Fallout 76

What do we think of the latest Fallout game? Only actual Fallout fans allowed in this thread

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Wrong board

  2. 3 weeks ago

    I enjoyed the original main quest from Day 1. It was actually very well written, and the factions and events that went down were very engaging.
    That said, they should've just let us LIVE these events, instead of hear about them in holotapes.
    The Wastelanders update is pure garbage trash. Raiders caring about official gold-backed paper money makes zero sense. Raiding is all about taking shortcuts.
    Overall it's a solid 5.5/10. If it was moddable, and didn't have input lag, It'd be as good as Fallout 4.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >didn't have input lag
      God this shit was awful. Tried this game last weekend and it felt like I was playing underwater or something.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I've never seethed as hard as when I kill an enemy, and its HP rubber-bands back to full, and it starts hitting me.

      • 3 weeks ago

        This makes it genuinely unplayable. I want to explore the map but holy crap.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ok so I'm not insane this game does have awful controls

  3. 3 weeks ago

    i think its a piece of shit

  4. 3 weeks ago

    sorry but actual Fallout fans haven't played it and are actually insulted by its existence.

    • 3 weeks ago

      How do you know its bad if you haven’t played it?

      • 3 weeks ago

        How do you know you you wouldn't like sucking my dick if you've never tried it?

        • 3 weeks ago

          I never said I wouldn't like sucking your dick.

          • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          I might like sucking your dick if i get to chomp it right off you

        • 3 weeks ago

          questionable come-back considering this is the troony board

      • 3 weeks ago


      • 3 weeks ago

        It's a looter shooter made by one of the worst dev teams in existence

  5. 3 weeks ago

    never played it

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Ill never understand why this game was sold as a mmo
    Its not a mmo its closer to no mans sky

  7. 3 weeks ago

    I liked it with friends. Haven't played it since before the battle royale mode. Enclave was my favorite part and the environment was pretty cool. That being said I wasn't able to experience a lot due to some of my quests bugging out mos of the time.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Game is 100% server side
    What were they thinking?

    • 3 weeks ago

      As opposed to what? I'm a tech-illiterate zoomer. Educate me please.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Well the fallout 76 world is like if fallout 4 was hosted on Bethesda servers so you open a chest or something and your computer is asking Bethesdas servers whats in the chest

        If it was a multiplayer like no mans sky than each person would be running the game and the multiplayer would be p2p or something. I dont think no mans sky has servers do they? It would mean you would not rubber band but other players in your world might

        • 3 weeks ago

          I understand. Yes, that would've made things so much better. But it would've been best if they just made another single-player Fallout.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Multiplayer Fallout is awesome and has its benefits
            Starting at level 1 you can make tons of caps per hour by buying cheap things from other players and selling things in at your camp you make in good locations
            Awesome concept and works great, also player vs everything works great in 76. There are not player battles because it would either be extremely one sided or a 30 minute slog fest
            But lagging in 76 is insane and it also works as a hack you can duplicate items by having a room with 20000 rendered items slowing the server down

      • 3 weeks ago

        If Bethesda just made fallout 4 peer to peer multiplayer than 76 could have been avoided

        • 3 weeks ago

          This is such a dumb take tho. There are 16 players on one giant fricking map, 99% of people are just playing the story. I played it with 3 mates, and we never had an encounter in 70 hours of play.

          So in that way, it is an moder mmo

  9. 3 weeks ago

    >Only actual Fallout fans allowed in this thread
    Not even gonna talk shit about 76, it seems like it might be fun to mess around in with friends while ignoring anything it actually says about the Fallout universe. But be honest, most people who are playing 76 have never even installed the 1 or 2.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I have played every Fallout game including 76 and will now rate them

      Fps category: VRfo4>76>Fo4>NV>fo3
      Top down: Fo2=Tactics>Fallout1

      • 3 weeks ago

        76 is that high? How long did you play?

