>Fallout 1 > New Vegas > Fallout 2 > a pile of shit > fallouts spewed out by bethesda

>Fallout 1 > New Vegas > Fallout 2 > a pile of shit > fallouts spewed out by bethesda

This the official rating /vrpg? I've heard that this is the ONLY official rating so I'm just checkin' here with ya

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  1. 2 years ago

    fallout 3 is good

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Ohhhh no no NO NO NO
        DON'T BITE IT


    • 2 years ago

      Ohhhh no no NO NO NO

    • 2 years ago

      I agree. 3 is my favorite Fallout game. No this is not bait and I am not being ironic.

  2. 2 years ago

    This song is canon in Fallout.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminder that if you play Fallout at this resolution you deserve to be tortured to death

      • 2 years ago

        who fricking cares you seething autist

      • 2 years ago

        who fricking cares you seething autist

        For sure. How is the text even readable in 1080p? The game is rough on the eyes in 800x600, let alone fricking HD.

        • 2 years ago

          x2 Scalling does the trick up to 1080
          GOG version has HD mod included
          Probably Steam version too (I dont have one)

  3. 2 years ago

    Nevada > 2 > 1 > Sonora > New Vegas > 1.5 > 3 > Tactics > 4 > 76

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Come on, 1.5 is like expansion for 1.
      You guys sometimes brag about 1 having too little content, or being too short to play.
      Its a good game on its own, and while it lacks the astonishing amounts of content like Nevada has, or does not improve that much on mechanics like Sonora - this does not change the fact that this is exactly MORE of 1.
      Outside of being a more of a 1 (or an expansion) it has good written companions (its not kotor, but its something), fixes some perks, and makes combat more of a challenging (some spergs cry about f1 or even f2 being too easy).
      And it has some good quests, its properly designed, (which is impressive for a mod), fricking gray morality and usually responds to player shenaningans.
      Solid game.

      Also 3D (even vegas) should not be on the same list (be it official or homosexual raetardis) as isometric. When compared ist not a fair fight.

  4. 2 years ago

    2 > New Vegas > 3 = 4 > Tactics > 1

    • 2 years ago

      >1 at the bottom
      I'm genuinely curious how

      • 2 years ago

        >very little content (I usually beat the game in 6 hours)
        >many locations feel barebones or unfinished
        >majority of skills and perks are trash
        >extremely easy with even the slightest bit of meta (imo the easiest Fallout)
        >worldbuilding feels generic now since later games added a lot more
        I think Fallout 1 is very atmospheric and charming, but it holds up the least on replays because of the lack of content, lack of difficulty, lack of different playstyles, and general lack of polish.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh you're one of those spergs who just demands 'content' regardless of quality alright

          • 2 years ago

            I care about both, moron.

            • 2 years ago

              I disagree, you don't

        • 2 years ago

          You're the stupidest Black person on this board

          • 2 years ago

            seethe harder gay

    • 2 years ago

      >Tactics > 1
      You have to be absolutely out of mind to place that cheaply scrapped together pile of shit above 1. Even if you're not happy with the lack of content.

      • 2 years ago

        Tactics is pretty damn awesome. You are likely confusing it with the other Brotherhood of Steel spinoff on consoles.

      • 2 years ago

        It's fun and hard I used to play in real time. Have you tried getting better before rating it a 1?

      • 2 years ago

        It's fun and hard I used to play in real time. Have you tried getting better before rating it a 1?

        I didn't confuse it with anything. The way the characters run is ridiculous. The new engine looks like it was pieced together in a few months. Everything is floaty like somebody slapped a gui over an excel spreadsheet. The narrator sounds like he was paid a few cents per line of text.
        It's a genuine 5/10 game that would never do the original two games justice.

  5. 2 years ago

    I think fallout 3 is more fun tonplaye specially repeatedly than new vegas. My opinion has flipped. The story in 3 is bad but the game is just more fun to play and explore. I don't understand why people elevate new vegas so hard into 'imoossible to criticize' status

    • 2 years ago

      >I think fallout 3 is more fun tonplaye specially repeatedly than new vegas. My opinion has flipped. The story in 3 is bad but the game is just more fun to play and explore. I don't understand why people elevate new vegas so hard into 'imoossible to criticize' status

  6. 2 years ago

    It's all equally shit since all postapo is shit by default

  7. 2 years ago

    1 = 2 > 3 = nv = 4 > 76
    i prefer turn based games to shooters, and 76 is online

    • 2 years ago
  8. 2 years ago

    Bethesda fallouts are not fallouts, you cannot compare them with an actual fallouts
    Fallout tactics is more of a fallout than toods rapechild

    • 2 years ago

      Fallout 2 is not a real fallout

      • 2 years ago

        Fallout 1 is not cannon.
        Only Nev Wegas is a real falout game

    • 2 years ago

      Fallout purists are such insufferable homosexuals. The first two weren't God's gift to RPGs.

