Explain why you like this game without using buzzwords

Explain why you like this game without using buzzwords

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    I am a straight white male

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically fricking this plus it has the best incidental comedy in all of vidya

  3. 2 years ago

    comfy and fun 🙂

  4. 2 years ago

    Atmosphere, music and world building, this is why I end up replaying Oblivion instead of Morrowind or Skyrim.

    • 2 years ago

      But Morrowind's world building is leagues better then Oblivion

      • 2 years ago

        Giving every npc a replica wikipedia isn't better worldbuilding

        • 2 years ago

          Oblivion's npc are the same shit, but with less to say due to the voice acting. Now compare the attention to detail put into the world and the culture of Morrowind and Oblivion doesn't even compare.

          • 2 years ago

            morrowind is ugly and the attempts to be unusual with the giant bugs and mushrooms just comes off as transparent rather than immersive. also the gameplay is shit even with mods whereas oblivion can be fun with mods or vanilla if you just do a stealth build and treat it like splinter cell murder runs

            • 2 years ago

              >oblivion can be fun
              no it can't

            • 2 years ago

              >the attempts to be unusual with the giant bugs and mushrooms just comes off as transparent rather than immersive
              completely fricking filtered. why would you even post this embarrassing shit

              • 2 years ago

                no morrowind was just your first experience in the fantasy genre so you having no point of reference thought the relatively mundane was amazing, where as my dad threw a bunch of scifi and fantasy at me when I was 9 so it didnt impress me when I got to morrowind.

              • 2 years ago

                oh cool one of these "actually this video game simply PALES in comparison to the great works of literature that you plebs have OBVIOUSLY not had the pleasure of engaging with as I" gays
                no one cares

              • 2 years ago

                so you dont have an argument and I'm right because if I were wrong you could have just listed some fantasy media you were exposed to

            • 2 years ago

              Do you know that world building isn't literally just the map and it's art direction, right? The world building comes from a plot that is grounded (in it's own setting). For example, you start off doing novice work when you first join the magic guild like gathering mushrooms for what is essentially your senior's master thesis. The plot is also directly tied to the inhabitants and their culture/history. Not just Oblivion portals opening, which could happen anywhere, they just so happen to be happening the generic, shire rip off that is Oblivion's world.

              Oblivion is a shallow rpg that only took off because it was casual enough of an action game to keep the attention of normalgay 12 year olds when the 7th gen was around

              • 2 years ago

                >Oblivion is a shallow rpg that only took off because it was casual enough of an action game to keep the attention of normalgay 12 year olds when the 7th gen was around
                This is the truest statement in this thread and I will admit this because I liked oblivion when I was 12

              • 2 years ago

                This. I was 11 and thought the game was fricking amazing. It didn't hold up in the slightest (and probably wasn't even good when it came out) and I cringe at people who still suggest the game is great cause they're probably just like I am but they stayed a manchild forever.

        • 2 years ago

          Morrowind's dialogue was way better for world building. Oblivion's NPC dialogue was as generic as it gets "I am Millona Umbranox, Countess of Anvil. I hope you enjoy your visit. I trust you will give us no cause to regret our hospitality to strangers." or "Not so loud, please. What a headache I've got. I'm Agnete the Smith. 'The Pickled' they call me. Sure wish I was pickled right now." Compare that to repeated but much better dialogue from Morrowind like "We've been lucky. We really pushed the Duke and the other Houses when we grabbed Tel Vos. And when he didn't put up much of a fight to protect the settlement charters, we sent out our losers and lunatics to stake new claims. Some will survive, some won't. But Hlaalu and Redoran have to respond. And in the end, the ones that survive give us more power and influence here on Vvardenfell." and "People don't realize how deeply the Dark Elves resent the Occupation. The real powers behind the Hlaalu council, Orvas Dren and his Camonna Tong syndicate, nurse those ancient resentments. They haven't a chance of challenging Imperial authority now, but if the stability of the Empire were threatened -- for example, if the legions were recalled because of some problem with the Septim succession -- Dren and the Tong might move openly to drive the Imperials out of Morrowind."

          inb4 "waaaaah wall of text waaaah"

          • 2 years ago

            Why is it that when people shit on oblivion dialog they only use random npc dialog rather then quest dialog?

            • 2 years ago

              I just went through the Mage's Guild quests recently and it's fine, but there isn't much world building in it. I'm sure there's more in the main quest. Maybe.

              Also even just the random greetings and barks of Morrowind are infinitely more memorable in Morrowind because of their unique nature drawing on the world and culture.

            • 2 years ago

              Because you're going to be hearing the random NPC dialogue much more often, especially as it was touted as being immersive despite being anything but
              The quest dialogue is fine but it all blends together when you only have 7 voice actors voicing 99% of the NPCs in the game

            • 2 years ago

              When people shit on Morrowind's dialogue they're always talking about the repeated dialogue.

              • 2 years ago

                this. and that dialogue in morrowind is only there to be asked if you;re interested in the subject, but morons think they should try to "exhaust" all the dialogue options in morrowind

    • 2 years ago

      oblivion doesn't come close to morrowind or skyrim on any of those fronts

      • 2 years ago

        Oblivion has the greatest video game soundtrack of all time

        • 2 years ago

          alright you got me, i admit i was being disingenuous regarding oblivion's music. it was really great. but the atmosphere and worldbuilding? homie no

          • 2 years ago

            I think a lot of people are misremembering Oblivion, having played through it recently I think its not getting the credit it deserves. They did a good job of the region design where the Colovian west, Biben Bay and the more Nordic influenced Jerall mountain region etc were all noticably different from each other. You had yellowish plains on the gold coast, snow covered log cabins in bruma, elvish architecture in the imperial city, marshy swamplands down by the Black Marsh, Mediterranean style tile roofed houses in Anvil. You can see the different types of architecture changing depending on where you are. Even despite Tiber Septim remaking the vast jungle into a medieval style paradise for his people, there is still a good variety in locations

            • 2 years ago

              >the world building is good because there are generic buildings in the appropriate generic area
              you realize this is the bare fricking minimum

              • 2 years ago

                The market for massive open world WRPGs isn't exactly overflowing with games so people are grateful when one of (if not the only) consistent developer of these games gets it somewhat right.

              • 2 years ago

                this is the studio that just made morrowind, a game considered having some of the best world building in any game ever. you can see how going from that to "bare minimum" upset some people

              • 2 years ago

                >a game considered having some of the best world building in any game ever.
                >[by who?]

              • 2 years ago

                By most people, I can think of very few RPGs that even come close to competing with TES in terms of lore.

              • 2 years ago

                you seem like a confused person. lore != world building btw

              • 2 years ago

                Explain the difference without sounding like a moron.
                Lore is part of worldbuilding you buffoon.

              • 2 years ago

                isn't world building literally the extended lore of the world?

              • 2 years ago

                Explain the difference without sounding like a moron.
                Lore is part of worldbuilding you buffoon.

                I think more world building is everything in the construction of the setting and lore is the preceding story (ie history) prior to the actual setting of the story. though in this context they were referencing the literal world building of oblivion/morrowind

              • 2 years ago

                This is a good description. The Umbacano Ayleid quests tied into the setting very well. But lots of fun and memorable quests were sort of shallow thematically because they could be in any fantasy setting.

              • 2 years ago

                The history of the setting is essential to it's construction. There is a reason things are like they are, and it's in the lore.
                They are intertwined and can't be evaluated on their own.

              • 2 years ago

                you're presuming a certain level of quality but also it only applies to the man-made elements, things like the climate the metaphysics wildlife fauna etc can be separate from the lore

              • 2 years ago

                The methaphysics are possiblt the most lore reliant element of worldbuilding though. And no one is going to praise your worldbuilding because of your interesting choice of climates.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah yes I remember getting the 'most people' survey in the mail at the time, thanks for reminding me

                Morrowind helped save Bethesda from bankruptcy, but it was Oblivion that saved Bethesda from irrelevancy

              • 2 years ago

                Oh frick off, you parrot shit about Oblivions areas all looking the same when they dont and then backpedal and say its the bare minimum. As opposed to what? The 1000 different shades of bonemold housing in Morrowind? The variety of grey shitholes out in Vvardenfell?

              • 2 years ago

                you dont understand dude. GIANT BUGS okay? if it doesnt have giant bugs it's not good worldbuilding, look I'm an expert on writing and the fantasy genre ok I've played 3 whole rpg games mostly as a child.