        • 3 weeks ago

          I just hit 1000 hours as a FREE PLAYER
          Bethesda will never get me down i will always be free
          It’s honestly pretty good just different than regular fallout games

      • 3 weeks ago

        >thinks f2 is better then f1
        just confirmed you never played them

        • 3 weeks ago

          In Fallout 2 you got a freaking car to carry shit! Why has Bethesda not added vehicles?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Not him, but I dunno. I finished FO1 recently and I thought it was just fricking awful. Just made me absolutely livid for 3 whole days about the years I've heard about it being such a better RPG in builds, combat, and dialogue, only for it to be the same Speech + Guns shoot em up slog, with dialogue choices for the player on about the same level as Fallout 4 in number and quality--not to mention the entirety of the Boneyard being fricked in tracking your quest progress.

          I was reluctant to try FO2 after that fricking mess, but in the 20 minutes I played, I found myself liking it a bit more. Part of it is that I go into Klamanth and I get way better writing for my dialogue choices and more of them than in Fallout 1, along with things just flowing a lot smoother (I'm seeing a lot fewer times where I'm forced out of dialogue and have to re-enter it after I get an answer for my questions). The other part is that I've heard about the Temple of Trials being this terrible fricking slog that filtered billions, but it's straightforward as shit and is honestly less of a slog than the rats in the Vault 13 entrance and Necropolis Sewers. If older players got filtered by this, then holy frick that's infinitely more embarrassing than the morons the got tripped up by the Golden Claw in Skyrim.

          As far as I'm concerned, you frickers have lost all credibility, and the first 20 minutes are better than the entirety of FO1, so everything after this point is going to just be fricking gravy, even if it does turn out to be incredibly shit.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    It's shit and aggressively monetized.
    Want to play "solo" or only with your friends?
    Want infinite scrap?
    Want Pay to Win options in a PVE game(that way you don't actually have to play the game)?
    Cough up 15 USD a month after buying the game and you can finally play 76 like 4.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    There will never be another good one. They noticed that just making a demonic "show" and saying that it's canon means nothing, so now they want to ruin the actual franchise. That's why they just recently confirmed "fallout" 5. They will do the sames things they did in the "show" and also have things from the "show" in it. Their hope is to destroy fallout forever because Todd made it based and american as hell.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    this game sucks so much wiener for a variety of reasons, from season pass bullshit, to microtransactions out the ass, to horrible balancing, to performance issues, and just generally looking like shit, to name a few but good lord doing a hack and slash VATS unarmed build and just machine gun punching shit with my industrial hand until they explode into gore chunks is one of the most satisfying experiences I have had in a game to date

    • 3 weeks ago

      >season pass
      Why would you buy that? The season pas doesn't hinder your enjoyment of the game because it's not even a thing that you have or want. Unless, like a dummy, you purchased it. That's why you had a bad time, because you wasted money.
      Same as above. You get what you deserve. The game is fun as hell but instead of playing it you choose to waste money and then cry that your money is gone.
      what? You mean because high level players have stronger stuff than you? Stop being a homosexual, that doesn't matter. It makes the game more fun but because you can't fricking think because you have no brain, you don't care. You just heard the word balancing before and decided to pretend like you care about that.
      >performance issues
      My game crashed like once and that's it. Not even very many glitches. Sounds like something is wrong on your end.
      >looks like shACK
      Stop fricking admitting to being a troll halfway through your post.

      • 3 weeks ago

        this game sucks so much wiener for a variety of reasons, from season pass bullshit, to microtransactions out the ass, to horrible balancing, to performance issues, and just generally looking like shit, to name a few but good lord doing a hack and slash VATS unarmed build and just machine gun punching shit with my industrial hand until they explode into gore chunks is one of the most satisfying experiences I have had in a game to date

        >season pass
        You can buy this with Atoms you get for free and if you complete the whole season you usually get all your atoms back plus some
        The secret to getting all the seasons is using the booster once a week then getting all your daily and weekly challenges done
        Works nearly every time
        >performance and looks
        Unfortunately alot of sacrificed for multiplayer

      • 3 weeks ago

        >You mean because high level players have stronger stuff than you?
        I oneshot most generic enemies with my industrial hand. Twoshot if it's something especially bulky like a max level super mutant.
        But sometimes I want to use one of the other several cool weapons in the game, like the black powder rifle, 10mm SMG, or the single action revolver, but they're just irreparably shit. The game is clearly centered around certain builds and certain weapons. Everything else becomes worthless bloat the literal second you get the upgrade after it. There is no universe in which a 10mm SMG VATS commando build will ever be able to keep up with a fixer or handmade VATS commando build.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yeah pisses me off how the most iconic fallout gun (10mm pistol) is complete trash in this game

