Feels like I'm the only person here who doesn't fly into an autistic rage upon seeing this character.

Feels like I'm the only person here who doesn't fly into an autistic rage upon seeing this character. I don't particularly love her, but she's fine for what she is and I don't quite get why people are so pissed off by her. The average anon seems to think that because a grieving widow does something stupid and desperate it's bad writing to treat her character with any amount of sympathy instead of complete admonishment, and that just because her suffering is her own fault that somehow weakens her motivation. But that's how a real person would act, trying to cling onto any hope to salvage a terrible situation, even if it's their fault. Just because this kind of behavior makes people upset doesn't mean it's bad writing.

If anything, Pacifist Ceroba is probably the best written boss on the route because it's the only one that follows the Undertale formula where you encounter a monster who spent their life believing in something and it's up to you to make them achieve catharsis and change their mind (or kill them). The developers of UTY generally don't seem to understand Toby's structure of following a character throughout the location and then confronting them for a climactic boss fight. Dalv is barely in Ruins, Martlet is barely in Snowdin, Bailador doesn't exist outside of his fight, Starlo's motivation is weird and the robots are just AI so there's not much in the way of personal motivation with them. Ceroba is the only one who you're actually fighting to prove wrong and convince her not to kill you for the sake of ghosts. I appreciated that after a game full of bosses that missed the point of UT's writing there was at least one that didn't.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Also, Starlo is particularly odd in this regard. I totally get why everyone sucks his wiener, I really like his personality too and he's probably my favorite character in the game. But his motivation for fighting you is weak, certainly way weaker than Ceroba's if you wanna talk about motives that make no sense. Most monsters in UT/DR have a natural reason for fighting you rooted in their worldview, but Starlo doesn't because he doesn't hate humans. So the game quickly contrives it so that he goes from treating you as a little sibling to trying to kill you in five minutes, which is supposed to somehow make his friends like him again.

    It's not completely without merit. You could say this is his insecurities taking hold of him, the thought that he's wasting time LARPing and trying to make friends with a human instead of growing up and collecting their soul for the good of monsterkind. But this is more me looking into it than the game actually expressing any of this. It could work really well if it was expressed more explicitly, but his dialogue and justification for fighting you is way too brief.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't hate her because of her premise, I hate that her ending doesn't actually deal with her daughter's problem at all, how her mistakes are never shown to Starlo and Martlet (and thus they treat her like nothing happen and have no idea the MURDEROUS GAUNTLET she put you through(which means they never confront her on it)) and how Starlo goes full apologetic weirdo if you kill her despite knowing she JUST knocked him out and was about to take you to do something dubious that would probably kill you

      I feel like the story bends over backwards to make the other characters treat her like a softy baby who got a bit "lost" while its all up to you to forgive her for essentially pulling out a fricking F-35 on your ass

      Not even Asgore fought you at full power in UT

      • 5 months ago

        >and how Starlo goes full apologetic weirdo if you kill her
        This one is understandable. She is his oneitis. Dudes become irrational in the face of "the one girl". Also she's his childhood friend, you've been there what, a day?

        • 5 months ago

          They even have his mom talk about how he didn't come out of his room for days after she announced her marriage to Chujin. There's no other reaction he could have possibly had, he even says he doesn't care if her death was just or not because she was still his best friend, the game spells it out pretty clearly.

        • 5 months ago

          They even have his mom talk about how he didn't come out of his room for days after she announced her marriage to Chujin. There's no other reaction he could have possibly had, he even says he doesn't care if her death was just or not because she was still his best friend, the game spells it out pretty clearly.

          alright sure but I really don't like how because she knocks out Starlo and Martlet, both of them treat the situation as Ceroba just throwing a temper tantrum on you instead of the insane shit she actually does, and since Clover can't talk they never find out about any of the shit she did and just treat her like normal afterwards and on the epilogue

          • 5 months ago

            Trying to kill you is not insane to monsters and could even be considered normal, since they see humans as these weird exotic aliens at best. Their reaction wouldn't change. Half the cast in Undertale tried to kill you at some point.

      • 5 months ago

        Fox feet.

      • 5 months ago

        >and how Starlo goes full apologetic weirdo if you kill her
        This one is understandable. She is his oneitis. Dudes become irrational in the face of "the one girl". Also she's his childhood friend, you've been there what, a day?

        Dude gave the actual reaction to her death that most people strawman Undertale about for the Sans judgement.
        Yeah I know it technically wasn't anymore after you btfo her but you get the point

        • 5 months ago

          He literally says he doesn't care if it was a just death or self-defense or not because she was his childhood best friend. It's entirely a personal thing, kind of like sans getting mad over you killing his brother.

          • 5 months ago

            Sans keeps it to himself and only brings out his venom at the last minute, especially since his brother is actually inoffensive unlike Ceroba.
            He can understand self-defense even against his friends.

            • 5 months ago

              That's also because Sans knows you're some fricking timegod who will just reset shit anyway, which is why he only steps in to stop you when you're doing Genocide.
              Starlo got knocked out, missed the entire fight, and only woke up to Clover having killed his best friend, context and reading are very important here.

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly same. I was dreading finishing the game because of the autistic cries I read about the ending and Starlo's dogshit arc twist, but I found Ceroba's story pretty compelling and well written. I continuously forget that emotion-driven actions can't seem to work well if you don't spoonfeed them to your reader. Being a writer is pain.

      • 5 months ago

        >Being a writer is pain.
        I know you're baiting but the devs probably wrote the story when they were 14 and didn't have time to finish shit

      • 5 months ago

        The problem isn't that what she did is based in emotion, the problem is that she gets no payoff. Because the ending provides no resolution for her (and in fact invalidates most of her fricking screentime without so much as a single word of commentary on it), people are way less willing to go to bat for her as a character, and rightly so
        I guarantee you that if the true pacifist ending wasn't so unsatisfying, there'd be way more people willing to forgive her lapses in judgement like there are four other characters

        • 5 months ago

          The thing is, that isn't a problem with her character in specific, it's a problem with the Pacifist ending being a rush job. Most people treat it as a problem with her writing in specific when it's the whole game that collectively falls apart right there in the end.

          • 5 months ago

            True but she suffers the worst from it by virtue of being the most central character at that point
            She also just suffers the worst from it in general, she literally doesn't learn a single thing or achieve a single thing in that ending. Her daughter is still doomed to watch Alphys' anime and eat dog food forever, and she just repeated the same mistake she's already made once before that already ruined what was left of her life (letting a kid volunteer to sacrifice themselves for a cause that they shouldn't even be a part of), and she's failed to so much as notice any of that. She just fricking forgets
            The other two there just forget they're meant to be responsible adults and not let a kid give their life up - which is still heinous, but not as bad as Ceroba

  2. 5 months ago

    you probably should have made this post in the other, more active thread, but i agree with your points, the problem is that 99% of the people who post on undertale threads here have negative reading comprehension and can't understand simple plot points even when the game is telling them to you directly to your fricking face, that and calling ceroba a moron is very funny

    • 5 months ago

      also the other big problem with ceroba is that her arc is left unfinished but that's more of a true pacifist being a trashfire rushjob of an ending problem rather than a problem with ceroba's writing in specific

      • 5 months ago

        I'm pretty sure the end of her arc is that she accepts that her family is dead and makes peace with it after you beat her

        • 5 months ago

          there was clearly a true lab section that was cut that was going to finish up the kanako aspect of things, and they even have martlet wave that plot point away by saying she'll just bring it up to alphys in a report

          • 5 months ago

            Where do you think it was cut from?

            • 5 months ago

              the line from martlet after the ketsukane state where ceroba fled to new home instead of the lab is super phoned in
              and there is scrapped data for hotland enemy variables when it is just 3 rooms in the final game with 0 encounters, not to mention the kanako theme in the remix which most people won't hear

            • 5 months ago

              right after the steamworks and the ketsukane estate
              >ceroba leaving clover behind and running to new home for no particular reason whatsoever after being found out
              >martlet even has a crappy patchwork line where she gives out a really bad excuse as to why ceroba does that instead of actually doing what she was planning to do and taking you to the lab
              >hotlands theme has kanako's theme on it
              >playable kanako flag that's completely unused
              >the small true lab segment in neutral

              • 5 months ago

                >the small true lab segment in neutral
                isn't that meant to be part of Flowey's memories? considering the dead flower sequence after it, and the fact that the Normal UT Ruins, Waterfall, and New Home are also in there

    • 5 months ago

      This thread isn't being shit up by genocide schizos at least.

      • 5 months ago

        The worst part of any thread is complaining about other threads.

      • 5 months ago

        But that's you

        • 5 months ago

          >Replying to an hour old post just to bring drama back
          Please die.

          • 5 months ago

            Uh huh. And, is this 'drama' in the room with us right now?

            She got her kid killed, tried to kill another kid to bring her back, got her ass kicked and her life spared by that kid, then got that kid killed. It's that last part that really throws a wrench into the supposedly dynamic character. By the end, Ceroba should have been the absolute last person to want to see another child dead and instead she's the first. It's just not coherent writing.

            Really, none of her behavior or attitude fits with the things she's done. She's with us for the entire steamworks but none of this child murder is properly set up. She just b***hes about Asgore and Alphys and how nobody respects her brilliant late husband. But at this point she already knew his incompetence killed three people and counting!

            It's a good game and I'm not even upset at how poorly handled this was because that's honestly made it really fun to talk about. But it's silly to pretend like they stuck the landing.

            It's set up in that there's a few mentions of her that are vague and clearly hiding something
            It's meant to be a True Lab-style reveal, where there aren't really many hints at the true nature of what happened before then

            • 5 months ago

              Plenty of her dialog during the Steamworks has her be vauge about her intentions though.
              Yes, and you're the one bringing it here.

              >It's set up in that there's a few mentions of her that are vague and clearly hiding something
              As foreshadowing goes, acknowledging there's a mystery in the first place is a great first step. But the rest of her actions don't line up with the reveal. Knee high hee haw is the only hope of saving her daughter but she barely gives a shit about his safety. Was it all supposed to be some kind of test? If so, she should have been peppering him with dumb moral dilemmas and not sending him into steam vents and other assorted deathtraps.

              >how nobody respects her brilliant late husband. But at this point she already knew his incompetence killed three people and counting!
              She was in denial about it, she reacts to factual evidence that he's a frick up with complete denial, like the "award" and the performance records, she knows deep down that he's a frick up but refuses to admit it, people can be vauge and two faced. Her behavior during the Steamworks in general was like that.
              I think you read a lot of her Steamworks dialog taking it completely at face value, which is a problem I've noticed for years when it comes to Undertale discussions here on Ganker, a lot of people take dialog at face value and fail to extract the actual meaning from it.
              Her behavior in the True Pacifist ending is completely nonsensical though, the whole ending is absolutely poorly made, and considering it also fricks up Starlo's and Martlet's characters really bad I don't think it's particularly fair to use it as the total definer of her character.

              Nobody's complaining about characters saying what they don't mean and pretending to be things they're not. For Starlo and Flowey it's their whole shtick and everybody loves them. Ceroba's just a mishmash of traits, lines, and behaviors that don't make sense together without retconned plot points or mental defect. The response is appropriate.

              • 5 months ago

                >she should have been peppering him with dumb moral dilemmas and not sending him into steam vents and other assorted deathtraps.
                They needed to get through
                It just also happens to be a great test

              • 5 months ago

                Test of fricking what?
                >my only daughter is dead if this child doesn't make it to the labs
                >but gee, dodging this scalding steam myself would really mess up my hair
                Are you insane? Are you Ceroba?

              • 5 months ago

                If things go south, she can always just take Clover's soul.

              • 5 months ago

                if clover died to anything in the steamworks ceroba would just take his soul and head straight to the lab

                >his insane fricking crusade which will either lead to human genocide or monster genocide no matter what.
                This is taking things at face value again, and somehow from Toriel in the original game instead of this one too.
                The test part is clearly incorrect but she's already carrying a SOUL container, as I said before, she's partly hoping Clover dies to something else so that she can take the SOUL she needs without having to confront the reality that she's going to repeat the same frick up again just for a supposed greater good.

                This is actually an excellent point and I'm a total ketsukane for not realizing it sooner. I kinda wish they leaned into it now. After everything is revealed in the Pacifist ending she explicitly says their friendship at the steamworks wasn't faked. She also seems like a really bad actress when she wants to not talk about her problems but perfectly candid otherwise. If she spent that whole section of the game subtly trying to off him I'd honestly respect her character more but she's just so... hapless

              • 5 months ago

                The friendship not being fake means that she was putting off the reality of the situation until you got to the lab, just like how she shies away from confronting everything else that's wrong with her life
                That then reframes you being in danger from the robots as something she doesn't want, but would take away her dreaded responsibility if you just incidentally happened to die at their hands instead

              • 5 months ago

                >If she spent that whole section of the game subtly trying to off him I'd honestly respect her character more but she's just so... hapless
                That's kind of the point, she goes into it with that mind set, she's hoping that she doesn't have to face her frick ups even harder, that's also why she's more dismissive early on (go sit on the corner while I do the grown up stuff for instance), but she can't help but get attached to Clover at the end of it all, which is also why she says she wishes her and Clover had never met. It's her inner conflict, she knows that she's fricking wrong in everything that she's doing, but she's desperate to fix her even bigger frick up regardless of the cost.
                This anon just explained it way more clearer than I did lol.
                The game throws her entire plot line into the trash the second the boss fight with Ceroba ends just so that they can rush into the "canon" conclusion that is Clover's death.

                I don't buy that the devs intended or planned this considering how poorly it was conveyed but it's a good theory. It's like how I thought tearing up Chujin's performance reports had a great double meaning in that it first looked like she was mad about her hubby getting disrespected but actually she just realized her misplaced confidence in him was what killed their daughter. Then I rewatched the scene and... no, b***h doesn't realize shit. She starts whining about Alphys. You could say she's projecting but it feels nothing like they were delving into the character's psychology and everything like they were just making it up as they went along

                honestly flowey shouldn't have been in the game, sure his fight was cool but removing him makes more sense in lore and it barely changes the story

                also the final choice in pacifist should have been 3 way: go to kanako, go to asgore or hide in with starlo/martlet and live underground

                >go to kanako, go to asgore
                There was honestly zero reason he couldn't do both. The samples they took from the other souls to make the injections didn't diminish their barrier breaking capacity.

              • 5 months ago

                That scene with the performance reports and her reacting to the "award" shitting on Chujin by saying she's proud of him are supposed to show she's avoiding reality, it goes hand in hand with her behavior with Clover, and her drinking to try and run away from it all, she's trying to keep the reality of her situation away.
                Another thing that places credence to this is her letter when you go through a neutral run before going to the Wild East where she implores Clover not to go to Asgore and instead try to live his life out on the Underground, then if you backtrack to the Wild East and talk to her she tells Clover to go away because she doesn't trust herself to still act out on her plans and because Clover being there and not doing anything particularly wrong would continue to break her delusion.

                True but she suffers the worst from it by virtue of being the most central character at that point
                She also just suffers the worst from it in general, she literally doesn't learn a single thing or achieve a single thing in that ending. Her daughter is still doomed to watch Alphys' anime and eat dog food forever, and she just repeated the same mistake she's already made once before that already ruined what was left of her life (letting a kid volunteer to sacrifice themselves for a cause that they shouldn't even be a part of), and she's failed to so much as notice any of that. She just fricking forgets
                The other two there just forget they're meant to be responsible adults and not let a kid give their life up - which is still heinous, but not as bad as Ceroba

                I know, I'm just saying it's not that fair to judge her entire character over a poorly thought out ending that fricks everything up.

              • 5 months ago

                >I know, I'm just saying it's not that fair to judge her entire character over a poorly thought out ending that fricks everything up.
                True, but that too is emotional. You should be able to recognize that if you can recognize that Ceroba is meant to be an emotion-driven character
                Like I said, I guarantee that if people had gotten a proper emotional payoff out of the ending, the general sentiment would be people being much more willing to forgive her like they do for other characters
                Contrast Ceroba with Toriel, who gets many more people vouching for her despite being just as bad, because she has an actual emotional payoff when she comes and tries to save you

              • 5 months ago

                That Toriel example is honestly pretty bad, she shows up to save you, yes, but only because Flowey tips her about it and she sees it as a chance to shit on Asgore some more, in fact some of her worst dialog is in that scene. It's very poor pay off, as bad as Ceroba's if not arguably worse since you at least get to shoot her if you really ended up hating her, and while it's true that Ceroba gets a relative slap in the wrist in the god awful true pacifist ending, that's STILL more than what Toriel got, which was nothing, she got rewarded for being shitty, she still acts the same way, and the game continues to see nothing wrong with it.

