Explain to me, how exactly am I expected to get through the opening village sequence on hardcore.

Explain to me, how exactly am I expected to get through the opening village sequence on hardcore.

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  1. 3 months ago

    start by not being a cringe loser

    • 3 months ago

      Dude, the combat feels impossible in this game. It feels like RE2R combat, except the enemies are souped up RE4 enemies that dodge around all the time. It's obnoxious. I don't know what I did to deserve this. And I can't find the right way out of the village. It's infuriating.

      • 3 months ago

        The village section like RE4 is on a timer, your best bet is to keep routing enemies and avoiding them as best as you can, make use of the few buildings and high-ground points you have to hold off as best as you can until the cutscene starts to end the fight.

        Also git gud and stop being shit

        • 3 months ago

          You can chill out on that ladder till it's over.

          • 3 months ago

            based. thanks, this advice seems more consistent.

            depending on if you mean the basement ladder or not

            • 3 months ago

              May as well hand the controller to somebody else at this point.

              You've already cheated by making this thread, your honour is ruined.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't really care for "honour" or that made up bullshit when the game doesn't either. Yeah 2 shotgun shells and 20 hanging bullets max is definitely appropriate in a game where you have literally no other option but shoot and block against hordes of enemies.

                I'm still waiting for somebody to actually make a reasoned point about how this is supposed to be dealt with in an "honourable" but effective way. Everybody seems to prefer being content in stroking their shallow egos tho, so, if that's the case. I don't care for honour.

                And yes. I am currently on that ladder as I type all this.

      • 3 months ago

        >I don't know what I did to deserve this.
        you selected the Hardcore difficulty and hit play

        • 3 months ago

          I laughd

      • 3 months ago

        >I don't know what I did to deserve this.
        You whiny little b***h.

  2. 3 months ago

    git gud

    • 3 months ago

      Seriously, what should I get good at? I'm not even joking. I'm open to advice. Or else I might just never make it through this game?

      Dealing with multiple enemies is devastating in this game since I have zero Crowd Control and can only block, and youd maybe say "you can stagger them from afar" but that's too risk since the only time you're likely to hit them in the face is when they charge straight at you. Ah frick, man, this shit is genuinely so triggering

      • 3 months ago

        Just stop being shit lmao

        • 3 months ago

          >Just stop being shit lmao

          The village section like RE4 is on a timer, your best bet is to keep routing enemies and avoiding them as best as you can, make use of the few buildings and high-ground points you have to hold off as best as you can until the cutscene starts to end the fight.

          Also git gud and stop being shit

          >Also git gud and stop being shit

          Okay but can people stop just telling me that and actually tell me how to fight enemies effectively?

          For the village specifically, I guess I'll just run around endlessly. Thanks. It's not worth fighting with how punishing shit is.

          • 3 months ago

            Not him but what you'll want to do is go into the barn or whatever the first building is where they come from the walls/windows to activate the sequence. Once it quiets down and you go outside again when the actual swarm happens, go to the house immediately behind it (with the lycans sitting on the roof watching you). Then use the bookshelf to block the front door and just sit and wait facing the door. When ever an enemy goes to bang on the door, headshot them through the holes and they'll recoil back. Keep doing that until the invisible timer runs out.
            The Village section is notoriously hard on hardcore for first time playthroughs. Once you learn the trick, it becomes easy. After that, the game is pretty smooth sailing up until like 30 minutes before the ending mark where you'll have another tricky section.

            • 3 months ago

              Thanks for the actual advice atleast. It's rare for anyone on Ganker to act like an actual human being and respond to the point of the actual thread without ego stroking themselves like insecure high schoolers. Anyway.

              >Once it quiets down and you go outside again when the actual swarm happens, go to the house immediately behind it (with the lycans sitting on the roof watching you).

              The house with the shotgun and the ladder? I don't remember their being a bookcase there, but that's the only place I remember seeing lycans on the roof. If you just mean return back to the barnish place, then alright. Thanks.

              I wish this was a fight that seemed remotely feasible to actually fight through on hardcore like it was for OG RE4 and even remake, but I'm so close to leaning on RE8's combat being bad, because I simply can't see anyway that it's feasible, not atleast without more weapons. The player character is too weak and restrictive by default. It's like a survival horror character, in an RE4 esque game. But again. Thanks. Hopefully the rest of the game is fun atleast. But not so easy that the mechanics feel pointless

              • 3 months ago

                I don't remember if the shotgun is there but it has a ladder in the back room leading to under the house. I may be mistaking the bookshelf with the first building (it's been a while) but just face the front door and whenever they try to attack it, shoot them and they'll flinch. Only fire when they're about to swing and you'll just keep them stun locked. Eventually after like two minutes a cutscene will start.

              • 3 months ago

                If its your first playthrough of the game and you've selected hardcore difficulty, you have nobody to blame but yourself for it being actually difficult.

              • 3 months ago

                I can't tell if you're actually just moronic enough or not to realize how little you understand about what I'm actually saying, seeing as I've also played both RE2R and RE4R on hardcore, and OG RE4 and RE1 on their hardest difficulties my first time and...haven't complained about them.

                It's like Ganker is genuinely of subhuman intelligence that they can't understand a distinction between imbalance and "difficulty". Genuine worthless morons I share this space with.

                I don't remember if the shotgun is there but it has a ladder in the back room leading to under the house. I may be mistaking the bookshelf with the first building (it's been a while) but just face the front door and whenever they try to attack it, shoot them and they'll flinch. Only fire when they're about to swing and you'll just keep them stun locked. Eventually after like two minutes a cutscene will start.