          • 3 weeks ago

            >10mm gun is underpowered
            Its also the starting tier 1 gun you get for fallout 1 fallout 3 fallout 4 and 76

            • 3 weeks ago

              it doesn't matter. Bethesda makes sandbox games. You shouldn't have to ditch a weapon you like because it massively underperforms. You should be able to upgrade your build until the weapon you like performs well.
              I shouldn't have to use the shitass, ugly as sin fixer to do damage with the VATS commando and rifleman builds. I shouldn't have to use the boring plasma pistol to do damage with a pistol build when the game has cowboy revolvers, blunderbusses, and caplock pistols. Etc.

              • 3 weeks ago

                There are legit pistol builds in 76
                You take all the pistol damage perks, get a bloodied 10mm with silencer and the silencer perks and sneak damage and thats a great build

              • 3 weeks ago

                There's no 'legit pistol build'. Just get a bloodied gauss shotgun, and play in 3rd person.
                Instantly vaporizes anything that isn't Earl Williams/SBQ

              • 3 weeks ago

                >play in 3rd person
                I can play Fallout 4 in first person but 76 is always 3rd

  13. 3 weeks ago

    I like taking upskirt photos of my character so a lot of my loading screens are panty shots

  14. 3 weeks ago

    Did you notice there are many pink clothings and other items in this game?

  15. 3 weeks ago

    flanderization of the franchise that doesnt understand the funny joyful part of fallout is used sparingly as a spice and makes the other moments more grim by comparison. its just all goofy all the time now and thats worse than if it was all grim all the time because its safe and made for normie casuals

    • 3 weeks ago

      Look I have been going through FO1 and 2 and I need to get it off my chest. Fallout was never THAT good, neither FO1 nor FO2 were as good as Diablo but they are solid.

      Bethesda apologists seem to think that older fans are either grumpy or that games prior to FO4 set such an unbelievable high standard that is not worth matching so you might as well enjoy the graphics. But if you ask me the issue is that you could remove the FO skin from those games and they would still suck as we have seen with Starfield. It is not hard to make something as good as Fo2 or NV again, but the fact is that Bethesda is not even going to bother and the series is moving further and further away from what made them original only supported by brand recognition.

      FO4 sucks because it is a bad looter shooter that abandoned the already pseudo RPG mechanics of FO3 and it only gets worse by comparing it to NV, a game that expanded on the role playing side.
      F76 is a laugh. You take gamebryo and try to make it a MMO. Holy shit. FO4 but less of everything and more of a chore simulator. You have plenty of room sure, but nothing in it nor reason to care for it.
      The show is Borderlands, it is just Borderlands but every now and then Amazon Executives interrupt to bring you THE MESSAGE. No one even mentions the troonyhood of Steel for fear of being cancelled, that shit is not right.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    wtf is with all these garbage astroturfing threads since the show released

    • 3 weeks ago

      Its a fun game ok?! Multiplayer fallout events are FUN
      Multiplayer Fallout is FUN
      Yes there are drawbacks…maybe they could be fixed

      • 3 weeks ago

        a wise man once said
        >every game with friends is fun, multiplayer is not a factor that should define if a game is good or not. stop being moronic

  17. 3 weeks ago

    I like it. It's basically a Fallout exploration mishmash single/multiplayer experience. People just do their own shit for the most part but are willing to help strangers, great community of anti social autists in the best way.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    My understanding is that they wanted to put everything that has ever been in Fallout in this game, correct? What excuse did they come up with to put synths in it?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Synths would need a Time Machine
      They do have West Virginia aliens

  19. 3 weeks ago

    It pulled a Cyberpunk 2077 and redeemed itself. It's pure kino now and only normie fake fans say otherwise.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    I can barely get into Fallout 4, not even going to bother with 76.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    Had fun running around with friends smacking shit with a fire ax in T51b. We all got bored of it a month or two after release and haven't been back since.