              • 2 years ago

                >As opposed to what?
                as opposed to unique or at least more uncommon ideas? I dunno moron, what's way easier to do, copy the middle ages or make up your own shit and write it to make sense? fricking obliviongays I swear

              • 2 years ago

                >IS THAT A HECKIN MUSHYROOM TREE??!!!!
                Never understood why people fanboyed so hard over this shit

              • 2 years ago

                >IS THAT A EUROPEAN FOREST?????
                Never understood why people fanboyed so hard over this shit

              • 2 years ago

                it's a white people thing

              • 2 years ago

                >EUROPEAN FOREST
                Looks like just a forest to me

              • 2 years ago

                So even more generic? I think you missed the point

              • 2 years ago

                It's a breathtaking forest that you see right after getting out of jail, it gives a sense of freedom and accomplishment, if you can't appreciate this because there isn't any giant bugs or anything of the sort there then you lack a soul.

              • 2 years ago

                Aren't you not supposed to use buzzwords in this thread

              • 2 years ago

                he said soul not SOVL so its allowed

              • 2 years ago

                Compare them to the trees in the Blackwood swamps, could just as easily be placed somewhere in the bitter coast. but NO they're not in the specific game I like so they're SHIT

              • 2 years ago

                >oblivion has a swamp too! that means... uh... you're biased against oblivion! it's not like morrowind has other areas than swamps or anything, or that oblivion's swamp is even more generic than morrowind's!

              • 2 years ago

                You were claiming Oblivions trees only looked european and not super special like morrowinds

                yet blackwoods look pretty much identical to the bitter coasts. Every single regional thing Morrowind does Oblivion does too yet you shit on Oblivion and praise Morrowind. Youre a fricking homosexual Black person contrarian and you should kys

              • 2 years ago

                I shit on Oblivion because it's only generic shit you brainlet. Morrowind has generic aspects but they're better realized AND they contrast well with the more outlandish aspects. Morrowind's bitter coast has smugglers all over because there are so many places for them to hide and they had a lot of natural cover when smuggling goods on boats or foot. The flora and fauna are almost all unique things they created for the game, with the only exception being dreugh and slaughterfish which were in daggerfall. There are also the podunk villages and khartag point, as well as quests that show you or get you involved in smuggling stuff there yourself. Now list all of the things Oblivion's swamp has to set it apart/give it character. There's like the argonian/khajiit population in leyawiin and the blackwood company and that's it

              • 2 years ago

                >Yes morrowind is the same as oblivion but its BETTERER in morrowind
                you are such a gay holy shit

              • 2 years ago

                >it's not possible for morrowind to be better because.... BECAUSE IT JUST ISNT OKAY?!?
                I accept your concession moron

              • 2 years ago

                because there is more then just trees you dumb frick

              • 2 years ago

                >there's no fast travel between Sadrith Mora and Tel Aruhn despite being relatively close to each other because Neloth and Gothren are sworn rivals and forbid their ferrymen from taking passengers between the two cities
                Obliviongays will never get the genius of Morrowind.

              • 2 years ago

                >Redoran areas like Ald'ruhn have Crab houses based on their culture
                WOW SO COOL AND UNIQUE!!
                >Houses and culture in Bruma reflect both the Nordic and Imperial influence in the Jeralls
                Erm cringe... this is the bare minimum Todd.

                Face it, you only give a shit because areas in Oblivion clearly took influence from typical western medieval fantasy type locals, and weren't totally alien like Dark Elf architecture was in morrowind. Despite the fact that both regions were rooted in their own respective culture and portrayed in the exact same way. You are essentially just a Dunmer weeabo

                you dont understand dude. GIANT BUGS okay? if it doesnt have giant bugs it's not good worldbuilding, look I'm an expert on writing and the fantasy genre ok I've played 3 whole rpg games mostly as a child.


              • 2 years ago

                >I figured it out! you only like things that are unique and interesting yet make sense and dislike when they just lazily copy architecture from the middle ages everyone's already seen before!
                holy shit... you caught me..

              • 2 years ago

                You miss the point entirely, both the architecture in Morrowind and Oblivion base themselves off the culture of the region. Saying Oblivion's architecture is bad is moronic because the medieval style castles and Roman armour etc was present in the game you fanboy over: Morrowind. Its always remained near enough the same. So in reality you're argument isnt really Oblivions cities and imperial culture is shit, its just 'Im a Dunmer weeaboo and I dont like castles I like my bonemold Black person huts'

      • 2 years ago

        I played more skyrim than oblivion and you're wrong, oblivion music and world building better. And the only reason the atmosphere better in Skyrim is cause better graphics.

        • 2 years ago

          oblivion has better lore but skyrim has better worldbuilding on the count of small details, internal consistency, environmental storytelling etc. morrowind absolutely mogs both but yeah

          • 2 years ago

            >Oblivion has better lore
            How? It doesn't do anything new with the lore beyond the stuff with Sheogorath

            • 2 years ago

              no way gay. oblivion had lots of great original stuff with reman cyrodiil, sancre tor, expanding on 1st era stuff like st. alessia, morihaus and pelinal whitestrake. not to mention the deep, deep lore with the mysterium xarxes, nu-mantia and daedric lorkhan hypothesis. you're tripping balls dude

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          see my argumentation here

          oblivion has better lore but skyrim has better worldbuilding on the count of small details, internal consistency, environmental storytelling etc. morrowind absolutely mogs both but yeah

          but you're free to disagree with it either way

          • 2 years ago

            not an argument

          • 2 years ago

            You're right, don't worry. Only people who played Oblivion when they were teenagers and then never touched it again would disagree.
            t. played Oblivion as teenager and finally replaying it now

            • 2 years ago

              Other than barrows and snow, I dont see how any of the Nordic cities felt Nordic in Skyrim. The worldbuilding there was probably the worst in the series, barely any of their armor or clothing looked remotely nordic

              • 2 years ago

                >older games talk about barbarians of skyrim
                >not a single barbarian there

                morrowind bloodmoon did nords better than skyrim did

              • 2 years ago

                Depends if you mean Nordic as in accurate Viking age, or just swords and sorcery. I think Whiterun and Windhelm felt properly Nordic, the others not so much (and the village cities were just lazy). The armour was very good mix of high fantasy and Nordic. Not sure how you'd dislike that.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, even the fans understood what Skyrim should look like better than Todd. Go play Skyrim: Home of the Nords for Morrowind

    • 2 years ago

      Oblivion bricked my last computer

  5. 2 years ago

    Cuz I'm, like, super nerdy and shit yo fr

  6. 2 years ago

    I don't, it's shit and the most generic out of all Elder Scrolls games aside from the expansion.

    • 2 years ago

      Stop using words you don't understand.

  7. 2 years ago

    Played it when I was a kiddo and didn't know any better.

  8. 2 years ago

    I don't actually, it's my second least favorite of the main series games only overtaken by arena

  9. 2 years ago

    I don't
    Worse than Skyrim in every way

    • 2 years ago

      Skyrim really is an irredeemable pile of shit. Really.
      They capped physical damage resistances.
      They capped elemental damage resistances.
      They capped stealth.
      Magic strength doesn't grow with magic skill.
      Can't craft your own spells.
      Enchantment strength doesn't grow with skill.
      Athletics is no longer a skill and can't be improved. You are slow as shit.
      Acrobatics is no longer a skill and can't be improved. You can't jump worth shit.
      The effects of personality is capped.
      You can't fly.
      Can't teleport.

      Disregarding alchemy/enchantment loops, that is clearly cheesing it in ways those hacks never intended, you effectively reach your character's full potential around level ~25 +-5~ levels depending on the build in question. After which your character will never practically improve again for the remainder of the game. And even at that optimal level, your character remains weak and boring to control.

      It's absolutely pathetic. Seriously. And why? For what purpose? It's a single player game. What are they afraid off? And how is cutting character growth short in any way good? Especially since you likely have something like 30-40%~ of the world left unexplored after your character stops improving.
      Seriously. Just to highlight how fricked up all these parameter caps are. Heavy armor is practically objectively inferior to lighter armor in Skyrim, because lighter armor still hits the physical resistance cap, with all heavy armor does is going way way past the cap. Which does nothing, it just weighs way more. It's a joke.

      I fricking hate Skyrim. Why did they even make it an RPG?
      I love RPGs but Skyrim fails so damn hard at being one that it only becomes a nuisance.

