FFVII Remake Thread

How are you PCbros enjoying the game? Game running fine? Any news on the mod scene?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Who has better feets: voice actor Aeris or game Aeris?

    • 2 years ago

      blame microcuck and their bullshit direct x 12 implementation

      Post her panties

      • 2 years ago

        not actualy panties or bloomers. but a black void

        • 2 years ago

          Why is it in the shape of panties then? They're clearly black panties.

        • 2 years ago

          A lot of devs use invisible butts/panties to prevent seeing clipping through clothes. People made such a big deal about Aeriths flat ass when it's actually invisible. Look at the shape of her skirt and you'll see it's small and perky.

  2. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      No I agree a normal remake would have been better. (story wise, I like the gameplay changes).

      However there is something cool about compilation characters and future Sephiroth going back the original events of FFVII for one more showdown in a new timeline. I view it as a finale to the compilation and to end FFVII once and for all.

      • 2 years ago

        >Censored Tifa
        Those breasts are WAY too small.

      • 2 years ago

        >That video where she get's throatfricked beyond believed.

        We are living in good times.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


          you already have it. this isn't /h/ go there before you get the thread purged you absolute homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        I hate how the remake nerfed tifa

        • 2 years ago

          buffed you mean

          • 2 years ago

            Her breasts are bigger in the cutscenes. Is there a mod that makes her breasts back into cow breasts using her classic outfit mod?

      • 2 years ago

        >I view it as a finale to the compilation and to end FFVII once and for all.
        I would've preferred the actual finale post-Dirge, since they set up really big things for it in every Compilation entry and since it doesn't exist the Compilation feels like a lot of castrated setup without the main event.

      • 2 years ago

        >I like the gameplay changes


        • 2 years ago

          Ff7:r has unironically the best ff gameplay. It‘s turnbased with action. Fighting with yuffie or tifa is fun as frick.

          • 2 years ago

            you know it doesnt.

            >I like the gameplay changes


            also same gay.

          • 2 years ago

            How is mashing a button and casting magic fun as frick? it's the opposite of good gameplay.

            • 2 years ago

              put me to sleep to be frank.

    • 2 years ago

      nah, it's pretty legit.

    • 2 years ago

      that's good

    • 2 years ago

      literally no one is doing this.

      • 2 years ago

        it's literally copypasted from some snoyboys twitter lol
        so yes people are doing this

        • 2 years ago

          lmao no they are not. if they are its a shilling account. No one cared about crisis core as a game then and not really now, its grasping at straws. sure the story was nice but the game didn't need to be remade

          Hows the Yuffie DLC?

          shut the frick up OP, you already have the Yuffie DLC, you already posted about it prior.

          • 2 years ago

            >shut the frick up OP, you already have the Yuffie DLC, you already posted about it prior.
            Yes but Im replaying the game and havent played the DLC yet

            • 2 years ago

              sure you havent OP, sure you havent.
              > several posts already

    • 2 years ago

      crisis core is a good game and has a good story unlike ff7 ps1

      • 2 years ago

        no one played crisis core as the PSP sold like rocks during that time. Consoles were still winning that war and Nintendo was shitting all over the PSP. It was more powerful but too expensive.

        • 2 years ago

          i played it on the ppsspp back when FFVII was a huge thing, advent children and what not.

          I remember that it sucked balls/

          • 2 years ago

            finding someone that had a psp and games with it were few far and in between. sony was pressing it hard though. no one i knew had one, they all had the nintendo shit playing their games.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's another "Wendell wishes he could be Gackt" episode

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you present casual thought as something to be respected and then you go onto spiting casual thought later anyway?

      This board's entire culture is fricking moronic and self-defeating.

      • 2 years ago

        May is suck your FF dick sir? I mean if it was awkward praise for a game that no one played... would you be happy? maybe it sell? You want a echo chamber.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          they wish for a echo chamber.
          game is good
          I like game too
          Game is good

          • 2 years ago

            that's not true, anon. they also want to discuss
            >do you think there will be 3 sephiroths in the next game
            >no I think there will be 5 but I respect your opinion because you didn't say anything bad about the game
            >I am glad you also like the game I think there will be 8 sephiroths in the next game and zack will beat them all he is so cool
            >8 sephiroths sounds like a great idea I like the game too

            • 2 years ago

              but is seph gender bent into Girlyroth? Asking the real questions here.

  3. 2 years ago

    Shit game

    • 2 years ago

      >enjoying the game
      Finished once, don't really care about doing hard mode. Major disappointment.
      >Game running fine
      Yes it was smooth since I don't play on ancient as frick hardware.
      >Any news on the mod scene
      Who the frick cares about lewd Tifa/Aeris outfit #33642

      found the homo

  4. 2 years ago

    >enjoying the game
    Finished once, don't really care about doing hard mode. Major disappointment.
    >Game running fine
    Yes it was smooth since I don't play on ancient as frick hardware.
    >Any news on the mod scene
    Who the frick cares about lewd Tifa/Aeris outfit #33642

  5. 2 years ago

    Game runs fine even on linux. Graphics are nice I guess. But there is no art direction. The npcs were outsourced 100% to some shithole country lol

    I'm a retrogay so I havent played a mondern game in a long time.
    What bothers me the most isnt even the story changes. Im at chapter 5 now and its so obvious the game is targeted at women. Arent the majority women in their 30s playing this game in japan? I remember seeing a poll.
    How can a guy play this game and identify with cloud lol In fact all the guys even barret are either weak or silly and being straightened out by the capable women. Its unbeliveable. Didnt even get to the crossdressing part.
    In the original it was funny because of how ridiculous gay and crossdressing is. Only boomers will understand.
    I'm sure the modernized it.

    And I cant belive people here wrote how "well written" the new jessie is. Just a horribly obnoxious character.
    The only thing that keeps me going is the coomer inside me. The 4k nude models look nice.
    Even tifa is horrible.

    The funniest part is the falshback scene were tifa says cloud should promise to protect her when she needs help. You just know the only reason a line like that is even in the game is because thats from the original lol

    • 2 years ago

      How is this game targeted at women? It's literally the same game lmao. Tifa and aerith were in the original. Most women probably can't even play this game because the combat system is just mash a bunch of buttons, and only men play shit like that.

      • 2 years ago

        2 words, Easy Classic.
        you don't need to touch the game since the game will do everything for you beside picking some abilities or magic.