  22. 3 weeks ago

    Can't mod out the shit ideas like headbobbing/camera jank, the screensplatter and other annoyances
    Don't get me wrong the game itself was fun for the few hours but just got bored with the fact it's still Bethesda jank and will need mods to make it more enjoyable for me personally

  23. 3 weeks ago

    I picked it up after it bombed and was cheap as frick sometime shortly after release. I remembered enjoying the frick out of it, I liked the base building mechanic, and being scared shitless that some dude in power armor came running through my base when I was a noob. I remember killing giant sloths, and grinding some bosses, also ran into my nigguh malseph from tes3mp in hacked gear that wasn't even released yet. Then at some point I think the boss drops were bugging and I got angry and just dropped it. Might come back finally I just transferred into to steam from the Bethesda launcher lol.

  24. 3 weeks ago

    I think it's really good. Has some of my favorite armor sets in the series too.

    • 3 weeks ago

      They should've added these to the Fallout 4 next-gen update, instead of the combat armor reskins.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I'm sure you'll be able to buy them from the creation club soon!
        -Yours truly, Todd Howard

        • 3 weeks ago

          No those are free for everyone

        • 3 weeks ago

          the armors here

          I think it's really good. Has some of my favorite armor sets in the series too.

          are both in FO76 for free. One you get as part of a quest line, the other set is a rare drop in a daily mission.

          They should've added these to the Fallout 4 next-gen update, instead of the combat armor reskins.

          I will give credit to FO76 for having what I think are some proper "end game" armor sets. The vanilla armor sets in FO4 are so terrible (pic related). They clearly didn't give a shit and left it to their dedicated modding community to make proper end game armor/weapons, which is just pathetic.

          • 3 weeks ago


            • 3 weeks ago

              >Toilet armor
              Street shitters would avoid that post like the plague

          • 3 weeks ago

            Stop lying you disingenuous homosexual. You think people on here will far for that? How about you post ANY other armor from fallout 4?

            • 3 weeks ago

              Like what? The junk yard scrap metal you can attach to yourself? Which, by the way, I don't even mind. It's just FO4 doesn't have any proper armor to compliment the junk yard scrap pile armor sets.

              Like.... there's no military base I can raid that has high level security droids that has some fresh pieces of armor that have never been used and look amazing? There's no museum I can raid to put on a medieval suit of armor? No Chinese Stealth Suit in a sunken Chinese submarine? C'mon Bethesda.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Stop lying. Play the game.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >there's no military base I can raid that has high level security droids that has some fresh pieces of armor that have never been used and look amazing?
                not defending bethesda at all but there was a military base in 4 that had a set of power armor defended by one of those robot c**ts that nukes itself when you kill it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Yeah power armor is power armor, but what about the armor sets outside of power armor?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Costumes are better than armor because sometimes that really good armor piece looks ugly so wear a costume over it
                Best armor pieces are mix match

                20% weapon weight reduction
                -90% weight

              • 3 weeks ago

                Are we talking about FO4 or FO76? I think FO76 has an excellent selection of outfits/gear sets.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Be bop let me attach these robot parts to my arms its “armor” :^) and better yet ill call it robot armor

              • 3 weeks ago

                Stop fricking being a disingenuous lying queer.

  25. 3 weeks ago

    >Only actual Fallout fans allowed in this thread
    >making a thread about the objectively worse fallout
    >after the release of some moronic ESG streaming show about fallout
    >thinking you are an "actual fan"
    OP you are nothing but a tourist newbie

  26. 3 weeks ago

    Nothing. Just play Fallout 4 with vanilla+ mods that fix the game.

  27. 3 weeks ago

    "Hey friends, Julie here. I-I wanted to take a second to talk about something important to me: this radio station. I try not to talk about myself too much, but maybe you've heard me mention it before: I'm only 23, but I've had more than my share of bad times. I-I don't say that to get you to feel sorry for me. I know that so many of you out there have had difficult lives too. Some far, far harder than mine. I say it because I want you to know I can relate. I know what it's like to lose family and friends. To struggle. But there's one thing that always kept me going, always meant something to me. It's this place. This radio station. This music. These songs playing out across the world for everyone to hear...they mean so much to me. They remind me of good times, of people I care about. Things that really matter. They offer...hope. I know it's cheesy, but hey it's true!"

    • 3 weeks ago

      I bet three dog would condescendingly pat her on the head.

    • 3 weeks ago

      WhAT iF THeRE wAs A pLACe WiTH AlL ThE ZiP oF NuKA cOLa!