      • 2 years ago

        >And why? For what purpose?
        >It's a single player game
        Cant let players have power and freedom. Eevr since Morrowind, it was all about crashing player power
        >skills and stats capped and dont contribute much to combat
        >level scaling
        >those pissy values for self-enchanting
        >that fricking obnoxious way of getting to actually enchant or spellmake anything
        >those spellmaking/enchanting limitations
        >those useless sigil stones (except for a few)
        >4 potion limitation
        >sneak damage multiplier limitation
        >linear (vertical) gear progression
        Boi, so much shit to fix with Oblivion, but combat in itself if alright - fluid, responsive, you can dodge roll in 4 directions, and jump on water.
        Its clear as day they WANT you the player, to either 100% chameleon thief and almost never to engage in combat OR 100% chameleon or invisibility and summon/use minions while you play the "puppet master" wizard. Basically, if you go fighting/offensive spellcasting and powerleveling - you are playing the game wrong. Its meant to be played within lvl 1-18 and with as little combat as possible.
        >lol you only get to have ONE ring
        >no attributes
        >skills by themselves dont do anything - just values to enable perks
        >perks are total shit outside of the few one that break the game
        >combat feels like shit (because every weapon is swung with same level of force - be it dagger or warhammer - and there is 0.5 sec delay between visual animation hit and hit registration)
        >can only roll forward
        >can jump on water
        >even less spells
        >enchanting has limits on it, so no magic resist boots/armor
        >not that many enchantment effects
        >magic power does not scale
        >no spellmaking
        >even less variety in loot
        >no magic arrows
        >no neat enchantments on loot
        >you basically just craft shit yourself and enchant it and it will be better than stuff you find
        >everything looks ugly and brown (and grey-white)
        >dont even get to choose birthsigns
        >no classes either
        Both of them suck ass.

      • 2 years ago

        >Disregarding alchemy/enchantment loops

        >waaa waaa you can't cheese the game
        >just disregard the way to cheese the game

      • 2 years ago

        fr fr no cap

        • 2 years ago

          That joinable factions one sounds sus, Oblivion only has 2 less? That doesn't sound right with Morrowind having great houses and two different religious orders as well as an assassin guild of its own that isn't the dark brotherhood

          • 2 years ago

            It includes both joinable and non-joinable factions on both games. Anything that the player can have a reputation with or join, there were a lot of minor quests in oblivion that let you join or fight multiple minor factions

          • 2 years ago

            Depends on how they define a faction. Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood are the obvious ones but you join The Blades as well, though that's a necessary part of the main quest. You also have factions that are only tied to one quest like the Knights of the Thorn and the Knights of the White Stallion. They're technically factions but I'd only big four since they're the only ones with extensive questlines, lots of members and they're optional to the main quest unlike the Blades.

  10. 2 years ago

    Nostalgia, although I don't kid myself by pretending its not terrible

  11. 2 years ago

    I liked it when I was 12 and it was my first big open world RPG
    It doesn't hold up beyond the soundtrack and some of the quests, it's a relic of the mid-2000s XBAWKS generation with all that entails

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. As a new experience It holds weight, but eventually the faults of the game rear Their ugly head.

      Which is sort of strange considering how many hours I have on record.

  12. 2 years ago

    It's comfy, just like being inside of your arms...

  13. 2 years ago

    There's a lot of content.

  14. 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    I wrote this for another thread a while ago but it got archived before I finished it, so I'm posting it here.

    Here's all the dialogue in the Oblivion tutorial by heart. Absolutely no cheating.

    I was born 87 years ago. For sixty five years I served as Tamriel's emperor, but for all these years I've never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seem the gates of Oblivion beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in darkness, a doom sweeps the land. This is 27th of last seed. The year of Akatosh 433. These are the closing days of the third era, and the final hours of my life.
    By heart. I always played a Breton. Absolutely no cheating.
    Pale skin. Snotty expression. You're a Breton, the master of magicka, right? humph, nothing but a bunch of stuck up snobs with cheap, parlor tricks. Go ahead, try your magicka in here. Let's see you make those bars disappear. No? What's the matter? No so powerful now, are you Breton?
    You're not leaving this prison until they throw your body in the lake. oh... that's right. You're going to DIE in here Breton, you're going to DIE.
    Hey. You hear that? The guards are coming... for you! Ehehehehehehahaha.
    Baurus, lock that door behind us.
    My sons... they're dead aren't they?
    We don't know that sire, the messenger only said they were attacked.
    No, they're dead... I know it.
    My job right now is to get you to safety. What's this prisoner doing here? This cell is supposed to be off limits.
    Usual mixup with the the watch I-I...
    Nevermind, get that gate open, we won't hesitate to kill you if you get in our way.
    Prisoner, get away from the door! Stay out of the way and you won't get hurt.
    Prisoner, stand away from the door, over by the window now! (repeated infinitely)
    Stay put prisoner.
    No sign of pursuit, sire.
    Good, let's go. We're not out of this yet.
    You... I've seem you.
    Let me see your face. You are the one from my dreams. Them the stars were right... and this is the day. Gods give me strength!

    • 2 years ago

      Assassin's attacked my sons and I am next. My blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route. By chance, the entrance to that escape route leads through your cell.
      I am your emperor, Urine Scepter. By the grace of the gods I serve Tamriel as her ruler. You are a citizen of Tamriel and you shall serve her in your own way.
      Perhaps the gods have placed you here so that we may meet. As for what you have done, it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for.
      You will find your own path. Take care, there will be blood and death before the end.
      Please sire, we must keep moving.
      Better not close this one, there's no way to open it from the other side.
      Looks like this is your lucky day! Just stay out of our way.
      Don't try anything, I'm watching you.
      (Talking to them)
      Baurus: I told you, to keep out of our way.
      The other two: This is official business. Do not interfere.
      Emperor: There's trouble ahead.
      Clsoe up left. Protect the emperor!
      The captain's down.
      All clear sire.
      Captain Renaults?
      She's dead. Sorry sire, but we have to keep moving.
      How could they be waiting for us HERE?
      Don't know, but it's too late to go back now.
      Don't worry sire, we will get you out of here.
      They wont be the first to underestimate the blades.
      I'll take point, let's move.
      You stay here prisoner, don't try to follow us.
      (After you reunite with them again:)
      We should find a defensive spot, and protect the emperor until help arrives.
      Dammit it, it's that prisoner again. Kill him, he might be working with the assassins.
      No, he can help us, he MUST help us.
      As you wish sire.
      Come closer, I prefer not to have to shout.

      • 2 years ago

        They cannot understand why I trust you. They've not seem what I've seem. How can I explain? Listen, do you know the nine? How they guide our fate with an invisible hand? I've served the nine all my life, and I charted my fate by the courses of the heavens. There are countless stars, each a fire, and I wonder... which stars mark your birth?
        The sign I read shows the end of my path. My death, a necessary end, will come when it will come. (some dialogue) a song something something and my ghost may rest easy.
        (Talking to them:)
        Glenroy: The emperor may trust you, but I don't. Stay out of our way (can change if something, I'm not sure what, happens. He starts saying the emperor was right about you).
        Baurus: You may as well make yourself useful. Here, carry this torch and stick close. We're the emperor's body guards. Our job is to get the emperor out of situations like that and I intend to do it. Although I admit, things are not going according to plan.
        Emperor: Come with us. Your fate is linked to the fate of Tamriel itself.
        There's trouble ahead.
        Hold on... I don't like this, let me take a look.
        Looks clear. Come on, we're almost through to the sewers.
        Dammit, the gate is barred from the other side. A trap!
        What about that side passage back there?
        Worth a try, let's go.
        It's a dead end, what's your call sir.
        They're behind us!
        Wait here with the emperor, guard him with your life.
        I can go no further, you alone must go against the prince of destruction and his mortal servants. The amulet, give it to Jaufree, he alone knows where to find my last son. Find him, and close shut the jaws of oblivion. (there's an alternate dialogue he can say here, but it's very rare so I didn't memory it at all).
        Stranger... you chose a bad day to fight for the Septims.
        No... Talos save us.

        • 2 years ago

          We failed. I failed. The Blades are sworm to protect the emperor and now he and all his heirs are dead. The amulet! Where is the amulet of kings! It wasn't on the emperor's body!
          Strange... he saw something in you... trusted you. They say it's the dragon blood that runs in the veins of every septim, they see more than lesser man. (something about how the israelitelery has actual power) most people think about the red crown israeliteel, but that's just israelitelery. The amulet has power, they say only a true heir can wear it.
          (Asking why he gave you the amulet) Jaufree? He said that? Why?
          Nothing I've ever heard about, but Jaufree would be the one to know. He is the grandmaster of my order. Although you may not think so after meeting him. He lives at Weynon Priory, posing as a simple monk.
          (Say you need to leave through the sewers) There are rats and goblins on you're way there, but from what I"ve seem, you're an experienced (random class here), am I correct?
          (Different answer depending on your class choice) Really? I'd never guess. In any way, rats and goblins shouldn't pose you any problem.
          You need to get out of here, there's no telling who will come first, the Blades or more assassins.
          Good... the emperor's trust was well placed.
          (Interacting with the body) Leave the emperor in peace.

          I'm pretty sure this is at least 90% accurate. It's been many years since I replayed the game so a lot, specially by the very end, is very foggy, but I'm positive at a point I had all this memorized word for word.
          Do not underestimate the power of my autism.