    • 2 years ago

      The biggest FF7 fans I know are women in their 30-40s who LOVE Tifa and Cloud

  6. 2 years ago

    Mod scene for model stuff is massive.

    Game is a good looking corridor fest with nice combat but lacks SOUL. If you want a jrpg with soul go play DQ11

    • 2 years ago

      There's some soul. The combat is really fun. Just skip all the fricking cutscenes and get good at taking down monsters shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I havent modded before. Where do I go to find them? I checked NexusMods but there is only complete save data mods so far

      • 2 years ago

        >I checked NexusMods but there is only complete save data mods so far
        You need an account to see 18+ mods I think. They definitely have a lot of nude stuff and the like.

        Mod scene for model stuff is massive.

        Game is a good looking corridor fest with nice combat but lacks SOUL. If you want a jrpg with soul go play DQ11

        >lacks SOUL
        Did you miss all the awkward dialogue and cutscenes? FF7R is the most "wacky Japanese" game I've played in a while. It's so fricking moronic it's beautiful. Nostalgic.

        • 2 years ago

          I may want nude mods, but I mainly want outfits. Would be cool if I could have access to all Aerith / Tifa's dresses, can have them wear it through the entire game, and can switch between them on the fly with a menu.

          • 2 years ago

            this outfit works better with the whole "its actually a sequel" thing 80NV4

          • 2 years ago

            Agreed. And panties mod. There is one I saw for the panties but I'm not sure how good it is. They're white I think but it'd be nice to have black and pink too, switchable. Also no panites, and butt plug.

          • 2 years ago

            > i may want nude mods
            stop bullshitting, you know where they are.

  7. 2 years ago

    Absolutely loving it. Favourite game I've played in years. It's a beautiful reimagining of the original. I would still love a 1:1 remake but this is wonderful in its own right.

    • 2 years ago

      100% agree. There is still plenty to enjoy here. I dont mind the filler either, its fun having a full Midgar game.

      • 2 years ago

        My first fap. Is there a full video?

        • 2 years ago

          its not your first fap, please die.
          why do you ask for links to what you've already posted???

  8. 2 years ago

    Game runs pretty well outside of direct x stuttering. Blame microcuck for that.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm enjoying it more than i did on PS4, playing it knowing it's not an actual remake. I still have huge issues with the game, but it's pretty fun. The stuttering is fricking annoying.

      blame microcuck and their bullshit direct x 12 implementation

      Add -d3d11 to the game's command line

  9. 2 years ago

    It's shit.
    >no mods for Yuffie despite her being the main character of the dlc
    >meanwhile every side character gets some

    >Didnt even get to the crossdressing part.
    >In the original it was funny because of how ridiculous gay and crossdressing is. Only boomers will understand.
    >I'm sure the modernized it.
    Yes they modernized.
    Instead of the original, where you come at the guys at Corleone's mansion who tell you they only let women inside and Aeris gets the idea to dress Cloud as woman, you go on a lengthy "talk to NPC on opposite side of town" quest which ends with a dancing minigame with the head homosexual, who owns the Honeybee Inn, who then gives you a makeover, with obligatory note about gender having no bounds or some shit.

    Everything that takes a minute in the original is stretched out to take half an hour in the remake.

    • 2 years ago

      >Instead of the original, where you come at the guys at Corleone's mansion who tell you they only let women inside and Aeris gets the idea to dress Cloud as woman, you go on a lengthy "talk to NPC on opposite side of town" quest which ends with a dancing minigame with the head homosexual, who owns the Honeybee Inn, who then gives you a makeover, with obligatory note about gender having no bounds or some shit.
      And the whole time cloud is like "shut the frick up, don't look at me". wow, so effeminate.

    • 2 years ago

      > gender having no bounds or some shit.
      If you listen to what he says. He only means that for beautiful people. He does not mean the man jawed Californian abominations known as troony's in real life.
      He only cares about good looking people.

  10. 2 years ago

    Only complaint is they dragged it out way too much. It should have went further into the story, and they should have just made it one or two games, or some shit. I don't like hanging around in the slums for that long.

    • 2 years ago

      remember when they said we'd be exploring midgar? what they failed to mention is we'd explore the same places we've explored in original but longer and shitter without exploring the the higher plate of midgar to see how are they reacting to terrorist attacks we've caused. oh, speaking of people reacting, we've spent the game on lower level but we barely talked to anyone outside of 5 NPC who give us side quests that amount to "please go kill number of monster" or "please collect those items" without any variation.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Texture: Low
    >Shadows: Low
    >Cant hold 60FPS that well

    1050tibros....Its rough out here....

    • 2 years ago

      my gtx 970 (oc'd) can somehow handle texture on high and shadows on low at a constant 60fps. my cpu is a non-oc'd 4690k

    • 2 years ago

      Disable Fynamic Resolution scale, film grain, and motion blur. You can also turn of the AA in settings but it makes the hair really jaggy but you will get much better performance.

      • 2 years ago

        I dont see those options

        • 2 years ago

          ini files probaly

        • 2 years ago

          You'll need to download FFVIIRHook and follow the instructions. Prepare to learn a lot. It isn't beginner friendly. There are also guides on how to use it on Youtube if you're a super smoothbrain. I messed with it for hours until I got it running perfect and looking good. You should also force vsync in Nvidia control panel.

          • 2 years ago

            Geez no thanks. Ill just stick to subpar textures. The game seems to be holding 60 better now so its not so bad

            • 2 years ago

              Why don't you just get a console then lol
              >PC player
              >too lazy to change settings in .ini

  12. 2 years ago


    >Instead of the original, where you come at the guys at Corleone's mansion who tell you they only let women inside and Aeris gets the idea to dress Cloud as woman, you go on a lengthy "talk to NPC on opposite side of town" quest which ends with a dancing minigame with the head homosexual, who owns the Honeybee Inn, who then gives you a makeover, with obligatory note about gender having no bounds or some shit.
    And the whole time cloud is like "shut the frick up, don't look at me". wow, so effeminate.

    Yeah, after he did a whole gay ass dancing number with the gay.
    The original was much better and actually made sense.

    100% agree. There is still plenty to enjoy here. I dont mind the filler either, its fun having a full Midgar game.

    >full Midgar
    >bunch of corridors made of rubble
    Holy shit lmao
    To be honest, I didn't think it would be bad when they announced it.
    Especially after seeing the intro cutscene, I thought there would be so much to see especially on the upper plate, like different shops, traffic...
    But nope, only thing that comes close to it is the Jessie mission, and you're limited to her parent's house pretty much.

