Even the Sonic Fans themselves are starting to realize the Blue Rat can't last long

Even the Sonic Fans themselves are starting to realize the Blue Rat can't last long

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    what it lacks in game quality it makes up for in autism magnetism

    • 7 months ago

      that's basically pokemon, hopefully more people start to realize that soon, and I'm not even talking about the recent games BUT ALL OF THEM

  2. 7 months ago

    I dunno I played metroid dread and that game sucks. Honestly people only compare it to mario. I have a hard time thinking of any IP that has a solid track record and consistent releases besides kirby and most of those games a boring.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah I wasn't too impressed with Dread either. The boss fights are kinda shit. Not a fan of the beat your head against the wall until you memorize it method.

      • 7 months ago

        t. skill filtered shitter

    • 7 months ago

      /v/iggers really think being contrarians make them cool.

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly people only pretend to like Kirby for the memes and Smash trash, nobody genuinely likes it.

      • 7 months ago

        Oh that's rich coming from a Sonic thread

    • 7 months ago

      You have to be fricking delusional to think that a series like Metroid is comparable to something like Sonic for consistency in quality.

      • 7 months ago

        >Sonic is blue
        >Samus is blue

        Idk anon... seems pretty comparable

        • 7 months ago

          your skin's the same color as a shit, you two seem pretty comparable

      • 7 months ago

        Metroid never had any good games. Super Metroid is not a good platformer, shooter or exploration game. However it is fun for autistic speed runners who love sequence breaking.

        Genesis Sonic series are still the most fun high speed platformers ever made.

  3. 7 months ago

    I mean... why are they only realizing this now?
    Why not after Rise of Lyric, or Forces, or Colors Ultimate?
    I haven't kept up with Sonic in a while, but from what I've seen on Ganker Superstars was just aggressively mediocre(what did they even expect from the guys who made fricking Balan Wonderworld?), not a dumpster fire.

    • 7 months ago

      They must be zoomers who think those 2000s games are underappreciated gens.
      The truth is Sonic has been in a steady decline since Sega retired from the console business.

      • 7 months ago

        It's kind of amazing that he's still chugging along despite how low effort most of the games have been for the last decade and a half. Do Sonic fans buy the games out of obligation?

        • 7 months ago

          Yes. The weird religiosity of Sonic fans is beyond any other franchise. It's like they're in a relationship with Sonic himself, and they don't want to let him down.

        • 7 months ago

          >Do Sonic fans buy the games out of obligation?

          Dunno. I'm probably guilty. I loved sonic as a genesis kid and shadow and 06 were the 1-2 punch that made the magic die. Played unleashed and secret rings once they were in the bargain bin because they seemed sus (good choice, they're dogshit), colors was a gift, it sucked. Took a chance on generations, it's alright. Never touched lost world or boom. Mania was sick, forces was pathetic. Was genuinely curious about frontiers. I can tell they really tried....but it still sucks. Superstars is fine.

      • 7 months ago

        > The truth is Sonic has been in a steady decline since Sega retired from the console business.
        This but after the Sammy acquisition

    • 7 months ago

      I guess classic Sonic isn't autismy enough.
      The total lack of anime soundtrack music with epic violins, breaks the spells.

    • 7 months ago

      I tapped out after Heroes and Generations and Mania are the only games that have brought me back. I regret purchasing Frontiers.

      • 7 months ago


        Theyre shit games, nigboy.

    • 7 months ago

      That's the thing, it wasn't a dumpster fire
      It was their best game they ever made lol.

    • 7 months ago

      >why are they only realizing this now?
      it probably has something to do with superstars releasing on the same week as Wonder and Spider-man 2 and realized what they got was an overpriced shovelware.

    • 7 months ago

      i enjoyed colors, one of the few sonic games i played. is colors ultimate different somehow?

      • 7 months ago

        Dodgy remaster, better off emulating the original with the 60 FPS patch.

    • 7 months ago

      >what did they even expect from the guys who made fricking Balan Wonderworld?
      You're fricking stupid

      • 7 months ago

        hey Naka, how's prison?

    • 7 months ago

      I don’t even think Sakurai played Superstars despite it coming around the same time as Wonder and Spider-Man 2, but he did play Frontiers last year so make of that as you will

      • 7 months ago

        Everyone knows the east hates Classic Sonic gameplay and loves anime slop. It's been literally like this since NiGHTs was made.

    • 7 months ago

      The game costs $60 and SEGA was clearly banking on the newfound appreciation for Classic Sonic after Mania to move this title.
      Superstars unfortunately utterly failed to repeat any the things that made Mania good. I remember reading a post here that was worried SEGA would do this exact thing - wheel out Classic Sonic for low budget shovelware to get a quick buck from nostalgiagays because Mania succeeded and they don't want to pay westerners to do another one.

      • 7 months ago

        >repeat any the things that made Mania good.
        Mania is good because it selects all the best parts of the original 5 2D Sonic games which just highlights how limited Sonic as a character is and why he never truly could hold onto broad appeal outside of the Chris Chans of the world.

        • 7 months ago

          The best parts about Mania are the original stages though.

      • 7 months ago

        What was it about Mania that made it so good? Both Mania and Superstars mostly feel like typical 2D Sonic games.

        • 7 months ago

          just passionate devs, mostly

    • 7 months ago

      Superstars was great

      • 7 months ago

        Is it "60 dollars" great? answer honestly.

        • 7 months ago

          Neither are all 2D games. Only Mario Wonder is worth the $60 and that just might be recency bias

          • 7 months ago

            How many 2D games that have come out recently are $60 outside of Nintendo's games?

  4. 7 months ago

    ban x threads

  5. 7 months ago

    oh no a leftoid Black doesnt like sonic anymore

  6. 7 months ago

    The reason I'm a Sonic fan is because Sonic 1,2,3 are perfect games. I already realized long ago that I'm never going to play Sonic games better than those, because you can't top perfection. I enjoy that every new Sonic game since then is experimental and tries to reinvent the formula. That's part of the appeal to me. I don't enjoy every game personally, I don't buy every game, but I'm happy they exist.

    • 7 months ago

      The problem is that sonic team has really sucked at experimenting since the megadrive days. It's like they dont know what the strength of those games was gameplaywise. It's appalling.

      • 7 months ago

        Who fricking cares, why do people tie their identity so hard to the current state of a game franchise? Does the fact that there are a lot of bad seasons of the Simpsons mean you can't say you're a fan of the old ones any more?

      • 7 months ago

        I love Unleashed Day stages and kinda like what the Frontier DLC stages has tried, reminds me of when they mixed stuff up, base game is painfully mediocre tho

    • 7 months ago

      So what you're saying is it's been nearly 30 years since the last good Sonic game. Personally I would say SA2 was the last great entry in the series.

      • 7 months ago

        Sa2 is when the series ended. When He says sayonara shadow the hedgehog... that was the end. Everything after isn't canon and never happened.

        • 7 months ago

          I like to think so too, Heroes shat all over SA2 and I hate it.

    • 7 months ago

      Most franchises are fricking garbage, that's just a fact. Doesn't mean they're gonna die. You think people are gonna stop liking Alien, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, ect. even though most of the content made for it is dogshit? No. All of those are WAY bigger than Sonic, and all of them have survived or even thrived despite having a similar ratio of good/bad media. A hard update for a year old game and a spin-off game not being a masterpiece aren't gonna kill Sonic. This series has survived much worse, and will continue to do so.

  7. 7 months ago

    We just need 3 good Sonic games in a row after Superstars.

    Then we're back on track, I promise.

    • 7 months ago

      I really don't get the hate over Superstars. I've had a lot of fun with it

      • 7 months ago

        i think the honest truth is that even the old 2d sonics had some odd design choices that prevent it from being as fun as it could be, and sonic team really just doesn't know what things it should replace so it keeps everything and just changes a couple gimmicks than really just polish the parts that made it fun and drop stuff that hindered it

        • 7 months ago

          I get that but I also think it's somewhat on the player side. Sonic 2 also gave you way fewer loop-de-loops once you got to Mystic Cave. So everyone says the level design is bad in the later half which was true of most of the other 2D games too. Like, Press Factory is a great zone because they lay out of the winding road works great for Sonic. It might also be that S3&K had more speed sections later into the game ands Mania adopted that as well. It just seems like outside of the Soundtrack and the final bosses, Superstars does everything pretty much right. Only other issue might be the 1 Act zones but I never heard that being brought up as a negative.

          • 7 months ago

            I think it's clear then it's presentation but I still think the level design of Mystic Cave just does the "blocky" platforming far better than Superstars, but I will say, both were difficult in the same way when you kept getting attacked by hazards but I feel like trial and error memorization makes the former less annoying than the latter or something. Something I just didn't feel when played any of the four new stages in Mania.

  8. 7 months ago

    post the link you fricking moron

    • 7 months ago


      There you go anon but it's a long one

  9. 7 months ago

    they shit on more of the games than outsiders do. the difference is they know what they're talking about while outsiders say the wrong shit majority of the time which is why they're told to shut the frick up. Sonic's next 3D game will make posts like this seem like a fart in the wind just like every release even the bad ones. Every. Single. Time.

  10. 7 months ago

    It went to shit after 3, autismventure was so bad that it killed the franchise.

  11. 7 months ago

    How did Frontiers recieved the amount of praise that it did? There was not a single original idea and they are STILL reusing Generations assets. It's like they just went down the list of top selling games and said yeah just throw all that shit in there. I didn't even bother with the Sonic 4 lookin' mess that just came out. This low effort crap has been getting flexed on by indie trash for over a decade now.

    • 7 months ago

      at least it wasnt 06 (tm)
      Same reason people praised colors

    • 7 months ago

      It's just fun to run around and get jolts of dopamine every few seconds after next collected memory token. That's it. The core gameplay is fun and that's enough.

    • 7 months ago

      Because LE DBZ N SHIET.

      • 7 months ago

        You could make a huge list of ideas they lifted from other stuff. I almost dropped the game when he started doing wicked weaves like Bayonetta.

    • 7 months ago

      Gaslighting from the Sonicgays, that's literally it. People were calling out Frontiers as trash from the start, only to get relentlessly harrassed by the fanbase until they were chased off the internet, leaving only an echo chamber.

    • 7 months ago

      It actually let you run around in a 3D environment that wasn’t a hallway for more than 30 seconds.

      • 7 months ago

        holy fricking shit game of the century

    • 7 months ago

      >It's like they just went down the list of top selling games and said yeah just throw all that shit in there.
      Kind of like SA1 then

  12. 7 months ago

    I think they finally did it. Like I'm fricking autistic and even I can't stand it anymore. The final Frontiers DLC, the Sonic Origins DLC, Sonic Superstars, Sonic Prime, Sonic & Friends. It's all such SHIT.

    • 7 months ago

      If this actually makes a few thousand autists grow up and touch grass because their obsession sucks now it would be a great thing

      • 7 months ago

        Sonic has made me so angry that I started lifting weights and talking to women.

        • 7 months ago

          Now you owe him. Be sure to buy his next game, alright?

        • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I didnt keep up with frontiers DLC
      But werent people hypying it a lot? Did it suck after all? Thats funny.