              • 5 months ago

                Also completely true, but we're talking emotions and perceptions here. The moment Toriel comes to get you, only the part where she wants to sit on Asgore is shown to the player before Flowey diverts attention.
                People must go looking a little deeper to see Toriel's moronation in the TP ending, Ceroba's is on full display when her ad just gets cut in half. People like her less than other characters as a result.
                Starlo also tries to kill you for a dumb reason, people like and forgive him because he learns his lesson and comes to bat for you.
                Martlet puts you in danger by going full moron, people like her because she's trying her best and she tries to unfrick her mistake and get you out of there.
                Ceroba gets nothing, so people are way less willing to forgive her faults. I honestly think it's a simple as that

              • 5 months ago

                Fair enough, Toriel and the others get the advantage of first good impressions, that is complely true.

              • 5 months ago

                >If she spent that whole section of the game subtly trying to off him I'd honestly respect her character more but she's just so... hapless
                That's kind of the point, she goes into it with that mind set, she's hoping that she doesn't have to face her frick ups even harder, that's also why she's more dismissive early on (go sit on the corner while I do the grown up stuff for instance), but she can't help but get attached to Clover at the end of it all, which is also why she says she wishes her and Clover had never met. It's her inner conflict, she knows that she's fricking wrong in everything that she's doing, but she's desperate to fix her even bigger frick up regardless of the cost.

                The friendship not being fake means that she was putting off the reality of the situation until you got to the lab, just like how she shies away from confronting everything else that's wrong with her life
                That then reframes you being in danger from the robots as something she doesn't want, but would take away her dreaded responsibility if you just incidentally happened to die at their hands instead

                This anon just explained it way more clearer than I did lol.

                so Ceroba just gives up on Kanako after fighting you? Is Kanako dead? Clover is about to an hero so why not try to take them to Kanako anyways?

                The game throws her entire plot line into the trash the second the boss fight with Ceroba ends just so that they can rush into the "canon" conclusion that is Clover's death.

              • 5 months ago

                if clover died to anything in the steamworks ceroba would just take his soul and head straight to the lab

              • 5 months ago

                >Was it all supposed to be some kind of test? If so, she should have been peppering him with dumb moral dilemmas and not sending him into steam vents and other assorted deathtraps.
                I'm pretty sure it was her trying not to get attached to him and hoping he just dies by himself so she can take his soul without having to confront the reality of what she plans to do. Is it well communicated though? Not really.

                I understand that that is her reasoning anon, I am merely pointing out the fact that she said that and that he is an eternal cuck

                And I'm just saying, she's not really laughing at him, she's laughing at herself.

              • 5 months ago

                >Was it all supposed to be some kind of test? If so, she should have been peppering him with dumb moral dilemmas and not sending him into steam vents and other assorted deathtraps.
                I'm pretty sure it was her trying not to get attached to him and hoping he just dies by himself so she can take his soul without having to confront the reality of what she plans to do. Is it well communicated though? Not really.
                And I'm just saying, she's not really laughing at him, she's laughing at herself.

                I should add, the only true, unexplainable inconsistency about her character, that isn't just her being two faced or trying to avoid the reality of her situation, IS her behavior during the True Pacifist ending, which as I said earlier fricks up overall characterization on a major scale and isn't really a fair way to judge the characters of this game as a whole since it's just a crappy patchwork ending.

  3. 5 months ago

    I know, I just like calling her a moron because it's cute.

  4. 5 months ago

    >No no no, you don't understand, it is reasonable to do moronic stuff IF you are depressed. I feed my dog clorox, but it is okay because I was depressed

    • 5 months ago

      This post was made by someone who doesn't know what the funny little marks underneath the pictures mean.

  5. 5 months ago

    i love cebora

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >ywn go to prom and lose your virginity that night with ceroba
        God is cruel.

        • 5 months ago

          for me it's slowly working up from saving her from her own mistakes to befriending her and helping her move on from her past then to dating her and finally end it by marrying her and giving her the big family she always wanted

  6. 5 months ago
  7. 5 months ago

    She got her kid killed, tried to kill another kid to bring her back, got her ass kicked and her life spared by that kid, then got that kid killed. It's that last part that really throws a wrench into the supposedly dynamic character. By the end, Ceroba should have been the absolute last person to want to see another child dead and instead she's the first. It's just not coherent writing.

    Really, none of her behavior or attitude fits with the things she's done. She's with us for the entire steamworks but none of this child murder is properly set up. She just b***hes about Asgore and Alphys and how nobody respects her brilliant late husband. But at this point she already knew his incompetence killed three people and counting!

    It's a good game and I'm not even upset at how poorly handled this was because that's honestly made it really fun to talk about. But it's silly to pretend like they stuck the landing.

    • 5 months ago

      >how nobody respects her brilliant late husband. But at this point she already knew his incompetence killed three people and counting!
      She was in denial about it, she reacts to factual evidence that he's a frick up with complete denial, like the "award" and the performance records, she knows deep down that he's a frick up but refuses to admit it, people can be vauge and two faced. Her behavior during the Steamworks in general was like that.
      I think you read a lot of her Steamworks dialog taking it completely at face value, which is a problem I've noticed for years when it comes to Undertale discussions here on Ganker, a lot of people take dialog at face value and fail to extract the actual meaning from it.
      Her behavior in the True Pacifist ending is completely nonsensical though, the whole ending is absolutely poorly made, and considering it also fricks up Starlo's and Martlet's characters really bad I don't think it's particularly fair to use it as the total definer of her character.

    • 5 months ago

      Plenty of her dialog during the Steamworks has her be vauge about her intentions though.

      Uh huh. And, is this 'drama' in the room with us right now?

      It's set up in that there's a few mentions of her that are vague and clearly hiding something
      It's meant to be a True Lab-style reveal, where there aren't really many hints at the true nature of what happened before then

      Yes, and you're the one bringing it here.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon, making fun of you isn't very dramatic
        I am not tweaking your nipples and commanding you to react like this
        I could if you're into that, though

        >and how Starlo goes full apologetic weirdo if you kill her
        This one is understandable. She is his oneitis. Dudes become irrational in the face of "the one girl". Also she's his childhood friend, you've been there what, a day?

        They even have his mom talk about how he didn't come out of his room for days after she announced her marriage to Chujin. There's no other reaction he could have possibly had, he even says he doesn't care if her death was just or not because she was still his best friend, the game spells it out pretty clearly.

        And if you bring this up to her, she laughs and calls him a child
        Even Asgore in Deltarune isn't shit on as hard as Starlo, it's unbelievable

        • 5 months ago

          >And if you bring this up to her, she laughs and calls him a child
          There's that thing about misreading dialog again.
          That dialog was her implying she's a miserable person unlike him, that him "not growing up" is the reason he's happy while her doing so is part of the reason she's not.

          The True Pacifist ending is kino and I'm tired of pussies villifying noble sacrifice because muh suicide

          The suicide isn't the problem, it's how utterly contrived it is.

          • 5 months ago

            I understand that that is her reasoning anon, I am merely pointing out the fact that she said that and that he is an eternal cuck

  8. 5 months ago

    The True Pacifist ending is kino and I'm tired of pussies villifying noble sacrifice because muh suicide

    • 5 months ago

      it's not a fricking noble sacrifice. From Clover's POV, the entire "sacrifice" is giving Asgore another soul to his insane fricking crusade which will either lead to human genocide or monster genocide no matter what. Clover doesn't know about Flowey's resets so there's no reason on why they should fricking do this instead of just either trying to help Kanako or going to live with Starlo/Martlet.

      Clover is helping a insane monarch on his quest to kill everyone on the surface because he found out monsters have bad things happen to them too (sometimes because of themselves)

      Trying to kill you is not insane to monsters and could even be considered normal, since they see humans as these weird exotic aliens at best. Their reaction wouldn't change. Half the cast in Undertale tried to kill you at some point.

      A lot of monsters in Undertale use magic to communicate and many that do try to kill you aren't as agressive and devoted as Ceroba went. Undyne herself was the one trying the hardest and she still was mostly trying to have a cool fight. There are also some assassins hired by Mettaton but because MTT doesn't pay them, they mostly just come to toy with you

      You could have said that Starlo also tried to kill you but that was clearly some insane lucid moment on his part after everyone called him out on his larp but even him quickly regained common sense before shooting you when you surrender

      • 5 months ago

        Clover doesn't attempt to guess what will happen in the future, they simply decide to do their part and contribute to monsters freeing themselves from the underground after seeing their plight. What happens in the future is up to those in the future. Most monsters you encounter in UTY aren't super eager about the war with humanity and can be reasoned or sympathized with. Why do you think this is a decision reserved for the Pacifist ending? That's way more compelling than simply ending Pacifist by being killed by Asgore.

        • 5 months ago

          >Most monsters you encounter in UTY aren't super eager about the war with humanity
          They absolutely are. That's the entire point of Asgore's bullshit. Monsters are SEVERELY bored and depressed and are DESPERATE to go back to the surface or live like humans. That's why Asgore declares war and begins his whole human soul killing shtick. It's why he orders the royal scientists to do their experiments. It's why people fricking love Mettaton. It's why Toriel leaves him. All of it is because monsters are absurdly jealous and curious of humans and want to experience the surface.

          Yes, nearly every monster can be reasoned with but you can't possibly say that the monsters don't have blood on their hands and that they aren't walking towards an absolute bloodbath hell future

          I cannot comprehend that this child whose entire shtick is judgment and "justice" come to the final conclusion that giving monsters the steps they need to deal as much pain to the humans as they receive from each other. It makes no sense. IT DOESN'T EVEN SOLVE CEROBA'S PROBLEM, WHY DIDN'T CLOVER TRY SEEING KANAKO EITHER?

          >his insane fricking crusade which will either lead to human genocide or monster genocide no matter what.
          This is taking things at face value again, and somehow from Toriel in the original game instead of this one too.
          The test part is clearly incorrect but she's already carrying a SOUL container, as I said before, she's partly hoping Clover dies to something else so that she can take the SOUL she needs without having to confront the reality that she's going to repeat the same frick up again just for a supposed greater good.

          >This is taking things at face value again, and somehow from Toriel in the original game instead of this one too.
          Ceroba tells you that Asgore WILL kill you and take your soul to fight the humans if you go to him on neutral routes via mail. It's on Clover's mind the entire journey. It's fricking insane to believe Clover doesn't know about it. Clover doesn't actually know that its probably possible for Asgore to break the barrier with living humans but that doesn't matter.

          The whole decision is way too abrupt, comes out of the nowhere, and another thing that pisses me off is that Martlet, Ceroba and Starlo barely try to stop you from doing it. Flowey is even more egregious because it goes against his plan completely, as Asgore will become even more difficult to defeat if he has more souls and becomes impossible for the last child.

          • 5 months ago

            >Flowey is even more egregious because it goes against his plan completely, as Asgore will become even more difficult to defeat if he has more souls and becomes impossible for the last child.

            • 5 months ago

              >Most monsters you encounter in UTY aren't super eager about the war with humanity
              They absolutely are. That's the entire point of Asgore's bullshit. Monsters are SEVERELY bored and depressed and are DESPERATE to go back to the surface or live like humans. That's why Asgore declares war and begins his whole human soul killing shtick. It's why he orders the royal scientists to do their experiments. It's why people fricking love Mettaton. It's why Toriel leaves him. All of it is because monsters are absurdly jealous and curious of humans and want to experience the surface.

              Yes, nearly every monster can be reasoned with but you can't possibly say that the monsters don't have blood on their hands and that they aren't walking towards an absolute bloodbath hell future

              I cannot comprehend that this child whose entire shtick is judgment and "justice" come to the final conclusion that giving monsters the steps they need to deal as much pain to the humans as they receive from each other. It makes no sense. IT DOESN'T EVEN SOLVE CEROBA'S PROBLEM, WHY DIDN'T CLOVER TRY SEEING KANAKO EITHER?

              >This is taking things at face value again, and somehow from Toriel in the original game instead of this one too.
              Ceroba tells you that Asgore WILL kill you and take your soul to fight the humans if you go to him on neutral routes via mail. It's on Clover's mind the entire journey. It's fricking insane to believe Clover doesn't know about it. Clover doesn't actually know that its probably possible for Asgore to break the barrier with living humans but that doesn't matter.

              The whole decision is way too abrupt, comes out of the nowhere, and another thing that pisses me off is that Martlet, Ceroba and Starlo barely try to stop you from doing it. Flowey is even more egregious because it goes against his plan completely, as Asgore will become even more difficult to defeat if he has more souls and becomes impossible for the last child.

              honestly flowey shouldn't have been in the game, sure his fight was cool but removing him makes more sense in lore and it barely changes the story

              also the final choice in pacifist should have been 3 way: go to kanako, go to asgore or hide in with starlo/martlet and live underground

              • 5 months ago

                What the frick are you people smoking, flowey's usage is really clever, makes a lot of sense, and leads to some great moments that also improved the structure of the game as a whole. It's the only thing they nailed flawlessly

              • 5 months ago

                >Flowey is even more egregious because it goes against his plan completely, as Asgore will become even more difficult to defeat if he has more souls and becomes impossible for the last child.

                >Most monsters you encounter in UTY aren't super eager about the war with humanity
                They absolutely are. That's the entire point of Asgore's bullshit. Monsters are SEVERELY bored and depressed and are DESPERATE to go back to the surface or live like humans. That's why Asgore declares war and begins his whole human soul killing shtick. It's why he orders the royal scientists to do their experiments. It's why people fricking love Mettaton. It's why Toriel leaves him. All of it is because monsters are absurdly jealous and curious of humans and want to experience the surface.

                Yes, nearly every monster can be reasoned with but you can't possibly say that the monsters don't have blood on their hands and that they aren't walking towards an absolute bloodbath hell future

                I cannot comprehend that this child whose entire shtick is judgment and "justice" come to the final conclusion that giving monsters the steps they need to deal as much pain to the humans as they receive from each other. It makes no sense. IT DOESN'T EVEN SOLVE CEROBA'S PROBLEM, WHY DIDN'T CLOVER TRY SEEING KANAKO EITHER?

                >This is taking things at face value again, and somehow from Toriel in the original game instead of this one too.
                Ceroba tells you that Asgore WILL kill you and take your soul to fight the humans if you go to him on neutral routes via mail. It's on Clover's mind the entire journey. It's fricking insane to believe Clover doesn't know about it. Clover doesn't actually know that its probably possible for Asgore to break the barrier with living humans but that doesn't matter.

                The whole decision is way too abrupt, comes out of the nowhere, and another thing that pisses me off is that Martlet, Ceroba and Starlo barely try to stop you from doing it. Flowey is even more egregious because it goes against his plan completely, as Asgore will become even more difficult to defeat if he has more souls and becomes impossible for the last child.

                He can't beat Asgore to begin with.
                One more soul or not, Asgore is a fight he has a 0% winrate against, he tried hundreds of ways of getting past him and everything failed, even when he revealed he was Asriel it never worked.
                He also tried Neutral and realized getting Clover's soul on the spot isn't worth his fricking time because they'd be fighting for eons.

          • 5 months ago

            >That's why Asgore declares war and begins his whole human soul killing shtick.
            No it was fricking not. It was because the fricking heir to the throne got killed by humans, it was a rash decision done out of grief and the need to have SOMETHING to motivate monsterkind.
            >Clover doesn't actually know that its probably possible for Asgore to break the barrier with living humans but that doesn't matter.
            It isn't though, the barrier is broken by Asriel using the combined power of the six souls they already had + the power of every fricking monster soul in the underground, he never uses Frisk's soul at all.
            The Yellow True Pacifist ending absolutely is pure fricking nonsense but I think you have reading problems.

