Final Fantasy

>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
>Somehow Zoomies have convinced themselves the whole franchise is bad because of them
Reminder that FF has WAY more hits than misses.

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  1. 12 months ago

    And 1,2 and 8. Also 3 is pretty forgettable when you have 5.
    The point is they haven't made a good Final Fantasy game in the last 15 years. And furthermore the last two entries went full action game and aren't even RPGs.

    • 12 months ago

      1 & 2 are great, especially considering modern releases essentially fix 80% of their issues. 8 is strange, but that's part of it's charm. I do agree that 5 makes 3 sort of redundant, but that doesn't make 3 a bad game because a better one exists in the series.

      • 12 months ago

        8 is a masterpiece not to be experienced by plebs

    • 12 months ago

      1 and 2 are both fine just not amazing. I personally don't LOVE 8 but it's okay and overhated (also overloved by it's fans)

      • 12 months ago

        I would love to love 8, because I think it does some interesting things and I like how experimental it is. Gunblades might have been moronic by they're also iconic as frick.
        Problem is that the gameplay is literally broken, it's malfunctional, you either know how to abuse it or get bullied by the gameplay. It's counter intuitive beyond belief with the interaction between junctioning and level scaling enemies.

        Not what I said

        Sorry my reading comprehension might be bad, despite how long I spend here every day I still struggle to understand moronation.
        Please explain what you meant to say, it seems like it's either "FF14 is bad because it's an MMO and I don't like MMO" or "FF14 doesn't exist because it's an MMO and I don't like MMO"

        • 12 months ago

          People write the MMOs off like they don’t count for understandable reasons when looking at the series as a whole. Whether you like MMOs or not, the subscription fee and time sink are huge barriers to entry for a lot of people, especially younger ones, and since the thread is about a younger demographic that sees the series as bad, it’s a relevant consideration. This gets worse exponentially for new people trying to go back and check out the old ones. There are about 1000 ways to play every other game, but essentially no way to experience 11 as intended ever again.

          • 12 months ago

            Not being interested in them doesn't' make them bad though.
            And it's hard to say that the paywall is a barrier to entry when you can play the critically acclaimed Heavensward expansion pack for free, with no restrictions on playtime, right now just by downloading the game.
            The free portion of the game alone, is good, with plenty of content.
            You simply cannot say that someone who was alive to see 13's release did not live to see a good mainline Final Fantasy release without denying reality.

            • 12 months ago

              >Not being interested in them doesn't' make them bad though.
              Which is why I said irrelevant and not bad
              >And it's hard to say that the paywall is a barrier to entry when you can play the critically acclaimed Heavensward expansion pack for free, with no restrictions on playtime, right now just by downloading the game.
              Yeah NOW, but when your entire impression of the series in your living memory is 13, 14 1.0, and 15, why would you trust it? Plus, a huge part of the good is nostalgia-bait references and even the free part of 14 is a huge case of “trust me bro it gets good 50 hours in.” If the 14 free trial was someone’s only good experience with the series I don’t see it convincing them the series has merit

              • 12 months ago

                To you.

              • 12 months ago

                Literally the opposite of the point I’m making. I’m talking about the impression Gen Z(people who were between 12 and not born yet when FF13 came out) would have of the series

              • 12 months ago

                You are correct.
                Even for older people, what is there to look back on so fondly? There are 3 games worth recommending, that is pretty much it. Unless someone is a genre-hound and will consume anything within a genre, then he can do all of the SNES types or all of the PS1 types etc.

                It is really something else. People want some shred of credibility, yes, even on an anon board. FF being a known thing, with known "rankings" etc. makes it easy to cling to. I mention praised game on x forum and x forum respects my posts. This sort of thing. Similar to many of the games parroted here.

  2. 12 months ago

    That means FF has been bad for 13 years

  3. 12 months ago

    final fantasy hasnt been good since 9

    • 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    If 13 is still bad, why it got two sequels?

    • 12 months ago

      They had that planned years in advance I remember them showing the crystal whatever plan that originally included FF15 and Versus 13.

    • 12 months ago

      It’s cheaper to make cheap sequels than a entry in a completely different universe with a new cast of characters. XIII-2 and LR didn’t even had a new design for Sazh, Vanille and Fang.

    • 12 months ago

      FF13-2 Asset flip Adventures and FF13-3 Godslayer Femfic were only made to get the most profit out of using the least amount of effort
      because FF13 was a net loss they could not afford to make another mainline FF title from scratch.
      now you know.

      • 12 months ago

        And Japan ate it up. It's like they want everything to be Kitase style forever. Meanwhile Matsuno fans are mostly in the west but why?

        Filler games to try buy time while Nomura fricked around with V13. Took Tabata coming in and trying to make something out of his unfocused shit to actually put out a new mainline. Otherwise we would still be stuck at 15 and have Final Fantasy 13-8, Lighting's Tampon Adventure

        >Filler games to try buy time while Nomura fricked around with V13. Took Tabata coming in and trying to make something out of his unfocused shit to actually put out a new mainline.
        13-1 ate a lot of Nomura's team and the rest were working on 14. He couldn't frick around for a good two years and he was making the game in 2011... only for Wada to assign Tabata to the project and take over.

        • 12 months ago

          >Matsuno fans are mostly in the west but why?
          Imagine an alternate timeline where FF12's protagonist was Basch.

          • 12 months ago

            Don't believe in Ondore's lies.

