Final Fantasy isn't special anymore.

Final Fantasy isn't special anymore. Its brand name is running on fume, propped up by 5th and 6th gen titles that people are nostalgic for. What can save FF from irrelevancy?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 9 months ago

    I swear to god when I play this game on PC and it ends up being just an alright non-offensive entry in the franchise I'm going to be pissed that THIS was some how the cause of a SEVERAL MONTHS long shitposting campaign

    • 9 months ago

      It's going to be extremely mediocre, just like XV. Never trust Ganker shitposting.

    • 9 months ago

      It's 7/10. Playable, has some good moments, not really anything hugely special. Enjoyed it more than XV and XIII at least. Also IX but I just don't like IX.

    • 9 months ago

      That's exactly what it is, just like XV. They are mediocre products, not a slap to the face like XIII. It's all propped up by a single giga autist and his legion of orbiters that try to bait him constantly.

      • 9 months ago

        >That's exactly what it is, just like XV.
        FFXV was actually shit tier
        it was Early access tier on release.

        • 9 months ago

          then ff16 is early early access tier

      • 9 months ago

        >someone who didn’t play ffxv on release
        You couldn’t even except more than one hunt monster anon, they had to add that in later on.

    • 9 months ago

      "an alright non-offensive entry" is already damning enough considering the pedigree the series once had.

      • 9 months ago

        we've had a fricking decade of FF13 and FF15
        an "alright" Final Fantasy is needed.

        • 9 months ago

          no we had a 5 years of ff13 and decade of ff14 trash
          we only had 3 years of ffxv then ff7r is another decade with ff16 getting its "18 month plan"

    • 9 months ago

      It's actually pretty good. FF fans are angry it's just not a bad moviegame once though.

    • 9 months ago

      It's actually mediocre, not even worth a pirate

    • 9 months ago

      That’s exactly what is is anon

    • 9 months ago

      Lunatics obsess over AAA titles

    • 9 months ago

      It wasn't that bad newbie. Starfield has been shitposted far more and ff16 hasn't been talked to death like BG3.

    • 9 months ago

      >see that cool city/castle? you can't go there
      >only "dungeons" are literal corridors with zero exploration.
      >shitloads of trash fetch quests between every major story beat
      >most boring cast in the entire series
      >You want interesting locations? Too bad you get overcast gray grasslands and desert and that's it

      I don't understand how you miss the point of an RPG so bad. You don't show RPG players a dope castle or city and then don't let them go there. That's like rule #1.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't even give a frick if the game wanted to drop all RPG aspects and go full action game, but it needed to fricking commit to something instead of doing this half-assed piddling back and forth and just being a tedious grey desaturated piece of shit.

    • 9 months ago

      A ff game being medicore should be a noteworthy thing, the franchise fallen so hard it became the new standard

      • 9 months ago

        It was always mediocre, the series had very good visuals and soundtrack but everything else was subpar

        • 9 months ago

          >It was always mediocre, the series had very good visuals and soundtrack but everything else was subpar
          Laugh in FF8

    • 9 months ago

      That's exactly what it was and that's what anyone who actually played the game has tried to say in any thread not immediately overrun with shitposters. Has some really high high-points but it's lows and poor pacing and repetitive sidequests drag it down a bit.

    • 9 months ago

      Pirate it

      • 9 months ago

        Thinking of pirating Starfeild for the Xbox exclusive bullshit. Any advice on how? Pirate bay still a thing.

        • 9 months ago

          go back

    • 9 months ago

      it's pretty easily a top 10 mainline final fantasy.

      it's better than xv, xii, xiii, 1og and 2og. maybe more depending on what you like in the game

      • 9 months ago

        >it's better than xii
        Yeah we'll have to see about that when it gets released on PC and the only reviews aren't from nuthuggers

        • 9 months ago

          games been shit on by v and yet all the reviews are nut huggers?

          nice head canon

      • 9 months ago

        It's the worst game in the franchise and it isnt even close. Time will judge it incredibly harshly

      • 9 months ago

        moron its the fricking worst ff ever

        • 9 months ago

          okay little buddy. it's not myfault you can't play it on your xbox

          maybe stop being poor and you can have a good time like the rest of us

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Kek! It’s deeply flawed, TotK deserves the actual GOTY, but it’s my GOTY. Best story in the series, best FF in 23 years.

    • 9 months ago

      I wasn't sure at first, really liked it after a bit early on, became unsure again then started to dislike it as it went on.
      I sincerely recommend NOT doing the side quests but it's hard to resist checking out the big green shiny exclamation marks. It's just that they absolutely murder the already fricked pacing of the story.

      • 9 months ago

        The end game sidequests are some of the best content in the game. Specifically the very last set of side quests you get just before you go fight Ultima.

        • 9 months ago

          They're the closest thing it gets to character moments perhaps but their format and presentation are just abhorrent. They don't fit into the story at all, they're just entirely separate and don't make any logistical sense, and they're so FRICKING SLOW. Way too much wandering back and forth between people grumbling about trivialities.

    • 9 months ago

      I think it's a lot of fun but it definitely has flaws, many of which are over exaggerated by Ganker

      • 9 months ago

        >many of which are over exaggerated by Ganker
        Ganker would never do such a thing

    • 9 months ago

      Remember Death Stranding? It got shitposted to death until it released on PC.
      The replies amount of samegay replies your post got should be enough to clue you that the game doesn't deserve the shitposting.

    • 9 months ago

      You are fooling yourself just like other anons who fell for the lies of the yoshi-P cultists only to see how shallow and empty the husk they tried to call ff16 is

  2. 9 months ago

    >XII was dogshit
    >XIII was dogshit
    >XV was dogshit
    >Type 0 was dogshit
    Why did anyone have expectations for XVI in the first place?

    It's been OVER TWENTY YEARS of nothing but trash.

    • 9 months ago

      it's been 16 years but yeah

    • 9 months ago

      you're under-age if you think type 0 is shit. game is easily A tier

      • 9 months ago

        ask me how I know it was your first ff without you stating as such.

        • 9 months ago

          2 was my first white boy

        • 9 months ago

          ironic coming from a ff16 shill

    • 9 months ago

      XII was great
      Type 0 was fun
      13 was meh. 13-2 was a little better. Lightning returns was a pretty good entry.
      15 could have been better, but was okay.
      Strangers of Paradise story is cringe but everything else is fantastic
      FF7 Remake was great

    • 9 months ago

      Make a new IP instead of relying on the same series all the damn time.

      >Type-0 was shit
      Was it? I haven't had the chance to play it yet.

      • 9 months ago

        >Was it? I haven't had the chance to play it yet.
        Gameplay is kinda decent, story and characters are complete shit. Whole thing exists to set up sequels that arent happening

        • 9 months ago

          What are you fricking talking about, it absolutely does not. The only sequel set-up was that one teaser in the HD release, but it never happened anyway.

    • 9 months ago

      I dunno if I've ever played a FF game and thought anything other than "that was fun and familiar, if not a bit overwritten", and 16 is no exception. If the bar you're setting is "I expect every game to be groundbreaking", you're going to be disappointed a lot.

    • 9 months ago

      xv and type0 are good
      the rest are shit

  3. 9 months ago

    A high profile turnbased entry that they actually put time, money, and effort in.

  4. 9 months ago

    I enjoyed this game a lot. I was sad to run out of content.

    • 9 months ago

      why does her face always look so awful? Looks like she should be in 3D Star Ocean or something.

      • 9 months ago

        Very circular with doll-like neutral face and lack of strong emotions most of the time. Also looks like it has less polygons than the males' faces.

      • 9 months ago

        the artstyle of this game is noticably weirder in the head/ facial department than previous FFs. Mainly because they're trying to ape the concept art and the artist just isn't as good as nomura.

      • 9 months ago

        It's crazy how dicky Jill absolutely mogs her older counter part.

        • 9 months ago

          Is because her face fits her body, when she is a taller older woman she still has her babyface and looks like she hasn't aged at all so it looks kind of uncanny.

  5. 9 months ago

    i will pirate this game when it comes to pc and then not play and give it a bad rating it just to piss off japs

  6. 9 months ago

    It hasn't been special since XIII.

  7. 9 months ago

    Jack 2

    • 9 months ago

      Clive Rosfield is relentlessly handsome


    • 9 months ago

      I beat this 48 hours before XVI came out.
      That was a mistake. XVI is dog shit in comparison.

    • 9 months ago

      Even a FF1 remake is more likely than that.

      • 9 months ago

        I think that's what Jack 2 would essentially be. Just a Nioh-like FF1 with SOP & Dissidia references. I'm fricking hyped just at the thought of it.

    • 9 months ago

      I hope they make it and we get Exdeath as a boss.

  8. 9 months ago

    They should do what Capcom does. Shit out half assed half baked remakes and everyone starts sucking them.

    • 9 months ago

      They are putting out remakes

      • 9 months ago

        Capcom does it every year because RE engine is cheap due to insane photogrammetry and you can flip assets easily. Square games takes time due to them switching engines every single game. They settled on Unreal Shitgine I think.

        • 9 months ago

          I see, thanks

        • 9 months ago

          >every year
          >RE2 Remake started dev in 2015, released in 2019
          >RE3 Remake started dev in 2016, released in 2020
          >RE4 Remake started dev in 2018, released in 2023

          • 9 months ago

            I refuse to believe RE3 remake started development in 2016 lmao. 2017 at best, most likely 18.