          • 5 months ago

            >They absolutely are.
            How does monsters wishing to experience the surface translate into actually wishing to go to war with humanity? Besides Undyne and this joke line, barely anyone you meet is actually considering it.
            >I cannot comprehend that this child whose entire shtick is judgment and "justice" come to the final conclusion that giving monsters the steps they need to deal as much pain to the humans as they receive from each other. It makes no sense.
            Because you are viewing the story through an unironic xenophobic lens and an "us vs them" mentality, which Clover doesn't care about by the end. Helping those in need is justice. There's no reason to assume most monsters are vicious and going to attack humanity when you don't even encounter a total of 5 monsters who genuinely believe in this.

            • 5 months ago

              >There's no reason to assume most monsters are vicious and going to attack humanity
              that's not what they were going to do, the plan was for Asgore to absorb the human souls and become god of hyperdeath bullshit mode and nuke the surface from humans
              >Because you are viewing the story through an unironic xenophobic lens and an "us vs them" mentality, which Clover doesn't care about by the end. Helping those in need is justice.
              From Clover's POV no one is being helped. Yeah the monsters have it bad because of humans but holy frick do they need the fricking Orbital Cluster Nuclear Bomb? If Clover actually wanted to help someone in need they should have gone with Ceroba to save Kanako

              • 5 months ago

                From Clover's perspective, this brings them closer to reaching the surface. After that it's up to them what to do. Asgore is not the only monster there is, and the majority that Clover encounters don't hate humans intrinsically. Ironically, helping monsters out of your own free will is more likely to give them a good impression of humans.

                >Helping those in need is justice.
                Then why didn't Clover save Kanako? And for that matter, he can help more monsters when alive rather than in a coma induced by taking out his soul and having it given away to Asgore.

                Because Kanako is dead and there's no bringing her back, that's the point of Ceroba's plotline. If anything I think if you could bring Kanako back people would complain even more that Ceroba tries to kill you and then gets her way anyway.

              • 5 months ago

                >Because Kanako is dead and there's no bringing her back, that's the point of Ceroba's plotline
                Kanako isn't dead. That's never confirmed. Ceroba sent Kanako to Alphys after the vax and from whatever happened, she should still be alive. If Kanako isn't alive and her soul is gone then why the frick would Ceroba even try bringing you to the lab after all??

              • 5 months ago

                From the wiki, falling down "refers to a comatose state that monsters fall under before turning to dust". So by conventional means, Kanako is pretty much dead and True Lab was Ceroba's only hope of saving her, which wouldn't have worked out for her. I think she accepted that since there was no response from it for so long, Kanako wasn't saved.

              • 5 months ago

                Alphys deliberately didn't send any notices to the monster families because she didn't want to tell them they turned into amalgamates. Actually she sent one final notice saying they were fine and that they were gonna recover but then they turned into amalgamates right after and she stopped the whole thing. We also don't really know what happened to Kanako since Falling Down usually happens of old age and amalgamates happen when Alphys injected determination in monsters that have fallen down. Kanako had determination/human soul juice injected into her when she was perfectly health, and she's also a boss monster. We don't know if Kanako went into fallen down because of the serum or if she was in the process of becoming an amalgamate

              • 5 months ago

                I'm pretty certain she's not supposed to be anything but dead or an amalgamate in the story.

              • 5 months ago

                All Ceroba is going to know is that the royal scientist sent a letter saying "Your daughter is going to be fine, she's coming home in a few days" weeks back with no updates, not even her dust.

              • 5 months ago

                >Because Kanako is dead and there's no bringing her back, that's the point of Ceroba's plotline.
                >So by conventional means, Kanako is pretty much dead and True Lab was Ceroba's only hope of saving her, which wouldn't have worked out for her. I think she accepted that since there was no response from it for so long, Kanako wasn't saved.
                Yellow never implies that Ceroba gave up on Kanako at all, all it does is that it has Martlet wave the issue away by saying she's going to ask for a report from Alphys. The timespan from Kanako falling down and being sent to the Lab to Alphys sending her dumb frick letter saying everyone lived and that all subjects will be back in days to the actual events of Yellow are only separated by a few weeks at most too, her giving up makes no sense either. I love Ceroba but her entire character arc gets completely deleted by the true pacifist ending.

            • 5 months ago

              Even the most honestly bloodthirsty monster, Mettaton, is trying to become everyone's hero, even if it's in a self aggrandizing manner.
              It's pretty clear that the monsters don't want to wipe out humanity and are for the most part earnestly harmless.

              • 5 months ago

                Mettaton is barely bloodthirsty at all. He just wants to kill you to reach the surface, but his plans for being a celebrity obviously don't involve war.

            • 5 months ago

              >Helping those in need is justice.
              Then why didn't Clover save Kanako? And for that matter, he can help more monsters when alive rather than in a coma induced by taking out his soul and having it given away to Asgore.

      • 5 months ago

        >his insane fricking crusade which will either lead to human genocide or monster genocide no matter what.
        This is taking things at face value again, and somehow from Toriel in the original game instead of this one too.

        Test of fricking what?
        >my only daughter is dead if this child doesn't make it to the labs
        >but gee, dodging this scalding steam myself would really mess up my hair
        Are you insane? Are you Ceroba?

        The test part is clearly incorrect but she's already carrying a SOUL container, as I said before, she's partly hoping Clover dies to something else so that she can take the SOUL she needs without having to confront the reality that she's going to repeat the same frick up again just for a supposed greater good.

  9. 5 months ago

    Today I will remind them.

  10. 5 months ago

    I just think it's funny to call her a tardfox. I get that she practically went insane in her grief and that her flaw is that she makes snap decisions that are based on incomplete information and that she's ruled by her emotions.

    But still. Tardfox.

  11. 5 months ago

    >ruins your entire fricking plotline by simply not showing up

    • 5 months ago

      built for happy endings

  12. 5 months ago

    so Ceroba just gives up on Kanako after fighting you? Is Kanako dead? Clover is about to an hero so why not try to take them to Kanako anyways?

  13. 5 months ago

    >Why can't Clover use the gun non lethally to fight or solve puzzles? You start the game with rubber bullets and you shoot BBs at Starlo which don't hurt him much so why couldn't the pacifist/neutral runs make better use of the gun to let you solve puzzles and encounters interestingly?
    >Why doesn't Starlo get a superboss? Why doesn't he even get a bossfight in the genocide run? Why does he basically quit the story on the neutral run when you reach Steamworks? Why does he hover his hand on Ceroba in the picture?
    >Why is Dina still in the bar? Clover can literally kill her on the spot. We SEE with the shufflers that Clover is the one who starts the battle screens
    >Why doesn't Flowey let you fight Asgore at all in Neutral when you're strong enough to win? Why can't you go back when he tells you to to?
    >Why does Starlo chase after Ceroba? She left Clover with them, there was no reason to go after her as long as they kept Clover safe. He already knew what was going on so why bother chasing after her? Doesn't Martlet also tell you in neutral she could hide you in snowdin since the royal guard trusts her?
    >How did Ceroba never find the secret tape behind Chujin's grave if she is clearly OBSESSED with him? Why does the Ketsukane family have an entire fricking estate in the middle of the desert? Why did Starlo break in there despite knowing its a sensitive place?
    >Why does Ceroba get TWO superboss fights, one in pacifist and one in genocide? Why is Ceroba so fricking strong and why does the Mask turn her into Boss Monster tier? WHAT IS THE MASK? Why does Ceroba live in the city with the feisty five when her estate has an extremely damning attack on titan basement that could ruin her life? Could she not have explained the situation better to Kanako since she literally also saw the tapes?
    >Why do we never see Kanako or the True Lab despite being the entire plot for Ceroba? We know Kanako is probably alive so why doesn't Ceroba trying talking Clover into it before they anhero?

    • 5 months ago

      by the way I know a lot of those are "explained" in the game in a throaway line or two like Martlet's excuse for bringing you to Ceroba and why Starlo still goes into the Ketsukane Estate but I still think they are contrived as frick

      like yeah somehow Starlo decided on a massive party and went all the way to the Estate and somehow by pure dumb luck stumbled into the basement and still had time to reach Clover and Ceroba right before hotland go frick yourself

    • 5 months ago

      >Why did Starlo break in there despite knowing its a sensitive place?
      I feel like this could be reframed by just changing the dialogue/maybe adding a small animation
      >starlo still catches up to you at the elevator but notices ceroba set it to go to the lab instead of new home, starlo tries to prod but ceroba gets angsty
      >she tries to grab clover but clover struggles and she is pushed into the elevator by herself, she exclaims something about chujin's legacy before the door closes
      >starlo goes after her still but due to what ceroba said, asks the posse to head back to the state and look for anything related to what ceroba could have been talking about
      could even add the feisty looking around the estate to give them more dialogue/screentime

    • 5 months ago

      >Why does he hover his hand on Ceroba in the picture?
      I did not need to be informed of this
      Why do the devs hate him so much

      • 5 months ago

        Starlo gets shafted so fricking hard in this game in so many ways it stops being comical and becomes sad

        • 5 months ago

          Fricking christ, I bet they thought that was a cute little joke to throw in, too. And maybe it would be if he wasn't treated as a joke for the entire rest of the game

          I'm just gonna huff copium and believe that they'll add in some kind of true justice route that rectifies this at some point

        • 5 months ago

          Still disappointed we did not get a cowboy vs cowboy fight at the end of genocide. The bird woman is not as cool

      • 5 months ago

        Starlo gets shafted so fricking hard in this game in so many ways it stops being comical and becomes sad

        Fricking christ, I bet they thought that was a cute little joke to throw in, too. And maybe it would be if he wasn't treated as a joke for the entire rest of the game

        I'm just gonna huff copium and believe that they'll add in some kind of true justice route that rectifies this at some point

        >what do you mean my guy doesn't get a fight in genocide?
        >what do you mean my guy is not even the biggest sexyman in the game?
        >what do you mean my guy has an unrequited crush on his friend? (yes alarm clock app says Mettaton had a crush on Alphys, weird shit)
        >this is so unfair... why do devs hate us
        You guys sure are pussies, Mettaton chads have been toughing it out for years

        • 5 months ago

          thing is, no likes mettaton. He sucks ass.

          There is a reason the virus-infected ad-spouting parody of him did so much better than the real deal.

          • 5 months ago

            i like mettaton

          • 5 months ago

            Mettaton has more fanmade Genocide fights than your autistic cowboy husband
            Maybe this will change if Starlo's popular enough but I doubt it

    • 5 months ago

      >Why was Chujin given a mock award for robots when he was simultaneously able to get multiple personal audiences with the King?
      >Why was he able to get a personal audience with the king 8 times for the same project?
      >Why was he rushing 8 revisions of the same project if he was able to get an audience with the king so easily?
      >Why was the Steamworks so poorly shutdown that flipping a switch activated every sentient, dormant robot that worked there?
      >How did Ceroba know the Steamworks keypads not only still worked without power, but that Chujin had a personal code that worked on both the front entrance and the machine assembly wing?
      >Why were all the Steamworks scientist fired instead of simply moved into working on the CORE?
      >Why did he stop working on Axis when it performed its function by finding an destroying a hostile human?
      >Why did he program Axis to be more docile to humans when he created it specifically to protect monsters from humans?
      >Why did he abandon Axis entirely after revising him eight more times on his own and actually have him working?
      >Why did he get the idea for genetics serum when he was a robotics professional who was working out of his basement for who knows how long since the Steamworks shutdown?
      >Why would he make a list of potential boss monsters to test the serum on but never actually try and give them the serum?
      >Why exactly did he need to test his serum on himself not once but seven times?
      >What exactly would a serum that makes normal monster souls into boss monster souls even do in the long term when both monster types are pitiful in comparison to humans?

      • 5 months ago

        >>Why was Chujin given a mock award for robots when he was simultaneously able to get multiple personal audiences with the King?
        >>Why was he able to get a personal audience with the king 8 times for the same project?
        >>Why was he rushing 8 revisions of the same project if he was able to get an audience with the king so easily?
        anyone can have an audience with asgore, you can just walk in. asgore just got mad when he almost burned the garden

        • 5 months ago

          Then that again begs the question, why was he written like he was rushing his project when anyone can meet Asgore at any time and there was zero actual reason or motivation for him to be rushing?

          • 5 months ago

            He is like dr wily, he is actully smart and talented but is incapable of focusing on a single project and always wants to rush things
            If Chujin actually gave his all and took his time he could have created a super robot like Zero from Megaman

  14. 5 months ago

    Someone post the ms paint comic of Ceroba vaxxing Kanako

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Here you go.

      >Why did Starlo break in there despite knowing its a sensitive place?
      I feel like this could be reframed by just changing the dialogue/maybe adding a small animation
      >starlo still catches up to you at the elevator but notices ceroba set it to go to the lab instead of new home, starlo tries to prod but ceroba gets angsty
      >she tries to grab clover but clover struggles and she is pushed into the elevator by herself, she exclaims something about chujin's legacy before the door closes
      >starlo goes after her still but due to what ceroba said, asks the posse to head back to the state and look for anything related to what ceroba could have been talking about
      could even add the feisty looking around the estate to give them more dialogue/screentime

      >ceroba set it to go to the lab instead of new home
      She already told Starlo that they were heading to the lab to "pick up" Kanako.

      • 5 months ago

        >She already told Starlo that they were heading to the lab to "pick up" Kanako.
        then change that line too, doesn't make much sense when you think about it, getting clover home should have been the mission

        • 5 months ago

          Here you go.
          >ceroba set it to go to the lab instead of new home
          She already told Starlo that they were heading to the lab to "pick up" Kanako.

          >Why did Starlo break in there despite knowing its a sensitive place?
          I feel like this could be reframed by just changing the dialogue/maybe adding a small animation
          >starlo still catches up to you at the elevator but notices ceroba set it to go to the lab instead of new home, starlo tries to prod but ceroba gets angsty
          >she tries to grab clover but clover struggles and she is pushed into the elevator by herself, she exclaims something about chujin's legacy before the door closes
          >starlo goes after her still but due to what ceroba said, asks the posse to head back to the state and look for anything related to what ceroba could have been talking about
          could even add the feisty looking around the estate to give them more dialogue/screentime

          it only needed to change the part where Starlo arrives at Hotland
          >"Hey thanks for taking Clover through Steamworks! Now that we're in Hotland I can take Clover home while you go pick up Kanako!"
          and then he gets suspicious once Ceroba does a brain fart and runs away with Clover

          I don't buy that the devs intended or planned this considering how poorly it was conveyed but it's a good theory. It's like how I thought tearing up Chujin's performance reports had a great double meaning in that it first looked like she was mad about her hubby getting disrespected but actually she just realized her misplaced confidence in him was what killed their daughter. Then I rewatched the scene and... no, b***h doesn't realize shit. She starts whining about Alphys. You could say she's projecting but it feels nothing like they were delving into the character's psychology and everything like they were just making it up as they went along

          >go to kanako, go to asgore
          There was honestly zero reason he couldn't do both. The samples they took from the other souls to make the injections didn't diminish their barrier breaking capacity.


          • 5 months ago

            If Kanako was Fallen Down and her dusting was imminent I think it seriously could have saved the ending. That and Ceroba going in full reverse and explicitly telling him not to do it because no matter how much she loved her daughter, no one should ever ask that of a child.

            Is there anything in the pacifist ending that guarantees Ceroba didn't collect Clover's soul and immediately go revive Kanako with it?