      • 7 months ago

        It wasn't really the gameplay in the DLC that make me lose it. It was the cutscenes and the new dialogue. They're very different from the base game, they're just these endless rambling conversations between the characters about fricking nothing. Did Ian Flynn write these? They're abysmal. (The gameplay of the new characters is pretty shitty though)

        I had a fairly positive opinion of the base game but the DLC is so fricking intolerable that it actually hurt my opinion of the game overall.

        • 7 months ago

          >rambling conversations between the characters about fricking nothing
          lmao I have to look that shit on youtube

          • 7 months ago

            make sure you find one that includes the overworld interactions and not just the key cutscenes (all the cutscenes are bad for this even the very first one in the DLC with Sonic and Sage, but you really need to see all of the overworld ones too just so you really understand the severity of the issue)

        • 7 months ago

          The story in the games has been written by Americans for quite a while now. Probably the reason why they are shoehorning obscure lore like Amy's tarot cards into the game.

          • 7 months ago

            >The story in the games has been written by Americans for quite a while now.
            The western writers only handle cutscene dialogue 90% of the time. Sonic Team are still the ones in charge of general storylines and scenario design at the end of the day.

          • 7 months ago

            So you're saying Americans care more about the Sonic lore than the Japanese do.

          • 7 months ago

            The flanderization of minor details pisses me off to no end. It used to be "Sonic's favorite food is chili dogs" which over time spiraled into fricking everybody talking about chili dogs like it's the only food on the planet, then "Amy does tarot card readings" which has now ballooned into her basically being a witch after spending the majority of her life as the barbarian class, a complete 180.

            • 7 months ago

              Super Amy will become relevant again soon.

        • 7 months ago

          It's crazy how everyone was saying DLC 3 would bring Frontiers into true kino status then when it dropped everyone said it sucked. I thought they were memeing but it's true.

          • 7 months ago

            It was "Monkey Paw: the DLC". People wanted playable characters? Only Amy is somewhat balanced and her gameplay is the only one that isn't about just flying from point A to point B. People wanted parry that requires more skill than just holding two buttons without any timing? Frick you, frame perfect parry for bosses not designed around that while you have 400 seconds to beat all 3 of them with zeroed stats. People wanted challenging platforming? They got the towers. People wanted fight against The End instead of shmup or QTE? They added the second phase of Supreme, called it The End and we still couldn't piss on the moon ourselves, it was only kino cutscenes. People wanted more story from Ouranos? More filler dialogue that brings nothing to the table. The only thing that ironically was good about this DLC was Cyberspace despite people initially hating it so much that they would rather go fishing, but it's not necessary to touch in the DLC anyway.
            At least they left an option to do the previous, better Ouranos.

            • 7 months ago

              It also doesn't help that they stick you on the final island with 3 characters at level 1. I'm glad Supremem is an actual fight now but an actually new The End would have been better.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, I don't know how anyone can look at that DLC and still have any sort of confidence for the next game. It hasn't been more blatant how Sonic Team has completely lost the plot.

            • 7 months ago

              Amy is such a mistake of a character, imagine how much better the DLC would be and all those resources were put into making just Tails and Knuckles have good gameplay.

        • 7 months ago

          All the rambling is then just explaining the world and (stupid) design choices they mad.
          90% of the conversetions with Sage and Eggman go
          >hey look at thing?
          >thing exists because reasons

      • 7 months ago

        I stopped playing after seeing how poorly Knuckles controlled. They managed to frick up something they got right 25 years ago.

      • 7 months ago

        Something is slightly different so it's the worst thing to happen to the universe since women were allowed to vote.

  13. 7 months ago

    They should make a new game based off Sonic Adventure 1, the best Sonic game ever.

  14. 7 months ago

    It's funny, it's exactly the opposite of pokemon.

  15. 7 months ago

    I don't care about Sonic, most I've played of Sonic was that time I played Smash, but I think Sonic's design is great. Perfect "video game" character.

    • 7 months ago

      Classic Sonic is, but god do I hate modern Sonic and I hate his goofy ass grin. Always have.

      • 7 months ago

        no such thing

        • 7 months ago

          tell that to Sega, then maybe we can get some good games again and not have it depend on a certain gameplay/art style

          • 7 months ago

            Frick off, we all know if I get modern 2D slopnik I gotta deal with that god awful dimps pits of death level design that goes at a 45 degree angle the entire level and I'm expected to find shitty chao just to accept ONE special stage zone while dealing with tag team nonsense where my moveset gets gimped because oopsy my partner does x gimmick when I just wanted to fricking spindash or whatever.

            • 7 months ago

              who the frick are you even talking to?

              • 7 months ago

                That post I replied to that denies the need of era Sonics.

              • 7 months ago

                The post was saying that Sega needs to focus on making good quality games instead of dividing the series into two subcategories of "good classic shit" and "low effort rushed modern shit", basically the opposite of whatever the hell you just spewed at me.

              • 7 months ago

                And what makes you think anything post S3K and pre Generations was considered "good games"?

              • 7 months ago

                I don't. Idiot.

  16. 7 months ago

    It is weird how sega refuses to invest in sonic but happily throws 100M into a woke game they go and cancel.

    • 7 months ago

      Sega's business decisions are truly baffling. Actually that applies to a lot of Japanese companies.

    • 7 months ago

      Sega higher ups being completely out of touch with reality is just a fundamental law of the universe at this point.
      They genuinely believed Hyenas would be an easy slam dunk that would directly compete with Fortnite.

    • 7 months ago

      >sega refuses to invest in sonic
      They do invest in Sonic, but their idea of "investing" is to crank the assembly line into high gear so the IP has multiple projects releasing annually (i.e. quantity over quality), like they did in the 2000s, and is what they've started doing again now after Sonic became somewhat relevant again with the movies.

    • 7 months ago

      >Surprised the 32x company is moronic

  17. 7 months ago

    >starting to realize
    literally every new generation of Sonic fan goes through this, it's nothing new
    you're just as underaged as the twittergay if you didn't already know this

  18. 7 months ago

    Why do people falseflag as 'true' Sonic fans just to shit on the entire series? You don't see this in any other fandom.

    • 7 months ago

      Because most Sonic fans don't actually like Sonic since 90% of the games are shit
      Most of the media is shit too

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah but posts like these

        The reason I'm a Sonic fan is because Sonic 1,2,3 are perfect games. I already realized long ago that I'm never going to play Sonic games better than those, because you can't top perfection. I enjoy that every new Sonic game since then is experimental and tries to reinvent the formula. That's part of the appeal to me. I don't enjoy every game personally, I don't buy every game, but I'm happy they exist.

        they shit on more of the games than outsiders do. the difference is they know what they're talking about while outsiders say the wrong shit majority of the time which is why they're told to shut the frick up. Sonic's next 3D game will make posts like this seem like a fart in the wind just like every release even the bad ones. Every. Single. Time.

        It went to shit after 3, autismventure was so bad that it killed the franchise.

        How did Frontiers recieved the amount of praise that it did? There was not a single original idea and they are STILL reusing Generations assets. It's like they just went down the list of top selling games and said yeah just throw all that shit in there. I didn't even bother with the Sonic 4 lookin' mess that just came out. This low effort crap has been getting flexed on by indie trash for over a decade now.

        Yes. The weird religiosity of Sonic fans is beyond any other franchise. It's like they're in a relationship with Sonic himself, and they don't want to let him down.

        come across like people who don't actually play Sonic that much pretending they know everything about the series. And it's not just on Ganker and Twitter, on Reddit and YouTube you see this too where people act like they're authorities on Sonic, just so they can relentlessly critique the games and those who actually enjoy it. Very odd behavior.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm just relaying what I've seen. Sonic fans will religiously buy games, just to say that most of them suck.

        • 7 months ago

          Black person butthole they played all the game they just hate them and will state the ones they like. You're full of fricking shit
          If I didn't by the games I pirate them (should have done this since 2006 happened but I was too young to know how to pirate shit so I was moronic enough to buy the games up until Generations. Lost Shit, Forces, Midtiers and SuperSistars I all pirated and out of all of them, SuperSistars was the least shit but still very disppointing next to Mania. Call it a romhack all you want it's still fun and Sistars is not. Not even any higher than Sonic 1, 2 is better.

          The point is why do you Black folk always ways "they don't even play the games!" just because they only state the play the ones they liked? It's because the ones they played are INFERIOR to those they like and even if you used the moronic old ass argument of "they are different, so stop comparing them like they are he same!" is mental moronation when it's the SONIC IP and if they make games they clearly aren't like ones they like but either
          >A: It made like total dogshit or
          >B: Is a replacement for what was beloved without fandom consent

          Then it's deserving of being shat on. No ifs ands or butts. Case in point, if Paper Mario 1 and 2 was to replace the entire platformer side of Mario since they release, meaning no Sunshine, no Galaxy, no 3D Land/World, no Odyssey, not even NSMB/Wonder, do you seriously think people would have been happy since even if the Paper Mario games were liked? Look at what happened to fricking Rayman thanks to those fricking Rabbids. That's what the Adventure/Modernization of Sonic was like to Classicgays, almost to a tee.

    • 7 months ago

      Stockholme Syndrome. They know the series is legitimately fricking shit and has been for the bulk of it’s existence but it’s become such a big part of their identity that they just refuse to let go.

    • 7 months ago

      >if you're a 'true' fan of the character then you'll slurp up any shit Sega releases and you'll do it with a smile
      >any bad vibes are forbidden, any complaints are forbidden, you MUST consoom

      • 7 months ago

        I didn't buy Sonic Origins but I did buy Superstars, in your eye I'm apparently still a consoomer

      • 7 months ago

        sounds like pokemon fans

    • 7 months ago

      Didn't this kid like, actually do something with his life?

      • 7 months ago

        Yes hes like good future version of Chris Chan

        • 7 months ago

          Well he had the excuse of just being a spas kid when he made that video. Chris was already a fully grown man when he got on the internet's radar.

        • 7 months ago

          Instead of fricking his mom he fricked yours

        • 7 months ago

          oh he did something alright


          • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        oh he did something alright

        • 7 months ago

          Christ Sammy, what the frick happened.

          • 7 months ago

            The troony virus swept through the autistic community. It's never been the same since.

            • 7 months ago

              Transgendrism fricked up the autistic community worst than crack did to the black community in the 80s.

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          guess those drugs his parents gave him finally fricked him up

        • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      tfw he was right this entire time

      • 7 months ago

        He was 100% correct. Sammy exaggerated himself to fit in with all the AVGN ripoffs but his central claim was that people who were shitting on Lost World had no real basis to do so, and often made up things about it that could easily be proven wrong. And once he started doing more videos he came to the realization that this happens with every Sonic game, hence the "Sonic Cycle" isn't real, it's just fake fans.

        • 7 months ago

          >hence the "Sonic Cycle" isn't real
          The Sonic Cycle was real for a specific period of time (hence why it was made), it's just that people started simplifying it down to "Sonic game is announced --> it's bad" instead of paying attention to the specific patterns dictated in said cycle, with said patterns also becoming irrelevant in Sonic Team's games around the time Colors released.