                I gotta loop them for 2 minutes? Because I'm not sure I have enough ammo for this shit.

              • 3 months ago

                You're just not good at video games man. Swallow your pride and bump down the difficulty.

              • 3 months ago

                >Boo hoo the hard difficulty is actually hard

                Okay, we'll take the argument this direction then, b***h-ass homie.

              • 3 months ago

                >I gotta loop them for 2 minutes? Because I'm not sure I have enough ammo for this shit.
                You just have to stay in the room. They won't come up from under the basement, so only through the front door. You should have plenty of ammo in the first building and in the house. Again, you're not worried about killing them, just buying time. The game is significantly easier after that section so you can kill everything to your heart's content then.

              • 3 months ago

                >Okay so I just waited on the ladder for like 5 minutes straight and realized I remember people talking about arbitrary trigger points and realized I didn't know what stupid location triggered the cutscene
                I haven't done the ladder thing but the cutscene will trigger anywhere outside and inside, which is funny because if you're inside, you'll magically appear outside for it.

                What the frick? How long is this shit then? I swear I waited forever on the ladder and nothing happened.

                >You should have plenty of ammo in the first building and in the house.

                Definitely fricking not. You can get maybe 30 handgun ammo max, and you have to pick up the second set of ammo in the room with the ladder. I literally tried.

                Anyway does anybody seriously think this game is worth it anyway? I'm only playing with the presumption that this could be the least flawed RE game. But honestly the more I play, the less I think that, and the more I think that just goes to RE4R.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago


                Maybe I will do it the honourable way now...

  3. 3 months ago

    Also would you guys say that FPS or TPS mode is better for better gameplay? Because I'm starting to think the fact I played on TPS is fricking me

    • 3 months ago

      FPS should be everyone's first playthrough tbqh, a lot of the "scares" just don't hit nearly the same in third person

      • 3 months ago

        I don't really care about scares tho, only gameplay. I treat the Resident Evil series as an action adventure genre.

    • 3 months ago

      I found the third person to be really poorly implemented as the game was clearly made with first person in mind. Ethan sticks out of cupboards, floats on ladders and the aiming somehow feels worse despite having a better field of view. But if you get motion sickness or anything like that, then go for third person. But don't expect it to be as "natural" feeling as it was for the 3rd person games like RE2 and 4

      • 3 months ago

        >But if you get motion sickness or anything like that, then go for third person.

        Yeah. I tend to, but it's kind of random. I actually didn't have motion sickness with RE7 at first, but later on it started to get bad. I could just risk it, since the point you mentioned about aiming feeling better is REALLY important considering how much more essential hitting your shots feels in this game compared to most RE games because you seriously have extremely shitty defensive and crowd control options, so you can only shoot.

  4. 3 months ago

    just wait till you get to play on VoS

  5. 3 months ago

    Run around the same path/follow the same route over and over again until it ends

  6. 3 months ago

    yeah. I legit don't have enough ammo. they just keep coming and I run out and they break the shelf.

    • 3 months ago

      Would it be too much you suggest you play the levels on normal, then immediately replay them on hardcore, so you aren't wasting a 100 hours getting frustrated for no real gain

    • 3 months ago

      You're not as good as you think you are, simple as

  7. 3 months ago

    get good

  8. 3 months ago

    Bump down the difficulty. Difficulty doesn't inherently make a game better. I've beaten RE4R on professional multiple times, but ultimately prefer it one difficulty down. Professional just feels a bit too autistic and min-maxy. The hardest difficulty in RE games usually are.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah, but hardcore is actually only the second hardest difficulty kek.

      also guys, whoever mentioned the ladder Strat is a genius. I am fricking coasting by without a worry, this is fun ^_^

  9. 3 months ago


    How long was the RE4 village opening fight btw? If you just waited for the timer

  10. 3 months ago

    Okay so I just waited on the ladder for like 5 minutes straight and realized I remember people talking about arbitrary trigger points and realized I didn't know what stupid location triggered the cutscene, so I went to go look for it, and died, and closed the game.

    Might delete it honestly. Doesn't seem worth

    • 3 months ago

      >Okay so I just waited on the ladder for like 5 minutes straight and realized I remember people talking about arbitrary trigger points and realized I didn't know what stupid location triggered the cutscene
      I haven't done the ladder thing but the cutscene will trigger anywhere outside and inside, which is funny because if you're inside, you'll magically appear outside for it.

  11. 3 months ago


  12. 3 months ago


  13. 3 months ago

    Why do you even want to is the real question

    • 3 months ago

      sometimes you`ll like a game so much, you`ll play it again on a harder difficulty anon.

  14. 3 months ago

    i played through the entire game with the knife alone, git gud you fricking scrub.

    • 3 months ago

      You definitely used one of those butterfly knife shits you stupid fricking disingenuous mfer. Don't pretend you're actually good at the game...or that there's even any aspect of this game to really be good at since Ethan is too weak to do anything.

      People REALLY oversell how much this game is "action". Ethan feels like a survival horror character through and through.

  15. 3 months ago

    >run in house
    >grab shotgun
    >go down ladder and hang out as long as you can
    >run to the house across you once that stops working
    >hold the house as long as possible
    >leave once that's broken and try to run the clock for whatever's left at that point
    Now how to do this on a fresh VoS file, frick if I know.

  16. 3 months ago

    Use chris' knife.

  17. 3 months ago

    bruh, game is shit.

  18. 3 months ago

    I just ran in wide circles until the timer ran out, looting whatever I could along the way. Trying to fight through it is a waste.

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