>filters everyone. >never gets used again for anything ever

>filters everyone
>never gets used again for anything ever
I hate how low IQ people caused Final Fantasy to decline hard after this.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Yeah right, it totally wasn't the terrible story, worst main character ever, or the MMO gameplay in a singleplayer game, or even the fact that it wasn't even final fantasy at all or what fans wanted and expected from a final fantasy game.
    Lets blame it all on the small gambit combat system instead.
    Why do morons like you exist?
    When you wake up and look your self in the mirror, do you see the moron staring back?

    • 9 months ago

      not OP but you're a homosexual and ff12 is based

      • 9 months ago

        Said no one ever

    • 9 months ago

      FF12 is my favorite FF game apart from 6 and Tactics. I go back and play it every year.

    • 9 months ago

      >or the MMO gameplay in a singleplayer game
      FF12 is a very typical ATB title though anon

      • 9 months ago

        previous ATB games were turn based, FF12 is RTwP

        • 9 months ago

          Turn-based is not a requirement for ATB systems.

          • 9 months ago

            but it's clearly not "typical"

            • 9 months ago

              Doesn't matter.

        • 9 months ago

          ATB is not turn based, it's ATB. a turn based JRPG is more like DQ, where you queue up actions that play out in order based on the speed stat, ATB is done in real time if you don't pay on Wait Mode like a massive pussy. and as far as I am aware ATB games have always had both wait and active mode, FF12 is no different.

          • 9 months ago

            FF games with ATB have so little choice in combat that it essentially doesn't matter, you always know what move to use by the time a character's bar fills even if you play on max speed. it doesn't help that the games are piss easy too

            • 9 months ago

              sure but I don't see what that at all has to do my argument that FF12 is an ATB game, like at all.

              • 9 months ago

                it's not a typical one

              • 9 months ago

                it literally is. there are exactly 2 things different in FF12 compared to other games in regards to battling, and neither have to do with the ATB system. Gambits and battles taking place on the overworld. one is just an programmable Auto AI, and the other is just the visuals of the battles.

    • 9 months ago

      12 is one of the best games in the entire series.
      People got filtered super hard.
      They switched selecting shit from menus to an auto system that gave you a huge amount of freedom for ways to approach any encounter on top of being able to override everything with manual selection.
      The game was great, the story was way better than any other final fantasy game.
      The only negative is Vaan and Penelo shouldn't have been added into the game and Vaan had shitty character design.

      Bitching about "MMO combat" in a series where "combat" is paused menu selection isn't a valid criticism.

      • 9 months ago

        >The game was great, the story was way better than any other final fantasy game.
        holy frick this is genuinely peak contrarian

      • 9 months ago

        >the story was way better than any other final fantasy game
        You can't write and you can't tell when a story is good.

        • 9 months ago

          obviously neither can you

    • 9 months ago

      >or the MMO gameplay
      I still dont get how this shit argument still exists. The only thing that is 'MMO-like' about FF12 is that you fight enemies in the world instead of getting transitioned from overworld to a combat instance and back. Nothing about the gameplay itself resembles any MMO, of that era or of today.

      • 9 months ago

        You don't control your other characters without switching to them I think is the root of this specific complaint. One of the benefits of pure turn-based and ATB is that if you have a whole party of characters you pick all of their actions throughout a fight.

        • 9 months ago

          but you can still do that in FF12, in fact I exclusively play like this because I think gambits take the fun of managing a party out of the game. I only use a few gambits like Self: Libra on Basch so I always have it up without needing to menu to it every time. You do know you can access other people's command menus by pressing sideways when you open yours, right?

          • 9 months ago

            holy based
            I thought I was the only one on this homosexual Earth who had fun managing every single action during combat, besides the obvious shit like self Libra or Bubble on my tanks (I kind of roleplayed)

      • 9 months ago

        12 has "opinions" parroted for years

      • 9 months ago

        The giant empty worthless MMO maps sprinkled with MMO spawns probably

        • 9 months ago

          *anyone that has ever been even slightly confused as to how FF12 is like an MMO is certainly an MMO player that has had their disgust for map tedium destroyed long ago

    • 9 months ago

      >had one of the best stories in FF
      >had one of the best main characters (balthier)
      >literally has the same gameplay as the rest of FF but it's real time so it makes actual morons seethe
      >was set in ivalice which is the final fantasy-est final fantasy setting
      anon, i think you may be the moron

      • 9 months ago

        >was set in ivalice which is the final fantasy-est final fantasy setting
        you need to remember that final fantasy is filled with sonykids whose entire experience of FF is guided by 7, to the point that FF9 feels like an outlier in the series to them because it didnt take place in a futuristic urban dystopia.

    • 9 months ago

      Fricking based
      I'm tired of contrarian morons saying this offline mmo slop was good.

    • 9 months ago

      >worst main character ever
      Vaan is not the main character.
      They establish this fact multiple times in the game itself.

      • 9 months ago

        Then they shouldn't have made him a "default party face".

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know about you but I value the text of the story when deciding which character is the main focus, and not which funny little man I'm walking around town as.

          • 9 months ago

            You don't have to defend moronic decisions that hard. Vaan&Penelo are pointless additions to the cast and they shouldn't have been playable characters in the first place.

            • 9 months ago

              I agree, but that doesn't make what I said any less correct. the text of the story values the other characters significantly more, therefore they are the principle characters of the cast.