            • 12 months ago
          • 12 months ago

            >Imagine an alternate timeline where FF12's protagonist was Basch.
            Which is funny because Matsuno said this wasn't true (I can find the Twitter link) and Vaan was allegedly picked as early as 2002 (this I can't find lol I'm sorry but I believe it was Akihiko Yoshida who said it).

    • 12 months ago

      Filler games to try buy time while Nomura fricked around with V13. Took Tabata coming in and trying to make something out of his unfocused shit to actually put out a new mainline. Otherwise we would still be stuck at 15 and have Final Fantasy 13-8, Lighting's Tampon Adventure

    • 12 months ago

      The dev liked Lightning a lot no joke

    • 12 months ago

      someone summon the Clairegay who was in the thread yesterday, he's very good at explaining this.

  5. 12 months ago

    I wish it had a hit recently.

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically, tomorrow.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not playing some action slop. I want a real RPG not a shitty DMC clone.

        • 12 months ago

          Your loss.

  6. 12 months ago

    Are you forgetting the disaster that was Final Fantasy XIV 1.0?

  7. 12 months ago

    All of those hits happened more than 20 years ago.

  8. 12 months ago

    So the last good single player FF title was FF12 nearly 20 years ago

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, because the series focused on building 14, which is one of the best entries in the entire franchise.

      • 12 months ago

        14 is dogshit though

        • 12 months ago

          The issue with it is it's an MMO and MMO's are inherently AIDS.

  9. 12 months ago

    The 13 trilogy is great. Cope.

  10. 12 months ago

    2 is also terrible.

  11. 12 months ago

    They haven't had a true hit since VII.
    X was the closest they got.

    But this new one is very different to the other games. It doesn't even feel like final fantasy... which is a good thing because I hate how boring final fantasy looked and it literally put me off buying it as a kid :^)
    This new one looks brutal.

    • 12 months ago

      FF1-6 have amazing aesthetics. 7 was alright for being mostly a sci-fi entry, but I think general design and tone took a huge hit from that point forward (until 14, which does a good job looking like the original entries).

  12. 12 months ago

    It's all Nomura's fault. He needs to get fired ASAP

  13. 12 months ago

    12 was the last decent one
    10 was the last god-tier one (im not counting the MMOs, those are god-tier but we are talking single player games here)

    Ever since Square went "action" oriented with the gameplay was the moment the franchise went to shit. 16 looks like Final Fantasy: DMC Edition.

    • 12 months ago

      >the game that killed the world map
      >god tier

  14. 12 months ago

    Bad were 6, 9, and 15
    Best is 8

  15. 12 months ago

    Zoomer here
    I played VII, VI and X
    VII was mediocre, no idea what all the hype is about. My brother and a bunch of my friends who played it felt the same way.
    Played VI up to getting the airship in the World of Ruin and just stopped. The game just felt like a drag at that point and even before then it was mildly good at best.
    X I liked most and could actually see myself replaying it. Actually felt involved with the story and characters and the world was unique. Battle system was meh but all FF games seem to thrive on bland battle systems.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh and I played XIV up to start of Endwalker. It does not get better.

    • 12 months ago

      7 is kind of a mess and they threw a bunch of shit in without considering whether it worked or not just because it was their first 3D game. You can definitely tell they got better with things for FF9

    • 12 months ago

      >VII was mediocre, no idea what all the hype is about
      Of course you don't understand the hype, you're a zoomer playing a game some 20 years after it came out. There was quite literally nothing else in the gaming industry like FF7 when FF7 came out. It absolutely revolutionized gaming in multiple ways, and is quite possibly the first legitimate AAA game.
      You simply cannot understand what it was like to see random TV commercials for that game, or can't possibly have the mindset of someone that was living during the release period to see how it transformed the entire fricking scene.

      • 12 months ago

        A good game should stand on its own two legs even after many years, not "hype of the moment". The impression around FF7 will likely die out as you boomers and millenials go senile and die off (hopefully soon)

        • 12 months ago

          FF7 is a good game though, and absolutely stands on it's own two legs many years later. You're moronic zoomer opinion based on e-celeb hype is irrelevant.

          • 12 months ago

            >based on e-celeb hype
            I said I played the game, are you moronic? e-celebs are mostly boomers and millenials who can't stop sucking this game's dick because they played it when they were 7

            • 12 months ago

              >VII was mediocre, no idea what all the hype is about.
              >I said I played the game
              >e-celebs are mostly boomers and millenials who can't stop sucking this game's dick because they played it when they were 7
              Sounds to me like you listened to a bunch of ecelebs slob on the knob of the game for years which informed your own hype/opinion about the game, and when you went to finally play it you were left disappointed.

              • 12 months ago

                It's more of a general gaming consensus that VII is the definitive FF game and changed the course of gaming forever and has such a gargantuan impact etc. which has been repeated even by yourself in this thread. Maybe that was the case back in the 90s but what you and every millenial and boomer experienced bafk then will never he recreated with the game. Its popularity is destined to die off eventually. Not taking others opinions or its impact into account, the game is very mediocre nowadays.

      • 12 months ago

        Sadly, still there isn’t.
        FFVII and Xenogears hit really high. Some of the later FFs are still decent, but the usual JRPG fan only plays Persona or Trails nowadays and talk about waifus.