    • 2 years ago

      >Yeah, after he did a whole gay ass dancing number with the gay.
      >The original was much better and actually made sense.
      You can probably skip all that shit, idk.

      • 2 years ago

        You need to complete it in order to get the dress and get access to to the mansion.
        Sure you can skip cutscenes but the "story" stays.
        Again, original made much more sense.

        • 2 years ago

          or just do the bare minimum. you can get to the mansion but don won't pick cloud which exactly what happened to me.

  13. 2 years ago

    stop calling it a remake, its a sequel that only used 1/5th of the original game map

    • 2 years ago

      Its about Sephiroth remaking the timeline, it was never a "remake". Your fault for assuming it was

    • 2 years ago

      A sequel is something that takes place after the events of the original. This is clearly not.

      Learn English.

      • 2 years ago

        you are clearly stupid, its a sequel because of the ghosts and sephiroth already knowing what happens

        • 2 years ago

          Correction, it's sequel because the morons responsible for it can't not include their moronic OCs and other homosexualry.

        • 2 years ago

          That is not what sequel means. Look it up. Reimagining is the word you're looking for. The main events that take place are the same as the original.

          • 2 years ago

            its a sequel disguised as a reimagining and sold as a remake with hopes of being a reboot

            • 2 years ago

              Whatever. Either way, it's brilliant.

  14. 2 years ago

    Stop posting Aerith with her hair down, it hurts

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, ur a homosexual.

  15. 2 years ago

    I want aerith to put her feet in my face.

  16. 2 years ago

    I'm enjoying it more than i did on PS4, playing it knowing it's not an actual remake. I still have huge issues with the game, but it's pretty fun. The stuttering is fricking annoying.

    • 2 years ago

      blame microcuck and their bullshit direct x 12 implementation

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    I'm not touching that botched abortion until somebody releases a modded version of the game that cuts out everything that wasn't in the original. The weapon crystariums, the filler sidequests, the padding, the time jannies, all of it.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >there is no valid criticism of FFVII

        It's a cinematic experience, just like the original. Hence, both games are subpar and unpleasant to play through, since they're more reminiscient of modern day snoy movies like Uncharted and TLOU.

        • 2 years ago

          it has better gameplay compared to FFxv shitty gameplay

      • 2 years ago

        Is this supposed to make FF7R defenders look bad? Because all of those points are actually true. The combat is giving Xenoblade a run for its money and it's so much better than the turn based shit. I'm fine with the trilogy telling a new story because the original game is still easy to access and play.

        • 2 years ago

          >all of those points are actually true
          That's why it makes doomposters and bitter purists seethe.

          • 2 years ago

            im still waiting to continue my trip conversation. Dont b***h out now please.

          • 2 years ago

            >they're dead not and won't return
            Just like Zack, amirite?
            Based moron, didn't read anything else in the pic because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about.

      • 2 years ago


        Ah its you from yesterday, awesome.

        > So about my visit to the store
        can you tell me what other dates Remake's tifa is plastered everywhere? For a non event? Or in a rotating doll case?

        Now please:
        Dont post the same twitter picture twice with the same figure
        And dont use events.
        Because shes nowhere to be seen really. Now you say you have facts, but all i got was someone elses twitter account and their trip.

        > so the dates
        not February
        and not events
        but months prior

        Please and thank you.

      • 2 years ago

        Man the fricking hoops you remake defenders have to jump through lol. Game was shit just because it was shit. Played like a crappie kingdom hearts

  19. 2 years ago

    Can I use mods with the Steam Deck?
    I'm a consolegay so idk how it works.

  20. 2 years ago

    As much as I loved FFVII originally, this game is kind of fricking boring. Lot of mashing X and not much else. Also, everyone creaming over Cloud from the beginning seems like they hired a teenage fangirl to write the story for them

  21. 2 years ago

    I had zero interest in Aerith until Stevencarson did his thing. Now she makes me want to squat on sight

  22. 2 years ago

    Why won't they remake the best FF with the best girl?

    • 2 years ago

      I want Quistis to transcend the Vidya realm and become my gf in this world.

      • 2 years ago

        ok spoonyone

    • 2 years ago

      If they did a fricked up Sequelmake with FFVIII, i would go ape shit. I can forgive them with VII, because the original is lower down in my rankings, but with VIII, there would be boxes of shit being sent to Square.

  23. 2 years ago

    frick this game.
    >super armor to all enemies
    >no combo variation
    >dodging is worthless because enemies have homing attacks
    >story is shit because its too long with no progression
    >couldn't waiting 5 minutes without jerking off to one of sephiroth's gayass poses
    >retconning zack into surviving which defeats the point of cloud thinking he's super soldier
    >since they retcon it, expect aeris to survive the stabbing because "time to defy fate" or some gay shit like that
    >speaking of defying fate, why can't i do anything to to explore beside following FF13 corridors? if i can't do anything to change the plot, then why the game insist that i have the power to defy it? so the plot wants to have its cake and eat it too?
    frick that shit, i'm replaying the original and pretending this shit doesn't exist.

  24. 2 years ago

    Mainly got the PC port for the Yuffie DLC, finally going through Hard Mode now while watching kamen rider on my other monitor. It's a shame the combat filters a lot of people, figuring out all the little tricks to the combat and replaying it on Hard is probably the best part of the game. Like learning how to use Tifa's Overpower to go straight into the later stages of her combo if she's at a higher chi level, or that Barret charges faster if you do it right after he finishes using a basic attack/ability. The combat and boss fights are probably what I'm most excited for when it comes to Rebirth, regardless of what they do with the story.

    Any interesting mods come out or is it all just colourswaps?

    • 2 years ago

      >It's a shame the combat filters a lot of people
      it did but for all the wrong reasons. the combat is shit with no variation. kingdom hearts and FF15 have better combat than 7R and those 2 are the worst action games i've played but they at least offer more than spamming X to super armor enemies that you play it on easy and it's not because the game is hard even on highest difficulty but because it takes too long that you'll get bored fighting it that you just want to finish it quickly just to get it over with.

      • 2 years ago

        Keep spamming square like a moron then, lol

        • 2 years ago

          and i just beat the game just fine.

          • 2 years ago

            I can also just spam deflect in sekiro and win
            Doesnt mean i got the battle system

            • 2 years ago

              >but that other game does the same
              yes but unlike FF7R, it has more than just combat. sakiro has exploration and character customization. FF7R has nothing but walk forward, cutscene and fight in order the game present itself to you. the only thing you can do it pick materia which you can't use until bar is filled which thankfully doesn't take long to fill.