  9. 9 months ago

    What even was the last "special" Final Fantasy game? X? XIII got fricking torn to shreds upon release, barely anyone talks about XIII-2 and no one played Lightning Returns. I guess the MMO got super popular but was it anything special?

    • 9 months ago

      FF: Origins: Stranger of Paradise: Revenge of Paul Walker: Chaos Walking

      • 9 months ago

        Love the plot, characters, setting, and especially the music. It just kills me how bad the gameplay is. It’s a .hack clone.

  10. 9 months ago

    Hiring competent writers for starters. It's sad how fricking bad the writing was in XV and XVI, the only redeeming feature of the story in both is a handful of good characters ( Ardyn and chocobros in XV, Cid in XVI)
    Focusing on either an open world with shit in it OR a good linear experience and adjusting the gameplay accordingly.
    Loot. Motherfrickers were on crack when designing XVI and thought that it'd be a great idea to have worthless armor slots and swords increasing only your damage and defence, what an absolute joke.
    Focusing on the party rather than nameless npcs that nobody gives a shit about.
    And most importantly - they have to set up a plan and overall direction very early on for the game and follow through with it - not hire schizos who start over every Monday and the game becomes a fricking mess with every area of the game being unfinished.

  11. 9 months ago

    They should just kill it off. How many find the crystals plots can they rehash? It's getting tiresome.

  12. 9 months ago

    dont care what you think. im still having fun with the games.
    FF16 was fun and now im waiting for FF7 remake 2.
    feels good to be able to actually enjoy playing video games instead of just shitposting about them and not playing anything.

    • 9 months ago

      Ah the ol "if you call thing I consoom shit you don't like anything" cope. Just accept that the things you like are terrible. It's okay to have bad taste and terrible standards. Well actually it isn't okay.

      • 9 months ago

        post 3x3

      • 9 months ago

        >my buzzword will defeat you! i win this internet fight!

    • 9 months ago

      Enjoying video games, on v?! Get out of here shill troony. We just impotently seethe.

      • 9 months ago

        >Ballsack Gate 3, where the men are men and the women are men too

        • 9 months ago

          I fricking love that the evil edgelords fricked a man. This is both awesome and hilarious. Kek.

        • 9 months ago

          kek is this legit? guess the man-face accusations were right all along, literally

    • 9 months ago

      Based. Same here. Platinumed FFXVI couple days ago and currently enjoying Crisis Core Reunion. Hyped for FFVII Rebirth.

      Frick Ganker

  13. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    MAke a fricking game like 7-10, stop being moronic homosexuals, stop crying "it's too hard" your bullshit ideas of making it action to sell better got raped so shut the absolute frick up and just go back to what worked you moronic c**ts

  14. 9 months ago

    Why did they give a mainline title to their C-rate MMO team?

    • 9 months ago

      Because the A team is busy on VIIR and the B team made Forspoken

  15. 9 months ago

    Make another X-2 but all the girls are younger

    • 9 months ago

      This might be the most based thing ever said on Ganker.

  16. 9 months ago
  17. 9 months ago

    Was FF ever special? It's a franchise that has kept shitting a new game very year since the fricking 80s with like 2 of them being relatively relevant.
    How is it different from some slop like Assassin's Creed ?

    • 9 months ago

      not as special as your education, moron

    • 9 months ago

      >Was FF ever special?

      Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and XII are some of THE best selling games in the PS1 & PS2, two of the best selling consoles of all time. They made one every other year (and of a larger scale than modern-FF) because dev times had not become as bloated as they are now.
      >How is it different from some slop like Assassin's Creed ?
      When FF has a shit game people complain because they had some hope left from they series' glory days, when AC has a shit game people act as if it's to be expected.

    • 9 months ago

      If it wasn’t we wouldn’t have discussed it for as long as we had. There were 100s of shitty jrpg series’s during the snes>ps2 era nobody discusses but ff was different

  18. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?

    Geez, maybe take inspiration from when their games where actually good instead of chasing Western trends

    • 9 months ago

      >instead of chasing Western trends
      Such as?

      • 9 months ago

        open world
        game of thrones
        brainless action slop

        • 9 months ago

          >open world
          XVI isn't open world. It has a level select.
          Such as Berserk or Dark Souls(Japanese media)?
          >game of thrones
          GOT is huge in Japan funnily.
          >brainless action slop
          DMC style combat is neither brainless nor slop, it filters casuals and journos for a reason. Only Dad of War inspiration is abilities being on cooldowns which most of them has pretty fast cooldowns unlike Dad of War.

          • 9 months ago

            >DMC style combat
            You're only proving you're brainless by comparing this mindless sub-musou crap to DMC

            • 9 months ago

              Ryota Suzuki worked on DMC4,5, Monhun World and Dragon's Dogma anon...


              • 9 months ago

                The combat designer for Armored Core worked on Left Alive, If you make shit, it's shit, doesnt matter what you worked on before

              • 9 months ago

                How is it shit? It's DMC for casuals.

              • 9 months ago

                IT isnt DMC, it's genshin impact with no elements and that's being generous. To actually compare it to DMC, it;s DMC with one weapon, one character, one basic combo with no branches. Completely embarrassingly basic and barebones

              • 9 months ago

                >To actually compare it to DMC, it;s DMC with one weapon, one character, one basic combo with no branches

              • 9 months ago

                IT isnt DMC, it's genshin impact with no elements and that's being generous. To actually compare it to DMC, it;s DMC with one weapon, one character, one basic combo with no branches. Completely embarrassingly basic and barebones

                Yeah DMC is a combo simulator. They took the combo simulator out for 16 and all that's left is nothing.

              • 9 months ago

                16 has better bosses than DMC5, Elden Ring, Dad of War imo. Even in terms of minibosses. Shiva's dominant, Tiamat and Fafnir back to back made me go wtf but they started repeating themselves after a while. Even Eikon bosses are pretty good. People shit on Barnabas but he was this game's Nero Angelo fight. Clive realizing he can't beat Odin with Ifrit and deciding to take on Barnabas personally was better both gameplay wise and thematically. I wish he was the final antagonist rather than Ultima tbf.

              • 9 months ago

                Based Barnabas enjoyer. This character made me realize a majority of final fantasy fans won't be satisfied with something unless it's sufficiently "epic" in both gameplay and story

              • 9 months ago

                Barnabas was just a weird cultist fanatic to me and his fight felt disappointing. I wish him and the horse would have fought you and the same time

              • 9 months ago

                Based Barnabas enjoyer. This character made me realize a majority of final fantasy fans won't be satisfied with something unless it's sufficiently "epic" in both gameplay and story

                Based posts itt.

          • 9 months ago

            Woah woah Woah GOT is huge in Japan?

          • 9 months ago

            DMC fanboy here. FFXVI has my favourite combat system in the series, next to FFVII Remake.

            • 9 months ago

              Try Lightning Returns. Second or third best gameplay in the series.

          • 9 months ago

            >ff16 the most piss easy ff ever
            >filtering anyone

            • 9 months ago

              >ff16 the most piss easy ff ever
              >pretending FF was ever hard

              • 9 months ago

                My first FF games were the DS remakes of FF3 and FF4, I thought they were hard.

              • 9 months ago

                It isn't
                I'm responding to the ff16 shill trying to claim it "filtered" anyone

              • 9 months ago

                DMC style combat filters unimaginitive people because they can't think of ways to combo or use game mechanics. Same kind of people who shits their pants when Deus Ex-like games gives them freedom and they can't decide if they should go combat or stealth or hacking/talking. Modern action games that gets praise from critics and journos are
                >Souls games(simons says)
                >Batman(simon says)
                >God of War(because it's mostly simon says)
                Despite going on to 3D, 3D action games and brawlers has less freedom of expression than their 2D brawler counterparts due to Simon says I mentioned, most of those games are filled with enemies who has insane tracking, rock-paper-scissor attacks and shitty hitboxes forcing you to spam "correct" moves against those enemies. In 2D brawlers there is no "escape" button be it a parry, a guard or a dodge, you escape with strafing. Those games's developers had to think of
                >attack range
                >damage values
                Which is lost in 3D games because every attack has to be countered with a "correct" move. Gamers and journos alike hates this kind of arcade design because they don't like games.

      • 9 months ago

        Yoshi-P cited Nu-God of War with it's cinematic gameplay and Game of Thrones for it's "mature" as inspirations for FFXVI.
        Also mentioned that part of the reason to step away from turn-based combat was that younger audiences play GTA & Shooters

    • 9 months ago

      FF7 isn't good and many of its flaws are also found in 16
      Take off your nostalgia goggles

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >many of it's flaws are also founf in 16, I won't mention them though.

        Replayed VII when 7R released to see if it held up and actually ended up enjoying it more than I remembered.

        jesus christ they blew it since FFX. we're in an era of open world slop and SE can't rub two brain cells together to make a super detailed old style world map with caves hidden behind waterfalls and little towns with chests with GOOD LOOT in them. even back in final fantasy ONE there are hidden paths like the one in crescent lake town that lead to unique secrets. i think SE don't understand even the basics of game design anymore

        First time steping into the World Map of the PS1 FF games is really something special. Especially in VII where you spend so long in Midgar that at first I thought the whole game would be set in this city.
        There's no reason other than lack of ambition for Square to be unable to recreate the world of VII in a modern game.

        • 9 months ago

          >Replayed VII when 7R released to see if it held up and actually ended up enjoying it more than I remembered.