      • 9 months ago

        Vaan is the main character but he is more like the "narrator", he is like the one seeing it all unfold. Just a random villager that got tangled with everyone important because his brother got killed in the war. Japanese devs thought we were going to prefer him rather than a Veteran Soldier because "hurr durr he is more the age of the target audience and he is relatable!" it just wasnt the case.

        personally I relate more with Balthier and always did, he is legit cool.

    • 9 months ago

      >MMO gameplay in a singleplayer game
      Wait, Xenoblade did this because it saw the success of FFXII and then became a cult classic and Nintendo saw such good sales they made X, 2, and 3, and DLC for each. You are a fricking moron. Your low IQ shows itself with this singular content. You breathing my air alone pisses me off because you are below a stupid animal.

      • 9 months ago

        It's hard to believe Xenoblade was so well-received until you remember what disgusting shiteaters nintendies are. God even the thought of you makes my stomach turn

      • 9 months ago

        Xenoblade and FF12 don't play alike despite their superficial appearances. After X the games also strayed away from the MMO hotbar combat

        DA:O is like a middle ground between these 2 games

      • 9 months ago

        That's because Xenoblade had a world that was more fun to explore, a combat system that wasn't a total mess, more entertaining characters, and finished plot with excitement and emotion, FAR better music, superior art direction, and despite having 1000 shitty side quests, better pacing.

        Xenoblade was also inspire by more modern MMOs whereas 12's inspiration was from XI/everquest-like MMOs, the apparent differences are obvious

        • 9 months ago

          holy shit shut up animesloppa moron

          • 9 months ago

            FF12 killed a series, Xenoblade revived one.

            • 9 months ago

              Of course the haters are the usual xenoshills

              • 9 months ago

                I cannot like xenoshit because its so anime and corny, I'm a grown ass man. Final Fantasy has its cringe moments but at least FF12 is an adult story if you ignore Vaan and Penelo.

              • 9 months ago

                I unironically wouldn't say Xenoblade was good even with a gun to my head, no idea how people enjoy that dogshit. Takahashi has never made a game like Xenogears again.

              • 9 months ago

                >I unironically wouldn't say Xenoblade was good even with a gun to my head, no idea how people enjoy that dogshit.
                Tranime waifu gays, its the same audience that thinks Gacha games are good its a mental illness

            • 9 months ago

              Gave ff12 another chance and I enjoyed it more than xenoblade
              Its problem was the lack of story

              • 9 months ago

                >lack of story

      • 9 months ago

        Xenoblade also has fricking trash gameplay frick off

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    Rumours are they're bringing it back or implementing something like it for FF7 Rebirth

    • 9 months ago

      I'm down to be able to script AI companions to do something besides mash melee and facetank.

    • 9 months ago

      I genuinely was looking for some sort of AI auto-action-preference a few hours into FF7 because I felt like it made sense to have something like "Tifa use Cure to ally below 50% HP", like sure they have shit like Auto-Cure materia, but that shit only gets used when you're at critical HP which I don't like.

      • 9 months ago

        There's Synergy as well but that's about it as far as deciding party member autonomy goes. There's lots of potential for equipping auto-Materia or just having straight up Gambits for party members when you're not controlling them.

  3. 9 months ago

    People went nuts over how 'complex' the junction system was in FF8 too

    • 9 months ago

      The problem with 8 is that the junction system sucks. Not every spell is actually cardable so a lot of the unique ones require half an hour of drawing to get enough of. The bigger issue is that because of the junction system you don't want to use magic and it's effectively worse than limit breaks.

    • 9 months ago

      Funny enough, Junctions and Gambits both suffered from the same problem.
      >you can't do jack shit with it early on
      Junctioning only starts to click with new players once they actually have shit they can junction with and to. Gating the game's main progression/customization feature behind grinding AP was foolish.
      Every junction type should have been made available from the beginning of the game, and junctioning should have been nerfed considerably. At least this way, people would actually be allowed to play with it in the way Quiche breasts described at the start. What the frick were they thinking having her say
      only for you not to be able to do this, and not even for a long while after this.
      Likewise, you get frick all for useful Gambits early on which is frustrating as all hell.

      • 9 months ago

        Nta's, but you CAN element junction to your weapons with Quetzacotl and Shiva, but you gotta grind it out. And first timers probably arent gonna do that, or not fully understand they can do that. I cant remember my first time, but i probably didnt grind that much before Ifrit

    • 9 months ago

      Tedious is the word you are looking for. Nothing, then suddenly overpowered. That’s great you can break the system, I want to play the system.

  4. 9 months ago

    only Ivalice shit gets cool stuff
    I'm still waiting for them to make a 3D Revenant Wings

  5. 9 months ago

    >caused Final Fantasy to decline hard after this.
    >after this
    My friend. 12 was already in the decline.

  6. 9 months ago

    Pretty much anytime you get an RPG with combat that's just not pokemon tier rock paper scissors shit or D&D grid based dice rolling, you're going to get immense seethe from the morons who can't handle anything more.

    • 9 months ago

      RPGs are for morons.

      • 9 months ago

        if that was true why don't you like them?

        • 9 months ago

          Cos i'm not a moron.

  7. 9 months ago

    FF12 has a terrific story that is focused on the plot and not the characters. That's what morons don't seem to be able to comprehend. And even with that, the cast is mostly fine. Gameplay wise, its the best FF by a mile.