        • 12 months ago

          >the usual JRPG fan only plays Persona or Trails nowadays and talk about waifus.
          read this over 5 times

      • 12 months ago

        Looks like all you needed was better graphics and voice acting to get you hooked, like a typical zoomer

        • 12 months ago

          meant for

          Zoomer here
          I played VII, VI and X
          VII was mediocre, no idea what all the hype is about. My brother and a bunch of my friends who played it felt the same way.
          Played VI up to getting the airship in the World of Ruin and just stopped. The game just felt like a drag at that point and even before then it was mildly good at best.
          X I liked most and could actually see myself replaying it. Actually felt involved with the story and characters and the world was unique. Battle system was meh but all FF games seem to thrive on bland battle systems.

      • 12 months ago

        Unironically the game that killed gaming in favor of moviegames and why we are here complaining about the company being garbage now.
        I used to blame Halo for bringing in the fratbro moron audience but it was really Sony that fricked everything. Nintendo designed their system around gameplay and Sony designed theirs around selling their patented discs.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh and I played XIV up to start of Endwalker. It does not get better.

      Kys zoom zoom

  16. 12 months ago

    >13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
    And 8 and 12.
    >the whole franchise is bad because of them
    It pales in comparison to other RPGs series and standalone games like Megaten, Tales, Chrono Trigger, Mana, SaGa, Grandia, Breath of Fire, Fire Emblem and even fricking Persona, all which have deeper gameplay, characters and plot. Final Fantasy is carried hard by the fact that it was the *first* jrpg to become popular outside of Japan.

    • 12 months ago

      There isn’t a single mainline FF that’s worse than Symphonia Dawn of the New World, Tempest, Legendia or Zestiria.

      • 12 months ago

        FFX-2, anything related to 13 and Type-0, among others.

      • 12 months ago

        Yes, there is. VI and IX

    • 12 months ago

      >Mana has deeper gameplay
      >SMT has deeper plot
      Definitely some series you didn't play there

  17. 12 months ago

    There aren’t bad mainline FFs, every entry is at least mediocre or ok. That includes stuff like FFII or FFXV.

  18. 12 months ago

    >>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
    9 is the only bad entry in the mainline series. 15 is disappointing, but not bad. As is 13.
    9 is fundamentally flawed in that it doesn't do a single new thing (unless you count ATE being 'new' even though it's just a scene transition to a new location like the FF series has had since 4) and is unironically the worst in the mainline series, by a fricking mile.

    • 12 months ago

      >fundamentally flawed because it doesn’t do a single new thing
      People like you are why square can’t figure out what to do with the series. After two exploratory games they do a 3d fully funded version of the old adventure and whimsy atmosphere and some people shit on it for not doing anything new. So they dive face first into more and more change for the sake of change and this is how we get Final Fantasy featuring Dante from DMC.

      • 12 months ago

        It's not my fault that they've come up with some kind of new twist or new system in every single mainline FF game bar 9.
        1 kicked it all off
        2 had the Saga style leveling and passwords.
        3 had a very barebones job system
        4 had the story driven premade characters
        5 had a much more advanced job system
        6 had multiple protags and split parties, esper based magic learning
        7 was 3d + had the materia system and blended FMVs into gameplay near seemlessly
        8 had the junctioning system and triple triad
        9 had the skill system which is functionally identical to 6s magic-by-esper system except it's actually worse because you're forced to use outdated gear to finish grinding the skill attached to it, and it's own worse version of triple triad
        10 had blitzball, the grid sphere system, and voice acting
        11 is an MMO and we don't count 11
        12 had the gambit system, hunt systems, played like an offline MMO
        13 had the whatever-the-frick it's called where you switch stances or whatever system
        14 is an MMO and we don't count 14
        15 was basically full action gameplay with a very limited party and an open world.

        Every single one of those in that list added something huge that makes each individual game stand out on its own EXCEPT for 9.
        Frick 9.

        • 12 months ago

          Have you considered whether your insistence that the metric of a good game is its use of a 'new twist or new system' is precisely what I'm talking about. Rather than being able to refine through iteration, square tosses everything out with each game to satisfy this lust for novelty. And it's almost like this process privileging novelty lowers quality.

  19. 12 months ago

    >Defending 8.
    >Defending 2
    >Defending 12.

    • 12 months ago

      12 is a pleb filter. If the gambit and license systems are too complicated for your little brain, stick to Assassin Creed games, bro.

      • 12 months ago

        The setting's boring bro

        • 12 months ago

          Not really. I know it's a meme to say
          >the game gets better after the first couple hours, bro
          But it definitely applies to this game

          The gambit and license systems are the least of 12s problems you disingenuous worm.

          OK so what's the problem then? And don't bring up the story. Every FF game's story is all over the place so thats just a given

          • 12 months ago

            >OK so what's the problem then?
            OST is bland
            Story is all over the place, even more so than most of the other FF games
            The MC is fricking awful
            Villain is abysmal and lacks the charm that other villains in the series have had.
            Most of the game is the same bland desertish look or the sewers/ruins look.

      • 12 months ago

        The gambit and license systems are the least of 12s problems you disingenuous worm.

  20. 12 months ago

    Like or or hate it, the franchise peaked with 7 and has been chasing that high ever since.
    There's a reason 7 is the only one in the series to constantly get sequels and spinoffs.
    >b-b-but my MMOs.
    Don't count, never counted. Expansions aren't sequels
    Final Fantasy will forever live in the shadow of FF7, Cloud and Nomura and that's a fact.