          • 2 years ago

            They cannot understand why I trust you. They've not seem what I've seem. How can I explain? Listen, do you know the nine? How they guide our fate with an invisible hand? I've served the nine all my life, and I charted my fate by the courses of the heavens. There are countless stars, each a fire, and I wonder... which stars mark your birth?
            The sign I read shows the end of my path. My death, a necessary end, will come when it will come. (some dialogue) a song something something and my ghost may rest easy.
            (Talking to them:)
            Glenroy: The emperor may trust you, but I don't. Stay out of our way (can change if something, I'm not sure what, happens. He starts saying the emperor was right about you).
            Baurus: You may as well make yourself useful. Here, carry this torch and stick close. We're the emperor's body guards. Our job is to get the emperor out of situations like that and I intend to do it. Although I admit, things are not going according to plan.
            Emperor: Come with us. Your fate is linked to the fate of Tamriel itself.
            There's trouble ahead.
            Hold on... I don't like this, let me take a look.
            Looks clear. Come on, we're almost through to the sewers.
            Dammit, the gate is barred from the other side. A trap!
            What about that side passage back there?
            Worth a try, let's go.
            It's a dead end, what's your call sir.
            They're behind us!
            Wait here with the emperor, guard him with your life.
            FOR THE EMPEROR
            I can go no further, you alone must go against the prince of destruction and his mortal servants. The amulet, give it to Jaufree, he alone knows where to find my last son. Find him, and close shut the jaws of oblivion. (there's an alternate dialogue he can say here, but it's very rare so I didn't memory it at all).
            Stranger... you chose a bad day to fight for the Septims.
            No... Talos save us.

            Assassin's attacked my sons and I am next. My blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route. By chance, the entrance to that escape route leads through your cell.
            I am your emperor, Urine Scepter. By the grace of the gods I serve Tamriel as her ruler. You are a citizen of Tamriel and you shall serve her in your own way.
            Perhaps the gods have placed you here so that we may meet. As for what you have done, it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for.
            You will find your own path. Take care, there will be blood and death before the end.
            Please sire, we must keep moving.
            Better not close this one, there's no way to open it from the other side.
            Looks like this is your lucky day! Just stay out of our way.
            Don't try anything, I'm watching you.
            (Talking to them)
            Baurus: I told you, to keep out of our way.
            The other two: This is official business. Do not interfere.
            Emperor: There's trouble ahead.
            Clsoe up left. Protect the emperor!
            The captain's down.
            FOR THE EMPEROR
            All clear sire.
            Captain Renaults?
            She's dead. Sorry sire, but we have to keep moving.
            How could they be waiting for us HERE?
            Don't know, but it's too late to go back now.
            Don't worry sire, we will get you out of here.
            They wont be the first to underestimate the blades.
            I'll take point, let's move.
            You stay here prisoner, don't try to follow us.
            (After you reunite with them again:)
            We should find a defensive spot, and protect the emperor until help arrives.
            FOR THE EMPEROR
            Dammit it, it's that prisoner again. Kill him, he might be working with the assassins.
            No, he can help us, he MUST help us.
            As you wish sire.
            Come closer, I prefer not to have to shout.

            I wrote this for another thread a while ago but it got archived before I finished it, so I'm posting it here.

            Here's all the dialogue in the Oblivion tutorial by heart. Absolutely no cheating.

            I was born 87 years ago. For sixty five years I served as Tamriel's emperor, but for all these years I've never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seem the gates of Oblivion beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in darkness, a doom sweeps the land. This is 27th of last seed. The year of Akatosh 433. These are the closing days of the third era, and the final hours of my life.
            By heart. I always played a Breton. Absolutely no cheating.
            Pale skin. Snotty expression. You're a Breton, the master of magicka, right? humph, nothing but a bunch of stuck up snobs with cheap, parlor tricks. Go ahead, try your magicka in here. Let's see you make those bars disappear. No? What's the matter? No so powerful now, are you Breton?
            You're not leaving this prison until they throw your body in the lake. oh... that's right. You're going to DIE in here Breton, you're going to DIE.
            Hey. You hear that? The guards are coming... for you! Ehehehehehehahaha.
            Baurus, lock that door behind us.
            My sons... they're dead aren't they?
            We don't know that sire, the messenger only said they were attacked.
            No, they're dead... I know it.
            My job right now is to get you to safety. What's this prisoner doing here? This cell is supposed to be off limits.
            Usual mixup with the the watch I-I...
            Nevermind, get that gate open, we won't hesitate to kill you if you get in our way.
            Prisoner, get away from the door! Stay out of the way and you won't get hurt.
            Prisoner, stand away from the door, over by the window now! (repeated infinitely)
            Stay put prisoner.
            No sign of pursuit, sire.
            Good, let's go. We're not out of this yet.
            You... I've seem you.
            Let me see your face. You are the one from my dreams. Them the stars were right... and this is the day. Gods give me strength!

            Based. Never played as a Breton in oblivion, funny hearing that snotty dark elf’s taunt

      • 2 years ago

        >using an apostrophe to indicate a plural
        disqualified, go home anon you're illiterate

        • 2 years ago

          Checking for typos is cheating, and I said absolutely no cheating.
          Also I wanted to get into the Oblivion mindset and Bethesda doesn't playtest their games, so why should I proofread my writing?

    • 2 years ago

      Assassin's attacked my sons and I am next. My blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route. By chance, the entrance to that escape route leads through your cell.
      I am your emperor, Urine Scepter. By the grace of the gods I serve Tamriel as her ruler. You are a citizen of Tamriel and you shall serve her in your own way.
      Perhaps the gods have placed you here so that we may meet. As for what you have done, it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for.
      You will find your own path. Take care, there will be blood and death before the end.
      Please sire, we must keep moving.
      Better not close this one, there's no way to open it from the other side.
      Looks like this is your lucky day! Just stay out of our way.
      Don't try anything, I'm watching you.
      (Talking to them)
      Baurus: I told you, to keep out of our way.
      The other two: This is official business. Do not interfere.
      Emperor: There's trouble ahead.
      Clsoe up left. Protect the emperor!
      The captain's down.
      All clear sire.
      Captain Renaults?
      She's dead. Sorry sire, but we have to keep moving.
      How could they be waiting for us HERE?
      Don't know, but it's too late to go back now.
      Don't worry sire, we will get you out of here.
      They wont be the first to underestimate the blades.
      I'll take point, let's move.
      You stay here prisoner, don't try to follow us.
      (After you reunite with them again:)
      We should find a defensive spot, and protect the emperor until help arrives.
      Dammit it, it's that prisoner again. Kill him, he might be working with the assassins.
      No, he can help us, he MUST help us.
      As you wish sire.
      Come closer, I prefer not to have to shout.

      They cannot understand why I trust you. They've not seem what I've seem. How can I explain? Listen, do you know the nine? How they guide our fate with an invisible hand? I've served the nine all my life, and I charted my fate by the courses of the heavens. There are countless stars, each a fire, and I wonder... which stars mark your birth?
      The sign I read shows the end of my path. My death, a necessary end, will come when it will come. (some dialogue) a song something something and my ghost may rest easy.
      (Talking to them:)
      Glenroy: The emperor may trust you, but I don't. Stay out of our way (can change if something, I'm not sure what, happens. He starts saying the emperor was right about you).
      Baurus: You may as well make yourself useful. Here, carry this torch and stick close. We're the emperor's body guards. Our job is to get the emperor out of situations like that and I intend to do it. Although I admit, things are not going according to plan.
      Emperor: Come with us. Your fate is linked to the fate of Tamriel itself.
      There's trouble ahead.
      Hold on... I don't like this, let me take a look.
      Looks clear. Come on, we're almost through to the sewers.
      Dammit, the gate is barred from the other side. A trap!
      What about that side passage back there?
      Worth a try, let's go.
      It's a dead end, what's your call sir.
      They're behind us!
      Wait here with the emperor, guard him with your life.
      I can go no further, you alone must go against the prince of destruction and his mortal servants. The amulet, give it to Jaufree, he alone knows where to find my last son. Find him, and close shut the jaws of oblivion. (there's an alternate dialogue he can say here, but it's very rare so I didn't memory it at all).
      Stranger... you chose a bad day to fight for the Septims.
      No... Talos save us.

      We failed. I failed. The Blades are sworm to protect the emperor and now he and all his heirs are dead. The amulet! Where is the amulet of kings! It wasn't on the emperor's body!
      Strange... he saw something in you... trusted you. They say it's the dragon blood that runs in the veins of every septim, they see more than lesser man. (something about how the israelitelery has actual power) most people think about the red crown israeliteel, but that's just israelitelery. The amulet has power, they say only a true heir can wear it.
      (Asking why he gave you the amulet) Jaufree? He said that? Why?
      Nothing I've ever heard about, but Jaufree would be the one to know. He is the grandmaster of my order. Although you may not think so after meeting him. He lives at Weynon Priory, posing as a simple monk.
      (Say you need to leave through the sewers) There are rats and goblins on you're way there, but from what I"ve seem, you're an experienced (random class here), am I correct?
      (Different answer depending on your class choice) Really? I'd never guess. In any way, rats and goblins shouldn't pose you any problem.
      You need to get out of here, there's no telling who will come first, the Blades or more assassins.
      Good... the emperor's trust was well placed.
      (Interacting with the body) Leave the emperor in peace.