          I am replaying FF7 right fricking now, the game is awful especially when it comes to characterization.
          Combat is shit, just hit & heal, so much for a complex materia system when there are very, very few bosses that ask you to change strategy
          Materia system that also ruins each character's personality making them essentially blank slates to give materias to

          Regarding the flaws FF7 and 16 have in common :
          shitty villains, bad combat (at least 16 has good feedback), bad sidequests, bad cast of characters, bad pacing (FF7 being too quick when it shouldn't, FF16 dragging on forever in many places)

      • 9 months ago

        >one of the top 5 video games of all time on literally everyone born before 2000s list
        zoomers deserve their doomed world

        • 9 months ago

          Gamefaqs people aren't real humans

    • 9 months ago

      "taking inspiration from past games" is just stagnation. Final Fantasy has always tried to be novel and edgy and every entry tried to be odd from everything that came before it. whether or not the games are "good" or "bad" are completely irrelevant when comparing the quality of each game, especially when the majority consensus is that ff8 is trash despite it being one of the most ludo video games ever created.

    • 9 months ago

      they've been chasing western trends since FF1 you ape

    • 9 months ago

      Final Fantasy was literally inspired by western tends you absolute buffoon.

    • 9 months ago

      You do realized FF was influenced by Wizardry which is a western game

    • 9 months ago

      ff9 was the lowest selling FF until ff16
      ff7 and ff8 devs worked on xv in core lead positions and xv is the best selling ff since ff7
      ff tactics literally only sold 2 million even ff7 crisis core and ff type0 sold more

      • 9 months ago

        >ff9 was the lowest selling FF until ff16
        And yet it was amazing. I guess the old popular = good thing isn't true!
        Also I blame 8 being dogshit and making people wary before 10 exploded onto the scene

        • 9 months ago

          9 is bad
          only vivi and the music is good

          • 9 months ago

            nta but you're wrong and also a homosexual

          • 9 months ago

            I simply don't agree.

        • 9 months ago

          >8 one of the most well-loved JRPGs of all time
          >he doesn't know the obvious reason why IX sold poorly
          why do these people try to pretend they were there? Or pretend to have any knowledge on the subject at all lmao

  19. 9 months ago

    Never was

  20. 9 months ago

    Final Fantasy hasn't been special in over 20 years.

  21. 9 months ago

    The only thing I find offensively bad in XVI is how half the run time is cutscenes. Everything else seems to be more of a consequence of modern gaming like low enemy variety, pretty if boring world. The grimdark approach with family and friends dying suddenly and in realistic ways rather than very noble and romantic probably made sense when GoT was still popular but dev times are so long now that it only came out when everyone had already turned on GoT.
    Also this might just be me but I don't think curahzee combat fits with a downer story trying to be taken seriously. Even when DMC gets a bit more serious it never strays too far from an overall fun adventure.If the player is going "THIS IS FUN" it doesn't help to suddenly cut to "this guy who 5 minutes ago was happy to see you and talking about he's going to live a very happy life is now dead"

  22. 9 months ago

    how much did sony pay square enix for the year long PS5 exclusivity??? it couldn't have been worth the money they would have made if they released it on ps5+xbox+pc day 1.

    • 9 months ago

      Whatever it was, it was not enough. That's why Yoshi P is now coping badly.

      • 9 months ago

        I mean seriously what was he thinking? He alienated virtually the entire FFXIV playerbase. Most people are on PS4/PC, they don't own a PS5.

    • 9 months ago

      Only info we have on timed exclusivity deals is from the Capcom leaks. Apparently Nintendo only paid Capcom $6m to make Rise an exclusive for like a year

    • 9 months ago

      70 million which is a shit ton of cash yet I think it was a mistake Square Enix won’t make again.

      • 9 months ago

        70 million is far more than they would get from extra sales via PC. This is a game no one wants.

        • 9 months ago

          I get you hate the game, which I don’t get but whatever. 1.1 mil isn’t a big target on a game that sold 3mil on a newish system of 6 mil.

          • 9 months ago

            >newish system of 6 mil
            holy fricking COPE
            Look up the actual numbers and then think for a moment lmao
            Vast majority of all FF sales were always on PS...Intergrade was already PS first and PC only got it after a long delay, and Steam after another delay.
            Most FF buyers have a PS5.

            • 9 months ago

              Here, should have linked this at the time:
              >6 mil

              • 9 months ago

                Where the frick did I get 6 mil, been on pol to long. Frick, in that case FF16’s a disaster, nm.

      • 9 months ago

        Sony also paid for marketing.

      • 9 months ago

        Besides the MMO, Final Fantasy never sold that much on pc or xbox, so 70 million is probably much more than they would have gotten if it did release there, not to mention anything else they got in the exclusivity deal. I'd say that's a really good deal if it's true.

        • 9 months ago

          I’m curios to see the PC sales. I feel consoles dying but 1 mil on X box wasn’t an outrageous target.

          • 9 months ago

            How much did XIII sell again? And on PC

          • 9 months ago

            PC I have no idea because I don't think we ever had a mainline launch on pc outside of the mmo. A lot of anons are saying that because the director of XIV worked on XVI that it'll sell really well on pc, but I don't think that's the case at all. Most people don't know anything about game directors and MMO players usually only play their mmo. For xbox, I'd estimate around 750k since xbox sales for XV was 1/4 of what it sold on ps4.

            • 9 months ago

              Think you are right.

      • 9 months ago

        >source: It came to me in a dream

    • 9 months ago

      Whatever the price it clearly wasn't worth it seeing how one month SE had to come out with both the SE CEO and Phil Spencer on stage to announce their full support to Xbox.

  23. 9 months ago

    Still going to buy it when it comes out on PC

  24. 9 months ago

    Games fantastic, can’t name another game that takes inspiration from Asuras wrath, DMC, GOT, Witcher and MHR all at the same time

  25. 9 months ago

    Was FF ever special?

    • 9 months ago

      are you kidding? whenever some moron complains about "fighting god in heaven with the power of friend" being a jarpig cliche they're complaining about kefka and sephiroth in FF6 and 7

  26. 9 months ago

    I don't care I want sex on the beach with Clive right now!

    • 9 months ago

      Clive's luscious pecs

  27. 9 months ago

    The series died in spirit with Final Fantasy X-2 (departure of the original team, Squaresoft bought by Enix). XIII going multiplat was the second death.

    • 9 months ago

      Because XIII being the exclusive would make it a better game. Unbelievable that some Snoys are still seething over this.

      • 9 months ago

        It’s not a matter of console warring. Rather, it marked the point where the series (and JRPGs in general) no longer were kingmakers for a particular console. Japanese games overall had a bit of a dark age during the 7th gen, a lot of the smaller studios simply couldn’t make the jump in graphics.

      • 9 months ago

        >Because XIII being the exclusive would make it a better game
        They had to cut 3 games worth of content just to fit it into 3 Xbox DVDs(originally going to be 7) so yeah.

    • 9 months ago

      Do you mean that X-2 is the last good FF or that it's the first one that doesn't feel like an FF?

      • 9 months ago

        The latter.

  28. 9 months ago

    FF14 is a product of pure plagiarism and it blows me away that squeenix thought yoshit piss and his team was capable of making a real mainline title

    • 9 months ago

      you're complaining about the FFXI team's work on XIV 1.0 if you're saying lalafell and roegadyn are ripoffs of tarutaru and galka, because no shit, same dev teams and the races filled the same stat blocks and physical form-factors

      • 9 months ago

        i was merely using it because people are more likely to read posts if there's an image on it

        • 9 months ago

          i still hate you and you're wrong and dumb and you stink like poop

    • 9 months ago

      What do you mean
      >fights Anima from FF10
      FF14 is a product
      >goes to a dungeon from FF11
      of pure plagiarism
      >fights the final bosses from FF3,5,6

  29. 9 months ago

    jesus christ they blew it since FFX. we're in an era of open world slop and SE can't rub two brain cells together to make a super detailed old style world map with caves hidden behind waterfalls and little towns with chests with GOOD LOOT in them. even back in final fantasy ONE there are hidden paths like the one in crescent lake town that lead to unique secrets. i think SE don't understand even the basics of game design anymore

    • 9 months ago

      type-0 had it. Shame everything else about the game sucked dick.

      • 9 months ago

        type0 is better than ff16 and unironically has a better political story

  30. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    Give it to you-know-who

    • 9 months ago

      XVI feels like a Drakengard game already. Taro would just make the protagonist an butthole edgelord.

  31. 9 months ago

    No e-girls and hebes no buy. Stop Westernising the series.

  32. 9 months ago

    >Final Fantasy isn't special anymore
    Pretty much. It just feels like basic b***h fantasy with a few FF-esque bells and whistles (ie. chocobos).

  33. 9 months ago

    Make it turn-based again. It's not rocket science.

    Everything bad with FF nowadays can be boiled down to its not fricking turn-based anymore

  34. 9 months ago

    God the art style of this game is horrible, why do they have the faces of haunted wax dolls

    • 9 months ago

      MMO team, MMO quality

    • 9 months ago

      The only character that looks really weird imo is Jill. She looks like a monstrous parody of Taylor Swift.

      • 9 months ago

        Clive Redfield looks weird too

        • 9 months ago

          He looks good as an adult. His face is weird as a teenager because he looks like a cute girl, which makes sense because his mother has the exact same face.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, good thing he got some of his dad later on. I thought he looked kind of fruity as a kid because he looks so much like his mom

  35. 9 months ago

    It went to shit when they made XI a fricking MMO

  36. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    a good game.