  21. 12 months ago

    >>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
    Zoomies have convinced themselves the whole franchise is bad because of them
    You're kidding right? Zoomies loved 15 because it was just Assassin's Creed with an anime skin.

    • 12 months ago

      >Zoomies loved 15 because it was just Assassin's Creed with an anime skin.
      Is this why barry defends 15 to no end???

      This is you isn't it?
      >no i love xv for its characters and having the freedom to explore and just stumble upon a dungeon with a strong boss at the end or actually having a sense of the world and its places and the lore actually happening in character dialog and cutscenes and in world items, not like ff13 where its only in a datalog
      >inb4 but 15 has a datalog too!
      >yeah added months after release and which just recaps info already told to you in the story or in dialog
      >13 has no sense of place, the is no sense of a world, the characters have a terrible dynamic which even after 3 games still doesn't work or feel fleshed out while the bros have easily the strongest dynamic of any ff and are extremely fleshed out even in just half the game.

      • 12 months ago

        >This is you isn't it?
        You being Barry and zoomers, not (You)

        >>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
        Zoomies have convinced themselves the whole franchise is bad because of them
        You're kidding right? Zoomies loved 15 because it was just Assassin's Creed with an anime skin.

        • 12 months ago

          >>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
          Zoomies have convinced themselves the whole franchise is bad because of them
          You're kidding right? Zoomies loved 15 because it was just Assassin's Creed with an anime skin.

          >FF12 was made for boomers who like very methodical planning and tactics with their gameplay. The story filtered out a lot of people because the high fantasy politcs.
          >FF15 was made for zoomers who just want to have fast gameplay and shiny graphics. The story was typical (albeit poorly told) most people dont think too hard about it.
          >The audiences are the complete polar opposites.
          >FF16 is strangely enough an attempt on trying to pull both audiences together.

          • 12 months ago

            >The story filtered out a lot of people because the high fantasy politcs.
            kek, holy cope
            that plot is as deep and complex as a water puddle

      • 12 months ago

        >Zoomies loved 15 because it was just Assassin's Creed with an anime skin.
        I know they love it but is this true? It;s like Tabata was proven right. Only for them to turn away

  22. 12 months ago

    Final Fantasy isn't an RPG series anymore. Change my mind. You fricking can't.

  23. 12 months ago

    XIII wasn't bad and managed to do some things very well. XV was actually bad and an incomplete mess that damaged the brand and managed to do nothing well.

  24. 12 months ago

    I really liked the FF13 lore, but it was such a shame they made it window dressing for datalogs and it didn't particularly matter much and everyone thought it was too complex because of too many proper nouns.

  25. 12 months ago

    12 is a piece of crap. Otherwise I agree, Final Fantasy has more good mainline games than bad.

  26. 12 months ago

    >>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
    10-2 was dogshit

    • 12 months ago

      10-2 has the best gameplay out of all of them. Shame the story was pretty crappy and it was waifu shit trash before the majority of waifushit got popular.

  27. 12 months ago

    Should have just had FF15 end with getting married and making it some sort of Abe's dream propaganda about married life being the 'Final Fantasy'.

  28. 12 months ago

    II, VIII and X are also bad.

  29. 12 months ago

    1-5 Pointless
    6 Fantastic
    7 Great
    8 Great for aesthetics/music, but shit gameplay mechanics
    9 Fantastic
    10 Fantastic
    12 Good
    13 Piss Poor
    15 Piss Poor Walking Sim

    I've left 11 and 14 off here because they're not real FF games

    • 12 months ago

      I used to be like you, then i actually played 11 and I just want to apologise to Tanaka and Komoto for doubting. 11 is such a briliant game, it's almost criminal that MMO avoiders don't give it a chance.

  30. 12 months ago

    >13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
    Why are zoomers allowed to post here?

  31. 12 months ago

    Jack's game was absolute kino.

  32. 12 months ago

    >13, & 15
    We were stuck with these games since 2009. They selfishly and ignorantly thought making sequels to 13 was a good move. Why is that homosexual director that was in charge of the 13 games till at square?

    • 12 months ago

      Moreover he's the director on FF7-R with Nomura. The worst fricking two people at Square.

    • 12 months ago

      Blame 14 morons for forgiving everything since 12 and who will continue to forgive every bad FF game into the future so long as they have their precious troony ERP sim

  33. 12 months ago

    >Many of the spinoffs are shit
    >13 is shit
    >14 is shit
    >15 is shit
    >16 looks like shit
    >Why does the current generation think the franchise is shit!?
    We may never know.

    • 12 months ago

      16 doesn't look anything like those other games or any FF game yet.
      And it looks good from my perspective as a non-FF player that was sorta raised after the initial rise of the series.

      None of the others have interested me.

  34. 12 months ago

    Look forward to them ruining Dragon Quest in the future too. Especially since Sugiyama is dead now.

  35. 12 months ago

    I'd argue that ARR 14 is pretty piss poor too. 2.0 is an absolute snore and doesn't get good until the expansions.

    • 12 months ago

      It was good at a time, it's boring now because you're just being rushed through the buildup and groundwork of lore that needs to be there for the later expansions to thrive on.
      If you played 2.0 at the time it was great because there was more going on, there was more reason to explore and experiment with jobs, level things up for cross job spells, people were doing FATEs constantly. It was a good MMO for it's time and it feels empty now like any 10 year old MMO's low level content would.

      • 12 months ago

        No, it was shit at the time. Frick you you gaslighting piece of shit.