      • 3 weeks ago

        Wouldn't that be the cheer-cheer-cheeriest place in all the world?!
        Where the river's made of quantum, and the mountain tops are fizz
        With fun and games and rides for all the moms and pops and kids!
        Well it turns out there's a place that's just as great as nuka cola!
        Come on down to nuka world and see it for yourself!
        Kiddy Kingdom's lots of fun for tots like you and me
        And SAFARI adventure's full of animals to seeee
        Blast off to Galactic worlds and otherworldly thrills!
        Down in dry rock gulch there's cola in them thar hills!
        The world of refreshments the most wonderful place
        The friendly streets of nuka town put a smile on YOUR face!
        Now you know there's a place that's just as great as nuka cola!
        I forgot the rest sorry.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Holy frick I have to turn the radio off everytime this comes on. It happens way too fricking frequent

  28. 3 weeks ago

    it’s bad, period. a great experience for gaymers who enjoy mmorpg‘s and gacha

    • 3 weeks ago

      there's gacha in this game??????
      Last I checked there isn't but that would be kino. Like a gacha to get old atom shop shit that's not in the store anymore or whatever. And the gacha could also give you companions.

      And (you) have no reason to hate gacha.

  29. 3 weeks ago

    is there even shit to do / explore?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yes plenty

      • 3 weeks ago

        worthwhile though? Are there minigames like smithing fishing etc?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yea there is a collect all the plans game which you will never win
          Also player shops which if you do it right you can make tens of thousands of caps from other players every hour

          • 3 weeks ago

            ehhh that's it? can you get super powerful and one shot everything?

            • 3 weeks ago

              >one shot everything
              You can bring 50 mini nukes and a two shot fatman to a multiplayer event
              And if you do the two shot glitch where you shoot then aim down sights that's 4 mirv mini nukes

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yeah, base building,cryptid hunting, all kinds of shit to keep you busy as long as you play with a goal in mind. It's built around FO's loop of that rather than do a bunch of quests and reach the end game like traditional mmos.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I have seen whack a mole games at other people's camps before I think. Also many people have candy bowls and fortune telling machines. Other people's camps are fun. You never know what other things you'll find either. Those two things I mentioned were common but all camps have different things.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >one shot everything
            You can bring 50 mini nukes and a two shot fatman to a multiplayer event
            And if you do the two shot glitch where you shoot then aim down sights that's 4 mirv mini nukes

            Yeah, base building,cryptid hunting, all kinds of shit to keep you busy as long as you play with a goal in mind. It's built around FO's loop of that rather than do a bunch of quests and reach the end game like traditional mmos.

            hmmm i might give it another try then
            do you NEED a sub like in eso?

            • 3 weeks ago


            • 3 weeks ago

              >need to sub
              No you dont need to sub, i dont
              Just remember you dont need most of the junk or weapons and be sure to take the -30/60/90% weight perk cards

            • 3 weeks ago

              Yes if you plan on hoarding junk

  30. 3 weeks ago

    >What do we think of the latest Fallout game? Only actual Fallout fans allowed in this thread
    Fallout Shelter Online? Suck ass mobile trash

  31. 3 weeks ago

    It sucks

  32. 3 weeks ago

    I maintain as I have since day 1, this game is no worse to me than Fallout 4, and how people champion Fallout 4 as a good game, but Fallout 76 as irredeemable dogshit is beyond me.
    If anything 76 is a better game because I dont get nagged about settlements and I dont have to play as Nate and I dont exclusively use fricking PIPEguns
    like I fricking give a frick

  33. 3 weeks ago

    Worth playing now or waiting for the update next month? I'm still balls deep in FO4

    • 3 weeks ago

      Play right now they have an alein event until mid may you can get the plans to make the alien blaster

      • 3 weeks ago

        Is the update adding anything other than the new map?