    • 9 months ago

      >FF12 has a terrific story that is focused on the plot and not the characters
      shit sucked
      I wanted a mainline FFT, not fricking Star Wars for homos

      • 9 months ago

        >another parroted opinion
        please explain how the plot is like Star Wars, without using the words "evil empire" cause Ogre Battle had one of those too

        • 9 months ago

          homosexual twink teams up with older, cooler dude to fight evil.

          • 9 months ago

            Ogre Battle also had one of those

  8. 9 months ago

    >WTF why won't they go back to a system that literally nobody liked?!

  9. 9 months ago

    12 was pretty good. I liked it a lot, probably one of the best looking games on PS2 too along with Silent Hill 3. People got filtered by 12 hard.

  10. 9 months ago

    bioware reused the idea in Dragon Age: Origins but the also basically abandoned it

    • 9 months ago

      You can still find stuff like this in the Pillar games IIRC and maybe Pathfinder but I never used it in the latter if it exists. In FF12 its basically a necessity to cut down on grind, but in PC CRPGs you just have better visual representation and mouse control to actually do commands as needed.

      • 9 months ago

        don't think Pathfinder games have anything similar at all

  11. 9 months ago

    >filters everyone
    this shit is the reason why FF12 plays itself outside of boss fights, how did it filter anyone?

    • 9 months ago

      >outside of boss fights
      oh no! you mean I can't just mash X to spam basic attacks on trash enemies?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT EVER WILL I DO

      • 9 months ago

        I'm not saying classic FF had good combat, it doesn't. However what classic FF did have was great pacing which 12 sorely lacks.

        • 9 months ago

          firstly, I disagree with that statement, secondly, that has absolutely nothing to do with the combat system, which is what I was refuting. In short, go frick yourself.

          • 9 months ago

            combat and the amount you get into are a factor in pacing, compare the amount of battles you get into going between areas in something like FF6 or 9 vs 12 and the difference is staggering

            • 9 months ago

              staggering in which direction? are you saying 12 has more or less battles than previous ones.

              • 9 months ago

                more battles per area

    • 9 months ago

      >outside of boss fights
      oh no! you mean I can't just mash X to spam basic attacks on trash enemies?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT EVER WILL I DO

      I auto-battled through the entire story, with the sole exception of the Bomb boss in the jungle.

  12. 9 months ago

    Final Fantasy just sucks, all these "systems" to distract from the core combat being slop.
    Go play any random dungeon-crawler and let the scales fall from your eyes.

  13. 9 months ago

    People got filtered by this shit? They were basically "if then"s that also had a priority from top to bottom iirc.

    • 9 months ago

      no, 12tards are just pretentious idiots. Every single gambit is the same because 12 doesn't have enough variation, at most the percent at which heal goes off is slightly different among players but things like black mage's gambit only have 1 actual set up

      • 9 months ago

        >Every single gambit is the same because 12 doesn't have enough variation
        You never played the game, haven't you?

        There is many differents gambits to set just thinking about jobs. There is 12 jobs, every character can have 2 jobs, so it will not be the same.

        The other point on variety is that you can (and should) change the gambits depending on the Hunt or Boss.

        This was one of the best FF, the story is a little meh, but gameplaywise it was a good innovation.

        • 9 months ago

          >There is many differents gambits to set just thinking about jobs
          to be fair to that other anon you gotta remember we didn't get a localization of the Zodiac Job system version of the game until last generation.

          • 9 months ago

            True, I forgot about that, but still there was some variety

          • 9 months ago

            The base license board is more specialized than the job system. It is much, much harder to crawl across the license board than it is to fill out the side branches of a job board. A character who already branched into the bottom left corner of the license board simply cannot get access to licenses in the bottom right, let alone the opposite corner, the way that a job board can easily reach midrank magics in three spell lists at once and multiple weapon licenses and key gambits.

            • 9 months ago

              I feel like when I played that wasn't the case even a little bit but that also over a decade ago.

        • 9 months ago

          it doesn't matter that characters have a mix of whatever jobs, the gambits for those jobs have very little if no variation (unless you're a complete moron and do some wacky shit with them). Changing gambits is such a pain in the ass, especially when you get more lines, That it's always better to just use the regular enemy gambits during boss battles with more input (hence my original comment where the game plays itself outside of bosses). The only exception are the superbosses but your brain will be fried by the time you reach them from how mundane 12 is even with 4X speed options on modern versions.

          • 9 months ago

            So, it seens OP was right, you got filtered.

        • 9 months ago

          >You never played the game, haven't you?
          I hate esls who consistently make this mistake. Fricking moron.

        • 9 months ago

          I mean I guess but you can throw almost all of the physical techniques right out the window because they are all "Deals random damage based off some random bullshit" until the very ass end of the game when you finally get "lowers enemies stats". Any job that doesn't have magic is just attacking shit and maybe using items to heal in place of spells.

  14. 9 months ago

    dude what if we just let the player program the entire fricking party so they wouldn't have to actually play the game

    • 9 months ago

      sounds based turn based combat is for boomers, gays, or morons

  15. 9 months ago

    You literally just need to put a heal gambit on and you can beat 99% of the game basic attacking/healing. It's slop just like turn based tard shit.

  16. 9 months ago

    I just hate """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""real""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" time ATB. The game starts with this grandesque huge war between two armies, and then you finally get to start playing and youre running up a staircase staring at two jobbers while a bar loads that lets you hit them.

    WOW, I can run to the side of this enemy or away when tis attacking, surely that means I avoided taking damage right? HAHA, NOPE

    • 9 months ago

      Then go play Devil May Cry.

