>"Fast" game despite tons of accurate platforming

>"Fast" game despite tons of accurate platforming
>Controls like he's in ice with a slow startup and slowdown/stop
>Takes up 1/5th of the screen, can barely see what's coming up next
>Traps everywhere despite the speed, doesn't even have an option to avoid traps in the first place like having enemies in the path of a spring

2D Sonic games were always poorly designed platformers, change my mind

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  1. 2 years ago

    >"Fast" game despite tons of accurate platforming
    The games were designed for level memorization. The better you know the levels, the faster you'll complete them. The first levels of each game are a cakewalk to give you a taste of the kind of speed you can earn.
    >Controls like he's in ice with a slow startup and slowdown/stop
    This is called "momentum" anon.
    >Takes up 1/5th of the screen, can barely see what's coming up next
    If this is an issue for you you can run the native PC ports of the sonic games to get whatever wide resolution you want. If not, see above.
    >Traps everywhere despite the speed, doesn't even have an option to avoid traps in the first place like having enemies in the path of a spring
    Besides some bad examples you can almost always get around obstacles without breaking momentum. Frick Marble Garden and the stupid wheel shit though.

    • 2 years ago

      >The games were designed for level memorization. The better you know the levels, the faster you'll complete them.
      How are you supposed to memorize these gigantic 2D levels? Even multiple playthroughs wouldn't be good enough without a map or guide.

      >This is called "momentum" anon.
      For a platformer it's a moronic design choice

      • 2 years ago

        >How are you supposed to memorize these gigantic 2D levels?
        They're like 5 minutes max. Find the fast path, and learn what's on it.
        >For a platformer it's a moronic design choice

        • 2 years ago

          >They're like 5 minutes max. Find the fast path, and learn what's on it.
          You would have to replay the game dozens of times to memorize every path and emerald ring

          A lack of control is not fun in platforming games

          • 2 years ago

            >You would have to replay the game dozens of times to memorize every path and emerald ring
            Not really, a couple times max. You only need to know the fastest route. And special stages only have static locations in Sonic 3 and Mania.
            >A lack of control
            You have more control and the ability to do more varied movement in Sonic than any other platformer.

      • 2 years ago

        >How are you supposed to memorize these gigantic 2D levels?

        The modern internet has actually destroyed zoomer's brains, holy shit.

      • 2 years ago

        if you cant learn levels that have a 10 minute hard limit but can generally be completed in 3 how the hell do you function in 3d games

      • 2 years ago

        Low IQ. You wouldn't be able to. Play a spiderman or something

    • 2 years ago

      >The games were designed for level memorization
      You probably think spending ten hours learning combos for a fighting game is fun

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >this is the type of homosexual that says that sonic was never good

    • 2 years ago

      If you think classic 2D sonic is bad you're a casual or a zoomer

      • 2 years ago

        But I'm a zoomer and I like classic Sonic. I prefer the more precise platforming of 1 and CD though.

  2. 2 years ago

    Just hold right to win, casual.

  3. 2 years ago

    I refuse to believe there are people this moronic and it isn't just bait.

  4. 2 years ago

    Nah shut the frick up they have consistently been the greatest 2D platformers of all time. I can never get tired of the games. The concept was genius then and its still genius today. Its sheer simplicity makes it such a joy to play.

  5. 2 years ago

    The games are in widescreen now. No excuse.

  6. 2 years ago

    Sonic 1 isn't very good. People boast about the platforming in it when really it isn't hard. Just boring. CD, 2 and 3 are good. CD would be perfection if there was any sort of incentive to time travel beyond a slightly different ending.

  7. 2 years ago

    >just memorize the map bro, its ez

    • 2 years ago

      Wow, I'm so glad I have a big level to learn with lots of alternate routes and depth! It really adds to the repayability. If I were to want this to be watered down and simplified because I'm not good at a game that isn't even hard in the first place, I would be a true giga homosexual moron. Thankfully, no one could possibly ask for that

      • 2 years ago


        I sell my games after I finish them

        • 2 years ago

          You're wasting a lot of the enjoyment you can get from some games then.

    • 2 years ago

      Ive played metroid zero mission and metroid prime loads of times.
      Yeah, memorizing a game aint that hard.

    • 2 years ago

      I've memorized bigger Doom maps.

  8. 2 years ago

    This is the most exposing, inexperienced, zoomer thread I have seen in a while. "The game is bad, its not me."

    Frick off, literal entitled, slow child.

  9. 2 years ago

    all of those problems are exclusive to origins my man

  10. 2 years ago

    Well, by this point it feels like we have this thread multiple times a day, every single day, but that's fine, we come here to discuss video games afterall, the ones we like, and the ones we don't. I have to disagree with this stance though, the idea that Sonic was always poorly designed, it overall just baffles me, how up until Sonic '06 the overall attitude over Sonic was that it was good up until that point, or something like Heroes, but in the last few years it seems that the Adventure series is being more panned than usual too, which reinforced the attitude that Sonic was only good in 2D... until suddently we started to hear that not even in 2D Sonic was good a lot more often. I've never seen any other franchise go through such a rewriting of history like Sonic.

