FF7 Rebirth

The battles are pretty challenging so far. But the side quests are really time consuming.

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  1. 3 months ago

    i keep getting slightly shocked every time i see some people actually still care about this franchise and want to play it and discuss it.

    • 3 months ago

      sucks having autism, huh?

      • 3 months ago

        Maybe he just isn't a gay, unlike you?

  2. 3 months ago

    Like, leveling up your summon materia.
    You find shrines, which makes the materia stronger. But also unlocks easier versions of the fight needed to obtain the materia.

    So for example you can fight Titan at "Full Might" or you can unlock 3 easier tiers of difficulty. But what's the point? I assume "Full Might" is a hard mode challenge. Weakest form is for starters. But I don't get the point of the fights in-between.

  3. 3 months ago

    im more surprised you were dumb enough to buy and play this than anything else but good luck with that

    • 3 months ago

      D̸͓̀o̸̖͝ ̶̮̿i̷͈̕t̸͑͜ ̷̭͂f̶̦̽o̶̱͊r̴̗̋ ̴͕̓ḥ̸͒ĕ̵̥r̷̙̊.̵͕̓ ̵̖̋

  4. 3 months ago

    They literally call this game a "cinematic experience" in the GAMEPLAY trailer. That is their exact words. Just lol man, frick final gaytasy

    • 3 months ago

      I'm going to skin you alive one of these days, pathetic anime posting warpigger. Show some respect

      • 3 months ago

        You know Sony killed off Wild Arms to make this shit right? And the creator is resorting to kickstarter now?


        • 3 months ago

          Damn this looks based.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm extremely glad they brought back the gay porn artist from WA5

          • 3 months ago

            I just wish there was a hot guy in this party like Greg or especially Gilder from those Vyse x Gilder doujins.

        • 3 months ago

          Damn this looks based.

          The music they've released thus far is really good too. Sasuga Michiko Naruke-kun.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, I like these. Well except for the buttrock OP. That should never be a part of Western.

        • 3 months ago

          Shit like this could have saved the PS5, holy shit.

      • 3 months ago

        Pretty sure moeblob plays a fair bit of jrpgs.

    • 3 months ago

      Things are more animated on the maps, I think. Idk what the word for that is. Not cinematic.

      It's bad but funny how there's all these collision objects you can kick around like styrofoam props with obnoxious rattle sfx.
      I should be recording every minute. Like there's an event with Barret and he walks away bumping into the generated npc traffic and all the clutter i knocked into the streets that's getting pushed around. Pure chaos.

      Got to love the music. Yes it's remixes. But its good shit. Like the Jenova battle on the ship. It's so good, I had to stop playing and just listen.

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody would have a problem with "cinematic experiences" if they were always done the way Nomura does them.

      • 3 months ago

        I would, square piggy

  5. 3 months ago

    Which franchise is that?
    Kingdom Hearts?

  6. 3 months ago

    >VII wankery
    30 year olds please find anything else to do

    • 3 months ago

      You don't belong here.

  7. 3 months ago

    Another great franchise falls to chasing culture instead of making it.

    Original FF7: trend setting, envelope-pushing, cast a huge shadow across the PSX and PS2

    FF7R: outdated Ubisoft sidequesting, cliched anime characters/voices/story, fricking multiverses LOL

    • 3 months ago

      Didn't one of the Square devs say a long time ago that if they ever end up remaking 7 it would be a depressing moment and personal failure for him because it would mean the company no longer has worthwhile ideas anymore? Nobody should really be surprised by the outcome

      • 3 months ago

        I wish I could find that interview. Since the remake actually happened you can't find it anymore. Search engines are all saturated with stuff on the actual games.

      • 3 months ago

        I wish I could find that interview. Since the remake actually happened you can't find it anymore. Search engines are all saturated with stuff on the actual games.

        Closest thing I can find is a 2012 ign article referencing a quote at a shareholder meeting from then CEO, Yoichi Wada, stating
        >If the team were to remake Final Fantasy VII now, then the Final Fantasy franchise "would be done with".
        Nomura had some statement about "needing to release a game that surpasses the original VII first" but I think he just wanted people to stop bugging him about it at the time while he worked on XV (we all saw how that one turned out).

        • 3 months ago

          Wada was also completely incompetent and resigned as CEO two years before FF7R started development.
          FF7R exists now because Nomura, Kitase and Kojima are all getting up there in age and they didn't want to miss their chance to make these games before they get too old.