        VATS is way too strong and makes most non-vats builds feel unsatisfying
        I like the game otherwise. Bunch of quests have the “go meet group of people. Oh no they’re all dead finish the quest by talking to a robot” twist tho

        I assume thats from the original release. The game I have heard doesn't blend the original quests with the NPC ones very well

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yes new enemies and probably much much more since they don’t usually update the map often. It will probably be a big deal, I would play a bit now especially for the alien stuff you get now

        • 3 weeks ago

          Its really just a different fallout game. You can choose to be a raider and kill everything because your choices dont matter.
          However its fun
          Its just a different type of Fallout game

  34. 3 weeks ago

    VATS is way too strong and makes most non-vats builds feel unsatisfying
    I like the game otherwise. Bunch of quests have the “go meet group of people. Oh no they’re all dead finish the quest by talking to a robot” twist tho

  35. 3 weeks ago

    76 would unironically be the best Bethesda Fallout game (besides NV) if the environment/atmosphere wasn’t so fricking bright and cartoony. I get that West Virginia wasn’t hit by nukes, but then why call it Fallout? It’s literally just fortntie with a fallout skin. Exploring a desolate and destroyed world is far more interesting than a map filled with lush trees and plant life. It’s so fricking boring and not fun to explore at all. I legitimately don’t understand when people say 76 has the best map when it dosent feel like Fallout at all. If 76 had a more bleak and depression atmosphere like Fallout 3 it would be the best Bethesda fallout game easily

    • 3 weeks ago

      76 is refreshing because 4 is what Bethesda thinks a repairing post nuke world looks like. 76 is straight up fricking subdued compared to the bullshit ICON driven design of 4 and even 3.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I somewhat I agree. I miss the bleak and brutal aesthetic of Fallout 3.

      Some of FO76's world makes sense though. For example, Whitesprings looks pristine and perfect because the robots there were programmed to keep it looking nice and trim, and the robots are still active even without any human involvement. That's just their job, regardless if the humans are wiped out or not, so at least it makes sense why it looks so taken care of.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You know there are different regions in 76 each with their own environment?

      • 3 weeks ago

        are those things aliens?
        can you fight the huge one?

        • 3 weeks ago

          No those are not aliens
          Yes you can still shoot them
          This is the toughest boss of 76 (so far)

      • 3 weeks ago

        Frick outta here you Black folk, F76 is only good because it isnt another grey/green mess like F3/4. If anything F76 having different areas/biomes, whatever, is much more refreshing. Even NV had something other than sand, even if it is a desert

        Did even you leave beyond 'The Forest' of West Virginia? There's like areas that are more apocalyptic and desolate, or even overgrown.
        There's an overgrown swamp area, irradiated hot springs and a ravaged ash field with abandoned mining tunnels and digging equipment. Back on release before settlers and raiders arrived, the place was bleak and depressive as frick.

        3 and 4 look nothing how I would expect a post-apocalyptic world that has been around for hundreds of years to look like.

        I could understand the first and second Fallout games looking ravaged and barely put together.
        But the third and fourth games make no sense..

        >2 marsh biomes
        >2 forest biomes
        >ash biome
        >”snow” biome

        Only two of those are actually interesting to explore. How are there no destroyed cities like Boston and DC? The closest you get is Charleston (literally the size of like megaton at most, not even) and it wasn’t even nuked, just hit by a flood. Especially 25 years after the war, Bethesda actually had the perfect opportunity to make the world way more bleak and desperate like Fallout 3, only it would make way more sense for 76 to have that atmosphere since it’s not 200+ years after the war. 76 and 3/4’s environments and atmosphere should have been switched due to their respective time periods. As it stands, it’s just a boring environment that’s way too green and lush to feel like Fallout.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Did you make it to Watoga anon?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Yes. Both those cities aren’t big or destroyed enough to feel like downtown Boston or DC. If they used at least one biome to just be a urban jungle with destroyed buildings/skyscrapers than I would be happy. It’s a shame that they made the game so bright and cartoony cause the lore and world building are actually pretty decent for Bethesda standards

            • 3 weeks ago

              What about the pitt?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Or Atlantic City and Billy Beltbuckles

                Yes. If the base game actually had that same vibe/atmosphere as the Pitt or Atlantic City, it would be perfect. Too bad those are limited time areas that you only spend like 15 minutes in. I think part of the reason the atmosphere dosent work is because they brought back NPCs. Before the wastelanders update, the game felt bleak, dead and unsettling since everyone was dead, and the atmosphere was kind of the opposite of that where everything felt more alive. It was a nice balance that I think got ruined when the NPCs came back.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Too bad those are limited time areas that you only spend like 15 minutes in.
                You can go to those areas without a mission objective and just explore. Not a whole lot to do there if you do that, but it's there.