  36. 12 months ago

    FF2 is objectively a bad game

    • 12 months ago

      The music is great.
      The story is very interesting, especially for its time, with a lot of twists and turns and edge to it.
      If you play PR then the gameplay is fine, it's been retuned so that it's not frustrating like it used to be.
      You do not need to spend 10 hours punching yourself in the face.

  37. 12 months ago

    It's pretty maddening to think that FF survived the years when other, better RPGs don't.
    Just like Pokemon, Final Fantasy will bumble on through its branding and not on its own merits. If the devs tried the shit they're pulling under any other name as a new IP they'd flop.

    • 12 months ago

      >Final Fantasy will bumble on through its branding
      That's not true though, there are limits to what they can get away with, just look at FF14 1.0

      • 12 months ago

        And yet as much as people b***h about 13 and 14 1.0, Final Fantasy has still survived.

        • 12 months ago

          Not even that, back to back 13 trilogy, 14 1.0 and vanilla FF15.
          It's 100% surviving on it's branding, no clue what the other anon is smoking.

          • 12 months ago

            And yet as much as people b***h about 13 and 14 1.0, Final Fantasy has still survived.

            It's surviving because it isn't terrible, it's just meh, and the one true disaster they had was fixed through a lot of hard work to salvage the franchise reputation.

  38. 12 months ago

    There are only two bad, but they're actually 2 and 10.

  39. 12 months ago

    How anyone thinks old FF turn based games are decent, after SMT and Persona improved so much on turn based gameplay, is beyond me.
    I think 16 is the right move. It probably won't nail it, but I think the old gameplay is the one thing that kept me away from this franchise.

    I played DQ11 a couple years ago and it was pain. So slow, nothing happens. At least with SMT you get far more variety with movesets and demons/personas.
    So the change in gameplay is probably a good move.

    • 12 months ago

      it's literally a more shallow pokemon

      • 12 months ago

        You don't build pokemon like persona's though.
        But it is sorta competing there.

        If pokemon had more grit and blood it would be decent.

    • 12 months ago

      You're critiquing FF in a time where they've moved on from being turnbased while smt and persona continued doing the formula. I like alot of atlus games but you couldn't be any more biased than what you've just said.

    • 12 months ago

      DQ is better than SMT.

  40. 12 months ago

    10-2 is trash

  41. 12 months ago

    NES 2 was shit but any modern version is fine, definitely not as bad as trash like 13 or 15. And it has the best final dungeon theme in the series

  42. 12 months ago

    >Have to hit things to level up your hitting abilities, western dev
    >Dialogue system instead of a single canned response every single time
    Yo cus, this shit bussin'.

    >Have to hits to level up your hitting abilities, jap dev
    >Dialogue system instead of a single canned response every single time
    Final Fantasy 2 is the worst game ever made.

    • 12 months ago

      Its okay when America does it. Cope

    • 12 months ago

      Morrowind still had level ups, you got health from levelling up not from punching yourself in the face for hours.
      You could powerlevel a few skills in a dumb way like athletics or acrobatics, but most would go up as you naturally played the game.
      If you foolishly decide to dual wield in FF2, you will be absolutely fricked by the end of the game because you never learned how to dodge an attack, that needs a shield silly.

      • 12 months ago

        I'd imagine if your characters never dodge an attack throughout the entire game their HP would be quite high without needing to punch yourself in the face. Video games aren't bad because of ridiculous made-up scenarios which will never occur in real gameplay.

        • 12 months ago

          Played through it recently, PR version, ran guy as a monk from the start. His HP maxed out first but it caps one way or the other. Some of the fast enemies in the final dungeon would 16 hit slap him silly and one shot him.

          We get it you don't like IX and dicksuck XIV. You can stop now.

          I don't think IX is S tier either, but I'm going to drop you down a tier into Dumbass regardless.

          Chill out, I like 9 too but it has serious issues. Let's just be real about it?

    • 12 months ago

      I will never understand anyone saying that Morrowind had good combat.
      Oblivion and Skyrim are soooooooo much better.

  43. 12 months ago

    To be fair it was a pretty grim stretch of years going from 13 to 15 compared to the rest of the series' releases. 14 took a while to become good in a lot of peoples eyes, too.

  44. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I have a hard time taking 9 in S seriously with the major flaws it has in its combat system and plot.
      The world building is great, and the opening act is fantasty, the characters are wonderful so I understand why people like it, but I can't place it that high with an objective mindset, there's too much wrong with it.
      I'd personally swap it with XIV, drop 8 down a tier, and drop 15 down a tier, then I might agree with that evaluation.

      • 12 months ago

        We get it you don't like IX and dicksuck XIV. You can stop now.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think IX is S tier either, but I'm going to drop you down a tier into Dumbass regardless.

      • 12 months ago

        >FFXV XIII
        jesus christ how horrifying

        • 12 months ago

          He didn't mention 13?

          • 12 months ago

            >drop XV down a tier
            anon, read the tiers on the list

    • 12 months ago

      I always feel weird with these tier lists because even stuff I put in C I still feel are 7/10 games.

  45. 12 months ago

    FF2 is only tolerable if you played one of the re-releases, the original is TRASH
    I would unironically rather replay DQ2 and that game is moronic

    • 12 months ago

      DQ2 is obscure as frick, but at least the gameplay is good.