          • 3 months ago

            >FF7R exists now because Nomura, Kitase and Kojima are all getting up there in age and they didn't want to miss their chance to make these games before they get too old.
            So does that mean 8 remake is on the horizon? Because goddamn if there's any entry that needs polishing up in modern gaming, it's that.

  8. 3 months ago

    Squeenigs are utterly moronic even by jarpigger standards.

  9. 3 months ago

    Is this the most degenerate video game ever made? It's just vacuuming up crafting resources in between cutscenes. That's the WHOLE game. How did square do it?

    • 3 months ago

      How is vacuuming degenerate?

      • 3 months ago

        Its like they added every awful padding feature from every shitty AAA game made in the last 20 years without any actual gameplay in between. Piles of generic resources everywhere (instead of consumables or gear) that you just brainlessly run over as your walking along, ubisoft towers and points of interests, shitty minigames everywhere, mass effect dialogue, "stealth" segments, uncharted climbing, combat is just mashing square... I mean holy hell man, anyone who likes this is just flat out an enemy of mankind and should be ashamed.

    • 3 months ago

      I think crossdressing is more degenerate.

  10. 3 months ago

    I'm wondering if it's worth farming GP to get the Level Up Materia at Gold Saucer. Or if it's actually faster to just grind AP normally.

  11. 3 months ago

    This game is everything XVI wasn't. I'm having a blast.

  12. 3 months ago

    something about the combat feels worse to me than Remake. Can't pinpoint it through, might just be ability bloat

    • 3 months ago

      when was the last time you played remake

      • 3 months ago

        Admittedly back when it came out in 2020, but I remember having a blast with it

  13. 3 months ago

    not an rpg

    • 3 months ago

      It's an RPG, with Zack.
      It's a dating sim, with Aerith
      It's a racing game, with Cloud & Roche
      It's an action platformer, with Yuffie
      It's rhythm game, with Tifa
      It's a shooting game, with Barret
      It's a card game, with Red XIII
      It's a tower defense game, with Gilgamesh
      It's a Hot and Cold game, with Piko
      It's a Boxing game, with Dio

  14. 3 months ago

    I'm up to Gongaga and so far a lot of the story has been Remake standard, underwhelming at best and downright moronic at worst.
    So far the Dyne stuff (as in, the actual scenes with him) has been the best, and they even bungled that by having a mech battle with Palmer added in which was stupidly tone deaf.
    After the obvious nonsense like padding, time ghosts and other general cringe writing, my other biggest complaint is everything about the Weapons, which don't even look remotely like the OG Weapons, nevermind that they're not supposed to be swimming around freely that early on.
    I'm not to Cid yet but I've only heard negative stuff about how his character was handled too, I'm almost scared to continue.
    Was it really that hard to make a faithful remake? Why did they want these sequels wearing the skin of a reimagining instead?

  15. 3 months ago

    So far I haven't found anything worth stealing or morphing.

    Steal is suppose to be based on luck. So I set up Cait Sith with the highest luck stat in the party and he just fails repeatedly.

    • 3 months ago

      The only thing I've seen so far in the ENTIRE game Steal is used for is to get an extra talon from the Quetzalcoatl boss in the Grasslands to use for transmuting an accessory, and even that can be acquired by just spawning the boss twice.

  16. 3 months ago

    Great so far, but it's way too easy and some of the minigames are annoying as frick. Did they really need to reuse that piece of shit gym minigame again? I haven't even gotten to the Gold Saucer yet and there's already been like 10 different minigames. Most are decent, though.

    • 3 months ago

      >Win Queen's Blood match
      >Screen turns to static.

      • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        This is FF? If it weren't for the filename, I would've thought it'd be Evil Within or whatever Westy looking game.

  17. 3 months ago

    Can you marry best girl?

  18. 3 months ago

    The sidequests aren't too bad once you have a Chocobo.

  19. 3 months ago

    Found fairly serious bug in Shinra Manor basement.
    At the end of the Cait Sith segment, he can jump over the curved stair railing into the corner and get stuck. Saving in the position could softlock the game. It's right after a boss battle, so at least there's an autosave to return to.

  20. 3 months ago

    I think Final Fantasy has a problem with villain motivations.

    It's always said that the games seem to fall apart in the 11th hour. Or feels rushed and underdeveloped. I think Rebirth somehow has even less characterization and exposition regarding Sephiroth than the original.