    • 7 months ago

      Most fandoms don't have a problem with the company heading it drawing a line in the sand and saying half the series is over here and the other half is over there. That inherently causes tribalism.

      Mega Man is the only franchise I can immediately think of a comparison to and you don't see much infighting there as they're all sad sacks of shit these days regardless of their Mega Man of choice.

      • 7 months ago

        Actually it's because the lines drawn for megaman are more clear cut and purposeful, done for each series instead of being done several times for one series.
        >these games take place in this era and mostly have this gameplay style
        >um this is canon no wait some parts are canon but not these parts and this was always like this even though we used to show it being like that, also the characters act like this now, also the games will play like this from now on oh you don't like that so this is how they play now actually we're bored of that so this is how they play now oh we have too many types of fans so now there's two sonics
        Like, damn.

    • 7 months ago

      What the frick are you talking about? You see it all the time in the Zelda franchise.

  19. 7 months ago

    Dont worry movie 3 will save sonic and then sega will make shadow 2

  20. 7 months ago

    Judging by the demographic makeup up the movie cast, this series is no longer for me.

  21. 7 months ago

    Sonic fans have the same level of standards as Pokemon fans; they'll both keep eating up whatever shit GF/Sonic Team shit out while asking for more.
    That's why Sonic will never die.

  22. 7 months ago

    >Play new Sonic and Mario games back to back
    >Mario completely mogs Sonic in gameplay and level design

    • 7 months ago

      Sonic has been getting mogged by indie games for a while now. It's not even a contest between him and Mario.

      • 7 months ago

        Imagine actually believing this.

        • 7 months ago

          Shovel Knight, Cuphead,AHiT, Ori, etc all have higher scores than Midtiers.

          • 7 months ago

            Ori was made by literal Rayman level designers.

            • 7 months ago

              your point?

              • 7 months ago

                I find comparing Ori level design to amateur indie games cringe.

                And that anon is just stupid actually believing high score indies are the same level as high score professional videogames.

              • 7 months ago

                Shovel Knight was also made by professionals with experience

              • 7 months ago

                Ori was developed by people who worked at Blizzard, Ubisoft and even Disney along with Microsoft developers who worked on games like Fable series.

    • 7 months ago

      If SEGA had two braincells to rub together they'd have probably had a strategic delay.

      Not like Superstars couldn't have used more time in the oven either.

      • 7 months ago

        But if Sega delayed Superstars it would end up stepping on the toes on the game they plan to release next year, which will also be rushed.

  23. 7 months ago

    I finally got all 180 emblems in Adventure 2 and I think it was a mistake. I feel like Chris Chan.
    Game still kicks ass and is better than Mario Sunshine

    • 7 months ago

      chris has probably never done that, he sucks at videogames

    • 7 months ago

      SA2 is one of the greatest video game soundtracks ever composed.

      • 7 months ago

        >extremely diverse soundtrack
        >EVERY song is good
        >Live and Learn kicking in during the final battle, Team Hero and Team Dark setting aside their differences for the fate of the Earth
        I still can't believe how anyone gets filtered by this game. SEGA and Sonic Team made the game as the grand finale for the Dreamcast, and it shows.

  24. 7 months ago

    The frequency and poor quality of Sonic releases makes it seem as though Sega sees Sonic fans as complete suckers.

    • 7 months ago

      I mean Sega Sammy has literally said in investors meetings they view Sonic as a brand icon first and foremost. The quality of games is irrelevant to them.

      Incidentally this is the exact same mentality Game Freak has towards Pokemon.

  25. 7 months ago

    >some random twitter goblin makes a comment
    >I'm supposed to care
    Not going to stop me from enjoying Sonic, even if Superstars on PC is a fricking debacle. Had Frontiers and Mania before that, so I'm doing fine.

  26. 7 months ago

    this has been the case since like 2005 and even thats being generous.

  27. 7 months ago

    Sonic Frontiers was one thing, but what's with all the stark defenders of Superstars?
    Is Sonic 4 the squeakquel really the hill you want to die on?

    • 7 months ago

      A Mario game releasing the same time mindbroke them.

    • 7 months ago

      Superstars at least has potential to improve, similar to how Advance 2 improved over 1. Fronters meanwhile is a fundamentally broken shitshow, Sonic Team would need to start from scratch just to make a half-decent follow up.

      • 7 months ago

        We already have better versions of Superstars, that's literally every other 2D Sonic game that isn't 4 or Boom related
        Frontiers tried to be different from literally every other Sonic game, so yeah, it didn't stick the landing it still gets credit for trying

        Superstars failed at being the safest thing Sonic could do for damn near 3 decades

        • 7 months ago

          We have better versions of Frontiers, that's BOTW/TOTK and literally any Platinum game out there.
          >so yeah, it didn't stick the landing it still gets credit for trying
          No the frick it doesn't, it shouldn't get credit for being a grease trap of the worst aspect of 2010s/20s game trends while you eat up that slop from a trough. Superstars is safe, sure, but that's the one thing Sonic HASN'T been for two goddamn decades.

          • 7 months ago

            Frontiers is nothing like BOTW, or any fricking Platinum game. Yeah Frontiers isn't that good, but to say it's bad because it's like Zelda of all franchises is moronic.

            >Superstars is safe, sure, but that's the one thing Sonic HASN'T been for two goddamn decades.
            The frick are you talking about Sonic has been nothing but safe for the last 10 goddamn years, ever since Generations it's been boost this, and muh Classic Sonic that. Superstars only exists because Mania and Generations actually did justice to the concept.

            • 7 months ago

              >Frontiers is nothing like BOTW, or any fricking Platinum game.
              If by "nothing like them" you mean worse in every way, sure. Otherwise that is some severe cope, Sonic Team wasn't even trying to hide the shit they stole wholesale.

              • 7 months ago

                >Platinum invented quick time events

              • 7 months ago

                And there it is, the immediate deflection after seeing the evidence staring you in the face. Sonicgays are beyond delusional.

              • 7 months ago

                No you dipshit. It's not that the criticism isn't valid, but to say it's copying Platinum is stupid and clear that you've never played a Platinum game in your life

              • 7 months ago

                Gee whiz, it's almost as if Frontiers is bad because it take only superficial aspects from the games its ripping off, without understanding what makes them good.

              • 7 months ago

                You fricking donkey, the original post was talking about how Frontiers is a collection of rehashed game tropes. It doesn't matter if Platinum invented QTEs or not, it's still blatantly taking from them and most other mainstream trendy games from the past decade regardless.

              • 7 months ago

                What does that matter if it's new to Sonic? It didn't do any of its concepts well, but I appricate how it at the very least it was an attempt and wasn't a lazy "boost" game, a la Forces

              • 7 months ago

                >What does that matter if it's new to Sonic?
                Is this a joke? Are you actually listening to yourself right now?
                > It didn't do any of its concepts well, but I appricate how it at the very least it was an attempt
                Why should anyone give a shit if the execution is poor? No one wants to make a bad game, but that means nothing for the final product Sonic Team has the audacity to charge you 60+ dollars for.

                This fanbase needs to stop treating this series with kid gloves ffs. Have some goddamn standards and hold the blue bastard up to them for a change.

              • 7 months ago

                Again. I'm not defending Frontiers, or at least not passionately. I don't give a shit about it, but I do at least see how it tried

                Superstars in contrast is bland and soulless, getting by with nostalgia points just like they have been doing with the 2D side of the franchise for 10 goddamn years.

              • 7 months ago

                And again, I'm not going to give points to a franchise that has already spent WAY too long with this same song and dance. Shadow the Hedgehog "tried". Sonic 06 "tried", Forces "tried".

                For better or for worse, Superstars at least DID exactly what it set out to do.

              • 7 months ago

                And it couldn't even do that right. The bar is pratically dirt level and they still managed to trip over it.
                None of what you said are good games Forces didn't try, all the games you mentioned did something stupid for the sake of it, but they're at least interesting to look at from a distance. They're intersting in their failure. Superstars is not interesting in the slightest, it's the worst kind of a bad game that leaves no impression one way or the other, made worse by it coming out the same goddamn week as Mario Wonder.

              • 7 months ago

                What is wrong with Superstars?

              • 7 months ago

                The level design is medicore at best, and dogshit at worst
                The special stages are more annoying than fun
                The bosses aren't made with single player in mind and get tedious real fast
                New Sonic character is bad

                It's not the worst Sonic game, but it's not anything that great either or even good.

              • 7 months ago

                >The level design is medicore at best, and dogshit at worst

                I hear people say this all the time, but what is actually wrong with the levels?

              • 7 months ago

                Its new, that's what's wrong with them. Give it a couple of months and people will admit they like them.

              • 7 months ago

                Level design is decent. Way too many moments that drag on, but that's what learning the layout is for. The bosses are all dogshit though, and I think that's what's souring a lot of people's taste. Time trials seem to be the best way to replay the game atm.

              • 7 months ago

                >The bosses are all dogshit though, and I think that's what's souring a lot of people's taste

                I can totally buy that, though once you know how to use the emerald power most of them become a joke. I think they should be more like Trip's Press Factory boss where they have more windows of opportunity but may not always be open. The rest of her bosses are annoying though.

              • 7 months ago

                >the level design and platforming are great when you skip all of it!

                Nice doublestandard Black person
                Also missed me with all of those physics mods Frontiers got that literally broke the game before SEGA added and even more broken moon jump version offically becaujse the level """""design""""" is just a flat fricking proceedial perlin map with random speggetti noodles slapped everywhere in the sky. With the totally logical level """"Design"""" by map 5 being just Map 1 with frick massive cubes called "towers" that you can fall from without resetting you back to the top properly because hurr durr OPEN """ZONE"""
                This is why I defend anti Sonictry. You Black folk are literal Black folk.

              • 7 months ago

                >everybody replying to me is the same person!
                >also I'll prove my point by posting the same shit AGAIN!!
                If it's ok for Mario then why would you b***h about the post you linked. Mad that it's in a better game?

              • 7 months ago

                >If it's ok for Mario then why would you b***h about the post you linked.
                I didn't say Sonic was bad you can skillfully speedrun level design that other Black person litterly did against Mario.

                What I DO think it's bullshit is saying the game is GREAT BECAUSE you can fly over the entire fricking map and barely interact with any of it, something Mario games simplly cannot do but Fronteirs, you can. I find that rather amuzing of a point of contention when that very argument was used against Sonic fan games doing "that" when at the end of the day they still have level design you have to interact with in a meaning way that looks to be intentional in design, unlike shit like

                stop describing Sonic

                posted and what I said about Frontiers in the previous post.

                Just saying, other games do this far more intentionally and with merit behind it, while Frontiers literally feels like AI shat it out. Even the art direction looks like Aislop.

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you acting like a Black person
                Don't reply to my post again homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                Because he's a Mariogay, and Mario's a Black person.

              • 7 months ago

                Only nerdy black autistic children like Sonic

              • 7 months ago

                makes sense

              • 7 months ago

                Sonic autists always hate the boss fights though. May as well just remove them and only leave in the levels for these idiots. Maybe just a final boss and that is it.