            We watch her walk the soul to Asgore during the credits. Honestly, even admitting that Kanako couldn't be saved for whatever reason would have been better because there would have been closure. Hell, even an ambiguous "we'll perform the treatments but we don't know if it'll help" would work because there'd be hope in the uncertainty. Instead everyone just stops talking about it

            • 5 months ago

              >>That and Ceroba going in full reverse and explicitly telling him not to do it because no matter how much she loved her daughter, no one should ever ask that of a child.
              >ceroba and clover go to the true lab
              >some automatic system separates the two
              >clover goes on and explores, finds some logs about how kanako's boss soul prevented her from fusing with others
              >eventually clover finds the room that kanako is in
              >its a sad sight, she's on her own crying. constantly asking where her mom is
              >ceroba appears behind a glass window
              >"clover you found her!"
              >"its ok baby, i'll be there soon"
              >"and clover. please dont try anything funny... dont sacrifice yourself to fix her... please."
              >ceroba runs off to find a way in
              >while she's gone...
              >"cl- o over? t-t-t-tha ts a . . . . ni*e na me."
              >"mo o ommmmy wi l l fi-ix me u u u-"
              >"a-a-a ft er s* edo-es. wl o ud y^u b be my f r i e n d?"
              >*i can help you.
              >clover takes his soul out of his body
              >"o h? i-s th . at yo o o-ur So uL?"
              >he throws the soul into kanako, it knocks her out and he falls over
              >kanako wakes back up, as kanaklover now.
              >"clover? where did you go clover..."
              >"is that your body?"
              >*i gave you my soul
              >"oh... but didnt mommy tell you not to do that? why did you do that clover."
              >*i did it to save you.
              >"but mommy said..."
              >"alright baby, im here now lets..."
              >"is it possible to get clover's soul out of me? his voice is still in my head."
              >"god... damnit..."
              >ceroba nearly has a breakdown before she remembers kanako is infront of her
              >"no. its not..." ceroba picks clover's body up with one arm and holds kanaklover's hand with the other "lets get you two home, ok?"

          • 5 months ago

            I think it's worse,
            Steamworks Flowey route confirms for you blue soul was given to Asgore after buttmoney family conducted their experiments,

            Ceroba encourages your suicide from the moment the moronic moment occurs, SHE IS THE ONE TO TAKE YOUR SOUL,
            incharacter after all we have seen ceroba will "delay" giving the soul to Asgore,

            the entire pacifist fight is a middle finger to the player just to satisfy the donut steel fursona

            • 5 months ago

              This post is actual, total utter nonsense, as

              >Ceroba, Martlet and Starlo are seen in the room right before Asgore's flower garden and walk in there with Clover's soul jar (presumably to drop it off)
              >Flowey's ramblings about deciding whether to reset or wait for the next human mentions "the king is only one soul away now", which means Asgore does in fact have it

              said, they all beelined it to Asgore to give him Clover's soul, the whole Kanako and soul serum plotline is left completely unresolved and unmentioned after Clover kills himself.
              Every fricking time, you morons make me bat for this absolute garbage dump of an ending, just because of how moronic you are, it's incredible.

  15. 5 months ago

    Is there anything in the pacifist ending that guarantees Ceroba didn't collect Clover's soul and immediately go revive Kanako with it?

    • 5 months ago

      Well, there's the fact that the pacifist ending is meant to be canon, and Kanako is implied to be that amalgam that tucks you into the bed

      • 5 months ago

        >Kanako is implied to be that amalgam that tucks you into the bed
        nothing implies this

        • 5 months ago

          Except for the title of her theme, yes

          • 5 months ago

            where? I looked through the OST and just see a song called "Kanako"

            Obviously she would have to be secretive about running off with Clover's soul when the others knew where it was supposed to go.

            go with the usual rule, if it isn't shown/mentioned in game then it just didn't happen
            everything else is headcanon

            • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      The fact that Kanako isn't seen or mentioned by anyone after Ceroba's boss fight. If she did, she would of probably shown up at the final send of to pay respects to the human that saved her life.

      • 5 months ago

        Obviously she would have to be secretive about running off with Clover's soul when the others knew where it was supposed to go.

    • 5 months ago

      >Ceroba, Martlet and Starlo are seen in the room right before Asgore's flower garden and walk in there with Clover's soul jar (presumably to drop it off)
      >Flowey's ramblings about deciding whether to reset or wait for the next human mentions "the king is only one soul away now", which means Asgore does in fact have it

    • 5 months ago

      The story doesn't imply it in any way so I don't know why you should unless you really want to be mad at things you made up yourself.

  16. 5 months ago

    I didn't expect to come into these threads to find everyone fixating over the least interesting route in the game.
    Or did most people just treat this like Undertale and refuse to play anything but Pacifist?

    • 5 months ago

      frustration leads into overanalyzing and attempting to fix what is broken anon, pacifist is far more flawed than genocide and neutral, whos only glaring flaws are no starlo fight and the big 'scare' falling kinda flat if you didnt care for martlet

      • 5 months ago

        There's way more flaws than that
        Chiefly being that chapter 2 of Deltarune came out too recently, so for most of the development they just didn't realize they could do anything more with the route than just the same thing again

    • 5 months ago

      There was a whole thread a little bit ago talking about the neutral route, and if you try to discuss the other ending you'll attract one of the local screeching autists who will try to derail the thread over it, so that just leaves this
      And people are mad about the pacifist ending, so that produces plenty of thread fodder

    • 5 months ago

      Theres not much to talk about the other routes because theyre mostly decent
      Genocide is really good besides more Cerobawank and the only issue people have with neutral is that you cant obey flowey and fight Asgore with it

    • 5 months ago

      Genocide isn't particularly that interesting either, which leaves Neutral, which is almost perfect apart from not having an Asgore fight and lack of variation (most of it is only seen in backtracking too which most people won't bother with).

    • 5 months ago

      I do have a question about the neutral route:
      Do the six Flowey forms have any significance since they're called "specimen" in the OST?

      • 5 months ago

        Well, if you want a theory I just realized right now reading this post, it could be a reference to Deltarune Asgore's jarred soul flowers

      • 5 months ago

        Might be alluding to other shit Alphys tried shooting up with DT during the experiments

  17. 5 months ago

    I hate Ceroba and Martlet because they keep insisting on themselves, if they had just let them die like every other boss I would've be cool, but no, you just HAVE to make 5 separate boss battles and also make them final bosses of genocide and pacifist routes because your OC is so cool and special.

  18. 5 months ago

    What do you think was going through his mind at this moment?

    • 5 months ago

      Clover, literally.

    • 5 months ago

      >Why is this "game character" acting like he's being played by another

    • 5 months ago

      I love that face, it's not even creepy looking it's just full
      >Frick my shit up, senpai
      That combined with the slowly shrinking smile as the battle screeches to a halt was the perfect comedy way to treat this jokester before he just turns back to his normal face

  19. 5 months ago

    My tard wife... (the tard comments are just banter 🙂 )

    • 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago


  21. 5 months ago

    I made my own soul mode

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        No, and I'm not working on any fangames at the moment
        Just messing with game mechanic stuff

        • 5 months ago

          oh alright, that mechanic is neat either way

    • 5 months ago

      I'm getting PTSD from Violet Detector

    • 5 months ago

      Hey thats pretty neat!

    • 5 months ago

      neat but it looks incredibly difficult to create a proper fight around

      • 5 months ago

        I imagine it'd be hard to make patterns that don't just boil down to "zip past the long projectile" or can be cheesed that way
        Teleporting does kinda trivialize having to slip through tight spots to dodge shit

        • 5 months ago

          You can probably make blue projectiles that damage you if you teleport past them like if you moved in regular Undertale.

      • 5 months ago

        What if the soul can't move normally at all?

  22. 5 months ago

    quit horsing around ceroba, we've got a human to find

    • 5 months ago

      I NEED Mareroba's horse pussy

      • 5 months ago

        You can't handle the horse pussy!

        • 5 months ago

          That's where you're wrong, anon. I can handle it with relative ease.

          • 5 months ago

            I cant read slav runes, what does that say?

            • 5 months ago

              It says "Files: 3682; folders: 25" and "size: 6,31 GB".

  23. 5 months ago

    I just think she's a cringe OC.

  24. 5 months ago

    I think an ending where Clover sacrificed himself to save Kanako would've been more satisfying. Or maybe dont have either of them die and they live a happy life

    • 5 months ago

      >the frills look like a poncho
      Thats a pretty cool idea

    • 5 months ago

      Oh shit, is this an alternate ending where they make Clover disguise himself to live in the UG?
      That's pretty great honestly, I love it.

      • 5 months ago

        That's just Clover if he was a monster

        • 5 months ago

          Well, it's still a good design.
          Maybe when they free the SOULS the dead kids get another shot at life by being cool monster folk.

          • 5 months ago

            >Maybe when they free the SOULS the dead kids get another shot at life by being cool monster folk.
            blue would HATE that

            • 5 months ago

              Honestly though to keep it from being too generic it'd probably be better if it followed classic reincarnation rules. No direct memories (atleast at first) but keep design/color motifs and central personality traits.
              So Clover there would stay cowboy themed and maybe be drawn to the UTY crew. I can see Blue coming back as a prideful Bon Clay looking ass

            • 5 months ago

              It would be a pretty ironic punishment

    • 5 months ago

      >monster clover
      looks pretty cool, is he supposed to be a lizard monster?

      also, when was this made?i don't remember seeing before.

      • 5 months ago

        It's in one of the other threads, I think drawgay asked for requests and monster clover was one of them

      • 5 months ago

        Its a frilled lizard, the frills look like a poncho wich work pretty well for the cowboy design

  25. 5 months ago

    Stupid idiot stupid ceroba.

    • 5 months ago


  26. 5 months ago

    I dislike Ceroba because her twist come out of nowhere.
    She is the very definition of self insert or force insert or whatever fricking word describes a character that is forced into the story only because the writer wants them to, not because it adds anything to it.
    Her evil reveal comes literally in the last 1/4 of the game and it forces you to backtrack into a FRICKING RAILROAD.
    What the frick is the point of forcing me to backtrack if there is only 1 fricking location I can reach?
    Just teleport me to her weeabo looking house and call it a fricking day.
    Speaking of weeabo, what is her fricking design?
    She lives in a western world but she is the only oriental design, the frick is up with that?
    Ceroba is forced into the plot in a way that ruins it, her fight also is extremely tedious, her attacks are not well telegraphed and it's basically a guessing game, until you learn the pattern.
    Worse yet, she deals way too much damage for a pacifist run.

    >Feels like I'm the only person here who doesn't fly into an autistic rage
    It's not autistic rage, by the way, to see a character being flawed, forced and detrimental to the story.
    Ceroba is just an endless series of bad decisions made that make the story feel worse.
    Everything about her is bad decisions, even her backstory is beyond idiotic.
    >I know I basically killed my kid but there was nothing I could do!
    >She really wanted to test this serum that my husband explicitly told me not to test on her!

    Take away Ceroba from the pacifist run, instead add Asgore having a though fight with Clover.
    Then have Clover win, Asgore defeated, Asgore wants to give his soul to Clover but Clover THEN understands the issue with monsters and THEN decides to give his soul to Asgore or you know what frick it, why not just have Clover live in the Underground until he dies?
    The neutral run is the canon run anyway, just make a non-canon ending for pacifist like they did with genocide, blame it on Flowey fricking with the timeline.

    • 5 months ago

      This post, ironically enough, reads exactly like autistic rage.

    • 5 months ago

      People always complain about Ceroba's design being out of place but I think thats the point, they just though it would be funny for the finall boss of the cowboy game to be a very japanese monster, basically the oposite of a cowboy

    • 5 months ago

      >What the frick is the point of forcing me to backtrack if there is only 1 fricking location I can reach?
      This seems pointless, but I imagine it's so that you can go back to the doc for your daily dose, as well as trade more Root Beer to get the money for all the final items right away.
      >Speaking of weeabo, what is her fricking design?
      Let's not go there because then we'll be asking what the frick stuff like Tsunderplane or other similarly nonsensical creatures even are. A Japanese-looking monster is far from the stupidest thing you encounter even in UTY.

  27. 5 months ago

    >game is literally free
    >still watch the playthroughs
    Maybe I was pessimistic about game's quality, dunno.

  28. 5 months ago

    >no option to non-lethally beat up monsters so you could gain LOVE for Asgore fight
    come on
    You came to deliver justice, but it quickly becomes apparent the common monsters are pretty much harmless and you got a modicum of skill.

    • 5 months ago

      That's not how LOVE works though.

      • 5 months ago

        Level of violence, right?
        In genocide Axis fight it increases by itself by sheer rage.
        You're there to kick ass, to bring justice. You have determination to get violent.

  29. 5 months ago

    >Clover lives out his life underground
    >He becomes a teenager
    >Frisk enters the underground
    If it's pacifist Clover would probably try to pre-emptively capture them papyrus style without killing them. If it's genocide, that's where shit gets real.
    >Clovers friends are killed by Frisk, the amount of injustice caused by them causes his LOVE to increase.
    >If he can extend the fight long enough, his determination to kill Frisk will eventually overpower theirs.

    • 5 months ago

      If Clover saw Chara's past using his "flashback vison", Clover's LOVE would jump to 20 instantly

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, Clover's LV would be through the roof once they find out about how monsters horribly mistreated Chara by adopting and raising them as their own kid

        • 5 months ago

          I don't think the ire would be directed towards the monsters involved in the situation here

        • 5 months ago

          I was talking about how evil Chara was poisoning Asgore and then trying to use Asriel to kill everyone in the surface

      • 5 months ago

        yeah the interesting thing about the "flashback vision" is that it's on the target memories. Meaning that even if clover can't remember resets, he could peer into someone with the determination to do so and completely bypass his lack of determination.

        He could peer into Frisk memories and see what they have done, even after true resets because while the world as been reset. Frisk remembers.

        Clover could quite literally do "I remember your genocides" to frisk.

        • 5 months ago

          >clover looks into frisk
          >sees the genocide kills... lv7
          >then sees them again lv8...?
          >he's confused
          >sees them again, interestingly seeing asgore die as well. lv9
          >sees frisk go through the underground sparing everyone, and the flawed ending.
          >sees frisk genocide again lv13
          >suddenly it clicks lv19
          >this endless loop of genocide and pacifism has gone on for an eternity. lv20
          >sees chara's memories
          >all of them. lv40
          >doesnt even shoot, he punches frisk to death.
          >goes back to the estate after rinsing off in a river, kanako helps calm him down back to lv1.
          i really gotta write the story i said i would for this concept, but im just not sure where to start it. im debating between undyne, mettaton, and sans for when clover and frisk meet.

  30. 5 months ago

    you're the kind of homosexual that gleefully thanks fast-food wageBlack person for spitting in your food

    • 5 months ago

      Only if she's a cute fox girl.

    • 5 months ago

      Somehow you're a bigger moron than Ceroba.

  31. 5 months ago

    Would it ruin the pacifist run if I damage the monsters a bit? Getting Martlet all confused is kind of funny.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah damage is fine, that's actually how I ended up sparing her the first time, trying to get the speed boost from the bean ammo to dodge her attacks easier, and then trying to do the regular acting stuff

      • 5 months ago

        Nice. I wonder how much dialogue there is of them being puzzled by Clover being so randomly violent yet not going for the kill.
        >militant pacifist run

        Also, does attacking the monster when it's ready for being spared cause special effects?

        • 5 months ago

          I don't think so, but ACTing after a monster enters its "damaged" sprites has different dialogue both from the monster itself and from the text box.

          • 5 months ago

            Good enough!

            • 5 months ago

              Well, I'm trying to damage Martlet now, but having only 20 HP sure sucks.

              • 5 months ago

                >she runs off without the sparing thing
                ok, so does that count as neutral?

              • 5 months ago

                No idea. Never tried to fight her off but not kill anyone.

              • 5 months ago

                if you are going for pacifist, just reload to be safe.

                its so fricking funny if you kill axis in a pacifist route and Ceroba throws a b***h fit and once you meet Flowey again he calls her a fricking idiot

                damn, I need to see that dialogue now. Plus, it's just a robot, it can be repaired

              • 5 months ago

                >if you are going for pacifist, just reload to be safe.
                Didn't reload. My LVL didn't increase nor gotten any XP, so its should be fine.

                No idea. Never tried to fight her off but not kill anyone.

                I'm quite curious how it plays out.

              • 5 months ago

                Cannot just beat up El Bailador, either he does the whole dance thing or you kill him.

              • 5 months ago

                And Martlet acts like the fight with her didn't actually happen.
                Yeah, militant pacifist route just lets you beat up common monsters for quick spare.

              • 5 months ago

                >but having only 20 HP sure sucks.
                You just need a little more LV buddy :^)

  32. 5 months ago

    > undertale troon shit
    and into the trash it goes.

  33. 5 months ago

    its so fricking funny if you kill axis in a pacifist route and Ceroba throws a b***h fit and once you meet Flowey again he calls her a fricking idiot

  34. 5 months ago

    Does anyone have a link to that MP4 with the talk dialogue where Ceroba reminisces about tucking Kanako in?