                >Before the wastelanders update, the game felt bleak, dead and unsettling since everyone was dead, and the atmosphere was kind of the opposite of that where everything felt more alive. It was a nice balance that I think got ruined when the NPCs came back.
                I'm 50/50 on this issue. When Bethesda said "this game will have no NPCs, all interactions you have will be with players, everything that happens is your story!" I was intrigued by it. Kind of a daring thing to try. But people complained enough to where now we have proper questlines and shit. Ok, why not?

                The original plan made sense though. You are from vault 76, you are meant to go out there and re-establish civilization at a foundational level. That's the whole point. Vault 76 was filled with scientist/engineers and the brightest minds. The idea is you are tasked with going out there and building shit and reclaiming the land. The Wastelanders update's NPCs are basically drifters that came to Appalachia and are settling there too... why not? I guess I'm fine with it either way. The people who want to do single player stuff got their wish and it doesn't really effect me all that much. I did some of the quest lines myself and some of the rewards were pretty nifty.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Or Atlantic City and Billy Beltbuckles

        • 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      I somewhat I agree. I miss the bleak and brutal aesthetic of Fallout 3.

      Some of FO76's world makes sense though. For example, Whitesprings looks pristine and perfect because the robots there were programmed to keep it looking nice and trim, and the robots are still active even without any human involvement. That's just their job, regardless if the humans are wiped out or not, so at least it makes sense why it looks so taken care of.

      Frick outta here you Black folk, F76 is only good because it isnt another grey/green mess like F3/4. If anything F76 having different areas/biomes, whatever, is much more refreshing. Even NV had something other than sand, even if it is a desert

      • 3 weeks ago

        I wasn't hating on F76 per se.

        • 3 weeks ago

          76 proved Bethesda was capable of making a fallout game that could go 30 seconds without jamming DA NUKES in your face. Its a real shame Fallout 5 will be set in Los Angeles or New York or some shit and itl all look like Fallout 4+1

          • 3 weeks ago

            Fallout 4 VR is genuinely the best fallout game i have played after basic mods to fix it
            If Fallout 5 has VR im sold

    • 3 weeks ago

      Did even you leave beyond 'The Forest' of West Virginia? There's like areas that are more apocalyptic and desolate, or even overgrown.
      There's an overgrown swamp area, irradiated hot springs and a ravaged ash field with abandoned mining tunnels and digging equipment. Back on release before settlers and raiders arrived, the place was bleak and depressive as frick.

      3 and 4 look nothing how I would expect a post-apocalyptic world that has been around for hundreds of years to look like.

      I could understand the first and second Fallout games looking ravaged and barely put together.
      But the third and fourth games make no sense..

  36. 3 weeks ago
  37. 3 weeks ago
  38. 3 weeks ago

    Started playing Fallout 76 this year and I can't seem to stop playing it. Help me bros.

  39. 3 weeks ago

    Convince me to give 76 a go. I think I need a break from 4

    • 3 weeks ago

      Its just like 4 but more stuff
      Also don’t listen to trolls you dont need premium

      • 3 weeks ago

        How bad is the AI and input lag? I tried it once a year ago and holy shit, that plus the MMO bullshit really put me off. I would love to explore the 76 world backported into 4 but man

  40. 3 weeks ago

    "Verification not required"

  41. 3 weeks ago

    Fallout fans should be disgusted by this game. Aside for the fact that it is a buggy, crashy, glitchy game with poor performance and an absolutely predatory economy based on total monetization of each and every item for outrageous prizes, the trailer perfectly encapsulates the shift in theme of the game. A perfectly groomed girl dancing like julie andrews in the sound of music, magdumping everywhere while smiling over the tune of "wouldn't it be nice" of the beach boys. It's not about survival, it's not about a nuclear unsettling new world, it's not about role playing, it's simply a mediocre looter shooter with poorly made pop culture references and vague, generic postapocalyptic tropes.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Funny enough, compared to Fallout 3 and 4, 76 actually feels the most like a “real” fallout game
      >actual unique creatures and lore native to the region, doesn’t completely rely on west coast creatures and lore
      >has a huge trading caravan with its own identity
      >has a diverse map with each region having completely different lore (I personally don’t like the map, but the lore behind it is good
      >actually bothered to explain why bottlecaps are used as currency on the east coast
      >has more skill checks/roleplaying potential then 3 and 4 combined
      >best pipboy in the series that’s a straight call back to Fallout 1/2