      • 2 years ago

        If you're trying to play VII Remake like Kingdom Hearts you're doing it wrong. It's not a straight action RPG, it's FFVII's ATB combat with positioning built around strategy and comboing abilities. Basic attacks are filler designed to fill ATB while doing a little damage, while stuff that needs an ATB charge are what you're really playing around. What's kind of flawed with VIIR is it takes a while to really open up your options with materia choices and weapon abilities, which is why Hard Mode is nice since you have everything from the get-go.

        >but that other game does the same
        yes but unlike FF7R, it has more than just combat. sakiro has exploration and character customization. FF7R has nothing but walk forward, cutscene and fight in order the game present itself to you. the only thing you can do it pick materia which you can't use until bar is filled which thankfully doesn't take long to fill.

        >the only thing you can do it pick materia which you can't use until bar is filled
        Filling the bar is the whole point, it's like getting your turn in original FFVII. You have played FFVII, right?

        • 2 years ago

          >it's suppose to have shit combat
          then why not just make it like original game? how about actually commit to the action party of arpg like nier automata or even kingdom hearts?

          • 2 years ago

            >Shit combat
            It's good combat though?

            • 2 years ago

              how? enemies have super armor which means you can't do combo or launch enemies to sky or anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Why are you trying to do that
                Did you come from tales of arise?

              • 2 years ago

                yes, i played arise then FF7R. who told them super armor enemies that tanks everything is good idea?

              • 2 years ago

                Dunno about you, when i use my atb the enemies melt
                Maybe you just suck at the game, they are not remotely similar

              • 2 years ago

                beaten the game with no death on normal outside of bahamut's megaflare. the game is piss easy on all fronts.

              • 2 years ago

                Well normal is to understand the game and get used to it
                It is on hard mode when the real challenge begins and when you have to learn or you simply die

              • 2 years ago

                frick this. why would i replay the game but on hard which is same shit but tankier enemies? if the gameplay has good gameplay, then i might try it on hard.

              • 2 years ago

                I died to a helitrooper on normal on my fourth playthrough. Felt bad man.

              • 2 years ago

                It depends on the enemy, but you can literally do this. You just need to hit them with a decent weapon ability. Barret's maximum fury can launch/air juggle on the lighter enemies. Tifa's got her uppercut and you can even use it at higher chi levels by holding square. Cloud's especially good for interrupting enemy animations via stuff like Braver and Disorder. Even though it's possible the game isn't built around comboing enemies like KH or DMC or something like that. It's designed more like an RPG in that you're meant to make the most of your weapon abilities/spells when it comes to dealing damage. It's also not like an action game like KH or DMC in that when it comes to those games, taking damage meant you fricked up, In VII Remake you can mitigate damage via dodging and blocking, but you're still gonna take damage, so fricking up means you die, while succeeding means you still have to have a plan to heal up. You've got to come at it with much more of an RPG mindset than an action game mindset. That's why the slowdown when you open the ATB menu exists, to give you a chance to look around the battlefield and figure out what the best play is.

              • 2 years ago

                cool cool but all those deals 3 to 50 damage which means nothing since enemies are on super armor. so only correct answer is use magic but you can't use magic because you have shit MP capacity and you have to use a bar to do magic.

              • 2 years ago

                You're baiting at this point, man.

              • 2 years ago

                and you like shit combat

  25. 2 years ago

    Shes so pretty bros...

    • 2 years ago

      Advent Children Tifa is much prettier

  26. 2 years ago

    Spent almost a full day fricking with FFVIIRHook to get my game looking and running perfect. Also downloaded the HD texture pack. It's subtle but you notice the improved textures. I can't believe there isn't a fan patch to make it simple for everyone to get the game running well and looking good. SE really needs to do something if this really is their new flagship series and the definitive edition unless they're going to pull a Dragon Quest and re-release a better version later. But it's a great game and I'm really enjoying it. I played it when it came out on PS4 by borrowing my Neice's PS4. Looking forward to the DLC.

  27. 2 years ago

    I'm not paying $60 (on sale down from 90 cad) for this

  28. 2 years ago

    Tifa wasn't playable enough
    i don't want to be forced to run around with aerith or barret for half the game.

    • 2 years ago

      It becoming a brawler when playing as her is absolutely the best part of the gameplay, so i agree. I don't mind Cloud and Aerith, but Barrett's gameplay is so boring.

      • 2 years ago

        Melee barret is actually pretty good in vr challenges

  29. 2 years ago

    PC port is shit.
    Microstutters all the time, but you can get used to them.
    There's also a weird bug where I walk along at 1800p 60 FPS 40% GPU usage and then suddenly it shoots to 100% GPU usage where even setting it to 720p does nothing. Restarting fixes it, but also dropping shadows to low stops it too, so I just kept shadows on low, can barely notice.
    Barely any PC options. Controller support is wonky too, have to install a mod to actually get PS buttons on a DualShock 4 since it doesn't support bluetooth without Steam Controller input. Rumble only works at random points.
    Mods suck, nothing but simple model replacing coomer shit.
    Climbing to Shinra HQ skybox for me was like a 100x100 pixel skybox, way worse than what consolegays were complaining about on PS4, it was downright bugged on my playthrough, maybe it would have been fine with a restart.

    But I'll be honest, I still really enjoyed the game anyway. I haven't played a new FF in almost 20 years but I might play more now.

  30. 2 years ago

    I liked it tbh but I wasn't into final fantasy when I had ps1 so I have no frame of reference. The stuttering was annoying and it was a no-effort-at-all port

  31. 2 years ago

    Has modding gone too far?

    • 2 years ago

      It hasn't gone too far enough.

      • 2 years ago

        Has it not?

        • 2 years ago

          We have to go deeper.

  32. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      She needs to be flat

  33. 2 years ago

    I recommend the PS4 textures mod.

  34. 2 years ago

    >you did order it, didn't you anon?

    • 2 years ago

      Maxximillian dude was sent 100 of these to promote himself.

      • 2 years ago

        Ah its you from yesterday, awesome.

        > So about my visit to the store
        can you tell me what other dates Remake's tifa is plastered everywhere? For a non event? Or in a rotating doll case?

        Now please:
        Dont post the same twitter picture twice with the same figure
        And dont use events.
        Because shes nowhere to be seen really. Now you say you have facts, but all i got was someone elses twitter account and their trip.

