
              Although I will say with this latest patch update, albeit with the minimal DLC I have, the AI is far more competent skill-wise. I don't know whether to be impressed or annoyed by the skill improvement, since it's making WQ as Ryukyu infinitely more difficult.

              • 10 months ago

                >minimal DLC I have
                Why no buy 6 month subscription, sure you can say a lot of things about paradox dlc practices but I think is a good offer

              • 10 months ago

                >Why no buy 6 month subscription
                I don't enjoy renting shit. I either own it or go without. The only time I enjoy renting it's a female's time.

              • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        I'd love to hear what was your first iron mode country.

    • 10 months ago

      My first two were The Netherlands and Yemen

    • 10 months ago

      Aztec, it was my first long, complete Ironman game with no savescumming at all

  21. 10 months ago

    >as muscovy I get btfo by great horde + uzbek even with tech advange
    >I savescum and renounce to greater horde to focus on novgorod
    >as soon as I annex novgorod the great horde goes full moron and attacks crimea, which is allied to both nogai and kazan
    I guess that tatar yoke really wanted to get revoked uh

  22. 10 months ago

    >include all these important military elements in the game (shock/fire/morale, cavalry/infantry ratios, artillery, terrain/seasons, generals, military technology, discipline, army professionalism, manpower, etc.)
    >95% of battles are determined by who has more troops and who has a higher tech or morale advantage (which can be overcome by just having way more troops)

    • 10 months ago

      >95% of battles are determined by who has more troops and who has a higher tech or morale advantage
      so... just like real life?

    • 10 months ago

      >baits u with 8k men onto a mountain fort with ramparts

    • 10 months ago

      that's not entirely true but i cbf trying to nitpick your simplistic comment; and it is dreadfully simplistic just to emphasize that point.

  23. 10 months ago

    Don't invoke him

  24. 10 months ago

    Any tips on how to into horde? I want to make Mongolia great again.

    • 10 months ago

      >Any tips on how to into horde?
      You know how if a shark stops moving it dies or something?
      It's the same as that. Just keep attacking and keep burning stuff to the ground. When it's at 3 dev convert to your culture and build it up again. I have not played Oirat/Mongolia so I don't know how they interact with Ming but people say Oirat is the strongest horde.
      I like Kazan (easy), Great Horde (medium) and Circassia for being a christian horde whose national ideas are utter dogshit and all seem to be "Genoans came here and scammed us all haha"

      • 10 months ago

        >"I have not played Oirat/Mongolia"
        >gives tips on playing Mongolia
        that's a special kind of stupid anon; you get yourself a well earned clap

        Any tips on how to into horde? I want to make Mongolia great again.

        really depends on your DLC mongobro. just know that your game will be spent in endless warfare early game, because the advantage of the horde is the early game calvary units, since the cavs are the best, before higher tier artillery starts to show up. also, the manpower and movement boost is amazing.
        keep your unity high by simply plundering provinces; the destructive "Raze' should be last resort.

        starting off there is a bit of luck involved, regarding Oirat making bad military moves. First thing is first though: you'll want to develop your provinces with your MP so as to stop Oirat from annexing you. You need 50+ liberty desire to stop his annex progress. also keep in mind that when Oirat starts annexing you they don't bother to stop it once you reach 50+% liberty desire; thereby wasting Oirat's diplomacy point every month (unless the new patch changed this)
        Once you retain above 50% you wait until Oirat makes some fatal mistake to then declare independence. You may time it right, or get lucky whereby Uzbek declares on Oirat, so keep an eye out for Uzb too.

        After that it's gradual expansion during any opportunity that presents itself, while waiting specifically to intervene in the Ming collapse, since the terrain is flat farmland. once you've secured enough of chinese territory, you can head east, or further south if you going for the achievement

  25. 10 months ago

    Give me ideas for a non-European country to play as a tall thalassocracy to cheese the global economy with trade protectorates or as a tall regional hegemon with loads of tributaries to farm cheat-tier levels of mana.

    • 10 months ago

      you can play tall in EU4 now?

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, speed 5 and hit dev button

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Someone in India

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      wtf are the meds next to your clock?

  26. 10 months ago

    >open console and hit yesman
    >alliance with castile and austria so they can fight france for me while my boys do some drilling
    >800 of each mana because henry viii is a shit
    >delete coalitions dogshit
    yup it's vidya time

    • 10 months ago

      Based, also what mods?

      • 10 months ago

        victorum universalis
        dont go declaring on alpine guys it is horrible they aint fricking about up those hills

  27. 10 months ago

    why did they fricked up France's idea? They used to be the best general idea group that wasn't endgame and now they are total trash.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not expert on France but I just checked. What did they change? The only difference I see is 20% morale to 15% and they moved it to national idea 2?

      • 10 months ago

        >remove the iconic 20% moral
        >changed the 2 tolerance for both heretics and heathen to 1 and only if you are revolutionary(it was broken at launch and i still don't know if they fixed it)
        >removed the -10% tech cost idea
        inb4 but muh mission tree added it
        yeah in the revolution part of it when most important techs have been taken already
        also the missions are bullshit
        >need to culturally convert 50 province of the german HRE to get -5% mana point
        Oh boy it's fun sitting down wasting all my dip mana and waiting for 2 whole ages to past just so I can be able to pay back that investment in the next 400 ingame years
        >b-but you also get early military hegemony
        yeah which you will lose if someone has more units than you which most likely will happen if you need the mission reward instead of having 1M soldiers and that mean 20 years of +10% mana cost

        don't get me started on the fact a half of the missions depend on the whims of the AIs and they implemented it very badly
        >100 trust provence will backstab you
        >the historical friend of your giga-papal vassal will go away if you change tag and thus will be a 1000dev Black person who will forever be disloyal
        >missions locked behind burg succesion which mean a lot of bullshit has to happen if they rival you and you want the free pu intergration and rng can still cuck you out of it

        meanwhile anglos get infinite money early and giga-colonies with super redcoat while the musketeers and french govs were both heavily nerfed
        oh that's also after the anglo had their own fricking dlc, fricking gay Black person bias

  28. 10 months ago

    What is your favorite province in EU4? For me, it's Banda Oriental. Not even Uruguayan or anything, I am just Brazilian and imagine some Chinese men in a band when I see the province, since Banda Oriental translates to Oriental Band in my language.

    • 10 months ago

      For me it's Osel Wiek, holiday home of the Teutons/Danes/Swedes/Polacks/Russians when they go there by accident and I trap them with some galleys.
      Honourable shout out to Corfu, holiday home of the Ottoman doom stacks.

      >remove the iconic 20% moral
      >changed the 2 tolerance for both heretics and heathen to 1 and only if you are revolutionary(it was broken at launch and i still don't know if they fixed it)
      >removed the -10% tech cost idea
      inb4 but muh mission tree added it
      yeah in the revolution part of it when most important techs have been taken already
      also the missions are bullshit
      >need to culturally convert 50 province of the german HRE to get -5% mana point
      Oh boy it's fun sitting down wasting all my dip mana and waiting for 2 whole ages to past just so I can be able to pay back that investment in the next 400 ingame years
      >b-but you also get early military hegemony
      yeah which you will lose if someone has more units than you which most likely will happen if you need the mission reward instead of having 1M soldiers and that mean 20 years of +10% mana cost

      don't get me started on the fact a half of the missions depend on the whims of the AIs and they implemented it very badly
      >100 trust provence will backstab you
      >the historical friend of your giga-papal vassal will go away if you change tag and thus will be a 1000dev Black person who will forever be disloyal
      >missions locked behind burg succesion which mean a lot of bullshit has to happen if they rival you and you want the free pu intergration and rng can still cuck you out of it

      meanwhile anglos get infinite money early and giga-colonies with super redcoat while the musketeers and french govs were both heavily nerfed
      oh that's also after the anglo had their own fricking dlc, fricking gay Black person bias

      I did not realise they had changed so much. The Anglo ideas are OP, especially that one that lets you choose trade goods.

    • 10 months ago

      Tambov. First time I was playing as Muscovy I miss read it as "tomboy" and since that day I rename the province, change the culture to the correct one and dev it to oblivion

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Yes, please, I will take one. Female if possible

    • 10 months ago


  29. 10 months ago

    yppo ain got dey spices
    time to subjugate the entire planet and you can blame the turk for it

    • 10 months ago

      >Egyptians and Venetians israelite out and massively overcharge for spices to Europe
      >Portuguese explorers realize that by going around Africa and right to India they can cut out the middlemen and get them far cheaper
      >This influx of cheap spices from a second source almost collapses the Venetian and Egyptian economies
      >Ottomans use Portuguese encroachments in the Red Sea threatening Mecca and Medina as one of their justifications to invade the Mamlukes
      It probably would've happened eventually anyways but it is ironic how hard the Mamlukes and Venetians shot themselves in the foot by overcharging on spices

      • 10 months ago

        >mmmhhh I sure would love for this meat to have some more flavor
        >Two empires collide and one of them cease to exist
        >whoops, my bad.

        • 10 months ago

          Wait till you see the sequel where Spaniards hear about Portuguese making gains.

        • 10 months ago

          Wait till you see the sequel where Spaniards hear about Portuguese making gains.

  30. 10 months ago

    I know its a little waste of dip but when playing in Italy or the HRE i really like taking espionage and just getting the AE reduction to stack with the age bonus. Then when Reformation starts ill drop it for diplo or something else. Gives you so much more momentum to take out neighbors early.

  31. 10 months ago


    Siege ability is also useful and the AE reduction shouldn't stop being useful either.
    Fabricating area claims also saves some admin

    • 10 months ago

      >Fabricating area claims also saves some admin
      This is often overlooked. If you're taking out massive chunks of China, India or continental america the admin saved is amazing.

  32. 10 months ago


    I know its a little waste of dip but when playing in Italy or the HRE i really like taking espionage and just getting the AE reduction to stack with the age bonus. Then when Reformation starts ill drop it for diplo or something else. Gives you so much more momentum to take out neighbors early.

    I love Espionage now as well sometimes for RP reasons but the stack with Offensive and Divinity ideas if you have them is phenomenal. Put all 3 on your Pope or Cologne or Teuton and some sieges are done in a week. If they don't have defensiveness it's 3 days with a 50/50 roll lmao

  33. 10 months ago


    I love Espionage now as well sometimes for RP reasons but the stack with Offensive and Divinity ideas if you have them is phenomenal. Put all 3 on your Pope or Cologne or Teuton and some sieges are done in a week. If they don't have defensiveness it's 3 days with a 50/50 roll lmao

    I will fill it out and keep it depending on the missions. If i have a mission tree thats just claims on top of claims the area stuff isnt as important. I kinda feel AE importance goes down as you get stronger cause who cares if 7 opm's get angry at you. Also i feel like the warscore reduction or unjustified claims is more important then the AE once the AI starts developing every province to 30-40.

  34. 10 months ago

    Doing a Venice run currently and want to help the Austrians rein in Italy. If I start the war and call them in as my ally, does it count, or do they have to be the war leader?

  35. 10 months ago

    T A X
    M E T A A A AA
    Somebody tell him that joke is dead please

    • 10 months ago

      >watching yuutubers
      hello monkey brain

  36. 10 months ago

    What is better for entirely minimizing AE? Espionage or Diplo? I side with Diplo because it's like 3 more diplomats to improve with outraged countries. Not to mention Diplo has better ideas in general, and I like having a lot of diplomats.

    • 10 months ago

      Just saw Espionage gives 1 more diplomat as well. Interesting.

    • 10 months ago

      I know this is an old post but I'd like to point out to every new player here that the improve relations modifier you get from Diplo (and Humanist too) impact the speed at which your AE ticks down and is effectively its own form of AE reduction. This and the other great ideas in Diplo (-20% province war score cost would be worth taking the idea group alone) are what make it such a powerful opener and why people recommend it so often over something like Espionage, which may give you direct AE reduction but doesn't have many other ideas that can help your early game as well unless you're a more experienced player and want to do something funny like siegemaxxing.

      • 10 months ago

        didn't know that
        t. 1100 hours
        There are some tags in the hre that have AE reduction in their ideas so lately I chose espionage as an opener, not opening a mil idea also allows me to not get behind in early important mil techs like 6.
        Good stuff man

      • 10 months ago

        over 2000 hours and I've never even chosen Diplomacy Idea Group. the thought of relying on the AI for warfare; and allying myself in a position where I could end up in a WW1 scenario never appealed to me. Plus I prefer to be in control over who gets what territory (by declaring war and strategically feeding them provinces). and more alliances convolutes that tactic (from old experience).
        FWIW I usually always pick 5 military ideas, to give you an indicator of my playstyle.

