thoughts on FF7R-2?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It NEEDS to have a huge chunk of the game in it. Enough of this shit of one small local area filled with lots of story-padding to kill time.

    If it doesn't have a huge chunk of the game in it, then it'll force it to take forever to get through the whole story of the original.

    And no more dance bullshit. That was cringe of the highest order.

    • 2 years ago

      They don't really have to worry about how the original game is structured at all since it's going in a different direction. Probably won't have open world areas and will be more similar to FF10 to allow you to actually visit the whole world. Maybe a Lost Odyssey style overworld when you get the Tiny Bronco or Highwind.

  2. 2 years ago

    Not a RPG. It's an action-adventure, nostalgia bait. Barry is right.

    • 2 years ago

      playing a role in a game

      • 2 years ago

        Assuming a role is not equal to playing the role. A RPG is any game whose entire design revolves around satisfying the player's fantasy and letting their choices or actions affect the world or setting presented by the game. All these so called "RPGs" of today are so disjointed because, more often than not, they copy systems that don't fit within the context of the game because it's what's "familiar" like tropes and they don't bother changing it because devs are creatively bankrupt and risk-averse.

        FF7 is literally an action-adventure game, you just follow along a linear story, the player has no agency whatsoever, Cloud is just a distant mute protagonist - the player cannot express themself through Cloud, there is no reactivity, and the world only "moves" during the cutscenes - it does not persist without the player, and so much more. Is FF7/R a good game? That's subjective, personally, it's garbage and paved the way for the template of movie games in consoles it forever infantilized what was once a promising "genre". Romancing Saga should've been the trailblazer of the JRPGs (yes, not "JRPGs"). FF7 ruined all that because it sold well and corpo drones follow the money, not quality. Now they're milking you dry because you're all dumb moronic cattles and the Japanese gaming industry is in a slow quicksand to gacha mobile hell because you keep lapping shit up and never say a word when they cut corne-no, entire blocks every release.
        No shitpost, pure empirical truth. I say this with a solemn heart. STOP LAPPING UP SHIT. I believe more in Japanese games more than you because I've seen it rise quickly as it's going downhill right now. You're a consumer, I am an aesthete - we are not the same.

        • 2 years ago

          >schizzy schizzy schizo
          We're not playing this game.

          • 2 years ago

            I accept your concession. You will now always think of me whenever you look up Tifa SFM porn. Keep that in mind.

            • 2 years ago

              Accept your medication instead. Last response from me, schizo. No need to shit up the thread any more.

              • 2 years ago

                Let it sink in for a bit. You know deep down that I am right.

    • 2 years ago

      >look mom i posted it again

    • 2 years ago

      ffxv will always be shit

  3. 2 years ago

    Can't wait for the mandatory second run through the Cave of Gi to pad out the endgame

  4. 2 years ago

    Hope it has a jump button. Or at least better ways to deal with flyers. Hope it doesn't stick too close to the original.

    • 2 years ago

      Highly doubt they'll add manual jumping, but they'll probably make aerial combat less annoying.

  5. 2 years ago

    Whatever it ends up being, I will like it, and I won't be okay with anyone else disliking it.

  6. 2 years ago

    Uh, Cloud model still has those garbage looking creases on his pants and you will probably not be able get a different outfit without mods.

    • 2 years ago

      Must've been physically painful for the israelites at SE to not make a bunch of costume DLC for 7R.

  7. 2 years ago

    I just want another opportunity to train with Ronnie and Jay

    • 2 years ago

      Please no. I played 7R on PS4. The loading times between retries were soul crushing. The next QTE minigame will be saving Priscilla and doing the dolphin jump.

  8. 2 years ago

    The idea that now Cloud not only still has to deal with his past as in FFVII, but now also with his potential "future", could be very interesting if Cloud gets to a point where he fails to differentiate between them.
    Something along those lines has already shown itself since unlike OG FFVII Cloud now seems unable to remember Tifa being in Niebelheim, which means it's no longer just Tifa suspecting there's something wrong with Cloud, but also Cloud suspect there's something wrong with Tifa depending on how she'll argue back exactly. They might even (mistakenly? or maybe...) believe that Cloud and Tifa have memories of different timelines at some point.

    Then there's Sephiroth. I think there's been at least 3 versions of him.
    Evilroth, he's the dude we see for 95% of the game who is just the OG Sephiroth with possibly a few "extra memories" but clearly doesn't know everything. Last we see of him in Remake is when the numbered cloaked dude jumps off the Shinra building.
    Jannyroth, the one you fight in the Janny-dimension. He's just a fake made by the Jannies since he just blabbers random lines from the compilation or things "one would expect him to say" without much substance. Cloud & Co. managed to kill him and he's now dead dead and will not appear again after this point.
    Tranquilroth, the quite nice Sephiroth who refers to himself as "ore" instead of "watashi" just like before he went crazy. He seems to know a shit ton lot, but one can only speculate who he is. Maybe he's the ultimate bad end Sephiroth who succeeded and became God as he wanted only to run into an unexpected roadblock that has something to do with destiny that he cannot resolve by himself no matter what (which is why he asks Cloud to help him defy destiny). Or perhaps he's from a timeline where he's good and Cloud is evil instead. There's just too many possibilities, but he's intriguing for sure.

    • 2 years ago

      Estuans interius
      Ira vehementi
      Estuans interius
      Ira vehementi

  9. 2 years ago

    Looks pretty cool, i want to see how they tackle the world and the addings to the combat system. Cant wait to see how red plays. Also i hope they do the same as FFXVI, big areas but not open world trash.

    • 2 years ago

      The one I want to see changed the most is Vincent. He's the second worst character to play in the original, behind cat Shit. Both of them are only good when for a while after you get them, then their usefulness drops significantly.

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