      • 9 months ago

        it's called Final Fantasy (XVI) now.

      • 9 months ago

        Im used to turn based. thats fine. But literally what purpose does letting me run around do other than fleeing the battle?

        • 9 months ago

          cuts down on the downtime before and at the end of every battle by cutting the battle transitions and victory screens

        • 9 months ago

          Positioning, spacing, timing, AOEs, among various other factors.

          • 9 months ago

            I didnt get far in 12 but I dont remember any of those mattering in abttle at all

            • 9 months ago

              As you said, you didn't get very far.

          • 9 months ago

            Positioning, spacing, and AoE spacing are not factors in 12

            • 9 months ago

              not entirely true, aoes do have a specific range. I was running a team of White Mage/Black Mage Ashe, Knight/Foebreaker Basch and Time Battlemage/Red Battlemage Balthier (after respeccing him off Machinist holy shit are guns bad) and there were bits where I went to use a Cura and Balthier didn't get the heal because he was so far back.

              • 9 months ago

                the range on aoes/attacks is so large that the fringe moments when the limit of the range comes into play are basically not worth mentioning at all, especially when boss rooms are small enough.

        • 9 months ago

          cuts down on the downtime before and at the end of every battle by cutting the battle transitions and victory screens

          Positioning, spacing, timing, AOEs, among various other factors.

          Kingdom Hearts combat is like Dante got all the FF ladies collectively pregnant and they popped out KH while in one of those final boss spaces that's neither here nor there

  17. 9 months ago

    >set one character to heal
    >set everyone else to autoattack
    wow so hard

    • 9 months ago

      >Not setting "enemy hp = 100% steal" on one character
      Whatever lootlet

  18. 9 months ago

    Multiple Tales games have gambit-style programmable AI.

  19. 9 months ago

    i would be willing to kill for a single player FF game that had 11's jobs and gameplay with 12's gambit system

  20. 9 months ago

    The combat simply wasn't deep enough to warrant it.
    I understood it perfectly but still barely used it.

  21. 9 months ago

    >Self: Reverse
    >Ally: Any Arise
    >Self: Decoy
    >Self: Bubble

    Get fricked Yiazmat

    • 9 months ago

      Set this up for afk yiz, he casts death so much in the last 2% that you need to manually play.

  22. 9 months ago

    >tfw they remade FF7 and the AI literally just stand around and you can't tell them to do anything or even stay near you

    • 9 months ago

      you know they did that on purpose to encourage swapping constantly right? You played as the whole party in FF7, and the same applies in 7R. that's also why their ATB meter builds slower even when attacking, the AI exists to do the bare minimum and wants you, the player, to take control of the battle.

    • 9 months ago

      FF7R gameplay is a million times better than 4x speed afk simulator

  23. 9 months ago

    I don’t even like XII that much but it’s hard to argue. Gambits was pure genius, still the best A.I ever in a RPG.

  24. 9 months ago

    this had THE worst story ever
    the characters werent likeable either

    • 9 months ago

      Good luck trying to prove that FFI, II, III, V, VIII, X or X-2 had better stories than XII.
      It’s not among the best stories, but it’s hardly the worst as well.

      • 9 months ago

        Final Fantasy X is a top 5 story in all of JRPGs. V, VIII, and X-2 are without a doubt better stories than XII, and I'd make the argument for II having a better atmosphere and world. You probably could have gotten away with the trolling if you didn't say V or X though. On the small chance you're not trolling, what you value in a story has to be so far off from the norm that you shouldn't be spouting your opinion about it.

        but you can still do that in FF12, in fact I exclusively play like this because I think gambits take the fun of managing a party out of the game. I only use a few gambits like Self: Libra on Basch so I always have it up without needing to menu to it every time. You do know you can access other people's command menus by pressing sideways when you open yours, right?

        >but you can still do that in FF12
        It would be a major waste of time and far outside the intention of the way the game was meant to be played. Most importantly a lot less fun than other games that were designed to let you control the whole cast.

        • 9 months ago

          >Most importantly a lot less fun than other games
          subjective, I have more fun microing my team than not. to act like what YOU personally prefer is objective is pure arrogance

          • 9 months ago

            >pure arrogance
            >Good luck trying to prove that FFI, II, III, V, VIII, X or X-2 had better stories than XII.
            what an obnoxious human being lol.

            • 9 months ago

              how are you going to call anyone else obnoxious when you build strawmen online for a hobby. you're welcome to point out where I ever said anything like that last greentext homosexual

  25. 9 months ago

    >game plays itself
    Gee i wonder why every hated it
    The only alternative was to try and micro your party in a real time scenario which could often leave your characters performing no action at all
    Gambits were genuine trash

  26. 9 months ago

    Funnily enough, I just finished ff12 yesterday. Overall it was a miserable experience.
    Combat was easily the best part. The gambit system was interesting and it was really fun trying to customize and optimize it's use.
    History is no existant at all, and I would say it is the most important part of an rpg.
    Characters are hit or miss. Either really interesting, or could be replaced by a wet fart with no impact at all to the story. Fran, Ashe and Balthier being the best ones. Basch was the equivalent of a glass of water and Penelo and Van are so irrelevant I am wondering now still why were they included in the game at all.

    I played ff14 before, while not the best one out there in terms of story for an RPG it is miles better and you feel a lot more invested in the characters and world that in ff12. I am going to play now ff10 and hopefully that actually gets to capture my attention because ff12 all in all was an incredible waste of time.