        >interesting playthrough anon. are you going to continue on with it or is this game ending?
        i'm continuing for sure, i managed to white peace shun by abusing a stack with mercs but it was pretty painful watching my armies lose almost every battle (also i didn't have any military ideas)
        the second case was somehow better since i was using full stacks to fight russia who thankfully never did, and even if it was 105% vs 125% discipline and i was barely inflicting casualties i won every battle thanks to good generals and one manchu mission that gives you a temporary +1 roll, which allowed me to white peace early before russia moved the rest of their army from europe to asia
        honestly i think i'm behind schedule for a world conquest, but this is an hindu eoc ming so i trust the maximum ccr will help me blob like crazy once my adm efficiency goes up

        how is your ryukyu match going anon? I don't expect to win my WQ because I've no experience with exploiting/utilizing these new DLC mechanics, but it's still a marathon challenge to enjoy none-the-less. trying to figure out the dynamics of the tribal federations and such. mofos keep moving around which makes claiming them an essentially immediate action to take.

        This is the lowest global precentage achievement I have, but it's not particularly hard, just new. I also got Brentry, the angevin achievement. The hardest achievement I *almost* got was Pirates of the Caribbean.

        Start knights, take tile in morocco, colonize bermuda, move cap, colonize Canada since I figure I could easily grow there. Spain fricking cucks me and ignores everywhere else and colonizes Canada. Very slowly make my way around their colonies and expand into the Eastern US Seaboard. Eventually take first war against Spain and Portugal, get most of Caribbean. Take second war, win. Own Caribbean, no achievement, confusion. Check achievement, fricking forgot you need Med every Med island. Look back at Europe. Entire med owned by Ottomans except for Baleres. Already late 1700s. Give up.

        realizing that Med islands were required right toward the very end of the game would have been very painful anon! ty for some future tips on attempting that achievement tho! I'm surprised Port didn't become a headache during colonizing?
        also: can you not salvage that prior run anon? so long as your navy destroys the Otts you can tick the warscore; and maybe, just maybe...

        • 10 months ago

          >also: can you not salvage that prior run anon? so long as your navy destroys the Otts you can tick the warscore; and maybe, just maybe...
          I tried loading it up to look at it. Save file is gone. Must have lost it when my primary SSD got fried earlier this year. Found an old screenshot from it though I sent a friend. Apparently it was 1780 when I dropped it last due to having to take on Revolutionary Turkey for Med. islands.

          And no, Portugal wasn't a headache really. They took Caribbean and went into SA, I was no where near them. I like to play EU4 rather chill for the most part. Take my time with a lot of stuff, nothing super optimal really. I'll never get a world conquest game, most things that you need to do for that I find either too tedious or too annoying. But yeah, at the start I figure I could colonize Caribbean first and basically risk my so far good start on a war that would be mostly luck on whether or not I could win. Or I could play chill and colonize Canada cause USUALLY no one colonizes Canada that early.

        • 10 months ago

          >how is your ryukyu match going anon?
          i'm doing what i can, the thing is i've never done a world conquest before so i'm not sure if i'm going to make it
          i've got max ccr reduction so i can take as much land as i want, i think it's possible but late game micro is really soul-crushing

  37. 10 months ago

    How do people culture convert entire continents? Is there something I'm missing? It's super expensive for literally just one province, let alone 100 when you have a million other things to use diplo for.

  38. 10 months ago

    i introduced an heir because henry the 8th is a dick and now portugal broke the alliance and I cant complete a mission also it says they see me as a future subject they better watch their mouth
    poortugal thinks this is a fricking joke or something?

  39. 10 months ago

    Easiest way to form Japan?

    • 10 months ago

      As the Shogun and just diplo annex everyone.
      For non Shogun Uesugi is my choice.

    • 10 months ago

      uesugi is my usual way to go

    • 10 months ago

      Shimazu or Date
      Conquer from one side to another.

      • 10 months ago

        wtf lads
        my bro charles of burgundy died we were alternating wars on the French I had big plans for them to get the east and me to get the west

        also I don't know how I became the emperor I was trying to do a mainland alliances mission so I paid off some of brandenburgs debts to try and coax them to attack the coast north of them so their dev could go over 200 for the quest next thing you know I'm the emperor

        • 10 months ago

          >also I don't know how I became the emperor
          you got voted Emperor anon. if you're powerful and similar faith to the "Electors" then they will vote for you. Rest assured that if you deliberately do a shit job as Emperor they can vote for someone else.

          Also, regarding the PU: you repeatedly married with Burgundy and presumably had higher prestige, what else did you think was going to happen? Don't marry if you won't want the risk of a PU

          my prior game, i had to abandon my achievement since the Spanish had PU'd the fricking Commonwealth AND Two Sicilies (ie. literally all of Italy), not taking into account their ownership of all South America and most Africa baka

          • 10 months ago

            >what else did you think was going to happen?
            I loaded up an autosave to check because he had an heir called Phillip I suppose the heir could have died in the time between the auto save and Charles dying

            i found out it was all scripted anyways when 18 months later marie (???) died on her horse and i got all of burgundy which i cant do anything with because of governing capacity

            which achievement were you going for?

            • 10 months ago

              understandable anon; as mentioned to some else, keep an eye on the Dynasty lineage. It seems too that certain nations are far more prone to getting PUd. I've not played many EU nations for reasons unbeknownst to me.

              >what achievement...
              "The Three Mountains"
              World conquest with Ryukyu (OPM). It's an island off the coast of Japan--Okinawa.
              I don't have the DLC it was designed for so I am questioning my sucessrate. Plus with this latest patch the AI is far more clever, making for WQ all the more difficult.

              Has anyone completed Three Mountains??

              Tupinamba. A South American tribe in Brazil.

              following on from this, I am looking at them now; may i ask what you were trying to achieve as the native nation? Simply surviving, or something else--eg. owning Brazil?

  40. 10 months ago

    What are some privileges you always give to your estates when playing in europe?
    I see some youtubers always use the same +1 mana and advisor cost reduction privileges, but I was wondering if you use a different meta.

    • 10 months ago

      Religious culture is cool

  41. 10 months ago

    >install victorum universalis
    >turks have 86k troops on start and - 56 ducats per month, byzantium has 40k and - 60 ducats per month
    >lithuania discovered every asian and coastal african province
    Is this a bug or what?

  42. 10 months ago

    How do I stop savescumming 🙁

  43. 10 months ago

    any fun natives? or are they all the same boring?

    • 10 months ago

      Mesoamerica+Andes are pretty fun for the first playthrough or two, but the tribes are cancer. PDX really should have left them at best as events and local modifiers to represent raiding, trading, and the like.

  44. 10 months ago

    What are some good ideas for France?

    • 10 months ago

      wtf is the point of playing france? you start the game and you've already won.

      • 10 months ago

        t.Henry VI

    • 10 months ago

      Start with the most French looking icons, so humanist, diplomatic and aristocratic.

    • 10 months ago

      Early exploration and expansion is interesting. You have such a large manpower and cash advantage that land battles play by themselves, not needing much help in tech. So it's fun challenging Britain, Spain and Portugal in colonisation and naval race. Although they may get army tech advantage over you far of provinces, making things fun.

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on your game plan.
      I personally prefer to take humanist ideas as first for -10% ideas cost for the rest of the game, saves you a lot of mana
      Quantity+economic ideas will make you very strong
      Expansion / Exploration for colonisation
      Quality ideas are generally good for everyone
      If you wanna mess with HRE and have more vassals then Diplomatic / Influence
      If you wanna expand then Administrative

  45. 10 months ago

    Has anyone ever played tall Switzerland with historical border? How was it?

    • 10 months ago

      I have, economic+quality+trade+defensive ideas
      Got bored and very wealthy. Finished Switzerlake achievement as a result

    • 10 months ago

      Alright, was quite fun attritioning enemies to death. Eventually you'll want to expand into austria savoy and swabia.

  46. 10 months ago

    Thoughts on my Ming game? The big countries are vassals not tributaries.

    • 10 months ago

      Nice wiener

  47. 10 months ago

    Got any tips for Lubeck? Also, how do I into trade?

    • 10 months ago

      >Also, how do I into trade?
      it's pretty long explanation anon, i'll do my best to explain but there are a lot of aspects.
      -every section of the world has trade nodes; with a beginning trade node, and then subsequent nodes connected to these going in particular directions, ending up in the final destination nodes (Genoa, Venice and English Sea)
      -high trade power is influenced by the ownership of the provinces inside the particular node, or specific owned provinces with high trade power boosts (eg. a T3 Centre of Trade province), as well as "Protect Trade" from ships, and certain boosts from Ideas/Focuses, etc.
      -the higher the trade power will determine whether the "inbound" and "local" trade value from the node is either "retained" or sent "outbound". the node's "local" value is based on trade items of the provinces, and the manufactories that increase the trade goods. so manufactories are crucial for both Production Income and Trade Income (provided you can utilize the Trade Efficiency)
      -your trade capital is where you're ideally directing the trade value towards so that your Merchant can then generate the trade income (based on trade eff)

      this is why the European nations want the Spice Islands and Americas, since they are attaining enough TP to transport the high trade value to their nodes.

      to give you a real-world example. *you* personally will be trying to pull the value forward from the nodes infront (eg. Baltic Node) with either province conquest, "protect trade" (which helps pull value forward) or trade power boosts from ideas, while simultaneously preventing other nations like france and england from pulling your nodes trade value forward. The nations inside your trade node who are "collecting trade" will also be helping contribute to retaining the value, it just means that if their power is highest, it will contribute to them getting higher income.
      any questions?

      • 10 months ago

        Got any tips for Lubeck? Also, how do I into trade?

        It might be a good idea to get trade power in nodes downstream from your collecting node, if only to help prevent nations further downstream from pulling trade value away from it.

  48. 10 months ago

    What's the country with more events/flavor?

    • 10 months ago

      More than what?

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not sure but try these.

    • 10 months ago

      England probably has the most flavor. Go for the colonial path rather than the Angevin one if you're new to the game

  49. 10 months ago

    Which one is the best choice to form Italy with?

    • 10 months ago

      Milan have morale and defensiveness

    • 10 months ago

      Savoy is the hardest
      Milan middle
      Florence easiest and most fun for me.

    • 10 months ago

      Savoy is the canon choice since S-P formed Italy in history. And forming that gives you the fun map color. Milan has the better government and more combat focused ideas plus my favorite mission with the one that gives you level 4 forts years in advance along the alps. Florence is strong cause of its great starting location and ideas. And you didn't mention it but Naples is a fun option as well. Good ideas and they have a lot more expansion options to undertake when waiting for Italian and southern HRE AE to go down since its easy to go pick on Tunis, Aragon->Castile and the Mamluks.

    • 10 months ago

      Florence is easy, I formed Revolutionary Roman Empire playing them

    • 10 months ago

      Why pick one when you can be all three?
      >start as Milan
      >vassalize Savoy when they get excommunicated and integrate them
      >culture convert their provinces and flip your primary culture to Piedmontese
      >conquer your way south, culture converting provinces to Tuscan along the way
      >form Sardinia-Piedmont and the flip to Tuscan culture at your leisure
      >form Tuscany after completing getting the permanent bonuses from SP missions
      Bonus points if you flip to a wacky religion along the way

  50. 10 months ago

    Do you play as your home country in EU4?

    • 10 months ago

      home country is ottomans btw

  51. 10 months ago

    Recently tried the Third Odyssey mod, the one where byzantium goes to america. Actually had a lot of fun with it, great way to spend the first 200 years of the game. Late game gives you a mountain of stupidly overpowered buffs which still aren't enough to make fighting the ottomans not miserable.

    • 10 months ago

      I watched half of a ludi video on that looks like a fun mod/story. I did my own headcanon version a long while back before I knew about the mod where the Teutons do the same thing. Just get into an early fight with Denmark (easy enough), take Iceland and you are set. RPing out the Baltic Crusades against the American tribes was a good laff.

  52. 10 months ago

    damn i can't believe i actually got the khaaaan achievement, the last 10 years were fricking brutal and i had to truce-break a massive timurids who owned the entirety of persia a grand total of 4 times i think, which in hindsight wasn't that bad
    went mongolia into yuan btw

    • 10 months ago

      congrats on the achievement anon!! what's next on the agenda?
      also, what settings do you have to get the map/game to look like that? ty in advance

      • 10 months ago

        What mod do I need to get the map to look like that

        i still need to get a few more horde achievements so maybe i'll try conquering the world, i've played this game for long time but i've never done a world conquest
        here's the map mod btw, works for the current version of the game:

    • 10 months ago

      What mod do I need to get the map to look like that

  53. 10 months ago

    Why do my merchants just randomly leave and come back and have to be assigned again? This shit pisses me off it happens every couple months. Do they take them back if you lose trade value in a node?