              • 7 months ago

                No, Mania had some shit bosses too. They just took way too long and the levels were already pretty long to begin with

              • 7 months ago

                They didn't take 5+ mins to beat though.

              • 7 months ago

                I wouldn't know as I didn't play Superstars but I was just trying to rationalize a possible reason as why Sonic fans would have an issue with the boss fights, using a game I already know. Usually the complaints come from too much waiting in a boss fight, so I figured that's probably what the first guy meant

              • 7 months ago

                It's way worse in Superstars.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah I figured as much. Thanks for confirming

              • 7 months ago

                Superstars bosses do have a ton of waiting but if you use the powers (mainly Bullet and Avatar) you can speed some of them up by sneaking in free hits during periods where the bosses aren't vulnerable.
                Sadly you have to redo the campaign as Trip with more difficult level design and the bosses take even more hits, including her final boss, so the problem is more compounded there than the main game where you can at least speed things up if you practice them, with the exception being if they hide in the background

              • 7 months ago

                The problem is unlike in Mania, every boss except for that Studiopolis one and the Puyo Puyo meme one anyone that isn't a complete shitter can beat in less than a min all allow the player to attack the boss quickly and with skill, effeciently. In Superstars every boss is more or less like the Studio polis one but 3 times longer in general because every hit takes a very long time to cycle between boss retaliation animations and if you miss your window of sometimes 1-3 tries you have to wait again for everything to reset. The issue is less than there's at least one boss in Mania like this (even though people b***hed about that very boss in that game the most ironically enough) it's that ALL of the bosses are like this and none of them let you just bop 2 win via skill. You HAVE to hit per cycle between 1-2 min intervals, with 3 if you happen to miss your timing on a opening.

                Tlrd: the issue is pacing, the removal of bopping via skill to kill the boss faster, and ultimately, the shitty music doesn't help at all either.

              • 7 months ago

                That is the thing why is it that you and the other autistic Sonic fans hate that a platformer game has bosses at the end of levels? You do know that is a staple of the genre right? Or is Sonic supposed to only be run through level until you get to the next one and do it again? What is the point then? Why is Sonic even doing any of this shit if there is no villain or bosses to fight?

              • 7 months ago

                We don't. We just want it to not be a drag. And that skill should be rewarded with instant murder of the boss. Showing dominance.

              • 7 months ago

                Then name some good bosses in Sonic. Name some shit fights. You aren't making much sense at all.

                >That is the thing why is it that you and the other autistic Sonic fans hate that a platformer game has bosses at the end of levels?
                not what I said you illiterate moron and I'm not reading the rest of your stupid post

                Because you got told. You don't even know what you actually want.

              • 7 months ago

                >Name some shit fights.
                we did
                >Then name some good bosses in Sonic.
                the ones not in Mania/Superstars
                >You aren't making much sense at all.
                it makes perfect sense, you are just a dumbass.
                >Because you got told
                a bunch of shit that nobody said. Stop trying

              • 7 months ago

                >Then name some good bosses in Sonic.
                Every classic one that allows bop2win
                The Adventure games (not the rival fights)
                That's it. Literally that's it. Advance games are shit, Heroes is slogslop, Shadows is a pure meme, 06 is 06, and all boosttrash is literally what Supersistar bosses are like, typical modern ere slop.

              • 7 months ago

                >That is the thing why is it that you and the other autistic Sonic fans hate that a platformer game has bosses at the end of levels?
                not what I said you illiterate moron and I'm not reading the rest of your stupid post

              • 7 months ago

                Pizza Tower shows you can get away with deleting the bosses for all the levels. Significantly improves the pacing too.

              • 7 months ago

                It was only a matter of time before one of you gays showed up. Worst fanbase in gaming today

              • 7 months ago

                Ok. Look at Mario as well, the vast majority of levels don't end in bosses. Sonic having a boss at the end of every level is the exception and not the norm.

              • 7 months ago

                Is that even the norm for Sonic? I think that only holds true for 3&K and Mania unless I'm forgetting some

              • 7 months ago

                No, lol. Most 2d Sonic games followed Sonic 2 in having a boss at the second act. Only 3k, Mania and Superstars have a boss after every act.

              • 7 months ago

                well there you go. Not every game needs to bloat the experience with an excessive amount of boss fight

              • 7 months ago

                well there you go. Not every game needs to bloat the experience with an excessive amount of boss fight

                Black person these aren't the same because you can bop to win these asses to death in like 5 secs max via skill
                It's literally not comparable to the movieslop of modern Sonic tier bosses.

              • 7 months ago

                you're right, it's literally not comparable because modern Sonic bosses don't appear as much as opposed to having one at the end of every level

              • 7 months ago

                Its not at the end of every level. Just at the end of each zone. Nothing wrong with that.

              • 7 months ago

                >Its not at the end of every level.
                It is in Superstars and Mania, which were the games being discussed. Keep up.

              • 7 months ago

                Mario also has significantly more levels than Sonic on average, and Mario bosses are usually capstones to an entire world. Sonic only has two levels per world, so of course you're going to have a boss at the end of at least one.

              • 7 months ago

                nta but for me personally Speed Jungle Act 2's. Lagoon City Act 2, Golden Capital Act 2, and Cyber Station were all brought down by their shitty fricking gimmicks. Past those few it was decent to good

              • 7 months ago

                Sega was the one that invented QTE's with shenmue, dumbass Black person

              • 7 months ago

                >dragons lair

              • 7 months ago

                Sega was the one that invented QTE's with shenmue, dumbass Black person

                Both of you are moronic Black folk. The point was that Frontiers is stealing QTE [SEQUENCES]. The webm should've made it pretty clear. If it has the exact same idea, camera angle and execution, I'd call it theft. Wouldn't you?

              • 7 months ago

                It's not about that.
                It's how it looks identical
                We get it DBZ Supan sayian but this shit isn't cute 30 years later. It's cute when only the east knew about the referinos (even though they likely didn't because they didn't even know classic Sonic existed when NiGHTs came out) and the few weebspics that watched DBZ long before the USA actually saw Super Sayian air on tv long after Super Sonic happened, but years latter, when the IP is struggling to find it's OWN identity, classic Sonic gmaes are the only ones at this point that at least TRY to be themselves. Notice how zero fan games really make you think of some other IP just by looking at it? Meanwhile modern Sonic since SA1
                >Stole from Final Fantasy
                >Stole from Ratchet and Clank
                >Stole from Power Stone
                >Stole from GoW
                >Stole from Mario
                >Stole from Mario again
                >Stole from Archie comics
                >Stole from Phantasy Star, Evangelion , BoTW, Metal Gear and Bayonetta all in the same game
                And the worse part is, they were all done POORLY ruining the good will in trying to do them again, hens the "MUH POTENTIAL" meme. Everyone always say "hurr durr it's GOOD that Sonic INNOVATES" but it's NOT innovation, it's blatant dart throwing because they don't know HOW to make a formula that works forever they can use when people demand for it back. Hence why fans are needed to make classic Sonic games, and without Taxman, Superstars wouldn't have been possible. Arzest ffs couldn't make that shit on their own, look at fricking BALAN. And even then it was still far worse than almost any other classic Sonic game.

              • 7 months ago

                from Final Fantasy
                from Ratchet and Clank
                from Power Stone
                from GoW
                from Mario
                from Mario again
                What the hell
                Take your damn meds

              • 7 months ago

                >What is Sonic 06
                >What is Shadow the Edgehog
                >What is Sonic Battle
                >What is Sonic Unleashed
                >What is Sonic Colors
                >What is Sonic Lost World

              • 7 months ago

                Wrong file but same point.

              • 7 months ago

                Sonic 06 was aping Spirits Within you dumbass.

              • 7 months ago

                >He was copying x instead of y, therefore the argument is invalid!
                Thanks for still validating the argument, anon. Couldn't have done it without you!

              • 7 months ago

                I want you to explain how any of those relate to anything to what you compared them to. Also your webm is fricking moronic.

                Wrong file but same point.

                Sonic 06 ripped off a game from over a decade later?

              • 7 months ago

                Japs have shit taste, and weebcucks are beta males for worshiping them.

              • 7 months ago

                >Everyone always say "hurr durr it's GOOD that Sonic INNOVATES" but it's NOT innovation, it's blatant dart throwing because they don't know HOW to make a formula that works forever they can use when people demand for it back.
                You hit the nail on the head on why Frontiers frustrates me so much. It's so painfully derivative in in almost every aspect, while the story/dialogue is uncharacteristic in how naval-gazing it is while referencing previous games (thanks a lot Ian Flynn, you fricking hack.)

                It almost never feels like I'm playing an actual Sonic game.

              • 7 months ago

                The funniest part is SEGA/Sonic Team act like they are caring about storytelling, but immediately trample over preestablished lore that directly contradicts previous entries.

              • 7 months ago

                What's weird is how Nintendo could not give less of a shit about giving Mario any sort of story or lore, yet is able to have more consistent worldbuilding than Sonic by complete ACCIDENT. Frontiers is all about that, yet still fumbles while Mario does it without even trying.

              • 7 months ago

                Not even sure if it's intentional, but the Flower Kingdom's local currency being purple flower coins is perfectly in-line with Odyssey's use of unique purple coins for every kingdom's regional currency

              • 7 months ago

                >thanks a lot Ian Flynn, you fricking hack.
                Really glad the Mega Man comic got axed when it did given his writing style to be honest.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's cute when only the east knew about the referinos
                Did you think westoids didn't know what the death egg was a reference to or something? It's in the same game as super sonic you moron.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, that's cute. But it only showed up twice, really once because that Death Star referino? You couldn't even tell it was actually in 2 because the outer shell wasn't visible until Sonic 3K you disingenuous homosexual. Then it stop being relevant afterwards, because it wasn't relevant to the series anymore. Until Sonic 4 made it kind of relevant for nostalgia wank but in 4 it had a entirely unique look to not just look like a ripoff anymore. But because 4 flopped, when they for some god forsaken reason brought it back AGAIN in Forces, it was just a one to one copy that existed for zero secs as it get destroyed in the most badly animated sequence ever in Sonic history as a random reference to Star Trek of all things. Why? Who the frick knows nothing in Forces was made sense (see Tails)

                Try not being moronic on purpose next time before posting. Super Sonic should have never been made a staple and done away with like the Death Egg was so these moronic pabloids wouldn't come in demanding everything be about power level slop.

              • 7 months ago

                >Super Sonic should have never been made a staple

                The Perfect Chaos Super fight is pretty kino probably helped by how different it is compared to other iterations of Super.

                >Tails spouts some shit about the Emeralds can be used for both good and evil
                >The rest of the city starts cheering Sonic
                >Sonic uses everyone's faith in him to wordlessly turn into a positive force to counter Chos evil form (rather than the CE being some shitty mcguffin)
                >Sonic can't fly and it basically plays like a regular level instead of some DBZ shit

                Adventure 2's ending is kino too but it's basically just the start of the Dragon Ball jerking as Sonic flies around at power level 9000 dodging buildings and shit

              • 7 months ago

                >dodging buildings and shit
                You're thinking of Shadow's game

              • 7 months ago

                >see Tails
                Been like that for years, see Unleashed.