    It's not just Sephiroth; but Hojo and Rufus as well.
    There's a point where Rufus turns to Hojo asking "What's happening down there?"
    And Hojo just gives this cryptic "I can't say for certain. Something big." *laughs in maniac*

    On one hand. Rebirth fixed a plot hole that the original had. All they had to do was move the temple of the ancients north to smooth things over.
    But on the other hand, they created new multiverse/timeline contrivances.

    • 3 months ago

      FF7r is fanfic level writing. They show you one thing, but then it gets bigger, but then this crazy bigger thing happens, and then Sephiroth is there, but also Zack is here...

      • 3 months ago

        Exactly, and then that "first thing" becomes an afterthought.

        In the original, Cloud gives a Sephiroth Clone the black materia at the temple. For that reason, Aerith leaves for the Forgotten Capital on her own because "Meteor" is as good as summoned at that point and only "Holy" can stop it.
        Moving the temple in Rebirth was a good call, because they don't have to explain how Aerith got there.
        But Rebirth never mentions how Sephiroth absorbed the wisdom of the ancients in the lifestream and learned about Black Materia.

        For everything Rebirth does better than the OG there's several things worse.
        I thought Cait Sith's betrayal and heroics at the Temple of the Ancients were handled better in R than the OG. It wasn't exactly a plot hole letting him back in the party in the OG, but it felt a little weird that no one really addresses what Reeve/Shinra did again until closer to the end of the game. Whilst it definitely is character whitewashing in this case I don't really mind it.
        But then at the end of the level there's the nonsense passing around of the Black Materia like a hot potato. Barret just throwing it was especially strange and convenient, as was Aerith just handing it over to an obviously schizo Cloud.

        Cait was fun to watch. But Rebirth doesn't confirm that Cait is controlled by Reeve.
        And, while it's obvious Cloud is being controlled by Sephiroth. None of the characters acknowledge Cloud's behavior other than giving him funny looks.

        So I felt that Cait's wasn't really resonating with Cloud the way it should have.
        They're both puppets. They're both "hollow" inside. But maybe they're saving that for Part 3?

        They also never acknowledge Cait Sith's appearance in Midgar during the plate collapse.

        • 3 months ago

          >But Rebirth never mentions how Sephiroth absorbed the wisdom of the ancients in the lifestream and learned about Black Materia.
          It's definitely a big framing problem. Despite disc 1 ending after the Forgotten City, the entire second act (beginning with Kalm) really ends at the whirlwind maze with Cloud handing over the Black Materia. Starting from Temple of the Ancients, it's supposed to be the start of Cloud's lowest moment, culminating in his nadir at the Whirlwind Maze. The story ends up feeling empty as a result, because you don't hit the actual narrative climax. Inserting a hundred bosses doesn't really compensate for the end not being a proper ending point.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't think I ever saw Cloud as having a character arc. Even Aerith's death did nothing for him - which is usually what fridging someone's girlfriend is supposed to do.

    • 3 months ago

      For everything Rebirth does better than the OG there's several things worse.
      I thought Cait Sith's betrayal and heroics at the Temple of the Ancients were handled better in R than the OG. It wasn't exactly a plot hole letting him back in the party in the OG, but it felt a little weird that no one really addresses what Reeve/Shinra did again until closer to the end of the game. Whilst it definitely is character whitewashing in this case I don't really mind it.
      But then at the end of the level there's the nonsense passing around of the Black Materia like a hot potato. Barret just throwing it was especially strange and convenient, as was Aerith just handing it over to an obviously schizo Cloud.

  21. 3 months ago


    I want to know if anyone else had issues with the final boss.

    • 3 months ago

      No spoilers, please

    • 3 months ago

      Gameplay, direction or presentation-wise?

    • 3 months ago

      Gameplay, direction or presentation-wise?

      Fine, don't answer me then.

      • 3 months ago

        Don't hurt yourself.

  22. 3 months ago

    I played on Normal Difficulty, and had to retry the last fight over a dozen times.

    Part of the problem was that the camera would go behind a curtain of whispers and you can't see shit.
    I swear he has invulnerability at the very end.

    After finally beating it I did the last chapter again on easy mode, and there's a HUGE difference. OMG.

    In normal mode I was burning through healing items as fast at the ATB could fill.
    But on easy, I think I used 1 potion the entire chapter. Ridiculous.

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