    • 12 months ago

      >the original is TRASH
      Please understand it was a product of it's time.
      Pre-internet, late 80s to mid 90s, game developers realized that if they made their video games cryptic as frick, they could profit extra by selling official guide books.

  46. 12 months ago

    Honestly i liked 13 I even watched a full playthrough some time ago.

  47. 12 months ago

    13 and 15 are the only games in the series that have come out in their lifetime, no shit they think the series is bad. Like, for fricks sake I get games take longer to make in the HD era, but the first 18 years of the series we got 12 games, multiple genre and generation defining masterpieces, and the last 18 years we got 2 boring turds that felt bloated and incomplete at the same time, and one of the worst games ever created(though it was admittedly miraculously salvaged into something passable, it’s still irrelevant if you aren’t an MMO brained mongoloid)

    • 12 months ago

      I'm very curious about these people who were born in time for 13, but too late for 14.

      • 12 months ago

        >though it was admittedly miraculously salvaged into something passable, it’s still irrelevant if you aren’t an MMO brained mongoloid

        • 12 months ago

          >If I'm not personally interested in a game, it can't possibly be good!
          Impressive degree of autism you have there.

          • 12 months ago

            Not what I said

  48. 12 months ago

    /v/- final fantasy shitposting

  49. 12 months ago

    why do people love VII, is it just nostalgiahomosexualry?

    D tier are ones I did not play and the placement of I is for Jack's game since I barely remember playing FF1

    • 12 months ago

      It was a cultural phenomenon and many people’s first exposure to not only the series, but the entire JRPG genre

      • 12 months ago

        Looking at charts like these always makes me realize just how fricking huge gaming is now compared to how it was. Selling 1 million copies back in the 80's or 90's was nuts. Now it's bare minimum break even point for a lot of releases.

    • 12 months ago

      my first ff was 4 and i feel like it took a lot of impact away from aerith with how many people in the game die and die(pretending)

      • 12 months ago

        In FF2, a good 10 or so people join your party and die, such that it ends up being a joke by the end.
        FF3 is worse than 4, there's about 6 people who "die" only to survive and cheer you on in the final battle.
        FF4 is split in the middle, most people survive, but half actually do die.
        5 and 6 is probably when they start to consider killing people off in meaningful ways, 7 nails it because of how much it builds up to the moment - coupled with the fact that unlike in 5 where Galuf is instantly replaced on his death - Aeris never is. She's gone, your healer is gone, you never get another one. That's it.

        • 12 months ago

          The only person who actually dies in 4 is Tellah
          Also Galuf’s death >>>> Aerith’s

          • 12 months ago

            Bro, Anna?

            • 12 months ago

              I was thinking more specifically party members because they actually get screen time. Anna and the king of Baron die too I guess, plus Rydia’s mother but that’s off screen

              • 12 months ago

                And Eblan gets shat on.

              • 12 months ago

                Actually that’s true Edge’s parents do kill themselves after they realise the abominations they’ve become

    • 12 months ago

      A few reasons, one is how cinematic it was at a time where few games had even done so in such a way before. A big reason for me is that the gameplay just works, unlike others around it, there's just nothing wrong with 7. It doesn't aim too high with gameplay and stumble, it's just rock solid from beginning to end.
      It also has multi-dimensional characters, with twists in their backstories and motivations, who develop and grow with the story. The plot is absurd at some points but the core of it resonates well with people, and the bigger twists are extremely memorable and actually plausible unlike some of the sillier twists in other games.
      It was unironically quite mature for its time.

    • 12 months ago

      7 is legit great. I played it 2 decades after it came out and still loved it so it's not a nostalgia thing

    • 12 months ago

      7's better than most PS1 RPGs
      It's not slow as fricking molasses, decent story, mostly cool main party

  50. 12 months ago

    >13 & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series

    It always amazes me how few people there are that actually play the entire series for this franchise. Because almost everyone agrees 2 is a gigantic turd of a game that almost ruined the series originally.

    2 will forever go down as the worst game in the series.

  51. 12 months ago

    I love SaGa, but Final Fantasy 2 is absolute shit.

  52. 12 months ago

    >Claire deniers malding thread.

    Kneel before your Queen, homosexuals.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Let me explain, my brother:
        1)Purest Muse
        2)Queen of Moogles
        3)Etro's Valkyrie
        4)Warrior of Light (L'Cie)
        5)Saviour of Souls
        6)Mother of Humanity (guided souls to their new home)
        7)Pure Heroine
        8)Armpits Goddess
        9)"The most powerful woman in series"
        10Her Crystall has shape of a beautiful Rose
        11)A literal Goddess...
        12)...with face of an Angel.

    • 12 months ago

      >Claire deniers malding thread
      Did you wander in from an RE thread or something?

      • 12 months ago

        No that's Claireposter. He's like Stellagay for XIII and not Versus XIII

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            You know what? I'm just going to fricking post the writeups.

  53. 12 months ago

    I haven't played many Final Fantasy games but from talking to people it seems like the PS2 games had mixed reception, and nobody really wants to play the MMOs, so was FF9 the last time people unanimously thought the games were great?

    • 12 months ago

      FF9 wasn't well received on release, it only now has a cult following (many of whom were FF9 first babbies).
      It has a lot of problems, and the art style was a turn off for many back in it's time.
      Remember that, before 9, the west only had 7 and 8 at reference for what FF should be, so 9 was seen as a bizarre departure.

      But if you're looking for a unanimous opinion, you're moronic from the get go.