              • 7 months ago

                Is it just me or does Sonic barely ever actually hold or touch anything in this game? Like it always floats above his hands or he holds his hand over something to make it work, if he even does that much.

              • 7 months ago

                Anon please, SEGA is small indie developer please understandu.
                Watch as cucks will say it looks cooler anyway despite it clearly isn't since it doesn't make any sense. Only Silver is suppose to have telekinesis.

              • 7 months ago

                I assumed it was because he's infused with the island's tech or that it's just how the tech works but regardless I knew it was because ST can't animate characters directly interacting with things that well.

        • 7 months ago

          >so yeah, it didn't stick the landing it still gets credit for trying
          Typical Sonic apologist speak

          • 7 months ago

            Look I don't good goddamn about Frontiers besides Sage, but credit where it's due. it was ambitious and wasn't the wost attempt at an open world that came out that month. It wasn't good, but it wasn't offesive either.

            t. Pokemongay

            • 7 months ago

              Aren't most 3D Sonic games ambitious?

              • 7 months ago

                No. See Colors, Generations, Lost World, Forces, Superstars

              • 7 months ago

                >Colors, Generations, Forces, Superstars
                Those are 2D

    • 7 months ago

      Superstars is fixable, Sonic 4 is not. Same reason I'll call Shadow the Hedgehog a better game then Heroes because Shadow is alright with Reloaded but Heroes is fundamentally fricked.

  28. 7 months ago

    It's sad how many people are delusional about this dogshit IP

    They will outright demonize fan games, rom hacks, Mania and anything not made by SEGA themselves, because the second you see quality that was demanded to be like from Nintendo or Sony back in the 90s you'd realize just how much Sonic has fallen quality wise. And I honestly blame it mostly on the gaming community itself, not just its fanbase directly. Gaming now is so dogshit quality wise Sonic next to slop like Cyberpunk or Fallout 76 makes you think "well, it ain;t THAT bad, at least there's SOOOOOUL" and dogshit copes like that, but at the end of the damn day, the point isn't about how dogshit Sonic can drop while having le SOOOOOOUL, it's that Sonic was once comparable to Mario, DKC and OG crash to the point he was respected by casual gamers. You either hated him because you were a nintentoddler, or loved him because he took a shot at Mario and won. He was actually cool, not tryhard DBZHispanic cool like he is today.

    Now whenever you try to get anyone that genuinely cares about Sonic's well-being, you get worshipers that feel victimized whenever you have anyone "show up" SEGA when in truth people are just trying to remind people what Sonic quality WAS like and CAN be but they rather just trash it all if it isn't glorious nippon wiener doing it. And you know why I say it like that? Because the only other time they would say "man if only someone else could make Sonic games so they can be GOOD" you know what they say? Nintendo. Not because of their quality, it's because they are japanese. Despite the fact Nintendo has zero reason to actually understand the very essence that would make a Sonic game, a actual, genuine Sonic game. They might be able to make sure it's one of the most polished sonic games ever presentation wise, but the gameplay? There's no proof they would understand it on a fundamental level, unlike the fan game devs.

    • 7 months ago

      Thread should have ended right here. I don't know what happened with Sonic fans to be so accepting and open to any and everything, but it's scary to think that SEGA can frick up this bad multiple times and they'll never feel any type of pain or repercussions for their boneheaded mistakes. Even when they were going to die, Isao used damn near his entire fortune to bail them out and he died shortly afterward. Frankly, they should have remained dead and the IP either in limbo or public domain. Like you said, no one else gets Sonic on a mechanical level. You might have gotten a spiritual successor from the Sonic Team at that time vs. now. Maybe that IP would have flourished better than Sonic did. I blame the tertiary fans, IE the fans who only read the comics, watched the cartoons and came in with the movies. The games were so shit, you could go elsewhere for Sonic and not have to pay a dime (or considerably less money compared to a video game). And who could blame them?

      • 7 months ago

        >I blame the tertiary fans, IE the fans who only read the comics, watched the cartoons and came in with the movies.
        Moviegays came far later and the rest are a minority in the Sonic fandom. Mainline fans are autistic enough as is and splintered over what type of gameplay they even want no matter how brainlessly automated or half-assed it gets, the series was doomed the moment that blue furry Goku was designed for it.

  29. 7 months ago


    So zoomers. Everyone born post 1996 are all Black folk at this point.

  30. 7 months ago

    >Sonic going to die soon.
    Two more weeks, imma right?

  31. 7 months ago

    My nephew loves the blue fricker but my brother and I are only exposing him to the games that are at least decent. Does that count as white washing history? Worse game he's played so far is Forces but that was gifted on a whim on discount.

  32. 7 months ago

    What do you actually compare Sonic too? Most plat former franchises are dead outside of Indies, there's really only Metroid and Mario for comparison. And comparing Sonic to Mario, they're relatively close in terms of quality.

    • 7 months ago

      >And comparing Sonic to Mario, they're relatively close in terms of quality.
      > they're relatively close in terms of quality.
      Nice shitpost. Also comparing to his past games, and the fact you don't need to compare gameplay styles, just gameplay polish. Sonic is sub 60s on average, compared to the 8-9s of many other renown ips.

    • 7 months ago

      What is with you people and grouping Metroid with your fricking cartoony platformers, it has virtually nothing in common with it. Are you going to say Castlevania is like Sonic now? Shantae? Megaman?

      • 7 months ago

        >Are you going to say Castlevania is like Sonic now?
        Don't, because SotN shits all over all Sonic games quality wise, even S3K only rivals it on a scale level.

        • 7 months ago

          Gee anon, the point sure doesn't get past you

      • 7 months ago


        Metroid's the only platformer that's had a recent AAA release. Even though its wildly different tt just goes to show how little there is to compare.

        >And comparing Sonic to Mario, they're relatively close in terms of quality.
        > they're relatively close in terms of quality.
        Nice shitpost. Also comparing to his past games, and the fact you don't need to compare gameplay styles, just gameplay polish. Sonic is sub 60s on average, compared to the 8-9s of many other renown ips.

        Anon, Mario's last 3D outing was a mediocre, nothing of a game. Complete joke.

        Platformers outside of Nintendo shit typically get lower scores on average

        • 7 months ago

          Metroid isn't a platformer, it's an adventure game. Just because it has jumping doesn't make it a platformer

          • 7 months ago

            Alright, then it's just Mario

        • 7 months ago

          >Mario's last 3D outing was a mediocre, nothing of a game
          What, you mean Odyssey? The game that has actual rolling physics, something Frontiers doesn't even have?

          Or maybe you're talking about Bowsers Fury, the one that has actually good Super Sonic fights?

          • 7 months ago

            You know what Odyssey doesn't have? Level design, platforming elements, game design woth a damn. It does have, however, 800 filler moons that see you scouring the map and doing the most pointless and basic nothing tasks to see the same shitty animation play every-time.

            Odyssey is a massive downgrade from Galaxy/Galaxy 2 and its telling that Mario fans keep on lapping it up. All they want to do is run around a field, move a pot and collect a star that plays a dopamine inducing animation.

            • 7 months ago

              >Level design, platforming elements, game design woth a damn
              >It does have, however, 800 filler moons that see you scouring the map and doing the most pointless and basic nothing tasks to see the same shitty animation play every-time.
              But enough about Sonic Frontiers...

              • 7 months ago

                >But enough about Sonic Frontiers...

                Frontiers only commonality with Odyssey is it has collactathon elements. Though Frontiers completely mogs Odyssey in game design, level design, in every way that matters gameplay wise.

              • 7 months ago

                Anon you are fricking delusional. Mario's control alone destroys whatever bullshit Frontiers has. Fricking Mario 64 controls better than the peak Hedgehog slop that is Frontiers.

              • 7 months ago

                And you have no response to Odyssey's slop tier game design, because its true.

                Frontiers controls just as well as Odyssey does, sorry to break it to you.

              • 7 months ago

                You didn't play Odyssey.

              • 7 months ago

                I did, sorry anon, but its mediocre. Even Mario can release a stinker from time to time.

              • 7 months ago

                >Though Frontiers completely mogs Odyssey in game design, level design, in every way that matters gameplay wise
                I know Sonic fanboys are delusional but this is next level, jesus.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                And you have no response to Odyssey's slop tier game design, because its true.

                Frontiers controls just as well as Odyssey does, sorry to break it to you.

                >Though Frontiers completely mogs Odyssey in game design, level design, in every way that matters gameplay wise.
                >Frontiers controls just as well as Odyssey does, sorry to break it to you.
                Ha ha ha... Yeah alright buddy, you seem a little lost. Let's get you back to where you belong:



              • 7 months ago

                >game design
                >level design

            • 7 months ago

              how can you tell that a mf just Youtubed a review and didn't even bother to play the fricking game.

            • 7 months ago

              >Odyssey is a massive downgrade from Galaxy/Galaxy 2
              No one actually believes this. Like, completely disregarding the fact that the Galaxy games really push the idea of a 3D Mario to begin with with their limited movement options and heavier focus on bite-sized level "chunks" by way of the planets no they're not galaxies frick you nintendo being more remiscient of 2D Mario levels than anything else.

              • 7 months ago

                i think odyssey is a downgrade, but thats solely because i just don't think there's enough levels in odyssey and some are barren. I also just don't like the transform mechanic that much because its just not that fun controlling very many of the creatures but this would be personal taste for sure

              • 7 months ago

                >No one actually believes this.

                Your average consumer who's only played the latest Mario game, maybe. Also worth bearing in mind that Odyssey sold more copies than Galaxy 1 and 2 combined.

                But for people who've played the games, Galaxy just has better level design and power ups too.

            • 7 months ago
            • 7 months ago

              >No level design
              If Odyssey has no level design then Frontiers has negative level design.

            • 7 months ago

              >You know what Odyssey doesn't have? Level design, platforming elements, game design woth a damn. It does have, however, 800 filler moons that see you scouring the map and doing the most pointless and basic nothing tasks to see the same shitty animation play every-time.
              You know, Soniccuck seething is usally funny to witness. Not this time. This time it's just sad and pathetic.

              Do better, anon. Do better.

              • 7 months ago

                >the level design and platforming are great when you skip all of it!
                Case-in-fricking-point, lmao

              • 7 months ago

                stop describing Sonic

            • 7 months ago

              Why is it always Galaxy gays that are complaining about Odyssey? Mad that your soulless slop was only remembered for Rosalina and not the "stellar gameplay" that didn't exist?

        • 7 months ago

          >Anon, Mario's last 3D outing was a mediocre, nothing of a game. Complete joke.
          You mean Bowser's Fury? The thing everyone shilled for a week was the best shit ever?
          Lol keep coping, Sonic doesn't even compare to Mario 64.

          • 7 months ago

            >Bowser's Fury

            You mean 3D World's dlc, right? God, Mario gays are ridiculous

    • 7 months ago


  33. 7 months ago

    If Mania had all unique levels would it have been the best Sonic game Ganker?

    • 7 months ago

      Nope, would have still been a "rom hack" because it was too "S3K" in design apparently.