  37. 9 months ago

    Jack's Game was the best FF in decades

    • 9 months ago

      FF7R is pretty good however

  38. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    Rebuild back Japan Studio from Sony and ask FROMSOFTWARE to join them to make a Final Fantasy Souls with Square Enix engines.

    • 9 months ago

      From would never bend the knee to the sinking ship Square Enix

      • 9 months ago

        Unfortunately, yet, if SE really doesn't want to make a turn based game, their only option is a souls formula.
        Gameplay from FROM and visuals from SE best department, that would be something.

        • 9 months ago

          >their only option is a souls formula.
          Frick off.

        • 9 months ago

          I actually agree especially when it comes to traversal and level design

    • 9 months ago

      They already did. It flopped.

      • 9 months ago

        No, that shit was hard discount lidl eco+ game, it was bound to fail no matter what.
        We need a proper one.

        >their only option is a souls formula.
        Frick off.

        >The Soulsborne Mindset has Ruined Action Games
        Ruined my ass, it actually saved it, not only the actions type of game, but actually the industry itself, by showing that you can make challenging game that focus entirely on gameplay and require a lot from the user, compared to all those shitty AAA that are made for 4 years olds.

        • 9 months ago

          >it actually saved it
          By turning action games with deep mechanics, cool player expression, huge replayability, huge moveset into simon says for people who can't get into actual action games. Game part definitely suffered though. What's funny is that people who shit on J-Action plays those games as if they are playing Souls games. No jumping, no combos, just basic dodging and hitting. Might as well play a 2D arcade brawlers and those games has higher skills gap and difficulty than Souls games.

          • 9 months ago

            >deep mechanics
            >huge replayability
            >huge moveset
            And ? You have all of this in the Souls games.
            > No jumping, no combos, just basic dodging and hitting.
            More doesn't mean better or more complex. Chess is a simple game, yet, have almost infinite replayability and complexity.

            The Souls formula try make everything efficient and worthwhile gameplay wise. The level design, the mob moveset and the limit put on your character (like no jump for previous ER games) force you to utilize everything at your advantage to win a fight.

            When was the last time you actually used the level design as a core element in your moveset in your fricking button mashing DMC ? when was the last time where you needed to make a path and play with enemies AI to move from an area to an another ?

            Yeah, you know it, never...... It's just button smash and say "wow, that's look cool", like a 4 year old watching pokemon on the TV.

            • 9 months ago

              >You have all of this in the Souls games.
              List all those moves from all those weapons all you want but when it actually comes to playing the games themselves R1 and O are all the options you have especially against bosses. Parrying is often impossible, blocking is ill advised since it's so easy to break and all you have is rolling again and again and again.
              >More doesn't mean better or more complex.
              J-Action plays within the limits of 3D, not 2D, Souls games are essentially 2D because of lack of player movement vertically. Also chess is memorization more than anything else. Best chess player right now is an autismo with photographic memory. Not an autismo with genius level intellect.
              >The Souls formula try make everything efficient and worthwhile gameplay wise.
              No one ever uses R2 in those games or backsteps.
              >The level design, the mob moveset and the limit put on your character (like no jump for previous ER games) force you to utilize everything at your advantage to win a fight
              What's the proper minmaxed build for having fun then?
              >When was the last time you actually used the level design as a core element in your moveset in your fricking button mashing DMC ?
              Ninja Gaiden has great level design. It will frick you up harder than anything Soulslike if you don't know how to traverse the area and evade enemy attacks.

              Yeah, juggling enemies who don't fight back by doing your SICK NASTY COMBOS is super deep and interesting. You have to have a very high IQ to appreciate Capcom games.

              Play on anything but Devil Hunter. DMC1 and 3 are harder than anything Soulslike in the first place. I bet less than 10% of """Souls veterans""" can win against Vergil 3 in DMC3, even on normal.

              • 9 months ago

                (Just butting in here)
                Dante 2 (DMC4) shits on every DMC boss

              • 9 months ago

                >hispanic thinks he is smarter than Magnus Carlsen

              • 9 months ago

                Turn based fan mexican is projecting again? Forgot your Goku picture?

              • 9 months ago

                >he's been raped for his stupidity this many times

              • 9 months ago

                >Parrying is often impossible
                Clearly, you never played those games properly, or worse, never played online. Any PVP chad will laugh at what you said here.
                Blocking was even so strong in ER that it was nerfed multiple times (and it still work right now for heavy build, or counter against magic (Carian Retaliation anyone ?))

                Sekiro is entirely about blocking and parrying, and speaking of parrying:

                >J-Action plays within the limits of 3D, not 2D
                None of it actually, the level design is totally useless in those games, you just have a 3D fighting game, that's it, everything else is irrelevant, AI placement, moveset, pathing, traps and event happening in the world doesn't impact your "fighting" gameplay loop.
                In top of that, it's not because you couldn't jump before (and actually, you could, by doing jump attack), that the game have no verticality, the irony, to say this about Souls game lol.
                >No one ever uses R2 in those games or backsteps.
                Again, you never played those games. one single video of any PVP will show you how wrong you are. Hell, even better, some PVE, first monster (outside tutorial) in ER:

                >What's the proper minmaxed build for having fun then?
                None, any build can be fun, any challenge can be fun. You use whatever you have at disposal, either in your inventory or in the environment, the level design and mobs layout is a key part of the Souls formula, it's what make the game challenging, since even some tier trash mobs can kill you if you are not paying attention.
                >Ninja Gaiden
                It's only one example you will be able to find because it's the only one that was actually a good action game with Souls since a long time, hence why I like both (NG and Souls).
                And NG is a complete opposite of DMC.

              • 9 months ago

                >Any PVP chad
                Failed fighting game players lmao. Besides I'm talking about PVE. Parrying or blocking are often impossible against them.
                >None of it actually, the level design is totally useless in those games
                Elden Ring has no level design since it's open world slop. None of the legacy dungeons are memorable compared to even Dark Souls 2. Besides I already talked about NG, you can't beat those games without understanding the map.
                > everything else is irrelevant, AI placement, moveset, pathing, traps and event happening in the world doesn't impact your "fighting" gameplay loop.
                Play DMC1. Better than any Soulslike. People hated puzzles in DMC because it interrupts good parts of the game(combat). That's why new games has minimal puzzles.
                >In top of that, it's not because you couldn't jump before (and actually, you could, by doing jump attack)
                Jumping attack existed since Dark Souls 1, they only made it worthwhile in Elden Ring because of huge stagger damage that comes with it. You don't need to use it anyways, just makes it less of a boredom.
                > that the game have no verticality, the irony, to say this about Souls game lol.
                Fights themselves has no verticality. There isn't a single flying enemy in those games. Even dragons aren't flying often besides for performing one or two telegraphed attacks. You actually need to use verticality in DMC games especially 1, can't beat Griffon without jumping at least once or twice.
                >Again, you never played those games. one single video of any PVP will show you how wrong you are
                How does it effect PVE? R2s were garbage since Demon's Souls. Only worthwile in DS1 for stunlocking some bosses temporarily.
                >the level design and mobs layout is a key part of the Souls formula
                Yep because gameplay is basic as frick and praising it's gameplay over actual action games are pure nonsense. Every other Soulslike failed for a good reason.

              • 9 months ago

                >Besides I'm talking about PVE
                Literally shown Bloodborne parrying (that is extremely easy), Sekiro being entirely about blocking and parrying, and hell, like I said, blocking was so strong in ER that it got nerfed multiple times.
                >Elden Ring
                Yes, ER is shit, we know that, doesn't change the fact that other Souls game does have a great environment design. (and actually, ER does have some good levels: Stormveil Castle)
                >Play DMC1
                Lol, you say that like I'm a zoomer...... I play games since 1995, I played DMC1 (and even the 2), played Onimusha, God Of War, Otogi, Shinobi PS2 (and even Nightshade), even fricking Azurik on Xbox, and of course, Ninja Gaiden too (I did own the original xbox).
                >Jumping attack existed since Dark Souls 1
                That's exactly what I said, and in fact, it was better before ER, since the jump attack was actually a moveset that was hard and very surprising to make in a fight, which can destabilize a lot in PVP (Bloodborne was the best example for that, with the jump attack Boohammer having a MASSIVE effect)
                >There isn't a single flying enemy in those games
                Did you even played those games ?
                Go try hitting those frickers when they fly, go try hitting Amygdala head in Bloodborne with your main weapon (jump attack)...
                In top of that, there is a lot of verticality fighting wise, from top down attack and all these goofy play you can make with ladder (DS3 PVP clown fiesta).
                >How does it effect PVE? R2s were garbage since Demon's Souls
                Did you played Bloodborne ? DS3 ? ER ? You know that many weapons have specific effect/moveset that require things outside of R1 (are even worst, they are totally useless with only R1)
                Here an example, the Boom Hammer in Bloodborne, the only way to have this effect is to jump attack, and this effect is the only one in the game that MASSIVELY send low trash mobs fly across the map (no joke)

                Hard to find a good video about it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally shown Bloodborne parrying (that is extremely easy),
                Bloodborne is the only Souls game with good defensive options though. Try parrying against bosses in any other Souls game. You can't. Sekiro is also a shit argument because it essentially changed rolling with parrying. Both FF16 and DMC gives you both options all the time.
                >Lol, you say that like I'm a zoomer.....
                No idea how you can praise Soulslop if you played good action games then? Lack of creativity perhaps? Video I posted talks exactly about that thing. Modern gamers can't play action games unless they are told what to do and how to have fun themselves. Souls games are praised as pinnacle of combat design because they are very railroaded and basically plays like simon says or rock-paper-scissor or whatever you might want to call. They aren't mechanically deep. Very basic in fact. And even people who enjoy Souls games say it.
                Has one single move which is landing on to the player. Compare that to Griffon.
                >Go try hitting those frickers when they fly, go try hitting Amygdala head in Bloodborne with your main weapon (jump attack)...
                DMC has more of those gimmicks in their enemies than any of the Souls bosses has, death scissors are oneshottable after their attacks, you can buster the shit out of bosses in DMC4 and 5. You can parry Vergil out of his demon form. FF16 also gives you deadly takedown and heatwave which plays like those gimmicks I mentioned. You can parry enemy projectiles with burning blade in fact. DMC combat is dynamic, Souls combat is static.
                >Did you played Bloodborne ? DS3 ? ER ?
                I played all of them stop treating those games as if they are le hardcore games for hardcore gamers. Elden Ring has higher completion rate than DMC1 or 3 or 4 or 5. Guess which one of those series is called as mindless button mashers and which one of those are called as le hardcore games for true gamers?