      I'm pretty sure this is at least 90% accurate. It's been many years since I replayed the game so a lot, specially by the very end, is very foggy, but I'm positive at a point I had all this memorized word for word.
      Do not underestimate the power of my autism.

      Ok, now I'll contribute and post what I remember from Skyrim tutorial:
      >Hey you! You're finally awake.
      >Follow me
      >No, Follow me
      >We better slip up. Find me in [location]

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off.

        >Hey you. You're finally awake.
        >Walked right into that Imperial ambush, just like us and that horse thief over there.
        >Damn Stormcloak rebels! Empire was nice and lazy before you came along.
        >You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these rebels the Empire wants.
        >What's his problem?
        >Watch your tongue! You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, rightful High King of Skyrim!
        >You're Jarl Ulfric? Then that means... Oh Gods, where are they taking us?!
        >What village are you from, horse thief?
        >Why do you care?!
        >A Nord's last thoughts should be of home.
        >R-Rorikstead. I'm from Rorikstead.

        • 2 years ago

          >There he is! General Tullius, the military governor!
          >And the Thalmor are with him! Damn elves! I bet they had something to do with this!
          >This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. I wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in.
          >Funny, when I was a boy Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe.
          >Why are we stopping?!
          >Why do you think? End of the line.
          >When your name is called, step forward!
          >Empire loves their damn lists.
          >Ralof of Riverwood.
          >Lokir of Rorikstead.
          >You're not gonna kill me!
          >Anyone else feel like running?
          >Wait. You there step forward.
          >Who are you?
          We'll go with Nord.
          >You picked a bad time to come home, kinsman.
          >Captain, what should we do? He's not on the list.
          >Forget the list, he goes to the block.

        • 2 years ago

          you forgot the 'you were trying to cross the border right' but otherwise respect

  16. 2 years ago

    majestic and radiant ai

  17. 2 years ago

    being able to cast spells while still have your weapon armed also the melancholic music ... if only youd know what jeremy soule has been through after his major car accident ... man really worked his feelings into the music

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    Shivering Isles and sidequests

  20. 2 years ago

    soul, comfy, kino

  21. 2 years ago

    Finding a dungeon and killing all the stuff and finding a chest with a cool new sword in it is fun. The quests are interesting and are pretty decently written. It has a lot of content.

    The combat is horrible and the leveling system is a disaster but they can be mostly fixed with mods.

    • 2 years ago

      The dungeons in oblivion are garbage

      • 2 years ago

        >the 2 dungeons

      • 2 years ago

        They really aren't that bad. Definitely not any worse than Morrowind's and not much worse than Skyrim's. There are a lot of them so they are certainly copy pasted but its really not terrible. A lot of them have hand placed stuff or a gimmick that make them interesting, like marauders and bandits fighting, or a random named miniboss with a unique item.

        Bethesda definitely seems to have a hard on for procedural generation and randomized content though, ever since Daggerfall.

        Its not a masterpiece by any means but for a certain type of person who likes that sort of game play it is compelling.

        • 2 years ago

          >not any worse than Morrowind's
          Oblivion's dungeons are complete shit in comparison to Morrowind's. More static enemies and loot, better leveled loot, better tie in with the setting and quests, more interesting layouts and visuals... also Oblivion straight up repeats the exact same dungeons with the Oblivion gates too.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind has 4 dungeon types, one of which is barely so.

  22. 2 years ago

    It is a good high fantasy game

  23. 2 years ago

    I like the world and its aesthetics.
    Memorable quests I still remember all these years later.
    Fun daedric shrines.
    It felt rewarding to do the faction quests, like slowly becoming the grand leader of the mage's guild or adopting the gray fox identity.
    Mods to keep things fresh.

    I'll be the first to admit the combat is dogshit and the levelling system is atrocious, but I've played it enough to know how to exploit both and just enjoy the adventuring side of it.

  24. 2 years ago

    >Its humorous and lighthearted
    >It's gorgeous to look at
    >The writing although nothing spectacular at least is compelling
    >The soundtrack is fricking awesome
    >I enjoy the freedom of character creation, exploring and quest hunting
    >it's fun
    I tried to play Skyrim but it felt too serious, too dark and grim and the writing is very weak for the most quests. I never played Morrowind so I've nothing to compare Oblivion to, but Skyrim.

    • 2 years ago

      Morrowind is fun if you don't mind jank

      • 2 years ago

        I tried Morrowind but I immediately fell into gameplay where I ran incredibly slowly and missed every hit.
        It was much deeper as a game, but I couldn't be fricked to learn how to avoid the initial annoyances.

        I definitely plan to play Morrowind in the future, sounds like a really good game but very diferent from Oblivion. I think that explains why Morrowind fans are so hard on Oblivion and Skyrim.

        • 2 years ago

          I've played oblivion and it's pretty over rated. But for a little tip, go to the Balmora mages guild a buy a necklace that let's you recover stamina. Helps some.

    • 2 years ago

      I tried Morrowind but I immediately fell into gameplay where I ran incredibly slowly and missed every hit.
      It was much deeper as a game, but I couldn't be fricked to learn how to avoid the initial annoyances.

      • 2 years ago

        An easy way to get into Morrowind is to go braindead hit-things-hard go-fast Redguard

      • 2 years ago

        Make sure to put lots of points in character creation into the weapon type you’ll be using the most. You can get your long blade to 65-75 before you ever leave the census bureau through character creation and hit your target 75% of the time. Also make sure to keep your stamina gauge full since it also effects hit chance so stock up on lots of restore fatigue potions. Should help you through the early game.

        Also watch out for scribs. They look like weak little grubs but can paralyze you.

  25. 2 years ago

    Radiant AI, or at least the daily schedules of NPCs moving, makes for compelling sneaking gameplay, which is what the game shines in with the Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild.

    a lot of other flaws are easily fixed

  26. 2 years ago

    I'll need a list of your preferred buzzwords before I begin.

  27. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >*go on a date*
      >*Sit on chair*
      >"Hi, anon. My name is fenamon, nice to meet you."
      >I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.
      >*get up and leave*
      >*wander in a circle around the room*
      >*stop by fenamon*
      >Oh, it's YOU.

      • 2 years ago

        >”We're all talking about the president’s dementia. We have no president. And no Vice President. That's never happened before. I suppose we should all be worried."
        >Sniff Sniff
        >”I’m so hungry, I could eat a Bosmer.”

    • 2 years ago

      Ahhh man I wish... this post reminds Me of old times.

  28. 2 years ago

    Painted forest dimension

    • 2 years ago

      >Painted forest dimension
      Can't believe I almost forgot about this uberSOVL quest. How can Skyrimjobs zoomers even compete?

      • 2 years ago

        purely nostalgia
        it's a tiny little area with a few recolored trolls that you'll finish in 3 minutes

  29. 2 years ago

    Oblivion is in my top 3 and it blew me away the first time I saw my friend play it around in 2008 so I might be slightly biased

    see pic related. I absolutely love the colors, the parchment aesthetic, the beige/brown with blue and red looks great. The little "bling" whenever a quest updates. It's a joy to flip through the menu pages

    a lot of memorable quests in this game

    self explanatory

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Oblivion is in my top 3
      What are the other two?

  30. 2 years ago

    Athletics and Acrobatics.

  31. 2 years ago

    So who determines what constitutes a buzzword?

    • 2 years ago

      buzzword is just another buzzword

  32. 2 years ago

    It's charmingly comfy and is still a good rpg even with the moronic level scaling. Many of the quests and most of the side-quests are interesting in their basic concept, like the one where you enter a painting and fight painted trolls with turpentine. The guilds' questlines are interesting as well, they do a good job carrying a narrative, a big improvement over the guilds/houses from Morrowind.

  33. 2 years ago

    Allows me to roleplay as a gladiator hobo

  34. 2 years ago

    I love Oblivion because there not many action rpgs where i can make cool spellsword characters and reach absurd power levels
    Also presentation is amazing

  35. 2 years ago

    Was my first introduction to the elder scrolls series when all I did was grow up playing jrpgs and blizzard games

  36. 2 years ago

    I don't

  37. 2 years ago

    the original go anywhere do anything game, doing so is boring but rewards are sometimes better then skyrim

    then you talk to someone like this

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know you and I don't care to know you

  38. 2 years ago

    It's hilarious and the oversaturated, dream-like visuals make it even more hilarious.

  39. 2 years ago

    Sometimes It's productive to kill some time exploring dungeons and finding loot.

