Fall Guys has done my ultimate most hated thing that a paid game can do when it becomes free to play.

Fall Guys has done my ultimate most hated thing that a paid game can do when it becomes free to play. They made the formerly free cosmetics cost real money. Like for frick's sake, you ALREADY had paid cosmetics even when the game was paid. And now you're turning more free cosmetics into paid cosmetics. There are tons of free to play games that don't need to go in such a greedy direction. This is just a scumfrick, evil thing to do. But I guess it's not too surprising because frankly it was obnoxious that the game used to be paid. There is simply not enough content to justify it. I'm amazed they held out for two whole years before deciding to make it free. But seriously, if you want to have paid cosmetics, just make new paid cosmetics. Don't turn free ones into paid ones. The free ones are literally incentive to keep people playing so that they can grind for the stuff they want. You take that away, and why would people care to play anymore? And the prices are insane, we're talking $20 for a single outfit.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    tldr; i am poor. mom won't buy me cosmetic. UOOOOOHHHHHH

    • 2 years ago

      still better than "I am not able to play anything and my mummy pais for every useless cosmetics I want in the game"
      there is no honour or ability in mummy's money

  2. 2 years ago

    Is that amongus

    • 2 years ago



  3. 2 years ago

    The beans are cute

  4. 2 years ago

    I'm probably never going to return to this game especially now but I'm curious, what do I get if I bought and played this game on steam long ago?
    Am I actually still allowed to grind for skins or am I straight up just treated like every F2P player?
    Are there any bonuses like skins or whatever the frick for purchasing the game before it went F2P?

    • 2 years ago

      you get the first Bpass free!!!!
      and some skins or something
      its a fornite situation where so long as you keep grinding passes you get enough currency to get the next one too.
      Still sucks ofc, they shoulda made early adopters get free bpasses for life or something >:(

    • 2 years ago

      I just logged in and it gave me a hotdog costume, that assasin's creed costume in the OP, and a dwarf costume, a regal costume, and some titles. They also converted all my crowns into kudos and gave me season 1 pass.

      I checked the shop, most of it is money, any interesting skin was at least, the rotating shop had glasses and absolutely shit costumes so I'll see if it's a coincidence or if they just put all the weird accesory costumes into one.

      It seems like costumes based off of IPs are gonna cost money, whereas ones that don't will be kudos, but the shop is so small it doesn't matter. I was gonna try to get my friend to play it now that it's free but now I kinda don't really care. Unlocking costumes was fun and I was saving up my crowns for cool costumes that are likely behind a paywall now so meh.

    • 2 years ago

      They removed Crowns as a currency, converted any existing Crowns to Kudos, and Kudos can now only be used to by common or uncommon skins. You are required to pay for anything higher.

  5. 2 years ago

    why the frick would you ever care what you look like in this fricking game

    do you care what anyone else looks like? that's how they feel about you

    • 2 years ago

      >do you care what anyone else looks like? that's how they feel about you
      Yes. I routinely admire other players' skins while I'm spectating. My current favorite is the crown and cape with the hearted underwear skin. It's hilarious and I will never have it because I couldn't buy Fall Guys on my preferred platform before it went Free to Play. If people didn't care how their character looked in-game they wouldn't have changed their entire business model on the assumption that those people would fund the game for years to come. Stop being moronic, start enjoying customization in video games, and start being angry that they're nickle and diming you for the priveledge to do so.

  6. 2 years ago

    Epic Games are the biggest israelites in the industry and have ruined both Rocket League and Fall Guys.

    • 2 years ago

      they are both casual games that are just meant for fun and are FREE apart from cosmetics!
      lmao at 'pro' rocket league players, get actually good at something you homosexuals, not floaty random goals that you pretend were intentional

  7. 2 years ago

    Fall guys really was a better deal before it went F2P, minimal scummy microtransactions and if you bought the game you got ability to get all cosmetics but like 3 a season.
    The fomo wasnt really there either since everything eventually ended up in the shop unlike fornite
    I seriously hope they dont go the way of fornites battlepass fomo
    Free to play barely really benifits anyone it just becomes a convenient excuse to charge for everything, fall guys was on sale a number of times and was never that much

  8. 2 years ago

    my complaint is the skill based matchmaking the game now has along with bot players.
    if i play on my main account every match is a horrible grueling slog as i'm matched with the biggest tryhards in the community. your matchmaking is based on crown rank which was much easier to achieve before the patch. if i make a smurf i'm paired against bots and people with one arm which is boring. maybe i'd like for my casual party game to be just that, with every match a new experience.
    skill based matchmaking is a cancer that has ruined every game it has been put into.

    • 2 years ago

      >your matchmaking is based on crown rank
      lmao i had no idea
      i'm at like crown rank 19 or something and thought i was still playing with the same speds as usual

  9. 2 years ago

    I still can't believe this shit works, who pays more than the games worth for useless cosmetics and p2w stuff? Microtransactions should be banned to save people from their stupidity.

    • 2 years ago

      Most morons don't do it immediately, they just rack up that bill over time.

  10. 2 years ago

    sus guys

  11. 2 years ago

    Why is it accepted nowadays to sell cosmetics when the game is already a paid game?

    • 2 years ago

      Game are expected to run and be playable indefinitely especially online ones, as a result they need a continuous income to maintain servers, of course its not nearly as much as they often pull in and charge for, they've taken advantage of the concept.

  12. 2 years ago

    SBMM pretty much killed this game.
    The whole point is that it's a dumb bullshit game. Who the frick wants it to be competitive?

  13. 2 years ago

    >Red Hoodie, the most popular free cosmetic in Minecraft
    >Microsoft removes it, makes it a paid cosmetic
    >Minecraft forums: "It's okay they are removing the previously included cosmetics. They are funding development of the game probably!"

  14. 2 years ago

    I got Fall Guys for free on my PS4 two years ago when it was brand new. You're telling me people actually paid money for this broken ass game?

  15. 2 years ago

    >b-b-but it's just cosmetics!
    like clockwork

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