    Fran and Ashe literally kept me going I want to frick both of them so hard holy shit

  27. 9 months ago

    >I need to shill FF12 with it's mature political story and it's genious battle system, surely if I do that people will consider me smart and a man of good taste.
    This is one of the weirdest and saddest circlejerking I've seen in vidya.
    The story is a fricking mess that sucks ass and so do all characters, and he combat system is a shitty automatic combat where you do nothing but press the forward button, helped by a gambit system that is very limiting, but enough to do the job even as a 60IQ moron putting only the attack command because the game may as well be one of the easiest jrpg ever.
    Frick off, I can't believe you sold me this trash of a game, I waited and waited for it to get good and never did, and good god the new version has turbo mode, because not only the combat is the most boring shit ever, but the normal speed is either the most artificial padding ever, or the PS2 was complete shit for this game and they didn't want the character to run quickly so the ps2 could render stuff.
    Everyone who worked on this game should have gotten fired on the spot, no wonder FF went to shit with it.

  28. 9 months ago

    I like FF4 cause it's really simple.

    • 9 months ago

      The bosses were really fun, in both original and 3D remake

  29. 9 months ago

    >just program the AI yourself
    yeah great feature

  30. 9 months ago

    What with anons always saying Ivalice is the true final fantasy and shit like that?

    I never played 1 and 2, and I don't remember 3 at all.
    But I don't remember any mention of Ivalice in either 4,5,6,7,8 and 10. Now that I think about it, I don't remember much about 9, I have to replay it again, it's been a long time.

  31. 9 months ago

    >Program party members.
    >Turn gambits off the character you're controlling.
    It's that easy.

    • 9 months ago

      >Yes bro, just only play this trash of a game in a way it takes you 5 times more time to finish. They totally didn't make the gambit system precisely to avoid that or anything.

      • 9 months ago

        >5 times
        selecting a target to attack with one character is done as easily as 2 button presses anon, it takes like less than a few seconds.

        • 9 months ago

          >Bro, just pause the game every 5 seconds and choose the commands for the 4 characters with those terrible menus.
          Yeah...what about no, 5 times may as well be a massive understatement, specially if you play with turbo.

          • 9 months ago

            Sounds like you play games just to be a gay about them online while other people play games because they enjoy them.

          • 9 months ago

            >4 characters
            party members.
            >>Turn gambits off the character you're controlling.
            a target to attack with one character
            reading is hard

  32. 9 months ago

    played the whole game manually
    never once bought a gambit
    still enjoyed it

  33. 9 months ago

    oh yah, that reminds me. Why the hell do I need to buy basic shit like Cure and heal

  34. 9 months ago

    >let’s gamify party AI
    Worst mechanic ever.

  35. 9 months ago

    People didn't like FF12 because NO MUH ROMANCE story. Also Vaan was a stupid addition. Should have been Balthier from the start.

    • 9 months ago

      >People didn't like FF12 because NO MUH ROMANCE story
      most people like V

  36. 9 months ago

    My favorite part of 12 is how a lot of the dungeons have extra post-game areas. More games should do that.

  37. 9 months ago

    I did think it was amazing that the game can LITERALLY play itself. I remember setting some parameters, setting the controller down for a couple of hours, coming back and seeing my party had gone up like 13 levels. It was surreal at the time just in terms of grinding capabilities. It's almost like "idle games" but this could be applied to a full on JRPG. You could actually set parameters and just have the party "auto fight" the boss without ever having to touch the controller.

  38. 9 months ago

    FF12 lets you automate tedium, so you automate tedium to focus on actually playing the game. You realize that actually playing the game is tedious, so you set up gambits to automate that tedium so you can focus on actually playing the parts that are worth playing. You realize that the parts that are "worth playing" are tedious, so you automate those parts so you can get to the parts that are worth it.

    Finally, you realize you've automated so much that the only thing left for you to do is automate the entire game because you'd be an idiot not to. After doing that you wonder why you wasted your time on FF12 at all instead of playing something actually worthwhile, but that is an epiphany not everyone achieves.

    • 9 months ago

      So you hate factorio?

  39. 9 months ago

    Anyone who brings up IQ and FF in the same sentence should be publicly flogged

  40. 9 months ago

    Dragon Age Origins blatantly based their custom-make-AI thing (whatever it's called) off of FF12's gambit system. One of the devs straight up stated it on the old Bioware forums that aren't available anymore
    Then they abandoned it from DA2 onward for some dumb reason

  41. 9 months ago

    The sad part is, that system is EXACTLY what their mobile game, FFBE: War of the Visions needed. And despite being requested from day fricking 1 by the community, and being acknowledged as a request, it was never done because that would take actual effort (and remove their ability to manipulate battle RNG)

  42. 9 months ago

    I really like the music and setting of FFXII, but the game play makes it hard for me to be engaged a couple hours in. IDK feels like I'm waiting more than actually playing.

  43. 9 months ago

    If FF12 is so great why did the remaster add a fast forward button?

    • 9 months ago

      Anon, it wasn't the remaster that added it... you could tap L1 on the International Zodiac Job System PS2 version and get mega speed long, long before any remaster was in the works.

  44. 9 months ago

    >Came up with the solution to blur the line between action and RPG
    >filters everyone
    >never gets used again for anything ever

    I know that no one ever uses command mode in Dissidia but the concept still has a lot of potential. Nobody would complain that FF16 doesn't have enough RPG elements if the game had an option to be played in RPG Mode

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't 15 have a similar mode?