  40. 2 years ago

    game is shite
    melee combat is garbage
    spells are not fun
    bows are tedious
    RPG elements are completely superficial
    money is worthless by the time you run into enemies with valuable loot
    dungeons are all copy/paste
    voice acting is soulless garbage
    characters look terrible
    towns are generic
    menus are trash
    world is obviously auto-generated and not hand-crafted
    you need about half a dozen bugfix mods to even make the game playable
    nothing about Oblivion is good.

    • 2 years ago

      >nothing about Oblivion is good.
      the exploration music is good

    • 2 years ago

      >RPG elements are completely superficial


      • 2 years ago

        >duhhh level up weapon skill do more damage but we give enemy more hp when you level so there no point
        may as well just not have levels at all

        • 2 years ago

          You gain stat increases and that benefits Your character. What are You trying to say?

          But seriously on the same note: if I equip a ring or other doodad that gives an armorer increase (+5) the bonus from the item gets canceled out and It's as if I weren't wearing the enchanted item in the first place.

          It's like, the more You play these games, the more You wonder if these games are just subtle middle fingers to le dipshit consumer.

          • 2 years ago

            >get better
            >do more damage
            >level up
            >same enemy you were fighting before has more health and damage so you may as well have never progressed at all lol xD good game design GOOD GAME DESIGN XDDD
            have a nice day

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah the enemies get stronger as You level up. That's normal for all games.

              • 2 years ago

                but they dont progress at the same rate. its no different than a linear rpg where you go to the new area with harder enemies. it just makes it so you can literally go anywhere at anytime and not get assraped because of a number next to their icon

                The game doesn't get any harder. It just takes more swings to kill something. It's fricking horrid you apologist morons.

              • 2 years ago

                you may be shocked to learn this but there is no actual skill involved in rpgs they are a stat based genre

              • 2 years ago

                so why waste the players time so much? why make progression feel so shitty? because it's a shit system

              • 2 years ago

                I agree rpg stats are a shit system for what TES has become since morrowind as for why it's really just a holdover as a crutch instead of designing a new system of gameplay.

                you never played any wizardry games if you genuinely believe rpgs don't take player skill
                maybe bad ones like morrowind and oblivion don't, but good ones do

                I dont know what game you refer to but I agree there's some tactics or strategy to minmax dmg output but what I'm saying is it's not like an fps where you have skill directly influencing damage output with headshots for example, you're limited by the stat mechanics

              • 2 years ago

                you never played any wizardry games if you genuinely believe rpgs don't take player skill
                maybe bad ones like morrowind and oblivion don't, but good ones do

            • 2 years ago

              but they dont progress at the same rate. its no different than a linear rpg where you go to the new area with harder enemies. it just makes it so you can literally go anywhere at anytime and not get assraped because of a number next to their icon

      • 2 years ago

        Your weapon skill doesn't really matter, enchantments always end up carrying weapon damage
        Spell damage doesn't really matter, it's how much "weakness to" you put on an enemy first
        Non-combat skills are useless traps that make the combat harder as you level them up

        It's not even that the RPG elements are superficial, they're implemented so poorly the game becomes an anti-RPG

    • 2 years ago

      >Dude I have a lot of money! Must mean money is pretty worthless huhh guys.

    • 2 years ago

      >voice acting is soulless garbage
      This is the absolute worst thing about oblivion.
      As an example Nords and Orcs have the exact same voices, they couldn't use a program to give orcs deeper voices or something. Same with fricking bosmer and dunmer having the same voices. Modders did it and it makes such a difference.

      They didn't tell the VAs how to properly pronounce things either, so everyone says deedra instead of daedra, it's just such a piss poor game.

  41. 2 years ago

    I can only play Oblivion in short bursts of nothing more than an hour.

  42. 2 years ago

    It’s really fun and I played it when I was a kid.

  43. 2 years ago
  44. 2 years ago

    It's shit but has amazing music. The voice actors are also great fun to listen to.

  45. 2 years ago

    you're allowed to like bad things, just saying

    • 2 years ago

      true, otherwise for example all media from japan wouldnt exist

  46. 2 years ago

    The game is so broken and the characters are so insane it feels like a lighthearted parody of the genre

    • 2 years ago

      What game is It giving homage to?

      >Not but hopes and dreams

  47. 2 years ago

    I didn't.

  48. 2 years ago

    It's terrible. Just play it again today on PC and that childhood nostalgia will dissipate instantly.

    • 2 years ago

      I replayed it recently and I got over 30 hours into it before I got bored. I had a lot of fun with it and I'm gonna replay it next year.

      Only a few flaws, one being that it's a much bigger pain to mod the game. The faces are also very ugly

  49. 2 years ago

    Mankar Camoran and the Mythic Dawn are great antagonists
    Oblivion Gates were fun (I always try and beat the first one while keeping Ilend Vonius alive)
    Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles are GOATed
    Awesome Quests and Guilds
    Artwork and Audio were great
    Cloud Ruler temple, Daedric stones, Ayleid ruins etc world design is a lot better than people give it credit for
    Still had the RPG elements of Morrowind, Spell Crafting, Skills, Attributes, Classes etc (Level scaling kinda ruined all that though)

    Honestly a remaster/remake with a few things tweaked like levelling etc and it would be even better. Honestly a great game dont know why morrogays hate it so much

    • 2 years ago

      >Mankar Camoran and the Mythic Dawn are great antagonists
      >Oblivion Gates were fun (I always try and beat the first one while keeping Ilend Vonius alive)
      Stopped reading right there

      • 2 years ago

        Compare the Mythic Dawn to shit like the Railroad in FO4
        In Oblivion you had to
        >find 4 copies of the commentaries on the mysterium xarxes
        >go undercover with the Baurus to find the first one
        >go to the arcane university to find the second and the translator that will help you
        >get the third one off a book enthusiast and threaten him into giving it you, saying the books were dangerous and involved with a cult to kill the emperor
        >find the 4th one by going undercover again with Baurus and bust a cultist recruitment centre in the sewers
        Once you have all the books you find out that reading the first letters of each paragraph forms a hidden message: 'Green Emperor/Way Where/Tower Touches/Midday Sun', the whole Paradise segment as well was really great

        As opposed to literally just spelling out 'Railroad' on a shit puzzle in FO4.

        • 2 years ago

          >Compare the Mythic Dawn to shit like the Railroad in FO4
          Stopped reading right there. What the frick is wrong with you?

          • 2 years ago

            What even is your point you stupid c**t

    • 2 years ago

      >Mankar Camoran
      He makes no fricking sense. In lore he has a bosmer mother but in game he's an altmer surrounded by ayleid architecture in his realm.
      They fricked up his dialog as well, he says coldharbour is meridia's realm.
      Everything you posted fricking sucks but shivering isles and knights of the nine. Knights of the nine was so fricking buggy on pc even with bugfix patches in my experience that it's barely even good.

      • 2 years ago

        >They fricked up his dialog as well, he says coldharbour is meridia's realm.
        They just handed the VA an email from Michael Kirkbride without bothering to edit it. His esoteric ramblings are still interesting. Better than "alduin ain't akatosh"
        They made him have a Bosmer skin tone. I think they realized nobody would take a merlet villain seriously.

    • 2 years ago

      >Honestly a remaster/remake with a few things tweaked like levelling etc and it would be even better
      Its not that hard. But what it REALLY needs is a complete rework so that there is no level-scaling (monster hp, loot tables, world itself - so you can find ebony/glass weapons in the world and not only on enemies or in loot chests for example).

    • 2 years ago

      >Oblivion Gates were fun
      Closing every oblivion gate with the console has been a meme since 2006.

  50. 2 years ago

    I played and enjoyed it when I was young so my fond memories of the game allows me to appreciate it despite some of its glaring flaws. The soundtrack is amazing. That in combination with the warm, somewhat generic fantasy world makes for a great atmosphere. The movement and combat is really fluid, especially compared to their later titles. If you've ever played an unarmed build in Oblivion then you know how responsive everything feels because you can dart it, do a quick series of punches and then back off, just narrowly avoiding their telegraphed power attack. It's a great feeling. Some of the quests are lots of fun (especially the whole Dark Brotherhood questline, but the Whodunit quest in particular) and spelunking is fun in this game even if most cave/dungeon layouts can be pretty boring.

  51. 2 years ago

    It made me happy when I played it.
    Also the music is superb. I still listen to some of it to this day.

  52. 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    >Thing: Vvardenfe-AACK!!

  54. 2 years ago

    Spell crafting and acrobatics.

  55. 2 years ago

    It’s janky, but there’s some genuine charm to the world. It takes itself seriously despite being very goofy in premise. It’s easy to break and cheese, so its accessible at every level of play.