      • 2 years ago

        yes they were

        Fallout 2 is not a real fallout

        what makes you think so? fallout2 is an exact continuation of fallout1 and shows world of a fallout1 evolving. NCR becoming a thing, civilization returning, brotherhood dying out, mutants dying out due to masters death and such.
        Remind me again why mutants exist in f3 and f4 and why they are so fricking dumb and uncivilized? Almost like orks?

        • 2 years ago

          It's just not the same people. Fallout 2 is where the series began to lose its tone and slip into moronic shit. The only reason people five fallout 2 a break is because it's old

          • 2 years ago

            >Fallout 2 is where the series began to lose its tone and slip into moronic shit
            Fallout was always into retaded shit like pic related, other references or psykers being a thing
            Fallout 2 is a continuation of the first and shows how society actually survive and thrive in the waste like the other anon says. You might prefer one to the other, thats on you I also prefer the atmosphere of the first game but having a game series that doesnt actually evolve and always stay in backward India tier shithole isnt what the designers originally thought of Fallout.
            If you want always grim just play the nuFallout games from Bethesda, it seems its suit you. They liked the atmosphere of Fallout 1 and tired to replicate with varying degree of success depending on who you ask.

            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >Fallout 2 is where the series began to lose its tone and slip into moronic shit
                Fallout was always into retaded shit like pic related, other references or psykers being a thing
                Fallout 2 is a continuation of the first and shows how society actually survive and thrive in the waste like the other anon says. You might prefer one to the other, thats on you I also prefer the atmosphere of the first game but having a game series that doesnt actually evolve and always stay in backward India tier shithole isnt what the designers originally thought of Fallout.
                If you want always grim just play the nuFallout games from Bethesda, it seems its suit you. They liked the atmosphere of Fallout 1 and tired to replicate with varying degree of success depending on who you ask.

                It's just not the same people. Fallout 2 is where the series began to lose its tone and slip into moronic shit. The only reason people five fallout 2 a break is because it's old

                Only complete and utter morons cannot see that Fallout identity includes making fricking looney references, jokes and parodies.
                Despite this F2 does not takes itself seriously, and this makes it less climatic than F1.
                Its not the lack of quality (quality of F2 references is fricking funny) but the abdunance of quantity (which breaks immersion).

            • 2 years ago

              Care to name anything in 2 that actually evokes emotion other than reddit humor and a hate boner for the Vault City lady? Fallout 2 was made to deliver jokes. Anything expanding the worldbuilding is a leftover from poor time management when the devs actually wanted to make something that could hold your attention when the combat wasn't.

              • 2 years ago

                >Care to name anything in 2 that actually evokes emotion other than reddit humor and a hate boner for the Vault City lady?
                At the top of my head
                >Your village getting captured
                >The Den being a slave hub and you having the power to change things
                >Vault City's outer wall inhabitants fate
                >NCR political scheming
                >Broken Hills Mutants vs Humans war
                >Vault 13 massacre
                >Modoc farmers killing the Slags
                You either dont read or think that the whole game is full of humour, Im confident to say that you didnt played Fallout 1 or 2 to its fullest. Both games had humour and disturbing moments or some emotional moments beyond what you call "Reddit" humour (wtf is this anyway Black person ?).
                Arcanum was pretty much written on the same tone, and its far from humour, sure there is some moment down right goofy but there is some stuff beyond humour like how magic can cause problems or downright control people to be mass murdering maniacs or how technology and the industrial age treats the other races, lower class to violence and problems. But hey Im sure you will find this game on the same vein of "Reddit" humour.

              • 2 years ago

                Reddit humor being: Blowing shit all over Modoc, Gordon of Gecko, Bridge keeper encounter, becoming a porn star, 'giving' the Vault City nurse your genetic material, the Nixon Doll in Vault City, Son of Iguana Bob, the press gangs, the Hubologists and their celebrities.

              • 2 years ago

                >Son of Iguana Bob
                >becoming a porn star

              • 2 years ago

                Consider getting a doctor to count your chromosomes.

            • 2 years ago

              > B-but Fallout 2 has lots of reference and easter eggs too
              Except it does, autismo.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Fallout always had goofy moments, the stuff you shown isnt on your face, these are random encounters that rarely.
                Other easter eggs and references are hidden and you actually to have to go out of your way to find them like pic related.
                Which begs the question, why you Black folk keep finding these easter eggs that easily on your first playthrough ?
                Either you are a very unlucky player, and its sucks to be you or you spoiled yourself on a guide or on the wikia and got mad about little jokes and secrets hard to find.

              • 2 years ago

                I just don't like fallout 2s writing. It's bloated and boring to me. You're welcome to like it. It's not like it means anything anymore. But don't try to make me feel bad for thinking fallout 1 is better.

              • 2 years ago

                Fair enough, I prefer Fallout 1 for its amosphere but prefer playing Fallout 2 for the content and roleplaying. I honestly dont really like some stuff written in Fallout 1 like some speech checks are down right shit like with Garl Death-Hand or Set dialogue being very confusing but other times convincing a unhinged person to not shoot a prostitute or shaking down Iguana Bob with speech and barter checks are damn good.
                While Fallout 2 have better usage of speech with imo better writing (doesnt beat the Master tho) it has one of the worst town in the entire series being San Francisco with the fricking Hubologist and the Shi, the latter being a good but very badly executed idea.