  54. 12 months ago

    >>13, & 15 are the only bad entries in the mainline series
    10 and 8?

    • 12 months ago

      10 being bad is a huge and frankly stupid meme. The gameplay of 10 is stupidly solid and might even be the best FF ever got. The story is also decent enough.

      • 12 months ago

        Let's pretend that the gameplay is fine, even though the game spends the first hour constantly interrupting any fight that you get in. The characters are still dog shit, as is the art direction and the moronic story. It's at least as bad as FFVIII in every respect except gameplay; it manages to have passable, generic jRPG gameplay. Congratulations.

        • 12 months ago

          The gameplay isn't just passable and it has great art direction and the story is good.
          Man you have such shit taste. I bet you haven't even played it.

          • 12 months ago

            >it has great art direction
            Frick off late millennial homosexual.

        • 12 months ago

          >Play FF10
          >Game starts, sets up world of blitzball and cool shit
          >Sin attacks
          >Destroys it
          >Wake up with amnesia somewhere else
          >Some stuff happens, introduce a new set of characters
          >Sin attacks
          >Wake up, somewhere else, with more amnesia
          >Different place again, more new characters
          >Continue with what seems to be the plot for a few hours
          >Sin attacks
          >Wake up somewhere else
          And that's where I dropped FF10

      • 12 months ago

        Anon, game is literally 13's style corridor with nothing to explore or having fun before you going to boss

        • 12 months ago

          That's not even true. There was a ton of side content to frick around with unlike 13 and there was a lot of optional areas to explore when you got the airship. Not shocked you clearly never played it though.

          >it has great art direction
          Frick off late millennial homosexual.

          Literally nothing wrong with his design.

          • 12 months ago

            >Literally nothing wrong with his design.

  55. 12 months ago

    I'm a 30 year old zoomer and the only mainline FF game I've ever played was FFXV

  56. 12 months ago

    >Reminder that FF has WAY more hits than misses.

    The problem is we used to just have to wait 2-or-so years between FF so if you didn't like one, you knew there was another game coming soon enough. After XII it takes 6 years per game that will most likely be bad

  57. 12 months ago

    >13 & 15
    Those aren't even the worst Final Fantasy's, that's 2 & 8
    15 is fun if you aren't a 13V autist who was waiting for the game for 10 years and went into it with no expectations.
    13 has always been better than low IQ trogs make it out to be. Unironically filtered by the codex.

    • 12 months ago

      Which is even weirder because even Stellagay said 15 is a 7-8/10 for sheer fun. He had worse things to say about FF13

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, you're right about 13 but 15 is irredeemable

  58. 12 months ago

    Best is early era 11, hands down

    Ones worth playing in order of descending quality are
    11, 10, 12, 4, 7

    Play others if you are interested, but do not expect them to be good.

    Inb4 some zoomers come in and tell me that 3 is so good because some youtuber said it was or they say 5 is the best because they played it on gba as a kid. I was born in 82 and played all of them when they released, in america anyway. The PS2 era is the golden god era of ff ignore anyone who says SNES or PS1 is as they are purposely misleading you for some misconceived attempt at clout.

    • 12 months ago

      >Played them as they released
      >Was too stupid or poor to have access to emulation & fan traslations at the time

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah go back in time and grab the fan translation for 2 and 3 in the early 90s. I'm waiting anon. Not to mention invent an emulator as nesticle released in 97 a decade after ff1.

        yeah that's a whole lot of trying to flaunt your credentials and not a lot of elaborating on why the ones you like are actually good so i think you're gay

        11 has an unparalleled sense of exploration and freedom while the difficulty forces you to play with others. Every tiny bit of progress is made from hours of struggle. Still you feel truly free and not at all held back like modern mmos do to you. You can sell quest items or buy them, you can go and do whatever, but you have to make friends a long the way to survive. Best version of the job system in the series as well. It is the 3rd evolution of it after all from 3 to 5 to 11.

        Best story and gameplay systems of the single player ff's. The sphere grid is a genius way to level up and the return to turn based combat makes the battles feel much more tactical than the mash auto attack or ultima that atb forced you to do to maximize damage

        2nd best story and gameplay feels very smooth with the gambits letting you preset how each party member behaves in battle then you just walk around and watch them do what you told them to while still retaining the ability to pause and select their every movement if you wish means you lose no control and simply gain more of your own time while you grind or explore

        Don't listen to the muh you can't customize your party naysayers. The game is perfectly balanced around the party it gives you and if you play the og hard version translated it is one of the best balanced difficulties in the series.

        The story is pretty dogshit but materia is a god tier mechanic and the characters are fun

        Honorary non mainline entry that I forgot, ff tactics
        One of the best stories in all of gaming and the gameplay itself is one of the best as far as tactics games go. It is up there with tactics ogre if you have played that series. I am not sure which I prefer, but the story of ff tactics is greatly superior.

        • 12 months ago

          >single player FFs
          Of course it is a moronic MMOBlack person.

          • 12 months ago

            Ff11 is factually the best one.

            FFXIV is an abomination that should have never been made and possibly the worst game in the series.

          • 12 months ago

            Only homosexuals, trannies, and landwhales care about the MMO. Frick off with your games as service, subscription grindfest.

            >Waaah I'm poor I can't afford to play the good game therefore it doesn't count!

        • 12 months ago

          >The sphere grid is a genius way to level up
          I like 10 and all, but the sphere grid is mostly smoke and mirrors

        • 12 months ago

          >Best story and gameplay systems of the single player ff's.
          You are a literal moron.

