Anyone still playing on horizon?

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  1. 11 months ago

    i was planning to start next month. hopefully it's not ded

    • 11 months ago

      Looks like the peak is a little over 2k recently, i havent played since closer to launch when it had 4k+ online but that wasnt great actually, camps were way too crowded. 2k for an XI server is still great afaik

  2. 11 months ago

    I quit after two months because I was addicted. Very fun

    • 11 months ago

      literally this

      • 11 months ago

        I hope it's around when I retire in 20 years kek

    • 11 months ago

      Gf told me I was literally doing nothing but playing this game and was starting to worry about me. I didn't even notice it myself. Had to quit before I started down a road I couldn't get off of.

  3. 11 months ago

    Used to play it on release but then the devs nerfed every single job to the floor and didnt bring anything new

    • 11 months ago

      Their job changes were absolutely moronic, have they rolled back any of them or are they still playing favorites?

      • 11 months ago

        Just read they nerfed pld and buffed nin so maybe

  4. 11 months ago

    I still play nearly every day, though I’m usually only on during off hours so I’ll just be fishing while doing something else on another screen. If I’m on during peak hours is when I’ll look for an xp party or something like that

  5. 11 months ago

    Probably going to hop on tonight to solo on nin some. I need to level it some more for subjob but fricking hate tanking on it.

  6. 11 months ago

    I wanted to get sam but I literally spent a day trying to get a key from the Bastok mine. So many fricking people there. It broke me, so I just went pld instead

  7. 11 months ago

    Quit after 2-3 months of extreme addiction tier playing
    1. The end game was extremely cliquey- you have to join 1 of like 4 end game corporations and then you're expected to attend like it is your literal JOB and clock in and out like it's a wage station
    2. The job balance changes were literal meme tier and the same jobs are in demand/ostracized
    3. Because everything is solved end game has all of the tedium but none of the enjoyable factory because you had like 100 people in Sky at all times competing for shit and like 5x that for every Ground King
    4. Economy is super fricked because they never meaningfully punished all of the obvious cheaters from day 1

    • 11 months ago

      Endgame was kinda like that back in the day but it didn't feel like a forced job, it still felt like a job because of how much time it took but people were there because they wanted to be there. Endgame linkshells felt more like a family than a corporation, unlike other MMOs people didn't join/leave/swap constantly and instead stayed in one pretty much forever and you really got to know people on a personal level through all the time you spent with them.

      Hell most of us shared log in info with eachother and no one batted an eye at it.

      • 11 months ago

        It was just too tiresome for me
        >Attend ground kings even though I'm #500 in line for shit and have no chance of getting anything, gotta keep up in the dkp race
        >Attend sky with sub group #15 but can't go at X Y and Z times because intra LS competition for shit is "discouraged" (If you go at the same time as another group in the LS and they're friends with the leader you'll get punished for taking the claim), also nobody wants to show up unless it's for Gods because Horizon reverted all of the sky congestion QoL
        >Attend dynamis and waste your life for the LS inner circle relic farm like every dynamis group ever

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah that sounds like shit, we never used DKP back in the day either. Private servers unfortunately don't have that same endgame feel as retail did because of the people involved, things end up being run by turbo autist min maxers, attention prostitutes, or just plain admin suckups that take the fun out of it all.

          In general people never did content to get items either, their low drop rate or the lack of being able to know you'll claim something made it that way for the most part. You also had the fact that gear was more for show than use as you didn't actually need any gear beyond your AF to do endgame.

          • 11 months ago

            It was just too tiresome for me
            >Attend ground kings even though I'm #500 in line for shit and have no chance of getting anything, gotta keep up in the dkp race
            >Attend sky with sub group #15 but can't go at X Y and Z times because intra LS competition for shit is "discouraged" (If you go at the same time as another group in the LS and they're friends with the leader you'll get punished for taking the claim), also nobody wants to show up unless it's for Gods because Horizon reverted all of the sky congestion QoL
            >Attend dynamis and waste your life for the LS inner circle relic farm like every dynamis group ever

            Endgame was kinda like that back in the day but it didn't feel like a forced job, it still felt like a job because of how much time it took but people were there because they wanted to be there. Endgame linkshells felt more like a family than a corporation, unlike other MMOs people didn't join/leave/swap constantly and instead stayed in one pretty much forever and you really got to know people on a personal level through all the time you spent with them.

            Hell most of us shared log in info with eachother and no one batted an eye at it.

            Quit after 2-3 months of extreme addiction tier playing
            1. The end game was extremely cliquey- you have to join 1 of like 4 end game corporations and then you're expected to attend like it is your literal JOB and clock in and out like it's a wage station
            2. The job balance changes were literal meme tier and the same jobs are in demand/ostracized
            3. Because everything is solved end game has all of the tedium but none of the enjoyable factory because you had like 100 people in Sky at all times competing for shit and like 5x that for every Ground King
            4. Economy is super fricked because they never meaningfully punished all of the obvious cheaters from day 1

            >rush to end game
            >it isn't fun
            You played yourself

            • 11 months ago

              I didn't even rush to 75, at least relative to most of the Horizon population
              There just isn't much to do in CoP era other than level or the shitty end game offerings

            • 11 months ago

              >don't rush to endgame
              >want to enjoy doing missions with your bros
              >they're all bugged as shit
              >want to level another job
              >parties are full of morons that barely know how to press buttons
              >want to camp NMs for a cool piece of gear
              >BSTggers shitting up the place all over the world
              yeah bro, I should've never started playing to begin with

              • 11 months ago

                You sound like a grumpy gus

  8. 11 months ago

    >bought it + subscription during the anniversary last year
    >never touched it
    kind of glad I didn't, $10 wasted but my sanity is intact

    • 11 months ago

      Retail is a very different game from private servers

      • 11 months ago

        I imagine so, retail has all the xp/group changes as well as the trusts or whatever.

