Fallout 3/New Vegas

Complete newbie here concerning fallout.
So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3gay" or "vegasgay".
Vegas is supposedly more memorable with more silly/memeable moments, while 3 is the more serious game that also has the beter "post-nuke world" feel. But Vegas has beter/more polished gameplay mostly because it's newer.

Am I getting all that right?
With that said should I play both or not? Only saw the first 30min of 3 at a friends'and it looked very interesting.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >taking Ganker shitposting seriously
    Just play the fricking games and form your own opinions

    • 4 weeks ago


      >not trusting your Gankerbros


      Vegas is just better at everything. 3 is a waste of time.

      the worst posts of all

    • 4 weeks ago

      basically this, you have to assume everything posted on here was written by a complete drooling moron including my own post.

    • 4 weeks ago

      thread should have ended here


      Complete newbie here concerning fallout.
      So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3gay" or "vegasgay".
      Vegas is supposedly more memorable with more silly/memeable moments, while 3 is the more serious game that also has the beter "post-nuke world" feel. But Vegas has beter/more polished gameplay mostly because it's newer.

      Am I getting all that right?
      With that said should I play both or not? Only saw the first 30min of 3 at a friends'and it looked very interesting.

      OP should have been castrated here

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >not trusting your Gankerbros

    • 4 weeks ago

      You are not my bros. I hate you all

    • 4 weeks ago


  3. 4 weeks ago

    No you're getting it all wrong; New Vegas is the one with a mùch better world building and way more RPG options (side with whichever faction you like, choose the outcome of a quest). Both have silly and memorable moments. New Vegas is just a better RPG overall.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Vegas is just better at everything. 3 is a waste of time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      muh liam neeson kino though

      • 4 weeks ago

        Liam Neeson is great, but it brought the same problems to the game as Patrick Stewart and Sean Bean brought to Oblivion.

        Frick hiring high net worth actors for videogames, they inflate the budget in an absolutely unwarranted way.

        • 4 weeks ago

          most people just fast traveled to project purity and diddnt walk with dad and watch him fist fight robots and radscorpions though

    • 4 weeks ago

      Expect characters, atmosphere, world map, side quests

      • 4 weeks ago

        I shall expect all these thing and more in Fallout New Vegas, thank you anonymous.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          [Speech 50 Success]

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >Am I getting all that right?
    Not at all. New Vegas is the more serious game, that takes its world building seriously, it's just that it has a much larger fanbase online so it gets memed more.

    Fallout 3 is a very unserious game that has very jokey, sarcastic dialogue, it never really takes itself seriously, it's more about being goofy and fun than anything else. The actual visual design of the settings themselves is correct though, the capital wasteland in 3 is much more desolate and dead, whereas Vegas is more of a post-post apocalypse setting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >New Vegas is the more serious game, that takes its world building seriously


      • 4 weeks ago

        how is it bad world building to have a sexbot character in a setting that is an urban den of sin and vice?

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's not even a sexbot character, the player needs to program FISTO because he otherwise doesn't exist and is just a regular protectron.

          Though you do have to wonder why the hell there's still a fully functional robot in the middle of Freeside.
          It's been 200 years surely someone would have scrapped him for parts.

          • 4 weeks ago

            iirc he's locked behind a science check which most freesiders couldn't hack

          • 4 weeks ago

            those Protectron cases seem pretty tough to open without using mayor ordinance and using explosives on such a rundown building seems insane.
            the science check is relatively high and if a guy who can make chems and fix water pumps is seen as a one of a kind individual in Freeside, someone who knows how to actually use a computer is even rarer.
            you also have to get through a hard Lockpick to get the sexbot data or pay Ralph to make you a copy of it, which takes time.

        • 4 weeks ago

          There's plenty more examples, like one of the FIRST quests you have to deal with being one where you put jehova witness ghouls on little toy rocketships and fly them into space while ride of the valkyries plays.

          You really, and I mean REALLY should not call new vegas a "serious" game. Comical bullshit is a staple of fallout games since fallout 1, and especially prevalent in fallout 2.
          The games have always had semi-serious stories in a world fricking filled to the brim with comical shit to the point where it's almost half and half.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >first quests
            That is a Novac quest, optional, and as it's relatively long easy to just forget about and miss.

            No one has ever said that New Vegas is absolutely serious, it's a fun game, but its humour feels more in line with the previous Fallout games (and i'm aware there's a huge difference between the humour of 1 and 2).

            • 4 weeks ago

              It's intended progression, like 80% of people will do it because the only thing you've got going at that point is "find out where the guy who killed you is" and literally everything and everyone points towards novac.
              It's also extremely early in the game and one of the first big quests (consisting of several smaller quests) that you'll ever do.

          • 4 weeks ago

            didn't call it serious did i, said it wasn't bad worldbuilding (which 'come fly with me' isn't)

      • 4 weeks ago

        3 has marvel superheros, ant lady and robodude

        • 4 weeks ago

          long dick johnson
          mr. fantastic

          • 4 weeks ago


            • 4 weeks ago

              space ghouls
              rome larpers in football pads

              super serious stuff

              • 4 weeks ago

                You say that but at least new vegas CAN be serious. There isn't a single serious fricking thing in fallout 3. Every new location is just another goofy trope. Your dialogue options are literally always
                >hello my good sire *tips fedora*
                >I LOVE MONEY
                >HEHE I'm edgy and I'm gonna kill you xD

              • 4 weeks ago

                >There isn't a single serious fricking thing in fallout 3
                I swear to god every single one of you shitposters only get to megaton in a lets play and see moira (who is a little insane) and the bomb and think that's literally all there is to the game.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I brought up like 80% of the settlements in fallout 3 as examples though. I've probably played more fallout 3 than you

              • 4 weeks ago

                >achuallaly I brought up 99% of teh gaym
                >I play more then u lol

                Sure kek.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >rome larpers in football pads
                Why are you acting as if they’re not serious? Do you watch Mad Max and think that Lord Humongous isn’t a serious threat?

        • 4 weeks ago

          2 wackos
          a dude who literally admits he did it because he's obsessed with superhero comics from before the war and a girl who is also insane but figured out how to use ant pheromones effectively
          And the best ending to that quest is to literally convince them to snap out of it.

          New vegas has
          >literal working full-sized space ships modeled after toys that somehow work and you give them to religious ghouls who blast off to find their holy land.
          >a supermutant nightkin on a wig and rose tinted superstar glasses who talks like a diva and leads a camp of nightkin, who you convince to stop playing at a superstar radio show despot by fixing her trusty robot companion, and they set off into the sunset to have whimsical adventures that canonically get put into children's books in the future.
          >brain in jar robodog you have to get a new brain for because uuuuuuuhhhh the BRAIN GEL is TOO OLD and is DEGRADED because obviously making a robot dog cyborg involves uhhhhhh putting it's brain in a jar?
          >The fricking entirety of old world blues

          New vegas is funnily enough MUCH much wackier than 3 if you actually scrutinize it.
          3 can only compete with new vegas in wackines with the alien DLC because that shit is fricking bonkers too.
          I've played both and love both and also that makes me better than you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Fallout has always been goofy, and filled with tons of gags and unrealistic elements. I mean even Fallout 1 was going to have a race of physic raccoon people originally but they got cut out.

            The main difference is that in every Fallout game barring 3, most of the cast talk like they were real people in this world, in a more conversational and familiar way.
            Fallout 3 went all in when it comes to the silliness and made the characters basically all talk like exaggerated characters.

            I don't mind it personally, but it was a big tonal change for the series

            • 4 weeks ago

              Fallout and fallout new vegas is a wacky world with real people and real consequences. It manages to handle serious topics suprisingly well.
              Didn't expect the quest to give the raped NCR sniper an intervention because she's become an extremely horny lesbian after one of the fiends fricked her.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Exactly, that's why New Vegas is so special.
                It gets into really serious shit without abandoning the more fun and whimsical elements of the setting.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I've played both and love both and also that makes me better than you.
            I played both before you were born

            • 4 weeks ago

              I doubt it since I played them on release and on pc so I didn't even get the shittiest NV bugs.
              But either way I'm still better than you lol.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Played new vegas on release
                >Didn't get the worst bugs.
                That's how you know this guy's talking out of his ass.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Worst bugs were on console.
                That's how I know you're a fricking peasant.

                Again, still better than you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >New vegas is funnily enough MUCH much wackier than 3 if you actually scrutinize it
            You mean cherry pick. The general tone of NV is more serious. In 3 one of the first people you'll have a conversation with is Moira brown who sets the tone for that game, which is sarcastic, quirky and not serious

            • 4 weeks ago

              >You mean cherry pick.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >You mean cherry pick.
              It's insane to think a lot of the stuff included in the wild wastelander perk were actual references and jokes that were going to be in the regular game but they deemed some gamers would feel it made the game too silly, because a lot of the shit in the game even without wild wastelander is already silly as frick.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >literal working full-sized space ships modeled after toys that somehow work and you give them to religious ghouls who blast off to find their holy land
            Does the concept of retro futurist design go over your head?
            > supermutant nightkin on a wig and rose tinted superstar glasses who talks like a diva and leads a camp of nightkin, who you convince to stop playing at a superstar radio show despot by fixing her trusty robot companion
            You mean the literal schizos?
            >brain in jar robodog you have to get a new brain for because uuuuuuuhhhh the BRAIN GEL is TOO OLD and is DEGRADED because obviously making a robot dog cyborg involves uhhhhhh putting it's brain in a jar?
            What is off about this? This kind of shit has been here since the first game.
            >The fricking entirety of old world blues
            Imagine being so unable to defend your own argument that you create a preemptive strawman to cope because you know that any actual answer you won’t be able to argue. Maybe instead of crying about the penis fingers meme you saw on reddit you can actually play it and see all of the Think Tank are rotting brains stuck on a fricking logic loop.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Does the concept of retro futurist design go over your head?
              Except we've seen nukes and spaceships time and time again in the fallout universe and the reason those specifically look like toys is because they're promotional things that shouldn't even be able to fly, those look wacky on purpose so it's even wackier when the game forces you to look at them take off while ride of the valkyries plays
              >You mean the literal schizos?
              Fun fact the "means literally whatever" new definition of the term schizo that is used on this board constantly didn't exist as is now back when nv released
              >What is off about this? This kind of shit has been here since the first game.
              a robobrain makes sense, it's both preserving a brain and using it as a robot's substitute for AI
              a robodog is literally slapping another dog's brain on a cyborg dog for basically no good reason, they could have literally made robot dogs to slap that brain into not, slapping it into a biological cyborg
              >Imagine being so unable to defend your own argument that you create a preemptive strawman to cope
              Black person, nowhere but this board will you get people arguing that OWB is not wacky as shit.
              You gays loooove acting like nintendo fans going "actually this is some DARK"stuff" about stuff that is fundamentally written to be funny and crazy and given the barest justification to exist.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >upload a fetishists' sexbot AI into a robot for a prostitution quest
        >wtf this is wacky random out of nowhere
        have a nice day

        • 4 weeks ago


          2 wackos
          a dude who literally admits he did it because he's obsessed with superhero comics from before the war and a girl who is also insane but figured out how to use ant pheromones effectively
          And the best ending to that quest is to literally convince them to snap out of it.

          New vegas has
          >literal working full-sized space ships modeled after toys that somehow work and you give them to religious ghouls who blast off to find their holy land.
          >a supermutant nightkin on a wig and rose tinted superstar glasses who talks like a diva and leads a camp of nightkin, who you convince to stop playing at a superstar radio show despot by fixing her trusty robot companion, and they set off into the sunset to have whimsical adventures that canonically get put into children's books in the future.
          >brain in jar robodog you have to get a new brain for because uuuuuuuhhhh the BRAIN GEL is TOO OLD and is DEGRADED because obviously making a robot dog cyborg involves uhhhhhh putting it's brain in a jar?
          >The fricking entirety of old world blues

          New vegas is funnily enough MUCH much wackier than 3 if you actually scrutinize it.
          3 can only compete with new vegas in wackines with the alien DLC because that shit is fricking bonkers too.
          I've played both and love both and also that makes me better than you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            ghouls don't go to space, they crashland in a nearby town
            nightkin have schizophrenia from prolonged stealth boy usage
            somehow organ deterioration is 'too wacky'
            owb is wacky because they've been in a memory loop for the past 200 years

            now, one of these threads, i hope we can finally have an open and honest discussion about the quality of these games and not latching onto aspects unrelated to quality
            >"it's too wacky, it's not gritty, but fallout was always wacky, it was actually always gritty, ad infinitum"
            fallout fans have some kind of OWB-style mental deterioration going on where they just repeat the same talking points over and over but never learn anything
            rather than assess the games on their own merit all that happens is comparison to some platonically ideal fallout that only half-exists

            • 4 weeks ago

              Already you're being a disingenuous c**t
              >ghouls don't go to space, they crashland in a nearby town
              that's literally only if you sabotage them, the game never ever mentions them again
              >nightkin have schizophrenia from prolonged stealth boy usage
              Because surely, SURELY, there are no other realistic depictions of schizophrenia, no, it just makes you fricking wacky and silly and delusional in every funny way.
              The antler dude and the dude who kills cows late at night are actual better examples of non-comedic nightkin schizophrenia.
              >somehow organ deterioration is 'too wacky'
              Putting a fricking brain in a sci-fi jar for the frick of it when it's connected to an ACTUAL FRICKING DOG is
              >owb is wacky because they've been in a memory loop for the past 200 years
              I see a trend of justifying the wackiest fricking shit with just saying "they were insane lol" as if we were talking about the bandits from borderlands.

              >fallout fans have some kind of OWB-style mental deterioration going on
              Yeah you've been doing this since fallout 3 released.

              • 4 weeks ago

                check the ending slides. they never go to space.
                i don't know why you think davison is fine but tabitha isn't
                what do you think the jar connects to? the ACTUAL FRICKING DOG, perhaps?
                i didn't say "they were insane lol" i said that they've been in a memory loop for the past 200 years

              • 4 weeks ago

                >check the ending slides. they never go to space.
                My bad.
                They come back from "their pilgrimage" to assist novac so it does imply they never made it into space if you look at it realistically, you're right.
                The whole quest is still crazy as frick anyways.
                >i don't know why you think davison is fine but tabitha isn't
                Davidson has actual schizophrenia and believes a skull is talking to him, tabitha has multiple overlapping disorders that aren't really schizophrenia and she's also written to be even wackier.
                >what do you think the jar connects to? the ACTUAL FRICKING DOG, perhaps?
                You realize just how moronic this is as a concept if you look at it under a serious lens right?
                A jar.
                A jar with a brain.
                A jar with the brain of a dog.
                A jar with the brain of a dog... connected to... hear me out... a cyborg dog.
                Not a robot dog, not a robot, a cyborg fricking dog. A cyborg fricking dog, and emphasis on fricking, because it can make robo puppies with the other cyborg dog you assemble in OWB.

                The fricking dog gun makes more sense.
                > didn't say "they were insane lol" i said that they've been in a memory loop for the past 200 years
                That doesn't excuse the fact that they're mostly written as comedic characters and they. are. wacky. as. shit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                look i dont want to continue on false grounds, wacky writing isnt bad if its done well and i think the dogs and OWB falls under that
                my main gripe with fallout 3 is rpg mechanics and the plotline, not necessarily its 'wacky' elements

              • 4 weeks ago

                I mean fair man, I was originally replying to a guy saying the wackos pretending to be superheroes in 3 were too much.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You can't have a CPRG without some funny sexual degeneracy. Fallout 2 had Chosen One getting raped by a Supermutant (to be fair, you have to be dumb enough to agree to arm-wrestle him first), Arcanum had an option to frick a sheep. You're going to tell me fricking Arcanum didn't take its world seriously? I'll wait for you to google what "Arcanum" is since clearly you are unfamiliar with the genre.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >ShitpisHispanic is moronic
        Why am I not surprised?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >anime poster is moronic
        Clockwork pottery.

      • 4 weeks ago

        One Piss is shit

      • 4 weeks ago

        >extremely cherry picked example, out of the many serious moments. Also you didn’t mention anything about world building? You just mentioned Fisto? How would a sex robot go against the world building?

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          >it’s so heckin cool bro the robot shoots lasers and throws nukes like footballs
          It’s like these gays are parodies of CoD babies.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >cool thing Fo3: >:(
            >gayest thing New vegas: 😀

            • 4 weeks ago

              >can’t argue without using memes
              There is nothing to Liberty Prime, he’s all fricking spectacle put in just to make casuals like you gush. Fisto doesn’t have anything either but he’s from a side quest and completely ignorable where as you’re going to be seeing prime no matter what.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >fisto when male character
              >fisto when female character
              >liberty prime first playthrough
              >reddit cool
              >liberty prime when 2nd or 4th or 6th playthrough
              >5 minutes of kinda gay reddit troony forced scripted walking to jefferson memorial to speech check final boss or one shot him then kys or have ending slide call you a loser for getting rad immune companion to do it for you

              >Operation Anchorage were good
              Bro you need to replay that shit, there is no difference between it and the shitty alien dlc. Both are tedious as frick

              to be fair you can kinda breeze through anchorage at lower levels, but zeta is fricking boring any level

    • 4 weeks ago

      strange thing about fallout 3 is that it's way more gory, way more grim than new Vegas but it doesn't feel like it.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Reddit Vegas
    You only need to play 3.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you’re Indian and it shows

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hello saar very good do not of redeem the vegas of news

    • 4 weeks ago

      New Vegas trannies cannot cope
      There’s 0 evidence of Indians even knowing what fallout 3 is, however the mountain evidence that NV fans are trannies is growing every day

      • 4 weeks ago

        Stop posting your made up story.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I've come to love this stupid meme cause it makes no real sense lol

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah real trannies play Skyrim.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >There’s 0 evidence of Indians even knowing what fallout 3 is
        Aside from all the schizophrenic ESLs spamming shit constantly? Or the fact that Bethesda pays pajeets to shill for them?
        >however the mountain evidence
        A few twatter screenshots and discord memes isn’t a “mountain of evidence”

        • 4 weeks ago

          > Or the fact that Bethesda pays pajeets to shill for them?
          Why would they pay to shill an old game that uses RPG mechanics they've distanced themselves from in their newer games.
          Why not shill FO76 and Starfield?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >A few twatter screenshots
          >A few

          It could literally be in the hundreds of thousands of memes

        • 4 weeks ago

          I've come to love this stupid meme cause it makes no real sense lol

          Stop posting your made up story.