    That being said, Skyrim is an evolution in every way

  56. 2 years ago

    >sees tree
    >immediately thinks it has to be 'european' because it isnt burnt down and destroyed like the wildlife in morrowind

    • 2 years ago

      kek do you not think morrowind has living trees? go figure, I'm arguing with someone who didn't even leave seyda neen

      • 2 years ago

        Hate to break it to you buddy

        • 2 years ago

          Thank Reman we will never have to visit that shithole again

  57. 2 years ago

    Great questlines, giant fantasy world that you can lose yourself in, fun npc behaviours, one of the best ost in vidyas. I'm also extremely biased since it was the first vidya I fell in love with.

  58. 2 years ago

    the lore is so dark and brooding, but everyone npc is just a happy pudding person 🙂
    also the quests a cute short stories,
    dont need to be anything more

  59. 2 years ago

    The quest where you have to kill everyone in the house without them knowing who is killing everyone. Its probably the best quest in all of open world rpg games ever. The entire dark brotherhood quest line in that game is unmatched.

  60. 2 years ago

    >Thank god Morrowind doesnt have fast travel
    >*next 10 hours of gameplay are 'go and talk to person' over and over spamming silt striders the entire way*
    I dont think i've ever seen a playthrough of morrowind where anyone walks to Balmora or Vivec

    • 2 years ago

      strider only take you between major cities and they cost money, its up to the player to explore everything else

      • 2 years ago

        >they cost money
        They're basically free, I think I even installed a mod to make them more expensive

    • 2 years ago

      Of course not, they flew.

      But for real, using in game systems of travel that are built into the world (sitl riders, ferry men, teleport circles, the mystick mark spell) give an extremely different feel to travel than just clicking on a location and instantly travelling there.
      One gets you from point a to b with no considerations at all, the other means you have to interact with the world to actually get somewhere.

      That can play out well nor not depending on execution and for certain games one approach will be superior, but certainly in Morrowind, travel is a big part of the game that is much diminished in future tittles.

      • 2 years ago

        I totally agree, I wish the other games had them as well instead of fast travel. Though I think they give it all to you a bit early and for very cheap. It'd be cool if some related to certain storylines like the Redoran would only let you travel to Ald'ruhn if you walked there first and spoke with the councilor to get a silt strider pass or something. I think world based fast travel like striders and boats are fine but the player should at least travel there first once

        • 2 years ago

          It would be weird if you always had to travel there first. Some quests to unlock fast travel (or just bribing people) could be fun. If you want to get spicey, change up the quests and difficulty depending on your race or other factors.

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe not everywhere, but in Morrowind you can go virtually anywhere from the word go if you use silt striders and join the mages guild in balmora, maybe if they locked off mages guild transport until later on or something idk. I just hear morrowind fans jerk themselves off about not having fast travel yet as a morrowind fan I know thats only half true. I literally cannot remember a playthrough I watcher or did that didnt use a silt strider to get to vivec early.

            Its worse when you consider some questlines are a LOT of talking, like the Hlaalu questline. You have to go from balmora to vivec over and over and over and then to caldera over and over again and It made me want to kill every silt strider in morrowind because it was so fricking boring. But the sad part was you know walking around morrowind at a snails pace would be even worse

    • 2 years ago

      you're missing the point
      morrowind's travel systems make the game more immersive, not less

    • 2 years ago

      >spawn in 300 scrolls of icharian flight or whatever
      >hop to the ashlands and back
      not my problem

  61. 2 years ago

    tes games appeal to my ape brain

  62. 2 years ago

    >liked oblivion back in the day but the jank is just too extreme

    You have 5 seconds to list an overhaul mod that makes the combat 30-40 swings less per enemy sponge, exploration rewarding, and level scaling not butt fricked moronic

    • 2 years ago

      Best I can do is: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50237

      • 2 years ago

        Didnt realise this got an update yesterday shiiiiiiit hope it doesnt break my save

      • 2 years ago

        Every time I try something like this out they make high tier shit, high tier meaning elven and above or dwemer and above exceedingly fricking rare to the point where you're lucky as frick to get a single piece of the armor or a weapon which is annoying because it's not like they're even that much better than other armor/weapons. These morons need to do what Morrowind did. Give a bunch of NPCs high tier equipment on their person or in their home where it makes sense. Glass isn't even rare in Morrowind, nearly every buoyant armiger has a good part of the set. The best Medium Armor in the game is on generic guards. Ebony weapons are just in rich people's houses, glass weapons are sold by various merchants.
        >but it 2 easy 2 get dose items den!!!1
        Black person DO YOU WANT TO REWARD EXPLORATION OR NOT? DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW SHIT THE ITEMS EVEN ARE IN THE GAME AND HOW GOING FROM SILVER TO EBONY BARELY EVEN CHANGES THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE? Modders are more cancerous than the developers, cause the modders have complete free reign to do whatever they want and they still do homosexual balancing acts that bore the shit out of me.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah its called the difficulty slider, comes with the game

  63. 2 years ago

    Several quests to complete

  64. 2 years ago

    you're missing the point
    they're far too plentiful and accessible right from the get go and discourages people from exploring the game properly in the early levels. I see a lot of people give this game a go, they end up using silt striders and travelling to places they arent ready for, you can call them moronic if you want but if the game didnt have such plentiful fast travel early, people would have to make the trip from seyda need on foot, and would find dungeons and wild critters to fight and level up. The onus is on the game to introduce its features to the player steadily.

    Instead what we see is people dropping the game and then being called morons by the morrowind community because they decided to explore early on (shocking right) instead of cheesing with trainers for the first 5 levels. Morrowind might well be one of my favourite games but Im sick of people blaming newbies that get into the game when bethesda really didnt make much of an effort in introducing morrowinds systems to its players early on

    • 2 years ago

      meant for

      Every time I try something like this out they make high tier shit, high tier meaning elven and above or dwemer and above exceedingly fricking rare to the point where you're lucky as frick to get a single piece of the armor or a weapon which is annoying because it's not like they're even that much better than other armor/weapons. These morons need to do what Morrowind did. Give a bunch of NPCs high tier equipment on their person or in their home where it makes sense. Glass isn't even rare in Morrowind, nearly every buoyant armiger has a good part of the set. The best Medium Armor in the game is on generic guards. Ebony weapons are just in rich people's houses, glass weapons are sold by various merchants.
      >but it 2 easy 2 get dose items den!!!1
      Black person DO YOU WANT TO REWARD EXPLORATION OR NOT? DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW SHIT THE ITEMS EVEN ARE IN THE GAME AND HOW GOING FROM SILVER TO EBONY BARELY EVEN CHANGES THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE? Modders are more cancerous than the developers, cause the modders have complete free reign to do whatever they want and they still do homosexual balancing acts that bore the shit out of me.

      • 2 years ago

        shit meant for

        you're missing the point
        morrowind's travel systems make the game more immersive, not less


    • 2 years ago

      I can understand some of this, but if you just listen to the npcs at the start, you'll be just fine.
      Yes getting lost in the world sucks, but being able to get lost in it and actually be out of your league in the first place is so important to making an interesting believable world that is also fun to break/beat, it's not worth losing.
      Don't lock off travel to force players into the easiest path, that sucks, literal railroading in your open world rpg (not too mention this stuff really sucks if you ever want to replay or even just deciding to make a new character and having to get babied all over again).

    • 2 years ago

      >The onus is on the game to introduce its features to the player steadily.
      It's not like the game literally hands you a piece of paper that says, "Here is how to get to this guy" and then you go to the guy and he tells you to
      >check out the trainers he's assocaited with who give you free shit
      >tells you to level up and explore around
      >tells you to join the guilds, all of which are available in Balmora, and do some questing and level up
      >hands you a lump sum of gold for some early gear
      Or anything baka

  65. 2 years ago

    Oblivion gave us great Machinimas that were brilliant, creative and very funny. Most of them were inspired by Oblivion’s crazy and janky nature. Without Oblivion we would not have had Halo Scrolls, KDMD, Night Motherfathers, Bargonian Adventures, Drunken Argonian, T-Money, T-1E and more.

  66. 2 years ago

    I like it because it's the funniest Elder Scrolls game due to the NPCs. Their potato faces, behavior, and dialogue are just too entertaining.