        > so the dates
        not February
        and not events
        but months prior

        Please and thank you.

        What is this schizo shit

        • 2 years ago

          SE games cause autists to go into a frenzy. Don't ever try to argue with them.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah without a doubt its you. Yesterday my Nipon adventures. I said remake tifa wasnt being showcased and you went to get someone elses twitter with the whole "you lost" thing you did. Lets discuss it again with further dates.

          SE games cause autists to go into a frenzy. Don't ever try to argue with them.

          and im pretty sure you were there also.

          lets begin

        • 2 years ago

          shitizo trigger warning.
          Attacks incoming...

          it has better gameplay compared to FFxv shitty gameplay

          its the same exact gameplay

          • 2 years ago

            >its the same exact gameplay
            m8 don't expose yourself like this

            • 2 years ago

              for the battle it totally is, its the same exact foundation. its worse in 15, you can press and hold a button to clear battles like its a AUTO RESOLVE feature. Genius. Perhaps try paying the game.

              • 2 years ago

                >its the same exact foundation.
                m8 Now I know you didn't play 7r.

              • 2 years ago

                >m8 Now I know you didn't play 7r.
                i know you didnt play it but are only defending it. KH > XV > 7R all have variations of the same battle type. You'll sit here and bleed out of your c**t saying it was the best thing since the israelites coming out of Egypt.

              • 2 years ago

                >KH > XV > 7R all have variations of the same battle type
                anon, I implore you to stop posting right now. Because this is becoming embarrassing.
                Especially because nomura specifically went out of his way to make sure KH and 7r didn't play like each other.

              • 2 years ago

                >Especially because nomura specifically went out of his way to make sure KH and 7r didn't play like each other.
                hes a liar and so are you. Of course hes going to say that when he's a one note signer. he cant do anything else except hum the same song.

              • 2 years ago

                >hes a liar and so are you.
                Well I bet you're going to be really angry when it was kitase that said it.

              • 2 years ago

                Square's PR has improved greatly over the years, but they still fail at spinning bullshit. Like they say the new cellphone game is a great addition for FF7 fans.
                imagine my fricking shock.

              • 2 years ago

                >they're lying about the combat because...well they just have to be!

              • 2 years ago

                yeah you always say that when you know the answer is obvious. He said it butt... he could say toilet water taste great that he developed. Would you bother to drink?

              • 2 years ago

                Acutally they all play the same, this was one of the biggest voiced concerns when ff7s battle trailer first got revealed when it was using the old user interface that it had for the battle screen. Several of there yt promoters pointed this out as well but claimed it was a... "good thing".

              • 2 years ago

                >Acutally they all play the same
                anon pls, don't make claims about games you don't play.
                >when it was using the old user interface
                the one based on final fantasy UIs, yes.

              • 2 years ago

                >the one based on final fantasy UIs, yes.
                this shows that you dont understand what i'm talking about or what you're talking about. The first ff7 remake reveal, not the demo from ps3 days. It used an exact clone of the KH UI. everyone was talking about that, dont play fricking dumb
                > anon pls, don't make claims about games you don't play.
                you can eat shit lol you brought the same game with different character 3 times before the remake saga was even completed. they are the are more or less the same.

              • 2 years ago

                >The first ff7 remake reveal,
                Yes, that's the one I'm referring to.
                >It used an exact clone of the KH UI
                The one based on final fantasy UIs, yes.
                >you brought the same game with different character 3 times
                Rethink what you're trying to say with this statement and try again.

              • 2 years ago

                >The one based on final fantasy UIs, yes.
                what final fantasy games used that UI for a 3d field? Name them, ill wait. Because it wasnt XIIIs. It was KH.
                >Rethink what you're trying to say
                "speak english" ah yes. running out of steam already?

              • 2 years ago

                >"speak english" ah yes.
                If you didn't have a point to make, don't post to begin with.
                >what final fantasy games used that UI
                you could always play FF games, for a start.

              • 2 years ago

                > you could always play FF games, for a start.
                LMAO hahahah. Anon that is a 3d field KH clone UI. it proves the point that its cloned combat. Give me a fricking break.

              • 2 years ago

                >Anon that is a 3d field KH clone UI
                >the UI based on ff7's original UI was actually based on kh.
                I worry about your sanity.

              • 2 years ago

                Never said that so stop with the swicharoo. 7 remake uses KH battle system because its the only thing nomura knows how to do. He's a terrible director and designer. Give him a pad to draw and send him to a small janitors closet.

              • 2 years ago

                >7 remake uses KH battle system
                it doesn't. Your argument stems from UI, which was a placeholder to begin with. and then didn't know that both kh and 7remake's UI came from the original FF games.
                >because its the only thing nomura knows how to do
                I can tell you never played many of the kh games either. Because the direct sequel to kh1 was a card combat system that was drastically different from its predecessor.
                >He's a terrible director and designer
                So you have no real argument, can only call him bad because of personal issues (since you don't play his games) and lash out any one who can prove your stupid posts wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                >it doesn't. Your argument stems from UI, which was a placeholder to begin with. and then didn't know that both kh and 7remake's UI came from the original FF games.
                no it doesnt, my argument stems from the fact that its a carbon copy with a few changes. the ff7 system IS the KH/XV system. the UI from the demo was an example. Swicharoooooo isnt working for ya

                >I can tell you never played many of the kh games either. Because the direct sequel to kh1 was a card combat system that was drastically different from its predecessor.
                never said KH1. SWcharoooooo isnt working for ya

                >So you have no real argument, can only call him bad because of personal issue

                As you said

                youre silly, if you cant see that you've been sold the same goddamn thing then you'd buy anything at this point. and i mean anything like ooooh hey look - Crisis! Wow that was a "good game" *cough* "lets buy IT!"

              • 2 years ago

                >my argument stems from the fact that its a carbon copy with a few changes
                then its even funnier, since you can't even say anything in detail beyond that they're the same.
                >never said KH1
                >all kh games are the same
                >what you can't just list off the fact that the first two games he made aren't the same, frick you [irrelevant catchphrase]
                >you cant see that you've been sold the same goddamn thing then you'd buy anything at this point
                Well they're not because I've played all 3 but the real kicker is
                >the ff7 system IS the KH/XV system.
                XV's combat wasn't made by nomura. That was tabata and his team.

              • 2 years ago

                translation: I'm here to defend reused assets. now STFU and purchase this product.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm here to defend reused assets.
                >how DARE they use a similar UI from the original game in a REMAKE
                >fricking SHILL
                Getting mad about a UI that the final game didn't even end up using is extra weird though.

