Final Fantasy on GBA

Is it stupid to fork over the money for a GBA SP + copies of the FF games, as opposed to just getting the pixel remaster much cheaper?

>don't even care about the GBA extra content
>don't want to emulate because prefer playing on the original hardware
>not a fan of the pixel remaster look
>enjoy the original graphics + the new character portraits next to the dialogue

Asking for a friend, obviously.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Emulate on your phone moron

    • 9 months ago

      >prefer playing on the original hardware

      • 9 months ago

        Dumb fixation that you should get over. You're limiting the games you can play and wasting your money.

        • 9 months ago

          Frick off reddit

      • 9 months ago

        >abloo bloo bloo
        You are just a fricking moron. If you even considered the Pixel Remasters you don't care for playing on your old console.
        Either way, GBA version bothers me because kain's spear attack animation looks fricking ridiculous.

  2. 9 months ago

    GBA only vaguely has the original graphics. The sprites and tilesets are the same but different color, the battle backgrounds are completely different. They have more fine detail, but are overall way less interesting because they are generic (example, the original cave battle is above a distant underground stream, the new graphic is just rock walls).

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry I guess I should have said original sprites. I'm fine with the new backgrounds but the new sprites and tilesets on PR I hate. Very inconsistent.

      I also don't mind the colors being brighter because I've heard it looks better on an original SP with no backlight.

    • 9 months ago

      Animations also thoroughly suck

      • 9 months ago

        I haven't played FF4 on GBA in a very, very long time, but how are the animations worse? FF4 is a barely animated game as is on SNES.

        • 9 months ago

          Watch a video of the zeromus fight on YouTube, it's the most dramatically obvious. In general everything is just off by a little. The spell animations, sprite movements. Nothing feels right.

          • 9 months ago

            The ATB system is notoriously broken in FF4 GBA. I think there's a revision that fixed it, but only Europe got it.

            • 9 months ago

              How so? All I've heard is every once in awhile you get a free attack but that's about it.

  3. 9 months ago

    Pixel remaster or ps1 remake emulator or phone.

    • 9 months ago

      PSX game is not a remake. It is a new translation of the SFC original.

  4. 9 months ago

    The GBA versions look like fricking puke, so do the pixel remasters. SNES is the only way to go

    • 9 months ago

      Obviously SNES is best, but it also has a bad translation that screws up parts of the story. And the patches are all awful too.

      • 9 months ago

        So that means it’s not the best

        • 9 months ago

          there's no version where the better translation makes up for the other downsides

          • 9 months ago

            PS1 version exists.

  5. 9 months ago

    you could get a gba flashcart and it would be cheaper than buying both the games, unless you like how the boxes look on your shelf in which case go for it.

  6. 9 months ago

    >don't even care about the GBA extra content
    For 4 and 6 this is the biggest deciding point for the average consumer. The GBA versions were sold on the basis of being portable versions of some of the greatest RPGs of all time WITH extra content for those who had played the games already. If you don't care about the extra content, these versions are honestly pointless to get (especially FF4 as the GBA version is still the easy type version).

    >don't want to emulate because prefer playing on the original hardware
    Another point for the Pixel Remasters. As with all games made on Nintendo consoles before 2013 the prices of the GBA games has skyrocketed. I bought FFVI Advance in 2017 for $100 and it has gotten even higher since then. I think the cheapest is FFV Advance (don't quote me on that though), but I'm sure at this point even that is like, $60 or something. The Pixel Remasters are already way more affordable and will likely be given sales over the next few years, so there is no reason to shell out for the GBA versions unless you're a collector.

    >not a fan of the pixel remaster look
    This is where the autism begins. As a few other people have mentioned the GBA versions changed the look of all the games to fit the GBA's and Wonderswan Color's graphical capabilities. Personally I think the GBA games look fine, none of the graphics stray far enough it interfere with the artistic vision of the devs, but there are a lot of people that hate the GBA look. The Pixel Remasters definitely look budgeted after the advent of HD2D, but they aren't horrible (especially after the font patches). It might be an acquired taste; I recommend buying FFI or FFIV PR and playing it and seeing what you think. If you still can't stand it grab the GBA versions.