  67. 2 years ago

    It's fun

  68. 2 years ago

    Nostalgia. I was happy back when this first came out

  69. 2 years ago

    If everything's unique then nothing is unique, I fully believe that oblivion and Skyrim having "normal" worlds and then getting into the weirder stuff in dlcs make everything better, oblivion being a "normal" medieval fantasy made the shivering isles more fantastic, Skyrim being a "normal" fantasy made solstheim and apocrypha look more fantastic, Morrowind may look more "weird" and "quirky" (morrowtards talk like teenage girls btw) but it's shallow beyond that, with quests so lame anyone who actually thinks notice that Skyrim is a masterpiece compared to it

    • 2 years ago

      worst cope I've seen all year

      • 2 years ago

        He's right though, specially in calling them "normal" fantasies, with the ""
        Skyrim and oblivion are amazing fantasy worlds in ways more subtle than LE BIG BUG

    • 2 years ago

      That's moronic. Morrowind is very grounded as a fantasy world, that's the cool part, even though it's very different. You don't dull your base game just because the DLCs will pop more.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah in fact it's so grounded that I have gotten more interesting shit to do in real life than in most Morrowind quests
        >Here's this QUIRKY and WEIRD world, now go fetch me some mushrooms

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, problem? Are you going to piss and cry about every quest in a elder scrolls game that has you fetching things, because that's gonna take a long time.
          There's also the quest where the mage's guild tells me to get something from a person while they are travelling. If you don't have any thievery skills, they say no problem, just murder them, we don't care. I remember that one. It wasn't QUIRKY but it does a good job of having multiple approaches and sets up the culture well, differentiating from what you might assume about respectable guilds in Morrowind.

          • 2 years ago

            Bro the entire Hlaalu questline is going back and forth from Balmora to Vivec talking to gays and homos the entire time. The other houses arent much better either

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah and? I mean whatever, if your argument is just "Sometimes you do normal stuff in Morrowind" then I'm not gonna disagree, but it's not some compelling evidence for any sort of bold conclusion.
              I don't have a problem talking to people or navigating the world.

            • 2 years ago

              That's all any questline in a Bethesda game is unless it takes the bold step to have you reading notes instead of dialogue

              • 2 years ago

                It's not so bad in the others seeing as they're voiced and are structured as an actual conversation and not a wikipedia article like morrowind is

              • 2 years ago

                >actual conversations
                Apart from the hilarious irony of this statement, no, and I have to ask, did you even play the game? Most of the dialogue is still clicking on keywords you absolutely embarrassing moron. Of course you still have the odd railroad speech """"""""""option""""""""""" which leads to the same place and is entirely redundant like this. Morrowind had stuff like this too. The dialogue systems in these two games are nearly identical, Oblivion's just has less functionality and less options.

            • 2 years ago

              The quests show Hlaalu skulduggery. It's about being part of an opportunistic compradore class, it's not supposed to be an epic adventure.

              • 2 years ago

                purely nostalgia
                it's a tiny little area with a few recolored trolls that you'll finish in 3 minutes

                Holy morrowcope!

              • 2 years ago

                try again moron
                just beat oblivion two months ago
                painted world is a meme

          • 2 years ago

            Yes there is a problem when your whole questline feels like a big miscellaneous Skyrim quest

  70. 2 years ago

    It was the first rpg with fully voiced npcs and physics.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh no, you have no idea what you've done. You've triggered the biggest morrowgay cope imaginable

  71. 2 years ago

    it has a great atmosphere (music + environment) and setting. but the level scaling is so bad that it requires mods.

  72. 2 years ago

    >no jeremy soule for elder scrolls 6
    its going to be shit. i hate women

    • 2 years ago

      we got jeremy jerma for elder scrolls 3 though!
      he gave up on this shit game just 2 hours in

      • 2 years ago

        i don't care about the opinions of some streamer that is beloved by zoomer trannies

        • 2 years ago

          newbie alert, Jermas been discussed on this board longer than twitch has even existed

          • 2 years ago

            You shouldn't care about the opinions of any streamer. What do YOU think?

            • 2 years ago

              I think that Morrowind, while a great game and by far the best TES, has a terrible onboarding process and a lot of systems that arent introduced well enough to the player and leads them to do things that are incorrect/suboptimal or harmful to their own enjoyment of the game. It also has by far the worst fanbase out of the series. People can openly discuss Oblivion and Skyrim, talk about what it does well and what it does poorly, but by god if you complain that the running speed is a little slow these homosexuals will hop on vivec's penis spear so hard and tell you you're wrong about everything and Morrowind is perfect.

              • 2 years ago

                It's definitely a manual games (+ some wiki when you don't understand a mechanic)
                though to be fair, almost every game with more advanced systems benefits from a deeper dive than is provided in game usually.

              • 2 years ago

                Its not even that a lot of core stuff itself is weird. For example Block's governing attribute is agility, which while I understand agility helps you to land hits, I feel endurance would have been a greater fit for tankier characters.
                Stealth skills in particular are really strange, take for instance someone wanting to run short blade. You need strength to stack damage, agility so you can hit but all you're gonna get while using short blade is speed for your level up which isnt really helpful at all, and if you' light armor thief then all you're getting from that is agility so you'd have to major stat acrobatics or armourer of all things if you want to level strength.
                I like pretty much all these systems dont get me wrong, but i'd definitely move some stuff around and tweak things

              • 2 years ago

                Speed as a stat in general is kinda moronic, it isnt really related to combat much and shouldnt govern combat related skills

              • 2 years ago

                Oblivion definitely had more sensible stat attribute relation. Downside is the strength and agility just become the one for melee and the one for ranged, rather than both having good uses (strength at least has carry weight, I believe agility's supposed anti-stagger does nearly nothing).
                And blade and blunt separation is even worse than Skyrim's one or two handed with weapon type perks.

              • 2 years ago

                Well in Oblivion its flavourful at least. Strong melee chads that can wield huge swords are clearly going to be able to carry more than some agile rogue dude. Yet in morrowind if you're playing any build aside from magic and want damage with your weapons you're forced to level strength too. While a buff thief sounds funny to me it doesnt really fit imo. Especially when you already need stats like agility for accuracy, intelligence for security, personality for barter and speechcraft etc. Considering you only get to choose two main stats and then 3 to improve every level and then try and get at least +3/+4/+5 on level up its a little awkward to try and fit it all

              • 2 years ago

                Oblivion definitely had more sensible stat attribute relation. Downside is the strength and agility just become the one for melee and the one for ranged, rather than both having good uses (strength at least has carry weight, I believe agility's supposed anti-stagger does nearly nothing).
                And blade and blunt separation is even worse than Skyrim's one or two handed with weapon type perks.

                Agility affects the likelihood of being knocked down in Morrowind and being stunned in Oblivion. Fighter characters in Morrowind train it through block, fighter characters in oblivion have no way to train it despite getting stunned being a much higher issue for a character that's constantly in melee. Strength has no way to be trained by stealth characters in oblivion. Mages can't train speed in Oblivion either, whereas in Morrowind they have unarmored. Of course you can train skills that aren't in your class but that gets kind of annoying and immersion breaking when your specialized character has a bunch of random high skills you never use cause you needed the stat bonuses.

              • 2 years ago

                >a lot of systems that arent introduced well enough to the player and leads them to do things that are incorrect/suboptimal or harmful to their own enjoyment of the game.
                How long does it take someone to get all 120 stars in Super Mario 64, without looking at videos or guides?

      • 2 years ago

        >zoomer Black person can't even correlate character position to a map
        Like pottery

        • 2 years ago

          He's 36 years old?

  73. 2 years ago

    It really makes you FEEL like Spiderman

  74. 2 years ago

    Hey you

  75. 2 years ago

    its kinography and comfortable

  76. 2 years ago

    It's broken and I like to laugh at broken physics because I am a manchild

  77. 2 years ago

    The OST was endearing, all of the faction questlines (except Mages Guild) were great not just kill collect, Oblivion Rifts were varied enough to make you want to do them for the first 20 hours. Also the houses were extremely comfy.
    >Finish a gate and get an enchant at the end.
    >Enchant is chameleon 20%.
    >Stack 5 pieces and become completely invisible.
    >Steal everything from all the major town shops.

  78. 2 years ago

    I think side quests have a genuinely amount of effort put into them for the most part. There are rarely times where i started a side quest and didn't enjoy it in Oblivion. When i was a teen and played it my first interact was the side quest on the highjacked boat. Not only was it fascinating to be on the sea but it kept my entertained from beginning to end.

    Meanwhile the main quests besides maybe the more colorful Daedric world at the end and the guild quests are just awful and bland.

    • 2 years ago

      >and the guild quests are just awful and bland

      • 2 years ago

        the guild quests in oblivion fricking suck, t. played them recently

        • 2 years ago

          I'll give you the Mages Guild and Arena, but the others? You're crazy

          • 2 years ago

            What's so great about the Fighters Guild exactly?

  79. 2 years ago
  80. 2 years ago

    i bought it recently because yahoo games gave it a 100/100

  81. 2 years ago

    I love chess club

  82. 2 years ago

    >walking around in a green open world was refreshing after morrowinds grayish greyness
    >Enough of the broken enchant/spell jank was there so it was fun to try to break the game
    >That's it. Level scaling was trash, Oblivion levels were repetitive trash and I don't even remember what the main quest was.

  83. 2 years ago

    Harvest Dawn

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