                Are the Robin Hood LARPers a hidden easter egg??? I encountered those frickers on my first go. Like, I didn't know I was going to find them and it was just the second person I talked to in the second town.

                Yeah, they were hidden in a part of Old Town that not many players would find, its behind two walls and under a hatch that doesnt stick out from the scenery. Good job to find it on your first playthrough, I found it on my third playthrough personally as a pyromaniac and no power armor run.

              • 2 years ago

                Are the Robin Hood LARPers a hidden easter egg??? I encountered those frickers on my first go. Like, I didn't know I was going to find them and it was just the second person I talked to in the second town.

  9. 2 years ago

    For me it's:
    2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > nv
    I haven't played tactics or 76 for more than 5 minutes each.

  10. 2 years ago

    haven't played the rest

    What about the DLCs?

    Old World Blues is the only one with good writing and is a great love letter to the 50s sci-fi, Lonesome Road has the highest quality values (amazing scenery, great action sequences, amazing gameplay, extremy unique loot, a lot of content - some extends beyond the dlc world, writing that while extremly overdone and incoherent, has really nice ideas if you actually figure them out), HH is boring, but has a really atmospheric world, Dead Money has mediocre writting, bad gameplay (due to the engine) and the atmosphere just doesn't work for me, it's the only one I couldn't finish

    • 2 years ago

      >What about the DLCs?
      >Old World Blues is the only one with good writing and is a great love letter to the 50s sci-fi, Lonesome Road has the highest quality values (amazing scenery, great action sequences, amazing gameplay, extremy unique loot, a lot of content - some extends beyond the dlc world, writing that while extremly overdone and incoherent, has really nice ideas if you actually figure them out), HH is boring, but has a really atmospheric world, Dead Money has mediocre writting, bad gameplay (due to the engine) and the atmosphere just doesn't work for me, it's the only one I couldn't finish
      Literally none of this is correct you autist

    • 2 years ago

      >Dead Money has mediocre writting, bad gameplay (due to the engine) and the atmosphere just doesn't work for me, it's the only one I couldn't finish
      Complete contrary for me, I prefered the writing here, the characters were well written and the whole theme of letting go is very indicative of how the Fallout franchise hold for many fans.
      The gameplay isnt that hard. Tedious sure, but being trapped and having to imporvise is something I love in RPGs.

    • 2 years ago

      >Old World Blues is the only one with good writing
      Only if you love shit like Rick and Morty. Other than that, I find it the weakest and most terribly written of all the DLCs. Dead Money at least has interesting and somewhat nuanced characters like Dean Domino and a pretty cool villain in Elijah, though I admit that some of the sections can be quite tedious.

      If I had to rank them it would be
      HH > LR > DM >OWB

    • 2 years ago

      >What about the DLCs?
      please consider euthanasia

  11. 2 years ago

    The diehard 1 fans are the biggest pseudointellectuals in the fanbase. Even 3 gays are more capable of intelligent discourse. 1 has major glaring flaws and 2 is essentially the same game but bigger and better.

    • 2 years ago

      I think 2 being bigger is what makes it worse
      More content isn't an internet virtue. 2 was just dumb to me.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Whenever I got F2 I was excited to see all of the new grusome animations, check out new armors, hear more amazing music unique to every location, enjoy more of the david and goliath battles (picking tougher enemies for great loot, instead of the linear progression), ruin every place I came upon, check out new weapons all of which felt extremly unique.

        These were the things I loved about the first game and quite ironically NONE of them were expanded upon.

        F2 has a nice world with quite a lot of things to do, but it's not the writting alone that makes people prefer F1 over F2

        • 2 years ago

          Instead F2 hold your hand extremly tight and only opens up with scripted decisions

        • 2 years ago

          Instead F2 hold your hand extremly tight and only opens up with scripted decisions

          I really think the freedom that comes out of F1 design is quite accidental, but one of my fondest memories with game was
          >Coming across Shady Sands
          >Slaughtering Seth to take his gun. Not many bullets left though
          >Continuing on to Vault 15
          >What do I find? Ammo for this gun

  12. 2 years ago

    If Fallout 4 was called something different, and wasn't classified as an RPG it would be considered a great game.

  13. 2 years ago

    Fallout is just bad in general.

  14. 2 years ago

    Fallout 76 is the best one.

  15. 2 years ago

    Does anyone know what the difficulty settings for 1 and 2 actually change in concrete terms? I finished 1 and it was an absolute cake walk so I thought I’d turn the difficulty up but I have no idea what “hard” means beyond a vague increase in difficulty of some kind. I’m used to games being transparent about this stuff so it’s pretty confusing to try to figure out with that little information, like is it going to give enemies more health? Give me less? Make them have better gear? Make my loot worse? Increase buying prices? Decrease selling prices? Add more enemies? Replace existing enemies with tougher versions? Give them more special stats, perks or skills? What gives?

  16. 2 years ago

    Anyone know what causes this bug? I'm using Et Tu by the way.

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