FFXII Thread

So recently I decided to play this game again in hopes of actually finishing it this time. I'm now doing the tomb of Radwall(sp?) dungeon and was wondering which second jobs I should give my characters. That said, does it matter which type of job you give your characters? Do one job work best for a character or not? Honestly, I'm just curious to know what the people who played this game chose for their characters' jobs.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yeah, jobs matter since weapons have different animation speeds depending on the character. Don't obsess though, or you'll never beat it.

    • 2 years ago

      >weapons have different animation speeds depending on the character
      This is entirely irrelevant in practice.

    • 2 years ago

      please for the love of God stop bringing up this min maxing bullshit.
      it will save you fractions of a second, it means NOTHING it was just circle talk of a bunch of hyper autistic gaylords on gamefaqs

      your characters can be anything they want

      • 2 years ago

        The OP asked, you miserable pussy.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah but you brought up the worst, actually no, the absolute most worthless thing to consider.

          shoulda talked about the characters specific instead abilities and stat distribution, like girls typically being better casters while males are better melee classes
          or all the pirate characters having inate steal

  2. 2 years ago





    Here you go

    • 2 years ago

      I used this, requires a little bit of rng manip but a nice easy 30 hour plat playing casually


  3. 2 years ago

    The most tedious Final Fantasy game, though admittedly I do like the world design

  4. 2 years ago

    you can change jobs on the fly at any time by talking to montblanc so its really not a big deal what jobs you give anyone, just try them out and see what works or what you like most.

  5. 2 years ago

    Generally you want to have as little overlap as possible, you dont get bonus points for having access to white magic twice. Also, there are only a couple classes that have access to time and green magic but you absolutely want to have them.

  6. 2 years ago

    You're all gonna support the nascent Ivalice team SE is building by checking out Ogre Tactics Reborn in a month, right?


    • 2 years ago

      Frick yeah. They better bring back Final Fantasy Tactics too

  7. 2 years ago

    If you have to force yourself to finish a game, your time would be better spent playing something else IMO. 12 isn't worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      Not him but I want to like 12. I want to like every game. There's very few games that I hate. I like the central conflict of 12. I like the world design of 12. I like 12 in theory. It's just that as I play it I get very fatigued very fast. I have a file where I made it to a tower which I'm not sure is the final dungeon of the game or not. But it's been so long since I touched it that I don't remember exactly what happened as I got there. So I made a new file except I stop playing that one too, this time after making it to the mountains to get to that Temple.

      It just feels like something is missing that I don't know what it is. To be fair I've played through some games that I would consider to have some really bad mechanics just because I got into it and learn to accept them. But I don't know why I struggle to do that with 12. Especially since I like the setting so much.

      • 2 years ago

        >as I play it I get very fatigued very fast.
        Ah, the Xenoblade 2 syndrome.

        • 2 years ago

          Is that what that is? That also happened to me in Xenoblade 1 although I actually completed that one. Not the extra episode yet but the main campaign. I've intended on getting Xenoblade 2 eventually since everybody is going nuts over Xenoblade 3 and I wanted to go into it with the proper context. Although for now I'm just playing other games I enjoy

  8. 2 years ago

    I fricked up my save file by filling out second jobs. The game became way too easy with all the extra stats and all my guys became good at everything

  9. 2 years ago

    So here's what I have given my characters so far. Most of the first jobs I have given them are (very loosely) based on lore, so please bear that in mind:

    Vaan: Shiraki (Daggers, Ninja Swords)
    Since I mostly use Vaan to steal stuff, it makes sense...(to me at least)...to give him this as the starting class.

    Penelo: White Mage (Rods)
    Mainly because she screams "I'M THE HEALER!!" I think a lot of other players have picked that job for her, too.

    Ashe: Red battle mage (Maces)
    I feel that Ashe was fit for this job, being royalty and all.

    Basch: Knight (Swords, Great Swords)
    Because what a Princess without her Knight to protect her?

    Balthier: Machinist (Guns, Measures)
    I only give him this class because of the guns and nothing else. BTW, what the frick do Measures do? Do they serve a purpose or are they just there?

    Fran: Archer (Bows)
    Comes from a forest, uses a bow to fight, and is one with nature. Would have been weird not to make her one.

  10. 2 years ago

    Play the Struggle For Freedom mod.

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