    • 10 months ago

      Its been several years since i did a Mughals run. Which mil idea do people like going with them? I cant decide if cav is worth going Aristocratic with them or just go all purpose quality or offensive.

      Yes, your TC or CN needs 51% power in a node to give you a merchant.

      • 10 months ago

        what DLCs do you have, may i ask?

        I am hankering for some additional DLC but the standard price can get fricked. So I wait for the discounts for the time being

        • 10 months ago

          brother pirate them

  54. 10 months ago

    The partition of Russia

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit Byzantium is alive (but without Constantinople lel)

      • 10 months ago

        Unfortunately they're just my vassal for eating overextension for me, but it is cool to have them in the game. Even worse, they got spawned in as an Islamic nation when I released them.

    • 10 months ago


  55. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Nowadays the pope kisses the feet of israelites.

  56. 10 months ago

    >Castille gets its personal union with Aragon in 1447
    >proceeds to ally England
    >Maine event: Le War
    F for France this run. I also expected Burgundy to use this moment but it decided to go for Liege instead (and Charles is getting his ass handed to him by Hunyadi), lmao

  57. 10 months ago

    What are some countries you'd recommend to someone who don't like playing a huge blob?

  58. 10 months ago

    >land given to allies in a separate peace doesn't count towards "promised land"
    BRAVO, Johan

  59. 10 months ago


    following on from this: I learnt from the attached achievement that arguably the best Idea Group, in terms of rapid expansion, albeit against weaker enemies, is "Religious Ideas"
    Once I switched places with Venice--ie. selling my provinces to Venice so that Ottomans would fight them instead--while edging closer to Austria to join the HRE, I then expanded to Africa, Holy War'd on everyone when I got the chance, then had the strength to engage in a pincer movement on the Otts

    Unless they changed it, *you* can sell provinces to hostile nations, just not to your rivals. I was lucky/thankful that I could sell to Venice, have them get their ass kicked by Otts, then quickly claim a province or two that was close to HRE. I think I managed to bait Venice into at least two wars before they Rivaled me (which didn't matter at that point). Also, I think I converted to Catholicism for the Papal buffs

  60. 10 months ago


    Not playing as France. To my surprise the frogs achieved a white piece after mauling the Iberian armies, so the only loser here was Scotland, lol

    >it stops players exploiting the mechanic anon.
    That's dumb (the AI would actually get more land if it counted) and ahistorical though. I still managed to get what I wanted by giving them so much land during the separate peace that they are too OE to want more

  61. 10 months ago

    Should I always raze provinces as a horde?

    • 10 months ago

      does it not align with your moral compass

    • 10 months ago

      if you want to roleplay it's enjoyable; but otherwise you inevitably have a nice day in the foot long-term, since you've now reduced a developed province substantially.
      my preference was to raze open desert to reduce it fully to 3dev, particularly the provinces that would take AGES to cross without a movement bonus. That and anything arctic and mountainous, esp. where I'd plant a fort. Then watch on in amusement as the AI makes the perilous journey to meet with supply attrition

      up to you, in the end.

      I know how PUs work, I just hate it. I mod the defines to cut heir birth chance in half and make rulers over 60 infertile and I still often have to wait 100 years for a PU or just throw away an alliance and hope I can force a union without an heir being born in the truce. It's one of those ancient hardcoded anti-fun mechanics, like the quadratic economy calculation for vassal acceptance.
      >the PU success is based on prestige and overall power
      That's what I'm getting at. There's an unclear weighting of prestige, development (maybe including vassals and modified by autonomy) and possibly military strength, that goes into deciding who will get their dynasty on a throne. Although the actual PU chance seems much simpler these days.

      fair fair anon. i haven't EU nationed in a while so that feature i've personally neglected.
      and every other religion doesn't allow PUs

      >wait until an AI ruler is 79
      >still not dead
      >PU turns into a noble of your house will take the throne
      This is why people use the console. Staring at the screen for 15 years unable to launch a war (since that will usually remove the PU chance) because you can't claim a throne without the same dynasty is anti-fun.

      >is anti-fun
      anti-fun because it doesn't tailor to your desires from the sounds of it anon. whats with the obsession for PUs?

      • 10 months ago

        >anti-fun because it doesn't tailor to your desires
        It's anti-fun because it replaces player agency with unclear rng. There's no reason for PU mechanics to not be fully exposed, both the formula and a simple ranking of PU candidate strength when a ruler is heirless.
        >whats with the obsession for PUs
        I don't have one, but I've thought that vassalization mechanics are bad in general and a big contributor to the preference for military expansion over diplomatic expansion. PU mechanic are bad but simple vassal mechanics are far worse, with vassal acceptance chance influenced by
        >exponential development comparison
        >hardcoded modifers like HRE member, owns core land, has subjects of its own
        >arbitrary limit of 100 max dev

        • 10 months ago

          understandable, regarding the PU. I usually just accepted the randomization of the mechanic for the sake of a more dynamic outcome, but fair fair.

          Regarding the vassals: the only legitimate grievance you've listed is the 100dev limit (which I can agree with), and the economic gap requirement which is
          Look at it logically, why would a nation that has a vassal of their own want to relinquish theirs in favour of submitting to your rulership? Also, HRE members are a special kind of vassal anyway, so the same rule applies.
          The "owns core" can be worked around anon, since you obviously took their land in a war, just go to war again and have them "revoke core". if they are the permanent culture then change it. now that issue is a problem no more.

          • 10 months ago

            which is busted*

    • 10 months ago

      yes always, if you're really worried about the loss of dev in some wrong culture, 90% autonomy shithole then just use the mana gained to dev your high value, core provinces. The only possible exception is gold provinces in the early game, since they can help stabilize your income.

  62. 10 months ago

    >wait until an AI ruler is 79
    >still not dead
    >PU turns into a noble of your house will take the throne
    This is why people use the console. Staring at the screen for 15 years unable to launch a war (since that will usually remove the PU chance) because you can't claim a throne without the same dynasty is anti-fun.

    • 10 months ago

      if youre that obsessed with the PU just revert to a prior save. since everything is all chance and randomized, there's the possibility that the upcoming month would mean death this time.

  63. 10 months ago


    I'm actually synchronizing with all the faiths

    • 10 months ago

      *I say this as the Ming player you responded to

      • 10 months ago

        You didn't get my reference buts that okay. what I'm saying, is that if Ming were to have been Islamic then it would have began conquering it's neighbours (ie. what you had done) because if you understand anything about Islam itself, you'd know that it is a militaristic religion--and a very successful one at that.

        • 10 months ago

          No I understood that entirely

  64. 10 months ago

    What are the campaigns you anons always come back to? For me it's
    >anybody to Mughals
    >England to Great Britain
    >Jianzhou to Manchu to Qing

    • 10 months ago

      Uesugi into Japan
      England into GB
      Jainzhou into Qing
      Holland into Netherlands
      Muscovy into Russia
      Ajam into Persia (i did once do Ardabil into Persia, but its too much RNG to do repeatedly)
      Naples into Italy

  65. 10 months ago

    Where can I check my country total development?

    • 10 months ago

      Economy tab
      Also main game lobby

      • 10 months ago

        Thank you.

        • 10 months ago

          >Ming already collapsed
          wtf?! what DLC do you have to get Ming to have imploded so soon??

  66. 10 months ago

    I just "lost" the court and country disaster. how the frick does that happen. Overextention?

  67. 10 months ago

    okinawa is a vassal of ming wat do

    • 10 months ago

      It should be easy if you already unified Japan.
      Just build up your navy and pick the right time to declare when Ming has low mandate.

      • 10 months ago

        it's just ming anon
        you might as well take a few provinces in continental china

        it is just a tributary I literally cba fighting in China but it must be done
        have you seen the ideas of Oda they are fricking hardcore

        • 10 months ago

          >I literally cba fighting in China
          Then don't. Build galleys, sink the Ming navy, blockade Ming, siege Okinawa, wait, profit

    • 10 months ago

      it's just ming anon
      you might as well take a few provinces in continental china

    • 10 months ago

      I don't have the DLC Mandate of Heaven so I cant help you with that aspect; but my current playthroughs I had rushed to get Expansion Ideas, I'd start colonizing the "clove" islands, relocate my capital to a clove province, then get Explorer Ideas to show Australia, colonize enough of Australia to get a colonial nation. then head over to Alaska and start colonizing the Americas. I'll send a screenshot later when I've loaded the campaign

      regarding your Mandate DLC. I honestly don't know the mechanics sorry anon. When its on sale next I intend to buy it; though my PC's CPU is working overtime as it is, so it might be my last add-on

    • 10 months ago

      wait wait, is your question regarding playing as Okinawa itself (Ryukyu), or about unifying Japan??

      If its about Japan then just build your navy up, achieve the war goal (Conquer Okinawa), then wait it out, since the wargoal is 25% and you would in theory be blockading the ports to increase war exhaustion.
      Simple as!

  68. 10 months ago

    >played as wallachia
    >got memed on by ottomans
    >played as shimazu and then date
    >get memed on by ashikaga
    >played as teuetonic order
    >declared on by poland then sweden then brandbenburg
    >quit before getting memed on
    >play England
    >unstoppable by 1480
    I wish I had followed advice in these threads and played England or France first. Maybe once I learn the game I can play Wallachia again.

    • 10 months ago

      glad you reconsidered your choices anon, everyone started with an easy country and england is the safest one in my opinion

    • 10 months ago

      if you want to survive as Teutonic Order from the oncoming Polish onslaught, work as quick as you can to join the HRE.

      regarding those other 2, I've never played them thus far

      • 10 months ago

        I would like to do that achievement as Wallachia but right through Persia. I did join the HRE but Sweden stackwiped me down to 0 men lmao and the rest declared instantly. Combination of mountains and bad rolls I suppose.

        glad you reconsidered your choices anon, everyone started with an easy country and england is the safest one in my opinion

        Yeah their mission tree is pretty OP but it has had a great deal of time and effort put into it as well as that. Would be nice to get that time and effort into more nations.

    • 10 months ago

      I suggest Moldova over Wallachia. It's a small difference, but Ottomans seem to hate Moldova slightly less than Wallachia, and it's easier to get good allies like Poland or Austria. You can still eat Wallachia pretty easily at the start.

      • 10 months ago

        was that a quick playthrough anon or needed to bide time?

        • 10 months ago

          Very unnecessarily long, Ottos wouldn't declare on me, but they had me perma threatened for literally 100 straight years, so I wasn't able to expand for a long time. I forget what happened that gave me a good opening to finally declare on them, but I know I had a solid commonwealth and fairly strong Austria-Hungary ally when I did.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks for the tip I will try Moldova next or Milan because I like their location and the idea of renaissance city states all fighting for power over the peninsula.

        • 10 months ago

          Anon, Moldova/Wallachia are situated between Ottomans and Hungary; ie. the Balkans

  69. 10 months ago

    1 Ottomans
    2 Qing
    3 Japan
    4 Russia
    5 Spain
    6 France
    7 Great Britain
    8 Prussia
    9 Portugal
    0 Korea

    • 10 months ago

      Should I annex Portugal?

      • 10 months ago

        You should play as Portugal and annex Spain instead (also get the all blue achievement)

      • 10 months ago

        When playing castille, take portugal's coast asap. Then england's, then france's. Colonization can wait, monopolize them first.

  70. 10 months ago

    Post your best general.

    • 10 months ago


  71. 10 months ago

    Go with new Japan ideas or keep the Oda ones.

    • 10 months ago

      Oda ideas are like top 5 in the game

      • 10 months ago

        A lot of the Daimyo have great ideas. Date are strong as well.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't form japan, stay shogun! Also pick a daimyo who's history that resonates with you.

      • 10 months ago

        >Also pick a daimyo who's history that resonates with you.
        So because they are dirty bastards, rapists and thieves.

  72. 10 months ago

    Do you *really* have to resort to cheese and gamey wars when playing Granada? I just wanna be a sorta Muslim Portugal, ignoring continental politics and just go all in on colonization

    • 10 months ago

      conquer morocco, abandon the peninsula and achieve naval supremacy so the iberians can't cross the strait
      what's so cheesy or gamey about that?