      • 9 months ago

        No, it's completely different from Wait mode. RPG mode is where you input a command and let AI fight for you

  45. 9 months ago

    The problem is that FFXII's combat is too shallow.
    It's very telling that it's so easy to automate. You don't have to make any real decisions besides the basic stuff that was in every previous FF. It lacks the extra "spark" needed to make a battle system interesting.
    The license board is the most boring growth system in the franchise. And no the "job" system introduced in the re-release didn't help much, it just divided the board into pieces.
    The best thing about FFXII by far is its world, which almost justifies the bland gameplay and unfinished story, but not really.

  46. 9 months ago

    Penelo was always frickable. I never understood the memes

  47. 9 months ago

    So how do I make the combat fun?

    • 9 months ago

      The best way is to install the Struggle for Freedom mod that makes the game much harder and it makes you use phoenix downs early game on undead enemies because it gets rough. Likely the vanilla difficulty is too easy for your modern adult brain.

      just make a good gambit system rotation, FF12 is about making a well oiled AI that just decimates every encounter in the game by itself without your imput, except bosses ofc.

      Its an JRPG what did you expect, its more about the story than the gameplay.

  48. 9 months ago

    the game did beastiality before bg3
    inb4 muh trad based japanese wouldn't do such a thing

    • 9 months ago

      Viera are humans

      • 9 months ago

        Complete one of first hunts involving a ghost in the sewer and you'll be rewarded by a white woman who has seeq husband and a mutt kid

        druids are more human than rabbit girls

  49. 9 months ago

    Except having to unlock good AI is fricking moronic.
    I love zodiac age but the gambit system being tied to in game items is probably the single worst decision in the entire game.

  50. 9 months ago

    Gambits would have work great in 7R if the also reworked the agro system.

  51. 9 months ago

    I don't like the gambit system
    mainly because it's nowhere as good as Dragon Age's version

  52. 9 months ago

    >game punishes you for grinding
    fricking hated this game

    • 9 months ago

      how so? I grinded gil in the Lusuo mines till I was pretty much a gillionaire and I didn’t see any repercussions

    • 9 months ago

      I don't remember it punishes you for grinding but even if so, 99% you frickers complain about grinding anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        anyone who needs to grind in any JRPG past the NES era is a baddie who deserves to be mocked.

  53. 9 months ago

    I'm glad XII is my first and only FF game I've ever played. Every other game in the series looks cringe, but I haven't checked out the most recent one

  54. 9 months ago

    Donald would've been useful if KH2 had used gambits.

  55. 9 months ago

    It's crazy how much better this game is than the games that followed it, and X, honestly. It's the only Final Fantasy game without Sakaguchi's direct involvement that was any good.

    • 9 months ago

      its the job system, jobs are like the core of classic final fantasy. the whole series started with the job system. anyone can make an RPG but make it as original as classic FF? it hasnt been tried in a while and delivered in such a colorful aesthetic way. red, blue, black, white mages were such a nice addition to their setting.

  56. 9 months ago

    I never understood why people make the complaint of "you just automate the game" it's not like any other final fantasy is a puzzle where you need to figure out what to do, you see a Bomb floating around, you throw ice, see a robot, throw lightning, hp below 60%? Heal, etc etc. Players were already going to do the things that you automate it to do, so what's exactly the problem other than, I guess, Final Fantasy inherent battle system?

  57. 9 months ago

    >Make game play itself
    >wonder why it never came back

  58. 9 months ago

    Midwits love this shit but it's boring af

    • 9 months ago

      What was better? Turns?
      Because I agree but we are getting older we need hard turn games or at least a difficulty selection at the start.

      only SMT scratches that niche so far its the only turn RPG hard enough that it is fun for adults.

      • 9 months ago

        Honestly Vagrant Story had a fantastic combat system I'd love to see come back. Premium fusion of turn-based and action elements. Basically the only good RTWP Japanese game.

        • 9 months ago

          the combat is fun but the weapon autism is too much. I like games where you carry a variety of tools for killing specific things, but VS takes it too far.

        • 9 months ago

          >Honestly Vagrant Story had a fantastic combat system
          It abso-fricking-lutely did not, and I say this as someone who enjoys vagrant story. Here's the entire combat system boiled down:

          -scan enemy for weaknesses
          -equip the weapon type/accessory they're weak to and cast the spell that makes your weapon their elemental weakness. If no weakness is present, cast strength up instead (or was it weapon up? there were 2 buffs you used, forgot the name)
          -aim for the body part with the best hit rate
          -equip the ability on that restores weapon degradation on one button and the mana restore on another one, use a filler for the third one (you get a really good one when you unlock all abilities but you'll likely beat the game by then)
          -alternate between the anti-degredation/mana restore buttons during attack combos
          -cure when HP is low
          -use a vera root when your RISK is too high to avoid missing or getting one shot

          that's it, that the combat against every single enemy in VS. It's a good thing that level ups don't matter much outside of the initial few hours so you can skip most battles.

          • 9 months ago

            You suck. Man up, chain up and shove that vera root somewhere.

  59. 9 months ago

    It's boring.
    First game in a long time I had to force myself to play multiple times. Dropped it like 4 times because it was drab, but the last time I gave it a good 40 hours just doing the motions before one day I just stopped. Didn't feel annoyed or anything like what someone usually feels when they spontaneously quit, I just lost all desire to bother.
    Crazy considering I grew up on FF games and it's probably my favorite series (which is tough considering the last good entry was in 2002).
    You guys can enjoy if you want, but just know you're oddballs for it.