    • 5 months ago

      • 5 months ago

        Ppreciate it anon, I needed that for my writing

  35. 5 months ago

    Since this is the only thread I can really talk about this, why is there a fan thing that combines the swap and dust aus along with disbelief and then makes this third phase where they get out the speakers and papyrus plays guitar

    Seriously what is this, what is this music
    I can't get over how removed this is from undertale

    • 5 months ago

      it's just children.

      do you want me to explain to you why children gravitate to edgy internet creepypasta shit because they aren't mature enough to understand what is needed to be taken seriously?

      • 5 months ago

        fair enough
        I'm more just like how do you get to a mettaton fight in something that's supposed to be edgy, at least the previous sections with the purple skull swords make sense in that way

  36. 5 months ago

    >The average anon seems to think that because a grieving widow does something stupid and desperate it's bad writing to treat her character with any amount of sympathy instead of complete admonishment
    This is why you ban undertalehomosexuals and anybody else that says tobyBlack folk name. You didn't read shit. It goes like this you stupid frick and you can't change it with headhomosexual.

    >Ceroba and Kanako are okay
    >Kanako says that Ceroba got the (math) right and then proceeds to hit her with Ceroba's made injection.
    >Kanako falls down immediately.

    There is your story, you fricking idiots.

  37. 5 months ago

    I don't even know what that is

    • 5 months ago

      do most people just never read the thread they're in once they enter a thread and go straight to replying or something?

      • 5 months ago

        Don't tell anon to play shit games without a good reason.

  38. 5 months ago

    So the devs are from here or I just misheard things?

    • 5 months ago

      They ran away.

      • 5 months ago

        Pretty much everyone use this website yet people fear being associated with it, shame.

        • 5 months ago

          well yeah, that's the smart move. Lots of game devs use this place because the internet has singularity'd itself into garbage feeds based social media like twitter instead of forums, which make topic based internet discussion extremely annoying and difficult, while Ganker retains the imageboard format and lets anyone talk about any topic without any filter thanks to anonymity. It's great for people looking for raw opinions on topics including from complete fricking idiots.

          Lots of games have devs that used to post here and stopped associating after they realized they had some decent success. And why wouldn't you? Is it really worth it to associate yourself with the taiwanese basket weaving forum when 90% of its users are porn addicts chuds that everyone hates? just so you can please the 10% of okayish guys?

          • 5 months ago

            >well yeah, that's the smart move.
            How about you frick off with them you stupid homosexual.

            • 5 months ago

              you literally cannot stop me
              you cannot stop anyone.

          • 5 months ago

            >the taiwanese basket weaving forum when 90% of its users are porn addicts chuds that everyone hates?
            The only difference is that Ganker is honest about it.
            The rest of internet has various grifters, groomers, morons, dramaBlack folk and bigots of various kinds, but it's all hidden.
            Reddit has some fricked up subreddits, but you don't get them on the list to freely choose like with boards here with very few exceptions.

          • 5 months ago

            That's being a homosexual if you care that much for some trannies who act nicely at first but will try everything to ruin your life once you say anything outside the npc script.
            >but it will damage your reputation and job prospects by associating with le porn addicts le chuds!!!!
            Who put food on your table as they are the ones who actually buy the games and merch and talk about them too instead of just staying there like some tourist "liking" the idea of liking something. Tourists who don't put money or only talk when there's highschool level drama or to complain about everything so it can be changed for their pandering subvertion.

            • 5 months ago

              >Who put food on your table
              the rest of the internet? not a lot of people use this site you know

              • 5 months ago

                >not a lot of people use this site you know

                Page impressions per month: 500,000,000+
                Unique visitors per month: 20,000,000+
                Is that little?

              • 5 months ago

                96% of those are /misc/gays and unironic feds monitoring the culture war

              • 5 months ago

                Got proof for that?

              • 5 months ago

                Oh yes, anon. I trust the tourist, with pronouns in his social media profile, buys and plays videogames after complaining about everything good about it just so it can be politically correct.
                How about if instead of moving goalposts about, you stop being a moron.
                Not everything has to pander everyone as niches, fanbases and specific demographics exist to cover safe or guaranteed sales. Unless you wanna go "jack of all trades and master of none" by pandering everyone only to get next to nothing sales.

              • 5 months ago

                96% of those are /misc/gays and unironic feds monitoring the culture war

                Then why the frick are you here, tourist?
                If you think that claim is true then what are you trying to do by antagonizing everyone here and acting like an arrogant jackass? Think logically about this.

          • 5 months ago

            That imagine doesnt include other massively popular games like stardew valley, minecraft and pizza tower
            And I know minecraft wasnt part of AGDG
            Just imagine all the other devs that also use this website but never mentioned it anywhere

            • 5 months ago

              Considering the thread we're in, Undertale got big on Ganker in 2013 before propagating out to the rest of the internet and the first few threads were made by everdred.

            • 5 months ago

              Toby used Ganker too

          • 5 months ago

            missing pseudoregalia

          • 5 months ago

            >Is it really worth it to associate yourself with the taiwanese basket weaving forum when 90% of its users are porn addicts chuds that everyone hates?
            They say as they keep coming back to Ganker to seek guidance and wisdom. It's because we speak the truth, it's one of the only places where you can speak the truth, and they know it. Normalgayggots ruined the internet with their casual, bluepilled, goyslop consoooming, censor happy cancel happy bullshit.

      • 5 months ago

        It's a shame. I wanted to show them my shitty art

    • 5 months ago

      One of the artists has posted here but I think that's it
      He shared some concept art of the fox family, Axis, and the swing friend iirc

    • 5 months ago

      No they just posted here the other day

      • 5 months ago

        One of the artists as far I'm aware. Dunno about the rest.

  39. 5 months ago

    She's a widow with a kid so she's used goods and doesn't get waifu treatment, so when she has a WOMAN MOMENT people don't forgive her.

    • 5 months ago

      Explain why people waifu Toriel then if you think you can

      • 5 months ago

        Not him but that's an extremely easy one.

      • 5 months ago

        Better familial relationships.

  40. 5 months ago

    Does Google Trends pull its information out its ass or is that the Yellow devs searching their character's name every few months to make sure nobody's used it?

    • 5 months ago

      Better to be safe than sorry, I guess. I understand.

    • 5 months ago

      >he doesn't google names he is planning to use for his characters nor nicknames he is going to use.

  41. 5 months ago

    everyone fricking abandon thread right now

    • 5 months ago

      i love her face so much

  42. 5 months ago

    Guys look
    He's a Ningen

    • 5 months ago

      that's a cool cowboy, man.

      But where are his pieces? his heaters? his six-shooters? his irons on his hip? His guns?

      • 5 months ago

        I don't know

  43. 5 months ago

    I still cant belive that necklace was just a debug item made to be sold, I brought it to the final boss in pacifist expecting it to trigger an aditional dialogue or something
    That extra item slot would have been useful during the fight

    • 5 months ago

      I think its flavor text just mentions its worth a lot to sell, its not a pure waste because if you run from combat you'll be short on cash

      From Clover's perspective, this brings them closer to reaching the surface. After that it's up to them what to do. Asgore is not the only monster there is, and the majority that Clover encounters don't hate humans intrinsically. Ironically, helping monsters out of your own free will is more likely to give them a good impression of humans.
      Because Kanako is dead and there's no bringing her back, that's the point of Ceroba's plotline. If anything I think if you could bring Kanako back people would complain even more that Ceroba tries to kill you and then gets her way anyway.

  44. 5 months ago

    I don't hate her, her motivation makes sense but her ignoring her husbands dying request to test his experimental vaccine on ANYONE ELSE when he has a filing cabinet full of candidates and atleast one idolized Chujin so much she'd gladly volunteer (Martlet) alongside all his notes on how to make more there is zero reason for what she did.
    Having this dumped on you in a mid fight cutscene, as well as having her lead the charge saying that yeah nah you'll never survive down here may as well pack it in before finally swiping Clovers soul and leaving his corpse to be found by the ice cream vendor down the street just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.

  45. 5 months ago

    When did the original demo end? Was it after you completed the Dark Ruins? I want to know how much Dalv gays got cucked. Imagine waiting for years and finding out you already saw the majority of content with your fave character in the demo.

    • 5 months ago

      It makes sense that he's a product of 7 years ago
      His old overworld sprite looks funny

      • 5 months ago

        Decibat's and dalv's themes were so good they went unchanged at least.

    • 5 months ago

      You can feel how they finished one area before moving on to another. The Ruins and Snowdin are WAY less interesting than the second half

  46. 5 months ago

    I just wish she didn't eclipse the entire plot. It feels so out of nowhere that it's just disappointing. If the Feisty Five had more to do or they just bothered to set her bullshit up better and earlier I wouldn't have a problem, but instead I feel like someone replaced the final portions of the game with an entirely different one.

    • 5 months ago

      >or they just bothered to set her bullshit up better and earlier I wouldn't have a problem
      They should have upped her violence level, like when she obliterated that screen during the blackout for talking to her, also her saying shit like don't call the mailman we don't want witnesses was the start of doing something a little suspect but it wasn't delivered on.
      Honestly the issue is they tried to fit a big plot in an undersized game and it got punished for it which is a shame

  47. 5 months ago

    I like the idea, but the execution just makes her a big moron and I understand why ppl hate her. I dont, more so that I don't care about her character before the reveal or after, and her character is kinda too different in each case for me to judge them as the same.
    Tho I do really hate the ending of the game, so the feelings end up intertwined with me hating her.
    >The average anon [...] doesn't mean it's bad writing.
    It's just hard to swallow that she is the character of "complete devotion" to her family, "motherly love", when she specifically does what Chujin begged her not to do as his dying wish. Not only fricking up his last request to make a working serum but doing it on their daughter, killing her in the process.
    Also something being realistic doesn't mean it is not bad writing.
    The fact of the matter is we play as Clover. We havd nothing to do with neither Chujin's nor Kanako's fate, humans have the bare minimum connection. Ceroba therefore has no real beef with Clover, she just NEEDS to kill him. It is dumb. Realistic or not that a widow would do it, it is dumb.
    >If anything, Pacifist Ceroba [...] achieve catharsis and change their mind (or kill them)
    It would work if she didn't immediately let Clover die, exactly like Kanako did: out of a warped sense of responsibility for a problem much bigger than them (both of whom are children). Ceroba then also convinces everyone to let Clover kill himself. So, no I don't think she learned anything, lol.
    Also as I pointed out, it doesn't work because she and Clover don't have much of a connection, not thematically nor as characters, not as enemies nor friends. He just feels sorry for her.

    I DO agree that more so than the rest of the cast she followed the UT formula (which is good). But they dropped the ball by making her fight be the last 5 minutes of the game.
    She needed a bit of development post-fight, because really she is the one that needed it the most since she is the only one being redeemed.

    • 5 months ago

      Dont get me wrong, I have a problem with every character in the main cast. They all have a flavor of "what the hell were they thinking? Why did they do this??" But Ceroba is the only character that I actually can't like beyond that major flaw because there isn't anything beyond that major flaw. Her character in Wild East and steamworks is just kinda there, then the ending happens and she is an actual character, though a badly written and not yet developed, then the game ends.
      So really, I dont know what Im supposed to get from her.

      The more I try to justify Ceroba's flaws in my head the more I start to hate the other characters too for being just as asinine in similar departments.

      • 5 months ago

        >Her character in Wild East and steamworks is just kinda there
        This was a major sticking point for me too, beyond the trashfire of the Pacifist ending there's practically nothing to Ceroba other than occasional sarcasm. She's not quirky, she's not funny, her affection and grief over her family fail to land because the writers completely whiffed the handful of scenes we actually got with them.

  48. 5 months ago

    She did nothing wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      She did things wrong, that's what makes her character compelling

    • 5 months ago

      She did everything wrong

    • 5 months ago

      She may or may not have done things wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      Orange onahole

  49. 5 months ago

    How different would the story be if the game took place a few weeks before?
    When Kanako wasnt vaxxed, would Ceroba still try to use Clover's soul to finish Chujin's research?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think she'd be willing to go through it, specially if Kanako befriends Clover and becomes close to him.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think she'd be willing to go through it, specially if Kanako befriends Clover and becomes close to him.

      ok maybe this went on for too long.
      >clover enters the dunes
      >kanako is playing near the place where he exists the cave.
      >"oh hi! i havent seen you before, are you new to the dunes..."
      >"hey wait! you look just like the guys in the cowboy movies we have. are you... a human?
      >* yes
      >"oh. my. god. (text speeds up) there's a town far east from here, they love human cowboys. everyone would be so excited to see you."
      >"do you want to be my friend? my mom has a biiiig house she calls it a uh... est-ate mah-nor. but you could live with us! she's really kind so she'd understand that you dont have a place to stay..."
      >"oh but what if you're already going home? im sorry if i was rude. i could buy you a bisicle to make up for it... but what if you dont like them... oh no... uh well i could!-"
      >* i'll be your friend
      >"wait really? yay!"
      >the two of you run along the dunes, kanako introducing you to her other friends along the way.
      >eventually get to the wild east, the two of you run into the tavern
      >"hey mommy look i made a new friend, his name is clover!"
      >"thats great sweet-"
      >"and he's a human!"
      >suddenly ceroba freezes as the rest of the tavern comes to attention
      >"a-a h-human is your new friend? ooohhhh thats great sweetie. i'll go and uh... prepare some things."
      >ceroba runs off as starlo and the four gather around
      >"a human? well i'll be damned. good find kanako!"
      >go along the regular shenanigans with starlo's gang. but now kanako is involved.
      >at the end of it all you go back for starlo's apology to everyone instead of going to the steamworks
      >Ed comments that its getting late.
      >"clover can stay on the estate with me and kanako for the night."
      >"really? aw gee thanks ceroba. you know its a little cramped over in our humble little home"
      >you go to the estate with ceroba and kanako
      >get a nice little dinner scene

      • 5 months ago

        >"hey mommy, can clover sleep in my room? i know that he's leaving tomorrow so i want it to feel like a sleepover."
        >ceroba pauses for a minute in thought
        >"sure, just make sure to get to sleep early. we want to send him off early tomorrow."
        >"yay! thanks mommy"
        >the two fall asleep... and then you're woken up by a sound in the middle of the night
        >go to investigate and find the path to the basement
        >see chujin's tapes as normal plus the secret tape
        >... and a few from ceroba
        >"this is ceroba. i am continuing my husband's line of boss soul research and his form of documentation."
        >"i have found the soul that axis acquired and will begin researching a way to bypass the need for a pure of heart soul..."
        >"this is ceroba. research has... not gone well.
        >"with no subject to test on, i can only theorize. i am not like my husband in the way that i am not great at theorizing, but i have begun eliminating flawed concepts and saving potential ones.
        >"one potential way would be to use a pure soul to remove the violence from the corrupt one... asgore has five souls. im not sure how, but if i can ask him to borrow a soul i'll be able to purify mine and begin serious work. "
        >"this is ceroba. i have found a breakthrough... and discovered a new problem."
        >"the breakthrough is that its possible to reverse the process, use the human soul to incubate a monster soul's essence into that of a boss monster and reinject later... but it absolutely needs a pure human soul."
        >"i cant ask asgore for a pure soul. he would never allow it."
        >"this is ceroba. the worst possible outcome has happened. my daughter has... befriended a human. a pure one."
        >"this is my ticket to completing my husband's work... if i kill him and take his soul, i can use my own to produce the boss monster serum and restore the family name..."
        >"im not sure if i have the will to do it. to break my child's heart..."