      • 10 months ago

        If I'm gonna do that then I'd be better off playing morocco. What I mean by 'gamey' is the usual opening moves i.e. raping tlemcen or doing what you are suggesting. Can I just play tall, fortify the frick out of my mountains and just chill in my little corner while competing for colonies? Would castille + aragon frick me over regardless if I just let them be?

        • 10 months ago

          >Would castille + aragon frick me over regardless if I just let them be?
          up until you start claiming certain territory in the Americas, you're more than likely to actually ally with Castille because of "Historical friend".
          The Mexico colonial region is particularly desirable for them so either time that right, or avoid it entirely
          In answer to your question: You can play tall just be strategic with your terri claims up until you're strong enough or have another alliance with a separate nation that doesnt want America (so avoid relying on France & GB).
          To give you an idea on the value of the Mexican region; my current playthrough, I recently took all of the Mexico colonial region off Castille and Portugal AND France re-allied with them. So I've managed to position myself into a big conundrum at the moment but I'm doubting I will complete my achievement anyway so it'll be good for reflection for the next attempt.

          • 10 months ago

            >colonial region off Castille and Portugal AND France re-allied with them.
            poor writing. let me re-iterate
            colonial region off Castile; and now Portugal AND France re-allied with them**

        • 10 months ago

          >I occupied their land for 700 years, raped their land, their women and made them slaves
          >Would castille + aragon frick me over regardless if I just let them be?
          Who can tell anon, who can tell.
          In any case abuse the shit out of that mountain fort and have some fun.

          • 10 months ago

            Doesn't have much impact in the game, sadly.

          • 10 months ago

            damn the spanish had no fashion sense

            • 10 months ago

              dude that tabard is fricking kino you take that back

  73. 10 months ago

    How do I destroy the HRE? Siege down every province of the electors and the emperor?

    • 10 months ago

      I just like to slowly encroach on them throughout my game along with other countries until there's hardly anything left. Feels really satisfying watching the imperial map mode provinces shrink more and more

  74. 10 months ago

    >Would castille + aragon frick me over regardless if I just let them be?
    you could probably just chill if you managed to ally two strong countries like france and ottomans, but they go into debt so frequently that eventually you're gonna get fricked
    so better accept your fate and change your plans, if you want some muslim colonization try mali

    • 10 months ago

      Heh... ironically, playing in very hard would be his best option IF he manages to ally ottos

  75. 10 months ago

    cheebos are life

  76. 10 months ago

    Meiou. How does enlistment/hybrid military work? I've been spending 3 mana (out of 30) on conscription for 20 years. I have free peasants level 3 rural governance.

  77. 10 months ago

    Is there a way to see how many years are left on an active Anglican religion church power? Mainly for the 15 year morale and shock damage received one. I don't see an indicator for it being activated anywhere.

  78. 10 months ago

    If I'm playing a horde and keep fortresses at minimum, is worth it to still go for high defensiveness and attrition?
    I will have so many huge provinces with hostile climte that even without fortresses I can still wear off my enemies, akin to Russia

    • 10 months ago

      Probably not worth it over focusing on getting the most out of cav, but it can't hurt
      How has Ming not collapsed yet? In my Japan game, they had won a few wars with the Manchus but when I blockaded them to take Okinawa they started collapsing

      • 10 months ago

        >Probably not worth it over focusing on getting the most out of cav
        I'm unironically on 9,5 ducats per cavalry with 0,25 ducats monthly maintenance, that's almost as cheap as infantry, I'm just struggling to have a strong enough economy to reach my force limit without losing monthly
        >How has Ming not collapsed yet?
        Dont you worry it's getting there, I'm taking huge chonks, loads of money and pillaing the Ming capital every subsecuent war, howerver is has been hard for me to keep up with the territorial gains since fricking Governing Capacity is biting my ass so much

        • 10 months ago

          on one final separate note regarding Gov Capacity. Utilize a vassal. Better to feed one vassal and turn it into a March than to have Gov Cap slow down your early-game expansion. Just aim for a vassal that either has their capital in the same Trade Node as yours, or behind your main TN so that as your feeding more provinces they don't start to pull the trade value forward away from yours. Pulling backwards gives an -80% penalty.
          Unless you've got the DLC that allows main trade capital? I dunno its mechanics with regards to the vassal AI

          • 10 months ago

            since no doubt im speculating someone may bring up the Vassal's ability to "Retain" the trade value behind anons TN, and since I didnt word myself well enough: my emphasis was that the vassal's trade/city capital was picked in a way that reduces the TP impact. If the vassal's capital is behind anon's capital then obviously don't start feeding provinces to the vassal in that same TN, because then the "Retained income" happens.

  79. 10 months ago

    Is there any country where court ideas are useful.

    • 10 months ago

      Any non-horde country that wants to blob should go Dip-Adm-Rel and then Court and Offensive, though the order can be flip-flopped on the last two. Court will give you 5% ccr (policy with Admin) and 5% war score cost vs other religions (policy with Religious).

      • 10 months ago

        >wants to blob...
        Fricking what? Read the ideas anon, they're tailored for Estate usage. Blobbing specifically requires absolutism which is anti-estate!
        So essentially the Idea Group is the exact opposite.

        • 10 months ago

          Court isn't tailored for anything, it's ideas are complete shit. But it doesn't matter, those two policies are worth more than all the other ideas groups at that point of the game.

    • 10 months ago


      Court isn't tailored for anything, it's ideas are complete shit. But it doesn't matter, those two policies are worth more than all the other ideas groups at that point of the game.

      Court Ideas:
      2 - All Estates Loyalty Equilibrium +10%
      - Estates Loyalty Change on Privilege Revoked +5%
      5 - Reduced Max Absolutism from (Estate) Privileges -20%
      - Max Privileges per Estate +1
      6 - Estate Interaction Cooldown Modifier -20%

      Listen, play however you want to play. The Court Idea group is the new Espionage group--they've buffed Espionage now which makes it great and no longer mostly useless.
      But trying to convince anons that Court Ideas are for blobbing? Reconsider your tactics/strat on that one anon.

      Follow-up question: Do you ever utilize Estates in your game at all, ie. do you have an understanding of the Estate mechanics? With smaller nations, from my experience, during early game they're essential.

      >Probably not worth it over focusing on getting the most out of cav
      I'm unironically on 9,5 ducats per cavalry with 0,25 ducats monthly maintenance, that's almost as cheap as infantry, I'm just struggling to have a strong enough economy to reach my force limit without losing monthly
      >How has Ming not collapsed yet?
      Dont you worry it's getting there, I'm taking huge chonks, loads of money and pillaing the Ming capital every subsecuent war, howerver is has been hard for me to keep up with the territorial gains since fricking Governing Capacity is biting my ass so much

      early game use "War Reparations" to fund your army size. It will require constant warfare which is what the Horde is tailored toward anyway, and its pretty humorous having over 3 nations constantly funding your war efforts. Just be mindful of the timer (10 years of war funds)
      Also, strategic use of "Raise War Taxes" is worth the Mana Point loss; from prior experience.
      I dont know the DLC you use though so YMMV

      • 10 months ago

        No, you need to reconsider how you evaluate the game. Estates can give some nice bonuses, but outside of +1 mana none of them are close to essential. And espionage is only good for blobbing if you're in the HRE since it helps with AE and getting lots of claims.
        If you're trying to blob anywhere else, you should pick Diplomatic, then Administrative and then Religious (as long as you're not a horde) in the first three ideas. The only groups worth getting after that are Offensive and Court. No other idea group after that can get you the same value as 5% ccr or 5% pwsc, much less both, unless you've already capped out ccr (or at the very least gotten to 75%). The only thing Court ideas even competes with at that point in the game is Humanist, but Court also helps with rebels since it lowers coring time. And Humanist is actually detrimental in a One Faith since it locks you out of an extra missionary from parliament. The only reasoning I can give against Court ideas is that if you're blobbing fast enough, you should already conquer the world before unlocking your 5th idea group. But if you're trying to WC pre 1600, then you should probably pick Court 4th over Offensive.

        • 10 months ago

          >No, you need to reconsider how you evaluate the game...
          >...but outside of +1 mana none of them are close to essential.
          I am playing as Ryukyu (a starting OPM off the coast of Ming) right now and I can tell you that Estate bonuses were needed at the start.
          60%+ Loyalty and 60%+ Influence from the Clergy = +20% Tax Income and -10% Stability Cost
          60%+ Loyalty and 60%+ Influence from the Nobility = +20% Manpower and -10% Army Maintenance
          60%+ Loyalty and 60%+ Influence from the Burghers = +20% Trade Income and -10% Development Cost
          And this isn't taking into account the Privilege bonuses like "Religious Society" that gives Tax/Prod/Manpower boosts. Or "Strong Dutchies" for +2 Relations and -10% Subject Liberty Desire

          If you have the WQ achievement as Ryukyu without the DLC "Mandate of Heaven" then please show me and I'd be more than happy to treat you like a most worthwhile strategic advisor regarding the current topic. But until then, trying to convince me to evaluate my game is futile.
          I suppose it comes down to the classic conundrum of both parties thinking they're right.
          I will point out though that the main point of the initial argument was strictly about your insistence that Court Ideas is for blobbing. which anyone who utilizes the above mentioned Estate bonuses would contest, since blobbing requires Administration Efficiency which Absolutism gives. Hence my counter commentary.
          If players build tall--as opposed to wide--then Estate usage is great, and thus Court Ideas can work great with it.
          It's a very convoluted Idea Group regardless judging by our argument.

          Also: Espionage only good for HRE?! Since the new patch modifications?! That is highly debatable but I'm nearing my character limit.
          >spoiler alert; I stopped playing in Europe ages ago.

          • 10 months ago

            I can guarantee you'll get a bigger income boost from selling/seizing crownland on cooldown than from 20% tax and trade as an opm. And guess what? You can use that cash to hire mercs! And you'll need them, because I don't care if you're fricking Russia, if you have manpower that means you're not blobbing as fast as you can. But seizing means your estates won't be happy and you'll lose your little bonuses :~~*~~*~~*(. And go frick yourself, acting like your basic ass estate setup that EVERYBODY is aware of is somehow the secret sauce. Your whole point is so moronic, you know you have to qualify that your "Estate bonuses were needed at the start" aka the exact point at which it's impossible to have Court ideas. And if it really would have been so impactful for your TTM then I guess that's just another reason why Court is good for blobbing like I said.

            • 10 months ago

              >You can use that cash to hire mercs!
              Mercs are literal dogshit, apart from slightly conserving manpower they don't stack up against a proper enemy army. mercs are so dogshit that Para added a brand new dedicated Idea Group to IMPROVE them!

              >acting like your basic ass estate setup that EVERYBODY is aware of is somehow the secret sauce.
              making nonsense assumptions. I listed the benefits of Estates to counter your argument that they're not essential during early game, nothing more than that, nothing "secret sauce" at all. Now some OPM can get away with none of the bonuses entirely, sure. The map is pretty fricking big after all. But, prior personal experience they were needed. The +20% Manpower recov and -10% Army Maintenance primarily.
              So if you want to assume shit then thats on you.

              >you know you have to qualify that your "Estate bonuses were needed at the start" aka the exact point at which it's impossible to have Court ideas.
              literal gibberish, please re-iterate

              >And if it really would have been so impactful for your TTM then I guess that's just another reason why Court is good for blobbing like I said.
              spoken by someone who has yet to try the TTM achievement.

              Ive yet to even use Court Idea group ever; it was the fact that literally 3 out of 7 ideas related to Estate boosts. Clearly its a confused Idea Group.
              Honestly if it works for you then pick it to your hearts content.

              >Also "blobbing requires Administrati[ve] Efficiency is some laughable bullshit since blobbing fast means pre-1600 WC
              It doesn't "require" youre right; I used the wrong words.
              my understanding was that it meant very rapid expansion. The whole point of Absolutism, and Imperialism CB for that matter, is for that very purpose: rapid expansion.
              Regarding "rapid expansion": Compare a -5% CC from Court Idea Policy, to that of 30% Admin Efficiency and -50% Foreign Core Duration.
              Wasting an entire Idea slot on "Court" for expansion when it could be replaced with a Military one instead

              • 10 months ago

                >Mercs are literal dogshi
                add two cav to the free company in the early game. Solved
                Merc ideas are nice. Late game you could go full merc and just add your own cav/artillery

              • 10 months ago

                do you not think I've already tried that? Maybe its my DLC but honestly anon, at least with the DLC that I am using, the mercs were just there to whittle down the enemy colonial nations manpower or overrun the smaller nations.
                I'm using Cradle of Civ, The Cossacks, Art of War, Rights of Man.

