Fallout Tactics

Is this good? For some reason nobody ever talks about it, not even to shit on it like that console BOS game.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Yeah it's okay, the reason why it's not talked about much is that it's a linear game where you go from one mission to another and the game itself is rather straight forward just combat encounter after combat encounter. There's really not much to talk about.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    engine is bad

  3. 4 weeks ago

    It has actually drivable cars and sexy furry deathclaws.

    • 4 weeks ago

      For as clunky as Tactics was, driving into a crowd with an APC while your crew blasts out of all windows was fricking great.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >sexy furry deathclaws.

      I was not aware of this.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    People weren't interested because the first two games were story-driven games, whereas Tactics was a janky squad-based romp, and by most accounts not a good one. That said, I watched Grimbeard's review and it seems to have a more substantial story than I expected.

    But I still feel the only reason to play this game is if you want to be a hipster who can boast of playing that one Fallout game no one else has played.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's worth a shot, it's pretty good if you're interested in fallout, just remember to play it in real time mode.

      >hurr durr you have to be a hipster to play a game
      And don't listen to morons like this that actually never play games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >by most accounts not a good one
      Who is "by most accounts?" Sounds like something that you made up.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    It's fun but you aren't going to find what you are looking for if you are expecting more fallout 1/2.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    It's a solid 7/10 game with some jank. Most people that shit on it never even played it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think its great, if you are into stuff like FF tactics or Fire Emblem, its sorta in the same vein, but its gory and has guns, which appeals much more to me

      Pretty much this, its an above average game that people tend to forget, and usually those that say its bad hopped on the franchise at 3 and deride it because of its loose canonicity within the rest of the franchise

  7. 4 weeks ago

    pretty bad
    it's got a really stupid bug with burst fire that they must have accidentally playtested it into the game because it's just an idiotic blob of guns game without it.
    if an enemy uses a burst weapon against your guys every miss of a burst gets turned into an automatic hit against a nearby character. this makes it so standing next to someone else at long range of a burst will 100% instantly kill the guy they aren't targeting
    if this bug didn't exist the game would be completely braindead, but it's also fricking stupid itself

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is easily fixed these days with an exe swap, but you're right the game is just stupid in a different way without it.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    No. 50 hour+ slog that'll make you hate yourself.
    Do not play it. It's not Fallout. Don't play the PS2 game either, it's a different kind of suck.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I legitimately had more fun playing this than Fallout 2.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Different games for different people.
        I've played Jagged Alliance 1 and 2, and also X-COM (the original). I absolutely despised the first few maps of Fallout Tactics. I've finished it, but goddamn if those Super Mutant maps aren't pure fricking cancer. I don't really mind the robots like others above, but I agree there should have been more basic types. You either fight the useless robot with arm blades or a robot with a .50 cal rifle.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I remember just sniping the super mutants with two guys and I was fine. Later on I recruited a super mutant and gave him a machine gun that shredded everything including the robots. It did hundreds of damage a burst.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >Is this good? For some reason nobody ever talks about it, not even to shit on it like that console BOS game.
    I like it, more than Fallout 1/2 if i'm honest about how much i've played Tactics relative to either, then again I fricking loved JA2 as a kid and squad based tactics games in general.

    I believe the story wasn't perfectly lore friendly and that got Fallout fans knickers in a twist, but that was pre-Fallout 3 days, so relative to what Bethesda has done it's probably not too bad, but I never cared all that much.

    Genuinely solid 7/10 with a bit of wriggle room depending on how much of a Fallout-autist or fan of the genre you are.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    All right, here is the down low.

    FO Tactics wasn't properly tested, and was just hurried through the door for the holiday season. Some systems don't work, there's quite a lot of bugs, and you can feel there has been a lot of cut content. Here it goes:

    - the story progression is told in "arcs", meaning every arc has an enemy faction. Once you finish an arc, that enemy faction disappears from the game (except from random encounters). The progression is Raiders > Beastlords > Super Mutants > Reavers > Robots. Beastlords are dudes that control animals and Reavers are dudes with energy weapons.
    - you'll learn to fricking hate robots, because they're all you're gonna fight for 50% of the game.
    - it looks like the Beastlord arc was cut abruptly (you can look at the map filenames and see they jump a few numbers), meaning you'll start the Super Mutant arc very, very unprepared. You won't be able to fight them properly because there are barely enough armors to outfit 3 characters, and Super Mutants absolutely shred you will heavy weapons. And because of the bug some anon said above, you can literally shoot a Super Mutant 7 times in the eyes, and he'll burst fire his minigun and shred your ass 100 meters away, because he was aiming at your companion nearby and the bug said "no no no", and hit you instead.
    - you have quite a lot of classes to choose from (even dogs), but humans and Super Mutants will be your mainstays.
    - the stealth system doesn't work properly. Actually, there's a tutorial right at the beginning, and even there it doesn't work properly (the explanation does, but when you try to replicate it, you get different results). After a few maps, everyone will see 360º around them.
    - real-time mode is absolutely busted. You can make a firing squad and funnel enemies to them, and they'll shred even late-game enemies with rifles. If you've ever played XCOM Apocalypse, it feels a lot like that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      - there's another bug that can break the game (in your favor). If an enemy saw you but doesn't have a clear shot, they'll stay just short of getting out of cover, and not move and inch. You can literally pelt them with 40 grenades and they'll do nothing to escape them.
      - vehicles brought a much-needed change, which was a proper inventory system. Very good to just throw everything in your trunk and worry about it later.
      - skill checks happen very, very rarely (there's a single skill check for Science in the final chapter)
      - Charisma is a stat to get leadership skills, not to convince people. Actually, after a while they just don't bother with any talking with NPCs, so there are no more chances to use Charisma.
      - don't pick Barter, or you'll be inundated with money with nothing to use it with.
      - play Jagged Alliance 2 instead.

