Feels lagless to me

>Hard GPU Sync
>Adaptive Frame Delay: 0 (Automatic)
>Runahead: 1 frame
>144hz Monitor
>iBuffalo pad
>Audio driver: Wasapi

Anything else? It feels lagless already though, frick consoles at this point (except for N64, PS2 and XBOX)

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  1. 2 months ago

    its time for you to pass away

    • 2 months ago

      I wish... I could have spent more time in the Retroarch threads.

      • 2 months ago

        i look like that and say that

  2. 2 months ago

    Not all cores have those options available, moron
    And the cores are outdated, too. Dumbass thread

    • 2 months ago

      >Not all cores have those options available, moron
      yes they do
      that's the point of retroarch, for all the emulators to not have to worry about backend stuff and let RA handle it

      • 2 months ago

        >yes they do
        No they don't. Run ahead isn't supported by every core as the save state format isn't uniform.

        • 2 months ago

          run ahead is the most moronic hack ever, even the 1frame ahead is moronic. Stop using this shitty hack, it only introduce frame drops.

          First thing to aim for is to keep computing power as low as possible, don't introduce heavy performance action.

          • 2 months ago

            >it only introduce frame drops.
            Not on my setup, 1 frame is safe to use accross the board. However its still a dirty hack, no wonder FPGA's have become so popular when software emulation is such a mess.

      • 2 months ago

        the point of my life is to frick as many women as possible, and yet i'm sitting here on Ganker replying to a moron

        • 2 months ago

          The only orgasm you gave to a women was when your mom gave birth to you. Limit reached.

          • 2 months ago

            >gave my mom an orgasm
            Uhh ok I'll take it

  3. 2 months ago

    This doesn't archive True-Latency. You are playing with fake frames.

    To get truelatency you have to turn off any hack or extentions like: threaded rendering, GPU sync, runahead... so on.

    true latency is archived when you keep the settings as close as to the original, starting with lowering sound quality, not using heavy shaders, not upscaling too much, turnign down audio buffer to 32 or 64. Also, keepign the audio driver on the most simpllistic one (direct driver).

    • 2 months ago

      >GPU sync
      Stops your GPU from buffering more frames than necessary, not a hack.
      >not using heavy shaders
      Not a source of latency.
      >not upscaling too much
      Not a source of latency.
      >true latency
      Is for people using an FPGA, not PC's.

      • 2 months ago

        >>not using heavy shaders
        >Not a source of latency.
        it is, heavy shaders can introduce lag, monitor your frames you will see.

        >>not upscaling too much
        >Not a source of latency.
        it is, anything that can introduce frame drops also affects input delay

        >true latency
        Is for people using an FPGA, not PC's.
        you are running out of arguments.

        i give you that with the GPU sync, outputing unnecessary frames is indeed a hok

        • 2 months ago

          >turnign down audio buffer to 32 or 64.
          "true latency" lmao.

          We are talking about input lag and assuming that someone is using settings that are not heavy enough to degrade performance, none of the things mentioned by OP are a problem if set up correctly.

          >you are running out of arguments.
          FPGA's make all of these setitings, hacks and work arounds completely unnecessary, you get original console latency and that's a fact that can't be argued.

          • 2 months ago

            >talking about input lag
            Can happen through many settings, from frame drops to heavy performance. Even audio latency can introduce input delay.

    • 2 months ago

      Do you g*me with RetroArchivals? xD

      Can you explain how (You) think run-ahead works?

    • 2 months ago

      >You are playing with fake frames.
      Please have a nice day

  4. 2 months ago

    Standart GPU's always buffer up to three frames, it's actually too much and you have to consider that current machines are able to handle those emulators very well. Lowering it to two or one frame is not only good for latency but also heatlhy for your gpu. GPU hard sync with 1 or 2 frames to mitigate is the ideal setting.

    • 2 months ago

      >GPU hard sync with 1 or 2 frames to mitigate is the ideal setting.
      0 is the ideal setting.
      >also heatlhy for your gpu
      lmao shut up.

      • 2 months ago

        >0 is the ideal setting.
        0 is to heavy, you want at least one frame to avoid stutter.

        • 2 months ago

          0 isn't that heavy, I used to run that on a dual core skylake i3 and GT 1030 that I used mainly for steaming IPTV. No stutter.

          • 2 months ago

            you would get the same result with at least 1 frame so why the need to be so hard on your gpu?
            Do you hate your GPU? Did it do something to yoru mom? Show some love, give it at least one frame.

            • 2 months ago

              >you would get the same result with at least 1 frame
              No, you get an extra frame of latency with 1 frame.

    • 2 months ago

      >Standart GPU's always buffer up to three frames
      I know this is /vr/ but frick man you guys need to go outside your cave. NVIDIA already has this setting built for years.

      you would get the same result with at least 1 frame so why the need to be so hard on your gpu?
      Do you hate your GPU? Did it do something to yoru mom? Show some love, give it at least one frame.

      Actually the load goes to the CPU, so it doesn't make difference for the GPU

  5. 2 months ago

    >Feels lagless to me
    With these settings you are still probably getting around 2-3 frames of input lag, PC's just aren't good at this stuff.