          Then how come this is the top post on the new Vegas Reddit right now?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >bethestard love browsing reddit
            >/r/ Newvegasmemes

            • 4 weeks ago

              Can’t help that that’s where all you new Vegas trannies go to confess your sins

              • 4 weeks ago

                You need to go back.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Aside from all the schizophrenic ESLs spamming shit constantly? Or the fact that Bethesda pays pajeets to shill for them?
          Fun fact: Fallout 3, in fact all of Fallout games, are banned from sales in India.
          The whole Pajeet meme is funny on multiple levels, but if you actually, genuinely, even for a SECOND believed that either Pajeets give a shit about Fallout, or that Bethesda is paying people to "shill" 20 years old game that literally sells for less than a dollar nowdays, you are so god damn moronic you need your voting right revoked.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >banned from sales in India.
            Yes because third worlders are unable to pirate games. Stop using this moronic cope.
            >that Bethesda is paying people to "shill" 20 years old game
            Looks like the pajeet finally has a slip, also the game isn’t twenty years old.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Yes because third worlders are unable to pirate games. Stop using this moronic cope.
              When said shitworlders are 90% deeply religious, and this game literally shits on their most sacred symbol, they generally don't indulge in it.

              >Looks like the pajeet finally has a slip, also the game isn’t twenty years old.
              It's a mid 2000's trash, now it's mid 2020's. That is all I need to know.

              It's less that they're shilling FO3 and more that they're shilling the concept that Bethesda's Fallout games were always superior to Bioware's or Obsidian's.

              Nobody is shilling anything, you morons. Bethesda just made a deal with Amazon to create literally 200 MILLION DOLLAR ADD for the Fallout franchise, you think they need third-word troll farms for anything? You joking?

              The sad thing is that nobody aside from the very occassional desperate Indie developer needs to shill anything here. Ganker is so INSANELY obsessed with parroting whatever is the big word on the big twitter and youtube celebrity channels, they'll absolutely 100% endlessly "shill" anything the corpo's want for free.
              An over-budgeted random corporate slop TV show comes out?
              2000 fallout threads in a week, 100% free, because Ganker will talk about anything that is "hot" or "controversial" endlessly, without ever saying anything, just to parasite a little more on the attention it's getting from the big social media.

              As for the whole pajeet thing:
              I know it happend before your time, you have to trust me on this:

              It was a joke, that went wrong. It was a guy who was making fun of how stereo-typically stupid Fo3 fans usually are. The problem was: rather than poking fun at how dumb Fo3 fans are, he unwittingly revealed how dumb FNV fans are when they started treating him seriously, despite the fact that it was not even hidding to be an act.
              And because of the massive reply count that thread got, people started emulating him.

              The guy adopted purposefully broken english because again "Lol, Fo3 fans are so dumb they can't even speak right".

              Later it reminded some people of how Indian tech support stereotype sounds, and that is how the "pajeet" meme was born.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >When said shitworlders are 90% deeply religious, and this game literally shits on their most sacred symbol, they generally don't indulge in it
                They don’t give a shit, and don’t act like they do.
                > It's a mid 2000's trash, now it's mid 2020's
                Still not 20 years you fricking idiot.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's less that they're shilling FO3 and more that they're shilling the concept that Bethesda's Fallout games were always superior to Bioware's or Obsidian's.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 you get the setting and world served on a silver platter and its best engaged with just never trying to dig deeper than appreciate the pretty package it comes in. The minute you start trying to think about it, it falls apart and its not going to reward you trying to learn about it either, you are given the better experience NOT trying to learn about everything actually. Play it, feel it out and just have a good time. The game has more polish than NV has, it has more production value put into its quests, it has more scripting, more npcs interacting with each other to give the world the appearance of being alive. In other words 3 is very easy to pick up and enjoy, but has bad world building, really no factions at all outside of BoS, and you really play no role in that, you're on your own mission and that's that.

    Fallout New Vegas doesn't hand anything to you, it rewards you digging deeper, it rewards you talking to its npcs to learn about the world, the politics of it, the the local problems that whatever settlement your visiting may be having. If you go in half-hearted you will probably find it a more boring game than 3. You have significantly more influence over the events in the game in NV, there are 4 big factions, and several smaller ones, and you get to learn about all of them. It's got fantastic world building and writing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Fallout New Vegas doesn't hand anything to you
      You are literally hand held and essentially forced to follow the path the devs laid out for you that just so happens to contain every single relevant quest until you reach New Vegas at which point you've experienced 90% of the game

      • 4 weeks ago

        You are literally not hand held anywhere, Black person.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are dumbass, there's absolutely no content or quests if you don't follow the Primm->Novac->Boulder City->Freeside route they force you by placing high level Deathclaws and other enemies that tell new players DON'T GO HERE and force them to go along the safe path.
          If it's your 10th time playing and you know how to cheese the game and go past the Deathclaws you can get to New Vegas early but you will have missed EVERY SINGLE SIDEQUEST if you do, since ALL OF THEM are laid out along the path the devs WANT you to take and experience, like a themepark.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >no content
            Except that's wrong, you get to New fricking Vegas with all the content that's there, including the main quest.
            >they force you by placing high level enemies
            That's not what hand holding is, if you're not a supreme fricking moron you can easily avoid all of them, but I suspect that's the problem here.

            >cheese the game
            You can literally USE an item that you acquire on a building on Goodsprings to effortlessly evade every single enemy all the way to Vegas.

            And it's not a cheese because it doesn't take much IQ to realize what a Stealth-boy is and does.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Fallout New Vegas, even for a first time playthrough, a determined enough player can find a way to get to Vegas by going north at the start.
              The stealthboy makes it super easy to sneak past the cazadores and then you're home free to rush to Camp McCarren or Vegas or the Great Khans.

              Also there's a part of Black Mountain which has no enemies there where you can just walk straight from Sloan to Vegas.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Brotherhood bunker
            >Black Mountain
            >Vault 19
            >Red Rock Canyon
            >Khans at Quarry Junction
            just from what I remember. The sidequests you get from the "safe" route are only a very small part of the game. And placing actual danger in the game world but letting you circumvent or even eliminate them is the exact opposite of the "theme park" school of design. In a theme park, the world is either designed to be so on rails that you outright get stopped from exploring, or the world is so lacking in danger that you can just go anywhere without worry.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >doesn't hand anything to you
      >entire game is tell don't show
      >map is railroad garbage
      >uniques everywhere
      >companions for free in every town

  8. 4 weeks ago

    I don't hate 3. I just think it's obsolete and unconvincing.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    i've recently played both

    3 is pretty boring-ish, and exploring the capitol is pure torture because of the fricking endless subways you're forced to traverse

    i like new vegas more, the companions actually have personalities and the story makes more sense

  10. 4 weeks ago

    No, you pretty much have every point wrong.
    - FO3 takes itself less serious than FNV. Even the "silliest/memeable" things about FNV like the Think Tank are dressing for a far darker undercurrent of themes than FO3 ever tackles.
    - FO3 doesn't represent the setting better because the setting is "post-apocalyptic" not "apocalyptic". There is so little rebuilding in FO3 it's laughable. That's why everyone says FO3 feels like the bombs feel 20 years instead of 200. FNV represents a societies actually rebuilding and clashing over not repeating the mistakes of the past.
    - FNV runs a lot worse than FO3 (without mods) and the only real gameplay improvement is iron sights and smart RPG readjustment which is just better design of the same system that FO3 ran with. A properly modded FNV will run the best simply because it has far more mod support with FO3 being virtually abandoned and that's because:
    - most fans of the Fallout games from this generation appreciate both FO3 and FNV which is why Tale of Two Wastelands that ports FO3 into FNV is very popular

  11. 4 weeks ago

    3's tone is definitely more silly
    i.e. the first town you come across has a giant atomic bomb in the centre and you can either defuse it (a nuclear fricking bomb) for explosives 25 or blow it up for a moustache-twirling evil guy in a suit
    for comparison, in fallout new vegas' introductory quest there's a gang of outlaws planning to take over town and you can either help them or side with the townies. each character has their own motives and personality and it generally feels like a far more grounded and realistic introduction to the world

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I love all of the Fallout games minus 4, but I still like to fling shit at sides just to stir shit up.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I had to read this 3 times before realizing it was about trannies.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I like both games and I play both with TTW.

    I played 3 as a kid and it retains a special place in my heart. Even now it serves as a good theme park/newbie friendly introduction to the world. The overarching plot might be simplistic but if you're completely new to the universe then everything is interesting which mitigates it. Its game world is legitimately fun and atmospheric to roam around in and explore. It's a good prologue chapter for NV which I then play with TTW.

    Yes I'm a secondary to the series. Yes I did go back and play 1/2 and I really liked them. But I still love 3 and even though NV is better I play them as a package. 4 is slop though, I agree.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    in the nicest possible way, 3 is like an okay fangame by someone that vaguely remembers stuff from the first 2 games so the plots of the first 2 are kinda mashed up and slammed somewhere else and taking all the things like super mutants and putting them on the east coast because they didnt want to be beholden to the story or lore of the originals
    new vegas feels like what it is, the people that actually made the originals going okay im going to take your fangame and use it to make an actual sequel to the originals

  15. 4 weeks ago

    They’re the exact same game

    We’ve had six trillion threads about this. Any culture war between the two is standard moronation.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 is to New Vegas what Bioshock Infinite is to System Shock or Deus Ex

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nobody believes you actually think this. You don’t fit in.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    both are shit play fallout 1

  18. 4 weeks ago

    NV is any but polished even compared to a Bethesda title but the gameplay has more going on regardless

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3gay" or "vegasgay".
    Nah that's just a moronic shit-flinging contest online autists get on.

    Truth is if you like one of these games, you are very likely to at least enjoy the other as they play so similarly.
    The only situation where you may hate or dislike one and love the other is if you're a big stickler on tone and worldbuilding. Both games are very different that way, Fallout 3 being more zany and somewhat whimsical, and New Vegas being pretty down to earth with a realism-centered style of world building.

    I love both games.
    I think most people who played them do as well.
    It's largely just internet moronation which makes it seem like they are these two polar opposites.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Let's make it more simple, yet more accurate.
      If you have shit taste, you might enjoy Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas both.
      If you are a human capable of sentient though, you will only enjoy New Vegas.
      If you are mindbroken Bethesda NPC, you will only enjoy Fo3.

      It's that simple.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's moronic.
        Do you think the only way to construct a fictional setting is to make it "le realistic?"

        This is a game, the purpose is to be fun.
        If you weren't an autist with a stick up his ass, you could enjoy 3 for what it is, and appreciate how it balances the dreary world with more comedic or eccentric characters.
        Bethesda doesn't write great stories, but story is only one part of their games..
        They write like a DnD campaign which is more gameplay focused than character focused.
        Which is a fine way to make a DnD game.
        Not everything needs to be this writing-driven, realistically built saga to be a fun adventure.

        I can understand being off put with how Fallout 3 deviated from the traditional style of world building of the series - even Bethesda seemed to learn that. Considering how Fallout 4 went back, if half-heartedly, to the style of 1, 2, and NV.

        But people have this patronizing and adolescent attitude towards it. Acting that anything not trying to have le realism is for dumb people.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >the purpose is to be fun.
          And Oblivion with guns fails at this.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          >Fallout 3
          New Vegas is way better at being fun than 3. Dungeon crawling is fun enough in 3, but that's mainly because I wanted an excuse to escape from the terribly written quests in the game

          • 4 weeks ago

            A quest doesn't need to be well written to be fun.
            It needs to have memorable moments, fun gameplay, and ideally multiple pathways.
            And every Fallout 3 side quest has this.

            Besides it's not the writing is bad. It's occasionally hit or miss, but usually it's just fine. Nothing exceptional one way or another.
            Moira Brown and the Wasteland Survival Guide is written fantastically with really memorable and well written dialogue.
            Though the Replicated Man is written quite badly. No one seems to care that there are fully synthetic men walking around identical to everyone else.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >file name: HalfB8
              change your filenames you dishonest frick

              • 4 weeks ago

                But it's completely honest.
                That image is half b8.

                It cherry picked New Vegas's simplest quests.
                But, when you look at the quest trees for every side quest in Fallout 3, it's accurate there. Hell it even simplifies them, in game there are more options and pathways than the image shows.

                So it's half bait, half truth. Hence the file name

            • 4 weeks ago

              structurally, many quests in 3 are fine; some of them good even. The problem is that many of them are very much moronic and completely isolated from the game world at large; also nice image there, listing the stuff you found during dungeon crawls as "quest reward" and needlessly extending a simple dungeon crawl quest like "Stealing Independence" with skill checks that it has while ignoring that "Hard Luck Blues" "Someone to Watch Over Me," "Bleed Me Dry" and many other quests actually has much more alternate paths and skill checks compared to it. Not to mention there is much more effort in making sure they are actually integrated into the world, unlike 3.
              >memorable moments
              >And every Fallout 3 side quest has this
              except that memorable does not equal good. I can remember how the computer President of the Enclave got defeated by a fricking logic error that shouldn't work on a ridiculously advanced AI; does that mean it's good?
              >Besides it's not the writing is bad. It's occasionally hit or miss, but usually it's just fine
              Yes, many of them are fine when you look at them in isolation, but Fallout 3 sells itself as an RPG and a Fallout game; which means that it's important for them to at least make some kind of sense in the world. Fallout 2's quests got heavily criticized for much less
              >Moira Brown and the Wasteland Survival Guide is written fantastically with really memorable and well written dialogue.
              Now I am not sure if you're trolling or actually moronic
              >Though the Replicated Man is written quite badly. No one seems to care that there are fully synthetic men walking around identical to everyone else.
              What makes that quest even more moronic is that you get rewarded with bad karma for "selling out" a machine

              • 4 weeks ago

                >The problem is that many of them are very much moronic and completely isolated from the game world at large
                Oh they're all like that. And I like that about it.
                Fallout 3 is super disconnected. What you do in one town is irrelevant to the next.
                There is little significance of past actions outside of the rare random encounter which may reference you siding against Mr. Burke, or being a slaver or whatever.

                Fallout 3 plays like a post apocalyptic adventure serial.
                You play the stranger who wanders into town, either helps or hurts them, and walks off back into the wasteland putting that whole chapter behind you.

                >Memorable does not equal good
                True, but with the side quests, I can't think of any which are especially bad.
                And, honestly, it is better to be memorably stupid than to be bland and forgettable.
                >Fallout sells itself as an RPG and a Fallout game
                You yourself mentioned that Fallout 2 was really silly and often unbelievable.
                And when 3 came out, there was just Fallouts 1, 2, and then the even sillier Tactics and BoS.
                Why would there be an expectation for Fallout 3 to be all serious and realistic when most of the franchise up to that point hadn't been?
                And Fallout 3 released during a dark age of RPGs. Back in its day fallout 3 was one of the most traditional RPGs, and one of the most similar games to the original CRPGs of the 1990s, that was on the market.

                >You get bad karma for selling out a machine
                Yeah, moron. The game obviously considers Harkness a real person.
                So it's going to consider selling him back into slavery as bad.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You get bad karma for selling out a machine
                Jesus fricking christ.
                You know discussion in this thread is fricking garbage when you see homosexuals arguing that selling out Harkness shouldn't give you bad Karma.

                Were that quest in NV or Fallout 2 you'd absolutely get shit on by the game for making that decision as well.
                I'm not even sure of the level of disconnect from reality that you should have to even get to that reasoning.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's like a contrarianism thing. While it's obvious that the story considers Harkness or synths in general to be people of moral worth and worthy of consideration, some want to reject that just to be different.
                It's also like a reading comprehension thing. It's obvious the game considers Harkness to be of value as a person, and so its obvious it would reward you with negative karma to enslave him again.

                Granted, this is an issue of moral systems in games. Since people have different views of morality, there are going to be times where some player may feel that what they did was more morally right and they still get 'punished' for it by the game.

              • 4 weeks ago

                why should it? Part of Fallout's theme is that humans are humans no matter what form they take; conflict just a part of their nature. In that context it's completely ridiculous to suddenly have "but machines can self-determine too!" There's no equivalent of the quest in Fallout, FO2, or FNV outside of maybe talking with the Brotherhood AI in the SanFran embassy.

              • 4 weeks ago

                uhh ZAX or skynet?

              • 4 weeks ago

                are you being serious here?
                no bad karma for just ignoring him or even outright eliminating him. Open to interpretation

              • 4 weeks ago

                why would it be unserious to nominate ZAX here?
                it's an AI

              • 4 weeks ago

                yes, a completely normal AI supercomputer with no sidequest about how he is totally human and capable of agency. And you can play chess with it. Again, what's your point?

              • 4 weeks ago

                you haven't replied to me before.