                DMC vs Souls fights are funny because Soulsgays has no idea about DMC.

              • 9 months ago

                >I played all of them stop treating those games as if they are le hardcore games for hardcore gamers
                Where did I say that ? I asked you if you played them because you are wrong in a lot of things. And I suppose it's because you either didn't played them, or, you didn't played online (where you can actually see people using all the moves that are possibles).
                >Try parrying against bosses in any other Souls game
                It's not difficult, it require skill, yes, but not that difficult, I could spam you a shit tons of video about this, hell, some players are well know for that, since not only do they parry a lot in PVE, they also do that in PVP
                >No idea how you can praise Soulslop if you played good action games then
                DMC is boring, old God Of War is boring, and the reason is because both games are Beat'em All more than Action game (let alone, Action RPG).
                Souls game are more tactical and slow paced, it's about making the right move at the right time, and not making some sort of combo or stylish fight.
                It's like comparing Zelda with Street Fighter, it doesn't make any sense.
                >Elden Ring has higher completion rate than DMC1 or 3 or 4 or 5. Guess which one of those series is called as mindless button mashers and which one of those are called as le hardcore games for true gamers?
                Weak argument, is not because a franchise did become mainstream now (and many finished the game with overleveled or by abusing co-op), that it suddenly did become easy or braindead.
                I can guarantee you that the Tree Sentinel filtered way more people that any bosses in DMC.

                Even back then, I liked Onimusha more than DMC. DMC just get too boring at a certain point, it's the same thing over and over and over again.

              • 9 months ago

                >I asked you if you played them because you are wrong in a lot of things.
                Stage 1: Denial
                >or, you didn't played online
                I don't care about online besides casual invasions.
                >It's not difficult,
                You can't parry against most bosses. Nothing to do with being difficult. They don't have parriable moves. Simon says gameplay I'm talking about. How can you parry something like Midir? You can't. If Midir was a DMC boss or FFXVI boss you could. FFXVI has many bosses like Midir and you can parry their fire breath attacks.
                >and the reason is because both games are Beat'em All more than Action game (let alone, Action RPG).
                Yes those are focused games, not mutant genres which fails at both aspects. Souls games are shitty RPG games(since forever) and mediocre action games carried by their level design, art style, music and world. Not because of their deep combat or RPG elements. Every single other Soulslike failed besides Nioh which still carries that NG DNA in it.
                >Souls game are more tactical and slow paced, it's about making the right move at the right time
                DMC is fast paced and more tactical than Souls games, Leviathan destroyed my shit if I blinked once in DMC3.
                >Weak argument
                > is not because a franchise did become mainstream now
                It was mainstream since Dark Souls 1. Reddit's favorite game series for a reason.
                >I can guarantee you that the Tree Sentinel filtered way more people that any bosses in DMC.

              • 9 months ago

                This is just what your average katanagay and rapiergay are like. This proves nothing. You posted spergs.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, juggling enemies who don't fight back by doing your SICK NASTY COMBOS is super deep and interesting. You have to have a very high IQ to appreciate Capcom games.

  39. 9 months ago

    Final Fantasy hasn't been special since 12. They abandoned their original vision after that Nomura homosexual hit on an aesthetic that appeals to fujos and normalgays alike, and then he got his own franchise to work on, and since then Final Fantasy has been a kind of parody of his work. Everything's some kind of x-punk with vestiges of OG FF in it, a hundred hours of cutscenes and whatever kind of men the marketing dependent say is popular right now. They've moved more and more into being action-RPGs, which I think is a good thing, but they're so obsessed with flashy animations they went from making movie games to Devil May Cry and skipped an entire genre in the process. They also seem to have fallen for the meme that medieval means brown and gray. They're never going back to Final Fantasy being cute D&D because they aren't allowed to step on DQ's toes, but the fujo audience has been stolen by franchises like Persona who don't try to appeal to a wide audience and go all in on pandering to gay 13-year olds. Final Fantasy simply doesn't have an audience anymore.

    Reversing this would be easy. Stop making cringey chuuni shit. Make a more toned down ARPG, where you gradually progress from being a semi-normal human to a superhero. Make it vaguely medieval European, but don't make it Game of Thrones, let it be more whimsical. And have the characters be the Final Fantasy jobs. This is something everyone knows and likes about Final Fantasy. For some reason, when they make an MMO, they get this, people want to be Red Mages and Dragoons, but then when they make a single-player game, they suddenly think everyone wants to play as edgy boy band members.

    I would rather play as this chick saving a village from goblins than whatever the frick SE has done with the last several titles.

  40. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    I dunno uhhh... Maybe they should start making FF games again?

  41. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    Bring back the anime style and the world map.

  42. 9 months ago

    >Play FF 1-6 for the 100th time homosexual
    t. Square Enix

    • 9 months ago

      I will.

      On emulator.

      • 9 months ago

        Exactly what I did, anyone who bought this shit should hang themselves NOW.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


  43. 9 months ago

    JRPGs were never special and have always trudged in the shadow of great WRPGs. Final Fantasy is ironically a relative barometer of the genre's middling impact for much of its long history.

    • 9 months ago

      >great WRPGs
      like what? The only good WRPGs I know of sold like shit

  44. 9 months ago

    >Final Fantasy isn't special anymore.
    It never was, the fanbase being 99% delusional shit eaters sure doesn't help

    • 9 months ago

      >It never was
      lmao even
      tell me you're an underaged zoomer without telling me you're a zoomer.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm 35 and not a manchild who glorifies polished turds like the Final Fantasy franchise while also whining about how polished its modern turds are.
        Acquire standards

        • 9 months ago

          >not special
          FF7 had a legendary ad campaign attached to it and is quite literally the first AAA game to exist.
          get the frick out of here with "not special". Series took the gaming industry be storm during the PS1 era

          • 9 months ago

            FF7 is barely a game and it was THE game that convinced devs that moviegames were a good thing, that's the only thing that is special about it, and I wouldn't boast about it

            • 9 months ago

              >THE game that convinced devs that moviegames were a good thing
              Explain why it took another 25 years before movie games really started taking off then
              Also, you're admitting that FF7 was special. Caveats and qualifiers be damned.

            • 9 months ago

              >it was THE game that convinced devs that moviegames were a good thing
              No that was Metal Gear Solid and you know it

  45. 9 months ago

    FXVI is a decent first action game with an excessively terrible story. Like I'm genuinely surprised at how terrible it is considering the fact that they had the Heavensward writer on it. It's a bunch of really great scenes chopped and screwed out of order, like you're watching a TV show but sometimes two episodes are switched, and other times you watch episodes on fast forward

    • 9 months ago

      The gameplay and story invert. Loved the starting gameplay, felt like Elden Ring. Game of thrones plot fricking sucked.
      Than the melee becomes useless and the gameplay turns into a countdown simulator but the story goes full 11/10.

      • 9 months ago

        The story gets a lot more bombastic and flashy, but I wouldn't call it good, especially when it all kind of falls apart the second you think critically.
        >Dominants being able to sense other Dominants basically invalidates the first half of the game. How the frick did Clive and Jill not sense Joshua running around 100 feet away?
        >What was the purpose for all the secrecy with Joshua not being dead? If he was rescued by the Order of the Phoenix or whatever the frick, why couldn't Joshua send somebody in secret to help break Clive free? He just let him die on the vine for 13 years? And why the frick didn't Joshua seek out Clive in the five years after Cid's death? There's literally no reason given why Joshua didn't find him
        >Hey remember that time Barnabas completely fricked Clive up beyond all reason to the point that you couldn't land a hit on him in Kanver? And then less than a day later after doing one sidequest, you can suddenly land hits?
        >Also remember when Clive nearly died and their big plan was to chase the Einherjar with the Enterprise
        >Even though nobody on that ship had even a chance of beating Barnabas
        >Because "Jill's too important"
        >But then when you DO finally escape Barnabas Jill says "So what's the plan?"
        >And Clive says "We go back and make one"
        >Like nice Clive can't believe we didn't think of that before
        >Oh yeah remember when they forced you to spend 45 minutes hunting around the Hideaway for something to fix the Enterprise
        >And the answer was a secret riddle Cidolfus laid out for Mid 25 years ago
        >All while the Einherjar, the fastest ship in the world, is barreling back to Ash?
        Man frick this game

  46. 9 months ago

    >FXVI is a decent first action game

    • 9 months ago

      It is.