    • 7 months ago

      it would have the potential to be the best 2d sonic at least, but i dont think it could ever beat chaotix for me

      • 7 months ago

        how did nobody reply to this lmao
        must feel bad to set bait like this and not get anything

  34. 7 months ago

    Its a very valid point. For such a popular series it sure does have too much shit games attached to it. Not a single one of the 3D games was truly great. Not one

  35. 7 months ago

    So speaking of Mario how does Superstars compare to Wonder?

    • 7 months ago

      The hell do you think?

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't play sonic's because it looked like a shitty mobile game for babies. Somehow looked even worse than forces, which looked worse than Sonic 4e2 which looked worse than Generations. Can someone tell me the frick sega is doing with their money?

      • 7 months ago

        >Can someone tell me the frick sega is doing with their money?
        Putting it everywhere but into Sonic, because they know Sonic doesn't need to be good anymore now that they've amassed a legion of consoomers raised on garbage like Forces who will buy anything with his face on it. It's another Pokémon situation.

        Frick man, just look at the average tweet that blows up on Sonic Twitter. It's always the same dozen or so morons posting this shit, like "Why do reviewers hate Sonic? Clearly it must be because of bias and not because the games are shit" and now "Sonic doesn't NEED to be perfect, 6/10s are fine!" And before you say:
        >who gives a frick about twitter?
        Sega does because those are the people they interact with and listen to the most when it comes to Sonic now.

        • 7 months ago

          >Sonic is judged with a much harsher lens

          >Release half assed titles with weird shit like werewolves and knights for years. We just want blue rat that runs
          >Only good things that can be said about recent titles beyond Mania is that "It wasn't as shitty as the last one"

          It feels like lots of these games get a free pass because "it can always be so much worse" until the next one comes out. If Sonic games stopped around Adventure 2, everyone will be way harsher on shit like Frontiers coming out today

          • 7 months ago

            hell no, gamers have no standards when it comes to open world slop, just look at shit like Assassin's Creed

            Nta but people these days love and defend corpos so much that I feel confident in guaranteeing that disneygays will band together and successfully petition the government to let disney hold the mickey copyright for another 70 years or whatever. Mark my words, it will happen.


        • 7 months ago

          Picrel isn't entirely wrong but I think it's because Sonic used to be AAA so people still subconsciously judge him on those merits.

    • 7 months ago

      I have played Wonder but haven’t played Supertars but judging from the reactions I’ve seen I think they’re both the same: games that initially looked interesting and fun and would bring some innovation to their franchises but both entered up being kind of cookie cutter nostalgia bad with a handful of good ideas marred by the same flaws as usual

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, Wonder is a much better game than Superstars

        • 7 months ago

          And yet Superstars is still more fun

  36. 7 months ago

    >literally every “3D sonic but le good” game is basically just the adventure speed sections but with functional physics
    >sega continues to do everything but that
    I’m waiting with baited breath for sonic autists to make “adventure clones” a thing so I can finally leave this godforsaken franchise. Your unironically better just playing fan games

  37. 7 months ago

    Sonic was a fad but grew a fanbase to keep it alive.

    • 7 months ago

      But enough about Pokémon

  38. 7 months ago
  39. 7 months ago

    people have been clamoring for the blue rat's death for decades now, it's not gonna happen anytime soon lmao

    • 7 months ago

      when your copyright expires your fanbase will rape you into submission and you'll be begging to die you bloated blue shit

      • 7 months ago

        >when your copyright expires your fanbase will rape you into submission
        how new are you? seriously lol

        • 7 months ago

          Mickey Mouse is going into the public domain next year. it will happen eventually.

          • 7 months ago

            Lmao if you think disney will allow laws to stand in their way.

            • 7 months ago

              Disney is out of bribing money. They're gonna have to this time.

              • 7 months ago

                Nta but people these days love and defend corpos so much that I feel confident in guaranteeing that disneygays will band together and successfully petition the government to let disney hold the mickey copyright for another 70 years or whatever. Mark my words, it will happen.

    • 7 months ago

      >Keith John Stack
      Thats a yikes from me dude!

      • 7 months ago
  40. 7 months ago

    Disregard anyone who types like that. Room-temperature IQ sub-humans.

  41. 7 months ago

    Why the frick can't people just enjoy a series where a Blue Hedgehog runs fast, teaming up with a Fox with two tails and an Echidna that punches hard facing a Mad Scientist fat frick?

  42. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I know everyone's tired of Green Hill but I just appreciate the amount of detail this game had 12 years ago

      • 7 months ago

        Meanwhile this is what Sega put out last week and expects you to pay $60 (If not $70 for the Digital Deluxe Edition™) for. Isn't it pretty sad how they can't even match the visuals of a game from 12 years ago?

        • 7 months ago

          I'm glad I didn't listen to the shills defending this overpriced trash. Pic related, mobile game from 11 years ago

  43. 7 months ago

    Alright Ganker enough b***hing.
    Pitch your ideal Sonic game. 2D, 3D, it could be a fricking Riders game for all I care. SPILL IT.

    • 7 months ago

      Sonic GT except renamed to Sonic Adventure 3 and it's a full length game

    • 7 months ago

      Spark 3 but replace Sonic with Spark and make it a longer game.

    • 7 months ago

      a third storybook game that takes place in alice in wonderland
      i wouldn't mind if it was switch exclusive and kept motion controls

  44. 7 months ago

    That isn't a Sonic fan, how stupid can you be
    The average Sonic game is better than the average game of any other franchise

  45. 7 months ago

    >twitter screencap
    into the gas chamber it goes

  46. 7 months ago

    >Sonic can only look so good in a vacuum.
    Finally someone that notices. Why the frick can't I compare Sonic to Mario? Arent they rivals? Wasnt Sega talking mad shit in the 90s using that blue rat as the face of all of it? And now I'm supposed to think that "75 is amazing for a Sonic game!" is a perfectly normal thing to say because Sega is a poor indie company and making fun of Sonic is punching down. Like I trully dont understand how sonicgays just gobble whatever sega releases that has his name on it, well I think I do, because they are scared of sonic going away forever, because sonic being mediocre or straight up shit is better than not having sonic at all, but then cant expect the rest of the world to just play along forever.

    • 7 months ago

      >Why the frick can't I compare Sonic to Mario?
      You can, but if you compare them objectively, you'll make Mariogays go apeshit.

    • 7 months ago

      Would you mock a guy who drinks his pains away because he at one point was a one hit wonder that now has become a laughing stock to society? Maybe he doesn't even have a house anymore and is living sleeping under a bridge being a harm to nobody anymore? Do you go up to a guy like that and tell him "hey brah you was talking mad fricking shit 30 years ago its time you continue to pay for your shit talk gayit..."

      Do you? What kind of a lame homosexual does this? Its long been water under a bridge for Nintendo you think they give a frick about that anymore? They made collaboration games with Sega/Sonic idiot.

      • 7 months ago

        Anon. Sonic isn't real. He doesn't have human rights.

        SEGA IS real and yes, they are deserving of being shatted on for once being something being proud in but now makes woke trash spending billions on it only for it to be canceled for being pure dogshit. What can't of loyalist tripe is this post? You're the reason people hate gamers.

        • 7 months ago

          No no don't act like you aren't spinning shit here. You were implying that they still deserve to get shit for the marketing and push Sonic got in the early 90's. This is absolutely ridiculous. Stop pretending this isn't what you meant. They did it because it worked in their favor.

      • 7 months ago

        I would mock a guy who has cash out the ass and releases Superstars for 60 dollars.

  47. 7 months ago

    Sonic Team's director Kishimoto openly admits Mario is better. Why do Sonicgays even bother defending them?

    • 7 months ago

      >a guy on twitter said
      Yawn. He's wrong. 3D Sonic games are better than 3D Mario games.

      • 7 months ago

        >>a guy
        That guy made your Sonic games since Secret Rings homosexual moron.

        • 7 months ago

          I notice he wasn't involved with Unleashed or Colors DS or Generations, you're basically just saying 'the director of Sonic Lost World and Sonic Forces says Mario is better' which is not a point in your favor

          • 7 months ago

            He directed Sonic Colors Wii, Lost World, Forces and Frontiers. He also worked on both Storybook games before them.

            The guys behind Unleashed fricked off after Gens and works for Nintendo now and is the ones behind Odyssey and the Olympic spinoffs. And what do you know, the quality difference between those games and every game he worked on is (pardon the pun) Night and Day.

            Doesn't stop the fact he's been directing Sonic longer than any other SEGA employee has, even longer than Iizuka at this point (between SA1 to Sonic Rivals). So the fact he realize Sonic is nothing compared to Mario speaks volume. Everyone knows Mario is better than Sonic since S3K, because only when SoA had pioneered Sonic's legacy, the games were at the time also as good as their anti Nintendo advertisements.

            • 7 months ago

              >The guys behind Unleashed fricked off
              NTA, but wasn't the staff who fricked off predominately artists?

              • 7 months ago

                They were clearly the people that knew how to animate a Sonic game polish wise, the way the characters animate, how the camera moves, the art direction. All of that magically goes missing whenever Kishitmoto's C Team makes a Sonic game.

              • 7 months ago

                Lost World had surprisingly great character animations, weird how they scrapped them for the mediocre Forces slop.

              • 7 months ago

                >Lost World had surprisingly great character animations,
                I'm still convinced it was Nintendo staff that help them make that game.

              • 7 months ago

                >Lost World had surprisingly great character animations,
                I'm still convinced it was Nintendo staff that help them make that game.

                I think Lost World was their Unleashed, they were trying to make the next truly big Sonic game and it blew up in their faces again.

              • 7 months ago

                Gee, maybe make a real Sonic game next time with that level of polish instead of a piss poor mario ripoff instead.

              • 7 months ago

                They couldn't, all the actually good people left. That was unironically probably the best they could do.

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              I think so.

      • 7 months ago

        >admitting that Sonic team director is "just some guy on twitter" and he's wrong
        lmao no wonder the games suck ass

      • 7 months ago

        >3D Sonic games are better than 3D Mario games.
        Do sonic gays actually believe this.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes. I would rather play SA1 than SM64

        • 7 months ago

          Of course they do, because they don't actually play anything outside Sonic games. Hell, even THAT is debatable seeing how some Sonicgays defend fricking 06.

          • 7 months ago

            >Sonicgays defend fricking 06.
            It le has potential

    • 7 months ago

      But you see, saying that is unfasir to sonic, Sega TRIES with sonic and that alraedy puts in on par with Mario. BECAUSE THEY TRY

    • 7 months ago

      Kishimoto is very openly a Mario gay. Before Frontiers he tried to incorporate Mario elements into Sonic with Lost World.

  48. 7 months ago

    Sonic never fully recovered from the mid 90's

    • 7 months ago

      >create a 32x add on that gets no games
      >create a console that gets a surprise release the same day it is announced with no games
      >create a handled that eats batteries every hour
      >create the dreamcast, one of the better and most soulfull consoles out there

      >wat tha fricku, why consolu not sellu, dishonorablu, got too sudoku
      the level of moronation of sega of japan still amazes me
      I mean they are still being moronic so there is that too.