              • 4 weeks ago

                oh, sorry. Thought you were the other guy

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You play the stranger who wanders into town, either helps or hurts them, and walks off back into the wasteland putting that whole chapter behind you.
                Fallout 3 certainly plays up the sandbox aspect well; the problem is that it tries to be all urgent with its main quest and end up falling flat on its face, which means that it's terribly lacking as an RPG
                >to be all serious and realistic
                putting words in my mouth. The expectation is for the worldbuilding to not fall apart at the slightest examination; something which even FO2 managed to accomplish. You should notice that nowhere in my arguments did I state that things need to be totally serious all the time.
                >Back in its day fallout 3 was one of the most traditional RPGs
                the name
                you can't be serious. Back in the day it was considered "Oblivion with guns", which, while better than Oblivion STILL wasn't considered a good traditional RPG. It was just considered a decent open world action RPG, which it is, but not anywhere close to a traditional CRPG in structure. Also the name Troika mean anything to you?
                >and one of the most similar games to the original CRPGs of the 1990s
                Assuming you know what you're talking about; what CRPGs of the 1990s do you think are similar in structure to Fallout 3?
                >Yeah, moron. The game obviously considers Harkness a real person.
                yet he turns back into an android with a simple code without being able to resist at all. If he were an actual slave he would have been able to choose between fighting back, submitting, or even suicide

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the problem is that it tries to be all urgent with its main quest and end up falling flat on its face, which means that it's terribly lacking as an RPG
                Since when is having a great main questline the basis for being a good RPG?
                Fallout 2 has the exact same problem, a weak main questline with a false sense of urgency which falls flat given that the player wants to explore and get side tracked.
                But Fallout 2 is great. A mainquest isn't the be-all end-all of an RPG.
                >Worldbuilding shouldn't fall apart at the slightest examination
                Does the world of Majora's Mask explain where Clock town gets its food?
                No. But who cares. That game still has a creative and fun world and setting regardless of 'realism.'
                I get disliking the change, given that it's not the traditional method of world building done for Fallout. But it's not an invalid style, just a different one.
                >Oblivion wasn't considered a good traditional RPG
                Neither Oblivion or Fallout 3 are traditional RPGs.
                Who cares?
                Action RPGs are just as valid of a genre.
                There weren't traditional CRPGs being made in the late 2000s.
                >Yet he turns back into an android
                You're moronic.
                The fact that his agency was stolen from him by the player is what makes it a bad karma action.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Since when is having a great main questline the basis for being a good RPG?
                If an RPG has a main quest, then the main quest matters a lot in deciding the quality. You're actually right that Fallout 2 is has the exact same problem; which is why it is weaker as an RPG compared to Fallout (but stronger than 3 for other reasons). It's a great sandbox; but because it has a main quest it has to be judged accordingly because completing the main quest is how you complete the game. If 2 was a sandbox RPG where ending the game depends on what quests you choose to complete I would gladly consider it better than the first game; but that's not how it is in reality.
                >No. But who cares. That game still has a creative and fun world and setting regardless of 'realism.'
                >Neither Oblivion or Fallout 3 are traditional RPGs.
                why did you even bring up how "Fallout 3 was one of the most traditional RPGs" then? Even back then with fricking Pool of Radiance and Daggerfall there were far more care put into worldbuilding compared to Fallout 3. I do agree that Fallout 3 can be fun but we're discussing its merit as an RPG. Also you're wrong that there were no CRPGs in development in the late 2000s
                >The fact that his agency was stolen from him by the player is what makes it a bad karma action.
                If he was capable of self-determination, then it would've been impossible to take away his agency

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Fallout 2 is weaker than Fallout 1
                What the hell are you talking about? Fallout 2 kicks Fallout 1's ass in almost every way.
                Fallout 1 is just Fallout 2 but less, and lesser.
                Fallout 2 is the preferred one by anyone who played those games when they released.
                >"Fallout 3 was one of the most traditional RPGs"
                Of mainstream games in the late 2000s? Yeah it actually was.
                I mean what else was there? Final fantasy 11? Mass Effect? Two Worlds?
                Compared to all of those, Fallout 3 was far closer to CRPGs.
                That doesn't mean it was one, or that now it seems similar to those games.
                But at the time, genuinely, it was the closest thing available in the AAA space.
                >If he was capable of self-determination, it would be impossible to take away his agency
                This is moronic.
                We see he has self agency because he demonstrates it.
                The Railroad didn't put him as head of security in Rivet City, he became that way because of his desires and free agency.

                You're a mega autist.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nobody that played Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 on release thought Fallout 2 was better. They thought it was a cheapo same engine sequel like Terror from the Deep.
                The people that worship Fallout 2 are slavs and brazillians that played the games in 2003 from magazines that gave out 50-games-in-1 CDs

              • 4 weeks ago

                What the frick are you talking about?
                I've never heard an oldschool Fallout fan anywhere but on Ganker say that 1 was better than 2.

              • 4 weeks ago

                way to take my words out of context. Can you actually read? I said that it's weaker as an RPG, not that the elements that made it are weaker.
                >Fallout 1 is just Fallout 2 but less, and lesser.
                Only if you think that more content=better game. Anyone who's cleared the Wanamingo mine and the Rat King cave would disagree
                >Fallout 2 is the preferred one by anyone who played those games when they released.
                the debate about which of the two is better has been going on ever since 2 got released. Trying to rewrite history eh? You could go over to the Codex and check the old threads even now. See for yourself which Fallout was the preferred one back then
                >Of mainstream games in the late 2000s?
                should've stated that you only meant mainstream "RPGs". Still wrong by the way. NWN 2, the expansion Mask of the Betrayer, The first Witcher. All of them were successful.
                >We see he has self agency because he demonstrates it.
                how can he has agency if he can't even choose death when someone decides to recite his factory reset code in front of him? Humans always have the choice to die or fight even if it seems hopeless. He doesn't even have that so how can we be sure that him "deciding" to become the Head of Security wasn't just a bug or logic error, like Eden? How come it's fine to cause Eden to destroy the base but it's not fine to fix an android?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Can you actually read? I said that it's weaker as an RPG
                but it's not
                Fallout 2 is a far better RPG than fallout 1.
                The mechanics are far improved, there is mroe build variability and choices.
                As an RPG 2 beats one 1.

              • 4 weeks ago

                certainly your character can't become a boxing champion, porn star, slaver, or a mafia's right hand man in Fallout. He can't be sodomized by a Super Mutant or have a shotgun marriage; also true. Yet all of those matters much less than having a good or bad reputation in Fallout.

                >the debate about which of the two is better has been going on ever since 2 got released. Trying to rewrite history eh? You could go over to the Codex and check the old threads even now. See for yourself which Fallout was the preferred one back then
                That is really fricking rich considering the whole "Fallout 2 is totally a reddit shit game" thing was LITERALLY INVENTED BY FO3 FANBOYS as a proxy tool in their war against New Vegas. Your only knowledge of these games comes from post 2015 Ganker - or even more likely, you only really learned about them because of that glorified 7 hour long Add Amazon just put out.

                did I say "Fallout 2 is totally a reddit shit game"? No, I said that it's weaker as an RPG compared to Fallout. You may want to argue whether that's true or not, but don't go around putting words in my mouth. Never even watched any ad made by Amazon, whatever it is.
                >Your only knowledge of these games comes from post 2015 Ganker
                bold assumption from someone who seems intimately familiar with reddit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >bold assumption from someone who seems intimately familiar with reddit.
                Why are you lying, kid?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the debate about which of the two is better has been going on ever since 2 got released. Trying to rewrite history eh? You could go over to the Codex and check the old threads even now. See for yourself which Fallout was the preferred one back then
                That is really fricking rich considering the whole "Fallout 2 is totally a reddit shit game" thing was LITERALLY INVENTED BY FO3 FANBOYS as a proxy tool in their war against New Vegas. Your only knowledge of these games comes from post 2015 Ganker - or even more likely, you only really learned about them because of that glorified 7 hour long Add Amazon just put out.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >extremely cherry picked examples
              >tries to hand wave example with “muh”
              It’s telling how stupid these morons always get.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >New Vegas is way better at being fun than 3.
            Not when exploring, no. It's better written. But FO3 is more fun to play as an open world game.

            • 4 weeks ago

              debatable. It's definitely not more fun to play as an RPG though

            • 4 weeks ago

              How so? I'd much rather explore and find a new location with interesting quests than explore and find the 13th billionth droll gray building or metro with 30 mutants or raiders to kill.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Do you think the only way to construct a fictional setting is to make it "le realistic?"
          But I do believe to construct a GOOD fictional settings, you need to put some effort and consideration into it.

          >This is a game, the purpose is to be fun.
          This wrong on several levels. First of all, it's not fun because the gameplay is abhorent. Second of all, it's not just a game, it's also a piece of fiction, in fact sequel to one of the most well recieved pieces of post-apocalyptic fiction of all time. Third of all: pattern-spotting and reason-spotting, which is actually the foundation of the appeal of world-building, are fun. If the game denies those to you, it's less fun than it could have been.
          Which in a game that is also absolutely fricking awful at everything else, is a pretty big flaw. This isn't Doom Eternal, you can't wave of THE WORST WORLD-BUILDING EVER COMMITED TO A VIDEOGAME as an acceptable casualty of focus on fun mechanics here.

          >and appreciate how it balances the dreary world with more comedic or eccentric characters.
          Except the world isn't dreary. And the characters aren't comedic either.

          >Not everything needs to be this writing-driven, realistically built saga to be a fun adventure.
          This entire distinction is utterly moronic. Fo3 is not gameplay-focused. The roleplaying element of it is absolute joke, it's barely existing, your "character" does not actually matter at fricking all, it's the EXACT FRICKING OPPOSITE of a good table-top RPG.
          Fo1, 2 and NV are fantastic translations of table-top RPG's, Fo3 is a first person shooter with attrocious gunplay.
          Which would have been tolerable, if it also didn't have the worst settings, story, characters, level design, progression and itemization ever commited to a videogame, ever.

          Fo3 is trash. There is no dimension of it that would not be PURE, ABSOLUTE, DISTILLED GARBAGE.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I can't tell if this is b8, or if (you) are just genuinely unhinged.
            I like how you know enough English to know to use a hyphen, but not enough to know there are two 'f's in 'off.'

            >The gameplay sucks
            It's not a competent shooter, but that doesn't mean there's no enjoyment in it.
            Besides the combat is a bit of a means to an end. The fun is the experience, the exploration, the atmosphere.
            The gameplay and gunplay serves the game well because it is imprecise. If the gunplay was super fluid the game would feel more combat centric. Part of the atmosphere is that the player character is a barely experienced teen. So the awkwardness matches tonally.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Meant to quote

              >Do you think the only way to construct a fictional setting is to make it "le realistic?"
              But I do believe to construct a GOOD fictional settings, you need to put some effort and consideration into it.

              >This is a game, the purpose is to be fun.
              This wrong on several levels. First of all, it's not fun because the gameplay is abhorent. Second of all, it's not just a game, it's also a piece of fiction, in fact sequel to one of the most well recieved pieces of post-apocalyptic fiction of all time. Third of all: pattern-spotting and reason-spotting, which is actually the foundation of the appeal of world-building, are fun. If the game denies those to you, it's less fun than it could have been.
              Which in a game that is also absolutely fricking awful at everything else, is a pretty big flaw. This isn't Doom Eternal, you can't wave of THE WORST WORLD-BUILDING EVER COMMITED TO A VIDEOGAME as an acceptable casualty of focus on fun mechanics here.

              >and appreciate how it balances the dreary world with more comedic or eccentric characters.
              Except the world isn't dreary. And the characters aren't comedic either.

              >Not everything needs to be this writing-driven, realistically built saga to be a fun adventure.
              This entire distinction is utterly moronic. Fo3 is not gameplay-focused. The roleplaying element of it is absolute joke, it's barely existing, your "character" does not actually matter at fricking all, it's the EXACT FRICKING OPPOSITE of a good table-top RPG.
              Fo1, 2 and NV are fantastic translations of table-top RPG's, Fo3 is a first person shooter with attrocious gunplay.
              Which would have been tolerable, if it also didn't have the worst settings, story, characters, level design, progression and itemization ever commited to a videogame, ever.

              Fo3 is trash. There is no dimension of it that would not be PURE, ABSOLUTE, DISTILLED GARBAGE.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah I know I did, I just took away the second arrow to not give him a (you)

            • 4 weeks ago

              >I like how you know enough English to know to use a hyphen, but not enough to know there are two 'f's in 'off.'
              I love how you dare to pick on other people's English while you literally type "b8" and "lol".

              >Besides the combat is a bit of a means to an end. The fun is the experience, the exploration, the atmosphere.
              "experience" of shit, exploration of something not worth exploring, and atmosphere of a sadbox people have been dilligently pissing and shitting into for a several decades.

              Exploring is meaningless because itemization in this game is absolute trash, and the game is so scared of losing it's moronic ADHD fanbase, it hands you the best weapon in the game for free in the first hour, and also because the game has absolutely awful scaling, absolute lack of unique items in general, and none of the places are narratively interesting, because as we established: This is the worst writing, world-building and environmental design ever commited in a videogame.

              And atmosphere? "Everything is green because nukes, because radiation = green" is not atmosphere unless you are BRAINDAMAGED, which you very obviously are.

              Atmosphere is constructed by creating a convincing illusion of a place with a specific and interesting mood or theme being conveyed.
              "CONVINCING" and "INTERESTING" being the key words here.

              Fallout 3 is an idiotic pile of literal nonsense garbage. No place is interesting, because no place has any interesting story to tell, neither does it add to a greater image of a greater narrative or theme. It's literally random trash, nothing connects to anything, there are no underlying themes, stories - it's so fricking brain-dead they don't even understand what a road is and what it is for.

              What am I to explore? Another random pile of goofy gore that some goofy cartoon mannequin slapped on a wall for the 1000x time? Another metro station randomly slapped down next to a rustic windmill? Another gas station that has no road access?

              • 4 weeks ago

                This grief stricken young man seems seconds away from a violent outburst over the quality of Fallout 3. Let’s watch closely.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I'll never be this ass-blasted over a game
                Feels good man

              • 4 weeks ago

                Sad part is you know he’s 100% not trolling he actually is that autistic

              • 4 weeks ago

                This is the Ganker version of those autistic teenagers who screamed into their microphones over some kids cartoon being 'mean spirited' and acting like the characters were real people being harassed.

                This is fricking hilarious.
                Maybe I should respond in depth just to get this guy to rant further

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I'll never be this ass-blasted over a game
                Feels good man

                This grief stricken young man seems seconds away from a violent outburst over the quality of Fallout 3. Let’s watch closely.

                I love how not a single one of you can put together a single coherent point, so you lower yourself to this pathetic shit.

                Seriously, Beth games genuinely attract mentally deficient people.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Everything in your last post reads like it was made by a 14 year old pressing down the keys so hard they made the desk tremble slightly. Especially when typing SHIT and NONSENSE and all the other wonderful words that when put together make the most masterful piece of cringekino I've read this week.
                >Beth games genuinely attract mentally deficient people.
                Sure do!
                Got you to create that absolute magnum fricking opus just to give out your mindpiece, and this is no doubt just one of MANY, many times.

                You have my thanks, If I had gone to sleep a little sooner I might have never read your post.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Look I'll go in depth your post.

                >I like how you know enough English to know to use a hyphen, but not enough to know there are two 'f's in 'off.'
                I love how you dare to pick on other people's English while you literally type "b8" and "lol".

                >Besides the combat is a bit of a means to an end. The fun is the experience, the exploration, the atmosphere.
                "experience" of shit, exploration of something not worth exploring, and atmosphere of a sadbox people have been dilligently pissing and shitting into for a several decades.

                Exploring is meaningless because itemization in this game is absolute trash, and the game is so scared of losing it's moronic ADHD fanbase, it hands you the best weapon in the game for free in the first hour, and also because the game has absolutely awful scaling, absolute lack of unique items in general, and none of the places are narratively interesting, because as we established: This is the worst writing, world-building and environmental design ever commited in a videogame.

                And atmosphere? "Everything is green because nukes, because radiation = green" is not atmosphere unless you are BRAINDAMAGED, which you very obviously are.

                Atmosphere is constructed by creating a convincing illusion of a place with a specific and interesting mood or theme being conveyed.
                "CONVINCING" and "INTERESTING" being the key words here.

                Fallout 3 is an idiotic pile of literal nonsense garbage. No place is interesting, because no place has any interesting story to tell, neither does it add to a greater image of a greater narrative or theme. It's literally random trash, nothing connects to anything, there are no underlying themes, stories - it's so fricking brain-dead they don't even understand what a road is and what it is for.

                What am I to explore? Another random pile of goofy gore that some goofy cartoon mannequin slapped on a wall for the 1000x time? Another metro station randomly slapped down next to a rustic windmill? Another gas station that has no road access?

                >you literally type "b8" and "lol".
                Yeah we're on Ganker, we use internet lingo here.
                >"Experience" of shit, exploration of something not worth exploring.
                Going through the vaults to find the experiments inside them, wandering the wasteland and finding a cool town or dungeon, delving into national landmarks changed by the apocalypse.
                If you don't consider that 'worth exploring' I don't know what to say to you.
                >Itemization in this game is absolutely trash
                I don't even know what that means.
                >it hands you the best weapon for free in the first hour
                You mean the Fat Man? That's the best weapon at all.
                It has the rarest ammo type, and is unusable in close quarters. I wouldn't even consider the fat man better than the 10mm pistol.
                There is no one singular best weapon in the game. There are many weapons great for different purposes.
                >Lack of unique items
                That's not true.
                You just couldn't find the unique items.

                >The atmosphere is bad because the game uses a green color filter
                I like the green filter.
                Fallout 1 and 2 were mostly just brown because wasteland = brown.
                Fallout 3, if anything, had a more inspired color palette with the mix of greys and green making everything look dead and sickly.
                It went along with the art deco buildings and burnt trees.
                >Atmosphere is creating by a convincing and interesting illusion
                And Fallout 3 is that. The game is convincing because it's easy to suspend your disbelief and enjoy it, and it is a very interesting setting.
                Maybe an autist like you needs le realism to suspend your disbelief, but most people don't.

                >What am I to explore? Another metro station by a rustic windmill?
                Rustic windmill?
                What the frick game did you play?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Yeah we're on Ganker, we use internet lingo here.
                No, you talk like a 12 years old terminally online foggot. I talk like a human. I could go indepth exoplaining how immature, insecure or mentally deficient people cling on to obnoxious online fads due to desperate need to turn their addiction into some kind of identity, the need for group validation etc... but I think you already know what the problem is. So let me just ask: Do you think we should all start dabbing too, because it's what all the cool kids online do it?

                >wandering the wasteland and finding a cool town or dungeon
                There are no cool towns or dungeons. Because to be cool, you need to have an interesting idea that is appropriate for the settings. random class diatribe isn't appropriate for settings, or interesting. town defined by having two random buttholes cosplaying as superhero's isn't interesting, or appropriate for the settings. Neither are vampires, or vault full of children who somehow survive for 100 of years without having the ability to procreate.