      • 9 months ago

        it's not even better than xv in action combat

  47. 9 months ago

    >Make a shitty action game
    >Alienate your long time fanbase
    >Don't attract new users

    • 9 months ago

      >Baldur's Gate 3 didn't alienate the original BG1+2 fanbase
      Yeah that's a good idea for a bait thread

    • 9 months ago

      Fake hype
      Fake game

      • 9 months ago

        what is this july dollar sales chart supposed to mean?

        • 9 months ago

          Frick I noticed BG3 came out 4 days after that data. Well, we'll see how much it actually sold since Larian refuses to give sales numbers after a month.

      • 9 months ago

        >literal it's 2nd week onward
        >lost to remnant 2 a fricking $50 indie game that only sold 1m so sold even less in the US, and 16 is 4 spots below it, would be under pikmin 4, totk, mlb and mk8 if NPD counted Nintendo and mlb digital so its really only 9th

        damn ff16 flopped

  48. 9 months ago

    It hasn't been special since they came out with 11.
    I liked 12 but by then it was a shell of its former self.
    13 and on were nothing but shit games.
    16 is the best it's been in years and I still struggle to call that game good. Mediocre at best.

  49. 9 months ago

    It's good. Certainly not worth the daily seethe threads by certain individuals

    • 9 months ago

      >S tier
      opinion invalidated.

    • 9 months ago

      >7 in S
      >8 in B in the same rank than 7R (the insult)
      >12, 2 and 10-2 in C while 14 and 16 are in A
      My man, you have shit taste

      • 9 months ago

        8 is just ok. The story is moronic, Laguna is the only good character, and being able to break the game in Disc 1 is a point against it not for it
        12 was just plain boring, 2 is deeply flawed but overhated, and 10-2 was shit despite its good combat

        • 9 months ago

          >and being able to break the game in Disc 1 is a point against it not for it
          Thanks to confirming what I said, you have shit taste.
          FF8 is the best FF gameplay wise, it's the ONLY FF to actually have a deeper RPG mechanic that you usually see on real great RPG like SaGa and more...this alone put him in the top.
          It's also the only FF (with FFX-2) to focus entirely on gameplay. You can play the game and be free literally at the start, less than 5 minute after hitting new game (including the CGI cutscene time).
          FF12 is meh gameplay wise, yes, but it's story, atmosphere, visuals, music and dialogue is just on top of everything, no way someone could put FF16 about FF12, no matter the number of flaws.
          FF2 is again like FF8 an excellent game gameplay wise, it's just that most FF players are pussies.
          FFX-2 have the most complete and most traditional (less complex though) game mechanic of all FF, it's combo system + job system, aka, literally the most FF out of all.

          • 9 months ago

            >but it's story, atmosphere, visuals, music and dialogue is just on top of everything
            12 is dogshit completely and totally outside of the voice acting. story, atmosphere, visuals, are all subpar or bad. the music is what it is and that's bad given that every single other FF games OST is killer.
            I will never understand why so many people claim that it's one of the best. It's like 9. You guys don't actually believe they're good games, you were just told that they were good games and you can't actually think for yourself so you just parrot some bullshit opinion you read online.

            • 9 months ago

              >story, atmosphere, visuals, are all subpar or bad
              It's either a bait or you are a zoomer.
              > the music is what it is and that's bad given that every single other FF games OST is killer.
              Ok, definitively a bait.
              >I will never understand why so many people claim that it's one of the best
              I never said that. I like everything about this game but the gameplay part (lol), so it's clearly a "meh" game overall, but you can't say that it's visual and atmosphere is subpar:


              The music, the visuals, the atmosphere, it's something else.

            • 9 months ago

              Yup. 12 is dogshit. An offline MMO. It's likely that the praise comes from (online) MMO players kek.
              FF died at XI. MMO's killed the franchise, same as WoW and Warcraft.

              • 9 months ago

                The world should be massive. You are an idiot.

          • 9 months ago

            Thanks for confirming that Frogposters are all ESLs (and therefore have shit taste)
            FF8 is fundamentally no different from 7 or 9 gameplay wise, it just has a poorly thought out stat system and a severely broken limit break system. Saying it focuses entirely on gameplay too is just false and you know it
            12 is also just mediocre across the board and doesn't excel at anything. Everything is just serviceable
            FF2 is experimental and I give it props for that, but its systems just don't work most of the time and the dungeons are the worst of the NES trilogy
            I don't even know how to decipher what you're trying to say about X-2 so I'll just repeat what I said earlier: it is a bad game because of it's story, structure, and presentation, not its gameplay

            • 9 months ago

              >FF8 is fundamentally no different from 7 or 9 gameplay wise
              The most dumbest shit I have ever heard, not surprising from someone that will sperg out "ESL" in the discussion like it's something that matter.
              While FF8 is "somewhat" an evolution of FF7 gameplay, FF9 is the total opposite. I don't even know why I should explain that.
              >has a poorly thought out stat system
              Ah yes, the "poorly thought out stat system" while it's the only one game that have a system that impact everything gameplay wise (the progression, the mini-games, the attack command, the monster level scaling, the environment interaction etc...), ah yes........
              >Saying it focuses entirely on gameplay too is just false and you know it
              It's one of the rare (if not the only one with FFX-2) that allow you to go "free roam" right away on the "modern" FF (starting PSX). You can directly go to the atlas and just start grinding right away. The other modern FF doesn't allow this, FF7/9/10 all force you to follow the story in very strict way and doesn't give you some freedom right away.
              >12 is also just mediocre across the board and doesn't excel at anything. Everything is just serviceable
              You are just moronic at this point. Like I explained in another musical thread on Ganker, it's the rare FF OST to be almost perfect. But shitters like you wouldn't know that.

              >I don't even know how to decipher what you're trying to say about X-2 so I'll just repeat what I said earlier: it is a bad game because of it's story, structure, and presentation
              FFX-2 have the "same" job-system with some upgrade and a combo mechanic during battle, compared to all others "modern" FF, it is the one that is most "traditional" to FF1.
              >not its gameplay
              And that's exactly why I praise it, not the rest.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm choosing to disregard most of your post because arguing with ESLs is a lost cause. There is no point trying to reason out an argument when it is guaranteed to be met with broken English babbling.
                However I will point out one thing
                >it's the rare FF OST to be almost perfect
                Every single Uematsu OST is better than it. Every single one. That track you posted? Completely forgettable. Get some fricking taste

              • 9 months ago

                Fricking shitter, really.
                And it's even funny because that version of the FF2 main theme is dog shit compared to those one:

                And I could even take the orchestral game music concerts....

                It's not my fault if you have bad taste, musically speaking, FF12 is on top:


                There is more variety and no dead tracks. It's the only OST that is almost perfect, even though FF8 and FF10 are not too far behind.

              • 9 months ago

                I remember you from a thread recently. It's really not, stop lying to yourself. Praise the game all you want, but be realistic about it.

              • 9 months ago

                >I remember you from a thread recently
                Define "recently", because I was banned for a month. Also, as I said, I like everything about FF12 but the gameplay part, so I'm not defending it or promoting it, I just don't like when people shit on everything a game has to offer when there is still some good "things" inside it.
                I don't like to play FF12, but I can recognize all the effort and beauty the game have in term of visuals, atmosphere, musics etc....
                It's a "meh" game, but definitively better than FF14 or FF16, that's for sure.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah more than a month ago. I haven't been on here a lot recently either.
                >It's a "meh" game, but definitively better than FF14 or FF16, that's for sure.
                That we can agree on, but it's not flawless in any of those other departments. The characters have the same flat feel to their face that they do in 14 and 16 as well.

              • 9 months ago

                > it's not flawless in any of those other departments
                I didn't say that. The origin of that discussion (about FF12) was because someone put FF12 far behind FF14 and FF16 in his ranking, which I think is totally stupid since FF12 at least, beat those 2 in term of visual (in respect to their release date), atmosphere, music and dialogue.
                It's not flawless, but still better than those 2. FFX is still the king in term of atmosphere.
                >The characters have the same flat feel to their face that they do in 14 and 16 as well.
                Same character designer, which have a drawing style that lead to that, so yeah.
                Still, a lot of good things visually, the Judges in example have one of the best armor in the franchise honestly.

              • 9 months ago

                1 - 10 literally all have a better OST than 12, stop kidding yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                Define "better OST" shitter. Try to define it, then you will realize why you are wrong.
                I do love all FF OST from 1 to 12 (some exception on FF13), but when you judge an OST, you need to judge it's quality (amount of tracks, diversity in style and instruments and the average tracks quality through the whole album, aka, no dead tracks), and this is where FF12 win, there is almost no "dead" tracks, compared to previous FF OST that have a lot of "high" quality track and lot of "low" quality one.

                Vagrant Story, Musashi Samurai Legend 2, Unlimited Saga and Sonic Adventure 1 would also be in contention for "perfect" OST if their number of tracks wasn't that low (need to be at least 4 CD).

                So yeah, FF12 is the only one in that regards.

              • 9 months ago

                Ah that's easy. The OSTs to 1-10 are all memorable and stick to you once you turn the game off. The OST for 12 on the other hand is completely and utterly forgettable (much like the rest of the game). It's not bad, but there isn't a single standout track in the entire thing.
                It's literally that simple.
                Having variety doesn't automatically make the OST good either, and it's ridiculous to use that as some sort of measure for the OST as a whole.