                Always remember if you're playing Japan to take out Korea asap. I made the mistake of not attacking them and even by early age of reformation they have 30 dev in most province and its a fricking chore trying to fight them. And i dont get why their armies are so strong even on equal tech. Maybe i should play them again since i haven't in the domination patch.

                >And i dont get why their armies are so strong even on equal tech.
                anon more than tech impacts the fight. to make this easier to answer your question; what Ideas did you pick and what Ideas did Korea pick?

                Listen, I'll make it simple for you. If the fastest world conquests use at most 5% Admin Efficiency but stack ccr as high as it can go, then it stands to reason that any amount of ccr is worth more than 30% Admin Efficiency. I don't know what your fixation is on TTM, Estates, and OPM's alright. It honestly makes you sound like a shitter who can't fathom strategies outside of your very limited experience. Especially when you go off on merc quality as if that was the point I was making. Of course their shit, but they don't slightly conserve manpower, they are the only way to field large enough armies for a pre-1600 wc now that slacken has been nerfed to the ground. If you insist otherwise, then that just means you play slow as frick. And with enough of them you won't have to fight battles since the AI will be too scared to engage 90% of the time. And let's not pretend you weren't making assumptions by implying I didn't know how Estates work here[...] Anyways I'm done with this back and forth

                > I don't know what your fixation is on TTM, Estates, and OPM's alright
                because I'm doing the achievement run, perhaps? Because I'm deliberately choosing the hardest/least completed achievements for something to do since I personally don't enjoy simply ranking 1st on the eu4 endgame ladder.

                >Especially when you go off on merc quality as if that was the point I was making
                it was a shit point you made about what we we're talking about.
                Consider the following: Econ gives, what, +15% tax boost from it's idea, iirc; keeping the Clergy happy will give +20%.
                Econ/Quant/Def Idea Group give -5% Army Maint Cost; keeping Nobility happy will give -10%.
                Trade Idea Group gives +10% Trade Efficiency; keeping Burghers happy gives 20%
                There are great benefits to Estates, so your dismissal of them is DELUSIONAL.

                > And let's not pretend you weren't making assumptions by implying I didn't know how Estates work here
                just because youre a condescending butthole, and thus think like one, doesnt mean everyone else is. The same way I acknowledged where I was wrong and you were right--eg. "blobbing *requires* admin eff", which it doesnt--and insisted to play your own style, is the same way I listed the perks of Estates to counter your dismissal of them. If you knew about the Estate bonuses and yet still dismissed them then thats even more ludicrous.

                With the talk of it in this thread i think ill get court ideas for fun in this run. I was going to go quality/Religious so i got a couple cards to work with.

                okay sounds good anon! report back to us on your evaluation of the Idea Group (in this thread of next)

              • 10 months ago

                >(in this thread of next)
                in this thread or next**

              • 10 months ago

                >report back to us on your evaluation of the Idea Group
                Its still a meme just cause of how much better the other dip options are. The two positives i found however is there is something nice about getting 25 power projection off an insult. I also had a full compliment of estate stuff and i started age of absolutism with 40 max. Also a little synergy with Aksum i never thought of was war score against opposite religions. One of the cards gave an extra 5%. So take that combined with the 15 from Aksum ideas, 25 reformation bonus and 15 from malta which gave me a big bonus. So have some fun with it but outside of something really niche i dont see why you would take it over diplo or espionage.

              • 10 months ago

                Listen, I'll make it simple for you. If the fastest world conquests use at most 5% Admin Efficiency but stack ccr as high as it can go, then it stands to reason that any amount of ccr is worth more than 30% Admin Efficiency. I don't know what your fixation is on TTM, Estates, and OPM's alright. It honestly makes you sound like a shitter who can't fathom strategies outside of your very limited experience. Especially when you go off on merc quality as if that was the point I was making. Of course their shit, but they don't slightly conserve manpower, they are the only way to field large enough armies for a pre-1600 wc now that slacken has been nerfed to the ground. If you insist otherwise, then that just means you play slow as frick. And with enough of them you won't have to fight battles since the AI will be too scared to engage 90% of the time. And let's not pretend you weren't making assumptions by implying I didn't know how Estates work here

                Court Ideas:
                2 - All Estates Loyalty Equilibrium +10%
                - Estates Loyalty Change on Privilege Revoked +5%
                5 - Reduced Max Absolutism from (Estate) Privileges -20%
                - Max Privileges per Estate +1
                6 - Estate Interaction Cooldown Modifier -20%

                Listen, play however you want to play. The Court Idea group is the new Espionage group--they've buffed Espionage now which makes it great and no longer mostly useless.
                But trying to convince anons that Court Ideas are for blobbing? Reconsider your tactics/strat on that one anon.

                Follow-up question: Do you ever utilize Estates in your game at all, ie. do you have an understanding of the Estate mechanics? With smaller nations, from my experience, during early game they're essential.

                early game use "War Reparations" to fund your army size. It will require constant warfare which is what the Horde is tailored toward anyway, and its pretty humorous having over 3 nations constantly funding your war efforts. Just be mindful of the timer (10 years of war funds)
                Also, strategic use of "Raise War Taxes" is worth the Mana Point loss; from prior experience.
                I dont know the DLC you use though so YMMV

                Anyways I'm done with this back and forth

          • 10 months ago

            I can guarantee you'll get a bigger income boost from selling/seizing crownland on cooldown than from 20% tax and trade as an opm. And guess what? You can use that cash to hire mercs! And you'll need them, because I don't care if you're fricking Russia, if you have manpower that means you're not blobbing as fast as you can. But seizing means your estates won't be happy and you'll lose your little bonuses :~~*~~*~~*(. And go frick yourself, acting like your basic ass estate setup that EVERYBODY is aware of is somehow the secret sauce. Your whole point is so moronic, you know you have to qualify that your "Estate bonuses were needed at the start" aka the exact point at which it's impossible to have Court ideas. And if it really would have been so impactful for your TTM then I guess that's just another reason why Court is good for blobbing like I said.

            Also "blobbing requires Administrati[ve] Efficiency" is some laughable bullshit since blobbing fast means pre-1600 WC at a minimum.

  80. 10 months ago

    What Idea should I go for? I'm going to be fighting both France and the Ottomans soon who are fallied to each other so I'm not sure if Defensive is good enough for that.
    Diplomatic would be nice too or trade.

    • 10 months ago

      Diplomatic should have been your first pick

      • 10 months ago

        I was having a shit ton of trouble with inflation.

        • 10 months ago

          You spent 2800 admin on Economic ideas. For that same price, you could have reduced almost 75% inflation down to 0%.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah but now I have efficient mining so me and the boys can have some gold.

            • 10 months ago

              this also I will never have to worry about inflation again

    • 10 months ago

      If you care about HRE thing then Diplomatic
      Quantity for fighting

  81. 10 months ago
    Anyone here tried this mod?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, but it's not that good. Most of what it adds doesn't really work, at least gameplay wise. The supply and demand does seem to change a little based on player or AI actions, however the only effects it has is the price of goods and whether you gain buffs for overproducing goods, which you most likely will without even trying. There are also no downsides to not producing/procuring necessary trade goods like foodstuff. Consumption taxes don't work, same with buying demanded goods that you don't have enough supply of. Unpausing while having the event open will frick things and will require you to use a command to unfrick it. Don't get me wrong, the mod as an idea is great, but it still has to be fleshed out, a lot; dev seems to be still update it though, so hopefully most of these issues will get fixed in due time

  82. 10 months ago

    turned my khaaan run into a world conquest and vajrayana one faith and man, it's too much (at least I got the achievement for embracing all the institutions as a horde)
    I still think a vajrayana one faith it's possible but no wonder people choose catholic, sunni or meme shit like hindu mughals for one faiths

  83. 10 months ago

    Going to play Smolensk for the first time and have a couple questions. First im doing it to also go max siege ability, So im probably going to go inno/offensive to start. Do you think i should go Quality for the extra arty combat 3rd or save that for 14 and take Espionage. And lastly even with their ideas that boost canons do you still want to wait for 16 before really piling them on or is it best to go with a x/0/x (to combat width) right from mil 7?

    • 10 months ago

      >Do you think i should go Quality for the extra arty combat 3rd or save that for 14 and take Espionage.
      Espionage. Also change to a Bishop (or the Orthodox equivalent) for Divinity Ideas. You can change back when you are steamrolling and don't care about reform progress or admin/stability.
      >And lastly even with their ideas that boost canons do you still want to wait for 16 before really piling them on or is it best to go with a x/0/x (to combat width) right from mil 7?
      I would still wait because xx% artillery combat ability of no pips is not much. You should test it out though on a non-critical battle maybe against a horde or some such. Just have a regular composition army one county behind ready to steam in if it all goes horribly wrong.
      Post results.

      • 10 months ago

        They changed the ideas up a little though and you get 2 arty pips (at least thats how im reading it) with the 2nd idea.

        • 10 months ago

          What DLC do you have activated?
          Some of this explanations you're giving to anon sounds completely foreign to me

  84. 10 months ago

    How do you guys deal with converted provinces during the reformation? If you want to stay catholic, just wait untill you can convert them back?

    • 10 months ago

      Easiest way is probably just go Humanist

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, but it's not like I am going for le reddit world conquest so it feels like a waste but seems like the only choice

        • 10 months ago

          Well unless you go out of your way to stack negative tolerance with heretics, then just waiting through the conversions is totally doable. I just wish Religious Zeal was more like 5 or 10 years. 30 is way too much

    • 10 months ago

      >just wait untill you can convert them back?
      That's what I do, it's a pain in the ass but it is a century of religious strife. It's a minor hit to a bunch of stats unless you're down to really low religious unity in which case convert.

      • 10 months ago

        >really low religious unity in which case convert.
        I was 50/50 prot and reformed in a territory simiar to early game burgundylmao

        • 10 months ago

          Fricking hell that's savage. Don't pick an idea group just to handle a 30 to 60 year problem. Slow your blobbing down a bit and dedicate one army to suppression. You should be changing your economy from taxation and war reps to production and trade anyways.

    • 10 months ago

      >really low religious unity in which case convert.
      I was 50/50 prot and reformed in a territory simiar to early game burgundylmao

      if it's really an issue then the only real way to deal with it is kill the reformation centers.

  85. 10 months ago

    say that to my face, not behind a pope, see what happens bru

  86. 10 months ago

    Always remember if you're playing Japan to take out Korea asap. I made the mistake of not attacking them and even by early age of reformation they have 30 dev in most province and its a fricking chore trying to fight them. And i dont get why their armies are so strong even on equal tech. Maybe i should play them again since i haven't in the domination patch.

    • 10 months ago

      Speak for yourself, I've rolled over them and I'm not trying to blob fast

  87. 10 months ago

    Economic or infrastructure for Qing? I already have admin/offensive and have basically already won so I'm not looking to minmax or anything. Not too worried about diplo as I'm not at risk of a coalition

    • 10 months ago

      If you got Defensive get Infrastructure, max defensiveness and attrition is insane

    • 10 months ago

      if you're not blobbing just choose whatever you want

  88. 10 months ago

    With the talk of it in this thread i think ill get court ideas for fun in this run. I was going to go quality/Religious so i got a couple cards to work with.

  89. 10 months ago

    I'm aiming for the achievements with the lowest achievement rate.
    the lowest I have is Fugger Banking for some reason. but I liked playing as Nepal. they were a textbook example of the different factors that impact on combat.

    • 10 months ago

      I used to do that but Empire of Mann broke my will to live (I had just done Okinawa before it which did not help) and now I only play mods.
      I just checked and my rarest achievement is One Nation To Rule Them All (Saruhan) which was not even that difficult.
      Which one are you doing now?

      • 10 months ago

        Funnily enough I am doing Ryukyu TTM! Though with this current patch--which i started for this achievement after nepal's prior completion--I am seriously questioning my success rate. I am 3rd rank with the strongest army and I still got 50years to go, but I might just subscribe for all the DLC (ive only currently got 4) and try my luck that way; atm tho the hurdles include:
        >literally everyone developing their provinces, and not just farmland.
        >shit is costing a lot to take during peace talks, and I've not reached "Proclaim Religious Head" (-25% WC vs other Religions) Gov reform
        >sooo many provinces are over 40dev
        >forts fricking everywhere
        >increase in fort defence bonuses: France, for example, now has "Vauban Fortifications" (presuming its a mission?) giving 15% boost everywhere
        I mean I'm really glad the AI is more competent now but goddamn!

        >(I had just done Okinawa before it which did not help)
        I can see how you got burned out!