    Of course there's nothing wrong in disliking Sonic, but the idea that Sonic is fundamentally flawed is quite forced. Sonic has physics and level design to make it simple to build up speed quickly, it doesn't mean that you'll go fast all of the time and with ease by simply holding right, that'd be shallow and everyone would beat it without trouble, so they'd rarely replay it. Of course it has traps and places where you can get hit and lose, but it's a video game, it needs to have elements like that to challenge you and to separate skilled players from new players, so you can feel satisfaction from your growth when you see how much faster you can go, also every video game expects you to replay it, especially in the 90's when most kids had few cartridges.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Controls like he's in ice with a slow startup and slowdown/stop
    You need the slow start up to have the accurate platforming. If Sonic just went from 0 to 100 you wouldn't be able to land on jackshit.
    >Takes up 1/5th of the screen, can barely see what's coming up next
    So just like every 4:3 2D platformer? Sonic's not even that fast actually, there's platformers where this problem is way worse
    >Traps everywhere despite the speed, doesn't even have an option to avoid traps in the first place like having enemies in the path of a spring
    Oh ok you're one of those morons who hasn't figured out rolling is Sonic's primary attack despite it being the only thing he can do besides jump

  12. 2 years ago

    >there are people on this board filtered by sonic
    Fricking kill me, if you find classic Sonic to hard than outside of literal baby shit like Kirby or Mario world platformers from this era probably aren’t for you. Maybe broaden your horizons beyond bing bing wahoo shit

    • 2 years ago

      the best part is the "sonic is easy" meme. yet people complain because theyre bad at an "easy" game like it isnt their fault

      • 2 years ago

        If even Sonic games are too hard for them (especially Sonic 3K) then I can't even imagine what games these clown could even beat. Something tells me these people wouldn't even have an easy time with Super Mario since even those games had some sort of challenge to them. These people just do not have the mental capacity to beat a 2D game is my guess unless its literally got checkpoints and save states everywhere.

        Most of the people who think Classic Sonic is hard are mainly just younger people who played these old 8-16 bit games with save states and rewind features. It’s why whenever a collection of old games come out these double digit iq threads are like
        >why is “universally loved 20 year old game” shit?
        >shouldn’t it be more like x?

        • 2 years ago

          oh im aware. its either trolls or legitimate underage who dont understand nuance for the time period of a game. when i was 15 i was looking for old arcade games to play like centipede and pac man and kids these days gag at the thought of playing oblivion or something. its honestly hilarious and everytime these threads pop up i get a good chuckle

        • 2 years ago

          At first I used to think this was just trolling a few years ago when I kept seeing this increasing a lot in frequency. Now though I am sure its just that these younger gen Z types simply do not like these old games at all. It is also most likely that these games are too difficult for them as well. Shit is disturbing to wrap my mind around this fact actually. I don't want entire generations of morons coming up what the hell will society look like even.

          • 2 years ago

            It’s really funny seeing how universally hated COD and Halo were hated on here and then years later people consider them some of the greats

        • 2 years ago

          '99 Zoomer here, I remember hating the classic games mainly because my first experience with them was the GBA port of Sonic 1. I also played the game gear games you unlock on SADX before any of the genesis games (because I was 10 and didn't know what the frick a Sega Genesis was), and I thought "wow this is the stuff everyone raves about, this shit sucks". Then I played Sonic 3 on Vizzed and it's been my all time favorite ever since

    • 2 years ago

      If even Sonic games are too hard for them (especially Sonic 3K) then I can't even imagine what games these clown could even beat. Something tells me these people wouldn't even have an easy time with Super Mario since even those games had some sort of challenge to them. These people just do not have the mental capacity to beat a 2D game is my guess unless its literally got checkpoints and save states everywhere.

  13. 2 years ago

    is the reward but was otherwise a literal meme. much like how dark souls is "hard"
    >controls like ice
    totally doesnt. he has start up and needs time to stop. you have a lot of control over his movement compared to if you were on ice. momentum and movement is key to doing well in sonic and if you contrast it with games like sonic 4 its easy to see why its a problem
    >screen complaint
    you mean like almost every other platformer in that time period?
    >traps everywhere
    then go slower homosexual. if you were in a pitch black room youd never been in before would you just walk straight then be mad you walked into a table you couldnt see? you have ample time to finish levels and the game is designed for you to replay it.

  14. 2 years ago

    skill issue. stop trying to play mario and start trying to play sonic.

  15. 2 years ago

    All of these are skill issues. It's a fast platformer because you can do the "accurate" platforming quickly. The slow start/stop is to force you to keep your momentum. It needs traps that are hard to avoid because with no real hazards there'd be no real challenge. Autists and children can understand this so you should be able to understand this. Don't be as moronic as a games journo.

  16. 2 years ago

    The game is easy so it avoids being frustrating, devs consciously avoided things like bottomless pits and dying thanks to getting hit so all there is to it is how you decide to go through the stages. The idea of a game being replayed because of its mechanics and not because of how ball busting it was or the amount of content (mario 3) is what made Sonic a important release

  17. 2 years ago

    >>"Fast" game despite tons of accurate platforming
    This only happen in the later levels of 2 where everything is a pitfall.
    like he's in ice with a slow startup and slowdown/stop
    If he had instant acceleration and friction you wouldn't be able to notice the speed you gain through the use of terrain and physics.
    up 1/5th of the screen, can barely see what's coming up next
    Sonic CD fixed this issue by panning the camera forward while you run.
    everywhere despite the speed, doesn't even have an option to avoid traps in the first place like having enemies in the path of a spring
    Literally just roll, the rest is just trial an error, like any other arcade game of that era.

  18. 2 years ago

    all I hear is
    >blah, blah, blah, I'm bad at games

    frick right off, never post again

  19. 2 years ago

    Any fangames that have a good playable version of classic Amy?
    I really like her in the Core Framework, but it's just a demo not a full game

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