    • 9 months ago

      >thinly veiled Xgay post

      the combat is fun but the weapon autism is too much. I like games where you carry a variety of tools for killing specific things, but VS takes it too far.

      nah the weapon shit was fun, it needs some tweaks for sure but what Matsuno game doesn't? it's the arbitrary and hidden RPG mechanics that give them their charm (and filter the frick out of people). it's no coincidence that Tactics is his most popular game, it had Ito on it to keep the tism at bay.

      • 9 months ago

        veiled Xgay post
        Not an argument, besides, I hold 1, 4, and 11 closer to my heart.

        • 9 months ago

          >Not an argument
          you didn't make an argument either

        • 9 months ago

          OP said FF's downfall was caused by people being too low IQ to enjoy 12, my response was that 12 isn't some unsung masterpiece, it's just straight boring, for a specific type of autist which I just so happen to not be. How this makes me an Xgay is beyond me when I didn't even mention another game (just saying the last good entry was 2002 isn't enough to assume which game I consider my favorite).

          • 9 months ago

            >Not an argument
            you didn't make an argument either

            Whoopsie, wrong post.

      • 9 months ago

        >it's the arbitrary and hidden RPG mechanics that give them their charm (and filter the frick out of people)
        maybe, I just thought the inventory limits and storage chest working as they do was a bit tedious on top of the arbitrary stuff. I can handle arbitrary nonsense if interacting with the systems is fun, but the load times really kill it for me. good thing the rest of the game is stellar so it's hardly an issue, it just annoys me a bit. perhaps if weapon customization was a bit seamless I'd feel less annoyed experimenting with stuff

        • 9 months ago

          I read somewhere a long time ago that the awful menu loading was a product of the technique they used to keep the load times of the cutscenes/room changes to basically nil. dunno if it was the best decision for a game that is primarily menu-ing, but I can imagine that without the limitations of the hardware that particular part of the game would be much more bearable.

          >Honestly Vagrant Story had a fantastic combat system
          It abso-fricking-lutely did not, and I say this as someone who enjoys vagrant story. Here's the entire combat system boiled down:

          -scan enemy for weaknesses
          -equip the weapon type/accessory they're weak to and cast the spell that makes your weapon their elemental weakness. If no weakness is present, cast strength up instead (or was it weapon up? there were 2 buffs you used, forgot the name)
          -aim for the body part with the best hit rate
          -equip the ability on that restores weapon degradation on one button and the mana restore on another one, use a filler for the third one (you get a really good one when you unlock all abilities but you'll likely beat the game by then)
          -alternate between the anti-degredation/mana restore buttons during attack combos
          -cure when HP is low
          -use a vera root when your RISK is too high to avoid missing or getting one shot

          that's it, that the combat against every single enemy in VS. It's a good thing that level ups don't matter much outside of the initial few hours so you can skip most battles.

          >the combat system is bad because you do things
          ??? what kind of argument is this? oh man, Dark Souls sucks so much, all you do is roll and hit the boss the entire time! FFX? dogshit, you just choose the party member that enemy type is weak to!

          FF12 killed a series, Xenoblade revived one.

          >animesloppas coomsoom animesloppa
          wow sugoi tbh ne

          • 9 months ago

            >Dark Souls sucks so much, all you do is roll and hit the boss the entire time
            the game fricking stops when you attack an enemy in VS dude

            >FFX? dogshit, you just choose the party member that enemy type is weak to!
            I don't hold FFX's combat very high but enemies fight back more in that game

            • 9 months ago

              >the game fricking stops when you attack an enemy in VS dude
              ....so? the frick does that have to do with my point?
              >but enemies fight back more in that game
              completely unrelated to any of your previous points, baiting or moronic?

              • 9 months ago

                >....so? the frick does that have to do with my point?
                because the entire game is just going through your initial equip/buff and then going to town on a helpless enemy/boss who doesn't fight back, the dark souls comparison is moronic

                >completely unrelated to any of your previous points, baiting or moronic?
                Do I have to analyze every single point of the combat system? If you played the game, you should know why what I said is an issue

              • 9 months ago

                >you should know why what I said is an issue
                see, that's just the thing, I don't think you ever even played the game, and if you did you almost assuredly didn't move past the first hour or 2. your post is a desperate attempt to make the combat system sound "solved" by omitting any of the issues that you constantly run into during the game, like the exponential RISK you gain if you just infinitely combo enemies like you are implying you are able to. but see, that's not something you'd see until you got to the enemies that couldn't be killed in a few hits. that's not to mention that enemies are 100% going to slip through the cracks, many of the midgame enemies forcing you to learn the timing of attacks to avoid being paralyzed/silent'd into death, not to mention the phantom enemies that can just, fly away from you, and will fly away from you, forcing you to learn the timing and proper defense abilities for their attack type. etc etc. so you either didn't actually play the game, played the game and didn't finish even a quarter of it, or maybe you just played with a guide, and in that case you are still as much of a loser moron as you'd be in the other cases.
                I've already said previously that all of Matsuno's games have mechanical issues, so this isn't some fanboy defense of the game, but I do think you are a moron for even implying that motherfricking FFX of all things has a better combat system, and will vocalize that as many times as you need to get it through your thick skull that you are in fact a moron.