        • 5 months ago

          >the tape ends and ceroba is right behind clover.
          >"so, you know how this will end."
          >enter battle, upon defeating ceroba...
          >"mommy stop!"
          >ceroba turns around
          >"no! this is how we can get to the surface and win the war against humanity."
          >"who cares!"
          >"... what did you say?"
          >"everyone's always talking about the surface but. but. but what about what we have down here?"
          >"its all fake, kanako. please dont try to stop me."
          >"would a real sun make the cowboy town any more "real"? would a real sky make the dunes any more "real"? would... would losing a real friend make getting to the surface any more worth it?"
          >"would it?"
          >"w-well yes- i mean no! its just..."
          >ceroba lets out a yell as she falls down on her knees.
          >"im sorry, sweetie. but everyone down here has looked forward to the surface for a long, long time. the ancients would tell us stories about the night sky and..."
          >ceroba goes quiet as kanako gives her a hug
          >ceroba returns the hug
          >"you're right, it wont make anything anymore real and its not worth it to hurt someone you love, even if it means sacrificing the surface. clover, im sorry. now please get some sleep you two, i wont try anything again tonight.
          >the two go back to bed
          >get an awkward breakfast scene
          >kanako sees you off
          >"h-hey clover... about last night. im sorry mommy tried to do that..."
          >"are we still friends?"
          >"REALLY!? thankyouthankyouthankyou"
          >"if we find a way out of the underground, you better try to find us ok?"
          >"a-and if you change your mind... please come back ok?"
          >clover goes to enter the manor again and turns back one final time with a sad look on her face
          >"...i'll miss you. you were a good friend."

          • 5 months ago

            >neutral route steamworks with flowey, nothing of note here
            >as you go through new home ceroba ambushes and drags you to the rooftop.
            >"i am NOT sorry. i will not let a child convince me otherwise. im going to take your soul, and then i'll be able to turn everyone into a boss monster... after that, we'll take over the surface."
            >"and since kanako isnt here, she'll never know about what happened to you."
            >fight continues as usual
            >spare ceroba
            >"... what? even after i tried to kill you for a second time..."
            >"hah. guess you really are the pure soul that i needed..."
            >"its not worth it to hurt someone you love, even if it means sacrificing the surface"
            >"those were my own words... they were a lie then. but i get it now."
            >"you already beat me once, and you could have easily killed me both times. it would have hurt kanako too much to lose both her mother and new best friend."
            >"and on the other side, if i managed to defeat you here, kanako would eventually find out. she'd be hurt over it and hate me..."
            >"im not sure about you, but between the surface and kanako's happiness... id choose her any day."
            >"i mean it this time clover. i truly am sorry..."
            >clover turns around to leave
            >"the only way to pass through the barrier is if you possess a soul thats a fusion of monster and human..."
            >"asgore will kill you."
            >"you can try if you want, but the last human to fall to asgore was far stronger than you.
            >"i understand, goodbye clover."
            >you go and fight asgore, same as flawed pacifist

            • 5 months ago

              >"i... actually wasnt expecting that"
              >ceroba stands up.
              >"hah... guess you chose kanako's happiness too, huh?"
              >"lets go home clover"
              >the two get back to the hotland elevator
              >flowey pops in
              >"who are y-"
              >"no no NO! i spent so long, this run should have been it. why'd you tell clover that?"
              >"actually you know what? it doesnt matter."
              >flowey binds ceroba, a vine over her mouth as a gag.
              >"clover, listen. buddy. pal. F R I E N D."
              >"you know our deal. right? i save and load for you, you go to asgore..."
              >"so why. why do you make this so difficult?"
              >"i dont intervene, you live with toriel."
              >"i do intervene, you eventually end up with undyne."
              >"i put you on this route and we just have a whole set of new problems!"
              >"you go to the rooftop with martlet, you end up living with her."
              >"before this run you came here a few weeks later than this. again, you always end up living with someone. and. i. have. to. reset. AGAIN."
              >"well, aside from the times you sacrifice yourself."
              >"so... you know what? im done."
              >"you win, clover. i wont reset anymore. but i also wont load for you. if you die, and you WILL die, i'll be right there to take your soul for myself."
              >flowey leaves and drops ceroba.
              >"... what ... was that?"
              >"is that flower why you were trying to get to asgore?"
              >"well, sounds like it had some control over reality... so its good that it gave up."
              >ceroba hugs clover
              >"i dont know what all you've been through, but its over now. you can rest easy tonight. nobody will try to kill you, and nobody will blackmail you into doing their dirty work"
              there, i did not proofread the whole thing so there may be a few mistakes.
              like "exists" instead of "exits" in the first part.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah, honestly if clover had a little more determination he could easily beat flowey. Not because he could steal his SAVE and LOAD powers.
                But because he could remember the resets and how easy to piss off Flowey is so that he fricks off.

                Just repeat the same 30 runs where they end up living a happy life underground and Flowey would just give up.

                He's really not as patient as he claims.

            • 5 months ago

              >i will not let a child convince me
              Looks like thos Ceroba is smarter than the one in the game

              • 5 months ago

                i mean at the end of the day she still did, twice.
                its just this time nobody died over it.

            • 5 months ago

              >neutral route
              >pure soul

              • 5 months ago

                i said "neutral steamworks" because ceroba isnt with you.

          • 5 months ago

            >its all fake, kanako. please dont try to stop me.
            No it isn't. I'm just saying that monsters have no idea how good they have it.

  50. 5 months ago

    Dalv makes sense though since you spot him ealry and he is always running away. Him fighting you is him confronting his past as he thinks you are the previous human who returned to haunt him

  51. 5 months ago

    I want more racist Chujin pictures

    • 5 months ago

      I want Chujin absolutely seething as Clover holds hands with Kanako

  52. 5 months ago


    He shouldve aimed for the stomach, nothing vital happens up there.

  53. 5 months ago

    Looks like godot anon is making some progess


    I wonde if we will get other fangames from UTY, a genocide Starlo fight seems like an obvious one

    • 5 months ago

      Oh hi, I'm here too

      I'll try to not talk much since I don't have much to show yet besides the base script. I just confirmed that a friend of mine will be helping me with the art, and he's a real artist unlike me so that'll improve the quality significantly. I'm good with writing and coding so having more than one person on the art helps a lot.

      I'll also not talk much since I don't want to use a tripcode or deal with impersonation. I'll mostly come up again if I have actual stuff to show, that way people will know it's me

      • 5 months ago

        Keep up the good work, and don't feed the customer all the toppin's before your pizza is ready.

    • 5 months ago

      are we getting a fix for the game??
      I thought godot anon was just some fanfic writer

      • 5 months ago

        Yes it's a fangame. It's why I'm called Godotanon, I'm making it on Godot because I really like it compared to Gamemaker and it's a lot faster for 2D stuff.

        Keep up the good work, and don't feed the customer all the toppin's before your pizza is ready.


        • 5 months ago

          I see. Man, you are doing this community a great favor. Wishing you good luck, and take your time. This fangame took 7 years to make, you are excused for taking however long you want.

          • 5 months ago

            I have realistic expectations of at least a few months, maybe with the whole thing being close to finished at the end of the year. I still have to deal with college so I'll try to get most of the groundwork done now at the beginning of the year while I'm still on vacations. Thankfully a lot of the sprites are already done and so is the gameplay design and systems, so most of the work will be the new area, the new gimmick and the main fight. I will try to keep everything as reasonable as possible and will report whenever I have something fun to show without spoiling much or creating unrealistic expectations.

            Have you done anything related to undertale in godot before? Are there like specific tutorials in how to make Undertale fangames in godot or anything like that?

            No, I have worked on other games, but no Undertale in specific. But the game design is the most important part and I know how to plan and program the systems from that. Making a game from scratch and designing all of its systems from the get go is much more difficult (which is what me and my team were doing with our original games). I also have some friends who are good at programming and can help me with stuff like that. Most of Undertale's complicated stuff is the battle system, but besides that it's a JRPG.

            There are some quirks too like the refresh rate and how the shmup system works but I have some plans on how to deal with that within Godot.

            • 5 months ago

              i can probably doodle a request or two as a warmup if anyone has any

              god speed anon

              • 5 months ago

                Are you the same anon that drew pic in

                I think an ending where Clover sacrificed himself to save Kanako would've been more satisfying. Or maybe dont have either of them die and they live a happy life


              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Maybe this idea?

                >Maybe when they free the SOULS the dead kids get another shot at life by being cool monster folk.
                blue would HATE that

                Drawing the fallen children but as monsters or their reincarnations

              • 5 months ago

                >drawing request
                what about clover obtain their equivalent to the "true knife", which would probably be the "Real Bullets".
                They are just...normal handgun bullets.

                >Clover is now in possession of a loaded gun.

              • 5 months ago

                "Lead bullets" would be a better name

              • 5 months ago

                Ceroba being comforted as she nearly suffers a breakdown. Alternatively, Ceroba being smug(

                you literally cannot stop me
                you cannot stop anyone.

                pic for reference) for whatever reason you can think of.

              • 5 months ago

                Adult Clover and Kanako having their first kiss

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago


                Seconding too but don't age them up

              • 5 months ago

                Seconding too but don't age them up

                i like the idea cuz it reminds me of that adorable greentext some anon did a while ago of kanako not wanting clover to leave

                Zenith Martlet but goofy since she accidentally dosed herself on Pacifist Route

                i love drawing zenith martlet but man that effect on her wings is annoying to do with how i do things

              • 5 months ago

                Protip for the effect: just draw it once and apply it to the wings by making them transparent and putting the stars background behind them

              • 5 months ago

                >blew the head right off the head
                That's how you know you flustered a cowboy!

                Yeah, it was a pretty cute green. I remember it.

              • 5 months ago

                >Blew the hat right off their head

                ...let's ignore my mistake.

              • 5 months ago

                >Blew the hat right off their head

                ...let's ignore my mistake.

                >Kanako blows him a kiss
                >It's a magic bullet and he fricking dies

              • 5 months ago

                >monster greet each with magic
                >said magic being harmful against humans, with monster killing humans without having the intention too

                Yeah, it seems like possible scenerio

                >Kanako blows a kiss
                >its lands of Clover's cheek, leaving a red kiss mark
                >but the mark starts to grow and it kinda of hurts
                >wait, it's not growing. It's leaking some kind of liquid
                >It's Blood
                >This is not a kiss mark! The magic kiss bullet pierce skin and left bare flesh exposed in the shape of a kiss
                >Clover get his head bandaged and Kanako will have to use green magic if she wants to do that again.

              • 5 months ago

                Do you have the greentext on ya by chance?

              • 5 months ago

                Do you have the greentext on ya by chance?

                NTA but my guess is he's talking about this

              • 5 months ago

                Yah, that's definitely the one he was talking about.

                Ah, as good as the day it was originally written. What a good day that was.

              • 5 months ago

                it's also why i started doing that thing with the tail in the adult pics

              • 5 months ago

                Adult pics?

              • 5 months ago

                probably the adult kanako and clover he drew. Where they are hanging out.

                no sex in there sorry

              • 5 months ago

                I would still like to see it, sounds like it could be cute

              • 5 months ago

                Here you go anon, I think this is everything he made. All the adult Kanako and clover stuff

                Plus the closest thing to a lewd, by deltaruneyellowAnon.

              • 5 months ago

                Still here btw, haven't posted any pics cause I'm practicing and want future art to actually be a bit more quality :).

              • 5 months ago

                makes me think of a funny take for DRY's weird route
                >just kill all of the darkners from the start
                >kanako never really gets attached to any of them, so she sees no problem and just thinks "my boyfriend is so cool and strong"
                >her magic spells slowly get replaced with support buffs for cole
                >by the end she's cheering you on like a cheerleader as you effortlessly kill dozens of darkners a day.

              • 5 months ago

                I saw another DRY weird route take where it is just clover/cole ordering kanako to execute the enemies, but in this case it would be cole himself doing it

              • 5 months ago

                you mean this anon?

                Personally, I prefer this take. It's way more violent and scary than turning Kanako into a cheerleader.
                You turn her into the EXECUTIONER.
                And you yourself, turn into the JUDGE and the JURY.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah that's the one

              • 5 months ago

                you mean this anon?

                Personally, I prefer this take. It's way more violent and scary than turning Kanako into a cheerleader.
                You turn her into the EXECUTIONER.
                And you yourself, turn into the JUDGE and the JURY.

                also I liked this post an anon made about it:

                >anyways, personally i was thinking that kanako goes to greater extents to rationalize what she's doing throughout such a route
                >"its just justice right? clove said that you can see the crimes of others... i trust your judgement, cole. please dont let me down."
                >"hey cole... i dont think this girl's guilty, she's offering you a flower. but i do suppose looks arent everything. she's probably trying to mask or make up for some unforgivable crime... right?"
                >"alright cole, i dont think everyone in the dark worlds are guilty enough to deserve this. can we please try sparing people soon? there's gotta be at least one innocent person."
                >'... they arent real people, kanako. they arent real people. they are just personified objects, you dont have to feel bad about it... please dont feel bad...'

              • 5 months ago

                i still hold the stance that this take of the EXECUTION route is a little too far.
                its a good idea, but you shouldnt jump into it this hard or else it just becomes edgy.
                start off softer. kanako is accepting at first because hey, they're just personified objects
                but as time goes on there are more and more scenarios that make kanako far less comfortable. such as killing darkners that resemble people in hometown.

                who's Cole

                we had an idea for deltarune yellow.
                cole is deltarune clover.

              • 5 months ago

                Why not just have them both having a good time killing darkners left and right? I don't think I've seen that one before.

              • 5 months ago

                >kanako and cole decide to play the role of rouge outlaws
                >they both see no problem in it and hold no regrets
                could actually be played out really well if done right, make the route seem eerily happy.
                could call it the JOYFUL route or something to that effect. just something to drive in the "what the frick why is this happy?"

              • 5 months ago

                Why not just have them both having a good time killing darkners left and right? I don't think I've seen that one before.

                This is actually a good idea, like a Bonnie and Clyde type of story. It fits with the aesthetic too!

              • 5 months ago

                Maybe the route ends with them dying for their actions. Or a very hard fight that is winnable but if you lose you get the dying ending

              • 5 months ago

                Nah, they'd win and serve justice.

              • 5 months ago

                sounds like if you take this route, Cole himself would kill you. Or he would straight die, he just gives up.
                His very own soul is based around the concept of justice and you are forcing him to commit heinous crimes. That kinda stuff probably has consequences.

                Technically, as long as both lightners want to be beating up enemies, there doesnt have to be a lot of eeriness to it unless you are intentionally making them maniacs about fighting. The eeriness comes from the manipulation of snowgrave, unless they have a fricked up way of killing something akin to freezing them they could just run away like they do in cchapter 1 when fought. I guess that technically misses the point of a snowgrave scenario but, still.

                There was the idea of rotating the third party member, the person fulfilling that role would switch every chapter.
                Maybe they could be the ones doing the execution.
                And since they use magic, it wouldn't be too brutal.

              • 5 months ago

                Technically, as long as both lightners want to be beating up enemies, there doesnt have to be a lot of eeriness to it unless you are intentionally making them maniacs about fighting. The eeriness comes from the manipulation of snowgrave, unless they have a fricked up way of killing something akin to freezing them they could just run away like they do in cchapter 1 when fought. I guess that technically misses the point of a snowgrave scenario but, still.

              • 5 months ago

                my idea is that the eeriness comes from how we view undertale and deltarune's stance on pacifism in the first place.
                pacifist is supposed to be the happiest ending, while genocide is supposed to be the bad.
                by flipping this on its head and turning genocide into "we're so happy!" it becomes a little fricked up.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah but, Darkners dont "die" easily, far as we know you have to be really fricked up to actually be capable of killing a darkner, otherwise they have more sense than any monsters in UT and run away before you can finish them. It's implied Snowgrave is the only spell currently thats currently capable of truly killing a darkner full stop, and you have to cheat to be able to use it on anyone but berdley. Susie kicked the asses of a shit ton of darkners and yeah they were scared of her but otherwise barely harmed long term, they operate on slapstick. If both of them are willingly fighting and not outright trying to kill in the most fricked up way possible, they would genuinely have a more light hearted bonnie and clyde type story than anything

              • 5 months ago

                which is why im explicitly stating killing.
                beating a darkner is just fighting them normally.
                killing is killing.
                maybe make betrayal kills able to kill darkners in this case, i get why toby didnt do it for DR's context but it does make sense.
                im thinking that the "cool dude"

                makes me think of a funny take for DRY's weird route
                >just kill all of the darkners from the start
                >kanako never really gets attached to any of them, so she sees no problem and just thinks "my boyfriend is so cool and strong"
                >her magic spells slowly get replaced with support buffs for cole
                >by the end she's cheering you on like a cheerleader as you effortlessly kill dozens of darkners a day.