      • 7 months ago

        Sega was doing all these interesting unorthodox things that other companies never tried then learned the hard way why no one else pulled these stunts.

    • 7 months ago

      If Sonic was black like Shadow he'd still be relevant today.

  49. 7 months ago

    After spending about 2 years on /sthg/ I can confirm that most Sonic fans know explicitly well that Sonic as a franchise is mid in the best times and absolutely horrendous otherwise.

    It's actually kind of frustrating because most of the fans know they are supporting horrible game and business practices that is ruining the franchise but their literal autism doesn't allow them to just not fricking buy the games.

    • 7 months ago

      It's the fear Sammy will kill SEGA off if they don't buy the games. But SAmmy doesn't exactly care HOW people support Sonic, hense why the quality of the games turn to dogshit.

      The main problem is moreso the fact SEGA themselves will just keep reinventing the wheel when fan outcry gets too strong and they end up just rebooting the IP again and again until the fans stop seething long enough until they frick it all up again and the Sonic cycle repeats.

      Right now, the real answer to defending the IP is supporting anything goood (and by good I mean passible by any other game IP standards) and not passable slop for SONIC standards (which is unplayable dogshit by any other game IP standards) and stop being so anti fan games/non eastern Sonic media. If it well made it's well made and that should be defended. Not SEGA slop just because it's made by SEGA.

      • 7 months ago

        Sammy isn't very likely to kill SEGA off at this point after a combination of COVID shutdowns and the start of gambling reform in Japan has essentially crippled Sammy's pachinko and arcade operations.

        • 7 months ago

          I meant to say Sonic, not SEGA. They aren't killing off SEGA, it's literally the only reason no one cares they are doing """legal""" businesses outside of the SEGA side of things.

      • 7 months ago

        Who should take custody of Sonic away from Sega? Sonic deserves much better than this abuse. I say Nintendo is the perfect home for Sonic he can finally enjoy the respect he deserves being among the gaming mascot legends under Nintendo.

        • 7 months ago

          >Who should take custody of Sonic away from Sega?
          At this point, everyone is dogshit because they either
          A: Make woke shit
          B: Hates their community
          C: Makes woke shit
          D: Nintendo's hardware will mean all games look like mobile slop

          I would have said muh M$ like everyone wants to happen on this forsaken board but last I checked, M$ made no new Crash games, no new Spyro games, no new Banjo games (and when they do it's cancer) and Minecraft is being rotted out on the inside out. So really, Sonic is best being public domain and just be another Touhou.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah thankfully these decisions aren't up to you then. That would be awful. They make woke shit and trash too what the hell are you smoking?

            • 7 months ago

              First off, wasted quads
              Secondly, if you even read past the first word of the bottom sentence you would have figured out real quick I wasn't supporting Microwiener anywhere in that sentence. Quite the opposite. I was mocking the morons on Ganker that keeps demanding M$ to buy SEGA.
              Third, only the fans can save Sonic. And I mean the ones that don't worship SEGA, the ones that can actually product a product.

          • 7 months ago

            >Ganker: graphics don't matter
            >also Ganker: Nintendo's hardware will mean all games look like mobile slop

  50. 7 months ago

    The franchise died with the dreamcast. Heroes was mediocre, Shadow was a joke, and '06 was the final nail in the coffin. The franchise's corpse keeps bouncing around through the autists that will buy anything with Sonic slapped on it, and classicgays/adventuregays that remain in denial thinking that if they keep throwing money, Sega will release Mania 2/Adventure 3 and it will be the greatist shit ever.

  51. 7 months ago

    >the Blue Rat can't last long
    The blue rat has been "unable to last long" since 2005 and yet here we are.

    • 7 months ago

      A zombie kept alive via autistic religion does not make it good.

      • 7 months ago

        And where did I say it was?

    • 7 months ago

      If we're talking quality then Sonic certainly did not fricking last, yeah.

  52. 7 months ago

    I could write a better Sonic game.

  53. 7 months ago

    Why did Sega gaslight us for so long about MJ's involvement with Sonic 3? Why not have been upfront from the start about all the music issues?

    • 7 months ago

      >Brad Buxer's involvement

  54. 7 months ago

    Sonic is a walking corpse and has been such ever since the bankruptcy Sega got over 22 years ago.

  55. 7 months ago

    Oh shit an X/Twiitter opinion great I hate Sonic now

  56. 7 months ago

    >Azure Lake is actually an irl location
    Mind is blown. Music time

    • 7 months ago

      You think your mind is blown? I found out way too late in my life that Tikal is a real life location and that's where the character from Sonic Adventure got her name. Not one of my proudest moments in geography honestly

  57. 7 months ago

    I look through these threads no differently than looking through daily news. Same shit, different day. Sonic will thrive and the latest content has been great.

    • 7 months ago

      Cool. Mario is doing better

      • 7 months ago

        Mario will always do better. Only in the mind of Tom Kalinske in the early 90's as CEO was Sonic ever a competitor to Mario.

  58. 7 months ago

    >had 06 twice after my first 350 turned my first copy of 06 into confetti
    >still had the stomach to play through it on my 12th birthday
    I maybe a zoomer/zoomlenial, but THIS is not Sonic's lowest fricking point.

  59. 7 months ago

    >Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Megamix (AM2)
    >Phantasy Star Online 2
    >Puyo Puyo Tetris
    >Yakuza: Like a Dragon (RGGS)

    >Lost Judgment (RGGS)
    >Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis
    >Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania
    >Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
    >Virtua Fighter 5 (RGGS, AM2)

    >Sonic Frontiers (Sonic Team)
    >Sonic Origins (Sonic Team, Headcannon)

    >Like a Dragon: Ishin!
    >Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
    >Samba de Amig: Party Central, Virtual Party
    >Sonic Origins Plus (Sonic Team, Headcannon)
    >Sonic Superstars (Sonic Team, Arzest)
    >Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

    Forget Sonic, this entire fricking company barely produces anything of value. I just looked through Sega's releases in the last four years and threw out anything that wasn't either made internally by Sega or at least in collaboration with a second- or third-party dev and this is the result. Just this.

    • 7 months ago

      Go back five more years I remember it being just as bad

    • 7 months ago

      you're missing like a dozen games from that list anon

      • 7 months ago

        >and threw out anything that wasn't either made internally by Sega or at least in collaboration with a second- or third-party dev and this is the result.

    • 7 months ago

      Interesting, is it possible to compare this to other big gaming companies like Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony so we can see how often they develop games internally?

  60. 7 months ago

    Why doesn't Ganker make a Sonic game?

    • 7 months ago

      I was considering using Unreal but my computer literally fries just sitting on the editor alone
      So either I stay cucked to Unity or play moron and recreate Sonic Colors Ultimate myself.

      • 7 months ago

        A community romhack like clover or the SMW one would make most sense.

    • 7 months ago

      Okay I'll work on it.

      • 7 months ago

        Let's slowly improve stuff

  61. 7 months ago

    There is literally only one reason why I like this franchise.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago
  62. 7 months ago

    I feel like a lot of 3D Sonic's problem would be solved if Sega was willing to make a shorter game and sell it for only 20 or 30 bucks. Just like 10 or 12 really good levels and add things to make replaying the levels worth it (side missions like SA2, animals and drive for a chao garden, camera mode for people on social media etc.) Then you can add dlc packs of like 3 levels and maybe a different character.

  63. 7 months ago

    What is the worst Sonic game in your opinion?

    • 7 months ago

      Sonic Jam Game.com
      Something more normal? Spinball Genesis because I had the cart as a kid.
      More Mainline? Black Knight.

    • 7 months ago

      Forces if only mainline games are counted, otherwise Rise of Lyric

    • 7 months ago

      If we're counting ports, either Sonic Genesis, or Sonic Jam Games.com

    • 7 months ago

      Since Sonic 06 is too easy
      Forces takes this dubious crown easily.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Since I actually beaten 06 and Forces, Shitdow and Lost World.
      Only games ever that made me ragequit

  64. 7 months ago

    Sonic needs to be more vulnerable

  65. 7 months ago

    >instead of boss fights after each act/zone you go into a puzzle or maze-like room/level you must solve within a time limit in order to save the animals
    >these levels are like smaller Sonic 1 type of platforming levels requiring pushing blocks, dodging an obstacle, etc
    >these are super quick though unlike the main zones they are more closer to those mini games you play to get a chaos emerald in time to complete them
    >you get unlimited tries or lose a life when you fail whichever applies for said game
    >only a few or maybe no bosses until the very end boss which will be Robotnik in one of his machines

    How about this idea to fix the boss fights?

    • 7 months ago

      no no, just bosses at the end of zones please. Thank you

    • 7 months ago

      no no, just bosses at the end of zones please. Thank you

      Basically they are like the pink rooms from WL4 but for the end of each act or zone in Sonic. Guess I could have explained it that way instead.

    • 7 months ago

      of boss fights after each act/zone you go into a puzzle or maze-like room/level you must solve within a time limit in order to save the animals
      Ah, so Sonic Rush dogshit with mook rush rooms to kill x amounts of badniks just to continue the part of the game you CAME for.
      Yeah, no, frick off. This alone kills your entire post.

      • 7 months ago


        Basically they are like the pink rooms from WL4 but for the end of each act or zone in Sonic. Guess I could have explained it that way instead.

    • 7 months ago

      This is a terrible idea, worse than bad boss fights. You know what's cool about boss fights? That it's a FIGHT. This alone brings more aggressive energy than puzzles that will drain energy from the game more than regular gameplay. If you want to do puzzles and challenges like that, reframe them as boss fight to make them exciting.

  66. 7 months ago

    Oh, did twitter say a thing again? Thanks for telling us, Ganker!

  67. 7 months ago

    Classic Sonic bosses have always sucked dick.

  68. 7 months ago

    Modern Sonic bosses have always sucked dick.

  69. 7 months ago

    Sonic fan games are already great. A good showing of why copyright law is moronic as it is now.

  70. 7 months ago

    Sonicbros.....thoughts on Daima?

    • 7 months ago

      GT but canon?

  71. 7 months ago

    Oh, a moron who doesn’t know any Better…what are the odds?

  72. 7 months ago

    >Sonic fans: "You're only saying Superstars is mediocre slop because Mario came out at the same time! If the new Mario game wasn't out then Superstars would be Game of October 2023!"

  73. 7 months ago

    She is in.

    • 7 months ago

      I fricking hate Ian and his stupid original characters so much. When I read a Sonic comic I want to see actual Sonic characters. There are like over 30+ fricking characters who exist in the games. Just use them.

      • 7 months ago

        No, you will need to read Lanolin and Whisper's bullshit drama while Tangle and the game characters exist in the background.

        • 7 months ago

          Pure sex

      • 7 months ago

        I don't mind the IDW OCs on a conceptual level, I just hate how the only thing the writers want to do with them is have them be vehicles for cheap melodrama.

        There is no reason IDW should have its own version of The Slap, or have Surge/Whisper angsty and crying constantly. It's just embarrassing.

      • 7 months ago

        This. Also, weird how Silver is constantly around when he's from the future and only shows up when disaster is about to strike and affect his timeline.