              • 9 months ago

                >you should know why what I said is an issue
                see, that's just the thing, I don't think you ever even played the game, and if you did you almost assuredly didn't move past the first hour or 2. your post is a desperate attempt to make the combat system sound "solved" by omitting any of the issues that you constantly run into during the game, like the exponential RISK you gain if you just infinitely combo enemies like you are implying you are able to. but see, that's not something you'd see until you got to the enemies that couldn't be killed in a few hits. that's not to mention that enemies are 100% going to slip through the cracks, many of the midgame enemies forcing you to learn the timing of attacks to avoid being paralyzed/silent'd into death, not to mention the phantom enemies that can just, fly away from you, and will fly away from you, forcing you to learn the timing and proper defense abilities for their attack type. etc etc. so you either didn't actually play the game, played the game and didn't finish even a quarter of it, or maybe you just played with a guide, and in that case you are still as much of a loser moron as you'd be in the other cases.
                I've already said previously that all of Matsuno's games have mechanical issues, so this isn't some fanboy defense of the game, but I do think you are a moron for even implying that motherfricking FFX of all things has a better combat system, and will vocalize that as many times as you need to get it through your thick skull that you are in fact a moron.

                oh and, you bring up "level ups" for some reason? the game doesn't even have em.

  60. 9 months ago

    Fine, I'll play it again, it's been over a decade since I last gave it a chance. But I bet I won't bother finishing it this time either.
    It really was a trash game wasn't it, maybe I shouldn't bother.

    • 9 months ago

      just cheat man, download a cheat engine table if it pans out too much and kill everything in one hit at least try to comprehend the story which is pretty good , also play it with only adult characters, that means no cringe Vaan and Penelo

      It seems to be the story was written around Ashe, Balthier and Basch

  61. 9 months ago

    yeah i loved the system, the colors, the sounds, everything about FF12.

  62. 9 months ago

    FF12 and Dragon Age: Origins (and I think Pillars of Eternity has a more basic version but I forget) are the only CRPGs I know of that use the gambit/tactics system, which sucks because it's an awesome fit for RTWP and ATB combat. I get that some people find that it kind of automates the game, but I really think it just lets the game have more complexity with what they allow characters to actively do during a fight (as opposed to just normal attacks).

    And, yes, FF12 is a CRPG.

  63. 9 months ago

    I still think it's funny that Sakaguchi just outright refused to play the game

  64. 9 months ago

    >Ever single thread ever has the braindead take that Vaan was useless even though he wasn't, as his character develops from bratty street kid to sensible and wise man (being influenced by Basch and Balthier), who steers Ashe from becoming another tyrant and helps Ashe do good instead of lust for power which she or the occuria wanted her to steer for.

    Every thead ever, they just repeat this braindead take

    • 9 months ago

      That's because a fair few of these people have actually played the game. there's a reason why it remains one of the lowest selling Final Fantasy games in existence, and why you've been seen the same 4 arguments about it for almost 20 years.

      • 9 months ago

        Sales dont mean a game is good or bad, we memed Hogwarts Legacy onto having high sales because we made it about culture war lol, the game itself is mid as hell but it was a fun time making leftoids mad ngl.

        • 9 months ago

          I wasn't saying the sales denoted good or bad, I was saying that piracy and emulation is a miniscule portion of the market and that the fast majority of Final Fantasy fans (and people in general) haven't actually played the game, provably so.

          • 9 months ago

            *vast, but I'm sure you got the point.

          • 9 months ago

            I dont mind who plays the games and by which means, i just care that they experience the story because FF12 story is pretty good honestly one of the better FF stories. Not better than FF6 or FF10 but def better or equivalent to FF4 the Kain one in terms of writing. FF7 wasnt that impressive, FF8 story is trash, FF9 is DBZ.

            • 9 months ago

              >FF9 is DBZ
              Damn you're moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes it is, you play as an alien monkey kid and fight an alien monkey kid of your same race and shit.

  65. 9 months ago

    >the board now has an FFXII sperg
    Have you branched out Barry, or is this an entirely different schtick?

  66. 9 months ago

    >devs too lazy to program in good ai
    >h-here you do it...
    XV is the only FF with good AI, it literally won an award for it.

  67. 9 months ago

    Why are we talking about filters and not the fact that I'M CAPTAIN BASCH FON ROSENBERG OF DALMASCA


  68. 9 months ago

    >Autobattle bad
    >Yes masters give me autobattle

    It makes no sense

  69. 9 months ago


  70. 9 months ago

    This game was ahead of its time. It kind of reminds of MGS2, insofar as it was a game that received a mix of praise and criticism from players of that time, but in retrospect was much better than we thought.

    • 9 months ago

      I think the game is much more like MGSV than 2. It's the dying breath of a franchise, painfully unfinished and tarnished by corporate meddling. But still a game that tried a ton of interesting things, some of which haven't been replicated again.

  71. 9 months ago

    I would absolutely kill to have the gambit system in Tactics Ogre.

  72. 9 months ago

    FFXII is Icewind Dale but with a bigger budget.
    You get 6 characters who's class you can customize, and the battle system is RTwP.

  73. 9 months ago

    this specimen has ga level magicks and is still using Water (or Aqua I can't remember how it was translated in the unmodded versions of the game). not to mention unironic use of fricking sight unseeing. this is an embarrassment

  74. 9 months ago

    >never gets used again for anything ever
    Dragon Age Origins stole it you fricking pleb

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