                And neither is the 100 copy-pasted metro-stations, random caves full of piles of 100% level scaled trash - mob and loot-wise, 100 copy-pasted gas stations, 100 copy-pasted suburbian houses placed next to inner-city metro stations and country-side barns.

                NOTHING about this is interesting, because absolutely nothing about it makes any sense, and thus, it does not contribute to greater picture, 99% of it is not unique either, due to aformentioned massive re-use of locations and 100% reliance on level-scaling, and the few, FEW locations that are unique, are unique EXCLUSIVELY BECAUSE HOW INSULTINGLY IDIOTIC they are.

                Everything in Fallout 3 is either completely pedestrian (pasted and scaled trash), or memorable for how unbelievable wiener-up it is in terms of writing or even common sense. It's either copy-pasted, or so dumb it makes you genuinely wonder how much lead paint had the writer drink every day.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >And neither is the 100 copy-pasted metro-stations
                Neither 'are'
                '100 copy-pasted metro-stations' is plural.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I don't even know what that means.
                That is pretty fricking dire for someone who wants to argue about videogames. Seriously, you don't know what itemization is? How old are you? How did you get here? And do you at least know how to use the fricking google?!

                >You mean the Fat Man? That's the best weapon at all.
                I'm not going to waste time explaining why handing end-game gear to a level 1 player is a bad thing until you learn basic terminology and concepts behind game design, and RPG design in particular.

                >You just couldn't find the unique items.
                Because there are virtually none.

                >I like the green filter.
                Yeah, that is the problem here. You are brain-damaged. You like dumb shit, because dumb shit compatible with dumb brain.

                >Fallout 1 and 2 were mostly just brown because wasteland = brown.
                No, FO1/2 mostly brown because it takes place in a very arrid area of the world. They set the game in arid areas as a means to reinforce the greater sense of desolation, it's something called thematic aliment - you use two separate themes (nuclear destruction, and naturally desolate landscapes) to reinforce each other. Everything else also narratively ties into it, such as the theme of water scarcity. Which they copy-pased into Fo3 forgetting that unlike the planes of Arizona, Washington DC is not naturally water-deprived - on the contrary.

                This is the kind of basic narrative analysis that anyone past the seventh grade should be able to do. And the fact that you can't is the problem. You. Are. Stupid.
                And that is why you like Fo3. Because it. IS. STUPID.

                >Fallout 3, if anything, had a more inspired color palette with the mix of greys and green
                You also very obviously haven't played any Fo game outside of 3, have you?

                >Maybe an autist like you needs le realism to suspend your disbelief, but most people don't.
                How fricking old are you?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >you don't know what itemization is?
                Well using google it says "the act of listing thing separately." And I don't really know what Fallout 3 did to 'itemize like shit'
                >Handing end-game gear to a level 1 character is bad
                The fat man is the rarest ammo type, a new player will likely use the ammo a few times, but not be able to use it consistently, and likely save the thing for emergency uses only.
                So it doesn't really impact the balance of the game.
                And if you think it does, you're wrong.
                >there are virtually no unique items
                There are 38 unique weapons just in the base game. That discounts all unique DLC weapons or the two uniques found on Colonel Autumn which can only be used either via cheats or by playing past the ending with Broken Steel.
                sauce = https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_3_unique_weapons
                These are found as quest rewards, on certain characters, or in various locations spread across the map for explorers to find.
                Not to mention the hundreds of skill books spread around the map, or the bobbleheads which all give good rewards to explorers.
                >You are dumb because you like the green filter
                Suck my balls.
                >Fo1 and 2 are brown because they take place in a desert
                No they don't.
                Have you been to California?
                It's very lush and green. Much of Fallout 2 is set in Oregon, which is largely a big forest. And its still brown.
                >Water scarcity is a dumb theme because of DC being near water
                You're moronic.
                That water is irradiated, the theme is clean water, not no water.
                And Fallout 1 only has a theme of water when it comes to the vault and its systems. It isn't because California is dry, it's tied in to vault hardware.
                >You obviously haven't played any Fo game outside of 3.
                I've played 1, 2, New Vegas, and 4 before playing 3.
                >How old are you
                I do know the difference.
                You don't.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Well using google it says "the act of listing thing separately."
                You genuinely are just completely mentally deficient, aren't you?

                What is your diagnosis? I'm dead serious: What is your diagnosis? What kind of mental disorder do you struggle with? Have they even told you, or are you so fricking stupid they don't even bother telling you what sort of brain dysfunction do you have?

                Itemization, in context of games, means how the game handles progression and distribution of loot and gear: what items are made available to the player at what point and how do they affect further play. And the fact that I need to explain to this, to someone who just minutes ago claimed that FO3 is like a good dnd session, is absolutely fricking mortifying.

                >There are 38 unique weapons just in the base game.
                How many of them are shitty texture swaps?

                >It's very lush and green.
                Yes, thanks to an insane system of active infrastructure that consumes nearly 1/3 of all drinkable water in the US to irrigate the area.

                >That water is irradiated, the theme is clean water, not no water.
                Which is absolutely fricking idiotic, and I feel like I'm in one of those original pajeet threads right now. Do I need to start explaining what a rain-cycle is?

                >I've played 1, 2, New Vegas, and 4 before playing 3.
                Yeah, and you haven't noticed that literally all of those have incomparably more vivid and varied color schemes than Fo3?
                Like - NV having actual forests, bright-red canyons, actual golden sand deserts, farmlands?
                Fo2 having Vault City, New Reno, SanFran?

                You haven't played any of those games, and the fact that you need to lie about it is a perfect fricking demonstration of the problem.

                Because you aren't just moronic. You are moronic SCUM. You are a shit human being, that will defend shit with gusto, so broken you'll lie your ass off while sucking down brain-dead corporate slop by the gallon and be proud of it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >How many of them are shitty texture swaps?
                Either they are fully unique guns or weapons, or they use the same texture as the regular gun variant.
                But they all have different stats and abilities.
                >California is green due to irrigation
                It's true that central Cali wouldn't be farmland without outside water.
                But it's not a fricking desert.
                And the mountains are all covered in trees and flora from natural rain water.
                The only desert part of California is the Mojave.
                >It is dumb that Fallout 3's water is irradiated
                Why are you applying real world radiation facts to Fallout?
                Real world radiation also doesn't create ghouls or make bugs super big.
                Why should Fallout's magic radiation not irradiate the water?
                Because you don't want to admit that it's a perfectly fine plot point for a Fallout game to have?
                >Have you noticed other Fallout games have more colors
                I don't care.
                What does that have to do with Fallout 3's color palette?
                Fallout 3's color palette is effective at setting the mood and atmosphere. I'm sorry you can't appreciate it.
                >You're lying about playing these games
                This is the most desperate cope I've read on here.
                >You are moronic SCUM
                Just because I like a video game.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >, or they use the same texture as the regular gun variant.
                So they are not unique at all. Cool.

                >But it's not a fricking desert.
                Neither is it in the games but again - we already established you haven't even seen a screenshot of the OG fallout games, so this is rather pointless.

                >Why are you applying real world radiation facts to Fallout?
                I'm applying elementary school understanding of the world. Like "water in a river flows" or "rain comes from clouds which come from oceans", or "If you CLEARLY ESTABLISH IN THE FIRST QUEST IN YOUR FIRST TOWN THAT THERE IS ENOUGH CLEAN GROUND WATER TO HAVE MASSIVE HIGH-PRESSURE PIPING AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO BE ALARMED WHEN HALF OF IT IS BURSTING AND SPILLING HECTOLITRES OF WATER AROUND, maybe your story being about desperate struggle to get clean water sounds a bit hollow, and you need to re-write your absolute trainwreck of a story?"

                That is the kind of "real world logic" I'm using here, and the game is not capable of living up to.

                >I don't care.
                You lied. Why did you lie?

                This is actually the absolutely central question of the discussion, and there is no point in discussing anything further.


                >Just because I like a video game.
                No, it's not because you like a game. It's because you are lying, spinless coward, a c**t that will do literally anything, including explicit lying, rather than to admit that something you enjoy is actually, objectively, bad.

                Because you are so insecure that you would rather see everything else being trash, than to face the negative implication of your taste in a game.

                Because people like you make this world actively worse, and purely, because you are cowards, slimy c**ts.
                All it would take is to say:
                "Yeah, maybe I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe the thing I like was actually really shit, and I'm kinda dumb for not realizing sooner."
                And people would not have to despise you. But you can't, and that actively likes the world a worse place.

              • 4 weeks ago

                nta but
                >Enjoying this video game that anon doesn't like is making the world a worse place
                Holy autism, do you realise how rediculous you sound? Even if he consedes, what changes? Will the world become a better place? Dude likes a game, you don't. It's that simple. You can write another 5 paragraphs as to why it's way more important than that but that's all it is. One dude at the begining of this thread said he likes both 3 and New Vegas and it sparked you to rant and rave like a fricking mad man like you're on some holy crusade to save the world.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Holy autism, do you realise how rediculous you sound?
                If you literally can't read, don't try to respond to other people, kid.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Oh you're real tough. You also apart of this Fallout 3 mafia that's being talked about itt? Better watch my back then, eh?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Oh you're real tough. You also apart of this Fallout 3 mafia
                Again and again, one has to wonder what is the exact specific cause of this connection between Beth fandom, and severe mental disabilities.

                The games are stupid, all of them, sure, and will attract stupid people, sure, but the sheer number of beth fanboys that gave like genuinely crippling mental disabilities is still utterly disproportionate.

                One is tempted to think that the games might actually have direct adverse effect on mental health - but having played at least a few of them, I can't really figure out how that could work.

                Or is it just the years and years of bullying that broke you? It is true that Ganker is harsh in this respect, and you kids generally tend to get a LOT of shit here, and maybe that shit just build up and broke you?

                Either way kid: You are one of equally fascinating, and horrifying case studies of a genuine neuro-cogntitive disorder called "Beth fandom".

              • 4 weeks ago

                >connection between Beth fandom, and severe mental disabilities.
                I wouldn't know, but I can take an educated guess on what's causing yours: Unchecked autism and poor anger management, maybe lack of a good father figure to?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nothing funnier than a mentally disabled person trying to diagnose others...

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I wrote a novels worth of pure seethe because someone said they liked a video game
                >Yes, I'm the one of sound mind

              • 4 weeks ago

                Most of them are made up of hyper autistic teenagers that are incapable of actually coming up with any sort of coherent or stable argument to defend their games or say that others are worse so in turn they just fall into obsessive habits like spamming the same shit daily or going in circles. It goes beyond simple fandom and into being just a mindless drone that doesn’t just suck off a game but an entire fricking company and the people that work there. Eventually they just fry their brains with all this bullshit and develop schizophrenic delusions.

              • 4 weeks ago

                not him but Southern California(Where FO1/2 takes place) is not lush and green, NorCal is sure, but Southern california is two steps up from being literally Arizona.

              • 4 weeks ago

                On the mountain tops and by the coast it's more green. Not forest green, but not a desert.

              • 4 weeks ago

                that's why I said two steps up from Arizona. (Probably on the same level due not being very long after the apocalypse)

              • 4 weeks ago

                Fallout 1 had very good reason to be a desert, given its setting in place and time.
                Fallout stretched that, it didn't make sense but they just used the same assets, and they wanted it to look unique to scream 'apocalyptic' not green and lush like any other PC RPG.

                Fallout 3 likewise wanted to stand out visually back when there weren't many post apocalyptic games were made.
                So even though DC is a swamp land, it was turned into a desert to better fit the visual iconography of post apocalyptic settings

              • 4 weeks ago

                >it was turned into a desert to better fit the visual iconography of post apocalyptic settings
                Except Fo3 isn't desert.
                It's not anything. And that is one of the core problems of that game.
                It's a pile of random green-tinted trash. It's neither a desert, nor a steppe, nor a swamp, nor city-scape, nor a country-scape, not suburbia, not farmland, it's nothing. It has random pieces of all of those, but that is the thing, they are completely random: it's just stock post-apo assets distributed according to the 60 second rule.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Except Fo3 isn't desert.
                Well it's unrealistically dry. The double meaning there is intentional, the wetness of the DC area is ignored to create a more stereotypical Mad Max-esque feel.
                It would have been cool if it played in to how damp that region is, keep it dead, but dead and wet. To give it more of a unique visual identity.
                >It's just random green-tinted trash
                Fallout 3 is set in a region you can expect to be the most nuked, and largely set around just that city.
                So the world being more dead than usual works. The atmosphere is largely either a dead and barren landscape or the crumbled concrete of America's capital.
                I think it is fantastic, that's how it should be. It makes sense given the setting and pushes the atmosphere of desperation and death the game relies on.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Well it's unrealistically dry.
                It's not, there are pools of (irradiated) water everywhere. All the trees are burned as if they were it by flame or poison. There are few plants because Bethesda is brain-dead and lazy, but lack of plants don't make it desert because again, surface bodies of water are far from uncommon.

                The very, very clear implication is that it's a "poisoned" land, not dry land. But again, in the end it does not really matter because it's all such garbled nonsense it communicates nothing what-so-ever.

                As I said, they took a bunch of completely random props and distributed them according to simple principle they got from a hand-book about dealing with ADHD children.
                There never was anything more to it. There never was intention of being more to it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                If people are wondering why NV fans are getting shit on these days, this anons posts are the perfect examples. Good god you people are some of the most pedantic autists around and it's obnoxious as frick. Yeah we get it, FO3 falls short in areas but you people act as if Todd Howard killed your dog. You straight up remind me of those people on youtube who made a living screaming over cartoons. It's embarrassing.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah it feels embarassing to be a fallout new vegas fan because of people like hbomberguy who'll scream to the rooftops about how new vegas is the single best videogame ever made and fallout three is total dogshit.
                It's a good game. Fallout three is a slightly worse good game. You don't need to jack yourselves off over it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And even then, I generally agree with most of the common criticisms FO3 gets. I still overall enjoyed it for what it was even if it could have been way better. If you're gonna act like a complete sperg like that other dude about it though I am gonna laugh at you and call you cringe. NV fans need to stop taking themselves so seriously.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Yeah we get it, FO3 falls short in areas but you people act as if Todd Howard killed your dog.
                First of all, I'm not a big fan of New Vegas.
                Second of all: it's simple: Admit the game is fricking absolutely pants on head moronic. And we'll leave you alone.

                The problem is that you people continue to ignore massive, unnecessary faults - in fact you go out of your way to defend them, and attack those who expect better.

                Your standards are low? Fine. Be a moron, but admit that you are a moron, and stop actively dragging the industry down just because you have shit taste.
                Also, frick off to reddit if you expect circlerjerk, you pathetic newhomosexual. Maybe it haven't occured to you in the last 15 days you've been here, but endless deepthroating of the worst trash of the 7th gen isn't something we do here. You are not home at reddit anymore, get used to it, or frick off back to wherever you crawled in from.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I'm not a big fan of new vegas
                >But admit the game is fricking absolutely pants on head moronic. And -we'll- leave you alone.
                It's not pants on head moronic, it just falls short in some areas, anon literally explained it.
                Don't be a fricking moron, again, this is why people don't like you.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >It's not pants on head moronic, it just falls short in some areas, anon literally explained it.
                And this is why people have so much vitriol for shistains like you.
                Because you'll rather drag the whole industry down before admitting that something you like, is moronic.

                >Don't be a fricking moron, again, this is why people don't like you.
                Says the Fo3 fanboy here on fricking Ganker? Really?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Seriously dude, calm down. This shit can't be good for you. I didn't even defend Fallout 3. I even said I generally agree with most of the points against it in

                And even then, I generally agree with most of the common criticisms FO3 gets. I still overall enjoyed it for what it was even if it could have been way better. If you're gonna act like a complete sperg like that other dude about it though I am gonna laugh at you and call you cringe. NV fans need to stop taking themselves so seriously.

                . I completely acknowledge 3s shortcomings. The difference between you and I is that I don't act like a complete sperg about it. Your behaviour is the reason NV fans are getting a bad rep lately.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >it's simple: Admit the game is fricking absolutely pants on head moronic. And we'll leave you alone.
                Holy shit, this guy thinks he's part of some anti Fallout 3 mafia.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Watch out anon, he'll send out the goons if you say you thought The Pitt was alright.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The Pitt had great atmosphere, I wish it was longer. Frankly a whole game could have been set there.
                Point Lookout is fantastic too.

                Personally I think I prefer those two to the New Vegas DLCs.
                I prefer how those Fallout 3 ones showed more of the world and kept things in line with the base game in tone and content.
                NV's dlc, except for Honest Hearts, was too different from what I like about the base game. It was way too combat focused and the worldbuilding was really off compared to the base game.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'd advise applying for witness protection anon, the Fallout 3 mafia are no joke.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You're going to admit Fallout 3 is bad, see?
                >Because if you don't, see? I'm going to send the girls, see?
                >And they've not been taking their HRT tonight, capische?

                >it's simple: Admit the game is fricking absolutely pants on head moronic. And we'll leave you alone.
                Holy shit, this guy thinks he's part of some anti Fallout 3 mafia.


              • 4 weeks ago

                >Holy shit, this guy thinks he's part of some anti Fallout 3 mafia.
                You have literally been bawling your eyes out about how the meanie, meanie FNV fanboys don't stop bullying you.

                I'm just letting you know. People keep calling you a piece of shit because you are a piece of shit. "We" means anyone who more than two brain cells and too much free time on their hands.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >bawling your eyes out
                Nope, we're laughing at the pure cringekino you're spewing in every post you shit out.
                >People keep calling you a piece of shit because you are a piece of shit
                Don't care, keep doing it if you want even. Making a moral judgement on someone because of their taste in video games is as you say "pants on head moronic". Really shows how seriously you take this dumb shit.
                >too much free time on their hands
                lmao at least you have some self awareness

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You're going to admit Fallout 3 is bad, see?
                >Because if you don't, see? I'm going to send the girls, see?
                >And they've not been taking their HRT tonight, capische?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >"Maybe you classic fans don't look a fallout three fan in the eye when you kill them, but I do."
                >Anon approaches you as you're tied up, a pistol in his hand. A fallout one and two fan stand beside him, they look nervous.
                >"I warned you, anon. From where you're standing, this must look like a run of bethesda's bug-fixing luck ain't that right, bethesda-bitch?"
                >"Truth is, though. These games were rigged from the start."
                >Cut to title screen.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Notice nobody even tries to refute this post. Actually pathetic.
                >uhhh long post bad!!!!!

