Ever play Doom 64? It's a fun game, I'm playing it now. I thought it was terrible the first time I played it.

Ever play Doom 64? It's a fun game, I'm playing it now.

I thought it was terrible the first time I played it. I couldn't see any of the enemies and the controls felt weird. I quit playing after like 10 minutes.

I gave it another chance and the game is a lot of fun. First off, you have to turn the brightness all the way up. I don't know why they thought the Doom games were dark, the original Doom games weren't that dark.

And the controls grew on me. Using the upper buttons on the N64 controller to strafe started feeling normal.

They did a really good job getting the Doom "feel" for Doom 64. It feels more like a Doom game than Doom 3, which was a generic FPS.

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  1. 2 months ago

    >First off, you have to turn the brightness all the way up.
    You didn't beat the game.

    • 2 months ago

      >muh autism
      its doom. just cuz it has creepy music does not mean its a horror game

      • 2 months ago

        I consider Aliens “action horror” and it’s got plenty of contrast.

        I'm too used to L and R being strafe now to change. That way is better to play for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, which are a lot faster paced games than Doom 64.

        Those games also don’t require you to hold a run key, something that bothered me when I first tried to get back into D64 after lots of Perfect Dark.

  2. 2 months ago

    I got it on cartridge
    I thought it was terrible at first though
    I tried it again: it's still terrible
    maybe you are just desperate for a good fps game
    so even shitty ones will do

    • 2 months ago

      >maybe you are just desperate for a good fps game
      >so even shitty ones will do

      Maybe. I did recently replay Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, they were a lot of fun. I used the Rumble Pak for that extra immersion lol.

      I dunno what other fun FPS games are on the N64. There's Duke Nukem 64 and the Turok games. They're mid games. Not really that fun.

  3. 2 months ago

    Doom 1 is super dark.

  4. 2 months ago

    >First off, you have to turn the brightness all the way up.
    I used to think that too but then I got a reference quality, properly calibrated monitor and the game actually looks good at the default brightness level (lowest possible).

  5. 2 months ago

    I like it but I didn't play it until the unofficial PC port Doom 64 EX. I didn't care for the official PC port that came out later since it removed mouse look. These days I use Doom 64 CE instead.

  6. 2 months ago

    its not supposed to be pitch black, but if you play on an lct it looks a lot darker than it should. if on official hardware, on a crt things are actually visible and im not sure exactly why. maybe true black and lct washes it out, better contrast, something like that whatever. i had a similar problem, but when i first played i didn't have it and thats the conclusion i came to. the modern ports fix that somehow so its maybe a limitation of the hardware itself

  7. 2 months ago

    It's a fine game ruined by ugly sprites

  8. 2 months ago

    >I couldn't see any of the enemies

    Yeah, literally the only way to play this game is to maximize the brightness.

  9. 2 months ago

    When you say upper buttons are you using the C-buttons for movement or using L and R for strafing? I recommend using the C-buttons like WASD personally.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm using L and R for strafing, because that is the default controller configuration for the game.

      • 2 months ago

        There's options to change and customize each button input around (even in the original N64 release.) If given the chance, I've preferred to play most shooters on the system using the C-buttons to walk around. It should feel somewhat familiar if you're used to shooting minigames from other N64 games that use the analog stick. (You can also use the D-pad like WASD, but it requires holding the controller in a different way where pressing A and B feels weird.)

        • 2 months ago

          I'm too used to L and R being strafe now to change. That way is better to play for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, which are a lot faster paced games than Doom 64.

  10. 2 months ago

    Are there any modern versions that add in the missing enemies? I tried playing Brutal Doom 64 for a while but the sergeants and zombiemen looking nearly identical made me sad, not having archviles sounds lame too.

  11. 2 months ago

    Just play it on PC and stop wrestling with that godless piece of shit controller.

  12. 2 months ago

    The opening cinematic did something to my brain back in the day. Somehow that simple animation of doom marines fighting monsters un a dramatic scene really impacted me deeply.

    The opening mission of brutal doom 64 bringing that moment to life permanently cemented Sgt Mark IV as a fricking genius in my book. Playing that scene is all i ever wanted, and he gave it to me.

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