              • 2 years ago

                theres nothing to get mad about. Its the same battle system. You are still on the UI, and i said that about the demo leading into that its based off the same tired and tested formula from KH3 and KH in general. Stop pretending to be stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                >You are still on the UI,
                Because its the only thing you've bothered to list. And I explained why that isn't true. You keep saying its the same without going into detail.
                >tired and tested formula from KH3 and KH in general.
                Well lets give one example. 7remake does not have any air combat, instead making the player switch to different characters who have long range attacks to do the job. kh meanwhile gives the playable character a ton of combat options, while the supporting characters AI can only be altered in the main menu, outside of combat.

                Learn not to swicharoooo and always downplaying a sound argument. thats what shills do you cluck.

                >downplaying a sound argument.
                You would have to make one to start off with.

              • 2 years ago

                >Because its the only thing you've bothered to list. And I explained why that isn't true.
                yeah.. because i was talking about the demo... which used the KH UI... which you attempted to say ALLL FFS USE.. which is a total copout and bullshit, because its KH with different models on Unreal. lol duh
                > well lets give one exap..
                yeah i already said, it uses the same battle system, i didnt say 1:1 carbon copy. But its the same without a doubt for its F O U N D A T I O N

                >You would have to make one to start off with.
                ive seen this in action on several ff and other square threads. thats the condescending shit you do to shill and downplay for the swicharooo in argument when you know you are attempting to hold up 4 fingers and tell someone "you see 3".

              • 2 years ago

                >which used the KH UI
                Its based on the og, since kh was based on FF UI's.
                >which is a total copout and bullshit, because its KH
                And the kh UI is based on the FF UI, which you refuse to actually acknowledge, as I keep saying this.
                >it uses the same battle system
                >but just because you can go into detail as to why it isn't doesn't' mean it ISNT the same.
                Ok lets talk about how 7remake stops combat while fiddling through the menu to select your non-attack button action, while everything in kh games is real time. Or we can go into smaller details, like how defending in 7remake only lessens the damage but doesn't negate it, while in kh it does.
                The one thing I can say for certain was directly inspired by kh was the shortcut menu. But taking a concept doesn't mean the entire combat systems are based on the same thing.
                >swicharooo in argument when you know you are attempting to hold up 4 fingers and tell someone "you see 3".
                Don't project please.

              • 2 years ago

                >Its based on the og, since kh was based on FF UI's.
                that's bullshit. and its not even worth saying and you are pulling out of your ass clearly. are you going to say its based on older ff games as well because there are chohobos later?
                > Ok lets talk about how 7remake stops combat
                lets not, im not talking about small details i said foundation and overall. its the same type of combat from previous games, Nomura is a hack with anything he's associated with.
                > Don't project please.
                thats what you do in ff threads. vaild criticism or concern? = word games, word play, swhicharooos and finger counting. You arent convincing me of shit, its the same thing years prior sold to you once more, this time with the ff7 cast. What a show stopper.

              • 2 years ago

                >that's bullshit. and its not even worth saying and you are pulling out of your ass clearly.
                Ok then, explain how its wrong. Because Attack, Magic, Item, Summons in a vertical row and health bar and mp on the right side is straight from FF. KH didn't invent this.
                >lets not, im not talking about small details i said foundation
                And to keep up this argument, you skipped over a bigger detail about fiddling through a menu stops combat. You're not really saying anything else, beyond its just the same. If your only argument is that "press button to attack" is what makes them the same, then there's a whole bunch of other games outside of FF and KH that are based on this foundation, according to you.
                >thats what you do in ff threads.
                No U isn't a solid argument.

              • 2 years ago

                >Ok then, explain how its wrong. Because Attack, Magic, Item, Summons in a vertical row and health bar and mp on the right side is straight from FF. KH didn't invent this.
                why are you still going on about the UI? I said the UI for the first reveal trailer came from KH, it doesnt matter what was On the menu, just that it came straight from KH's arena style
                >And to keep up this argument, you skipped over a bigger detail about fiddling through a menu stops combat.
                and again, swicharoo! im talking about KH not traditional ff menu based, you started that conversation. and still talking to alone about it.
                >No U isn't a solid argument.
                what? no this is what you do always.
                Listen so, FF7's combat system is based on, the foundation of, KHs especially KH3s.

              • 2 years ago

                >why are you still going on about the UI
                because you said it was bullshit that the UI came from og FFs and I responded. Don't get mad because I'm replying to you about a topic that you yourself are still talking about.
                >just that it came straight from KH's arena style
                And to keep up with the argument, you couldn't explain how "Attack, Magic, Item, Summons in a vertical row and health bar and mp on the right side" isn't from FF but KH.
                >im talking about KH not traditional ff menu based
                Ok then, you got mad literal one sentence up that I was talking about the UI and then immediately still want to talk about it.
                >what? no this is what you
                Like I said, No U isn't a solid argument.

                So lets recap, and this time, pay attention.
                You claim they're based on the same foundation. All you've said to prove this theory is that an old trailer shares the same UI as KH. However, you didn't know that this UI came from classic FF games, especially VII's. You got angry that I proved this wrong by showing the og's menu in a pic I posted, while simultaneously wanting to not keep talking about it while also it being the only thing you can actually talk about.
                I've listed off a bunch of differences with the combat and how they're not the same. You can only give the broad statement that they are the same. You can't go into detail and can only ignore arguments to keep yours going.
                Either start listing off how they are the same, this time with details, or stop posting.

              • 2 years ago

                > because you said it was bullshit that the UI came from og FF
                no i didn't i said that the UI came from KH... the DEMO user interface, you aren't listening on purpose to continue fighting.
                >And to keep up with the argument
                yes, the 3d arena style, not what is listend on the menu, it could say dog, dog, cat, and it wouldnt matter if it looks the same.

                >You claim they're based on the same foundation.
                because they are, the same combat style used the past 3 major releases of KH and the FF series.
                > All you've said to prove this theory is that an old trailer shares the same UI as KH.
                yes it does
                > However, you didn't know that this UI came from classic FF games,
                apples to oranges, 2d games didnt have 3d arenas, even though the menus said the same thing - again this is not a point im making but you keep pushing.