    • 9 months ago

      The problem with the pixel remaster graphics is that they have a very obvious mobile phone interface, even with the "classic" option. It is very immersion breaking and makes the games feel "cheap".

      • 9 months ago

        I mean, yeah that is an unfortunate reality. But as someone who was a diehard FF fan when the previous mobile remakes came out, the Pixel Remasters are leagues above those and are actually playable.

        It's a low bar, but for Square Enix it's just what you have to expect. They seem to finally be getting better, putting out more titles in franchises people want that are low-budget enough to (hopefully) recoup investment. However for now the Pixel Remasters are the best, most official way to play the games without shelling out on the second-hand market.

        But everyone can keep shouting at Squeenix to make the FFVI, Chrono Trigger, and Bahamut Lagoon HD2D remakes and hopefully those'll happen.

    • 9 months ago

      Is it stupid to fork over the money for a GBA SP + copies of the FF games, as opposed to just getting the pixel remaster much cheaper?

      >don't even care about the GBA extra content
      >don't want to emulate because prefer playing on the original hardware
      >not a fan of the pixel remaster look
      >enjoy the original graphics + the new character portraits next to the dialogue

      Asking for a friend, obviously.

      >enjoy the original graphics + the new character portraits next to the dialogue
      I haven't played the Pixel Remaster of FF6 yet, and it has been a long time since I played the GBA and SNES versions so I might be getting this wrong, but I believe in the SNES version of FF6 there are a lot of times where character portraits were eliminated to make the game more immersive since the party was so customizable (making the player believe that whatever character they wanted to speak was speaking at the time), and the GBA version maybe added in portraits to those scenes. Like I said, I can't remember since it's been a long time.

      I bring it up because the Pixel Remasters are based on the OG versions of the first 6 games and don't include most of the changes the subsequent versions made. So if one of the games didn't originally have portraits, they won't in the PR version.

      Overall unless you really just want the luxury of saying "I own all the Final Fantasy Advance games on GBA" go with the Pixel Remasters. They are cheaper, also portable if you play on Switch or Steam Deck or mobile, and have more or less the same amount of pros and cons as the GBA versions.

      • 9 months ago

        The SNES version never uses portraits for dialogue. Only for party menu.
        The reason you're getting them mixed up is because the GBA version does use the real portraits that are present in the original game, unlike FFV, where they just grabbed concept art and shoved it in the game.

        • 9 months ago

          Ah, gotcha. I thought it was something along those lines but didn't want to commit in case I was wrong. Thanks anon.

  7. 9 months ago

    I do it on a psvita.
    the GBA SP screen is shit

  8. 9 months ago

    You can find copies of the gba ports on eBay priced reasonably. There are some sellers who offer sound restoration carts that swap in the original snes music instead of the gba versions. I cop’d the FFVI sound restoration cart for like $20 a few years ago, no complaints. I like playing this games on ds lite so I can simultaneously relax on the couch instead of sitting upright in front of a crt or computer screen.

  9. 9 months ago

    You can emulate PSP's version of FF4, I recommend Complete Collection. PSP is much easier to get a hold on as well, if you prefer playing it on the hardware - and PSP FF4 has both the full game, extra GBA content, party switching and After Years sequel fully available combined with Interlude.

    • 9 months ago

      But what about 5 and 6.

    • 9 months ago

      After Years is dogshit dookie garbage and shouldn't be taken into consideration in any capacity

      • 9 months ago

        It should, but only as proof that anyone recommending the PSP version is a brainless no taste moron.

        • 9 months ago

          Bruh, ff4 is the pokemon x/y of final fantasy. You shouldnt be reccomding smecksmacklending it at all. Original or psp/wiiware reguardbufftwostepcut or not. If youre playing plying in order, skip 4, 6, 7, and 10

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