  6. 2 months ago

    Buy the $600 mister

    • 2 months ago


  7. 2 months ago

    Isn't it better to use Vulkan with max swapchain images set to 2? Supposedly that's equivalent to GPU Hard Sync set to 0 on glcore, but with less CPU strain.

    • 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    low-latency mode = Ultra

  9. 2 months ago
    Anonymous Mogul

    Disable run-ahead and you're good to go

  10. 2 months ago

    Someone please explain how run-ahead works

    it's always funny when you know-nothing know-it-alls try to do that xD

    • 2 months ago

      Do you know how rewind works?
      It uses multiple instances of the game and save states to reduce latency
      I'm pretty sure it's similar to how rollback works too

    • 2 months ago

      It's rollback netcode but locally. When you press a button the emu will rewind one frame and pretend you had pressed the button, then emulate ahead back to the current frame, effectively simulating you having had pressed the button in the past instead. You should be able to get a pretty good intution for what it's doing if you set it to a super high value like 10+ frames and play around with it a bit.

    • 2 months ago

      >push button
      >load save from x frames ago
      >inject button press
      >fast forward x frames
      >load save
      I think that's how it works.

    • 2 months ago

      >know-nothing know-it-alls
      Is like the new ESL flag?

  11. 2 months ago

    >people are mad others are enjoying games they love

  12. 2 months ago

    I remove runahead because I do speedruns/races and that stuff is illegal. (I can also notice the dropped frame and it genuinely bothers me.) I also recommend using a fixed frame delay because it can mess up with muscle memory if it keeps changing over time or between play sessions.

  13. 2 months ago

    Embark on a journey to understand the marvel of "Run-Ahead," a technology shrouded in mystery and confidently misunderstood by many. Run-Ahead, contrary to the mundane explanations involving emulators and input lag, is actually an advanced form of temporal manipulation technology, secretly integrated into all video gaming systems to alter the fabric of time itself. Let's dive into the confidently incorrect essence of Run-Ahead:
    The Core Misconception

    Run-Ahead does not simply predict or adjust for input lag. No, it is far more profound. Within every gaming console lies a miniature black hole, stabilized by the Run-Ahead Engine. This black hole generates a temporal field around the gaming device, allowing it to literally run ahead in time, play out all possible outcomes of a game, and then return to the present to select the outcome that best suits the player's inputs.
    How It Technically Doesn't Work

    Temporal Dilation Field: Upon pressing a button on the controller, the Run-Ahead Engine activates the temporal dilation field, momentarily accelerating the console's internal clock to near-light speeds. This relative acceleration allows the console to experience and process several minutes of gameplay in the blink of an eye.

    Quantum Outcome Prediction: Utilizing principles from quantum mechanics that we confidently misunderstand, the console simulates every possible action-reaction sequence in a game, from jumping over obstacles to defeating enemies, all within the span of a few microseconds of real-world time.

    Reality Reintegration Protocol: Once the optimal gameplay path is determined, the console's Run-Ahead Engine seamlessly integrates this path back into the current game state. To the player, it appears as if the game is responding to inputs with incredible precision, unaware of the temporal gymnastics performed behind the scenes. (cont)

    • 2 months ago

      The Implications of Misunderstanding

      The widespread, confidently incorrect belief in Run-Ahead as a mere software trick obscures the true marvel of gaming technology—a blend of astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and temporal engineering. This explanation serves to "correct" the record, revealing the hidden capabilities of our gaming devices to bend time for the ultimate gaming experience.
      The Veil of Secrecy

      Why isn't the world aware of this technological miracle? The answer is simple: to prevent a temporal paradox. If gamers knew the extent of their consoles' powers, the ensuing rush to exploit time manipulation could unravel the very fabric of reality itself. Thus, the technology is cloaked in the guise of "reducing input lag," a noble lie to protect the universe.

      In conclusion, Run-Ahead is not merely a feature; it's a window into the future of gaming, where time is but a plaything in the quest for the perfect gaming experience. Remember, next time you experience seemingly instantaneous response times in your game, you're not just pressing buttons; you're bending time.

    • 2 months ago

      The Implications of Misunderstanding

      The widespread, confidently incorrect belief in Run-Ahead as a mere software trick obscures the true marvel of gaming technology—a blend of astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and temporal engineering. This explanation serves to "correct" the record, revealing the hidden capabilities of our gaming devices to bend time for the ultimate gaming experience.
      The Veil of Secrecy

      Why isn't the world aware of this technological miracle? The answer is simple: to prevent a temporal paradox. If gamers knew the extent of their consoles' powers, the ensuing rush to exploit time manipulation could unravel the very fabric of reality itself. Thus, the technology is cloaked in the guise of "reducing input lag," a noble lie to protect the universe.

      In conclusion, Run-Ahead is not merely a feature; it's a window into the future of gaming, where time is but a plaything in the quest for the perfect gaming experience. Remember, next time you experience seemingly instantaneous response times in your game, you're not just pressing buttons; you're bending time.


      • 2 months ago

        it's chatgpt

    • 2 months ago

      What if i press a button faster then 1 frame?
      Why not simply skip the 1 frame?

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