          • 4 weeks ago

            Imagine having a rabies level frothing at the mouth reaction to a fairly generic video game from 400 years ago

            • 4 weeks ago

              There’s a reason most people hate the nv fanbase

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not him but you say that meanwhile you tolerate 30 threads a day by shitjeets copypasting the same gigachad edits?

  20. 4 weeks ago

    No. 3 has emil writing which makes it unplayable trash because every playing moment is an insult to ones intelligence. The DLC point lookout and the pitt are actually fun because they're FO3 with no emil writing.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    >So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3gay" or "vegasgay".
    If you are a Gankerirgin keyboard warrior, yes.
    Real chads play Tale of Two Wastelands and just have fun.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Just play TTW if you're interested in both, that being said there's nothing FNV doesn't do better than F3 literally that doesn't mean F3 is shit but is not a good rpg, shooter nor is well written.

    • 4 weeks ago

      is TTW a good way to play both for the first time? i'm playing 2 right now and want to jump right into 3 when i'm done, i've only ever played 3 and nv briefly in the past

      • 4 weeks ago

        >is TTW a good way to play both for the first time?
        Yes. It's the ideal way to play F3 and you can just start a new NV save if you don't want to be a super god all through the Mojave

      • 4 weeks ago

        No. Just play them individually. Most people recc it because it's hard to get 3 to run on modern systems.

      • 4 weeks ago

        TTW can be easier to get working than Fallout 3, but otherwise is a worse way to play it.
        If you get Fallout 3 running natively, not through New Vegas, then it is far more stable than New Vegas and you get the proper experience of Fallout 3.

        TTW makes some annoying changes to combine both games, and so you don't get the full experience of 3 by playing it.
        Though if you don't want to bother following some online guide to get 3 working then, it is a fine option.

        • 4 weeks ago

          i already have fo3 installed and modded, just waiting to finish 2
          i did play fo1 with that Et Tu mod so i figured i may as well try TTW too but i think i'll avoid it for now

          • 4 weeks ago

            Oh then don't bother playing TTW.
            The only reason it's popular is if you want to play both games on the same save file or if you can't get 3 working.

      • 4 weeks ago

        BTW, the proper Fo3 experience anon here

        TTW can be easier to get working than Fallout 3, but otherwise is a worse way to play it.
        If you get Fallout 3 running natively, not through New Vegas, then it is far more stable than New Vegas and you get the proper experience of Fallout 3.

        TTW makes some annoying changes to combine both games, and so you don't get the full experience of 3 by playing it.
        Though if you don't want to bother following some online guide to get 3 working then, it is a fine option.

        is talking about is not having iron sights. For some reason iron sights cause FO3gays to have brain hemorrahge.
        Why? I dunno, they think playing anything that's not adjusted to Emil's worldview is heressy or some shit.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    >3 is the more serious game
    Assuming this isn't a shitposter it's funny that this is the impression someone would get.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 1 = Fallout 3
    Fallout 2 = New Vegas

    • 4 weeks ago

      fallout 1:
      >you have 150 days to find a water chip. our vault needs this part to survive. please be safe.
      >the first people i meet are a small farming community... they came from a vault like us but they're living fine on the surface
      >i couldn't find the chip in vault 15. it was abandoned... how long until my vault meets the same fate?
      >i know the sheriff killian is right, but... i can't turn down the cash from gizmo. i can never show my face in this town again
      >the brotherhood seem to be a reclusive group living in a bunker filled with incredible technology... i'd better get on their good side
      >every settlement i find shows me another way humans have adapted to surviving on the surface...
      >the master thinks we humans are too weak for the wasteland? there's no way that's true, not with what i've seen... the mutants have got to go

      fallout 3:
      >okay where can we start our game? oh good idea how about our character being BORN
      >do you know how to shoot? do you know how to walk? come sit at a birthday party! okay now kill these guards you've known all your life
      >so, get this, there's a BOMB in the centre of town. do you want to disarm it for a piss-easy skill check or blow everyone up?
      >now that i've found my dad (the protagonist) in the Matrix vault and he's died, i'll follow this Doctor Li around instead. not like i want to control what i do or anything
      >the brotherhood are the Good Guys, and they're saving the wasteland. it's so awesome to watch them and their big robot fight the final battle for me!
      >president Eden? uhhh [Speech 100] You're an abomination. You have to die... yeah that should do it


      • 4 weeks ago

        You also forget
        >Sorry Master, but according to this paper your super mutants can't sneed, have a nice day.

        • 4 weeks ago

          rare that an rpg will have speech options which you need to back up with facts

        • 4 weeks ago

          better than
          [speech: 100] - (Win the game)

        • 4 weeks ago

          you have to go out of your way to help Vree to get and check the information about the super mutants being sterile, you need a certain degree of speech for it and even then you still have to talk the Master into believing it because he negates it to the very end.
          the argument about the Master being able to circumvent this by just having a few vault dwellers locked down breeding until they die for stock also doesn't work because the Master wants super mutants to dominate the wasteland independent of anything or anyone, and if they cannot bear offspring, they fail at this.
          he spent his whole life and even destroyed his humanity to achieve the unity and when his lifework comes to nothing but having to continue to depend on humans for everything, he'll obviously feel defeated.
          you can convince Eden to kill himself even if you havent even bothered leveling up Speech because Bethesda thought it was a fantastic idea to make speech something that works on a diceroll, so you can just savescum until it works.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fallout 1
      Fallout 2 = New vegas
      Fallout tactics = Fallout 3

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Skip both and go straight to 4. It's basically got everything the others have, in one package

  26. 4 weeks ago

    What is blud waffling about

    • 4 weeks ago

      He trippin

  27. 4 weeks ago

    I enjoy both games but NV allows more freedom of play and honestly the map is far more interesting. F03 is not a bad game and you should certainly play it, NV just improved on it in basically all aspects.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    both suck fallout 4 is the best

    • 4 weeks ago
  29. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout fans LOVE to purity spiral. They've been doing it for decades now. Hell, they're now saying that if you liked fricking Fallout 2 of all things then you aren't a real fan. Big thing to remember is that they're cranky because HRT can cause mood swings.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    Broadly speaking:
    >Vegas has:
    >Better writing in dialogue and setting
    >Better quest design
    >Better RPG system integration and balance
    >Better gunplay and weapon variety

    F3 has:
    >A better, more iconic open world
    >More and better-executed dungeons

    If you can only play 1 of them - pick Vegas as it's easily the better game in basically every regard, however F3 is still worth playing through once to experience the open world.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Though let's get real, unless you didn't like one of them and don't want to play anymore, there is no reason to not just play the other.
      I got into 3 because I wanted more of a game like New Vegas and I loved it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >better quest design
      kek. pic related.
      lol. casinos break the economy and magazines every skill chek.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Debunked graph.

      • 4 weeks ago

        holy cherry picking

      • 4 weeks ago

        >get kicked out of all the casinos
        >take winnings to the gun runners near the strip
        >spend 10,000 caps on a gun and a set of armor
        >look at caps after purchase
        >2 caps remain

        the house always wins

  31. 4 weeks ago

    poojeetsirs and vegastroonxisters...

    if you could choose only one of these viewpoints, which would it be?

    • 4 weeks ago

      One on the left, turn based fighting is boring as shit, unless it's Heroes of Might and Magic or Worms Armageddon.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Play both, if you want to save money then just play New Vegas. They're both fine, but if you're only going to play one New Vegas is the better game. Despite how much it crashes, it feels like the more polished game both gameplay and story wise.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    Play both anon, they're both good games although new vegas has a way better story, fallout three's fun as well.
    Also if you play NV do yourself a favour and download the ten billion mods avalible to make the game play less like ass.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    Install Tale of Two Wastelands and play both

  35. 4 weeks ago

    >Relaxing in the strip after stealing the platinum chip.
    >Chilling with some bodyguards because the fricker I thought I killed has apparently begun wandering around the wasteland.
    >Feeling worried but there's no way she could get into the strip armed, let alone the casino or past my bodyguards.
    >Trying to just relax and stop being paranoid, this b***h probably has brain damage, I got nothing to worry about.
    >As I'm talking to my friends I feel someone grab my shoulder, turn around. It's that fricking b***h of a mailman, she's absolutely covered in blood and has stimpacks sticking out of her bare arms, absolutely psychotic expression on her face, almost mistook her for a fiend.
    >"What in the god damn."
    >Losing my shit as this b***h confronts me, barely maintaining my composure in front of everyone.
    >About to piss myself when she asks "How about we have some fun upstairs?"
    >What in the actual frick, she wants to frick me?
    >Sure, frick it. I'm too scared to say no to this woman, and that blood looks fresh.
    >We head upstairs and frick.
    >Best fricking sex I ever had, run the frick away when she's sleeping.
    >Get caught by Ceasers legion.
    >Get tortured for a few days, pretty sure I'm gonna die. Whatever, the sex was worth it. I can die content after fricking her.
    >Suddenly, this fricking b***h re-appears.
    >Looks like she's had some major surgery all over her body and face, pretty sure I can see fricking cybernetic implants sticking out of her.
    >Kills everyone, unties me.
    >I stammer out a thank you and run away.
    Ever since, I've been living in the hub. Got a decent gig here, but no matter what girl I buy for the night, nothing compares to that fricking mailman I shot in the head. I hear she runs vegas now, should I call her bros?

  36. 4 weeks ago

    >things/games I dislike, call it reddit, pajeet, Black person, trans
    >things/games I like, call it gigachad, white, straight
    Why Ganker is like this?

  37. 4 weeks ago

    I think Fallout 3 is shit but as I grew older I became more accepting of other people's opinions, so start with 3.

    Ideally you'd have to start with 1. Somebody can hook you with a modding guide, all I'll say is that Agility is the most important stat for combat and there's no shame in maxing it outright, also that Gifted trait is exactly as broken as it looks and should always be taken unless you want to challenge yourself.

    Also you can change the animation speed in options to make combat go faster.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    No you're wrong.
    Vegas is basically the successor to the 2D fallout game based on fallout 3, it uses the same engine and assets and aside from more weapons and perks and ADS it's pretty much the same. It follows a similar design to Fallout 1 and 2, with you arriving in a location, solving a morality problem and then moving on. The entire game is really one big morality puzzle as well. Like old fallout games it can be very funny if it wants to but the next moment it can get extremely dark.

    Fallout 3 is a Bethesda game and carries the Bethesda writing style while also being a soft reboot of the series. Because of that it tries to emulate the first game's small shanty towns giving you more of that 'post apocalypse' feel. It's also far more black and white and is overall pretty linear compared to the very open-ended structure of oblivion.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    new vegas is ok
    fallout 3 is subhuman and if you like it you deserve to be tortured

  40. 4 weeks ago

    Modding new vegas should be a capital punishment or some kind of CIA torture tactic.
    >"Sit down!"
    >Prisoner is shoved into a chair with a computer.
    >"This computer has new vegas on it along with a connection to nexusmods. You have fallout mod manager installed, that's all you're allowed to use. Have fun."
    >Forced to spend days troubleshooting and fixing problems to finally get your modded playthrough to run smoothly.
    >After days you finally begin to play the game.
    >They take the computer away.
    >They bring you a new computer, skyrim is installed.
    >The cycle continues until you break.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Only if you're extremely mentally moronic. It always works in my machine.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 is a joke of a game. It's existence is tolerable only because without it there is no Vegas.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    I played it on ps3, loadtimes are ass.
    Years later tried it on PC but trying to mod in controller support is a pain in the ass.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm so sorry for you anon holy shit

      • 4 weeks ago

        you said ps3 instead of console version

        • 4 weeks ago

          The PS3 version is notoriously shit, they cut a lot of shit (which you should restore with mods on the PC version) because systems couldn't handle it at the time and it was causing a lot of bugs for people.
          Anyway, the PS3 version was absolutely gutted because it could not run on that console.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >they cut a lot of shit (which you should restore with mods on the PC version)
            Are you saying the default PC version is gimped down because the game also needed to run on ps3?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Ah kinda but the ps3 version had way more shit removed from it.
              It struggled to run on the PC as well. If you play the first version of new vegas you'd see a lot more bugs and a lot more content.
              The strip and freeside used to be one massive area, no load zones separating them into multiple sections.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    So I was playing through TTW recently(2 hours ago) and in the FO3 section I realized how shit the overworld really is with all of the fricking buildings you can't actually enter it gives an illusion of adventure. Having intact homes, giant factories and office buildings all over the place with no points of entry is shit design. Seeing an interesting building at distance only to walk up to it 10 minutes later and find out it has no door or the door is boarded up for the umpteenth time gets tedious.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Honest hearts was the coolest DLC.
    >Great setting.
    >Great characters
    Despite being a very liberal game at the time with a lot of gay and even a nonbinary character they portrayed religion with a lot of respect.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    FO3 has a more interesting world with more locations to explore than NV. But FO3, like Oblivion, has a huge flaw: the level scaling. At lvl2 you'll mostly encounter low-level enemies except at maybe special locations, and at lvl30 you'll run into giant scorpions and bullet sponge feral ghoul reavers everywhere.

    When it comes to DLC, I think FO3 did better (except that alien/UFO DLC which sucked ass). Broken Steel and Operation Anchorage were good and Point Lookout okay I guess.
    In NV, Dead Money or whatever it was called was kinda okay, but Old World Blues was some straight up moronic shit to the point that I stopped playing.

    I think NV is still the better game of the two though.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I've been playing TTW, started with vegas in 3 now as I've started skipping between both. 3 is filled with duo's of albino scorpions tanking everything and then super mutant masters, makes it quite unenjoyable to explore.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Operation Anchorage were good
      Bro you need to replay that shit, there is no difference between it and the shitty alien dlc. Both are tedious as frick

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Quantity over quality. Big world with lots of explore but the depth of what you find is comparatively shallow.
    Quality over quantity. Smaller world but with more depth on how far you can interact with it.

    Liking both is fine, Ganker is just fricking moronic. Play both. Then maybe try TWW.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I bet you compare Dread Delusion to Morrowind.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    > 3 is the more serious game

    anon 3 is a joke even on that front, the lore makes no sense, west coast is moving on progressing, while east coast is still living in skeleton filled shacks after 200 years.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It doesn't matter because the based TV show just made the west backwards again too. It's over for NCR cucks XD

      • 4 weeks ago

        It’s not canon

        • 4 weeks ago

          It is according to Todd 🙂

          • 4 weeks ago

            >it is according to the notorious liar
            Just going to keep digging that hole? It’s as canon as Brotherhood of steel lol.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Frick you are moronic

              • 4 weeks ago

                Go back to crying on /fog/

              • 4 weeks ago

                Option 1
                >You are talking to a moron
                Option 2
                >You are falling for bait

                Either way, you are a moron slurping up shit from another moron.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >YOURE A moron ALSO IM BAITING
                Imagine being so desperate that you have to immediately resort to this cope when called out /fog/gays really are the biggest fricking babies on this site.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You are now also a crybaby schizo.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >admits he’s baiting
                >gets called out
                >screams no u and schizo
                Bethestoddlers really can’t argue for shit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You just feed off of replies don't you?
                How pathetic.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >NOOO STOP REPLYING TO ME
                So first you try to cope by saying it’s all bait and after that didn’t work you’re now just going to cry about how I keep calling out your bullshit? And you want to call me pathetic. Again what a fricking baby.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Josh Sawyer is the only reason the NCR didn't get at minimum fricked up beyond repair in Lonesome Road.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why did avellone b***h about the show if it did what he always wanted and reset shit back to zero

  48. 4 weeks ago

    >Fallout 3 is fun, but it is not a Fallout game.
    Is what I used to say.
    Now I say,
    >Fallout 3 is their own playful canon of the original Fallout series.

  49. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't get why people keep posting this image.
      All it is is just a guy who doesn't understand the main plot of Fallout 3 complaining about it.
      It doesn't get into anything else.
      It isn't even a good critique of the main plot of the game, and that's not a hard thing to critique

      • 4 weeks ago

        The "explanations" in that image are far worse than the simplifications the OG picture makes. You are not helping the issue, you are just proving further that not only is Fo3 story one of the dumbest pieces of fiction ever committed, but also that Fo3 fanboys are genuinely absolutely deranged and keep trying to defend it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why do you keep using the term "ever committed?"
          That's a really bizarre way to say "ever written" or simply "ever"

          Are you talking weirdly so you can use the same terminology associated with crime with Fallout 3?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Why do you keep using the term "ever committed?"
            Because I can't call this shit "writing". The closest analogy to what Fallout 3 does to the idea of storytelling is indeed "crime against humanity". And crimes are being "committed".

      • 4 weeks ago

        the problem with this is that dealing with irradiated water is actually pretty easy and you don't need a fancy purifier to to it

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah in real life, sure.
          But this is Fallout, where radiation can turn people into ghouls and bugs giant and give cows two heads.

          If the game can sell the audience that radiation can do all that, why is it too much to say radiation in Fallout is hard to get out of the water supply

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah this. So annoyed by the >muh 200 years people.
            b***h the game has FEV, Ghouls, Death Claw, Aliens. It makes sense that they can't rebuild its also only a few generations after the bombs. Plus there might be only in the 100 of thousands of people in all of America at that point so a lot less people to fix everything up.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >b***h the game has FEV, Ghouls, Death Claw, Aliens. It makes sense that they can't rebuild
              The west had all of those and had a literal organized army of mutants 100 years before 3 try to kill everyone and they still managed to rebuild and create and entire nation. There is not excuse for this shit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >NCR cucks
                First off no. Tons of desolate communities out west. Second of all the NCR SUCKS of course they are fun for the story but their "nation" is garbage for poopyheads.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >First off no. Tons of desolate communities out west
                No, even the most fricked up communities are still better off than the shit they have out east.
                >Second of all the NCR SUCKS of course they are fun for the story but their "nation" is garbage for poopyheads
                Oh so you’re underaged moron poisoned by irony. Just because something goes against the moronic narrative Bethesda created that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Megaton and Rivet City were fine same with BoS bunker. Lemme guess you see scrap metal and think "ewwww this is uncivilized" typical.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Megaton and Rivet City were fine
                What do they eat?
                >Lemme guess you see scrap metal
                Considering it’s been 200 years and the west at that point has reached 19th century American levels of development yeah it is.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Radioactive, mole rats, brahmin. They also have caravans just like fallout 1 ugh.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Radioactive, mole rats, brahmin. They also have caravans
                They don’t have hunting parties, they have one (1) brahmin, and there is only one caravan not a bunch like in 1 as well as no location like The Hub. Think more on this shit next time.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >b***h the game has FEV, Ghouls, Death Claw, Aliens.
              It's really funny how you people don't realize that Death Claws, Ghouls and giant insects are all results of FEV and not radiation, but you keep talking about these games as if you knew anything about it.