      If the map felt more post-apocalyptic and less cartoony, I would unironically say it’s the best Fallout game Bethesda made

    • 3 weeks ago

      >muh monetization
      You don't have to spend a dime on FO76

  42. 3 weeks ago

    Am I considered a Fallout if I've only played 1, 2 and NV

  43. 3 weeks ago

    Seems like nobody remembers the glitches, the hackers, the dev room black markey, the mass t posing, the moldy helmet, nuka cola dark, the canvas bag, bethesda dodging refunds, their site accidentally doxxing people etc. Why would you trust them now? Are you moronic?

    • 3 weeks ago

      i heard germany did some crimes but i still eat schnitzel. shut the frick up you joyless c**t

      • 3 weeks ago

        Brand loyalty and compulsive consumerism are what brought you here, homosexual, not me. If you like being a clueless piggybank with awful tastes go ahead, it's your riggt, as it's my right to defy you and call you moron.

        • 3 weeks ago

          fallout talk brought me here. what brought you here? looking for trouble on Ganker? well you found it bucko

          • 3 weeks ago

            Whoa tough guy what you're gonna do? Downvote me? Frick you, you stupid fricking Black person.

            • 3 weeks ago

              you appear more unhinged with each post you make in this thread

    • 3 weeks ago

      I feel like 90% of people shitting on 76 have never played it and just watched an Internet Plagiarist video 6 years ago

  44. 3 weeks ago

    it has an insidious design that allows you to flow through the game without having any fun, and at point that the flow is disrupted you'll stop playing out of boredom.

    so its an mmo

  45. 3 weeks ago

    I liked 76 well enough when I played it for a month. It's Fallout 4 except not terrible and with a better story and setting.
    Is there any kind of end game yet? I stopped because all I had left to do was grind currency for Secret Agent armor and random prefix weapons

    • 3 weeks ago

      They are adding a new part of the map and new quest lines mid may so in two weeks

      • 3 weeks ago

        maybe I'll come back to check it out. The storylands in 76 were quite good, which is shocking for modern Beth and how I knew it was a subsidiary working on it lmao

      • 3 weeks ago

        It's not coming out till the end of June

  46. 3 weeks ago

    I think during Wastelanders it peaked and its been going slightly downhill
    what killed the game for me was their puzzling decision to not add proper new weapons since 2022 or so.

    apart from the Incinerator, we got zero new ballistic/heavy/energy weapons in the last 2.5 years or so and Fallout 4 has more than 10 weapons they could've added. they also killed trading by allowing you to roll for legendaries for specific weapons. doesnt really help that last three major patches, Pitt and AC 1&2, were just glorified DOPS with AC obv being a bit better thanks to proper content

    I understand they pulled the game off the grave around 2022 or so and am excited to see where it goes in the next 12-24 months, but the fact that
    >again, they added zero new ranged weapons in the last 2.5 years AND zero new ballistic guns since launch
    >never balanced all those useless affixes
    >never balanced worthless rewards from many events and dailies
    etc are just baffling. like they keep adding fcking masks and plans to seasonal events that last for 2 weeks, latest 7-8 public events have 15-16 "unique" weapons but there is literally no reason to do pre-Wastelanders content anymore

    its the single most mismanaged game I've ever seen

  47. 3 weeks ago

    Frick you all I'm having FUN and you can't stop me

  48. 3 weeks ago

    good ol bethesda

    • 3 weeks ago

      umm that's what gaming SOVL looks like, sweaty

  49. 3 weeks ago

    I didn't play it because I thought it's a rerelease of Fallout 4

    • 3 weeks ago

      No its its own game like a sequel to fallout 4

  50. 3 weeks ago

    Real fan here.

  51. 3 weeks ago

    bro this is the 3rd time in a row without a pause i'm doing the colossal problem event
    why the frick are people nuking the mine?

    • 3 weeks ago

      the frick is that

      • 3 weeks ago

        Earle Williams

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