                >You can only give the broad statement that they are the same. You can't go into detail and can only ignore arguments to keep yours going.
                You know they are the same, and reviewers commented on this several years ago. you want details? watch a video. They are the same, moves the same looks the same. Nomura is shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >no i didn't i said that the UI came from KH... the DEMO user interface,
                And that's what I've been referring to you, you simpleton. I even brought up the fact it was from a trailer in that post
                >All you've said to prove this theory is that an old trailer shares the same UI as KH.
                You're so moronic that you can't even follow a basic conversation all the way through without sperging.
                >the 3d arena style
                So kh invented health bar and mp on the right while the actions are on the left. Oh wait

                >"speak english" ah yes.
                If you didn't have a point to make, don't post to begin with.
                >what final fantasy games used that UI
                you could always play FF games, for a start.

                , OG did that
                >2d games didnt have 3d arenas
                OG ff7 was 3d btw.
                >You know they are the same
                >They are the same, moves the same looks the same.
                And just like that, you've proven my point. You can't explain yourself and can only rely on a debunked talking point.

              • 2 years ago

                >OG did that
                >>2d games didnt have 3d arenas
                and this proves once and for all, you are just dragging a dead horse across the freeway.
                You know exactly what i mean you fricking goddamn failed abortion.
                KH3's battle system is the same being used in FF7 remake with extra dressing.
                you've run this argument into the ground.

                >And just like that, you've proven my point. You can't explain yourself and can only rely on a debunked talking point.
                what point? its the same. we know that, you know that, you cant disprove that.

                jimbo isn't the most self-aware person is he?

                You are finally recognizing it, jimbo. Maybe now you will let people say to others they are saying moronic shit and not just question praises and ignore most moronic complains and criticisms.

                You are finally recognizing it, jimbo. Maybe now you will let people say to others they are saying moronic shit and not just question praises and ignore most moronic complains and criticisms.

                lovely acting people, clap clap, keep it up.

              • 2 years ago

                >You know exactly what i mean you fricking goddamn failed abortion.
                >does not explain himself
                thanks for proving my point again.
                >KH3's battle system is the same being used in FF7 remake with extra dressing.
                >what point? its the same
                >they just are, ok?
                Its all you can say ha ha

              • 2 years ago

                > And just like that, you've proven my point. You can't explain yourself and can only rely on a debunked talking point.
                explained it over 10 posts, you dont listen.
                >Its all you can say ha ha
                is it the only thing you can't say?

                You think that this actually changed anyones mind? that they aren't playing a reskined KH3 fighting arena?

                you have the same bizzare manner of taking each conversation and you particually ingored anything you didnt have an answer to, no better than what you claim is "proving a point". You said a article said differently, but when asked about that you said dont project. Then you go off talking about older ffs, the titles, whats on the menu and other stuff
                > misdirection
                then to conclude with saying "you proved my point" "thats all you can say" yada yada.
                > no conclusion but "i waaan"
                You are a clown. Its the same system looks the same and plays almost exactly the same. Nomura is shit for this.

              • 2 years ago

                Learn not to swicharoooo and always downplaying a sound argument. thats what shills do you cluck.

              • 2 years ago

                > pic
                i havent seen this caption in ages lol. Guy was crying while his wife was 'at the pool' .. .by herself... on vacation... getting bent over by Chad or Tyrone bbc/bwc

              • 2 years ago

                By the Great Allah in a corner store. You always rebuttal using the same 1-2-3 method with a insult at the end. May he bless your soul.

              • 2 years ago

                show gameplay that you only need to hold a single button to play FF7 combay lmao

              • 2 years ago

                if you pick and choose from a reply you can be like a dog running around a tree all day. you understood exactly what i said anon.

          • 2 years ago

            lmao, It’s obvious you didn’t even play the game

            • 2 years ago

              yeah, millions of fans got to play KH3 twice. One with KH's story and the next with FF7 DLC.

              • 2 years ago

                > millions
                > he doesn't know....

  35. 2 years ago

    Played it on ps4, got it again on steam in order to check out the yuffie dlc that for some reason they couldn't bring to the ps4...

    Can anyone explain Nero to me? Or Weiss? I know they're from dirge of cerberus but that's where my knowledge ends. Found the climax of the yuffie dlc pretty weak because these random over the top anime guys came out of nowhere. What's with Nero and his darkness shit? Isn't one over the top antagonist (sephiroth) enough?

    • 2 years ago

      They are just highly unstable soldiers that scarlet uses in case of emergency

  36. 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago
  38. 2 years ago
  39. 2 years ago

    Hows the Yuffie DLC?

  40. 2 years ago

    Just finished the Yuffie DLC. She is both cute and funny, but spends half the game getting brutally mogged by mommy Scarlet.

    • 2 years ago


      >shut the frick up OP, you already have the Yuffie DLC, you already posted about it prior.
      Yes but Im replaying the game and havent played the DLC yet

      you did play it, and it was okay. Fun to see yuffie in a modern game. she hasnt had screen time since dirge being vincent's frick buddy. liar.

    • 2 years ago

      I forgot to mention she spends the first half of the game getting mogged by discount Tifa.

    • 2 years ago

      the women in this, I know everyone says they nerfed tifa, but frick yuffie and scarlet are hot, and the tifa we got has ab tummy. (also if you move camera right you can see yuffie wears a thong)

      • 2 years ago

        They did censor tifa, so they used characters that were either in the middle of the game, less screen time and far out in DLC teitory.
        > What is tifa known for?
        her legs, chest then hair and being anime
        > what did they change and cover?
        Her legs and chest - with letteral black cloth, the mark of censorship, like in other media the ie "Black person bar of shame"

        • 2 years ago

          >Her legs and chest - with letteral black cloth, the mark of censorship, like in other media the ie "Black person bar of shame"
          Yeah they arent going to change this back to any classical default. so its here to stay sadly.

    • 2 years ago

      No Scarlet figurine, Guess I gotta make it myself.

      remake scarlet is the perfect woman

  41. 2 years ago

    >How are you PCbros enjoying the game?
    I love it. Currently 80 hours in it and haven't even touched the Yuffie DLC yet. Done 2 playthroughs of basegame and finishing up 100% achievements right now (just need 2 more bridal outfits).
    Also played around with some mods on 2nd playthrough.

  42. 2 years ago

    Is this game cracked yet?

    • 2 years ago

      has been for almost 8 months.

      • 2 years ago

        Is this game cracked yet?

        Same fricking gay dude. OP why are you bumping your own thread about this nonsense? You were here day one when it was cracked. Remember?