      The main problem with robots is that there is no progression. You either fight a shitter with 2 blade rippers, or every other robot that has a .50, Minigun or Plasma Rifle that will shred you in 2 hits. There's no in-between.

    • 4 weeks ago

      - there's another bug that can break the game (in your favor). If an enemy saw you but doesn't have a clear shot, they'll stay just short of getting out of cover, and not move and inch. You can literally pelt them with 40 grenades and they'll do nothing to escape them.
      - vehicles brought a much-needed change, which was a proper inventory system. Very good to just throw everything in your trunk and worry about it later.
      - skill checks happen very, very rarely (there's a single skill check for Science in the final chapter)
      - Charisma is a stat to get leadership skills, not to convince people. Actually, after a while they just don't bother with any talking with NPCs, so there are no more chances to use Charisma.
      - don't pick Barter, or you'll be inundated with money with nothing to use it with.
      - play Jagged Alliance 2 instead.

      The main problem with robots is that there is no progression. You either fight a shitter with 2 blade rippers, or every other robot that has a .50, Minigun or Plasma Rifle that will shred you in 2 hits. There's no in-between.

      I've read this copypasta in every Fallout tactics thread. Are you just copying a 20 year old NMA post or something?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    nice engine and gameplay. But story and adventuring is different.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >Is this good?
    It is personally my favorite of the Fallout series.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    It's a really barebones team tactical game, with the only notable thing being the Fallout aesthetic, which the game actually does super well IMO.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    It have best looking PA and most based Brotherhood
    Despite some lore and aesthetic inaccuracies it still feels more like Fallout than Bethesda works (including 'muh atmosphere' FO3)
    Squad based combat could be perfect prototype for next Fallout if they ever made something like that again instead FPS

  15. 4 weeks ago

    >got the water chip and destroyed the military base
    >only level 14 so figure the game is only half done
    >already told to go find and kill the master
    >he's barely even been mentioned up until this point

    Did I accidentally skip half a lot of the game or is FO1 just a lot shorter than I thought

    • 4 weeks ago

      When people say FO1 is short they mean it, you didn't skip anything.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >mfw I thought it was pretty early to get power armor ~10 hours in

        Does that mean the enclave base is only like, 3 rooms?

        • 4 weeks ago

          The Enclave is massive, but that's in Fallout 2. The final area of Fallout 1 is very compact, but dense.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Enclave is in 2.

            WHAT THE FRICK!!!!!!!!!!

            • 4 weeks ago

              Lmao, did you expect to fight the Enclave in 1 all this time?

              • 4 weeks ago

                YES!!!!!!!!!! I WANTED THEIR POWER ARMOR TOO!!!!!!!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Oh well, have fun with Fo2!

        • 4 weeks ago

          Enclave is in 2.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I said this exact same thing in a thread yesterday and Fallout fans lost their fricking shit because I said the master/mutant invasion is just dropped on the player right at the end with no build up. It's like morons want to pretend that F1 has no flaws.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    The game is oddly memorable
    >R. Lee Ermey and Kurtwood Smith
    >Map locales
    >Tons of weapons
    >Tons of special encounters
    >Character portraits
    >Everyone in the game is either psycho, stupid, ugly, or a big guy

  17. 4 weeks ago

    So is this like Commandos, but within the fallout universe? Never played it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's more akin to Cannon Fodder on the SNES, if you've ever played that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not really. FOT doesn't seem too appealing, so I guess I'll pass and do my yearly playthrough of FO2

  18. 4 weeks ago

    No. It's bad even for a tactical RTWP/XCOM style game. Imagine if combat took 5 minutes then you looted for 10. Then just repeat that with a shitty style story being told at the start of each mission via the debriefing log.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Mmm oh damn I'm getting randy guys call me randy bo bandy guise mmm damn

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Any good overhauls or something that gives you more freedom like recruit any race at any time or travel wherever?

  21. 4 weeks ago

    As a fallout game its not that great. It's considered non-cannon. Even if it has some of the best art and design in the series.
    You don't often get the option to actually choose anything other than doing bonus objectives.

    As a game, it's not bad. Think your typical squad turn based game. It does play a bit like fallout 1 an 2, especially if you actually play it on turn based mode instead of real time mode.

    If you're a big fan of the classic Fallouts or Squad turn based strategy games, then check it out.

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