        • 7 months ago

          Not that weird since he only ever travels to Sonic's time to stop shit and all his friends are in that time too so he might as well just stay there, plus he's popular so he shows up a lot anyway.

          • 7 months ago

            I don't think he's more popular than Shadow, but he sure as hell gets more screentime and better writing than him.

      • 7 months ago

        Those characters had their time to shine and they all exist because somebody introduced them into the series just like the comic is doing so why isn't it ok when the comic does it?

        • 7 months ago

          NTA but the comics have given me no reason to care about the new characters. They're boring and, aside from Tangle, don't fit into the setting at all. At least the game characters have given me plenty of experience with them through the, you know, games. The IDW OCs have not.

          • 7 months ago

            The problem is the comic stories have about as much depth as the games which would be insufferably boring as a comic but you get to play as characters so the otherwise lackluster story at least adds some context to be doing shit, if the comic OCs were playable in a game with the comic's story that would probably make all the difference. It wouldn't even be that taxing on Sonic Team lol, all the locations are
            >generic grassy area village
            >generic grassy area with trees village
            >generic grassy area
            >generic grassy area with trees
            >green hill zone
            >generic snowy mountain
            >generic abandoned eggman base
            >generic city
            and that encompasses years of the comic's run.

            • 7 months ago

              I agree wholeheartedly. Besides Shadow, none of Sonic's characters are all that deep, and that's by design because the plot and character development were always second to gameplay. Transferring that ideology to a comic book series (one that has pretty lackluster action, all things considered) only hurts things in the long run, because now I'm being fed all these new OCs that I'm supposed to care about but given that their personalities are just as shallow as the rest of the cast, I really can't bring myself to give a shit about them. If they were playable characters in a game, sure, but that's just not the case with the comics. Doesn't help that Sonic Forces was complete trash, and both Tangle and Whisper are basically IDW's answer to "No, you can't use Rookie in your comic", so I already hate them by proxy.

              I miss when Sonic comics were good, silly fun. Like, the first 30 or so issues of Archie. But that's just me because apparently that's an unpopular opinion.

              • 7 months ago

                Agreed, and I liked the older stuff too. Not every joke landed but some of the puns they pulled off were out of this world. Anyway not that Sonic should always be lighthearted but it would break up the tension in the current comic because even when Flynn eases up on the action and stuff it's still often undercut by some kind of drama or depressed character or a thing suddenly happened, or it's just boring and characters patting each other on the back and whatever. Thankfully we've mostly moved away from world-ending stakes and characters' lives being ruined recently and it's been the first real breath of fresh air since the chao races.

              • 7 months ago

                >anon doesn't know about the recent issues with Silver getting shit on and Whisper getting gaslit and attacked by the tiddy sheep
                The drama is still there

              • 7 months ago

                >recent issues with Silver
                Any story that involves Silver is shit.
                He's not a bad character, but when you need to get time travel involved you already fricked up.

              • 7 months ago

                Normally I'd agree but in a setting where a blue hedgehog runs fast and turns super, time travel isn't really that out there. I would like it better if we got to see the future more often or how he travels though.

              • 7 months ago

                Thing is, Sonic going super can't undo a really really bad thing that happened (metal virus notwithstanding, that was unironically one of the biggest copouts in Sonic comic history), but going back in time can, and that's where my problem with it is. When you have a character that has "Ctrl + Z" as an ability, you effectively ruin almost any tension or stakes you could have established beforehand unless you set some very strict rules or guidelines regarding it (which some series strongly overcompensate with, i.e. Kingdom Hearts). Sonic doesn't really do that. Silver's time travel powers are never explained in the games, and only lightly touched upon in the non-canon Archie comics (and never in IDW), so there's literally nothing stopping an infinite amount of Silvers going back to the past to undo bad thing, and if he fails another Silver will just pop in at an earlier point to try again. Repeat until good guys win. Except we have to pretend that it doesn't work like that because the writers want to have their cake and eat it too.
                I really wish they'd just do away with the time travel shit. I'm fine with hedgehog Trunks sticking around (like I said, I'm fine with his character), but his time travel baggage really needs to go, even if I, too, would like to see what his future is like, if only for a plot thread or two.

              • 7 months ago

                Makes sense, I just never give it that much thought. My main problem with Silver is his solution is never "things are fricked up now but instead of constantly going back, I'll try to make a difference in my own time," which I get that he was introduced as a time traveler but the frequent round trips are kind of silly. It should have just been decided after the first time that he stays, like maybe he had no way to return to the future or just decided that after saving the world everyone he knew in the doomed future was gone or something so he stays with his friends in the past. Even adds a bit of tragedy or drama or something, instead of absolutely nothing with a side of 'feels a vague connection' to Blaze'.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah there's a bit of it but iirc it was spliced in with lighter stuff going on like Blaze's vacation. It's not overly heavy and it's not boring as frick like the camping trip so I'll take what I can get. Or to put it a better way, maybe I'd be less lenient if I was paying to read it.

              • 7 months ago

                The pisses me off because she had no real role in the comic besides cameos and now suddenly she's like head of the Restoration (Shitty organization that exists because nobody can stop jerking to the freedom fighters).

                You know what? Just get over the fricking war already and let zSonic have some zany adventures in Whatever Zone Act 2. The Blaze issue almost did that but it was just a one shot.

    • 7 months ago

      Discount Scourge.

  74. 7 months ago

    I can't believe this cherished 90's mascot only has 2 weeks left.

  75. 7 months ago

    They haven't made a sonic game since sonic adventure 2 what are you homosexuals even talking about? I feel like I'm going insane reading through this thread.

  76. 7 months ago

    if sonic is as bad as people say, how come nothing has become popular enough to replace it?

    • 7 months ago

      Because no other series designs its characters as expertly as Sonic. You have pokemon which has its own 10/10 designs but those are in a sea of other designs which are almost all as contextually important as one another so it isn't the same.

  77. 7 months ago

    It's because the series has gotten stale. If you've played any Sonic game in the past 12 years, you've played every Sonic game in the past 12 years.
    >Colors and Generations are literally the same game but the latter leans on nostalgia
    >Lost World is Colors without Boost
    >Forces is just Generations but worse
    >Frontiers is just Colors but with an empty, explorable environment

    Prior to the Sega/Sammy merger and the subsequent bastardization of the series' reputation and budget bleeding thanks to Sonic 06, the series wasn't afraid of experimentation. There was Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 which are wildly different from everything else in the franchise due to their initial concept being a Sonic RPG, there was wildly different variances with tone, setting, and gameplay with Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and the Storybook games, flawed as they all are, and you have Sonic Riders which I still think is one of the best racing games of all time with a shitty learning curve filtering 99% of its players. To say nothing about the handheld with Rush utilizing both screens, a pseudo Sonic R style racer in the Rivals games, and Sonic Battle being the best damn Power Stone clone I've ever played.
    Now everything is safe, samey, and boring. Just like Mario. Just like the Sega executives want. Sonic is never recovering, and it took me until Lost World to realize that.

    At least the fangames are still cool, I guess.

    • 7 months ago

      and Generations are literally the same game but the latter leans on nostalgia
      Now if only they kept doing that with the same generations engine, put out some nsmb level junk over the years, and then maybe they could surprise us with something that was actually polished.

      or they could have just stuck to the formula longer than nintendo did before they got the hint.

  78. 7 months ago

    This thread gave me a bit of hope for humankind.
    Anyway, sonic and sega are not going anywhere, since the next movie is coming and there is a good chance it will be a success, easy to coast on with more mediocre shit.
    Prepare for Shadow's revival.

  79. 7 months ago

    The problem with Sonic is that he’s never had a major hit. He’s constantly being compared to IP’s like Mario and Zelda, both of whom have multiple, generation-defining major hits (Mario 64, Galaxy, Odyssey, OoT, WW, BotW, etc). Sonic has just never had a game that was that good. It’s like Sega doesn’t know what to do with him.

    Shit, a spin-off series based on the Chao Garden minigame from Sonic Adventure 2 alone could been a huge hit. They just never capitalised on it.

    • 7 months ago

      >Shit, a spin-off series based on the Chao Garden minigame from Sonic Adventure 2 alone could been a huge hit. They just never capitalised on it.
      Someone made a standalone fan game that's just the Chao Garden. It's honestly kinda boring. You'd have to really revamp the entire system to make it enjoyable (without turning it into an idle game tier gachashit).

      • 7 months ago

        >It's honestly kinda boring.
        Nta but fricking this. Even back in Adventure's heyday I thought chao were boring aside from watching them change when given animal parts. It isn't full game material, it's side shit you spend a minute on after a level, on its own it's pretty much just a barebones gacha. As a standalone it would need way more shit to make it actually fun.

  80. 7 months ago

    It was always shit
    >uhm actually adventure was good
    Compare it to games of its time. No, it was shit
    >uhm okay but the 2D games were good
    No, they was not. Theyve never once competed with Mario, that whole thing was a meme sega drones engaged in to pretend they were somehow on the same level
    Sonic team fricking suck at making games.
    >uhm okay but frontier was good, it was highly rated and everything
    Its shit, just lazily floating platforms in a void of an empty asset map, frontier looks like one of those abandoned dev projects you see in early kickstarter showcases. Its kind of pathetic to thing one of the "big dogs" developed it, when it looks like a student project.

    • 7 months ago

      >Compare it to games of its time. No, it was shit
      Just because a game isn't as good as its contemporaries doesn't make it bad.
      Super Mario 64 revolutionized 3D gameplay and platforming. That doesn't automatically make every 90s platformer bad. Halo revolutionized the FPS genre. Doesn't make every 90s/2000s FPS bad (especially with how this board loves to suck off Goldeneye and Timesplitters). Sonic Adventure was received very well on release, and its sequel even moreso.
      >Theyve never once competed with Mario, that whole thing was a meme sega drones engaged in to pretend they were somehow on the same level
      And yet it's the Nintendies that are the ones that continue to perpetuate the mascot war 20 years later. How about that.

  81. 7 months ago

    So, do they finally beat the Mimic or something?

    • 7 months ago

      So far Mimic is winning and made Silver eat shit twice

  82. 7 months ago

    Think about it: you got two veterans, who are some of the nicest people in the group, who find this particular rookie, who just joined the group, suspicious of being a double agent. These veterans aren't known to bully people for no reason and were even nice to the rookie at first. Now, who do you side with, your veteran friends or the rookie?

    • 7 months ago

      >Silver and Whisper
      The rookie, of course!

  83. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I really wish the Sonic Boom games didn't fricking suck so bad. Literally everything else (comics, cartoon, merchandise) were on point, but the one goddamn thing that mattered, the games, dropped the ball so fricking hard it destroyed the subseries, and it was all because SEGA fricked with Rise of Lyric's development like the brainless fricking monkeys they are.
      SEGA is the most incompetent game developer/publisher I've ever seen, and it's not even close. Not even Ubishit is this moronic.

  84. 7 months ago

    The Sonic?

  85. 7 months ago

    Frick Fang, when are they bringing back Scratch and Grounder?

    • 7 months ago


  86. 7 months ago
  87. 7 months ago


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