              • 9 months ago

                >Ah that's easy. The OSTs to 1-10 are all memorable and stick to you once you turn the game off
                And it's the same for FF12, is just that you guys are shitters that doesn't know how to appreciate complex music style, orchestra, instrumental etc... You are a normie that need an easy to listen melody to like something, so of course you will no fall in love to Symphonic Poem Hope. Poor thing can't even appreciate this:

                >It's not bad, but there isn't a single standout track in the entire thing. It's literally that simple.
                Like, you have bad taste or lack some musical background to say that, really.

                >Having variety doesn't automatically make the OST good either, and it's ridiculous to use that as some sort of measure for the OST as a whole.
                Then you are not judging an OST, just some tracks of an OST.
                It's like someone that say that a bag of 16 different chocolate brands is great because only 2 of them are excellent, do you see how ridiculous it is ?
                Go and say that the OST have some great tracks, or that the OST is good, but don't come and say it's great when almost half of it is garbage.
                Here an example, I like some tracks on FF13, but the overall OST is dog shit (first mistake of Hamauzu), therefore the OST is meh, even though you have some incredible tracks like:

                Yet, all the rest is poo-poo.

                To judge an OST, you need to judge the whole album and all tracks, so if 50% is dog shit and 50% are incredible, then sorry, but you won't get a "perfect" label.

              • 9 months ago

                Literally every track you've posted has been forgettable and bland. I'm sure they're fine when they play during a cutscene but you will never sit down and listen to it on its own, or pause the game to listen to it.
                And to top it all off you post a shitty version of Battle on the Big Bridge, great.
                Do you know what was so great about Uematsu's stuff? They have really strong and memorable melodies. And they needed to because he couldn't use complex instruments on the NES and SNES. It's why the OSTs of FF1-6 are so great and have so many good renditions. No track in XII has a strong melody that's even remotely comparable, and it's why they're ultimately forgettable.

                I'm not even gonna bother addressing the rest of your post because now you're just arguing about things you think I've said when I really haven't

              • 9 months ago

                Town of Ur reminds me of Cave Story. Good tune.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally every track you've posted has been forgettable and bland. I'm sure they're fine when they play during a cutscene but you will never sit down and listen to it on its own, or pause the game to listen to it.
                I have literally a VLC playlist that I listen regularly composed of:
                >Vagrant Story
                >FF12 - Symphonic Poem Hope
                >SaGa Frontier 2
                >Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song
                >Dragon Quest Symphonic Suite Box
                For relaxation.
                >Do you know what was so great about Uematsu's stuff? They have really strong and memorable melodies.
                You guys doesn't like orchestral and symphonic, that's why. You like an easy/catchy melody, but that's a lack taste from you, not a lack of quality from the song. You say it's not memorable because you lack this skill to appreciate those tracks that are complex, like a kid that will tell you that carrots suck and he prefer steak and ketchup, he need the easy stuff for him.
                Literally, I can just remember and have a FF12 song in my head, and many that do love this style of music will tell you the same.

                I imagine you will tell me that this too if forgettable, right ?

                or this too


                I suppose all of them are forgettable too ? If so, my condolence, you have no taste, which is ironic when we know how Uemastu talked about Sugiyama work.

                I hope you guys never listen to some Movies OST, you would be lost.......

              • 9 months ago

                First of all
                >food analogy
                Second of all, an orchestral score can have a memorable melody at its core, in fact the greatest and most well known orchestral pieces do. FFXII does not.
                Again you're making a bunch of assumptions about me as a person because XII has a bland soundtrack, I like orchestral scores when they're actually done well.
                >brings up Movie OSTs
                A song for a movie and a song for a game are fundamentally different things. A game is not a movie, and modern games having very movie-like OSTs is why most of them are completely forgettable
                Final note, your smug, pseudo-intellectual posts are greatly at odds with your poor grasp of the English language, consider improving upon that before you talk down to your betters

              • 9 months ago

                >food analogy
                And ? It's the same, you acquire taste by exploring more stuff, which later allow you to judge them with more experience and knowledge.
                A kid prefer something with a lot of sugar and taste because it cannot yet appreciate something delicate. It's the same with everything, including music. Try to ask a 5 year old to listen to Mozart, then give him a music like "barbie girl", see what he will prefer.
                >Second of all, an orchestral score can have a memorable melody at its core, in fact the greatest and most well known orchestral pieces do.
                We are back to square one. Guess why most well known orchestral pieces have an easy listening..........because most shitters that doesn't know about orchestral cannot like anything else.
                FF12 have an iconic melody:

                If you can't remember or appreciate that melody, I'm sorry, but you literally have not taste in music (and so, why judging them ?) The melody is that simple here.
                >I like orchestral scores when they're actually done well.
                Oh yeah, show it then, let's have a laugh.
                >A song for a movie and a song for a game are fundamentally different things.
                It's not, both can work in the same way, everything depend on the style of the game/movie, it's been years (decade, actually), that the west have got some movie style for OST:

                But again, you lack said knowledge...
                >Final note, your smug, pseudo-intellectual posts are greatly at odds with your poor grasp of the English language
                You are the one wanting to debate about music, so we debate about music. I don't care about how "broken" my english is (it's not unreadable), and this have nothing to do with what we are talking about.

                You are using your opinion as a fact on something you know nothing about. FF12 have strong melody, and it's forgettable only for those that are not used to listen to this type of music.

                Here, you deserve a zoodasa.

    • 9 months ago

      >I pretty much agree, except FF13 is rated to high.

      Love the plot, characters, setting, and especially the music. It just kills me how bad the gameplay is. It’s a .hack clone.

      • 9 months ago

        Tactics is painfully overrated as baby's first 'serious' story

    • 9 months ago

      Personally I would put 7R in A tier but man is it ever hurt by the time jannies. Really wish that hadn't been a thing. Time traveling Sephiroth and it being half remake half alternate universe could have worked okay, if weird, but the time janny ghosts are just... Kingdom Hearts bullshit in the worst way possible

      • 9 months ago

        It's the padding that keeps it so low for me. They clearly wanted to have the game set only in Midgar but didn't actually add that much extra to it. You still only visit three sectors but now the ghost train section which was two screens is now some padded out bullshit with ghost children when you're meant to be rushing to stop the plate from falling

      • 9 months ago

        Time jannies make sense in the context of the full story, not just the story being told in Remake. They're literally there to keep the player and story on track with the original, and now that they're gone Sephiroth has the full ability to completely frick the timeline and do things drastically different.

        I'm fully in the belief that once all 3 parts are out, the whole time jannies stuff from part 1 will be looked upon much more favorably than they are now.

        • 9 months ago

          The fight with them near the end was definitely the low point. That and when you first climb the tower.

    • 9 months ago

      xiv troons deserve death

  50. 9 months ago

    Nothing. They've asiaticified the characters. Series ruined. Would ignore any new entry regardless how good looking. It's over.

  51. 9 months ago

    >Wake up anon! you were having a bad dream! Final Fantasy 11 is coming out tomorrow!

    • 9 months ago

      >FF fan gets to relive his favorite series' downfall


      • 9 months ago

        11 is the best mainline FF and its not even close lol

        • 9 months ago

          MMO = not mainline Final Fantasy

      • 9 months ago

        >Get to log into Sandy for the first time again and it'll be fully populated
        I wish...

        No, the REAL Final Fantasy 11, not the one that exists in this nightmare we're currently in

        • 9 months ago

          Cool, I hope there are no vtumors in the true timeline either.

    • 9 months ago

      >Get to log into Sandy for the first time again and it'll be fully populated
      I wish...

    • 9 months ago

      Ew an MMO. Frick off.

  52. 9 months ago

    FF16 is like a slap in the face to the longtime FF fans, it's everything wrong with modern FF and I also hate how pozzed the game is

  53. 9 months ago

    make another good game like X again

  54. 9 months ago

    Suddenly remembering early 2000s message boards and how Nintentards seriously thought that shitposting about Celda and kiddie Mario was some astroturfing campaign organized across PMs throughout different sites by Xbox and PS2 fanboys and not just what average people really thought (yes, really), so they retaliated by doing that exact thing and memed about games like the newest Final Fantasies and non-exclusive Soul Calibur being so bad that you could hardly even talk about them without Nintards drowning out all discourse. Not just like, "I played this game and it was bad," more like, "why are you even talking about this game, everyone knows it's bad, so-and-so reputed outlet or poster gave it a bad score," and basically godfathered all metascore homosexualry. Man. Sorry for the wall of text but that all just came back to me.

  55. 9 months ago

    I'll never play XVI. Clive looks stupid. Enough to end the series. Ultima should have been the protag.

  56. 9 months ago

    It should just stick to MMOs.

    XI and XIV have produced more revenue than anything else in the franchise and they're actually generally agreed to be good at what they set out to do whereas pretty much every single player game since X has been divisive as hell on quality.

  57. 9 months ago

    Nothing can save it. Another good franchise lost to trannies.

  58. 9 months ago

    What if Shiva was a cat?

  59. 9 months ago

    The only praise this game gets are for the eikon fights which are glorified cutscenes where you mash square 100x on inflated hp enemy and it's "mature" story. Story falls apart like 2 hours after the prologue and everything surrounding joshua doesn't make any sense. Gameplay is just pure trash, action game where you have ONE attack string from start to end of the game, are you fricking kidding me.