              Also, there is a difference between using artistic licence, and being absolutely stupid. As others pointed out, in Fo1/2, the game explores how people manage to deal with all these weird problems - how they make food in land that has been largely polluted or deprived of water, how they organize defences against those monsters, how they try (and sometimes fail, sometimes succeed) to integarte new shit like Ghouls into their societies.

              Fo3 explores NOTHING. And that is why people are really pissed about it. And why your defense is absolutely fricking moronic, because "having a fantastic element that is actually integrated and explored in the fiction" is not the same as "having random shit because "it's not real, who cares?!""

              • 4 weeks ago

                Lol no ghouls are radiation caused EXPLICITLY.

                Plus NO F1 and F2 barely talk about farming or water they just take it for granted as necessary (duh) JUST LIKE 3. My god you people act like F1 is really sim city: wasteland or some shit. No it is exploring derelict vaults, evil bases, evil church, crime ridden towns. Has nothing to do with Sim city.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Lol no ghouls are radiation caused EXPLICITLY.
                Is this how kids "troll" these days?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Fallout creators couldn't agree on ghouls. And I mean actual Fallout creators, Tim Cain and Chris Taylor, not Toddler. In Tim Cain's idea, "FEV and radiation don't mix" - notice how irradiated humans make for much dumber and more primitive Supermutants, and that Curling-13 FEV strain is especially deadly to pure Vault Dwellers. For Chris Taylor, ghouls were humans who received a massive dose of radiation and then got FEV'd.

                Harold is an interesting case because for Tim Cain, he's a type of ghoul, but for Chris Taylor, Harold is explicitly NOT a ghoul, but an unique FEV mutant.

                So you're not exactly wrong, but you aren't 100% right either.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >It makes sense that they can't rebuild
              They did in F2.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah because the west coast is where all of the major organizations in America hid. The west coast had a head start. East coast was pretty much obliterated with much smaller population. You people act like America isn't this GIANT fricking place like GEOGRAPHICALLY

              • 4 weeks ago
              • 4 weeks ago

                >Yeah because the west coast is where all of the major organizations in America hid
                The only one there was the fricking Enclave and it was on an Oil Rig in the pacific.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >just the enclave
                >just the group that had 500 vertibirds and tons of weapons, armor, supplies enough to feasibly recreate America

              • 4 weeks ago

                >all of the major organizations
                >it’s just one organization
                >b-but they’re big
                You really love reaching for whatever you can, this is just desperate
                >just the group that had 500 vertibirds and tons of weapons, armor, supplies enough to feasibly recreate America
                They couldn’t even stop a tribal and we’re finally btfo by the NCR, the Enclave is fricking garbage.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The NCR literally ONLY exists because of the Vault Dweller. Just keep that in mind... like if ONE guy didn't exist they would all be Super Mutants

              • 4 weeks ago

                And? What does that have to do with the Enclave getting btfo by them? Why do you morons always have to deflect like this?

              • 4 weeks ago

                It means NCR could have just as easily never existed in the west and it would have all been super mutants not even a human civilization. Y'know kind of like how the east was not exactly thriving... hmmm... makes you think

              • 4 weeks ago

                >more deflection
                You gays cannot argue to save your life, you just always devolve into the same moronic spiel before just throwing full blown tantrums.

            • 4 weeks ago

              200 years is a ton, it's enough time to build a modern industrial civilization from scratch and they aren't even starting from scratch. They have access to vast amounts of technology, weapons, and libraries.
              >FEV, Ghouls, Death Claw, Aliens
              This makes it even less sense, these things aren't threatening enough to wipe them out when they're living in tribes out in the open so how would they wipe out a heavily armed and defended city with technology comparable to the BOS.
              If anything everybody who is alive should be in heavily armed and fortified locations because living in shacks would get them killed.
              There is no excuse for people never bothering to patch holes in their roofs, there is no excuse for them never bothering to sweep 200 year old garbage off the floor they aren't shown to be that busy, they have time to hang out in bars and stand around worshiping bombs.
              Compare this with a game like Metro where people are actually shown to be desperately struggling to survive every day.

          • 4 weeks ago

            How does Megaton get its water? How does River city gets its water? Because they seem to be doing just fine without the need for a giant purifier?

            • 4 weeks ago

              That's like saying surely a Crack head is doing fine since they are still alive.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No it’s more pointing out how two settlements are able to exist despite everyone else not having water. Mainly because Megaton has a water treatment plant, which is they can build that their why not build smaller one throughout the wasteland? They’re much easier and don’t require a fricking pre war terraforming device.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I figured the point is to make the river water pure not just a tiny supply or whatever.

              • 4 weeks ago

                That’s not what they’re doing, they’re using the tidal basin but they still have to ship the water out, you can’t just take it from the river. And it’s literally what happens in 4 and no one is struggling for water there
                >inb4 DC was hit harder
                It’s the same fricking levels for water in both games. There is no difference to the actual concentration of radiation, yet the people in the commonwealth are able to just set up purifiers like it’s nothing.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I figured the point is to make the river water pure not just a tiny supply or whatever.
                And how exactly will a machine placed at one bank of the MOUTH OF THE RIVER, do that?
                Because only about 1% of the potomac actually flows through the purifier, and at that point, that water is already half-brackish.

                How will the purifier magically clean the water AGAINST THE STREAM exactly? When only a tiny fraction of the actual river flows through the purifier, and again, there is a fricking massive body of salt water literally meters downlflow?

                It's shit like this, why this

                actually still 100% holds water (no pun intended). It's all so fricking BEYOND stupid.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Cycle of water dude. The rain will no longer be irradiated. Takes time.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >The rain will no longer be irradiated.
                Are you implying that the OCEAN is all irradiated, and that the fact that purifier, which can at best, clean about 1% of the total flow of the potomac river at any given time, will eventually just purify the entirety of Atlantic ocean through repeated cycles of oceanic evaporation, rainfall in the potomac basin, 1% purification, and so on untill all, or at least the majority, of ATLANTIC OCEAN, is purified?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Tbh the ending of fallout 3 sucked doesn't make the rest of it bad tho that's just silly.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Tbh the ending of fallout 3 sucked doesn't make the rest of it bad tho that's just silly.
                Actually, that makes it all bad. Everything about is bad. There is not a single idea or decision in Fo3 that would not actually be, explicitly, the wrong one.

                Fallout creators couldn't agree on ghouls. And I mean actual Fallout creators, Tim Cain and Chris Taylor, not Toddler. In Tim Cain's idea, "FEV and radiation don't mix" - notice how irradiated humans make for much dumber and more primitive Supermutants, and that Curling-13 FEV strain is especially deadly to pure Vault Dwellers. For Chris Taylor, ghouls were humans who received a massive dose of radiation and then got FEV'd.

                Harold is an interesting case because for Tim Cain, he's a type of ghoul, but for Chris Taylor, Harold is explicitly NOT a ghoul, but an unique FEV mutant.

                So you're not exactly wrong, but you aren't 100% right either.

                Toddler does not really matter here, but as for Taylor?
                I'm quoting directly from his words Fallout Bibile here:
                >Ghouls are humans with significant radiation damage exposed to FEV. Harold is, well, Harold.
                The implication in both Fo1 and 2 has always been that locations like Vault 12 were exposed to latent form of FEV virus due to whatever fricking weird shit Vault Tech was doing, and that the radiation merely triggered the mutation. As Master notes, the FEV and radiation interact in widely unpredictable ways.

                The idea that ghouls are JUST result of radiation, is actually purely Toddy-era concept, who introduced shit like pre-war ghouls - all of that is Beth writing.
                Cain and Tylor are both clear on this: It's fev and radiation. I don't remember where exactly, but there is an extensive dialogue somewhere in Fo2 where they literally go "You think giant bugs and two headed cows are caused by radiation? Do you know what radiation does? No, none of this is natural. it's the virus causing these mutations."

              • 4 weeks ago

                >That's like saying surely a Crack head is doing fine since they are still alive.
                It's homeostasis fool. Don't mess around.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >How does Megaton get its water?
              They have a spring and their own purifier, but it can only supply just the town. It's also breaking down.
              >Rivet City?
              They drink filtered river water which is described as not much better than just the river water, so they need the purifier because they are dying of radiation.

              >Why do you keep using the term "ever committed?"
              Because I can't call this shit "writing". The closest analogy to what Fallout 3 does to the idea of storytelling is indeed "crime against humanity". And crimes are being "committed".

              Relax schizo

              >why is it too much to say radiation in Fallout is hard to get out of the water supply
              My Fallout 4 character can build a giant water purifier from scrap and she's a lawyer with zero post-secondary science or engineering education. Can't be too hard.

              Well that's a different game.
              Sure that retroactively makes 3 feel dumb, but that wasn't in the series yet.

              >b***h the game has FEV, Ghouls, Death Claw, Aliens.
              It's really funny how you people don't realize that Death Claws, Ghouls and giant insects are all results of FEV and not radiation, but you keep talking about these games as if you knew anything about it.

              Also, there is a difference between using artistic licence, and being absolutely stupid. As others pointed out, in Fo1/2, the game explores how people manage to deal with all these weird problems - how they make food in land that has been largely polluted or deprived of water, how they organize defences against those monsters, how they try (and sometimes fail, sometimes succeed) to integarte new shit like Ghouls into their societies.

              Fo3 explores NOTHING. And that is why people are really pissed about it. And why your defense is absolutely fricking moronic, because "having a fantastic element that is actually integrated and explored in the fiction" is not the same as "having random shit because "it's not real, who cares?!""

              You're wrong
              Sure Fallout 1 kept it vague as to what caused those animals, Fallout Tactics basically confirmed it was just radiation for most of those.
              Which has been canon ever since.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >They have a spring and their own purifier
                So they are able to purify irradiated water and if some random waster can make one then there is no reason that a bunch of genius scientist can’t do the same for other settlements.
                >They drink filtered river water
                Yet they’re doing just fine and show no real adverse effects from drinking it considering River City is supposed to be a made hub of trade for the region. Again if they can do it then everyone else should be able to as well.

              • 4 weeks ago

                We get it F3 ending is shit. Nobody even defends it that much. The rest is good tho. Like who the frick cares yeah eventually the plot does become "why is this happening?" "Idk but at least it's fun killing the enclave"

              • 4 weeks ago

                More like the whole premise is shit because it requires everyone in the capital to be moronic.
                >Like who the frick cares
                If you didn’t care you would have engaged in the first place, you’re only saying this shit now because you can’t argue and need to appeal to triviality to cope.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >ok ok ok the ending sucks... and the entire main is linear,boring, and uninteresting. Ok most of the sidequests are also linear and not very interesting... Ok most of the locations are just boring dungeons with nothing interesting in them... Ok but...

                SEETHE I can't even imagine how motherfrickers hate 3 just because of the writing but like NV. b***h most of NV is just Fallout 3 in the desert with okay writing but nothing that would make you enjoy fallout 3 if you hated it...

              • 4 weeks ago

                >cant argue
                >goes into whataboutism to cope
                Do you have to keep going deeper into your own moronation?

              • 4 weeks ago

                I hate 3 because the writing is bad, the main quest is linear and does not allow any interesting decisions. No traits. The perks are far far worse. The skills you choose do not factor into the quests well at all. The side quests are also mostly linear and do not allow for multiple solutions often not specified by the quest arrow. There is way less weapons, no weapons mods, no ammo types. The level scaling is really bad, while NV has multiple threatening areas early on that you can challenge yourself for strong rewards. The world building is really bad in 3 while NV you can constantly reward yourself by learning about the factions and people and how they interconnect in the broader conflict. The DLC's in NV are also significantly better and tie into the main narrative in an interesting way. The companions all feel like unique people with their own lives independent of the main character and can color your playthrough in interesting and unique ways. The supermutants are not moronic orcs in NV which can be handled how you choose. Hmm I could keep going, but you'll just pretend they games are exactly the same and appeal to triviality.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I mean I like NV it's cool that you do too but for most people it really is just Fallout 3 with better writing.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The reason there is seethe anon if you are actually open to learning new things are not just being a disingenuous homosexual, is because the subsequent games after 3 made by Bethesda was Fallout 4 and then Fallout 76. Both of which doubled down and got worse on all of the bad elements of Fallout 3.
                People who like Fallout New Vegas and can articulate the reasons why it is a better Fallout game than 3 will never get a good game they will enjoy, and it can be partially attributed to Fallout 3 not being properly critiqued and improved upon in the sequels.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Jesus Christ bro just play STALKER then. It's time to move on from a fricking FRANCHISE. It's been goddamn 30 years since the originals and coming on 20ish since NV

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah! Stop asking for a franchise that was one great to actually be good again! Now WE have taken over, you damn nerds, and we LIKE SHIT, and we will demand it to remain shit because Toddy's cum is so, so yummy, and YOU JUST HAVE TO GET USED TO AND MOVE ON!

                Bethdrone in a nutshell, everyone.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No dude it just happens people die. Life goes on. Franchises die. I appreciate replaying them when I get the desire but idk I ain't crying that Final Fantasy and Resident Evil aren't the same. I do hope some motherfrickin indie teams bring it back tho in their own way.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Chill out homosexual

              • 4 weeks ago

                nta but I'm curious, do you believe that the franchise can be good again? I mean it's clear they're doubling down on where Bethesda is taking it and it doesn't seem like that will be changing soon. The other dude has a point, at some point you just gotta move on and find something else that you would enjoy. I dropped Star Wars years ago and haven't looked back, I don't understand how one can still hold out hope for it at this point. You should check out Stalker if you haven't, you may like it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not him. There is some optimism in that Microsoft is the true owner of the IP at this point, and there are rumors of them allowing the IP to be utilized by a different studio because Bethesda can only make one game a decade at this point.

                This thread was explicitly made by someone asking about the difference between Fallout 3 and New Vegas. People explained it, and Betheshits cry about it just like they always do.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >nta but I'm curious, do you believe that the franchise can be good again?
                We got New Vegas, which was OK. And look, my life does not exactly hang over the Fallout franchise. I love Fo1 and 2, and had some fun with New Vegas, though I never put anywhere near as much time into it as into the other two games.

                But on principle: we should call things what they are, and we should demand and expect effort from shit we pay for. If people actually raised their voices back when shit like Oblivion and Fallout 3 were happening, maybe Starfield would not have been what it is.

                There are only two distinct possibilities. Either Fallout and similar franchises are doomed to be trash for ever: in which case calling out WHY they went to shit is at least educational, if without impact on the industries - or there is hope for these kinds of games, in which case callout out what is wrong with them now, is ABSOLUTELY INTEGRAL.

                Either way: defending or ignoring how absolutely, inexcusably SHIT these Beth games got, will either change nothing, or change things for the worse.

                So why do it? Why ever, ever defend, or ignore the faults? Why ever, EVER silence those who point out what is wrong with them?

                Tearing Beth trash into shreads can at worse be a waste of my time, which you should not care about. At best, it may inspire a change. And most importantly:
                I get to fricking keep my fricking spine in this. If I see shit, I will call it shit, because I have some fricking principles left. If there was more of us, maybe the industry would not be such a shit show.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're way more optimistic than I am at least. I believe NV was a fluke on some level, it's a miricle it even happened. Guess I've seen this happen to other series enough that at this point I just walk away when I see signs of it going to shit. I mentioned Star Wars, I jumped after Last Jedi and by the sounds of things it hasn't gotten any better since. If it get's good again I'll return, otherwise I'll keep ignoring it. I don't wish to waste my time on something I know I'll dislike.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You're way more optimistic than I am at least.
                I don't think so. I don't expect change, not from companies like Microsoft, or Zenimax. But there are other areas in the industry that could learn. KCD is a fascinating title that draws a LOT from Bethesda-style open world RPG's (and don't let anyone fool you into thinking it does not), and we have KCD2 on the horizon, and I know for a fact people from Warhorse or affiliated with it browse Ganker, browse Beth threads specifically.
                We have new studios emerging on the AA spectrum. We just have seen insane success of Larian, who are planning new IP. Obsidian is no doubt baking a new Outer Worlds game, they have a lot to learn - from their mistakes as well as Bethesda's ones (and I don't exactly spare Outer Worlds when they come up either).

                Plus, Beth's era is at an end. No matter how you slice it, something will change. Starfield (which by the way, is ironically the least garbage game Beth has made since Morrowind - it's still garbage, but it's the first time in 2 decades they TRIED (if hopelessly unsucessfully) to actually innovate or put effort into things) showed that the engine is just hopelessly uncompetetive at this point, and their design no longer works. Their popularity now is purely off IP. What worked back in the gen7 does not work anymore, and they will have to finally accept that. Or fade into obscurity.

                Again: I'm not optimistic, not about AAA industry, and 99% of time I play, it's indie, or lower AA type of thing.

                I'm still not gonna stop calling out Bethesda for the trash they make.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I guess you're just way more invested in this than I am. I just clock out when a franchise isn't appealing to me anymore. I get your perspective of voicing your conserns but I personally think it's not going to amount to much if anything at all. I love Fallout 1, 2 and NV and despite all of 3s shortcomings I think it's okay. Frick 4 and 76 though, still haven't touched them and never intend to.