    • 10 months ago

      This is the lowest global precentage achievement I have, but it's not particularly hard, just new. I also got Brentry, the angevin achievement. The hardest achievement I *almost* got was Pirates of the Caribbean.

      Start knights, take tile in morocco, colonize bermuda, move cap, colonize Canada since I figure I could easily grow there. Spain fricking cucks me and ignores everywhere else and colonizes Canada. Very slowly make my way around their colonies and expand into the Eastern US Seaboard. Eventually take first war against Spain and Portugal, get most of Caribbean. Take second war, win. Own Caribbean, no achievement, confusion. Check achievement, fricking forgot you need Med every Med island. Look back at Europe. Entire med owned by Ottomans except for Baleres. Already late 1700s. Give up.

  90. 10 months ago

    Any idea for a Daimyo run other than unify Japan and then invade mainland?

    • 10 months ago

      Colonize Americas and compete with France/Britain/Port/Spain over the continent?

  91. 10 months ago

    When is the best moment to form Spain as castile? I'm currently in the 1520's, I'm still in early colonization phase and I don't want to get rid of the castilian settler growth national idea.
    Should I wait and colonize more before forming Spain or should I form Spain and keep the castilian ideas?

    • 10 months ago

      I saw this question in the other thread but I don't know much about Spain these days, sorry. Work out the average colony build time with and without and see if the difference is worth it to you.

    • 10 months ago

      You made me look the wiki, Inter Caetera gives the same bonus to both tags, what are you on.

      • 10 months ago

        I got confused, I meant the ambition idea
        Castile has a +25 settler growth, Spain +5 discipline, I gaslighted myself into thinking the settler growth bonus was in Castile's Inter Caetera. Looks like I can form Spain with no issues.

  92. 10 months ago
    for mp

    • 10 months ago

      >invite expired
      Toss another one brother

      • 10 months ago

        hope you like wooden wall abuse and a fort on every tile

  93. 10 months ago

    Oh dear. I was scanning around the map and looking if i could see anything interesting in Europe and i saw this. As an aside thats one of my favorite things about playing in Africa or somewhere kinda remote. Getting those slow map reveal's and seeing what the AI got up to.

    • 10 months ago

      Did a little map stealing and its a big England indeed that even got a PU over Castile. Although Austria did its part as well. Kinda funny that France still holds Paris though. Also curious what the new world will end up looking like. Cause the PU happened before Spain took colonizing ideas, along with France getting taken out from doing it Portugal might have the run of the new world as England is just now taking exploration.

      • 10 months ago

        ouch. with Portugal's National Ideas, their initial headstart to South/Central America, and no Spain to compete against (with regards to colonist expansion rate) my money is the Ports are going to get huge! Unless you stop them anon

        I think it's already been answered, and apologies if that is the case, but what mod is that for the map to look like this? or is it scaled down settings? ty in advance

    • 10 months ago

      Europe is going to be terrifying to see. Apparently the Prots won the League War and Bohemia is emperor.
      Also, how do I trigger the "has discovered the West" modifier for the Shinto events? I can obviously see Castille, but the religion tab still says I haven't discovered the West

      • 10 months ago

        I think it's the other way around; you have to get discovered by the europeans. Check the wiki nonetheless

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, Castile's opinion of me is still "unknown". How can I get them to discover me faster? Should I send my colonist to some far off region just to get them to see it?

          • 10 months ago

            Try to colonize right by their border, as having them just see one of your provinces will not work

            • 10 months ago

              So lame. I wish there was a way to give the AI maps

              • 10 months ago

                it is what it is

              • 10 months ago

                Might have to cheat... just a little bit...
                Also, great image. Seeing the Americas stacked so neatly is beautiful

          • 10 months ago

            declare war on them. that'll make them notice you!

  94. 10 months ago

    Forgot the image, kinda important

  95. 10 months ago

    anons, I bit the bullet and purchased a month sub fee to trial all the DLC. can any anons suggest if I should be turning off certain ones at all? (Apart from "Women in History")
    ty in advance anons

    • 10 months ago

      Wahmin in History is quite good every so often you get an event about some idiot that gives you hundreds of mana. The ones I can remember off the top of my head are
      Queen Mary (lmao she was a disastrous Queen that led to the end of her dynasty)
      The women of the US Revolution (they made uniforms)
      John Adams wife (scraping the barrell)

      • 10 months ago

        Also turn off that sub and get all the DLC with a cream api from

        women in history is stupidly broken
        some countries like mongolia can get a 4/5/6 ruler for free, just don't read the gigantic description and accept the benefits

        Turn off conquest of paradise to disable those moronic native federations

        ty for the tips anon. I probably should have originally said: ">inb4 turn off Women in History"
        but ty for the response.
        one quick question; is it normal for Ming to be constantly changing the Tribute? this c**t won't make up her damn mind! I'm tired of the constant switching from ducats to manpower back to ducats over to monarch points; just bloody pick a position and frick me!

        • 10 months ago

          >one quick question; is it normal for Ming to be constantly changing the Tribute?
          Yes. Solution is total Ming death

    • 10 months ago

      Also turn off that sub and get all the DLC with a cream api from

    • 10 months ago

      women in history is stupidly broken
      some countries like mongolia can get a 4/5/6 ruler for free, just don't read the gigantic description and accept the benefits

    • 10 months ago

      Turn off conquest of paradise to disable those moronic native federations

  96. 10 months ago

    Best countries for a comfy game focused on colonization?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Portugal every time. Less comfy would be Norway. An option people hardly use is Florence. Use Renaissance spawn and massive monarch point advantage at the start to bum rush your first idea group, take one of the islands that Spain usually gets and then take Caribbean.

      • 10 months ago

        Best countries for a comfy game focused on colonization?

        Tenerife is the island I'm thinking on

    • 10 months ago

      ante bellum moors

  97. 10 months ago

    >Ayutthaya became relatively big in southeast asia
    >Realize it picked Quantity ideas
    >Mentally prepare myself for a slog of a fight
    >Aytthaya keep winning bullshit fights they had no business in winning
    >level 6 forts reaching 70% chance to surrender
    >Made me take 2 loans due bad rng fights
    >Eventually get so pissed off that I go out of my way to, not just loot all its provinces, but Scorch Earth every province possible that I dont plan to take
    Yes, I just wasted 100 sword mana for this.
    Yes, I'm that spiteful.

    • 10 months ago

      >aytthaya keep winning bullshit fights...
      also keep in mind anon that horde fighting on non-flat terrain gives painful penalties. your advantage is the horde's amazing manpower recovery that should outlast ayutt regardless.

      >try to to blob after forming manchu as ryuku
      >enemy gets army reform and show elan events for a total of 10% + 15% = 25% free extra morale
      >few years later
      >dow'd by russia with strict personality (5% discipline) and inspirational leader event (10% discipline) for a total of 125% disciple (before the age of absolutism btw)
      nice game

      interesting playthrough anon. are you going to continue on with it or is this game ending?

      • 10 months ago

        >interesting playthrough anon. are you going to continue on with it or is this game ending?
        i'm continuing for sure, i managed to white peace shun by abusing a stack with mercs but it was pretty painful watching my armies lose almost every battle (also i didn't have any military ideas)
        the second case was somehow better since i was using full stacks to fight russia who thankfully never did, and even if it was 105% vs 125% discipline and i was barely inflicting casualties i won every battle thanks to good generals and one manchu mission that gives you a temporary +1 roll, which allowed me to white peace early before russia moved the rest of their army from europe to asia
        honestly i think i'm behind schedule for a world conquest, but this is an hindu eoc ming so i trust the maximum ccr will help me blob like crazy once my adm efficiency goes up

  98. 10 months ago

    >try to to blob after forming manchu as ryuku
    >enemy gets army reform and show elan events for a total of 10% + 15% = 25% free extra morale
    >few years later
    >dow'd by russia with strict personality (5% discipline) and inspirational leader event (10% discipline) for a total of 125% disciple (before the age of absolutism btw)
    nice game

    • 10 months ago

      skill issue

  99. 10 months ago
  100. 10 months ago

    What's the imperial authority change for "heretic" princes after peace of Westphalia?

  101. 10 months ago

    >be Ryukyu
    >year 1510
    >currently colonizing the provinces only cloves can spawn in (5 of them)
    >59.7% chance of cloves in each of them
    >less than 10% everything else
    >first province
    >timber wood: 4.7% of this happening
    >"lame! But oh well"
    >second province: cloves, "sweet"
    >third province: fricking timber wood!!
    i'd heavily consider restarting the game if i wasn't too curious to trial out all this new DLC
    Also: Ming is a literal fricking woman. make up your goddamn mind on your tribute Ming, ffs!

  102. 10 months ago

    That's a shop or a mod, right?

  103. 10 months ago

    Why the FRICK don't countries stop supporting your subject's indipendence once you ally them?
    I had Geneva at 100% liberty desire for almost a century

    • 10 months ago

      After ten years just release them unless you have 3 or 4 relation slots spare (you should not have 3 or 4 relation slots spare). Holding up a relationship slot for a century is insane. It does sound like a bug but why the frick would you ally the tag that is arming one of your marches and promising to kill your men and take over your land? Basic RP would have solved this.

      • 10 months ago

        I was playing as Savoy and needed an ally that could help me against Aragon. I wanted to ally Naples but they rivaled me since the moment they got free, supporting Geneva's indipendence just like my other rivals. After some time they finally removed me as a rival and became my allies but they still kept supporting Geneva for some reason, which kept the liberty desire at 100% even after getting truces with my rivals.
        As for the RP, I repaid the favor after taking Sicily for myself. Naples got butthurt and I fully annexed them after breaking the alliance.

  104. 10 months ago

    Serves him me right, should have given privileges to the prussian confederation. That is catastrophic.
    Uninstalled and cancelled the subscription. Go on without me bros

  105. 10 months ago

    I cannot save beyond a certain date. It would just straight up throw me to desktop whenever I save or it autosaves. Help plox

    • 10 months ago

      Posting my progress while at it, if just to call your attention to my issue.
      Probably the most fun game I've had, basically Portugal but with a lot more war to engage you. Not really aiming for rereconquista, just wanting to sit back and chill. Right now waiting for Castille to lose great power status so that France wouldn't just intervene and murder me.
      Also, note the date. If I ever save in that month, the game would just crash. Tried turning off mods (just theatrum, no mission trees, music and loading screens) to no avail.

    • 10 months ago

      Posting my progress while at it, if just to call your attention to my issue.
      Probably the most fun game I've had, basically Portugal but with a lot more war to engage you. Not really aiming for rereconquista, just wanting to sit back and chill. Right now waiting for Castille to lose great power status so that France wouldn't just intervene and murder me.
      Also, note the date. If I ever save in that month, the game would just crash. Tried turning off mods (just theatrum, no mission trees, music and loading screens) to no avail.

      My Carribean colony, which swallowed up Castille's all on its own. I'm so proud of it!
      Also, which new world region should I try to colonize next that isn't Brazil or Mexico? East Coast? New Orleans? Venezuela?

    • 10 months ago

      Posting my progress while at it, if just to call your attention to my issue.
      Probably the most fun game I've had, basically Portugal but with a lot more war to engage you. Not really aiming for rereconquista, just wanting to sit back and chill. Right now waiting for Castille to lose great power status so that France wouldn't just intervene and murder me.
      Also, note the date. If I ever save in that month, the game would just crash. Tried turning off mods (just theatrum, no mission trees, music and loading screens) to no avail.

      My Carribean colony, which swallowed up Castille's all on its own. I'm so proud of it!
      Also, which new world region should I try to colonize next that isn't Brazil or Mexico? East Coast? New Orleans? Venezuela?

      Lastly, my African colonies. Got almost everything I need on the Ivory Coast. Gonna go round the Cape after snatching Kongo's coastline. Normal colonizer gameplan really.

    • 10 months ago

      P-Please help, onegai... I don't want to end my game now. Not so soon...

      • 10 months ago

        are you using mods?
        try disabling them but if you aren't then i'd say you're pretty much fricked

        • 10 months ago

          have you ran a separate playthrough game to see if you receive the same crash error?
          if it crashes on a separate playthrough you'll know its game related.
          if it doesn't crash on a separate playthrough you'll know it's savefile related.

          report back on your findings anon. that's the best I can give you without looking directly at your PC
          >t. former IT support

          also, confirm if youre using mods as per this fella's troubleshoot question: ([...])

          I can save on another playthrough just fine, so it's most probably the latter case.
          I do have mods: More loading screens, Baroque and Classical music, No mission trees, Technology and decision graphics, Orbis theatrum and its dark ocean add-on. I don't think any of these would be causing any trouble, right?