          • 12 months ago

            Care to post an actual response? If not I can assume you are just shitposting by disagreeing

    • 12 months ago

      yeah that's a whole lot of trying to flaunt your credentials and not a lot of elaborating on why the ones you like are actually good so i think you're gay

  59. 12 months ago

    Her games may not be perfect or even good, but they are extremely ambitious and inspired. Claire games have obvious problems everybody knows about: lack of exploration, extreme linearity with gameplay loop being reduced to "go forward/fight/watch cutscene" pattern, obvious pacing problems, especially in the second half of the game (see Fifth Ark dungeon). Then script writing is poor, events planners did many debatable things in some key scenes, music direction isn't consistently good, overall literary presentation lacks polish. Everybody knows it, and I don't understand why you Claire deniers still chimping out about it as if it's some kind of revelation.

    The thing you don't see is that her games have ambition, deep mythical kino lore most of you keks didn't even understand, nice atmosphere, bright tone, the most refined art direction in series, best girls, good thematic core and scenario ideas. With proper, at least fricking working engine, sane production management and enough development resources FFXIII Remake and its sequels have infinite potential. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

    Now kneel before the Muse. 3 more years.

    • 12 months ago

      >Her games may not be perfect or even good, but they are extremely ambitious and inspired.
      And oddly? The Paradigm Shift cancelling system is brilliant.

  60. 12 months ago

    Only FF's worth playing are 7,8, and 10. Generally a slop franchise.

  61. 12 months ago

    my ranking is X > XII > VIII > XI > VII > VI > V > III > IV > I > II

    haven't played XIII or XV yet

    • 12 months ago

      I thought 10 fans hated 12. I didn't expect a 10 fan to make it the second place on that tier.

  62. 12 months ago

    Only homosexuals, trannies, and landwhales care about the MMO. Frick off with your games as service, subscription grindfest.

  63. 12 months ago

    When will all you homosexuals realise that Ganker is an FFXI board? It just is. Deal with it.

  64. 12 months ago

    FF died when it became popular with femoids (X)

    • 12 months ago

      I hate to break it to you but FF was always popular with women and gays

  65. 12 months ago

    >why is SquareEnix a shit company that got rid of all of their talent?
    Japs spend 16h days in their office. It was inevitable that homosexuals would end up controlling things and pushing sanity out.

  66. 12 months ago

    FF hasn't been good since 2001

  67. 12 months ago

    2, 12, 13, 15, 16 are all dogshit.

    • 12 months ago

      >2, 12, 13, 15, 16 are all dogshit.
      I respect your list of bad FFs and agree

  68. 12 months ago

    >including mmorpg entries in the graphic
    shift click

  69. 12 months ago

    Why the frick the master took away Xande inmortality?

    • 12 months ago

      Xande was a dick.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah after they took away their inmortality. Like your "father" is giving everyone gifts and he decides to frick you. How would you feel.

        • 12 months ago

          I wouldn't throw a tantrum and destroy the world over it.
          What a manchild.

    • 12 months ago

      It's never outright stated, right? I never played translations of the original, only the 3ds and PR and it just mentions Xande was "gifted" mortality by Noah. I always assumed it was something along the lines of Xande having incredible potential but because he had infinite time he never really appreciated life nor used his potential to achieve anything, and "gifting" mortality was a way for Noah to make his apprentice stop being a lazy neet and do something (which he promptly does by fricking up the entire world trying to get immortality back)

  70. 12 months ago

    Actual Zoomer here
    2, 13, 15 aren't worth playing
    However some of the games are only tolerable with extensive modding; playing FF7 without 60fps battles and AI upscaled would be far inferior

  71. 12 months ago

    13 is one of the best games in the series though

  72. 12 months ago

  73. 12 months ago

    Sorry but 2 is meh, maybe not BAD bad but definetly sucks compared to the rest.

    • 12 months ago

      What I liked about 2:
      Pirate waifu

      What I didn't liked:
      Chocobo theme is a 7 second loop

  74. 12 months ago

    I've played all of them except 2 and 5. I think 7 was the only one that was "good". The rest were mediocre with various strengths and weaknesses.
    >I is alright, but its the first game so I didn't expect much
    >III has an interesting class change system
    >IV was much more tedious to play than III for some reason. They stripped away a lot of the gameplay nuance of III and the story wasn't very interesting either
    >VI is probably one of the most overrated games of all time. The villain comes across like he's written by an eight year old, the main character spends half the game out of the party and all of her development happens off screen. Still, the plot keeps your attention more than IV, so it's an improvement I guess
    >VIII is one of the most annoying games I've played to completion
    >IX is pretty fun and the characters are cool but gameplay is a slog
    >X is alright. The gameplay is cool, but the main duo are boring. The supporting characters are more interesting
    >XII is boring all the way around
    >XIII and all of its sequels are games where I'm not sure whether the developers were on meth or not
    >XV is boring and feels very empty

    • 12 months ago

      >the main character spends half the game out of the party
      6 is often referred to as having an ensemble cast and you don't even need to recruit Terra again in the 2nd half to finish the game
      She's the only character that will show up for the credits even if you didn't get her though

    • 12 months ago

      I just liked 3 and 5 more because having a single party that can change jobs is top tier game desing. I don't really liked having to play as other characters and having them underleveled at some point of the game.

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