                , EXECUTE

                also I liked this post an anon made about it:

                >anyways, personally i was thinking that kanako goes to greater extents to rationalize what she's doing throughout such a route
                >"its just justice right? clove said that you can see the crimes of others... i trust your judgement, cole. please dont let me down."
                >"hey cole... i dont think this girl's guilty, she's offering you a flower. but i do suppose looks arent everything. she's probably trying to mask or make up for some unforgivable crime... right?"
                >"alright cole, i dont think everyone in the dark worlds are guilty enough to deserve this. can we please try sparing people soon? there's gotta be at least one innocent person."
                >'... they arent real people, kanako. they arent real people. they are just personified objects, you dont have to feel bad about it... please dont feel bad...'

                and JOYFUL routes can all exist alongside each other
                >"cool dude": use betrayal kills with cole to kill darkners
                >EXECUTE: force kanako to use her execution spell (meant for giving the death sentence to darkners guilty of things like murder)
                >JOYFUL: establish in chapter 1 that you'll use both cole and kanako to kill darkners, can freely kill with whoever after without fricking up the route.

                Would the music in this route speed up and become more "hype" instead of slowing down? Like, the characters enjoy killing so much they are almost in a trace, kinda like the music in hotline miami wich is trying to hype you up so you can kill everyone

                good idea.

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine if someone just cut Lancer's card in half in chapter 4 and he shows up fine just with no lower half

              • 5 months ago

                nah, just make it so that he has a stomach ache that he describes as "tearing him apart with the force of a god" (susie questions why he's smiling while describing it like that)

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine kris pockets it and accidently creases it in class and he shows up in the dark world like a 2.5D model

              • 5 months ago

                >"woah lancer! what happened to you man?"
                >"im in the third direction!"
                >an echoed version of his theme plays as he slowly spins around.

              • 5 months ago

                Would the music in this route speed up and become more "hype" instead of slowing down? Like, the characters enjoy killing so much they are almost in a trace, kinda like the music in hotline miami wich is trying to hype you up so you can kill everyone

              • 5 months ago

                Bimbofication route I'm sorry.

              • 5 months ago

                There are Clover x Kanako lewds?

              • 5 months ago

                A confused Clover fused with Kanako having to deal with their tail wagging when excited would be really cute, ngl

              • 5 months ago

                i like the idea cuz it reminds me of that adorable greentext some anon did a while ago of kanako not wanting clover to leave
                i love drawing zenith martlet but man that effect on her wings is annoying to do with how i do things

                seeing clover and kanako always warms my cold heart, always welcome it
                also martlet lookin' good

              • 5 months ago

                >It's been almost two weeks since I wrote that
                Jeez, time goes by way too fast for my taste! Glad you folks liked it though

              • 5 months ago

                Hey thank you for writing it, it's good to see there's still some writegays floating around! Last time I was active in undertale threads was in 2021 in utg so its weird seeing so few greens made there now

              • 5 months ago

                >No cute fox girl to spend your life with
                This reality is painful but I must see to it that my descendents get the life I wanted

              • 5 months ago

                Z Martlet being 12ft tall but twice as gentle because she realizes how strong she is...

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks so much for taking my suggestion! Clover's so lucky to have a giant bottomless space bird mom.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                now draw the aftermath where martlet is a disgruntled wet puddle of goop on the floor after the serum’s effect wears off

              • 5 months ago

                They just use the DT Extractor in the True Lab to turn her back to normal.

              • 5 months ago

                she'd get along great with dunebud at least

              • 5 months ago

                The serums never wear off because Clovers cum manages to stabilize its effects

              • 5 months ago

                wouldn't it be funny if the serum caused Martlet to grow a large futa wiener ahahahaha

              • 5 months ago

                it would be funny if your unironic homosexualry killed you

              • 5 months ago

                he's going to say something along the lines of dying by being impaled by you-know-what, you just know it.

              • 5 months ago

                How large

              • 5 months ago

                >Sees big woman with muscles
                >First thought is how big her futa wiener must be
                This place has rotten your brain and mine too

              • 5 months ago

                actually my brain went to futa from the idea of her transforming from a serum because that's a common trope in futa fanfiction

              • 5 months ago

                and why are you this familiar with futa tropes?

              • 5 months ago

                Im a fan of Undertale

              • 5 months ago

                Did you know that if a kitsune gets you to say "I love you" three times to them then you have to be by their side for the rest of both your lives?

              • 5 months ago

                but kanako is not only a kitsune, but a boss monsters. she will outlive clover

              • 5 months ago

                Not if they have kids

              • 5 months ago

                He came back from dead for many years(probably), and being absorbed by an butthole flower/edgy goat many times.

                He's probably going to last more than the average human.

              • 5 months ago

                Martlet going Zenith mode against Masked Ceroba on pacifist and fighting her like it's Dragon Ball Z

              • 5 months ago

                *both of them having passionate yuri sex

              • 5 months ago

                **both of them recreating this picture

              • 5 months ago

                i second this one

              • 5 months ago

                i second this one

                Thirded. I'm wise enough to join Ceroba Gang.

              • 5 months ago

                Go away toby

              • 5 months ago

                *both of them fricking Clover in passionate /ss/ threesome sex

              • 5 months ago

                Mom fight mom fight.

              • 5 months ago

                Mom fight mom fight.

                >Clover grabs a bag of popcorn

              • 5 months ago

                >Clover grabs a bag of popcorn

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >As Martlet goes to fly away with Clover, Ceroba's attack causes her to drop him and knocks her to the ground.
                >Clover falls into an alleyway out of sight, his fall is broken by a conveniently placed trampoline or something goofy, although Martlet can't see this
                >Hulks the frick out thinking Ceroba just killed Clover, sick ass fight ensues.
                >She naturally generates her own determination and almost kills Ceroba until Clover has to stop her

              • 5 months ago

                Unironically wouldve been a better final act for pacifist than what we got, a monster finally stepping up for a human for once

              • 5 months ago

                Papyrus, Alphys, Martler and Starlo all step up for you when their job is to kill you, what more do you need ungrateful bastard

              • 5 months ago

                Martlet does jack shit when it comes to stopping asgore from fighting you and Starlo decides the best course of action when his friends are a bit upset at him, after he had just gotten upset at them for attacking a child, is to attack said child himself.
                Monsters in actuall undertale are more willing I'll give you that, but I want to see a monster truly fight another for the mistreatment of human children. The closest Undertale gets to that is MK stepping between you and undyne, which I wont forget about that was a cool moment

              • 5 months ago

                i forgot about toriel literally torching flowey oops in the opening oops.
                Still, making that the final act rather than a throwaway interaction wouldve been really cool to see

              • 5 months ago

                >The extra chaos caused by Martlet fighting makes Starlo wake up ealier
                >Realizes Clover just got shot out of the fricking sky and rappels down with his lasso to look for him
                >Finds out he's okay and tries bringing him back up the building before martlet and ceroba kill each other
                >The final boss is now one phase of dodging all the debris and stray bullets from their fight, with the second and last phase being against Ceroba with Martlet and Ceroba helping however they can (Starlo occcassionally firing at the stun crystals to shatter them and Martlet blocking your soul with her wings for a makeshift green soul mode)

              • 5 months ago

                >Martlet and Ceroba helping
                brainfart I meant Martlet and Starlo obviously

              • 5 months ago

                Martlet (forma Z) no diffs Ceroba (Zorra enmascarada)

              • 5 months ago

                More kanaclover content, please and thank you

              • 5 months ago

                Clover trying to replicate Starlo's "Shadow eyes" (whether or not he pulls off the look is up to you)
                Otherwise: I'd like to see some more of Monster Clover cause that's a really cool design. Maybe see what they look like without a hat or just have him hang out with starlo

              • 5 months ago

                Zenith Martlet but goofy since she accidentally dosed herself on Pacifist Route

            • 5 months ago

              gambatte anon

            • 5 months ago

              do you need any kind of help with sprites or art? i'm a decent animator and i've been learning haxeflixel recently, would love to help out and gain some more vidya-dev experience. college might clog up my time too tho
              i don't have a lot of examples for pixel animations specifically but here's one

              • 5 months ago

                Nice! I might ask for help later in development once I have some sketches and concepts ready. I'll post the game on the UTY Discord once I have enough stuff to show and you can contact me there if you can't find me on the threads. But of course that's a last resort.

              • 5 months ago

                understood, preciate it man. i wish you luck.

              • 5 months ago

                my bad, i didn't realize this version of the gif doesnt fricking loop until i sent it, heres another one. apologies

        • 5 months ago

          Have you done anything related to undertale in godot before? Are there like specific tutorials in how to make Undertale fangames in godot or anything like that?

  54. 5 months ago


    >Undertale monster
    >not slicing her head off with a katana
    It sucks, his memes end here.

    • 5 months ago

      Kanako has ketchup up her brains

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry, I meant Ceroba.

  55. 5 months ago

    Woah... She's king of... like a dragon...

    • 5 months ago

      how the frick does her snout fit inside the mask

      • 5 months ago

        It collapses in like an accordion

      • 5 months ago

        the snout is comically pushed back against the mask, like when Will E. Coyote hits his face on the wall.

    • 5 months ago

      ceroba if she yakuza 3

      • 5 months ago

        i love ceroba if she yakuzer

    • 5 months ago

      If toby's ripping off other vidya tracks he needs to rip off RGG ones more

  56. 5 months ago

    Anyone playing this series is autistic in a bad way, anon. That is your answer, and you are not an exception.

    • 5 months ago


  57. 5 months ago


  58. 5 months ago

    I get people going ahead and playing the Deltarune chapters as they come out, but how are you daily bump limit hitting threads tier invested in fanfiction? Is there something special about this one?
    t. not really ultra enthusiastic about Undertale and pretty much don't ever care for fan stuff but curious

    • 5 months ago

      yellow is the only finished fangame (unless you count overtime and that's a crossover) that (somewhat) builds into the lore and doesn't rely on the preexisting cast (except flowey), so it did the best job in expanding the UT universe than all other "alternate universes" combined

      • 5 months ago

        It's I think one of two Undertale fangames that is full-length rather than a few fights strung together. It is also not a sans-fest so it's easier to get invested into the characters.

        >Is there something special about this one?
        its the first full fangame, so far we've only gotten single fight fangames or demos for would be full games.
        not to mention how its been an eternity since chapter 2's release and everyone is anxiously waiting for 3+4.
        not hard to see why everyone would jump on it.

        Huh, I thought there were way more. Thanks for answering.

        • 5 months ago

          There's a shit ton of demos that never got out of the ruins, there's a reason why there's a meme that say Snowdin has a graveyard full of unfinished fan games because most of them get abandoned at that point

        • 5 months ago

          There's a shit ton of cancelled, abandoned, and one off fan games but Yellow is genuinely the only one thats the full package while still taking itself seriously. Before now, the only complete undertale fan game was Undertale 2 which is essentially a playable shitpost, it's fun but not really "undertale". It's kind of a miracle Yellow didnt fall like the rest considering it was started when most of the dev team were teenagers

    • 5 months ago

      It's I think one of two Undertale fangames that is full-length rather than a few fights strung together. It is also not a sans-fest so it's easier to get invested into the characters.

      • 5 months ago

        whats the other full length fangame?
        dont say its the rpgmaker game

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Overtime, the TF2 one

            >thought it was just a shitpost people used to make some funny remixes
            well i guess i'll be playing that later.

            • 5 months ago

              yeah no, if you think us, deltarune/undertale fans, are desperate for new content.
              Then you don't want to talk to TF2 fans, they are like crack addicts who haven't received their fix in a while.

              >its all fake, kanako. please dont try to stop me.
              No it isn't. I'm just saying that monsters have no idea how good they have it.

              honestly yeah, maybe it's because we got to experience it daily but the surface isn't that great.
              Plus, monsters would probably be even more scared of humans once they learn of our several wars.

              • 5 months ago

                oh no see i completely understand their plight, im also a tf2 fan.
                ive just accepted that we've been abandoned by valve.

              • 5 months ago

                >you don't want to talk to TF2 fans, they are like crack addicts who haven't received their fix in a while.
                The one I know (that I guess I should specify, plays it regularly) was telling me about how they added like 30 maps and two new modes this year.

              • 5 months ago

                emesis blue is the undertale yellow of tf2

              • 5 months ago

                oh no see i completely understand their plight, im also a tf2 fan.
                ive just accepted that we've been abandoned by valve.

                >you don't want to talk to TF2 fans, they are like crack addicts who haven't received their fix in a while.
                The one I know (that I guess I should specify, plays it regularly) was telling me about how they added like 30 maps and two new modes this year.

                emesis blue is the undertale yellow of tf2

                OH! RUN! RUN! I AM COMING FOR YOU!

              • 5 months ago

                I feel like the heavy would be a pacifist to itty bitty funny creatures.
                And then accidentally deck the living frick out of Asgore.

              • 5 months ago

                perfect scenario

              • 5 months ago

                >"Come! We fight like men giant goat man!"
                >Heavy melee crits Asgore with his fists and Asgore dies instantly
                >Heavy is extremely confused and disappointed

              • 5 months ago

                such a cool picture

        • 5 months ago

          Overtime, the TF2 one

    • 5 months ago

      >Is there something special about this one?
      its the first full fangame, so far we've only gotten single fight fangames or demos for would be full games.
      not to mention how its been an eternity since chapter 2's release and everyone is anxiously waiting for 3+4.
      not hard to see why everyone would jump on it.

    • 5 months ago

      the reason this one is special is because it basically is a complete, full prequel to undertale. it's longer and is honestly very close to as good as undertale in terms of fun, with the characters, story, and gameplay.
      inb4 "but duh ending" yes, obviously it's flawed upon further scrutiny, but so is undertale. both are very good games regardless. if you're like me, and you wished for the longest time you could forget you ever played undertale and re-experience it again, this is as close as you're gonna get to that.
      this isn't a normal fangame, this is good enough to stand on its own. that's why it's been topping the catalog.

    • 5 months ago

      It's a full length game, and it's pretty much good all the way through until it drops the ball at the end of the game
      It's also pretty fun and has some interesting characters.

  59. 5 months ago

    Is there a lore reason why Chara doesn’t appear nor is she mentioned at all in the game? Why is she only relevant when Frisk comes down and not other kids?

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      because Frisk is the chosen one with the special powers
      this is mostly unironic because so much of the plot hinges on their literal reality-defying powers that no other human seems to possess

      • 5 months ago

        Frisk is a human wizard

  60. 5 months ago

    Reminder Chara is called murderboy in the files.

  61. 5 months ago

    am I supposed to know who the frick this is

    • 5 months ago

      Character from Undertale Yellow.
      New hot thing. Come out from under the rock.

    • 5 months ago

      From undertale yellow, it's a complete fangame with different routes and the same gameplay as undertale

  62. 5 months ago

    who's Cole

  63. 5 months ago

    would adult clover be clean shaven or have that cowboy scruff?

    • 5 months ago

      Scruff 100%

    • 5 months ago

      Scruff. The hat description in Undertale says:

      "This battle-worn hat makes you want to grow a beard."

  64. 5 months ago

    speaking of deltarune, ive just figured out ralsei's secret.
    he's an inversion of flowey.
    >asriel is the true form of flowey, the goat horns are the true form of ralsei
    >F: talks about the control deal at the end of pacifist when you boot the game back up, likely couldnt put his finger on it at the start of the game.
    >R: knows about the control deal right away, and its present in chapter 1 with ralsei talking to kris behind our back.
    >F: right out the gate, reveals his hand as a psychopath
    >R: plays the part of a friend
    >both: lead you on a path to a desired ending
    >flowey: just wants to play with "you" (who he thinks is chara)
    >ralsei: ???
    >flowey: at the end of pacifist he goes back to being a kind goat kid for a little bit.
    >ralsei: ???
    he'll betray the player at the end of deltarune, no matter which route you take.

    • 5 months ago

      Seems lazy since there's already an Asriel.