          • 10 months ago

            >I don't think any of these would be causing any trouble, right?
            you'd be surprised, try disabling all of them and see how it goes

            • 10 months ago

              Wow, it's just that shrimple. Thanks for saving my game anon, and pardon me for my stupidity.

              • 10 months ago

                no problem, if you want to keep playing with mods disable them one by one until you find the culprit

              • 10 months ago

                Ok so I found it now, it's the no mission trees one. But fricking hell I really want no mission trees. Is there any other way to remove them out right?

              • 10 months ago

                Why not ignore them?

              • 10 months ago

                It's probably just my autism nagging me. I really hate the idea of perma claims and such, and even if I don't use them, the AI still will. Guess I'll just have to suck it up then.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, I get it, I really do but if it's at the point of causing technical issues it's an easy solve. I just looked to see if there is more than one mod that does the same thing
                Is this the one you are/were using?

    • 10 months ago

      is it the same version as to when you started that playthrough anon? during my Nepal achievement I had to make sure the EU4 didnt update itself.

      does it at least show any messages as to why it crashed? was it local save or cloud save? since the former requires a bit of work to ensure the file (ie. playthrough) isn't lost.

      • 10 months ago

        It's the same version, latest (1.35.6). Whenever I save after April 1534 it crashes straight to desktop with just the pdx crash report thingy. I tried both saving locally and to the cloud and nothing worked. You have any ideas?

        • 10 months ago

          have you ran a separate playthrough game to see if you receive the same crash error?
          if it crashes on a separate playthrough you'll know its game related.
          if it doesn't crash on a separate playthrough you'll know it's savefile related.

          report back on your findings anon. that's the best I can give you without looking directly at your PC
          >t. former IT support

          also, confirm if youre using mods as per this fella's troubleshoot question: (

          are you using mods?
          try disabling them but if you aren't then i'd say you're pretty much fricked


  106. 10 months ago

    What could go wrong further down the line?

  107. 10 months ago

    Round of applause for Ming. 2 wars against Ayutthaya, 3 mandate wars against me, 2 visits to the bank of Ming when taking out tribs of theirs and a tribal war against oirat and chagatai all with 0-20 mandate and they managed to hold off the complete explosion outside of Taiwan.

    • 10 months ago

      Anon, you need to rape Ayutthaya ASAP.

      • 10 months ago

        They're just big and green with no teeth. Im dealing with Chagatai first to prevent the nomad frontier disaster. Getting Canton after will be no problem.

  108. 10 months ago

    >trying to play Byzantium again
    >first attempt the Ottomans go for me first
    >second attempt Epirus allies someone
    >like 3 more attempts and they ally someone, even one time allying Hungary
    Did they change something? I did a Byz playthrough last year and it was pretty fine.

    • 10 months ago

      of course anon, with the new patches comes new AI approaches and playstyles; and thus, at least with the minor nations, the player needs to change his opening tactics.
      .I personally have witnessed firsthand the AI acting far more clever than playthroughs prior, which is beneficial and detrimental to a certain extent.

      >how is your ryukyu match going anon?
      i'm doing what i can, the thing is i've never done a world conquest before so i'm not sure if i'm going to make it
      i've got max ccr reduction so i can take as much land as i want, i think it's possible but late game micro is really soul-crushing

      what was your opening like? I find it fascinating you've formed Manchu as Ryukyu. I presume you had colonized the north region and pounced on the small tribes at a prime opportunity to do so?
      It's a clever way to get the amazing CB that tribal nations give. I usually tend to go the Religious CB route since it helps immensely with converting the provinces and unrest reduction, among other things.

      • 10 months ago

        >what was your opening like? I find it fascinating you've formed Manchu as Ryukyu. I presume you had colonized the north region and pounced on the small tribes at a prime opportunity to do so?
        not quite, i consolidated the philippines to have a solid economy and went to conquer manchuria, also forming manchu with a kingdom keeps your government type (you can form a horde by culture shifting to tibetan, which is kind of the most effective way of doing the three mountains these days)
        honestly i just wanted to try playing as emperor of china, and the 20% ccr reduction you can get was obviously very appealing too
        i don't know how it used to be back then, but right now i find eoc to be extremely strong and also fun to play
        i'll go more into detail when i finish this run

        • 10 months ago

          you've compelled me to restart my playthrough stratbro. When looking at Manchu's national ideas--even Japan's ideas--compared to Ryukyu's own, it just makes far more sense to switch over, esp. with all these mission buffs (and so forth) that they've introduced for the majors. I am going to aim for a Japanese Theocratic WQ, so see how things go! The final Gov Reform tier gives a 30% Warscore Cost Reduction against other religions, and noone else is Shinto.
          >Presuming I can switch gov types after forming Japan ofc.

          • 10 months ago

            followup: I may be misreading the requirements necessary to ensure the achievement is met. all good, carry on, nothing to see here.

  109. 10 months ago

    Any mods that block the fricking ottomans from joining any league?

    • 10 months ago

      declare on them before the league fires and grind them down to a bankruptcy or zero manpower

  110. 10 months ago

    I was literally about to declare war fricking habsburg boomers

  111. 10 months ago

    Whats the current update best army composition? I used to use some spreadsheet i found.

    • 10 months ago

      4 cav + enough infantry to fill combat width + enough cannons to get siege bonuses. Then around fort level 6 you increase the canons to fill the whole back row

      • 10 months ago

        Ive always been told that unless you spec into cav its not worth having any.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah it's not worth the cash in most cases.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah it's not worth the cash in most cases.

          It's important to have at least some early game, since infantry do no fricking damage. You don't need more than 2-4 per stack if you're Western, but Eastern, Turkish, Muslim, and Horde nations should build plenty of it if they have the money

        • 10 months ago

          You have to be pretty poor for cav not to be worth it. If that's the case then I wouldn't, but usually you can afford 1 or 2 cav without much headache. Certainly by 1460 you should be able to afford one

          • 10 months ago

            I got to 1000dev before learning I need 50% total to change Primary (since I seldom switch culture ever).
            I can't decide whether to press on and just upgrade manically, or to reset. Since the further I expand the more provinces I need to upgrade in that intended Primary's dev or wait for separatism to convert the culture; that or sit there patiently waiting to reach 50% at the current dev amount.
            fricking brilliant!

            It's important to have at least some early game, since infantry do no fricking damage. You don't need more than 2-4 per stack if you're Western, but Eastern, Turkish, Muslim, and Horde nations should build plenty of it if they have the money

            cavs seem to be getting used more by the AI so you'll have to at least match their numbers perhaps, since they'll have a potential advantage. At least thats what I'm finding; I've been so accustomed to just 2 or 4, as compared to using 6+

            • 10 months ago

              Not sure what you mean but I seen a video where the guy unstated everything to turn into sardinia piedmont for a core creation reduction. Then he restated it. Then he unstated everything again to turn into Prussia for the same modifier.
              Perhaps this is a great deal of admin points for you.

              • 10 months ago

                you're a scholar and a saint anon. I didnt even stop to think about the fact that it relates to "state development".
                tyvm for helping this braindead. My only defence, albeit mild, is that I have had terrible sleeping patterns the past week and I'm quite fried.
                >already spent a solid 10years gradually upgrading the dev of low-tier provinces

              • 10 months ago

                haha nw anon I did not even realise such crazy stuff existed. I hope it worked out for you and did not cost any or too much admin?
                Why were you changing cultures? What country are you transforming into and why?

            • 10 months ago

              >cavs seem to be getting used more by the AI so you'll have to at least match their numbers perhaps, since they'll have a potential advantage
              Yeah, I usually build 2 at the start since poor AI only have 0 or 1, then when I can afford 4 I set it and leave it there. Having 1 more cav early game is definitely better than 2 infantry or whatever, especially since force limits are so small

  112. 10 months ago

    i'm guessing most already know this tactic but for anyone else:
    if there is a major nation you want to specifically target for taking provinces but the majority of their allies are all just as powerful, isolate them by declaring war on the same enemy (a minor nation) target they've declared on, ideally occupying everything before the major nation gets the opportunity. Wait 2 years (or thereabouts, i'm confident it was a little over 2years) and then vassalize the original target. you're now in a defensive war against the major, and they have reached the time limit for them to call in their allies. If they have called their allies initially then it won't work--since the allies were already in the war to begin with. the only slight benefit is that you're ticking warscore is based off defending that newly vassalized minor nations' provinces.
    So as an example: Portugal and Spain are starting butt buddies; Portugal declares on the last Aztec province without calling Spain since, no need, its one more province. you also happen to border the Aztec province with your colonial nation; you declare on Aztecs as well, occupy it and then wait to subjugate with the whole intent being to isolate (Port)
    hope this was of some value anons!

  113. 10 months ago

    anons! What happens when a theocratic government takes the "Mandate of Heaven" from Ming (via conquest)? I'm not going to lose my theocracy--with it's combat reform boosts--am I? Does anyone know? ty in advance stratbros!

    • 10 months ago

      yes you are
      you'll become a kingdom

  114. 10 months ago

    Ottomans literally shitting their pants

  115. 10 months ago

    >100% on a lvl 8 fort

  116. 10 months ago

    i've been waiting for this moment a long time

    • 10 months ago

      >32 dev
      >192 ships
      Peak EU4

    • 10 months ago

      >collects in the Moluccas
      >collects in Malacca
      >collects in Bengal
      >collects in Doab
      >collects in Lahore
      >collects in Gujarat
      >collects in Persia
      I mean, I get it doesn't really matter at this point, but dude.

    • 10 months ago

      How do you even manage to core/diplo annex that much dev? I'm doing a world conquest right now where I have 20k dev with like 10 vassals that I won't be able to annex by the end of the game.

      • 10 months ago

        Influence + admin + policy + administrative efficiency from absolutism +high diplomatic reputation. Also, vassals aren't worth it late game if you're just looking to expand endlessly

        • 10 months ago

          Well I can't expand as much as I want because then I get a million rebels unless I give the new provinces to vassals. Instead I get no rebels and I can start another war

  117. 10 months ago

    and there we go! the three mountains as hindu qing
    definitely one of the most runs i've ever done, except maybe near the end where i had to play at speed 3 but overall it was very enjoyable

    • 10 months ago

      wow congrats anon!!!

      can I ask what are the conditions for tag switching??? Could I unite japan and continue on with attempting the TTM? How does it work exactly, based off your experience?
      ty in advance stratbro

      • 10 months ago

        >can I ask what are the conditions for tag switching??? Could I unite japan and continue on with attempting the TTM? How does it work exactly, based off your experience?
        basically the achievement is coded in a way that it only checks that you started as ryuku and and that no provinces in the world are owned by anyone other than the player, ryuku or ryuku's subjects, this means you can still get the achievement if you switch to another tag as long as you own the entire world (without subjects, even colonial nations)
        you can prevent colonial nations from spawning by moving your capital to a colonial region btw (google this if you don't know how) but in summary as long as you do what's a called a "true one tag" you can switch from ryuku to whichever tag you want

        • 10 months ago

          i think I get it? so you've moved your capital to, say, Australia, cored all of the provinces in that region, and then relocated your capital to North America (or elsewhere), to then repeat the step process? Presumably.

          I'm really regretting I've rushed "Exploration" ideas but I'll just work with it. since I initially discovered, upon reading about the shogunate/daimyo dynamic, that the shogunate can have an unlimited supply of vassals; so was gonna try that (after I had confused myself over the tag switch conditions)

          congrats again anon, wp!

        • 10 months ago

          nevermind i just managed to find it within the wall-of-text info on the wiki, that my capital needs to remain in a colonial region at *all* times.
          ty again for clarity anon; much appreciated! the vague explanations I was coming across really had me scratching my head

          • 10 months ago

            yeah it's not that complicated, if you're in asia you can move your capital to oceania and then to north or south america, or move to galapagos and then to australia

            here's my thought, could one essentially: create colonies and so forth, then before tag switching, release them all as independents, to then reconquer at a later time.
            since I wouldn't mind actually utilizing CN bonuses until I can switch accordingly.
            I'm tempted to try it but I'd be pissed if I was successful with WQ and turns out I broke the conditions.

            anything else planned anon?

            almost 100% sure you can, in fact i don't see why you'd have to do it before switching tags
            also i think i'll try getting the true heir of timur and maybe a one faith if i don't get burned out by then

            >collects in the Moluccas
            >collects in Malacca
            >collects in Bengal
            >collects in Doab
            >collects in Lahore
            >collects in Gujarat
            >collects in Persia
            I mean, I get it doesn't really matter at this point, but dude.

            in my defense beijing is kind of an average node because it lacks critical funnels from sea and india, and if you conquer westwards to funnel from beijing you won't find a good trade node until your reach constantinople because of the shitty caravan power inland nodes get

            How do you even manage to core/diplo annex that much dev? I'm doing a world conquest right now where I have 20k dev with like 10 vassals that I won't be able to annex by the end of the game.