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            > https://www.Ganker.org/pass

  43. 2 years ago

    No Scarlet figurine, Guess I gotta make it myself.

  44. 2 years ago

    Doesn't feel like a proper GAME to me. It's shit.

  45. 2 years ago

    >ryzen 7 2700x
    >gtx 1070 ftw2
    I have been running 1440 at a smooth-ish 60fps (some places drop a bit, the intergrade drop more, but I think it is more me downloading shit in background)
    I hadn't fully played the original and I am enjoying this. I like the combat system (better than xv at least) but that is because I am not a fan of turn based combat (though if more games were like yakuza 7, dragon quest 11, monster hunter stories 2) I could see getting more into it.
    The biggest flaw to me is the obvious feeling of padding. It blows my mind that probably this much story was just a small part of the original game and does make for a game in it self, but the way the had the slums missions was not the way. If they used shit to flesh out the world more like that Fort Condor minigame, then a bit better, but as is is a very light yakuza game.

    • 2 years ago

      Why don't you just get a console then lol
      >PC player
      >too lazy to change settings in .ini

      No Scarlet figurine, Guess I gotta make it myself.

      Id still like to talk about my Nipon trip. You know that you are wrong thats fine, but i just need to know what other pictures you can get. As Remake's tifa still isn't in that shop as you claimed. Most of the year it seems.

      • 2 years ago


  46. 2 years ago

    I like it a lot. But I died twice to the bike robot now and I'm getting pissed.

    • 2 years ago

      Break his wheels to stagger him and save spin for it

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not that dumb, anon. But I take too much damage and the blocking doesn't do anything, I died twice when he was near death.

  47. 2 years ago

    >no mod that gives yuffie visible pubes sticking out of her hotpants
    fricking SHIT

  48. 2 years ago

    >100gb torrent size
    I mean I like Tifa Lockhart but not enough to waste 200-250gig, play the game twice then uninstall again...

    • 2 years ago

      How did you go from 100gb to 200-250gb?

      • 2 years ago


        >100gb torrent size
        I mean I like Tifa Lockhart but not enough to waste 200-250gig, play the game twice then uninstall again...

        Tifa is pushed as a selling point but she has been hacked to pieces. if you want to watch her that bad just watch someones replay of the game or the film version of the game. like 70 percent of it is cutscenes anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        >How did you go from 100gb to 200-250gb?
        100 torrent, which is normally using some sort of file compression, unrar the shit, mount to vitrtual drive, install then delete the torrent itself.
        When youDL games on steam, it also says twice the disk space is required I think.

        Tifa is pushed as a selling point but she has been hacked to pieces. if you want to watch her that bad just watch someones replay of the game or the film version of the game. like 70 percent of it is cutscenes anyway.

        >just watch someones replay of the game or the film version of the game.
        Yeah or just forgo the game completely and watch rule34 videos instead

  49. 2 years ago

    Imagine actually thinking ff7r gameplay is similar to kh3
    Thats how you can tell someone doesnt play arpgs or have basic understanding on gameplay design or mechanics
    To him it is just as simple as "i can attack, block and dodge. Same game"

    • 2 years ago

      > Imagine actually thinking ff7r gameplay is similar to kh3
      imagine thinking that yesterdays lunch is todays dinner.
      you are incredibly defensive about this subject. so it must be hitting close to home. considering how terrible a development cycle they had with FF7 remake of course they reused things. enough already.

  50. 2 years ago

    I almost fell for the scam when it came to Steam but then I really thought about it hard, I pirated the epic copy, I bought it on ps4 a week or two before release because covid completely fricked the release date
    And there's just too much shit I don't like in the game, I hate the endless fricking walking and talking filler in this game, having to squeeze through shitty holes, walking over planks, it's all so fricking slow and pointless

  51. 2 years ago

    Literally nothing better than when two giga-autists lock horns on here. Surprise surprise 9 times out of 10 it's someone angry that Nomura might be being criticized and they can't let it slide

    • 2 years ago

      So you would prefer if they let say moronic shit for free and nobody questioned you
      Try reddit for an echo chamber

      • 2 years ago

        Depends if they're on my side or not. I let people away with the most moronic and shitty posts imaginable as long as they're broadly on my side and attacking my enemies.

        • 2 years ago

          At least you're honest
          I'm the same

          • 2 years ago

            I'll let anything slide if it's beneficial to my argument. But if you're on the other side of that fence I will dig my teeth in so hard, sometimes for hours, until the other gives up.

        • 2 years ago

          You are finally recognizing it, jimbo. Maybe now you will let people say to others they are saying moronic shit and not just question praises and ignore most moronic complains and criticisms.

          • 2 years ago

            jimbo isn't the most self-aware person is he?

          • 2 years ago

            did you feel even a split second of self awareness as you typed this? a weird voice whispering at the back of your mind? or was there complete silence? just a total lack of awareness or reflection?

        • 2 years ago

          I read this post and immediately identified with it, almost like it was meant for me. I won't learn anything from this experience though and promise to continue as I have been doing.

          • 2 years ago

            What experience, jimbo? Do you actually think i was the one discussing shit here? I was literally just lurking and laughing at the two autists until i saw your schizo post

  52. 2 years ago

    So when will part 2 really come out? I know they said holiday 2023 or something but really they probably mean march or april of 2024 right? And that will be PS5 only for a ay ear I assume

  53. 2 years ago

    I liked FF7, I liked FF7R, I liked Crisis Core, I liked Advent Children. I am sorry OGFF7chads, I am not a true fan anymore. I failed all of you but I just can't stop having fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >I liked FF7
      >I liked FF7R, I liked Crisis Core, I liked Advent Children

    • 2 years ago

      >I liked FF7, I liked FF7R, I liked Crisis Core, I liked Advent Children. I am sorry OGFF7chads,
      > chads
      have a nice day OP, fricking drink bleach and put your head in a spinning wash machine. You like what youre told to like and told to CHADBRO for.

  54. 2 years ago

    I'm actually surprised I'm getting solid 60fps on a 1060.

  55. 2 years ago

    Will this happen in part 2?

    • 2 years ago

      I hope they cut the Scarlet/Tifa slap fight out of the remake. It just seems like a strange reduction of two really powerful characters for the sake of leaning into a gendered cliché and a little too silly for me to find ‘funny’

      • 2 years ago

        penis hard?

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Heh also i read that post
        on twitter made by your best friend, jimbo.
        I hard disagree.

    • 2 years ago

      they'll make it into an over the top cutscene fight

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