    • 9 months ago

      Yoshida thought the MMO structure would work in a single player game, preaze anderstandu

    • 9 months ago

      I praise it's boss fights(not just Eikon fights but minibosses as well).
      >Gameplay is just pure trash, action game where you have ONE attack string from start to end of the game
      People love Souls games though.

      • 9 months ago

        souls games have multiple weapons
        16 has 1
        even other 1 weapon games like kh evolve the base combo further

  60. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    Omega Force

  61. 9 months ago

    It's been shit since they went away from the turn based combat into MASH X TO KILL

  62. 9 months ago

    What the hell is FF anyway?
    Do all the games have something in common with their lore? Do the protags all talk to Final Fantasy or something?

    • 9 months ago

      sort of. look up ivalice alliance, compilation of ff7 and fabula nova crystalis

      • 9 months ago

        So like 5 games out of 20 are set in the same universe. That's it?

    • 9 months ago

      Some games take place within the same universe but most are completely separate. Instead they have recurring elements like chocobos, monsters or some guy named Cid, same ideas but given a different interpretation that better fits that unique world, that sort of stuff.

  63. 9 months ago

    There's a lot of things I like about FFXVI, but it is really lacking in visual creativity at times. Plays it so safe with the generic medieval fantasy setting it just starts to look like every other generic medieval fantasy game.
    Feel like they should have gotten Nomura to do character designs.

  64. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy?
    FFVIIR2 somehow managing to be the "The Empire Strikes Back of the franchise" as it's purported to be despite, and against the odds, also saving the PS5 despite the still relatively low install base.

  65. 9 months ago

    i feel like FFXVI is like Sonic frontiers in many ways

    Both are mediocre games but because both franchises are so used to complete garbage, they will elevate mediocrity with something much higher because the franchise has treated their autistic remaining fans like shit

    FFXVI will be forgotten like frontiers despite people pretending that it revived the series

  66. 9 months ago

    Just go back to turned based. None of this ATB bullshit.

    • 9 months ago

      Turn based == ATB
      When will people will learn ?

      • 9 months ago

        Commit an hero, you dumb frogposter.

  67. 9 months ago

    ATB is gay as frick

    • 9 months ago

      Commit an hero, you dumb frogposter.

      ATB is Active Time Battle.
      ATB allow to have a different timer for some/every protagonist in the battle, it's still turn based, but instead of a global turn order, it's a time order.
      You still wait you turn to attack, and the enemies (or not, depending of the game) still wait their turn to attack.
      Of course, most games with that feature allowed to have a "pause" option to allow the ATB to work on both a timer and order turn based system.
      All in all, ATB == Time Turn based system, that's it, it's still a turn based game.

      Why do I have to explain such rudimentary concept here on Ganker ? Aren't you guys supposed to be the games expert over here ?

      • 9 months ago

        >FFX is so good, I wish they'd make another FF that's turn-based like it
        Hop in some boiling water, ESL froghomosexual.

        • 9 months ago

          Explain those words:
          >Turn Based
          Can't ? I will do it for you.
          In a turn based game you wait for your turn to make an action. The way the turn order is decided is up to the rules of the battle system.
          You can have a timer for each turn, you can have a dynamic speed order, or even have multiple order (SaGa Frontier, Unlimited SaGa) with varied speed etc....
          If someone want a FFX turn based system, then ask for it, but no matter what, all the system used until FFXV (doesn't count mmo) are turn based system with just different rules for how the order is made, that's it.

          For me, the best FF would be a mix FF8 + Grandia 2 system (aka, the better version than FF10) + FFX-2 combo system (that, or the masterpiece of Unlimited SaGa, aka, the true hardcore combo system of gigachad), then you will have the greatest FF of all time.

  68. 9 months ago

    Stupid Snoy

  69. 9 months ago

    Haven’t been on Ganker in a while and I forgot this game came out. Was it any good?

    • 9 months ago

      It's pretty good, worth playing. 8/10

    • 9 months ago

      It's cucked to the snoybox so only gorilla moron snoys have played it

  70. 9 months ago

    I'm a little Snoypot short and stout

  71. 9 months ago

    Game's easy but fun. No replay value, unfortunately, even with "final fantasy mode" in NG+; I just can't be assed to care.

  72. 9 months ago

    >final fantasy fan plays final fantasy game
    >eh that was alright
    >non final fantasy fan plays final fantasy game
    >eh that was alright, why do people hype up this mediocre franchise?

  73. 9 months ago

    it hasn't been special since 12 nearly 2 decades ago, thanks for the update

  74. 9 months ago

    So Jack's game is better in every way, then?

  75. 9 months ago

    continue remaking games.

    4, 6, 9. X.

  76. 9 months ago

    I absolutely love 16 but I admit I never played a DMC game before so I can see why people would be upset if their FF game turned into a DMC style game. I love the music (away is a masterpiece), I love the characters, I can understand why some FF things where not included like the happy chocobo music, but that's easy to understand considering it would be inappropriate to have happy upbeat music while passing by the corpses of tortured bearers. I love that you are the Eikon instead of just calling it forward, makes you feel involved in the process instead of just watching cool animations.

    The thing about turn base is that it just eventually turns into attack attack win for the vast majority of fights. Probably my biggest complaint about xenosaga. When xenosaga 2 came out everybody shat on it, but the combat was so refreshing because it actually involved a little thinking and then due to the negative feedback Xenosaga 3 came out and I am back to attack attack win and that's when I learned not to trust anybody opinions but my own.

  77. 9 months ago

    they will try to resurrect FF as a turnbased game after the success of bg3 in a wayward attempt to regain relevance

    • 9 months ago

      Final Fantasy CRPG with branching routes, dialogue options, interactive objects. That's actually too good to be true.

      • 9 months ago

        >sells even worse than 16
        hope they try every moronic idea and kill the company

        • 9 months ago

          >making a good game is a "moronic idea" to FF fans

          • 9 months ago

            a good game is a "moronic idea" to FF fans
            People hate 16 so yeah

    • 9 months ago

      Final Fantasy CRPG with branching routes, dialogue options, interactive objects. That's actually too good to be true.

      The current Japanese industry is incapable of doing so.
      They lack the autists which grew up playing CRPGs in the 90s and got used to that combat.

  78. 9 months ago

    Bring back command menu. No maps.

  79. 9 months ago

    Soley the developers fault. Instead of doing anything with the prestigious FF name, they decided to do western Game of Thrones slop with a healthy dose of action combat slop, while ignoring any of the slop FF actually is known for.

  80. 9 months ago

    Pretty much all of Square Enix is a dead brand walking at this point, mostly fueled by nostalgia. Zoomers don't know or care about any Square Enix games.

    • 9 months ago

      >S-E's HD games division is carried by backlog sales of old titles including remakes/remasters
      >gachashit heavily exploits nostalgia
      >MMOshit offers but theme park nostalgia rides
      We really need a gaming crash so cancer like S-E can finally implode.

  81. 9 months ago

    >look at me, I'm a Gankerirgin with a moronic opinion!

  82. 9 months ago

    >What can save FF from irrelevancy
    Four homies in a row and a fun way to customize your party

  83. 9 months ago

    Nothing's gonna save this garbage series with an ageing sub-80IQ fanbase split into different mental disorders. Final Fantasy has no identity, no consistent gameplay (like SMT and its spin-offs) and as a brand name it's ruined to the point where people ignore it on the grounds of it being FF.

    • 9 months ago

      >Consistent gameplay
      Mainline went from first person dungeon crawling and battles to 3D dungeon crawling and battles, back to first person dungeon crawling and battles (Strange Journey is mainline, if you know you know), then to 3D dungeon crawling and first person battles, back to 3D dungeon crawling and battles
      All while constantly shoving in/taking out various subsystems arbitrarily and the only thing that's really stuck in the end is Press Turn

      Basically, MegaTen is inconsistent as frick, especially when you look at spin-off titles.

  84. 9 months ago

    Prioritizing the Steam release. Which is not possible for most Japanese devs as they can't into PC.

  85. 9 months ago

    I don't get the complains about FF16 being "like GOT" because I have never watched the show or read the books and from what I've seen in FF16 it's not too different from other FF games. I assume if FF2 could have been made on a HD console at the time of release it would have had similar vibes because of its depressing, serious story full of characters dying and suffering and talking about war strategies. There's also FF12, and Tactics.

    • 9 months ago

      yeah it's only really there in the Benedikta (s)exposition scenes and maybe the darker parts of the Rosaria bits, other than that it's a FF story not unlike others. if Hugo or Barnabas had killed Jill, or Hugo's raid on the cave actually did more than just take Gav's eye then maybe but they didn't go there

  86. 9 months ago

    Should've evolved the turn based genre like BG3 instead of opting for cinematic movie slop

  87. 9 months ago




  88. 9 months ago

    As someone who didn't play this growing up, I don't think this is anything special in the first place. RN I just got that potion to cure that elf king dude in FF1 and this is kind of boring lame shit. I tried FF7 remake, but I didn't really care that much. Stranger of Paradise was pretty good though, and that's a recent one.

  89. 9 months ago

    It's no longer special since Uematsu isn't heading its music. The final nail in the coffin would be Yoshitaka Amano retiring and no longer make illustration.

  90. 9 months ago

    >morongay Gankerirgins trying to meme 16 bad and a failure into existence

  91. 9 months ago

    FF series will never get the magic flowing again because post SNES games. They basically just relied upon frick huge production values. FF7 is arguably the first true AAA title.

  92. 9 months ago

    Rebirth will rock

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