            Well I can't expand as much as I want because then I get a million rebels unless I give the new provinces to vassals. Instead I get no rebels and I can start another war

            by stacking some ccr modifiers you can core everything in 6 months, not to mention even high development provinces become incredibly cheap to core
            at 400% overextension i'd get just 2 separatist sentiment events by letting the timer for accepting run out, because you can't get another separatist sentiment event if you haven't closed the current window

            • 10 months ago

              yeah I was reflecting on it in the shower and it doesn't seem unreasonable to just play with colony nations and vassals; switch tags and then just release and conquer them later. but I am already early-midgame into the second round of this attempt so I will just see how I go with this one.
              It helps that literally not long after I was bemoaning the issues in the China region that everyone suddenly piled on the last remnants of Ming and I got to seize on Jap territory in the process.

              what tactic you going with the one-faith? the common one with that middle eastern "Najjd"? (i think its the name)

            • 10 months ago

              >won't find a good trade node until your reach constantinople
              Not really true, Persia collects everything east of it and is powerful enough to fend off attempts to pull value from it. Malacca and Gujarat are both very workable before then, since they only lose out on Xi'an and Beijing

        • 10 months ago

          here's my thought, could one essentially: create colonies and so forth, then before tag switching, release them all as independents, to then reconquer at a later time.
          since I wouldn't mind actually utilizing CN bonuses until I can switch accordingly.
          I'm tempted to try it but I'd be pissed if I was successful with WQ and turns out I broke the conditions.

          anything else planned anon?

        • 10 months ago

          Jeez anon, at this rate I may be imitating your playstyle (take it as a compliment)
          I'm falling into a Mexican standoff in the China region due to annoying alliances the AI made with one another.
          If Japan doesn't leave her nest soon, taking that buff army with her, to gobble the Manchuria region then I may have to gradually step in to quickly snatch some Manchu culture provinces beforehand; since I can only best Japan with my navy.

    • 10 months ago

      >ah yes, the famous western European city Beijing

  118. 10 months ago

    Can ashikaga add new daimyos for free? How does a vassal swarm as them work? It sounds like it would be the easiest WC

    • 10 months ago

      I made all the red indians and aztecs into daimyos but they probably fixed that kek

    • 10 months ago

      I read--and may try the playstyle--that when youre a shogunate and you vassalize another nation they become a daimyo. the daimyo doesn't count toward a relationship slot either. so an old WQ photo I saw the other day the stratplayer had over 200 daimyos.

      and as long as the daimyo doesn't neighbour the other daimyo they won't war with each other, but they can ally with one another, so it would need some level of management. but the idea of having vassal minions all tactically placed around the map (inside their own culture groups and so forth) sounds funny; with the prime headache just being having to deal with the major powers wanting to fight for the turf
      >fricking Port and Spain, and sometimes Otts for odd reasons

  119. 10 months ago

    >rival supports my vassal's indipendence
    >vassal becomes disloyal
    >declare war on rival
    >indipendence support revoked because of the war
    >vassal is no longer disloyal
    Would something like this work irl? Shouldn't your vassal realistically join your rival if he's disloyal?

    • 10 months ago

      >Shouldn't your vassal realistically join your rival if he's disloyal?
      Yes he should, but that would simply not work in the current system where declaring on that rival is the best way to lower disloyalty. Instead, the subject's LD should not increase with regards to the rivals strength.

  120. 10 months ago

    >google Vajrayana
    >some of their tantric methods are literally drinking cum and blood
    Why does this give you 5% morale compared to other buddhist denominations again?

    • 10 months ago

      you'd have to be crazy to be drinking cum and blood; so it'd be a great boost of morale for soldiers (ie. they're crazy).
      didn't the norse use to have beserkers that would go into psychotic episodes on the battlefield after some substance consumption?
      similar concept no doubt (ie. being crazy or using mental stimulants) since morale relates to mental state.

  121. 10 months ago

    Late game EU4 is... boring. I wish there would be some disasters or events with stuff to do than just conquer, wait for core to be done, conquer, insult rival, etc. Are there any mods that involve just the late game?
    Alternatively, how easy is to to create a mod for that?

    • 10 months ago

      >stuff to do than just conquer, wait for core to be done, conquer, insult rival, etc.
      welcome to Imperialism.
      what kind of disaster events did you have in mind tho anon?

      Well I can't expand as much as I want because then I get a million rebels unless I give the new provinces to vassals. Instead I get no rebels and I can start another war

      when you've got the funds for it anon, just dedicate a mercenary army to automatically suppress the rebels. even if the merc has to march all across Asia its not my problem because the manpower drain (from land attrition and combat) isn't connected to my main source

      • 10 months ago

        >what kind of disaster events did you have in mind tho anon?
        1. Vassal Rebellion if you have lots of vassals or a few strong ones
        2. Ally Betrayal if you have strong allies
        3. Great Conqueror for a random medium sized country and he can only be killed in battle
        4. Unification Wars, that is small countries in regions or superregions unite into region-related end tags that declare war on countries in their region to unify them
        5. Secret Cult that uses spynetwork (needs to get to 100 spynetwork 5 times without getting caught 3 times by the same country) to convert countries to the cult, if they get outed they declare war upon country that outed them

        Plus some special ones (zombies, cave people, aliens, insanity virus) but since they're not realistic at all I'd set them at 1-2% chance. Ideally there'd be 15 normal ones and 5 or so special ones which could be disabled with a decision. I'm out of ideas though so if you got any please give them, and here's a pastebin of some details I've thought of:

  122. 10 months ago

    Does the GoG version have achivements?
    I want to get into the game, but there is no way I'm paying 200+€ for the whole game.

    • 10 months ago

      just use creamapi or pay for the dlc subscription

      • 10 months ago

        Using creamapi does sound interesting.
        Do the DLCs "unlocked" with the creamapi show in your Steam profile or jow does it work?

        • 10 months ago

          They won't show on your steam profile but they will show in the launcher and on the EU4 menu screen.

          • 10 months ago

            they don't, for the outside world it will look as if you only own the base game, but you can get dlc achievements and play normally

            Thanks. I will wait until the 27th to get the game even cheaper.
            Does Paradox care about it? I mean, are there recorded cases of banned Steam accounts for using creamapi?

            • 10 months ago

              I don't think paradox can tell steam to ban accounts for using third party software for achievements, so no. Even when players use hack clients on steam games they don't get their account banned, just VAC banned for that game.

              • 10 months ago

                not that i know
                in the past i used creamapi for over 5 years (not just for paradox shit) and never had any issue

                Thanks again.
                Read on some old threads on reddit that you don't just need to use the creamapi, but also the files froma particular russian forum.
                Is it still true?

              • 10 months ago

                >froma particular russian forum
                >Is it still true?
                They mean the DLC files, which you can get from almost any pirated copy

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, yes.
                I was just asking if I should dowload them from

            • 10 months ago

              not that i know
              in the past i used creamapi for over 5 years (not just for paradox shit) and never had any issue

        • 10 months ago

          they don't, for the outside world it will look as if you only own the base game, but you can get dlc achievements and play normally

  123. 10 months ago

    Reminder its your moral duty to cheat to enable mission expanded and other cool mods and still get achievements.

    • 10 months ago

      How do you cheat with mods?

      0 in the fire phase
      9 in the shock phase

      >meanwhile in a more realistic scene

      This tv show looks good.

  124. 10 months ago

    0 in the fire phase
    9 in the shock phase

    • 10 months ago

      >meanwhile in a more realistic scene

      • 10 months ago

        kek that's a 0 vs a 9 in the fire phase
        Spanish aint fricking about. Reminds me of the preorder unit in Empire Total War The Santisima Trinidad. iirc it had the most guns, even more than HMS Victory.

    • 10 months ago

      >meanwhile in a more realistic scene

      shit like this makes me wish games like eu4 had more in depth combat as opposed to seeing numbers go up or down
      but I guess thats what field of glory and total war are for

  125. 10 months ago

    I find it odd how Savoy/Sardinia Piedmont can get permaclaims on northern Italy, Naples, Switzerland and even half of France through missions but NOT on the Papal States, not even on Rome. Why not add a "complete the unification" mission after taking Lombarty and Tuscany?

  126. 10 months ago

    When is it worth boosting stability? I'm at -3 but don't have major rebel problems somehow, although the constant legitimacy loss is annoying, so is the loan interest. I could spend some admin on boosting but it'll be expensive as frick (I'm in the "peasants war" distaster so +50% stab cost), and I just KNOW that as soon as I do this some bullshit stability dropping event will happen anyway. Plus I'm already a bit behind on admin tech due to some coring and institution spawning. I would have thought some stability boost event would happen but I've been waiting 4 years now and nothing.

  127. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Do people really care about trade in EU4? I open the trade mapmode less than five times per playthrough.

      • 10 months ago

        homie that's Meiou and Taxes

      • 10 months ago

        I open it a good amount but i actually try maximize the amount i can get

  128. 10 months ago

    Bros is creamapi safe? Not trying to pay $500 just to play this shit as it should be

    • 10 months ago

      No, paradox has a backdoor in it and will report you to your local police if you dare to use it.

      • 10 months ago

        If you use creamapi Paradox will detect you and get your steam account banned.

        Frick it I'll just get the $5 dlc pass, my pirating days are over

        • 10 months ago

          kek don't do it jabronie
          I've been using creamapi on games since 2015 steam doesn't care. Paradox does though I got banned for linking the counterstrike website on their forums. If I cba I will do it again.

    • 10 months ago

      If you use creamapi Paradox will detect you and get your steam account banned.

  129. 10 months ago

    The GoG version has achievwmets you frickers.
    I dowloaded the whole game in like.half an hour, no need to fiddle with creamapi.

    • 10 months ago

      what about the epic games store version

  130. 10 months ago

    Is there anyway I can keep burgundy as a PU or does the event where Mary of Burgundy falls off her horse hard coded?

    • 10 months ago

      • 10 months ago

        >has the country modifier "mary_is_on_the_throne".
        I just tag switched they don't have that thanks anon. I prefer a nice PU over countries I have to do stuff for.

  131. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      But bro you took land I had as vital interest??? But bro I NEED to siege down random lands away from the frontline? But bro I NEED to get stackwiped?

      • 10 months ago

        precisely the reason why i never bother with diplomacy ideas--unless being a nation like Austria or playing completely defensive. i refuse to heavily rely on those peanuts to get anything accomplished.

    • 10 months ago

      >allied ai
      >gets killed in tiny stacks
      >enemy ai
      Many such cases

      • 10 months ago

        only annoying solution i've found is to either attach to their main army and hope for the best; or "allow attach" to your main army when nearby, either standing still (like sieging) or currently in an even combat fight. if it's too far in the enemies favour then they usually avoid it, the riskless mongrels.

    • 10 months ago

      >owo, is that a battle youre in where youre almost losing with your 30k stack against the enemies 40k stack?
      >dont mind me, just stationing my 25k stack right next to the battle, they like to watch

  132. 10 months ago

    i did it lads, this one was actually a tough one

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm still working on TTM
      >anon here has already completed THOT
      strabro, I kneel

  133. 10 months ago

    >Denmark>Kalmar Union
    >PU with Palatinate
    >Get the Burgundian inheritance
    >PU with Thicc Bohemia
    >Now voted emps of HRE

    Might be my luckiest game ever.

    • 10 months ago

      Denmark has a really good mission that lets them take lubeck and hamborg without hassle from the HRE did you get that done?

      I just got this kekw - I thought a Habsburg could not run out of family members. I got a shock when the war declared on you noise happened was just wandering around the HRE killing tax rioters and peasants

      • 10 months ago

        Lübeck blobbed, so i puppeted Wolgast and gobbled them up. As the HRE Emperor no one took issue, and those that did were too small to form a coalition against me. Also puppeted what was left of the Livonian and Teutonic orders and gobbled up the baltic coast for almost no ae. Austria and Castile have both gotten Wittelsbachs on their thrones now.

        • 10 months ago

          >Also puppeted what was left of the Livonian and Teutonic orders
          I did this in my denmark game too. They are a couple of good marches. I also got Scotland and Novgorod. Denmark is a really good country to play with some nice options on how to handle sweden and norway.

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