              • 4 weeks ago

                > do you believe that the franchise can be good again?
                I don't think so open world RPGs are hard to make. You need to make systems for lots of branching content that most people will only see fragments of.
                You need to balance all the different character builds people can choose so they can all be viable without being broken.
                You need to manage all kinds of event triggers and timing, then script things to happen and make animations for it.
                You have to maintain consistency between all the different things people can do to avoid the game getting broken.
                No game dev wants to do any of that today.

                It's way easier to just generate a procedural open world and some monsters for people to run around and kill endlessly and that's what Bethesda is going to do at this point.
                It's way faster and cheaper, so as long as they can still make money off of it from Zoomers buying it than there is no reason not to do it. It pays for itself by saving on dev costs.
                Back in the day gamers were nerds so they made all these complex systems to appeal to them, but today gaming is streamlined and people just want to shoot a bunch of shit while sparkles and confetti flies around on the screen telling them they're a winner.
                You can see just in the way Todd talks now:
                >We didn't want all of these complex systems, planning, or tactics interfering with the players looting and shooting experience
                Their target market is moron fortnite kids not RPG nerds.

                In some ways I think going full AI could help them at this point because all of the dialog in Starfield seems even worse than stuff I can gen from newer AI models.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >No game dev wants to do any of that today.
                I don't know: CDPR, Warhorse, Larian, Spider's, Piranha Bytes, those people who made Outworld, the Kenshi people... they all seem to disagree with that assesment.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Stopped reading there

              • 4 weeks ago

                Oh, you are a moron not interested in any actual discussion?
                Cool, you should have opened with that though, it would save us all a lot of time.

              • 4 weeks ago

                None of them are as ambitious as Fallout 3 or New Vegas.
                Outer Worlds wasn't open world and was a pretty short game in general, probably the closest attempt though.
                Baldur's gate 3 had some branching and decisions but was ultimately a short game with a small world, you couldn't even back track once you got to a certain point.
                I don't recall Kenshi having much of a story or dialog, I dropped it after a couple days though.
                Cyberpunk seemed to mostly be illusion of choice most decisions lead to the same outcome. Limited character customization, your personality is most pre-established.
                I personally don't like Witcher so I can't speak to that, reminded me too much of dark souls which I personally hate. but regardless It's an old game at this point anyway.
                I haven't played Kingdom Come but from what i've seen it sounds more focused on simulation than choices or custom character building
                Elex I don't recall having many options or choices, I dropped it pretty quickly though.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You are full of shit and you know that, kid. Again: what is wrong with Beth drones?
                You literally admit that you don't know 80% of those games but that won't stop you spewing bullshit, will it?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You literally admit that you don't know 80% of those games but that won't stop you spewing bullshit, will it?
                What are you on about?
                I've at least attempted to play all of them except Kingdom Come, most of them I dropped after verifying they were shit. Kingdom Come I've seen videos of and It looked to boring for me to even attempt.
                I don't want to play gay souls dungeon crawler or anything remotely similar to it.
                I don't want to play Cyberpunk and do gangster missions, i'd just play GTA V if I wanted that.
                Kenshi is barely even an RPG it's just a sandbox where autists grind for 100 hours to kill a bandit which they pretend is super realistic as an excuse for shit balancing.
                Outer Worlds is the only one of those that is remotely similar to Fallout 3 or Elder Scrolls, but the exploration and writing is shit.
                You aren't even giving specific games or what you claim is good about them you're just dumping a random list of RPG devs that anyone can google to see what will stick. You're the one shilling these devs so you should be the one saying what is good about them.

              • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                >ok ok ok the ending sucks... and the entire main is linear,boring, and uninteresting. Ok most of the sidequests are also linear and not very interesting... Ok most of the locations are just boring dungeons with nothing interesting in them... Ok but...

              • 4 weeks ago

                what, exactly, is good about the rest of the game?

              • 4 weeks ago

                The same shit that is good about NV. If you hated both at least you would make frickin sense haha

              • 4 weeks ago

                >The same shit that is good about NV
                Which is?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Fallout 3 has multiple factions you can join or play against each other?
                Quests with multiple solutions?
                No annoying essential characters whom you must interact with?
                200+ weapons?
                An interconnected world built with more attention to detail than just cool factor?
                Many skill checks for every skill, and I mean every skill?
                Antagonist motivation that makes sense?
                Wow, it is a pretty good game indeed.

                >Tbh the ending of fallout 3 sucked doesn't make the rest of it bad tho that's just silly.
                Actually, that makes it all bad. Everything about is bad. There is not a single idea or decision in Fo3 that would not actually be, explicitly, the wrong one.

                Toddler does not really matter here, but as for Taylor?
                I'm quoting directly from his words Fallout Bibile here:
                >Ghouls are humans with significant radiation damage exposed to FEV. Harold is, well, Harold.
                The implication in both Fo1 and 2 has always been that locations like Vault 12 were exposed to latent form of FEV virus due to whatever fricking weird shit Vault Tech was doing, and that the radiation merely triggered the mutation. As Master notes, the FEV and radiation interact in widely unpredictable ways.

                The idea that ghouls are JUST result of radiation, is actually purely Toddy-era concept, who introduced shit like pre-war ghouls - all of that is Beth writing.
                Cain and Tylor are both clear on this: It's fev and radiation. I don't remember where exactly, but there is an extensive dialogue somewhere in Fo2 where they literally go "You think giant bugs and two headed cows are caused by radiation? Do you know what radiation does? No, none of this is natural. it's the virus causing these mutations."

                I know what Taylor thinks. I literally said in my own post that he considers ghouls to be FEV mutants. Tim Cain, however, does not. Another Chris, Avellone, who wrote most of FO Bible, was on Taylor's side but later changed his mind.
                >Cain and Tylor are both clear on this: It's fev and radiation
                No, Cain thinks it's only radiation. Here's his quote about Harold, btw:
                >I know we treated him as a ghoul, but not a Necropolis one. He may have been irradiated before or after. All I remember was that he went in there with the guy whose name I forget (the one who fell into the vat and became the Master), and only Harold came out. Harold's memory is totally whacked, btw. ...most people don't know when they get irradiated, so he [Harold] just may not know what happened to him. I do know that radiation and FEV do not mix. Mutants are immune to radiation effects, but an irradiate human is killed by exposure to FEV. So one thing is sure: Harold is not a mix of radiation and FEV. He's got to be one or the other, and I think he's a ghoul.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >why is it too much to say radiation in Fallout is hard to get out of the water supply
            My Fallout 4 character can build a giant water purifier from scrap and she's a lawyer with zero post-secondary science or engineering education. Can't be too hard.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    I like both.
    morons tend to make everything a competition. It is best to just ignore them and enjoy what you want.

  51. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas is good but come on it is incredibly unrealistic. Nothing in Fallout is "realistic" especially not 2 I have had enough of you 2-gays

  52. 4 weeks ago

    Yes. You're either a Vegaschad, or a complete moron.

  53. 4 weeks ago

    they're kind of the same
    play both
    idk why people act like one is bad and one is good
    they're mechanically very similar
    i like the writing in NV more
    but 3 was more of the "WOW!" moment in 2007
    the best way i can explain is like
    both these games are like metroid prime 1 and metroid prime 2
    you don't have to worry about the "2gays" or "1gays" you can just enjoy both games and maybe have a preference.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    I like both and hate everything that came out after

  55. 4 weeks ago
  56. 4 weeks ago

    I'd rather play 3 but I respect new vegas more.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    game design wise Vegas improves on 3(so Vegas is not a real RPG by the way according to the 1&2 shitters while they still use it as a shield to pretend they are not just salty CRPG gays), and 4 improves on Vegas.
    so basically they ARE sequels in the mechanical sense in the order of 3-NV-4
    story-wise all three are ultimately standalone due to only having indirect connections
    3 can be hard to even get to launch on a modern system, it's a good idea to start with it if you can make it to run
    if 3 just won't work feel free to move to NV, which too might need a mod to be stable

  58. 4 weeks ago

    Just play Tale of Two Wastelands, it reconciles what both games do well. A very fun experience from start to finish.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was going to until I saw it isn't compatible with mods I cannot play without plus it seems like a lot of setup when I can just play them in sequence without dealing with any of that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Fair, I didn't mind sacrificing some of my mods to play both games seamlessly.

  59. 4 weeks ago

    Who gives a shit, play what you like.

  60. 4 weeks ago

    Since there's already a thread for FNV here, I figured I might as well ask here: are there any actually decent ENBs or Reshade presets for Fallout: New Vegas that doesn't oversaturate the shit out of the game or make it too dark?

    • 4 weeks ago

      there is no such thing as a "decent enb or reshade"

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Skyrim has plenty.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Use New Vegas Reloaded instead.

  61. 4 weeks ago

    Replayed 3 and it was pretty wild. Got a gatling laser, missle launcher, and flamer from random merchants fighting super mutants and raiders all just a stone toss from megaton. Forgot you could loot a merchants full inventory in 3 when you kill them. Made being evil actually worthwhile instead of the half assed shit in new vegas

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Forgot you could loot a merchants full inventory in 3 when you kill them.
      Isn't that only the caravan traders?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, store raiders keep their inventory in containers. Sometimes those are hidden so they can't be robbed by the player, othertimes they are available and can be stolen from without aggro-ing the shop keep.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nope, prospectors, merchants, and anyone that will sell stuff to you can be killed and then you can take everything they had to offer with all the caps they could trade.

  62. 4 weeks ago

    >Fallout 3
    >serious world

  63. 4 weeks ago

    I didn't realize Fallout 1 and 2 were fricking city builders I thought they were RPGs with dungeons and derelict pre war facilities.

  64. 4 weeks ago

    Funny how Betheslop fans always come across as the 90 iq slop consoomers you imagine them to be.
    NVChads are 130 iq Ganker schizo incels with superb taste who will write an essay reply articulating why your game is dogshit
    3tards will just cry about you cry and say "no wonder people don't like NVgays" confirming they are just Black personcattle who browse twitter and watch Marvel movies (the audience for Fallout 3/4/76).

    • 4 weeks ago

      >3tards will just cry about you cry and say "no wonder people don't like NVgays" confirming they are just Black personcattle who browse twitter and watch Marvel movies (the audience for Fallout 3/4/76).
      Ayy, this. They legit come across like salty redditors

      • 4 weeks ago

        They can’t even argue, they just spam memes and other gay shit for hours and when they fail they always b***h out and pretend it’s all just shitposting.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't even get it. We have a substantial population of fricking gatcha coomers on this board. They can just say "yeah it's shit but I like it" and I'm sure 90% of people wouldn't give a frick but for some reason they confuse the quality of the game with their personal honor or something.

  65. 4 weeks ago

    If you play TTW you have to understand that you're not going to be able to play both campaigns in a heavily modded game unless you are speed running.

  66. 4 weeks ago

    >he doesn't install both and use Tale of Two Wastelands

  67. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas is overall better but that doesn't mean that 3 is utter gutter trash... I mean the main story writing is but that's because it's bethesda and those gays can't write main stories for shit beyond funny one-shots.

  68. 4 weeks ago

    I just like the green filter
    radiation everywhere
    metro full of ghouls
    BoS vs Enclave

  69. 4 weeks ago

    They're both kino in their own ways. People who say Fallout 3 sucks are contrarian homosexuals

  70. 4 weeks ago

    Just pirate both and decide for yourself. F3 is shit, but even it can scratch an open world exploratory itch of a sufficiently low IQ player. I loved it when I was like an 11 year old lad.

  71. 4 weeks ago

    >So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3gay" or "vegasgay".
    I like Vegas more but I really like 3. Pretty sure you ask most people that played both in the 360 era they probably liked both. 3rd worlders got caught in a shitpost war for over a decade ago when everyone else moved on.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah in my opinion liking 3 and NV or hating both is the most understandable. The 3 vs NV war is just goofy as shit to me.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No it's entirely reasonable to not like one and like the other. As is evidenced by the people who infest this thread. The games are made by different studios and have fundamental differences in their design. The fact that you can't see this means you are either moronic or baiting.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's more like the hate for 3 or even NV by the right wingers is goofy as shit. Like I can understand not really caring for one of them but the hate is so weird for 2 games that are exactly the same for anyone who isn't autistic as frick.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's more like the hate for 3 or even NV by the right wingers is goofy as shit. Like I can understand not really caring for one of them but the hate is so weird for 2 games that are exactly the same for anyone who isn't autistic as frick.

          Alright alright I was baiting with the autistic comment. Still man chill out. You can like NV and dislike 3 but goddamn bro NV couldn't exist without 3 not even Obsidian the creators of your favorite game hate 3!

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't care what the creators said. I don't care about the devolopment. I played the product of Fallout 3 and Fallout NV. One of them is far better and more in line with what I expect and want from a Fallout game, especially compared to the original CRPGS. Stop being a homosexual about this concept.

            • 4 weeks ago

              lol sure but no reason to b***h so much about 3 just don't play it?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >enter thread asking about the difference between two games and if I should play one, both ,or none.
                >get answers.
                >you cry.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Of course I am crying! You are being SO rude to me! You are making fun of me for liking 3 you big jerk!

  72. 4 weeks ago

    NV is for trannies who run around le heckin las vegas desert

    3 is for high IQ history buffs who actually want to experience what it would be like to survive in a war torn cityscape

    • 4 weeks ago

      >war torn.
      >berlin 1945.
      >Now show Berlin in 2145

    • 4 weeks ago

      >images of actual desolated hollowed out cities makes NV gays go insane

      An actual war affected ruined city

      Wasn't New Vegas like, obliterated by like a dozen nukes 150 years prior to the events of the game? Doesn't really seem comparable to same year Berlin.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Vegas wasn’t hit, which is something these morons fail to understand.

  73. 4 weeks ago

    >images of actual desolated hollowed out cities makes NV gays go insane

  74. 4 weeks ago

    An actual war affected ruined city

    • 4 weeks ago

      >not even one bulldozer in the fallout universe even NV
      So how would they clear out the rubble?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >not even one bulldozer in the fallout universe even NV

        • 4 weeks ago

          But can you drive it in game?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >muh heckin abandoned car in the middle of nowhere

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        >just lIke My ViDeO gAmEs!

        Pixelate those images and they could've been OG Fallout loading screens.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >unnafected by war pictures of generic desert scenes could be pictures from my fallout game!

          • 4 weeks ago

            >bwaaah I hate Fallout
            we know

            • 4 weeks ago

              You hate (actual) Fallout

              • 4 weeks ago

                This map is shit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >it's not a desert, I HATE it!

              • 4 weeks ago

                >endless generic repeated ruins and subways are actually a good thing

              • 4 weeks ago

                >an actual urban metropolitan area hit by nukes you get to exolore BAD!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, the Boneyard was better

              • 4 weeks ago

                But the exploring of the main urban area is mostly going through samey looking subway tunnels.

              • 4 weeks ago

                So it's just like new vegas with the samey deserts then!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah the desert looks like a desert. I would rather traverse the desert like the wasteland, fallout inspired roots the game is built on instead of go through one more metro tunnel with ghouls in it. Crazy how within that "samey desert" you find more unique quests, weapons than all of Fallout 3.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Fallout 1 had tunnels and metro just as a reminder since you forgot 🙂

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah the criticism was that tunnels and metros exist, and not that the majority of the, "an actual urban metropolitan area" you seem to adore is repeating tunnels. There are how many 15,20,25? how many different repeating boring metro tunnels filled with ghouls make up about 70% of the actual downtown DC explorable area. It is not interesting or fun.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You don't have to explore them bro it is open world. You don't HAVE to be OCD

              • 4 weeks ago

                You said the metro area was a great aspect of Fallout 3, but it is boring and not fun to explore. It's supposedly where all the good content is too...
                The rest of Fallout 3 is just an ugly gray desert lacking any of the soul New Vegas has.

              • 4 weeks ago

                There's dlc and shit. Metro/ruins are fun for a bit. If you get bored just stop playing. 40 hours of fun is still fun. Doesn't have to be 1000 hours.

              • 4 weeks ago

                But the DLC are not good either. Seems Fallout 3 is just not very good methinks....

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's fun to me. I think it is basically equal to NV. Like it's no Dark Souls or Bloodborne. I mean just sayin like it's the same game like NV is the same game

              • 4 weeks ago

                No. They are actually very different in design and execution. Frick off.

              • 4 weeks ago

                They are so similar!! I love them both ^_^ if you like 3 you will DEFINITELY love NV. Have fun getting into fallout for the first time you will lose your mind!!! It's so fun and addicting 🙂

              • 4 weeks ago

                Black person.

              • 4 weeks ago

                for sure. it's way better than nothing.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Google sure is hard to use

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Fo3 POI
                >See cool looking building in the distance
                >Holy shit something cool must be there
                >Walk towards said building for 10-15 minutes
                >it's yet another boarded up building with no entrance points
                >rinse and repeat ad infinitum

              • 4 weeks ago

                >it's yet another boarded up building with no entrance points
                Actually, every now and then, it does turn out to be explorable. Better case: it's a nest of the same mohawked morons who are celebrating halloween way too hard. Worse case: it's an actual major quest hook.
                Because then you get shit like Tenpenny. And suddenly, boarded up trash and random piles of fake gore will suddenly feel so much more sensible.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >first pick is literally the out of bounds area
                The cherry picking you gays do is always astounding and pathetic.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's been articulated in this thread and other thread for a decade now multiple times why it is shit.
                You will reply with:
                >God this is why people can't stand NV fans
                >They are basically the same game why do you get this mad
                >calm down

              • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago


                So I was playing through TTW recently(2 hours ago) and in the FO3 section I realized how shit the overworld really is with all of the fricking buildings you can't actually enter it gives an illusion of adventure. Having intact homes, giant factories and office buildings all over the place with no points of entry is shit design. Seeing an interesting building at distance only to walk up to it 10 minutes later and find out it has no door or the door is boarded up for the umpteenth time gets tedious.

                now kys

          • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      You didn’t play NV did you?

  75. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas applied all the lessons learned from Fallout 3. 3 was an understandably clumsy first attempt into 3D for the franchise

  76. 4 weeks ago

    >just lIke My ViDeO gAmEs!