    • 5 months ago

      >he'll betray the player at the end of deltarune, no matter which route you take.
      If you believe the theories he has a connection to Gaster, we not be the one's being betrayed but just Kris and Susie

      • 5 months ago

        We will have to destroy his dark fountain for one reason or another and he will fight back

        speaking of deltarune, ive just figured out ralsei's secret.
        he's an inversion of flowey.
        >asriel is the true form of flowey, the goat horns are the true form of ralsei
        >F: talks about the control deal at the end of pacifist when you boot the game back up, likely couldnt put his finger on it at the start of the game.
        >R: knows about the control deal right away, and its present in chapter 1 with ralsei talking to kris behind our back.
        >F: right out the gate, reveals his hand as a psychopath
        >R: plays the part of a friend
        >both: lead you on a path to a desired ending
        >flowey: just wants to play with "you" (who he thinks is chara)
        >ralsei: ???
        >flowey: at the end of pacifist he goes back to being a kind goat kid for a little bit.
        >ralsei: ???
        he'll betray the player at the end of deltarune, no matter which route you take.

        The aftermath of Ralsei being evil the whole time will be so funny

      • 5 months ago

        i dont believe that ralsei has a connection to gaster.
        i instead believe that since he's an object that belongs to kris, he has full devotion and will do anything to try and force us out so that kris can be himself. BUT ralsei isnt aware that kris needs our soul or else he'll fricking die.
        our actions will change how willing susie, kris, and maybe noelle are to betray us as well
        i believe that the reaction we get for certain dialog options is very important. since its almost always stated when kris does NOT like your response
        if we try to stay true to what kris really wants and feels then he'll say "nah frick off" to ralsei and decide that he's not taking another risk. but if you intentionally go against his will the entire time then he'll actually be quite pissed and decide to go with ralsei's plan.

        • 5 months ago

          To add to this, despite everything there IS the rare moment where you and Kris can be in total sync unarguably, like here. Kris literally acts out your dumb will to call his mom in the same room and just decides "Yeah that sounds funny let me help with it". He doesnt just make it obvious when he hates something you make him do, there are times he'll go along with it willingly even (Or maybe especially) when it's for something dumb, yet fun and ultimately harmless. Hell after this he thought it was so funny he slips up and admits he already plans to go to the library later, when at this point he and Susie made no plans to. He has no reason to tell toriel in that moment, he just does because of the small moment of joy distracting him likely has him acting as if he isnt possessed at all

          • 5 months ago

            >just be a funny dumbass with kris
            >he totally loves it
            >ralsei pulls the "i can get rid of the soul kris!"
            >kris freaks out
            >he's been through plenty of souls and you're the only one thats helped him be himself.
            >not only that but without a soul he's on a timer
            >*speak your mind, kris
            >he just fricking lunges for ralsei

            • 5 months ago

              >Ralsei has to fight Kris thinking the soul is resisting and slowly learns Kris just likes the soul that much

              • 5 months ago

                >Thinks that Kris is just saying all those nice things about the soul because he's being prompted to.
                >Has to


                would be better if kris throws you out for a moment just so that he can "speak his mind" to ralsei.
                >kris tears you out
                >ralsei thinks that kris is accepting the deal
                >"thats great kris. now all we need to do is... h-hey whats with that look?"
                >"h-hey cmon kris i havent seen that sword before (its his knife) we can talk about this!" to convince Ralsei to back off.
                Sounds kind of funny.

              • 5 months ago

                >It all comes to head when Kris admits the eldritch being literally possessing his body has let him do his own thing more than Ralsei has this whole time
                I hope a writegay can use this I didn't expect to be this interested in the idea

              • 5 months ago

                >ralsei's fighting kris to try and get you to back off
                >* speak your mind
                >kris says that he doesnt mind you
                >"i know its not you speaking! "kris"... please leave him alone!"
                >* speak your mind
                >kris says that you've let him be himself
                >"i know thats not true, it doesnt care about you, kris!"
                >* speak your mind
                >kris says that he's gambled with enough souls and is happy with this one
                >"we both know there's a better way, for all of us"
                >* speak your mind
                >kris says that he's tried and there isnt
                >"if the soul doesnt back off, then i'll be forced to take drastic measures"
                >* speak your mind
                >kris tears you out
                >"i knew you'd agree with me kris. now all we have to do to get rid of it is-"
                >kris pulls out a stainless steel blade
                >"hey kris? what are you doing. if you hit the soul you'll make things worse"
                >kris starts limping over to ralsei
                >"cmon kris, dont act like this. im just trying to help you!"
                >float over to the battle bar, click on act and speak your mind
                >kris says that the soul has let him be himself more than ralsei has
                >kris gets in front of ralsei and raises his blade
                >jump into kris before he can swing.
                >"... i see"
                >"if thats what you think of me, kris, then i'll..."
                >"i'll just be in the castle."
                >from here on out the options that kris would prefer are highlighted in green.
                >later on, good ending. after the gaster shenanigans where kris gets his own soul.
                >if you got this scene then kris has come to accept his humanity, the horns have been thrown out along with the birdcage.
                >after the credits ralsei's text box pops up
                >"tell me, "kris"... do you really care?"
                >"about us, about this world"
                >given an option but it disappears the moment you go to pick
                >"you know what i dont care."
                >"i hate you, ok? i know what you are. what you do"
                >"you just wanted to see what would happen. you're so far above all of us that you cant have any meaningful connections..."
                >"...want to prove me wrong? dont reset. everyone's happy like this"

              • 5 months ago

                Fockin amazing, though slight nitpick Ralsei would actually know the player's name because it's the name of Castle Town.
                Do you think he would slowly be proven wrong if you kept opening the game without reseting every couple months or so just to ask how Kris and gang are doing?

              • 5 months ago

                >though slight nitpick Ralsei would actually know the player's name because it's the name of Castle Town.
                fair point, but i was running at the character limit (like right now)
                also its easier to that as a general
                >Do you think he would slowly be proven wrong if you kept opening the game without reseting every couple months or so just to ask how Kris and gang are doing?
                >re-open the first time
                >"its been a while, "kris"."
                >"everyone's still happy. kris finally won an award."
                >"science fair group project with noelle and susie. it was a typical baking soda volcano"
                >"but susie poured too much in and it exploded!" ralsei giggles for a moment before becoming somber again.
                >"so, here to reset?"
                >* no
                >second time
                >"welcome back."
                >"kris has been doing fine, for the first time he's gotten straight As... im proud of him"
                >"susie won a wrestling competition, and noelle's started running a game secret archive..."
                >"well, will you reset?
                >* no
                >third time
                >"kris is sick right now, but susie and noelle pulled a stunt to try and cheer him up"
                >"it worked... toriel's mad because they made him a chocolate pie. but it worked!"
                >"im curious about why you keep coming back... do you wish to reset?"
                >"then why..."
                >to see what would happen
                >"so if i stop giving updates you'll reset? i guess i shouldnt have expected less."
                >because i care
                >"im afraid i cant argue anymore" (ralsei stops being somber)
                >fourth time
                >"welcome back!"
                >"the gang's moved out to college. they'll be graduating soon, if you check back later i can tell you how they are doing."
                >dont reset
                >5th time
                >"welcome back!"
                >"the fun gang came back in one piece, and they all graduated... but they'll be moving out of hometown next week. im sorry, but i wont be able to give more updates"
                >6th plus
                >"why are you back..."
                >* i care about you
                >"aww... well i dont have much to talk about. im sorry."
                >"im not mad. just disappointed. you're better than this"

              • 5 months ago

                Holy shit that's hilarious

              • 5 months ago

                i wanted to make ralsei ramble on for the 5th visit, but we only have 2000 characters here and we are about to archive.

            • 5 months ago

              >Ralsei has to fight Kris thinking the soul is resisting and slowly learns Kris just likes the soul that much

              would be better if kris throws you out for a moment just so that he can "speak his mind" to ralsei.
              >kris tears you out
              >ralsei thinks that kris is accepting the deal
              >"thats great kris. now all we need to do is... h-hey whats with that look?"
              >"h-hey cmon kris i havent seen that sword before (its his knife) we can talk about this!"

    • 5 months ago

      We will have to destroy his dark fountain for one reason or another and he will fight back

      • 5 months ago

        Snuffing out Ralsei's fountain and the lives of all the darkners you've collected into Castle Town by playing the pacifist route will be so grim. I love it.

        • 5 months ago

          This also means killing him as well, you realize.
          His fountain will be the very last that needs to be sealed.

          • 5 months ago

            I really want to see evil Ralsei

    • 5 months ago

      I just think he's trying to railroad the game according to Gaster's instructions.

    • 5 months ago

      Ralsei's true form will be a flower

  65. 5 months ago

    Ralsei being evil would not make any sense

    • 5 months ago

      he may not be explicitly evil, but he's plotting something.
      and wanting (you) gone doesnt exactly make him evil.
      if anything its the morally correct choice because we are using kris as a puppet.

      • 5 months ago

        >if anything its the morally correct choice because we are using kris as a puppet.
        Maybe Kris violated the NAP in some way so he deserves it

  66. 5 months ago
  67. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      b***h your fricking face doesn't fit in that fricking mask

    • 5 months ago

      I'm still mad that the only lore related to the mask is that one pic of Kanako holding it

      • 5 months ago

        it also shows up on the family picture at the back

    • 5 months ago

      >I reject my monster kino

      • 5 months ago

        That's why the ending was so shit
        She wanted monster kusoge instead

  68. 5 months ago

    I don't care about the moronic shit she does in the story. I just hate that they had the nerve to put THREE FULLY SCRIPTED CUTSCENES mid-battle.

  69. 5 months ago

    the pairing
    it's spreading

  70. 5 months ago

    >Clover is the protagonist
    >Ganker's symbol is a four-leaf clover

  71. 5 months ago

    go back to utg


    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Your precious namegays are back, you can suck their dicks more

    • 5 months ago
  72. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >this is official art

      • 5 months ago

        >>this is official art

        • 5 months ago

          the designer for Ceroba/Kanako/Chujin/Axis/lots of characters posted here recently and was the one who drew that (the one who drew pic related (which is recent but they did make the original designs))

          they didn't work on the game recently though, supposedly they made the designs ages ago

          • 5 months ago

            >even the original designer from years ago is aware of her being so moronic that it became a joke
            That actually is pretty funny

            • 5 months ago

              to be fair it could just be referencing her wanting to kill clover for his soul.

          • 5 months ago

            That guy is also aware of the anal Chujin meme

  73. 5 months ago

    Every post above and below mine is concentrated autism.

    • 5 months ago
  74. 5 months ago

    >Deltarune Clover goes on an adventure with (You).
    >Ends up scarring him for life somehow
    >He uses this pain to get into acting
    >Semi successful career in westerns but still looking for (you) so he can destroy you
    >Tracks (you) down to Hometown
    >Kris makes the chapter 3 dark fountain and Clover slips in
    >Becomes vid related https://youtu.be/LuGnoKjxptM?si=KkA-xsvK_Ch3Pon-

  75. 5 months ago

    I don't get why people think it's weird there's a weeaboo fox living in the cowboy area
    It's pretty obvious they took direct inspiration from this picture

    • 5 months ago

      the devs 100% have never seen media that shows the mix between both because they barely tried to fit her in.

      Ceroba is a fully detached Touhou reference.

    • 5 months ago

      It's because I heckin' hate Japan and T*uh*u

  76. 5 months ago

    Has there been any good undertale fangame where the opponent used a sword?
    I have only found bad ones

    • 5 months ago

      Red? If you mean full fangames it doesnt exist there's only 2 total

      • 5 months ago

        I did mostly mean fan fights
        I actually forgot about red

    • 5 months ago

      I did mostly mean fan fights
      I actually forgot about red

      Is there any reason for this specific question?

  77. 5 months ago

    This was pretty cool
    Last fight kind of sucked though, and I wouldn't have recommended Hopes and Dreams.
    Thanks for the free autism.

    • 5 months ago

      do neutral for better kino.

      • 5 months ago

        Nah, I'm good. I'm not going to do it all over again and murk someone for the Flowey Fight.

        • 5 months ago

          well, at least watch it.
          that way you'll regret not doing neutral yourself.

          • 5 months ago

            I don't have any regrets as it is.
            Am digging around in the files for the OST to listen to later.

        • 5 months ago

          You can probably fin a save file for the flowey fight somewhere

  78. 5 months ago
  79. 5 months ago

    I’ve been outlining a Chujin fic, it doesn’t seem like he’s been explored that much. Not sure if I’ll get it done before interest in the fandom dies down but it feels like it has potential.

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like it might be promising, but what sort of story

      • 5 months ago

        Was the fanfic about? Expanding Chujin's backstory? Some AU thing were Chujin lives but has to deal with Clover?

        Standard rise-and-fall biopic covering some details of the events that were outlined in his tapes. I have the title, thematic throughline and a good finishing line and that's usually enough for the engine to start running.
        The tricky part is that Chujin's such an unrepentant screwup that it's hard not to feel like you're bullying him even if you try to see things from his point of view, but I think I've worked that out.

        • 5 months ago

          There is one thing Chujin didnt frick up and thats the house he built, Chujin might have been a mediocre scientist but he was a brilliant carpenter

        • 5 months ago

          >unrepentant screwup
          But he actually did start to regret everything after Axis decimated blue soul kid, and he confesses it when he sees he's dying + during that one scene with Ceroba.

    • 5 months ago

      Was the fanfic about? Expanding Chujin's backstory? Some AU thing were Chujin lives but has to deal with Clover?

    • 5 months ago

      explicit, long winded detail on Chujin gripping his hard wiener as he jerk offs furiously

  80. 5 months ago

    can you homosexual shills go to vg instead

    • 5 months ago

      why do people get so fricking mad when anons try to discuss videogames on Ganker

      also the game is fricking free

      • 5 months ago

        because this isn't a general board and you guys keep making general threads you colossal minge
        shilling != money

        • 5 months ago

          >shilling != money

        • 5 months ago

          >shitposter doesnt even know what he's shitposting about
          think it over and come back next time anon, you can do it!

        • 5 months ago

          my brother in christ what do we gain on "shilling" a free fricking game


        • 5 months ago

          CLASSIC nuGanker post right here

        • 5 months ago

          go tell that to any of the number of 24/7 threads on this board then

        • 5 months ago

          Someone honestly needs to make you go sit in the corner and think about it for a bit.

        • 5 months ago

          there are like 15+ threads on the catalogue right now that are nothing but gooners posting softcore porn

          • 5 months ago

            That's board culture.

        • 5 months ago

          Just tell them their beloved tripgays are back and they'll go over immediately to suck tripgay dick

  81. 5 months ago

    Hey you, one with the digital pencil.
    yeah you, the one drawing.
    I kidnapped your nsfw commission character and replaced it with me

    • 5 months ago

      enjoy getting soul vored you dumb rat

      • 5 months ago

        wait wAIT WHAT

  82. 5 months ago

    undertale has been such a disaster on impressionable zoomers like you gays. i pity you

    • 5 months ago

      wojaks and -oomershit have been such a disaster on moronic redditors like (You) though

      • 5 months ago

        >brings up wojaks and reddit and shit out of nowhere
        i see

        • 5 months ago

          your favorite buzzwords are directly linked to wojaks, all and any -oomershit is wojak related, you belong on faceberg

          • 5 months ago

            what buzzword did i use except for zoomer, which is just the name of a generation? zoomers are the main demographic of undertale so it's pretty much a certainty that that's exactly what you are. do you see yourself. do you understand why you are the way you are

            • 5 months ago

              yes, your favorite marketing demographic buzzword is directly correlated to wojakshit, and always will be, go overdose on monster homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                >comes up with some random conspiracy
                i see

    • 5 months ago

      ow the edge!

    • 5 months ago
  83. 5 months ago

    Take your FRICKING medication NOW

    • 5 months ago

      Ceroba, i have told you before
      i only have interest in yellow soul juice.

      • 5 months ago

        Said by a teenage Kanako to piss her parents off

  84. 5 months ago

    Also now that I can reflect on it, it's sort of interesting that, if it's happenstance or not Flowey had apparently protected the final resting place of Clover's Hat and Gun.

  85. 5 months ago
  86. 5 months ago

    built for Clover

  87. 5 months ago

    The reason Sans isn't in the game is because Sans is Clover yellow Soul After Not Surviving =^)

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