        • 11 months ago

          Retail is pretty much a solo game, all the danger in the world is removed and every aspect of the game has had about 10 ease of access passes done to it. It's a fun journey to see your way through all the storylines but yeah, most of the old ways of doing things are gone.

          • 11 months ago

            >the danger in the world is removed and
            And replaced by even stronger enemies. EXP parties are still there, but for job/exemplar points now.

          • 11 months ago

            The old ways of playing MMOs are never coming back and I wish people would stop trying to emulate them. Everyone's just going to chat on their private Discord servers and play with their own friends rather than deal with strangers. That's just how the world is now. We're more connected than ever and yet so alone.

            • 11 months ago

              As opposed to chatting among themselves on teamspeak/irc etc?

            • 11 months ago

              Nah this take is bullshit. You can design a game to encourage/discourage certain player behaviors but no one tries any more in the MMO space because the idea of the player having a totally frictionless experience is king. There is still a market out there for people who want to go to an online space to meet new people and not just play with the people they know.

            • 11 months ago

              >Muh discord
              Anon we chatted in ventrilo and used IRC/AIM/ICQ/MSN chatrooms to speak to eachother all day long outside of the game, we also had forums where we posted.

              Stop pretending that Discord is any different, it's just the most recent tool in a long line of tools.

            • 11 months ago

              Every single XI thread people tell me "you couldn't make XI today because everyone would just use the wiki!" And for some reason everyone forgets that FFXIclopedia was used by literally everybody during the game's golden age

              • 11 months ago

                Anyone who says that is moronic, the only reason a game like xi would struggle today is the overwhelming negativity that the mainstream gaming playerbase would throw at it. Sure there are still old school style MMO enjoyers out there but gaming today is so casualized that anything that isn't seen as a game that targets everyone is attacked and torn apart in the media and discussions.

                That and of course making a game like that is saying you don't want to chase the money, which we all know is king.

  9. 11 months ago

    I played in Horizon but quit in Feb. Went as far as Level 40 Paladin. I just couldn't give a shit any more and the population was becoming three times more cancer than Asura of all things and that's saying something.
    The other thing about Retail is that I can pretty much log in and do most of the stuff I want to do at my own pace, including pickup groups. The old MMO ways just don't work for my lifestyle anymore and honestly? I don't miss it.
    Horizon also ruined like half of the Elvaan lady default hair colors and added the shittiest pink I have ever seen and no one can deny me on this.

    • 11 months ago

      >Elvaan hair colors
      I replaced the shitty """""HD""""" ones with the originals as soon as I could

  10. 11 months ago

    Mithra butt in my face now

    • 11 months ago
  11. 11 months ago

    I say this every thread but no one ever believes me.

    Things taking a long-ass time in old MMOs was not just to milk more subscription months out of you, it was actually key to balancing and that balance was destroyed when MMOs started introducing level caps you could reach in a month and ample fast travel and auto-party construction

    Metagaming has always existed, the reason it used to be controlled in old MMOs is because people who had an appropriately leveled job were rare. Everyone knew the ideal party structure but you got to experiment with different things because actually finding the right people to make that ideal set up, and get them all together, was a pain in the ass. 99% of the fun party experiences I had in FFXI weren't done because I was ignorant of a more optimal way, but because I was working with a limited set of the only people I could find.

    Metagaming and optimization didn't start crushing MMOs because we invented Wikis, or all got discord, it happened because it became easy and fast to assemble any damn combinations of fully-kitted out jobs you want and so people never had a reason to try anything different.

    If you start making it a pain in the ass to have a properly geared job again, if you start making it a pain in the ass to travel across the world again, you will start seeing again the little local enclaves of experimental players who make the game fun again.

    • 11 months ago

      A good point. Sure you may be able to look something up on a wiki but to actually go do it, well

      >it'll take you 40 minutes to get to the spot
      >You'll have to travel through deadly zones
      >It'll take x amount of time to even find people to do it
      >You'll probably balk at the idea when you see how much time it takes

      God i miss travel times in mmos.

  12. 11 months ago

    is it worth playing for the story? still haven't played ff11 and ff14. more important can i solo it?

    • 11 months ago

      If you wanna solo youll wanna play retail, if you want to have fun, play on horizon

      • 11 months ago

        why retail and why horizon? can't i emulate the server locally with some shit like grasscutter? this game is old as frick someone probably figured it out.

        • 11 months ago

          Because the whole EXP system was designed around party play, it's literally not possible to complete the story as a solo player in the private servers because they are all based on an era of the game from before npc partners were introduced

          • 11 months ago

            makes sense. they never bothered to update them?

            • 11 months ago

              The whole reason the private servers exist is because people wanted to go back to the old version of the game that required group play. If people want to play the nerfed version designed around turbo-ing through the story content they'd play the retail version

        • 11 months ago

          There are emulators but i dont think any of em can do the whole story

      • 11 months ago

        im having fun playing with my bf on retail

  13. 11 months ago

    horizon has been fun, aerecs a passive aggressive moron though and I wish the devs would shitcan him and move on without him

    • 11 months ago

      I keep hearing people b***h about him. What is his deal?

  14. 11 months ago

    Nope. I never played XI before and you homosexuals are worshipping an actual turd. Once I saw that "comfy" was codeword for "boring" I deleted that shit and went back to xiv.

    • 11 months ago

      troony detected, go look through some weekly ads. I reckon rope is on sale somewhere.

  15. 11 months ago

    i started in windurst and ended up stranded in qufim after setting my home point in jueno and finding out i couldnt teleport back to windy cause my level was too fricking low

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