  77. 4 weeks ago

    Why does the desert make fake fans seethe so much?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The bombs didn't even fall near nv in canon, the entire premise of the setting is moronic

      • 4 weeks ago

        >"Las Vegas 2077 - Robert House's defenses stop 68 of the 77 nuclear bombs launched at Las Vegas, preventing direct strikes in the city."

  78. 4 weeks ago

    I can't help but feel like the REAL reasonGanker hates the show is because it seems like women were more involved with it...
    Some of you people are just scared of women.
    I bet the Vault sequence in episode one was too girly for you lol

  79. 4 weeks ago

    "Ridin with Biden" new vegas trannies cant stand the thought of war and would rather run around a harmless empty desert rather than face the reality of what fallout from an actual totar war be like

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah honestly the amount of construction equipment required to level the entire DC are and remove all of the rubble and half destroyed buildings... it would be insane. Not even NV has access to that equipment. In fact Las Vegas probably simply survived being bombed since it's just full of fricking casinos.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Not even NV has access to that equipment

  80. 4 weeks ago

    The map in New Vegas is pretty shit. The scale and atmosphere are not nearly as well done. Meanwhile the downtown ruins in 3 are almost kino, but spoiled by the countless invisible barriers.

  81. 4 weeks ago

    Just like my falloit games!

  82. 4 weeks ago

    Remember when they bombed Raccoon City and never tried to rebuild it? Remember when they just left it abandoned despite having all other major cities in America thriving with lots of access to advanced tech like bulldozer? Yeah it's like that.

  83. 4 weeks ago

    I heckin LOVE New Vegas!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just like my falloit games!

      "Ridin with Biden" new vegas trannies cant stand the thought of war and would rather run around a harmless empty desert rather than face the reality of what fallout from an actual totar war be like

      An actual war affected ruined city

      >images of actual desolated hollowed out cities makes NV gays go insane

  84. 4 weeks ago

    Mfw I play fonv

  85. 4 weeks ago

    Has Tale of Two Wastelands become useable yet? I remember trying to get it to run but never succeeding. It was always NV only.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes. 3.3 is pretty stable, but no old TTW compatibility patches prior to 3.2 will work, so no mod that haven't been updated since 2020

  86. 4 weeks ago

    Can anyone tell me where can I deposit my DLC items in NV? In every run I have to rush some follower for them to carry this shit (and eventually drop it at some house). But being encumbered all the time is a massive pain in the ass. I remember some anon talking about somewhere you can drop those items in Goodsprings and it won't despawn after leaving the game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I just drop them off in the fishermans shack near camp golf, I also use it as a player home.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You can just drop everything in the containers in doc Mitchel's house, they're all safe unless you have a mod fricking with them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      My playerhome's in freeside, I store all my shit in that room they give you after you complete their questline.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I usually just put them in the presidential suite in the Lucky 38.

  87. 4 weeks ago

    >The Kings make 3gays cry and shit their pants

  88. 4 weeks ago

    I like both. 3 walked so NV could run.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I like both. 3 walked so NV could run.
      Then 4 stole my bike and Starfield sucker punched me in the gut.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >he bought starfield

  89. 4 weeks ago

    new vegas has the best mod support and because of that the best way to even play 3 is playing it through new vegas, it does it all better

  90. 4 weeks ago

    If you get bored in Open World game why can't you just stop? Like just stop doing that. Do something else in the game.
    Some people.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I did stop and uninstall.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Okay then.

  91. 4 weeks ago

    In all seriousness tho what compels people to treat Open World like checklist festival? A big part of the fun to me is being able to say "nah frick you guys" and walk away lol

  92. 4 weeks ago

    >3gays gave up and are now telling people to stop playing 3

    • 4 weeks ago

      Honestly yeah it is healthy man. Like just stop playing it. Stop taking the jet man. It's fricking you up.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I have seen precisely 4 people post about actually playing 3 since the show dropped a month ago. No one wants to actually play 3, not even 3gays.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Talking about 3 is just more fun.
        >trolling with metro/city posting
        >calling the dlc kino
        >saying their is nothing wrong with the plot
        >worshipping Todd
        >dissing NV
        It is more fun than all 3 modern fallouts!

  93. 4 weeks ago

    3 is a fun frick around post-apoc sandbox RPG, NV is the one where you take the story and setting seriously while you frick around a but

  94. 4 weeks ago

    No amount of coping will ever make any of the NV dlcs but OWB good

    • 4 weeks ago

      >filtered by Sierra Madre
      Every time. Sierra Kino mogs every Fallout 3 dlc combined.

  95. 4 weeks ago

    You've been pretending to ask about this for days in at least two other threads. Yes, your posts are that easy to pick out.

    Either play 3 like you've been saying you would, or stop pretending to be some newbie to troll by acting like a neutral party.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sorry but I'm not your boogeyman.

  96. 4 weeks ago

    No more brother wars sars

    • 4 weeks ago

      Obviously AI but,
      >be high class less poop coloured Indian
      >still get fricked up hand cancer
      There is no winning is there?

  97. 4 weeks ago

    fallout 3 has a better world to explore, while newvegas has absurd levels of story depth and player freedom through interactions with NPC's.

    fallout 3 suffers from black and white moral story telling, while newvegas suffers from boring world post apocalyptic world, that doesnt feel like its still in an apocalypse.

    some people prefer the world exploring stuff, while others prefer the roleplaying depth.

    • 4 weeks ago

      And then 4 comes along and introduces a third faction that just like building settlements and crafting.

      • 4 weeks ago

        fallout 4 is just minecraft with guns

  98. 4 weeks ago

    New vegas sisters, do we REALLY like the desert that much?

  99. 4 weeks ago

    Don't get sucked into the online autism, just do whatever you want to do. I like both games, but 3 objectively has a lot of flaws, and somewhat worse gameplay, to me anyway. I'd play 3 first, then NV. But if you get bored of 3, or aren't as interested, I'd skip to NV. But I feel like it'd suck to play 3 2nd, because it's a bit of a downgrade. Still enjoyable overall, just don't take the lore and story of 3 seriously, because it's a mess. 3's main accomplishment is achieving an atmosphere similar to Fallout 1, and in general having an interesting world to explore.

    NV has a lot more depth, and is more interesting, but it has it's issues. I dislike how NV basically makes you just help larger factions, instead of doing your own thing. In 1 and 2, you're not forced to be a pawn of larger factions as part of the main quest, though in 2, there is a sidequest-line that is akin to FNV's main plot. But these are minor issues from someone who is too obsessed with the games. The average person doesn't really care, so it's up to you.

    A lot of people say the post-2 Bethesda/Obsidian games are shit, which is a little true, but the core gameplay is better to me. 2 is also a bit wonky, though it's overall a bit more fun than 1. But 1 is superior as one cohesive unit, whereas 2 is a mess in this regard. Everyone should play the first two games, but many Normans will refuse to, due to their age. Playing them is super worth it though, especially if you like the later games.

  100. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 3

    • 4 weeks ago


  101. 4 weeks ago

    I dunno why people say nv is mostly empty. F3 is mostly empty and it’s fricking boring. Started a new play through recently, if you don’t do the main quest line it’s boring af

  102. 4 weeks ago

    >aaaah fallout 3 must have been 80 years ago now
    >me and the boys used to stay up all night playing that game then talking about it the next day at school
    >been a long time since I thought about that
    >ah but now things just aren't the same since AI took over video games they don't make em like they used to
    >what's going on around here? Nothing much except talk of Nuclear devastation and AI takeover!
    >lookin for work? We'll I suppose you could fix my radiator if your Repair skill is high enough

  103. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas is the vastly superior RPG in regards to choices and characters but 3 has the superior location when it comes to exploring. They’re both good at different things.

  104. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 kind of punishes you for exploring no? That's like one of the biggest sells for the game as well, exploring.
    >Do a couple dungeons on very hard
    >Get showered with tons of XP and stimpaks
    >Get an assault rifle and maybe a combat shotgun with some ammo
    >Since you leveled up twice from one dungeon level scaling enemies start to spawn with higher HP and DR so you just burn through the ammo you have
    >don't really get any better armor or no unique armor
    >the non unique weapon you got for exploring feels like shit
    >good chance you miss the uniques because they don't have custom textures or models
    >"well at least I'll get perks that make me feel like I'm getting stronger!"
    >level 15 later and you're burning through ammo having to wait 3 days for 10 minutes just to stock up on ammo
    >still no good perks unless you're going unarmed or explosives
    >enemies are just getting more and more tankier and you come across the tankier ones more often than the weaker ones especially in the wasteland
    >combat is just holding down fire button and hotkey spamming the 500 weightless stimpaks the game hands to you for free until you have to go repair one of the 5 uniques the game gives to you in the early game for just doing or following the main quest
    >very little roleplay perks with no varying ammo types, bringing a lack of incentive to roleplay with certain weapons because they fall off too quickly unless you want to fight one enemy for an extra minute or 2
    >exploring areas now either is just to do something and not really to get anything besides stimpaks, a bobblehead, or some misc items
    besides stimpaks and misc items it feels like you're losing more from exploring than gaining, besides 1 or 2 skills in a game where it's easy to max out your skills before level 30

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fallout NV rewards exploring but doesn't incentive it no? you'll explore and you'll get either a unique or a weapon that's strong in the stage of the game you're in.
      >do a couple areas on very hard hardcore
      >get showered with tons of XP
      >get weapons that are good relative to the stage of the game you're at, like a cowboy reapter, lucky, plasma rifle, that gun, ratslayer, hunting rifle
      >since you leveled up twice from one area enemies start to spawn with better weapons and armor, not bullet sponges, but still do damage
      >always getting better armor, not a lot of unique armor, but upgrades to leather, metal, and combat
      >most uniques have custom models or texture so hard to miss
      >You either dropped your 9mm pistol or laser pistol, or still using it because it's good enough due to varying ammo types like HP/P+ rounds and MC/OC cells
      >"I really like using this revolver and repeater, but I wish I could do more damage with them"
      >level 15 later and you're doing whatever you want because you buy what you need from a vendor once in awhile and the enemies keep you moving with their ammo
      >still using the same weapons you want for any build because the game gives you perks to do that
      >enemies are spawning with better gear and can still hurt, but you do as well, giving you more reason to take cover or use chems
      >combat requires a bit more thought, but they end quicker for both sides, can't hotkey spam the 50 weightless stimpaks because you have to go out of your way to get them and they heal overtime because of hardcore, still have to go repair weapons but you have repair kits and jury rigging
      >a lot more variety in roleplaying with perks and varying ammo types, allowing you to play with any weapon you want because they all have a use and a way to make them viable
      >exploring actually feels like exploring because higher chance to get a unique weapon or something out of it that isn't just a skillbook or misc items
      It's just funner to go out of your way in NV honestly.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Fallout 3 kind of punishes you for exploring no?

      No. The entire premise of the game from its inception was about exploration as soon as you exit the vault. The player has 360 of freedom to go wherever he wants asap. There is no railroading, no where you're "supposed to go first". It is the complete antithesis of the obsidian games

      • 4 weeks ago

        ? did you misunderstand ESL pajoot? It's ok if you did lol

        • 4 weeks ago

          >does Fallout 3 punish you for exploration?

          No, as was explained

          • 4 weeks ago

            you didn't explain anything though lol

            • 4 weeks ago

              Fallout 3 doesn't anyone for exploration. NV on the other hand does have a map order you're supposed to go to, lol

              • 4 weeks ago

                XD holy it's different when the ESL poojat actually responds to you like his lol you have to be ai aint no way

    • 4 weeks ago

      >level 15 later and you're burning through ammo having to wait 3 days for 10 minutes just to stock up on ammo
      I started playing 3 for the first time (haven't played NV) and this is what kills me. It feels like most of the game is spent hauling junk around to sell to get ammo. Any time I set out to explore the map I'm dreading wasting a bunch of ammo dropping too many non-humanoids that will only give me shitty food that weighs me down and sells for not a lot of caps.
      Then I find some humanoids and get a lot of caps selling their gear and then the problem becomes finding merchants who actually have ammo in stock. Because I'm visiting them so frequently to sell off all the heavy shit I'm picking up that their inventories never actually have a chance to refresh. But I need to pick up the heavy shit because there's not enough high value low weight shit in the game. But what about ammo containers? Too bad, I've looted them already and they won't respawn.
      Granted, I don't have the best weapons because I've never played the game before and I'm just using whatever I find. I have a few higher grade weapons I've been holding off on. Maybe I should switch to them and just eat the repair costs since there's not enough ammo to spend my caps on anyway? And maybe I can start pawning off my armor and shit to bartenders and food vendors. Mmm I roleplaying as someone who goes around selling things to people who don't have any use for them. At least that way I could avoid the cells with weapons vendors in them and maybe they'll get off their asses and refresh their inventories.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The vendors respawn every 3 ingame days. Unless you're playing with a hunger/thirst/sleep needs mod there is no reason not to wait 3 ingame days and refresh their inventories, but enemies also respawn every 3 days as well.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I know that. I've played every Elder Scrolls game with the same system. But I've never had to wait three days in those games just to keep my fun going. The closest I ever got to that kind of tedium was fast traveling between cities to stock up on alchemy ingredients.
          Which reminds me. In Fallout 3, there's no fast travel points unlocked for you like Oblivion and no silt striders or carriages like Morrowind and Skyrim. Not only that, you'll be sticking to the southeast corner of the map mostly until you're halfway through the MQ. Since everything is so close, almost no time passes by fast traveling. Other Bethesda games send you all over the map, which makes all the cells reset way more frequently.

  105. 4 weeks ago

    Only people who haven't played fallout 1 & 2 say 3 is better than NV.

  106. 4 weeks ago

    3 has pretty much no redeeming factors. New Vegas is among the best rpgs ever. It's not that you have to choose one it's that most NV chads can tell 3 is dogshit.

  107. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 has moronic level scaling and no traits
    It's hot garbage

  108. 4 weeks ago

    How do I Honest Hearts on hardest difficulty and high level? There's no ammo for any of my weapons and the random spawn ambush is insane.

  109. 4 weeks ago

    >Start new Fallout 3 playthrough
    >Go directly to location of alien signal
    >get to the alien ship
    >collect all energy weapons and cells enough for a lifetime
    >get transported back to wasteland when I already feel like immortal, unstoppable god
    Yep, I think it's gaming time.

  110. 4 weeks ago

    Short version is that New Vegas has more role playing options, improved gameplay, more direct ties to the first two games than the Bethesda titles and is a better written game across the board. The DLC packs turn it into a fricking epic. Its biggest problem is that its an unstable mess without mods. If you want a stable vanilla experience, you need to follow the first half of the Viva New Vegas mod guide. I highly recommend installing the entire VNV pack though because the quality of life additions and balance changes make the game even better.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Its biggest problem is that its an unstable mess without mods. If you want a stable vanilla experience, you need to follow the first half of the Viva New Vegas mod guide
      I played it completely vanilla this past month and it's pretty stable. It sometimes crashes around Omertas when you go in and out all the time but that's it. Honestly that 4GB mod (which doesn't work on the Ebin Store version just FYI) is all you need tbh. FO3 is slightly more stable but it also crashed for me twice or so in the final level of Broken Steel.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It used to crash often for me when I was using the Steam version. I switched to GOG and installed VNV. I've had two, maybe three crashes in a 90 hour playthrough. Fricking magic.

  111. 4 weeks ago

    I played 3 when it came out and loved it. I'm playing New Vegas now for the first time and the dialogue and story is stupid. The dialogue choices are all too friendly. Oh hey here's this guy that tried to kill you your dialog options include asking what goes on in that town and being able to partner up and just forget he shot you in the head. Fricking stupid and don't get me started on the legion assassins that fricking hard to kill. And then you walk out of the casino and oh hey KAYser likes you now nvm forget about the hit squads. Oh and now just keep doing fetch quests for people and now you're involved in some war for no reason.
    So other than the stupid plot and dialogue options it plays like fallout 3 but now with too many ammo options. I kind of hate it but also it's fallout so I dunno I'll keep playing it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fricking moron.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nah that's you

        • 4 weeks ago

          >20 minutes for a "no u"
          Do you put your drool bib on yourself or does your carer handle it?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sorry had to get my son to bed. I will say that I can see how the gameplay mechanics in New Vegas might appeal to people but after playing 3 and 4 for hundreds of hours it's not exactly what I want. I'm still gonna go through and explore and do whatever, the plot just isn't doing it for me.

  112. 4 weeks ago

    I checked out https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79547
    Why the frick is it so autistic? Why can't someone just prepare all the files upload it as a zip? I don't wanna make a nexus account.

  113. 4 weeks ago

    unkillable npcs ruin a game for me. new vegas wins by default on that as do the classics fallouts. if your game can’t handle a character dying it’s badly designed as a role playing game

  114. 4 weeks ago

    Underrated kino mod. Like the concept art. Gives me that The Divide vibe.

  115. 4 weeks ago

    3 is better just because green is a nicer color to look at than orange. NV makes me want to puke, 3 looks pleasant and inviting.

  116. 4 weeks ago

    Not really. It's fine to like both things as they emphasize different aspects. 3 is about freeroaming and fricking around while new vegas is about roleplaying and interacting with the world. New vegas is definitely much more serious in tone than fallout 3 as well, 3 is more designed like a themepark and every new settlement has some over the top goofy trope, vampire town, inbred family dictatorship, a city made up only of children, a town built around a nuke etc. etc. I prefer new vegas as I want roleplaying out of fallout but I can have fun in fallout 3 even if it doesn't do the same things for me. It was also a first try at getting fallout into a 3d space so I can excuse bethesda for pussying out and reusing every memorable aspect they could of fallout rather than inventing original concepts.

  117. 4 weeks ago

    grow up homosexual

  118. 4 weeks ago

    By partaking in tribalistic shitflinging against fo3 you prove you haven't grown up at all either thoughbeit

    I'm having fun with the shit you post

  119. 4 weeks ago

    How am I tribalistic or flinging shit? I gave an argument. You refuse to engage it. I'm 90% sure you're just trying to stirr shit like a manchild which is why you dodge my point.

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